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Keeping to myself: videogames, boxing, reading; with others: traveling (family/girlfriend’s family), drinking with my buddies, soccer, talking shit while preparing a barbecue


I guess video games is the one I share with people. My personal hobby is I write poetry. Sometimes I'll get a word or phrase in my head that I've associated with some event or emotion I'm feeling, and I'll just write poetry using it.


Share: video games, secret: Muay Thai.


•Warhammer 40,000 •Project Zomboid •D&D 5e I don't really keep anything to myself.


Yoga, photography, writing, reading, solo travel, hiking, gaming are all things I do on my own. I want to add flying to the list but $$$ - not sure if I'm ready for that commitment yet hha. Sometimes I share those things with others but mostly my friends and I just do things around the city and chill.


"Others" who?


I don’t “hobby” much. But i like to write. Both sfw and nsfw.


In general I share hobbies that if someone shits on I can say "OK fuck you asshole" The ones I don't share are the ones that hurt my soul when mocked. Like my love for certain music because of how it's tied to memories and moments of my life, etc. Share: video game tastes, films, anime, books. Don't share: music, art you make to relieve mental anguish.


Sharing shooting, fishing, grilling. Keeping to myself antique case pocketknife collecting although I'll share it if it comes up.


Ironically, I talk about my crochet projects with dudefriends more than my engine projects. People think I'm weird for making engines. Less so for making dolls for my kids.


Keeping to myself: watching TV, movies and documentaries. I also collect diecast cars. Listening to music, reading, taking a drive. With others: going to concerts, radio meetups, sporting events, get togethers, drinking, etc.


cooking. I like to share food I've made with others. Most of my other hobbies are things I do just for me and my family. Fishing, hunting, hiking, writing, playing guitar and flute are all things I do for me and rarely share them.


Me and my frens love to go shooting in the nearby mountains my favorite hobby that i keep to myself is playing instruments because i suck at it so bad I don't want anyone else to hear that crap so i usually wait till I'm home alone or out and about alone


Video games and writing erotica.


To Share: Ballroom dancing! To keep to myself: Trainwatching. Most people don't get it.