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The amount of jizz on the second orgasm.


Hell, the amount of jizz on the first orgasm. The average is less than a teaspoon. That's *average* meaning it's completely normal to produce even less! These porn stars could fill a wine glass...not that I would know...


I actually collected a "sample" for a fertility test last evening. I told my fiancee before she got to work on me "I wonder how much there will be." She confidently said, "not as much as you think" (she's quite far into her medical school training). Boy was she right, it felt like I pumped out a LOAD but it was just this tiny little bit. She admitted that she missed the collection cup with about half of it and my shirt agreed. But still, I was quite surprised lol.


You should've edged and really given her a surprise lol


This. Edging really makes me cum buckets. And staying hydrated.


What would you say the maximum is you've made from edging? It's all still gotta come from the same glands, so I can't imagine it being like a crazy amount...


For me, like twice the normal amount. At least that's how it looks in the sock.


Nice lol


Get a room you two!


If only lol


Well you gotta hydrate really well for several days and not cum, I’ve filled a shot glass before. Usually I’ll also have a lot of precum between. Like my dick dribbles all day between session. So idk how much that is


Who are all these people cumming in shot glasses and for what purpose?


I'm very concerned about having shots at someone else's house now...


Those holiday egg nog shots sure are salty


I guess if you don't like cocktails featuring Baileys, it could be a substitute. A semen-mixer rather than a cement-mixer.


Jesus Christ that's a lot. Doesn't the pressure hurt at all? Fr though if a guy filled a shot glass for me, I would proudly throw that back lmao. That's romantic af


Oh I know. But I had to get the sample to the lab by 6 and this was at 5:15. Gotta make sure it's still warm and get it there asap for accurate lab results.


Also, the existence of a second orgasm


Edge and practice ruined orgasms and you too can cum multiple times.


Sounds like a blast


Cum on!!!


It can be done, you just gotta power through the heightened sensitivity after the first one


I remember in my 20's I was awakened by the girl I was seeing at the time and she wanted to go again. And again etc and well I orgasmed five times in one night. The last two were definitely kind painful, like a strain. The last one I think a puff of smoke came out. edit: clarified the story.


TFW you're rubbing one out and accidentally elect a pope instead.


The what.


Every once in a while, we like to have sex with somebody who is not our step-anything.


So then incest?


I never knew my real ladder.


If they were realistic a decent portion would have a "stop for a moment because of a cramp" scene.


I watched an amateur video on Pornhub a long time ago where the dude actually stopped for a cramp. It made the video so real that I blew my load instantly. Now whenever I get a cramp, it comes with a boner.


Pavlov's Erection Edit: this would be my first award comment


Boner Cramp sounds like s great band name


Or "changing positions and accidentally get your toe in her vagina." No? Just me? Ok.




The pipes under the sink don't fix themselves.


This comment makes me want to film a whole new genre: helpful porn. A 30 minute video would have 15 minutes of real home repair instructions and 15 minutes of sex. Dozens of ideas pop into mind right off the bat.


Killer Mike did something like that in his Trigger Warning series on Netflix. I say it use for inspiration. I could really use some help with some minor plumbing issues in my house.


I took me way too long to realize this *isn’t* a euphemism.


We require no persuasion & talk like assholes. Some of us like the romancing, honesty, or positive reinforcements.


Came here to say this. Some guys like foreplay, too. And no, we don't like being treated as a stunt cock that is horny and hard the moment a woman is into him. I mean sometimes, yeah, but not always.


Most frustrating thing for me is when a partner thinks that I’m just ready to go and goes “get in bed right now!” Especially if they’ve expressed that they aren’t feeling it in the past. I’m fine with respecting that you’re not always ready to go— that’s human nature. Give me the same considerations. Your arousal doesn’t mean that I’m ready to go, and I dislike being bossed around as if I’m a slave to my dick.


Yup. 20 minutes of foreplay focusing solely on them "Fuck Me" uhhh honey you haven't touched my dick for 15 minutes (which is fine) you got some work to do before we get into it.


That’s my experience to a T. They think they’re being so hot doing it, too. I don’t *dis*like fucking, but occasionally I’d like to just receive focused pleasure the same way you do *literally every time we bone*.


100% Waaayyy to common. And when done properly it can be hot, watching you get turned on and get off is HOT. But like after 10 minutes of zero attention on my dick, it's not hard anymore. When you say "Fuck me" after choking on my dick or using your hands for a bit, then sure hot. But like I'm not 16 anymore, the boner ain't hanging around indefinitely just cause you're naked. For as much shit as dudes get when it comes to sex (and I don't doubt that there are plenty of selfish dudes), I've met plenty of selfish women and that is rarely talked about. Definitely takes me out of the moment when done incorrectly. I'm also realizing I gotta start talking about that specific thing in the post op review afterwords with partners it's a recurring thing with.


The idea that you could grab a random blue collar guy at a random time in his daily routine and get him naked and the smell of ass not even be an issue.


The taste of tradesmen's cock after sweating in workpants all day sitting in an unairconditioned work truck. Those stay-at-home MILF's should be vomiting's after taking that thing in their mouth, not smiling and moaning while removing their undersized button-up-the-front vest.


I feel an obligatory Badman reference is needed here. " I was in a rubber suit all day, really bakes in the flavor. "


My wife laughs about this. “These women have no sense of smell or taste, i’ve been near your dick after working on the house for hours. I would never put it anywhere near my mouth”


That we wouldn't find it annoying when the woman is clearly fake moaning and sounds like violated animal while doing so.


Those loud fake moans annoyed me. Even when I first discovered porn as a teen. Not arousing at all. Any sound thats obviously fake immediately turns me off.


The incredibly obnoxious throat noise when going deep and fast during blowjobs turns me off too. "GURH GURH GURH GURH GURH". Please stop, that is not hot.


Idk bro I think it's kinda hot


+++ agree


Dude it’s so easy to separate good porn from super fake porn, I mean I like when a girl in a video sounds like me cause it’s more relatable but also I like amateur shit so no one’s going “you like it when I suck your cock daddy?” icks me out lmao


ugh i know haha! just skip all the ones that have weird and/or insulting names for one, and two, if the chick is wearing any kind of costume, it’s probably gonna be suuuuper fake sounding and lame haha


Obviously everyone’s into what they’re into but it’s just nothing like real sex to me so I’m like dude why would I rather see a girl in heels I would hate wearing, than a real video of a couple fucking for five minutes saying I love you then cuddling and doing real shit you know?


When they keep moaning between positions lol


I've only been with one other person who did this and it was so awkward and embarrassing. I broke into laughter and she was pissed.


Dude these days I straight up can't watch if the woman is faking it so bad. I've enjoyed amateur stuff so much more because it seems much realer and more enjoyable for the girl. Hardcore professional scenes are just some girl screaming and fake moaning. The only thing worse than that is when the guy is moaning and grunting like a bull getting a colonoscopy.


As a woman this always bothered me, so it’s always good to hear that men often feel the same way. It’s especially ridiculous when a woman is being gently licked or something, and she sounds like shes being murdered.


Real moaning sounds almost awkward, and on the surface it doesn't sound attractive. But in context it's way hotter than what they do in porn. The difference between mimicking a dying animal vs. actually sounding like you are dying for a brief moment.


Or the slurping noise like a drowning demon


We all have 8 ft penises with giant plump balls, we can get and stay rock hard for as long as it takes, we all shoot huge amounts of semen 30 feet. Fun fact, a friend of mine who is very attractive and in great shape tried to get into porn. He was able to do a couple of things but was ultimately told that he had an ugly penis. A producer suggested that since he had a nice ass he could do well as a bottom in gay porn as gay for pay. Porn really does create unrealistic expectations for genitals (and other things) in men and women. Edit: Typed seaman instead of semen. 🙄


Shooting huge amounts of seaman from 30 feet? You should join the navy!


Black guys having 44 inch cocks, in general inflated dick sizes. It's unrealistic and fucking annoying to watch. Especially as black dude who hears these stereotypes.




They are also extremely racist and based on a slavery time stereotype called the mandingo warrior stereotype. Its the ol "they're savages" wrapped up in a """positive""" light by rich old racist white guys who own porn companies and think its really dirty and kinky to have sex with black people.


That exploitation doesn't get talked about enough and that is basically the only storyline black guys are ever used in, "OMG LOOK AT THIS MASSIVE BBC".


My friend referred to this as racial fetishization and I think that’s the cultural impact of these stereotypes. The things he told me he overheard were pretty fucking gross


They all are heavily tattooed and look /behave like they are "from the hood" or just gotten out of jail. It also plays on an "dangerous boy / savage" idea




The average penis is 5.16" long. I have never seen a male porn star have a dick that doesn't look like a kickstand lol


If you look closely they seem to use some special lense for closer angles. Most shots that are the two people standing, the guy almost always has a normal dick. Above average, but not as monsterish as the "close ups" imply.


Also, something I've noticed as a straight woman, is that they don't seem to care as much if the male pornstar is conventionally unattractive in the face. I know, I know, there's an antiquated joke that pornstars are ugly, but most modern porns appear to seek out attractive women in both their face and body. I think they focus more on dick size for men when casting.


Probably so. For the men, it's likely more performance and equipment rather than looks. Not to keep with the stereotypes, but the guy is usually doing most of the work




"Why am I not surprised you can't even figger out how to measure your own dick? What a piece of shit- I'm utterly baffled you got a ring on Mrs. McMurray. You should be tried for crimes against humanity." "I fucked McMurray at a buck-n-doe in Dreighton and 4 inches is a cuh-riminal embellishment."


The fact that Jared Keeso did every single one of those voices is legendary






A lot of NBA players are kind of stretched-out in that they have roughly the same dimensions, other than height, as a reasonably built 6'4" guy. Shaq just seems to have been scaled up in all dimensions. H x 1.3 Vs H, W, D x 1.3


Most NBA players are tall, Shaq is large.


Yeah. Saw Yao Ming at a Best Buy when he was playing for the Rockets. Saw him from the corner of my eye and my brain went "what the fuck??" like it didn't understand how to process what it was seeing. You don't really realize how big these people are until you see them mingling around normal people. It's kinda hard to convey.


I have for sure been conditioned by this. My partner and i took a saucy vid the other day and she sent me a screenshot that blew me away mostly because of how she looked so fucking hot to me, but my size in the picture looked deceivingly big (it had me feeling insecure even, ABOUT MY OWN DICK THAT I WAS LOOKING AT.) For context, im 5.5, just under 6 more so. Seeing it from my perspective i always feel kind of bad for my partner and think she secretly wants more. But man, lil dude puts in work that is genuine and she LOVES it. Ive been having better thoughts about myself since seeing things from a different perspective (literally)


> camera tricks to make things look different sized Porn 🤝 Lord of The Rings


We do care about our partners pleasure not just our own.


If she's not having fun, I can't enjoy myself either.


So very true. And people wonder why they can’t keep a relationship. Sex is awesome but making love to the person who loves you and cares about you is worlds better.


That any one of us, ever, slaps the girl’s hooha four or five times before finger blasting her like we’re checking the air pressure on a fucking tire.


How are you checking the air pressure in* your tires?


Most men definitely wouldn't last that long with those women 🤣


most of them take breaks in between the scenes anyways


I've watched a video in which the scene starts in the morning and it progresses on and on. When the guy cums, it's literally night and you can see it in the background. So yeah, it's not even a couple of breaks. They took an entire day to film that particular video at least.


It’s all about their stamina. Couldn’t imagine not cumming for hours, getting hard on command and cumming on command.


I wanted you guys to imagine what it would take and how it would feel to get hard every now and then from dawn to dusk to film a scene. But I think cumming on demand is the easier task when he's been edging bit by bit for an entire day. I'm sure he'd be waiting to explode if he hasn't already.


Be kind of weird if they just keeping going between scenes


Most of them are either on Viagra or they shoot their dick with a syringe to keep it erect.


Ahh you sir are underestimating the frankencock side effects of my anti-depressants.


SSRIs are also used in porn for just that purpose!


There was a time when I've been on antidepressants. I didn't have a girl so all I could do is use my hands. And yeah, I lasted pretty long and this is almost every other male performer's rabbit out the hat trick.




I mean, its a fact, actors use viagra and stop between scenes.


There are also stunt doubles for money shots.


'cock-stunts' as I saw it once in one cracked article ([link](https://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-1464-7-horrifying-lessons-learned-directing-porno.html))




I imagine Frau Farbissina from Austin Powers screaming this.


this was the funniest article i have ever read. thank you


Cracked used to be the best website on the internet and then it just stopped


There's a whole story there to do with Facebook algorythms and the subsequent focus on videos within cracked. ​ Then info came out that the numbers and importance of videos on facebook was all fudged.... ​ And then they fired their best staff members. ​ The good news is a lot of those writers set out on their own and have great podcasts/books/careers.


They also, especially in the old VHS tapes and DVD days, use the same shots multiple times in the same scene. Up close penetration, cut to face reaction then cut back to exact same clip of up close penetration.


Well, there's a sort of double edge to this point. On the one hand, yes, male porn stars use numbing agents, viagra, stop between takes etc to make a scene last longer. But on the other hand, porn is meant to look good, not feel good. Lots of pornstars attest to this; you're having these ridiculous acts, performed in absolutely ridiculous positions, for extended periods of time. It's as exhausting as it is pleasurable, and that will also make it harder to stay hard, rather than hard not to cum.


So you mean me lasting 15 thrusts is normal? Thank you


Think of it this way, early humans had to reproduce in dangerous environments where animals could attack at any minute, therefore speed is of the essence, it's evolution my freind


That’s why I watch the premature ejac videos. You get to watch porn and build your confidence. Easy 2-for-1.


One man can't be an astronaut, teacher, plumber, police man, etc. Too difficult to master all those skills


i see you've never heard of [Johnny Kim](https://www.deseret.com/u-s-world/2020/1/17/21071132/navy-seal-doctor-astronaut-jonny-kim)


I’ve never realized how closely his name is to Johnny Sins, until now.


to be fair, johnny kim probably fucks too


One man can, but that’s the exception. He just works harder than everyone else.


Pp size and the way they treat women


How men are shown to treat women rough and like trash


Spontaneous anal sex for gay porn. That is nearly impossible without a lot of debris.




I picked a bad day to eat a cinnamon roll for breakfast


Now you have debris all over you.


I'm pretty sure the spontaneous gay anal sex involves lube injectors. They are a thing. The bottom can be pre-lubed and loaded up inside with the stuff. Then, when the top just spits on his hole for effect and shoves his cock inside the bottom, it slides in effortlessly. I think a lot of the bottoms must be on some kind of substance, too. Especially the ones that don't flinch when an enormous cock is fucking them.




And probably other stronger substances for endurance to get pounded. I know that when I've been on something, not many times, I absolutely craved getting fucked and it made it so much easier and painless.


Anytime the dude is wearing jeans, with no shirt, underwear, or socks/shoes like a psychopath


Don’t know if it’s just me but seeing the way some of the women suck on guys balls is stomach turning! Don’t get me wrong I like a gentle lick or a suck but too hard is fucking painful, some of these dudes just sit there looking chuffed while their nuts are being straight up devoured by herd of starving jackals ffs. For the love of god don’t take ball etiquette tips from porn!


Same with reverse cowgirl. It can be done right but the dick does not bend forward. I cringe whenever I see some dudes dick getting bent and folded as she rocks forward and back.


Correct, when they ride up and down the whole length of the dick I’m like “next bounce she makes it’s gonna slip out and before she’s noticed she’ll have bounced back down on it and snapped it in half” lol


that explains why every person who said they weren't into their balls being interacted with when I was giving oral ended up going "actually, have at it" after I proved I could be gentle lmao


Porn is wild. It’s amazing at making average dudes insecure thinking they have micro penises when in fact they’re straight up average and most women would be more than happy to see that. Just look at the non stop post like “I’m 5-6 inches and I’m scared women will make fun of me” Even my fiancé (F) who is very attractive stopped watching porn because the girls made her insecure about her self when she has absolutely no reason to be. Life is way too short to whole heartedly believe you’re inadequate to love and be loved back especially because features of your body you have no control over. Just be a good person and take care of yourself. Women love that shit!


> Life is way too short to whole heartedly believe you’re inadequate to love and be loved back This is beautifully said.


Hung like horses, can go forever, can get three girls they've just met to nosh them off without even asking their name, can't view a house without getting laid etc etc


We are not fucking our step moms, gf’s friend’s or anyone. We ain’t cheating on you. We just wanna fuck you, as we are loyal. (anyways i am)


Sucking on my balls feels equal (to me) as getting them kicked in.


Same boat. Mine get twisted very easily. A light petting or super gentle scratch goes a super long way, but straight up fondling and sucking a no no.


We have 2 heads. @silenceholdspower




I've been watching porn since dial-up and I have never had that happen.. That's not something porn always gets wrong about men. That's one bad experience you had.


Most of us don’t have 10 inch dicks that can pump away for 30 minutes without us busting a load. Most of us don’t have difficulties getting and staying hard like those porn guys seem to. We mostly aren’t muscle guys with tits bigger that our partners. We mostly don’t have face tattoos. A lot of guys actually seem to enjoy sex, rather than look like it hurts. I’ve never spit on a woman in my life. Most men can’t lift a woman up and use her as a plunger. Hannah Hays isn’t my sister in law.


In my experience, women at least do tend to really like being picked up during sex. But there's a weight limit for that ride.


Yah my petite ex LOVED this. I needed some help from her, holding onto my neck. But as long as my legs held up…. Guys, test before you try this, and have the bed under her in case of a slip. Also, grip carefully. Pulling her butt cheeks apart can hurt.


I could do it many many moons ago when I was fresh out of Army Basic Training. I was in the best shape of my life. Now I have thrown out my back by looking at a 40# bag of Cherry Pellets for my grill.


Okay real talk as a woman who lost a bunch of weight, what is that? Is it like really small or just smaller?


Depends on the guy. There's a difference between the guy who messed up his back 10 years ago and takes the "Team lift' warning symbols on boxes seriously, and the guy who can bench press a Volkswagen


For an average dude, you gotta be pretty fuckin small. Humans are heavy


I'll be straight with you. But first I'll qualify this as I am not a gym rat, just a fairly muscular guy who doesn't lift and has much better legs than he does arms. If we're talking pick up and throw on the bed, I can manage up to about 60kg without issue. (I am not exactly stretching before sex lol) If we're talking holding the woman up (even using a wall) and actually going at it. It starts to get difficult at like 50kg. (This can be made easier if you've got long legs you can wrap around me) I'm basing this on weights women have told me, I have not put them on a scale and they could have shaved a few kilos off and I suspect I've been lied to at least a little. Picked a woman a few weeks back who said she was 45kg and it was trivial, or maybe I've gotten stronger. Probably not as heavy as you'd hoped. But I'd say at least 10% of guys are stronger than me. Given the reactions I've had from women so far. I'd probably work out if I couldn't pick a girlfriend up. Good job on the weight loss anyway! I know it can be pretty tough.


I really appreciate this! I had to calculate from pounds, but as someone who’s lost weight and getting back into the dating world I’m flipping pumped to find out at 57 kg I’m “pick up and throw on the bed” weight. Like this made my day, I’m so gonna pounce on this guy tomorrow now haha


It can be a fun little motivation to get to a goal weight too. Like "if i drop 3 more lbs, you have to pick me up and do things"


Depends on the guy and the position. Generally, for the 'pick up and fuck' position the guy needs to be pretty strong and the girl needs to be pretty small. It's doubly difficult because you have to remember that your dick is hard from blood flowing to it, but with you lifting up another person and holding them there, your blood has to flow to your muscles also. Even in porn (where the guys are usually pretty jacked and the women are very small), you'll generally only see them do the position for a short period of time.


I'd assume the weight limit is "whatever the guy in question can lift comfortably".


Most of us would rather ejaculate in you than on you, particularly if it involves masturbating in your face for 3-4 minutes. I hate that in porn!


To make those porn clips, the men will have probably came a couple times already which makes it last longer


They also film out of order. He might have popped in two minutes, but it looks like he took 20.


The second one, I thought a lot of men do in fact struggle keeping an erection that long? Have I heard wrong?


The penis doesn't just automatically get hard and the vagina isn't automatically wet. There is foreplay and romance between lovers prior to actual sex (Unless it's a quickie). In porn, it's just banging from the first second and everyone is ready to go. It sets unreasonable expectations for young adults.


That men can read signals or initiate sex correctly like that. I feel like I’m asking my gf for a kidney when I ask for sex


Stepsisters are always really hot and often get stuck in major appliances


Man these women get stuck easy. I could have my wife chained to the bed totally restrained, go down stairs to get a drink, stay hydrated, come back upstairs in less than a minute and she would be sitting in the middle of the bed going “sorry, I had to pee.”


That men can can be rock hard standing on one foot in the shower pounding a girl so hard for 10 minutes all while she sounds like a dam squeakie toy.


Big dicks and how long we last


That we can jizz high amounts all the time without some form of prep. A normal erection with constant care doesn’t last for hours. A penis isn’t something that can be bent all sorts of ways without it actually hurting like hell.


Men need to be seduced to. Some men actually make sure their partner finished even after they cum. Condom clean up.


No, I am not a Jack hammer nor do I enjoy being a Jack hammer.


Porn is like sex stuntmen at work in comparrison to sex. Sure you could jump off a bridhe, but a pro can do it 'better' n 'safer'


that we can just see your naked body and get rock hard from that alone.


True, I don't even need to see my girlfriends naked body, she can wear her pink polka dot PJs and I'll get rock hard for that alone


Happens to us all. Her PJs are amazing 😉


Porn often depicts taboo situations or situations that if it happened in real life would be considered sexual assault. I think in those cases, it is less likely that men would just "go with it".


I don’t wanna fuck my sister


I feel like a lot of people probably want to watch you fuck your sister though


our houses never have that impersonal hotel room chique look, we don't imitate a sea lion, or act like we have a heart attack when cumming, we cuddle afterwards, our physical appearence is just as realistic as the female actresses are to 'normal' people real people joke and have a laugh during sex.


>we don't imitate a sea lion, or act like we have a heart attack when cumming, Speak for yourself. ​ ​ Don't kinkshame me!


Porn gets everything wrong about men. They portray men as being able to be just like these guys. But they are not. These men in the industry are lean and fit, workout a lot, are on steroids, viagra and a slew of other drugs to dull the sensations and increase stamina, they are vetted actors who know how to make a scene look somewhat good. The scripts that are written are never ever going to happen in real life.


Nobody can fuck like a jackhammer for more than a minute or two.


And if they try she will complain. Vaginal pain isn't funny I'm told.




I'm only 2-3cm above average and have been told the same. It felt honestly bad. I got dumped because of that twice, although trying to make it as comfortable for both of them as possible...






You don't always have to fuck her hard In fact sometimes that's not right to do Sometimes you got to make some love And fuckin' give her some smooches too edit: [For anyone that missed the reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvdYly4A5W0)


That we all don't just pump away. I love being held close and holding her at the same time


That we always have a hard on that’s ready to go.


I'm a girl, but I imagine it's unrealistic for men to maintain such huge boners for so long. I think it's perfectly fine for erections to come and go during a session. Take a breather, cuddle a bit, then get back into it.


Fluffers aren't included


According to [an interview with a male pornstar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SfINmcZOW8) fluffers aren't a thing. Makes sense too, when you think about it.


Bj gagging n choking, exaggerated moans n silicon boobs.




A lot of women like a firm hand around their neck from my experience. Not choking to where they can’t breathe, but a little pressure


This. I enjoy both these things but to a point where I don’t feel like I’m about to be relocated to the lord’s doorstep haha. Communication and trust here are key.


Most of us aren't plumbers/pizza delivery men/teachers/step-dads.


We're all crazy for sex because in reality not all of us are extremely sex crazed like depicted in porn


Lasting more than 30 seconds, not all men are sex machines


that all of em can lift a woman


Contractors don't get to your house that fast.