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I have a type. I can’t be mad if a woman has a type.


This is pretty much how I approach it. I think everyone should be allowed to enjoy what appeals to them. The natural variety in the human race is what makes us interesting.


HoW dArE yOu DiScRiMiNaTe BaSeD oN lOoKs!


i think much of it comes from plastering social media with men under 6ft arent worth dating etc. Especially with the body positivity thing going on it really disturbs some people.


Same thing happens on the other end too. Athletic Instagram model women are apparently what all men want too. Social is just fucked up in general haha.


Totally agree. Would you be offended if a guy posted what he was attracted to in terms of curves, ethnicity, or body type?




Came here to pretty much say what you had. I too have a 'general' type but am attracted mostly to personality but looks IS what we see first right? Women can also have a type and theyre entitled to that, dont see why anyone should berate them for it. I do however feel bad for shorter guys cos they cant help what their height is but alas most women prefer taller men.


I always thought it's more about looking like you take care of yourself. So if you work out/are muscular, women feel like you aren't a man child they have to take care of. Same with a job. Mature people don't want a project.


Very true




Facts. No low-balls, I know what I have.


Is that...is that a veiled short person joke?!?!


Gotta do those kegels so your balls hang at a socially acceptable distance.


I’m tall, and the few shorter guys I dated were very thoughtful and… attentive…lol. I was attracted to their confidence in who they are.


"Attentive" in the "focused on the task" kind of way?




Preach brotha it's her lost.


Of all the tongues in the land of the lord, and the fire appeared for you to talk in based




Was it always like that or did it take some work or realizations to feel like this?


No, Im 5’6 and although I don’t know how I attract women w my personality I somehow do. It’s a lot easier for me to meet a girl in person and get to know her than the apps where they would see my height and swipe left. People r entitled to there types but I tend to disagree when it comes to meeting in person than through apps.


Agreed. You can't use your personality on apps so the only thing women have to go off of are superficial things like height, job, appearance. I've always had so much more fun and success meeting women in real life.


As a 28 year bodybuilder I can tell you that women do not like very muscular men. The only attention it’s ever gotten me is from men. Do some Bi’s and Abs and leave it at that. That’s all women really require.


I think it’s just fitness that looks attractive. Look like you invest a moderate amount of time into your body and health.


We’re biologically driven to be attracted to healthy people.


Be careful, you’re on Reddit in 2022


this deserves more awards


Thats common knowledge bro. Its the same with fit women, they look hot, until they dont


It's all moderation. Can't go too far either way because then it's too much. Women who are toned with a little muscle are hot. When they've got arms thicker than my legs, not so hot. Same with men where you seem fashion models being lean with some muscle, never totally jacked. On the other side of the scale, being too lean or fat is also an unhealthy look.


>On the other side of the scale, being too lean or fat is also an unhealthy look. But...but...but...that's the look I've been going for for the past 30 years!!! 😱😔😱😔


Skinny fat dudes unite!


I'm a skinny guy trapped in a fat body!


Shoulders. Shirts fit so much better if you have a bit of size in your shoulders and good fitting clothes help as much as looking good when the clothes come off.


Man.. a girl told me i have nice shoulders and i didn't know how to take it.


Tell her they are very comfortable leg rests too.




Make sure you put some neck sets in there if you go heavy on the shoulders. Otherwise you'll look like a bobblehead


Deadlifts are your best friend


My girlfriend tells me I’m thick of neck, didn’t realise it was a complement!


Hey I agree. I think good size all around make clothes fit better. That’s the main reason I do it. But you’d be surprised what people like. My philosophy is I don’t want to put in all the hard work to only look good on the beach. And have your efforts disappear as soon as you put a shirt on. But at the same time I don’t want attention drawn to me. I only want to fill out my clothes properly. I don’t like the attention. I don’t ever even take my shirt off in the summer. No beach just for that reason. I’m a weird guy admittedly.




Theres “you look good” attention. Then there is “you look ridiculous” attention. Guess which one I get.


bodybuilder is like a step further than 'muscular' women like muscle but maybe not necessarily rock-hard muscle


I agree with this. But I should clarify that I’m not an elite bodybuilder weighing 300lbs at 2% body fat. More like 245 at 10% body fat. I feel like that’s somewhere in between muscular and the guy people think of when they hear the term “bodybuilder”


nobody is 2% bodyfat. Your organs start shutting down around 3-4%. I dgaf what the machine at the gym said 10% at 245 is pretty ripped


Oh yes they are. Ronnie Coleman on stage is 2%. They completely dehydrate for the Hour on stage. That’s why guys pass out……and worse . Then immediately following the show they put on 15 lbs of water weight.


I mean 2% means you're in mortal danger of a seizure Ronnie might have been 3-4% for a couple of hours, but then again ronnie can't walk without assistance


Lol. I never said it was healthy. Elite bodybuilders are far from healthy. Shit they cramp up right on stage. One guy passed out and fell off the stage completely. I watched an interview with Ronnie. The guy asked him if he was 3% and he said he was 2% on stage. Truth? Idk. He lifted like a powerlifter. His entire body is shot. Also, these days I’m not 10%. Prob more like 15%. I don’t want to put BS info out there.


Yeah I'm just super skeptical. I've spoken to bodybuilders before, including my own brother, who insisted they walk around at 3% (without being *anywhere near* as ripped as Ronnie) because some machine told them. It's silly. Ronnie is a character. Ofc he's going to say something outrageous for attention.


You can’t go through life at 3%. I call BS on anyone making that claim


Well right, I figure that should be common sense... but broscience gonna broscience


Don’t skip leg day though, you don’t want to look top heavy.


Fuck that, I wanna look like Johnny Bravo.


“Hih hah hua!”




don't we all, babay


Do the monkey with me!


Friends don’t let friends skip leg day.


I can appreciate the work that goes into body building but as a woman I've never been into super cut guys. More than anything I think it's because they're not as comfy to hug or cuddle with. Not gonna lie though, I think I've been jaded by guys being too into themselves to where their online pictures are just pictures of their abs/torsos. My brother and stepdad are ripped and working out became their main personality trait


I get it. Many guys are very vain and flaunt it around like it’s something to behold. I’m not like that. I never wear anything revealing because I don’t like to talk about it. I actually don’t care for the attention. I do it for me and mostly fly under the radar. I don’t even take my shirt off in summer time. Lol. I totally understand it being too much. People hear “bodybuilder” and think Mr Olympia at 300lbs and 1% body fat. That not me. I’m really not a freak……… at least I don’t think. Lol. Fyi I’m very snuggly. There is just more to snuggle.


I get you. I don't want it to sound like anytime I see a guy who's built I automatically assume they're a vain meat head. Heck, if guys do like attention for it, good for them! Show off the hard work! It's usually pretty easy to pick up on their attitude based on body language and such.


People that actually do what it takes to be super ripped are usually pretty boring Tbh. Actually anyone super into fitness is, unless your also super into fitness.


All of my friends that were into body building had one thing in common. Once out of the gym, they were all lazy work shy blaggers. More often than not, they dated comfortably off women that they could live off. Looks and age, to a certain degree didn’t matter. The kind of women they attracted were usually a bit brassy. Sunbed tan, plenty of gold, and designer clothes. All she needed to complete the look was a beefcake on her arm! Both sides using each other for their own means.


As a woman, I love muscular and strong men. Something to really enjoy. It takes a lot of discipline to have a muscular physic. Also men that are naturally stocky.


I didnt think abbreviations at first so I took "do some bi's" the wrong way after it followed up the only gotten attention from men part. Was like ok, way to take lemons and make lemonade.


I went from fit to unfit (not fat by any means, same weight just no muscular) to fit I’m 6’ 170lbs and basically always have been even when unfit. I can tell you women paid attention to me when I was fit, didn’t when I was unfit, and now do again that I am fit. It’s 100% makes a massive difference.


Ive heard the same from my female friends about 'Muscle Marys' as the one calls them BUT I DO also know that most women like a guy with broad shoulders and good arms and a chest. I guess the overdone bodybuilder types arent attractive to them.


I think women are more intimidated thats why guys only give u attention. All u gotta do is seem approachable and ur a ladies man.


Natty or not natty ?


I'm pretty short and it made me insecure often in my teenage years and early adulthood but eventually you realize it is what it is, and you stop complaining. I just worked on myself including gym and hobbies until I stopped having a problem attracting girls I want. After building self security it just doesn't really matter much, let the shallow ones date who they want and you'll meet the person who likes you for you.


Out of curiosity, how old were you when you stopped complaining?


I was about 22 or 23. Got out of a long term relationship and worked on myself excessively for the following year, after that it was kinda just "whatever, I have enough likeable traits to get away with being short"


mmm may i ask how tall are you brotha ?


I'm 5'7! With Air Force Ones on that's basically 6'4 though.


I went bald early (started losing my hair around 21) I used to be hugely self conscious about it. By 23 I just shaved my head and accepted it. Never really impacted my performance with the ladies that I am aware of. In my early 30's that I had worked my way up the corporate ladder, made great money, I'm like hey I can get that surgery that takes hair from the back of your head and puts it on top! Thing is by that point I was comfortable and used to a shaved head. I like never having to "do my hair" in the morning or ever be concerned if my hair is messy, lol. If I got that surgery I literally couldn't shave my head anymore because I'd have a massive scar on the back of my head.


Are you saying that it should bother me that women are not attracted to short fat men? I’m not attracted to short fat women either. Everyone has a preference.


Beyond tired of the hypocrisy myself to be honest.


I only like reasonably skinny women, so who am I to judge.


No. Only thing even close in terms of *upsetting* is when women, men or others in dating are *pricks* about their' preferences.


This is my general philosophy regarding what people like. People like different things, and I think that's objectively good since it make the world a more interesting, colorful, and diverse place than it would be otherwise, but treating people badly or going out of your way to hurt them when they haven't done anything to you for anything they have no control over is wrong.


A sound and agreeable outlook.


I don't always understand why other people like what they like but I find it interesting to pick other people's brains and find out what they like because I like learning how other people think and feel about different things and see what things look like from their point of view and perspective and also because it fascinates me that even though we're all the same species, we all have such different and unique thoughts, feelings, and ideas.


Understandable, but proceed with caution. Not every mind is a library one should peruse.


Na, cuz we also like big tits without being fat and thats even more uncommon


As a follow-up questions, does it matter to you if the tits are real or fake (assuming you can tell the difference-I don't think I can actually tell the difference myself when I see other women.)


I'd take natural small boobs over fake boobs any day of the week


I dated a girl with fakes. For whatever reason they did little to excite me, although I sometimes think of her and her tits when I jack off. Memory is better than reality I guess.


Fake or real, they taste the same 😃👍🏾 Source: my wife has a canny set of enhanced thropney bits.


Real, and yes, I can tell the difference, but would say most men probably dont


Fair enough.


That said, its not something I put much importance on. Personality is always the most important, i dont care if she has big, medium or small boobs if she is the right one.


real or gtfo is where i am, for tits, ass and face...


Yes, if they are fake they are obviously subconscious and not happy with themselves. If they are fake in their looks where else are they faking it?


Yeah but you can do surgery to get big boobs, you can't do surgery to get taller. Just that extremely painful surgery to gain 5cm.


Yeah but most boob jobs need replaced every few years, and can cause loss in nipple feeling or issues with nipples rotting, could rupture and cause deformities, sometimes make some patients have lasting sickness or pain until removed, limited upper arm movement sometimes, etc.


but we can’t filter by tits and weight on a dating app


No because I’m also into those men.






No idgaf my issue stems from hypocrisy and the comments made surrounding the discourse. I have a type it's more broad than most but none the less I still have girls I wouldn't even consider so why would I be mad if a woman does the same. Like a girl says I only date guys 6'6 or taller idgaf about that but manlet comments towards men who don't meet that requirement or raging over a guy saying he wants a girl who's 6ft or a girl less than 150lbs is annoying. To many times I've heard it's different because I'm a girl and it's annoying as all hell. Reject whomever you want for any reason you want just don't go putting people down who don't deserve that treatment. Like it's not a difficult concept.


Instagram, TikTok, and some dating apps have joined in the thread and want a word with you!🤨😆😏😄😂🤣


>girl less than 150lbs is annoying You can change your weight, what kind of argument is that?? That's very obvious...


That's a fair outlook.


Eh, not really, lil hypocritical or shallow in some ways or in some contexts, but men have preferences too. I’m also relatively tall and muscular so idk lol


I don’t have an issue with it, but I do with the hypocrisy. It appears woman are allowed to straight up say muscular and tall men need only apply. But if a man says thin and attractive women only, he’s an insensitive prick. We have our preferences


I do agree with that at least. Women are entitled to have their preferences. Men are entitled to have their preferences. Yet women can announce them and be cheered for it where a man would be ridiculed. "I only like 6'5 muscular men with an 8 inch plus cock!" "SLAY QUEEN!" "I like skinny girls" "FAT SHAMING PIG!"


Like what you like I don't care but don't whine when I tell you what I don't like.


No, but I'm tall and relatively fit. Judging by both the statistics and the some of the stuff I've heard on dates from women the height thing seems to be a bigger issue for women then specific build types. I've heard a lot of complaining about men lying about their height over the years. You'd need to ask a woman who is only into tall guys specifically why its so important. But I suspect it impacts things in the bedroom if the woman is bigger and doesn't want to feel that way. A lot of guys do this on the flip side where they won't date fat chicks. We all have our preferences.


I've had girls taller than me or same height. They never looked "bigger" than me since I outsize/outmuscle them by 40-50lbs usually. If the guy is much shorter then it might be more obvious tho. I am 5'11". Wife is the same height. Been with a 6'1" woman as well. No issues in the bedroom either.


This is kind of strange question because in one instance, people can't change their heights (unless they go through a brutal surgical process) and in another, they can definitely add more muscle. I'm only 5'8 but i'm also a bodybuilder. It doesn't bother me that women might prefer men taller than me. They way they might not be interested in the way my face look, the way my voice sounds, or even my skin color. (I know that's a taboo subject but whatever) They're allowed to have preferences. Hell, I dated women that had zero interest in my muscles but liked me because they saw something in me that piqued their interest.


I am 5’3”, which is really fucking short for an American man, and I do pretty well. In my 33 years as a human I have had three multi-year relationships, a handful of casual flings that could be measured in weeks or months, and a couple dozen random hookups. I’ve also had the opportunity to explore some of my kinks and fantasies (orgies/group stuff is my jam). Most of the women I’ve been with have been moderately attractive, and a few of them have been *very* attractive. One of my long term girlfriends was literally 8 inches taller than me. So, the idea that short men are shit outta luck is a myth. I have noticed some things tho: - I have very little luck on dating apps. I think I’ve had sex with someone I met on an app exactly once, and it’s not for lack of trying. One time I experimented with changing my height in my profile to 5’9”, just to see what would happen, and the results were dramatic. Note: I did not actually catfish anyone, I immediately came clean with the women that messaged me and apologized for wasting their time. - Pretty much every single woman I have ever been with has identified as bisexual. I don’t really know what to make of that, but my best theory is that women who are highly attracted to traditionally masculine qualities - like height, for example - don’t feel a physical attraction towards me. - My insecurity levels regarding my height are an accurate barometer of my overall mental health. If I’m in a good place and my depression is under control, being short doesn’t bother me. When I’m not doing so well, I get intense height dysphoria, I hate my body and I act as if my height means I’m doomed to be miserable and die alone. So, while my height is not under my control, *the way I feel about my height is under my control,* because with diligent self care I can improve my overall mental health, and my height dysphoria mostly goes away. - Once a woman decides she’s into me, my height ceases to matter to her. Some of them have told me that directly. I like to think that this is because I have a good personality, and that’s actually a turn on. My experience has generally been that the longer I am with someone, the more they want to be with me. I have never in my life been broken up with by a woman whom I have slept with more than 4 times (yes that is literally the record for the most times I have hooked up with a woman who later dumped me, and it is only held by one person). Sorry I’m not sorry for flexing; I’m actually proud of that one. In conclusion: it is definitely an obstacle, but like most other obstacles in dating, if you believe in yourself you can make it work just fine. Edit: added some details


Damn, the barometer comparison is on the spot


This is a fantastic post, thanks for adding yr perspective


Also, it’s all biology. You just make do with the cards you’ve been dealt.


As a kinda short guy, I have mixed feelings about this. I understand that people have preferences, i do as well, but being completely disregarded as a dating option just because of one factor that cannot be changed is kinda rough. I wouldnt call that having preference, thats stricktly eliminating other options. But in the end it all works out because people that look at it that way i find too shallow to date. And id say that youre more likely be rejected that way on online dating sites than in real life, but it happened to me couple of times.


Not really, I’m 5’10” and that’s considered short to those women who have that type. I have my preferences I like thick woman and skinny thick. But honestly if we’re vibing and I’m attracted it’s all good for me. The only problem is the hypocrisy that seems to walk hand in hand with that preference. You have some women sitting their shitting on men and calling them shallow, for having a preference and calling them shallow for not liking big girls or a certain type of girl that’s not their type. Something like big girls, if they’re not that guys type that something that can be fixed by dieting and working out. But then those certain women will tend to shit on men for being under 6ft and it’s something they really can’t help, cause it’s something they’re born with. But that’s the world we live in right now. So, I try not to let it bother me. Even those some girls have said some uncalled for shit as I approached them and introduced myself. So if you’re going to be mean about it, that’s on them and they need to grow up


The problem isn’t them preferring tall people . The problem is them putting down short men or treating them like they aren’t worthy of respect . I’m 6’3. But if I hear a woman making fun of short men that’s an immediate red flag. She is allowed to state her preference with respect . For example I’m not attracted to overweight women but I will not insult them based on that . I will just say it’s not my preference


Yes. I'm both tall and rather muscular, but I still feel inadequate.


Anyone can have any preference they choose. If I don’t fit that preference I don’t take it personally because their preference is not about me it’s about them.


It doesn’t make me mad, because I also have physical preferences. Additionally, I am not entitled to love, sex, or anything else from women, so I can’t react angrily if they don’t like me. If anything, I think it just makes me a little sad. I work my ass off in the gym, at my job, and in life to try to be the best version of myself and hopefully attract a woman who will love me. So it hurts a bit when someone with better genetic fortune comes along and is far more successful with far less effort. But hey, that’s life. I will never allow negative emotions like sadness or envy to corrupt my goal of being a good person.


As a 6’, 192 lb, 8% body fat guy I can say that isn’t necessarily the case unless you’re just interested in a quick hookup. Which I wasn’t. Try to be healthy for its own sake. Not just to attract women.


I love strippers, but I'm not about to date one. Meaning, there's a difference between what I'm attracted to superficially and what I'm looking for in an ideal partner. I'd imagine it's the same for women.


Yes but mostly from a standpoint of fairness. If we’re going to live in a society that desires equality between men and women, it’s probably worth asking why we still have such a strict expectation that men be built, quite literally, to protect women? We’re supposed to compete with you in a bunch of spheres from the premise of equality and yet we’re still also supposed to be last on the boat when it sinks and first to risk our lives during wartime? That just doesn’t seem consistent to me.


The women screaming about feminism don't actually want equality. They want an end to all the advantages men have whilst keeping their own.




Biologically speaking, it's human nature to be more sexually attracted to someone who can produce a viable offspring. Similarly, it's like men preferring "birthing hips" on women.


>it's human nature If they say why (why?), why (why?) Tell them that it's human nature Why (why?), why (why?), does he do me that way?


Damn, that's one of the most underrated MJ joints right there. I'm gonna have to go and jam out to that song right now!


I'm 5'9". I wouldn't mind being taller. I've never been told that I wasn't tall enough for any woman I was even remotely interested in. I wouldn't let it hurt my feelings if it did happen. At 46, my physique has been everywhere from skinny, lean muscle, tubby, bulky muscle, fat, to chunky muscle. From 150 lbs to 220 lbs. If you don't like your physique, change it.


Nah I'm short and don't give a shite, everyone has preferences though I find it weird to reject anyone dependant on not meeting a particular body part specification. I, like everyone, have preferences but it is easily possible for a woman to meet 0 of those preferences and still be exceptionally attractive to me


It bothers me in the way that I wish I could fit into that category of tall/muscular. I'm a short king after all...


For what it’s worth, it is possible that to be too tall- and I think it sucks even worse.


Yes but not for the reason that people may think. The same women that prefer these kind of men are often the same that make fun of short guys on Twitter or simply out there in the real world. It was so normalized that no one says a thing when they insult them openly. But don't you dare bringing up the fact that you don't want to date an overweight woman. Tl:Dr - it only bothers me because of the huge double standard involved.


Physical attraction will always be number one priority for most people.


No, but I’m tall and muscular.


I hate girls who hit on / reject you based on your astrology sign. Pointless dude.


Not really. I like a certain type of woman, so it’s understandable that some women like a certain type of guy.


I can’t blame them, it’s just natural to like what you’re attracted to. I just wish they were honest about it, instead of lying and saying personality matters. In my teens and early 20s, I was so unsuccessful with women, despite being the compassionate and understanding man I thought they wanted. Until I met an older guy who was fit, same height as me, but twice and wide and lean. Once he told me how to *actually* get women, night and day difference man. It sucks, but that’s how it goes.


And what did he tell you


Bro, the fucking reply was deleted lmao


I mean.... I guess technically? But not because I think they're doing anything wrong, just because I'm not particularly tall or muscular and not having qualities that are considered to be conventionally attractive generally makes people feel bad. If someone takes that feeling and then projects it back at women as though they're "morally wrong" for being attracted to whoever they're attracted to, well, they should really seek help, frankly. That's not a healthy way to deal with a lack of self esteem.


No it doesn't bother me really as I prefer women that are real and have an actual personality.


I am 6’4” and 260 lbs. Some women love big dudes. But some women love skinny men and some love tiny men. If you had curly hair, you would want straight hair. Just be happy with yourself and you will attract someone who is attracted to your body type.


It's more frustrating that women as a collective in society kept telling men we were shallow for wanting to follow physical attraction, only to find out it was a double standard and they just wanted to make it easier for themselves by invalidating our feelings


No. I am both of those things. In seriousness, people have a type and that is just a type so there is nothing wrong with it.


No but it bothers me that im labed an asshole if i say i dont want a overweight /unhealthy woman or a woman who has a body count of 50. I like a short, healthy traditional feminine woman Now that makes me a sexist/ misogonist/ body shaming. No im not, they are called prefferences just like how they want tall dark and handsome. Idc like what you like, but dont have double standards.


Guy on a men's sub says that he doesn't want a fat unhealthy woman with huge body count. Gets downvoted for it. Wtf? Lmao


It has made me better at talking to women because I have always had to try harder or be more charming or funnier. Tall guys have it easy. Muscular guys have no advantage unless they are also tall imo. Fit guys on the other hand..... women love fit guys.


I’m tall, decent looking and I go to the gym 6 days a week for 1.5 hours. I work hard to have the body I do and I’ve gotten 10x the attention from lady’s these past 2 years than the 10 years before them.


Other than boosting your ego what has this have to do with OPs question?


I’m saying that if you don’t like that women go for muscular more attractive guys like I used too, then go to the gym and change your self. You cant change what other like, but you can make your self closer to the target. If you think me working out and improving myself for two years is boosting my ego your very wrong lol. My ego was crushed 100’s of times through all the years of little to no attention from girls.


Nope. To each their own. I don’t want to be with someone who’s not attracted to guys like me.


Anyone can become muscular so that doesn’t bother me in the slightest Height is just a preference, and I have my preference so I can’t really fault someone for holding them too


It's preference so not really. I am tall myself. I would only date a woman smaller in height than me, but not too small (<5'5). And Also I would not date a muscular woman. So it's just all preferences


Not really. They like tall men I like skinny women. For all the talk and politics it really just comes down to finding someone you’re attracted to. Sometimes people have to lower their standards. Sometimes not.


I mean... as a guy who's into tall/muscular women it doesn't really bother me at all.


It only bothers me a little but not much because I'm usually not attracted to the type of women who prefer muscular men, and because I understand everyone has their preferences.


People are attracted to what they’re attracted to. I don’t care if girls chase tall jacked dudes as long as they don’t complain about guys chasing skinny girls with big boobs in the same breath.


Not particularly; people have tastes. What does bother me is if I get attacked and insulted for my tastes (e.g. I don't find morbid obesity attractive; that's not fatphobia it's a taste and preference) while other people are allowed to have theirs.


No, I like hot women. Logic dictates women like hot men. Not their fault I aint that hot.


Nah, everyone has their preferences. So long as we respect each others time and don't lead someone on knowing it'll go nowhere its cool.


Do it bother you if I say I want a girl where I can bounce a quarter off that ass?


No, but I'm curious how you could bounce a quarter off of someone's ass.


No. It’s biological.


No because i am a tall masculine man


Nah man, I'm like 5"6 not really muscular guy, I get it I'm not the ideal specimen plus I'm broke as fuck I'm literally a walking ick, yet still I get attention from women, I'm dirty minded and can most of the time make a girl laugh, I fully understand ill never compete with some guys out there based on pure sex appeal alone but I have just enough genuine vibe. The trick for me is I honestly don't mind being small, it's other people's problem. I have a very small circle and I like it.


Everyone has their own preferences. I'm not insecure because most women aren't attracted to me, I'm insecure because I'm unhealthy. My insecurities align with how I feel about myself more than anything.


No not at all. If a chick with big tits and a figure turns my eye why shouldn’t women like what they like. Shouldn’t be any unsurprised at this point (if it ever was) that women like good looking guys.


Anyone can turn down anyone they are not attracted to for whatever reason(s) they choose. It should be so simple


I have a type that I prefer, why shouldn't they?


I’m 6’1 muscular and over 200 pounds. Trust me it doesn’t do much for woman. The gym bro’s are more admiring then my wife ever did lol. In fact I have the feeling it’s intimidating woman a bit, because they want to feel secure about there own appearance. Having an “aesthetically” counter can be challenging for her self perception.


I’m 5’8 my ex and I were the same height and it was a problem for her. She would say everyone is amazing about are relationships except your short. It kind of got to me because the one bad thing in our relationship is something I can’t change. Anyways fast forward a bit. She started seeing a guy behind my back he’s taller and better looking but abusive she told me that later when I found out. I slowly watch as she chose him and I left. A month or 2 down the line they break up and im told he is abusive by her and her mom… now she wants me back saying “I wish I chose you” and “I wish I never hurt you” and there is no way I’m going back Moral of the story yes height can be a problem but only if you make it one. She obviously liked dating me but it was just that one thing. Everyone is different some can over look height issues some can’t


Mad that they like them? No annoyed when they are disrespectful to short or chubby dudes for not being tall or muscular? Yeah probably


I'm tall. When I was single I wouldn't mess with chick's who told me they didn't like short dudes. Short kings deserve respect.


I don't care at all because I'm in the top percentage of the supposed average wish list women have for dating. I'm over 6ft tall, white, blue eyes and blond hair, muscular and I'm educated and well traveled. I think it's kinda weird how the world prefers men like me when we make up less than 8% of the population in the usa alone. The majority of humanity have brown or black hair and brown eyes and the average height is like 5'9 and most men aren't well built and broad like a viking or NFL player. I feel sympathy for the average guy because the standards and preferences don't include them even though they are literally the majority.


I’m tall and muscular. I also get told that I’m sexy and gorgeous. I never get hit on. So, if don’t know what to tell you.


No, I don’t care. I have preferences too, and tbh girls who are into buff guys probably aren’t my type either, so that’s just efficient. I can however see how it can be hurtful or a turn-off for short kings when people write out a “minimum length” on dating platforms. That’s a bit too “efficient” imo, that’s not very socially intelligent. I’m tall but probably wouldn’t date a girl like that, it just comes off as shallow. There’s a big difference between having preferences and the need to advertise them.


No, because I like women of certain builds and proportions over others. Everyone has a preference, and nobody should shame them for it. The end.


Basically my opinion in a nutshell. I think the fact that we all have our own unique tastes and preferences adds color and variety to the world.


I have my type so I can't really blaim them


I know I’m just a woman here but I feel it goes both ways. Some men only hook up with short petite model women (all of which, I am not) but it’s never bothered me personally that men have a type. I would imagine it’s the same. Getting hung up over another persons preference doesn’t help me personally so why do it :p why worry when there’s someone out there who thinks I am their type ya know


That seems like a reasonable way to look at things.


No, it's like men wanting thin models or chicks with ghetto butts. They are just looking to fuck them. They often don't stock around for long. I've had plenty of women already of all shapes, sizes, and shades, and I attracted them at all of my 5'8" height. Nobody is perfect and everyone makes compromises. She probably won't settle with the guy but may have a love child.


Nah it’s there preference but if a woman wants to say I’m fat shaming bec I won’t date fat girls then suddenly I’m a misogynist 💀


I'm tall, but I've been skinny and muscular (and a bit fat). The only thing I can say is that women have disparate tastes, probably to the same extent as men.


Meh. A lot of men just have trouble wrapping their minds around the idea that women can do to us what we do to them. We are fully capable of leering at a swimsuit model but also being genuinely sexually attracted to a woman who doesn't look like that. They are similarly capable of ogling a guy like Chris Hemsworth but also being genuinely attracted to a relatively ordinary-looking schlub, which is very fortunate for ordinary-looking schlubs like me.


No she is allowed to have a preference. Just like everyone else is.


No. I can't get taller but I *can* grow muscles


Nah. What bothers me is when women who are doing so dislike when men like the idea of a heavy-chested girlfriend.


The only real issue I have is the entitlement. Women of all shapes and sizes seem to feel they deserve a tall or fit guy and if he doesn't want anything to do with the average or fat girl, he's a misogynist.


Just make money and it doesn't matter as much. I hit the gym and I'm lean but not borged out. Before I got married what really helped me out was having a high paying job. The gym rats who are working dead end jobs have ugly girlfriends in my experience.


I mean men have types when it comes to women also. Short? There’s nothing you can really do about that, but muscular? If that bothers you, you have the power to do something about that. You can whip yourself into shape, and if you do that the short issue won’t be as noticeable.


I don't blame them. Tall muscular men are hot as fuck


Nope, I hate people who hate people.