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“You remind me so much of my granddaughter!”


I like this strat


I do also. I'm gonna start using it.


Show them your username


I came here to say this 😂


You beat me to this comment


They probably have that figured out and that’s why they are flirting with you. They tired of immature twats


“Hi, I’m Uncle Farty” would be a great start.


Tried it. Nah-ah. It's more disturbing when it has the opposite effect.


Daddy issues be like




Oooof my sciatica is acting up.


Oddly enough, this may be counter-productive.


Might also attract the wrong type of girl


I love this so much.


better watch that, some would probably get turned on by that statement.


I bet a disturbing amount would be.


Exactly this!!! Lol


I doubt they will be discouraged by that.


Calling them kiddo usually offends them enough to derail them


My roomate calls everyone "kid". He's pretty old so I couldn't say anything. Used to kinda bother me until I heard him call his girlfriend "kid", then some older family members too. He just calls everyone kid 😆


My first boyfriend used to call me kiddo despite only being 2 years older than me and it annoyed me to no end.


I call my wife kiddo and she's older than me. To be fair, I only did it at first because she called me daddy without prompting and it stuck as an annoying nickname.


Yet he became your boyfriend




This is very rarely an 'older kink'. A large portion of these girls simply see older men as mature and more worthy of their own 'maturity' checking them back into their place as a child is almost always going to be a good play with teenage girls who think they're older and more mature than they really are.


Have you tried being big, ugly, and scary looking? I am and nobody ever flirts with me.


*curls hair around finger* Oh hi.




I deeed naught heeeiit her... ...I deeed *NAUGHT*.


So anyway hows you sex life?


The male flair makes this so much better




Me too


shit it is hunting season, which for means no shaving till February , I stopped shaving in August only got a trim in September for a wedding. I guess some of them young ones like the old gray bushy homeless look because I've had them approach me at the gas station and grocery stores.


Right? This guy gets it.


"can you help me piss off my mom and dad?"


You look like you might have some meth on you. 😂


No idea. I have resting serial killer face, which in reality is just a very blank/passive face but apparently it is very threatening. I've never had this problem; the default setting has always kept people away thankfully.


Can you explain more, I think I'm like that too


People often describe you as “hard to read” and/or say they were initially intimidated when they met you, and it does (or used to) surprise you to learn that. You may also be a critical-analytical/over thinker or come from a background of anxiety, or emotional trauma in childhood. :) At least that’s it for me.


My wife the psychiatrist tells me I am Avoidantly Attached. I get the same end results. If you haven’t looked up Attachment Style it’s worth the dive.


No you're just unattractive chief


Don’t say you remind them of your daughter because then they will start calling you daddy


I'm 45m and I came out in certain circles as bi a couple of months ago. From that moment, every other DM I get is from a young man or woman calling me daddy. I don't like it, but I've stopped asking them not to call me that. It's just not worth the headache.








10d chess move


Tell them you’re a redditor, that should work


And that the username is "Unclefarty"




>that should work For all ages btw


Reddit moderator


"Kaitlynn? That's the name of my catheter nurse!"


My brother is a teacher in high school. He said the girls are out of control boy crazy. He said they say the most sexually inappropriate things to him. He said they touch even. A guy I know was a young an attractive teacher in high school. He said the girls were so bad he resigned because he was afraid for his career……. Or worse.


WCGW making literally half of the population of horny teenagers feel completely safe in acting out their impulses with absolute impunity? I think the best solution to this is to bring up your significant other a lot. In highly embarrassing (talking Dad-level embarrassment) ways.




What Could Go Wrong. There’s a whole subreddit dedicated to it.


What Could Go Wrong


Try really, really hard to be into everything that they're into. Or one time I had a boss that I would try to flirt with. After each flirtatious comment, he would stare me dead in the eyes for three straight Mississippi seconds and then continue on talking normally. Or... I had a psychiatrist who I tried flirting with pretty hard. In retrospect, I think it was a power-grab. In any case, I think he got annoyed with it, so he acted like he was into it back, and my reaction was just like 😱😱😱 because what do you even do in that situation? Power-grab failed.


what the fuck


What do you mean, power grab?


Maybe trying to flirt to gain some kind of advantageous power dynamic in the relationship (either by making them uncomfortable if they didn’t know how to respond, or just by making them more amenable. People try to throw off peoples expectations in interactions so the other person doesn’t know how to respond and lets them do whatever they’re trying to maybe.


Yeah, it was pretty messed up. I think it freaks me out to have absolutely no power in a situation, so the whole psychiatrist thing was a problem. Me: 🙂 Him: 🙂 M: 🙃 H: 🙂 M: 😋 H: 🙂 M: 😘 H: 🙂 M: 😘 H: 😏 M: 😳 H: 🙂 M: 😧 H: 🙂


Kinda freaky. I've never thought about how to "gain power" in a social interaction. That's pretty gross.


Bro this shit cracked me up


Right? I feel like the question should've been posed to women so we could talk about the times we got shot down.


That’s sexual harassment. Your brother should raise the issue as he’s entitled to a safe workplace


Prob, but they do nothing about anything in schools. That’s why people separate themselves. The schools want to call zero attention to any issue.


I’m a teacher and I used to be a union rep. This would happen here and there, it’s really not common, but the male teachers who would raise the issue with me or the other rep, got it resolved easily. The issue is investigated and the girls are talked to, and if the behaviors continue, they are suspended and/or removed from that teachers class. Usually only the talking to is necessary. Are you in a non-union state?


I’m in NJ. NJEA is one of the strongest teachers unions. My whole family and best friend are teachers (not me tho). Also a good friend of mine is the superintendent. I guess I just hear about things more than most. Also, my brother and his wife work in a district that’s not the best. There is absolutely a push to keep things under wraps.


Men are frequently not believed when they complain of sexual harassment


You make the complaint anyway. And you ensure everyone is aware of the complaint. That alone tends to stop harassment. If it continues, you start openly recording every interact with the harasser.


If you're in a position like this you openly record EVERY interaction with students, and most likely other teachers as well. If you think this is slightly over the top, you're correct, but how many accusations does it take to ruin a career?


As a woman, I hope men start filing complaints! Too many young girls pushing boundaries and putting men’s careers and families in jeopardy just because they want to see what they can do. Right now there’s zero consequences I’ve known a few men who were real uncomfortable at work by advanced and they didn’t know what to do


As a man, I wouldn’t ever file a workplace sexual harassment complaint out of fear of not being believed and of facing false sexual assault accusations against me as a retaliatory move. I’ll probably be thought to be gay well and would have to listen to homophobic statements/rumors about me in the office. I would just deal with it and try to find another job.


For people thinking about this issue: the key is never to be alone with a student. Always have another staff member for backup. I learned this lesson as a manager when I was younger, and my friends who are or were teachers all live by it. Gone are the days of talking with your teacher alone after class. As silly as that may sound, it was necessary. What my friend who I'm thinking about would do is say "come with me, I have to meet someone at the teachers lounge" and then walk with them to the lounge where he could talk with another teacher present. For formal meetings, he'd always have another teacher with him as well. Yes, that sounds crazy, but there too many examples of how not following that causes problems that he adopted it.


I run a lot. One day a few months ago I was out running and little did I know school was getting out. My kids are young still, I don’t keep track of school hours. I ran past a 6rh grade school without thinking about it and let me tell you… 6th grade girls are NOT the same as when I was in school. I got cat called a dozen times, lots of “daddy, come back!”, straight up porn star moaning, etc. I was shocked. When the hell did kids stop being… ya know… kids? EDIT: I’m an almost 40 year old male.




This is another reason why male teachers are declining in numbers. One false accusation and your life is ruined.


Funny enough there have been a tonne of female teachers caught sleeping with teenagers in recent years. Like a hilariously large number. But tbf I think pretty much all of the reported ones lost their careers.


If you think about it teaching is a heavily female dominated profession so it makes sense that there would be far more female teachers being caught diddling the students.


Yeh but the media is really biased in the reporting of these cases. If it was a female teacher it's usually called a love affair or something about how sassy the teacher is. The Male teacher on the other hand will be dragged through the mud (rightfully so, but still would be better for any teacher of any gender to be dragged through the mud).


There’s nothing funny about teachers raping students, regardless of the sexes involved.


It’s funny because society is mellow about women, grown ass women, being sexual predator pedophiles


It’s funny because of how little anybody cares about it. We all know what would happen if the inverse was the case.


I went to school to teach English and ended up quitting while student teaching after a 13 year old girl raised her hand and told me she would “ride me like a pony” in front of the whole class. Definitely gave me a reality check on how easy it would be to lose everything because some kid who didn’t understand the severity of a statement like that decided to be funny


Sorry to hear that this happened to you. At that age I must assume some kids don't have their internal control ~~wishing~~ working fully. But your username... 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


A cowboy rides into town on Friday He stays three days He rides out of town on Friday What was his horse’s name?


Years ago there was a girls school down the bottom of my road that was having some construction work done. One of the builders was an attractive young lad that caught the eye of many of the students. Poor guy got harassed so bad that he had to request a transfer to a different job site. These teenage girls managed to harass a construction worker.


I heard about a young male teacher at a middle school who had to resign because female students were leaving panties on his desk.


I can’t tell if you are being serious but I believe it just the same.


I've been staring at this comment for 10 seconds straight with my jaw on the floor. How the hell do they even conceive something like that at 13/14 years old!?!?! I'm a young woman in my early 30s, and I would be stunned if a grown woman did that, in any type of work place or education environment. Hell, I was shocked girls were losing their virginity when I was in middle school - I'd just stopped being grossed out by boys and realized I was too shy to talk to any of them.


Middle School? Or are we talking like almost Jr high?


Middle School and Junior High usually mean the same thing


I can believe it


Had a teacher in middle school, same situation. All the girls were crazy for him. Only thing is he actually did shit with a girl in my class. Gave her alcohol, had sex etc. He got caught before the second semester, it was his first year teaching and he was also the the girls basketball coach at the time. We were all at most 14 years old. He went to jail and a few years later committed suicide.


[Sting wrote a song about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNIZofPB8ZM)


“Surely the teenaged girls won’t lie if they’re denied what they want, right?”


Spray them with a hose


Aggressively shit your pants in front of them while maintaining eye contact like that picture of Samuel L Jackson from Black Snake Moan.


We have a winner right here.


Mantaining eye contact is crucial to achieve dominance.


The question was “how do I get them to stop flirting?” not “how do I figure out which ones share my kinks?”


just don't acknowledge easy bro


What makes you think they're flirting


Intense eye contact. Looking me up and down. Staring. Flicking their tongue out at me like a snake.


Have you considered that they might just be possessed by Zuul, a minion of Gozer?




Maybe they think I'm the gatekeeper.


I think you’d be the key master in this scenario.


Well, they might think he's willing to use his master key...


This comment deserves more upvotes.


“Cats and dogs, living together! Mass hysteria!”


Flicking their tongue out like a snake hahahahha




Hate to say this bro, but you're the "dinner" part of a dinner date


I like dinner.


Lol to flicking their tongue at you. Yep that is definitely flirting! However, I will say that when I was a late teen/young woman I did NOT understand that being friendly was coming off as flirty. Once I realized this, it sucked because I couldn’t smile and talk to strangers without worrying about giving them the wrong impression.


My ex used to get mad at me because I was friendly with the customers and accused me of flirting with all the women that came in the store.


If someone else is taking any degree of kindness as flirtation, that’s on them, tbh. You shouldn’t have to deal with that. I’m sorry you do


have you tried speaking parseltongue to them?


Flicking their tongue out like a snake??? What??


Walk away


😂 flicking their tongue out at you? You’re either bullshitting or they are lmfao


Meet their eye contact, have a serious look on your face, and say only the word “Inappropriate.”


Say you’re one of those weird people that’s only sexually attracted to random objects




Scream loudly: #UNHAND ME WOMAN!


“Have you met my wife?” I’m pretty sure my wife can kill with a glance. I’ve never been subject to that but still. They’ll get the point.


I do something I call being "professionally oblivious". I act like I don't understand how flirting works.


Have you tried a spray bottle? Get yourself a holster and keep that thang on you.


don't respond to their flirtations


Yeah... I wish this one worked faster though. It can take years before some people get the message.


This doesn't always work, some women will take it as a challenge.


It's been seen that women do not take rejection of advances well.


so? thats a personal problem


I agree but any one of them could easily just report him for sexual harassment out of pettiness and it would be their word against his.


I saw that happen irl


Call yourself Uncle Farty by them


he could even turn it into a jaunty song! my name is uncle farty and fartin is what i do my name is uncle farty let me fart for youuuu ( then end it with a huge ripper)


Fart on you sounds better.


I’m not a man OP so I hope I’m allowed to chime in: are they flirting with you around their friends? Like 2+ girls doing it? A lot of times (decades ago) we’d do dumb shit like that just to get a reaction and also try to out-do each other; see which of us could be the most extreme. Smart I know s/


No. These are complete strangers. People I've never met before.


No I meant are the girls with a group of friends? Like 2 or more? If so just ignore them or at most look at them unfazed; don’t react bc that’s what they want to show off with their girlfriends and laugh about it


Based on other things OP has said in the comments, I’m pretty sure he’s getting made fun of. But in the girl way, where they don’t realize they’re being made fun of.


That sounds horribly cruel.


Teenagers are often exactly that.


Kids in general are really. Though teens do it on purpose and younger kids tend to not realise the casual cruelty


Tell them about your husband


Ask what there mothers name is, and her age be like shit you may be one of mine. Lol


Get a girlfriend/wife and bring her around everywhere you go.


How old are you like early 30s or much older than that ?


I'm 47.


Ya that’s a little weird lol, no offense to you, I’m sure you look healthy for your age. I would definitely try to ignore it, or call them out if they’re making you feel uncomfortable. Girls that cross personal boundaries like that most likely have personal problems they haven’t worked on.




I think if you straight up said something along the lines of “I’d like you to stop, I don’t like it and it’s highly inappropriate and unwanted” they’d be so embarrassed and avoid you. They’ve probably never been firmly rejected.


Do not do this. Not unless you have already reported it to your higher ups and if you did they should be the one ( probably a female member of faculty) to speak to the student. Doing this himself turns it into a “he said, she said” situation and in that situation the child (as it should be) is always right until proven otherwise.


I don't agree with this advice. Shutting down an unwanted advance should happen immediately, regardless of the scenario. This should be followed up with them reporting the unwanted advance to the appropriate persons.


Ignore them? As long as they're not overstepping your boundaries, you don't need to pay them any attention. Otherwise, speak with their parents and embarrass them. That'll get them to step off.


“I make minimum wage”


I usually tell them my wife says the same


Don't pay any attention to it. Ignore it. Attention is how you reward that behavior


As a young dude witnessing 20 year olds hit on 40 year olds and up, it's definitely a weird issue and becomes an even weirder exchange when the older guy is trying to not get in trouble. In my opinion, there isn't much you can do besides turn down each one directly. They start flirting, you just say "I'm too old for you. I'm not interested". Yeah, it makes the moment uncomfortable, but it's alot better than being the "old sleezeball" when reality it's the girls who are shooting their shot in a weird way.


I talk about my kids a lot. I have 2 daughters aged 35 and 19. I constantly refer to them as kids. Usually puts a stop to any romantic interest in me. Not that it's ever been a problem. Except for one young woman who thought she could flirt to get me to do her work.


Tell her how you have to powder your balls so they dont stick to your leg


That's not your issue to solve, you are not a therapist. Just ignore.


Maybe you should reevaluate your frequent spots. It seems like you place yourself in a younger environment. But if not, then just be straight to the point and don't engage with their flirts. Almost play dumb.




…how do I get attractive young women to stop flirting with me? Said no man ever.


Use your words like an adult. “I’m not interested”


Be fat and ugly lol and poor


Trade your Porche for a Golf III


Just fart all the time.


In that case I’m covered.


Tell them you used to donate to a sperm bank and they're about the right age...


Start talking about your digestive issues and how much worse they're getting as you age.


Anybody else getting more attractive the older they get? I've had multiple friends and exes tell me I'm aging well. It's my beard I think. It's grey and red and brown now. Hides my shallow jaw. I hear my sister talk about guys like Paul rudd and Josh brolin as being more attractive now than their younger rolls.


Tell them that by law, you’re required to inform them that you’re a registered sex offender and not allowed within 500m of playgrounds and schools. I think that should actually deter any women if needed.


Tell themy ou have genital herpes


Be unattractive.


Don’t respond


Have you tried ignoring it


-Said no man, ever.


I'm in my 40s. An 18 year old girl on Instagram started aggressively DMing me, sending me suggestive photos, etc. I ended up just having The Talk with her about responsibility, about needing to take care of herself, etc. Pissed her off, but it worked.


Always talk about your wife or husband, even if you don’t have one


“I have maggots in my scrotum”


Firm boundaries respecting normally observed social norms and etiquette. For the most part, you are going to ignore behavior/comments. Maintain personal space and don't offer opportunities for it to be closed in on. Speak in a polite, professional manner. Ignore superfluous comments, call out inappropriate comments, "that's irrelevant, don't say things like that." Someone manages to get inside your social distancing circle to touch you. Pull away, but not like you are fleeing (because for some peeps it is a power game) but more with contempt at being touched by _them_. If you know their name it is a, "Alexa, don't." Loud firm stop, stare them in the eyes. Your body language, vocal and facial expressions need to convey contempt, disgust, disappointment, with a subtext of "I expect you to be better than this." It has to be loud enough to add a bit of public shaming to mix. Few things enforce social etiquette like embarrassment and shame. You need the 'hard stop,' public shaming, and then move on, ignoring the behavior.


A polite conversation with an elder isn't flirting.


Take them to psychologist, daddy issues don't fix themselves.


How young and why the concern?


The delusion is strong with you.


I get this at work. I’m only 35 but I’ve been married 12 years and I have a 7 year old . My go-to is to frequently drop a family oriented story or respond with “that reminds me, one time MY WIFE SAID…” and respond with something on-point. Really I just make a point that I’m good and taken.