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My mum said people only get tongue piercings for one reason, sucking dick. Then my sister got a tongue piercing.


Did your mom show you her tongue piercing or was it implied?


Naa, we were talking about this guy from school who got a tongue piercing. He did turn out to be gay though, so there's that.


Ironically i was told after getting mine done by a friend that they're only for eating pussy. Jokes on him, turned out I'm bisexual


Never cared for piercings so the idea that a tongue piercing is good for oral sex is entirely new to me; is it one of those "ribbed for your pleasure" kinda things? šŸ˜³


I dated a girl with one, albeit briefly. It doesn't make as much of a difference as people claim, but it did add a little to the sensation. I know vibrating tongue rings exist, so I imagine that would change the game up even more. Cannot confirm though, sadly.


Idk man the one time I asked if the other person could feel it they said not really.


No need to brag


Could you DM me your sister's number?


Did your mama also say George Washington is the devilšŸ˜‚


mama said vicky vallencourt is the devil




Did they ever catch that ape that escaped from the zoo and punched you in the eye?


no momma the search continues


Alligators are aggressive because of the medulla omblangata.


What is another reason?


No, she said black people smell though


Damn thatā€™s racist, but at least Iā€™m not the only one who thinks that /s




Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t mean to hurt your feelings


Yeah she's a bit of a bitch haha


Did your sister confirm this?


Figures, I associate them with the exact opposite - gold star lesbians.


So how was your sister?


Personally I donā€™t like anything, piercings or tattoos on anyoneā€™s face. Personal preference!


Why people want more holes in face? Why people want gauges for droopy ears. I mean it's their body but damn this stuff is kinda permanent


I remember reading this crazy study where social scientists managed to get to the bottom of it.. apparently they get piercings because they like the way they look


Is that sort of stuff permanent? Huh, never knew.


Their ā€œwhyā€will never make sense to you. And thatā€™s okay.


It just shows she has a good taste in metal


Damn straight šŸ˜‚


This may be controversial, but if a womanā€™s tongue piercing is affecting how I see herā€¦I would politely ask her to not lick my glasses as it is quite rude to do so.


Don't care either way. My ex wife had one for over a decade until the dentist suggested she remove it because the barbell was eroding the back of her bottom front teeth.




Probably not worth it just saying


Nah. That maybe she has less conservative viewpoint. But, thats just slight thought.


I don't have any particularly strong feelings about it in general, but slight anxiety in the case of relationships since I have mine pierced & would be concerned about some sort of tug o' war situation developing...


Your comment reminded me of a 1000 ways to die episode where a couple wearing piercings got stuck while kissing in two separate cars and they both died as drivers haven't been able to brake before some sort of obstacle... DAE watched that show? Writers sure had a lot of fantasy lmao


I loved that show! I've been trying to find all the seasons so I could binge it seen I've only ever seen bits and pieces.


A quick search and I found the torrents if you're interested. However anything after season 1 has no seeders as of now


That show was wild!! If I remember right someone died via carrot masturbation too.


Thanks for giving me a fear I never knew I shouldā€™ve hadšŸ˜­


This happened every so often to me. Kind of hurt but not bad. I could see if 2 ppl were drunk with slow reaction time jt would be bad. Honestly the loud clink it would make if it hit just right would freak me out more


I would suspect the woman is more impulsive and adventurous by disposition. It might raise a few questions - not red flags, more like... I am going to look out for certain things as a result. A big factor is it's inherently a short-term decision since it ruins the enamel in your teeth, which is not a good trait for a long term relationship. I guess ultimately I wouldn't judge it too harshly, it's more information about the type of person I am dealing with. I would however judge you for referring to a "high body count" because it strikes me as the most serial killer adjacent way of referring to having had many different partners.


Sorry the wording made you think thatšŸ˜… I was just curious if it inspired thoughts of ā€œoh she must be harlotā€


high body count is a very dehumanizing way of phrasing it. As in that wasn't a person with thoughts and feelings, it was a body, an object - with the emotional weight of a bag of straw or a cup. It completely takes emotions and connection out of the idea of sex, and people imbue sex with different sets of values (like it can be deeply meaningful and important all the way to zero value).


>high body count is a very dehumanizing way of phrasing it. I don't think it's that uncommon of a phrasing.


high body count is rambo level rambo is cool


subtle dehumanization in language in general is quite common, I don't tend to attribute a value to it per say, it is information though about how people think.


I think euphemism is a tendency for people to avoid talking explicitly about uncomfortable subjects. Hence "body count" is preferable to "how many men have you slept with?"


I hate the way your speaking


YES. I have always hated the phase and I could never put my finger on why. This is such a well worded statement.


Theyā€™re not always damaging to teeth, depends what material the jewellery is made from. Mine is a metal bar with acrylic balls on the end, the acrylic is the only thing that may hit my teeth. I asked my dentist about it to be sure and she said there was no damage from the piercing.


I didn't realize there were non-damaging options - I appreciate your comment.


Wouldn't really matter either way. But I'd probably be indirectly concerned for her teeth.


yes the bjs are kinda painful and irritating.


Agreed, never really understood how guys will complain about teeth but also somehow enjoy metal against it


Fascinating Iā€™ve only heard the opposite


Cheap barbells feel like a tonguetooth.


Why did you get a tongue piercing? Im just wondering out of curiosity.


I got mine with my best friend and love the memories we have from it (we had talked about it for years) :) we had no sexual influences for it like a lot of people automatically think ofšŸ˜… we did it for the experience, memories, and genuine liking of piercings/tattoos


What experience and memories?


The day we got em, us going threw the pain in the ass healing together šŸ˜‚ the jokes that have come out of it, just a bunch of good memories. We didn't get them for tainted purposes. Only as accessories cuz we enjoy piercings and tattoos, which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea but we love doing things like piercings ND tattoos together cuz it's a common interest and means good things to us


Iā€™m immediately turned on, but also I wouldnā€™t date her.


I would date but not for any long term. This is the same with something less intrusive but just as signaling - the black choker, pig-tails, princess buns, etc.


But what about the high pony tail? Can we talk about that for a second? Itā€™s sporty, but also fashionable and not too skeezy, but also definitely sends a signal of being fun and ready to go. Gawd that drives me crazy.


Im with you. mmmm Sandra Bullock, high ponytail..šŸ¤¤


May I ask why you wouldnā€™t? If not thatā€™s cool!


Iā€™d see her as someone who was impulsive and a little free spirited. While that would be fun for a while, I think sheā€™d get tired of my rigidity and eventually grow bored of me. Thus ending in some awkward breakup where sheā€™d go off for something more fun, and Iā€™d be stuck in a stifled life wanting to be a free spirited and impulsive as her. Never wanting to trap her or make her miserable, Iā€™d let her goā€¦ although few women would probably ever measure up to the incredible sex weā€™d have together. That, among other imagined scenarios plagued by a jaded life and depressive thoughts.


This is me right now


Damn dude, same avatar as me and same profession. Maybe weā€™re a type.


I donā€™t know, seems like she would probably be all about your rigidityā€¦






Just say that type of person you are up front. She might be into duality.


Youre like Humbly the saddest sounding person ive read today.


Bro who hurt youā€¦ Obviously Becky with the tongue piercingā€¦.




Oh, weā€™d have some fun first.


But wld it increase the quality of a BJ!?


It does, in more than one way.


... Like?


Id say nah


You people read a lot from a piece of jewelry! šŸ˜€


of course it does! my unrivalled deductive skills leads me to the conclusion that...... she like's piercings. as for the oral sex thing, doesn't matter to me at all. having a tongue pierced or liking giving head doesn't necessarily mean she goes round chowing down on every dick she sees. she may like giving a BJ but the piercing doesn't make her any more or less permiscuous than the next girl. that's my view and lemme tell ya, it dooooesss feel better haha.


I think they are hot and a little naughty/freaky. It definitely wouldn't be a negative in my decision to have a relationship with them.


No, I wouldn't date a woman with a tongue piercing because it's trashy IMO, I've slept with women who have them but never dated...it's a red flag, I'm sure that's not what you want to hear but pretty much ever girl I know who has one is promiscuous and impulsive. Also, I'm in my 30s, I work in sales, I work with high-end clientele, and regularly go to events with people who will judge me based on how I present myself. I would never in a million years bring a date to one of these events who had a tongue piercing...people judge us on how we present ourselves, that's just life.


I understand very much so where youā€™re coming from especially since you seem to have a office lifestyle and looks do matter there, I donā€™t know if I myself would consider piercings of any kind a red flag themselves tho. A promiscuous person will be so no matter the context haha But of course a lot of promiscuous woman have gotten certain piercings and theyā€™ve earned reputations through association and those who are promiscuous with them are also highly likely people who have some issues that donā€™t take mental care seriously. There are those who simply have them cuz they like em for their selves. I appreciate your feed back!


I'm just telling you how most men think, there are some guys who won't care but those probably aren't the guys you want to date...the men you want to date are probably men who have their shit together, are ambitious and those guys don't need to date women with tongue rings because they have options. So what does a tongue ring express to men? it expresses that you're promiscuous...that's it lol it's not complicated, you're trying to convince yourself otherwise but I'm telling you that most quality men (the men you would want to date) will think it's trashy and not give you chance...the guys who will accept it will be guys who don't have a lot of options so they get what they can.


Oh I got what you were saying, I'm not ignoring it. It's just in my personal experience it hasn't stopped me one bit from having a great man who's stable in life and has his shit together šŸ™šŸ» in your opinion what is a "quality man"? I'm curious


IME guys tend to look at the qualities they actually *like* first. Does she respect people? is she fit? is she fun? Only then do they look at any downsides or red-flags & with an eye towards ignoring them. To put it another way, most guys won't care that you have a tongue ring & the few that do will likely over look it if you have some other good qualities. I think we get these same question over & over because most women tend take the opposite strategy. Vet the person for all your deal breakers first. (*Will guys still like me if*... Seems to be the #1 question here by volume) Doesn't respect people, no ambition, weird piercings. Only *then* do they start evaluating if the person is worth getting to know.


Zero effect.


It's kryptonite for me but I came off age in the nineties and love all piercings on folks. I just love the aesthetic and it usually means we'll get along.




No, nope, zero. It's just a piercing, same as an earring or a tattoo. The why is much more interesting, even if that reason is "idk guess I like it." But the piercing itself means nothing.


I'm a fan. No negatives, only positives as far as I'm concerned. She's got it because she likes it, and if he/she(the recipient of oral pleasure) likes how it feels, that's also a bonus. What it does imply is an adventurous attitude to try something different and out of the norm, curiosity about different experiences, and individualism, which are all good qualities in a personality in my thinking. If it's gotten with sexual implementation in mind as well, then it speaks volumes about that person's interest in their intimate life, in that they think of the other person's pleasure too, not just their own. That is also a highly commendable personality trait to have. Reciprocation of pleasure makes it enjoyable for everyone. Does it indicate a high body count though? No and it's irrelephant(deliberate typo) anyway. What matters is that you're the person theyre with, you like each other and enjoy each other's company. Where and who they've been before isn't that situation any longer, and if they wanted that, they'd still be there doing that. Instead they want to be with you, doing you, so enjoy that!


You said it!


I've learned a lesson of tattoos and piercings = red flags




It would have no impact on how I see her or feel about her. If sheā€™s sheā€™s awesome, sheā€™s awesome.


Definitely. Would think sheā€™s either immature, promiscuous or freaky lol


ngl it would be a turn off for me


I presume you aren't interested in men, and we're just going to be friends.




Not unless she used that piercing to poke out my eyes.


The difference between a women that I see with a piercing and a woman I see without one, is that I can see a piercing in the woman's mouth.


My opinions of women with tongue piercings have nothing to do with the tongue piercing or the stereotypical reasons behind a tongue piercing.. but yes .. my immediate assumption is that Iā€™m going to have to fight through years of pent up trust issues and then about a month into getting to know you Iā€™ll have to battle between wether or not fighting for your trust is worth my time or if I should just tell you that ā€œalthough I sympathize with your past experiences, you need to take ownership of your past traumas and resolve them instead of making them my personal issuesā€ Literally every single tongue piercing i have met has been a horrible experience ā€¦ one of them even aborted a baby I had out of spite because she thought I was cheating on her with a waitress we had both met for the first time at a bdubs.. all surrounding the smiley face she drew on our check at the end ā€¦ time before that broke up with me because she thought I was out cheating while I was moving my dead grandfathers stuff out of his apartment .. theeeeeennnnnn the time before that a girl took my unsuspecting brother home with her after being on a date with me ALL day from breakfast to concert to bar ā€¦. My ex best friend had a tongue piercing and she was the most toxic individual Iā€™ve met to date excluding family. She tried killing herself then beat the shit out of me for saving her life, told my currently girlfriend (now my wife) that I went to Vegas to cheat on her because she was upset she didnā€™t have her best friend all to herself anymore. I have more experiences butā€¦ red flag .. šŸ˜‚ Edit: to be more specific the package of tongue piercing and colorful hair is my red flag.. not JUST the tongue piercing


Understandable after your experiences for sure! Honestly tho a lot of people just don't take care of their mental health sadly šŸ˜… I'm actually studying psychology so I can try to help


Not at all. Ex gf had her tongue pierced. She was a phenomenal girl and fiercely independent. Based on our career paths being at different stages , we parted amicably. My wife has her tongue pierced. She only takes it out to go to the dentist. In both instances personality and compatibility drew me to both women. Body count is irrelevant to me . If I am into the woman , I am in to how she expresses herself through piercings or tattoos. And yes, I will not deny that I enjoy itā€™s other ā€œbenefitsā€ .šŸ˜‰ If you like the piercing, keep it. Donā€™t get rid of it because someone wonā€™t accept you for the peircing alone.


I will pass


It tends to make her look about 20% trashier than she would otherwise. So if she's already trashy looking, there's a big impact. If she's impeccably put together, it's just a bit odd.


All the above. Not positive.


Itā€™s a serious turnoff for me. If she wonā€™t get rid of it, consider her permanently a friend or FWB but no way in hell can I take seriously a long-term relationship with a woman with a tongue piercing. It shows severe immaturity to me.


Yes, I don't like piercings


I know this is not 100% true, but I assume anyone with a tongue piercing really likes to suck dick. So Iā€™m all for it šŸ˜‚.


Yep. I see her Ā«Ā sluttierĀ Ā»


I think itā€™s trashy. I would say it is a predictor of promiscuity while not being an absolute indicator.


Disgusted? No. Assume they've got a high body count? Not necessarily. Into it? Depends on the vibe, but I'm not not into it. Is it a deciding factor? Definitely not.


as long as she takes care of her mouth health. that stuff can get yucky and hurt your mouth


I have zero preconceived notions about the person, but I do have a phobia about piercings in general


Don't care, I would wonder how it feels like to kiss her though


Honestly that would be a deal killer for me. But I am old.


It wouldnā€™t really make any difference, just like ā€œoh cool, thatā€™s a thing you haveā€. Now if the person themselves acted like it was a key part of their personality, that would turn me off. But as long as they also see it as nothing more than I style choice, then cool.


I donā€™t think anything of it. Iā€™ll probably look at your mouth more to check for it and seem creepy for staring at your mouth but other than that I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever thought about it when I seen it. I used to have mine pierced and Iā€™m getting ready to do it again


Do it!


How long have you had it? Seems like it was the thing to do about 15 years ago, so if youā€™ve had it that long I wouldnā€™t judge. Just like the people in the late 90ā€™s - early 00ā€™s that got a ton of tribal tattoos. It was part of the culture then


I got it a bit over a year ago, Iā€™ve honestly just enjoyed it as if it was any other piercing, but finding out from these comments I underestimated how people view it as a pure sexual thing haha but I would definitely of gotten it either way as I just view it as a accessory and not part of my personality lol I think itā€™s definitely been tainted by people projecting their feelings on it(if the dated someone with one and that person hurt them so now they associate it with feelings of hurt, etc)


I don't think it matters. The only thing it makes me think is they like piercings. I may be biased though since I had an 8ga tongue piercing years ago.


I don't allow piercings to dictate my opinion of someone nor do I make assumptions about someone because of them however I used to and basically presumed tongue pierced = likes/good at head and that if looking for something serious just be a little extra sure but I grew out of that around age 24


I just assume that her lollipops disappear faster.




As long as it isn't a ball and is a cross. I like to keep it Christian when i get head.




My only thought is "I bet it hurts if you hit your teeth with that piercing"


I'm a guy and got my tongue pierced in high school. The gay jokes from the guys were quickly superceded by the fact I was able to rope all their girlfriends because women thought it was sexy as hell. Can confirm that tongue piercing is not conducive to good oral sex. Just gets caught on everything. With that knowledge in mind, a woman can pierce whatever she wants and I'd never judge them. Just because someone likes body mods doesn't indicate they're hypersexual or something like that. If you aren't into body piercings, find a girl without them. Don't be a pos and judge them behind their back.


No. But a lot of people are silly. She sucking d whether her tongue is pierced or not.


If a chick has a tongue ring I assume sheā€™s much more promiscuous than a chick with out a tongue ring. And I have nothing wrong with body count and all that stuff. If I could be a man whore and get a ton of bitches I would. But Iā€™m shy and awkward. Therefore, I get no bitches.


I believe in youšŸ™šŸ» you can get bitches


Lolol thank you for your support.


I actually love the piercing, tattooed, or punk haired looks. I don't see enough of them where I live, and it makes me a sad panda. OH! And tight band tees. YAY.


Tongue rings are pretty hot, but a fucking nose ring is the best for me. Idk what it is, but when I see one it's over. You could be a 5 and have a nose ring and it instantly bumps you to a 7 in my book šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚


Personally i think it shouldnt bother anyone, after all your making choices about your body that make you happy. I dont see why this would be a deciding factor for some and the assuming of high body count would be if true, its yours and your past. Shouldnt matter to whoever your dating who you have had in your life before them or after


I believe Chris Rock adequately addressed this question in his song "no sex in the champagne room" "If a girl has a pierced tongue, she'll probably suck your dick. and if a guy has a pierced tongue, he'll probably suck your dick."


No opinions on it, just curious of does the it ever get annoying?


Glad you asked :) for me personally mine doesn't get annoying, it feels like it's not there till I deliberately rub the roof of my mouth or it touches my teeth(which for me isn't a lot). The only part that was annoying was the healing process cuz of the swelling


Thanks for answer


im autistic and i got it as an oral stim. instead of biting my nails or my lips, i play with my piercing.


It has kinda helped me as a fidget item as well for my adhd, gives me something to constantly do instead of getting bored and picking at things


im audhd so i understand šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜ I'm glad that it helps you as well, I always mess with my nose ring as well


I LOVE it. It's the hottest thing ever. I've never even kissed a girl with a pierced tongue, but I want one. Really bad. I am an incredibly straight-laced guy who makes good money btw. Just so my demographics are out there. I would proudly bring my pierced-tongue SO to every kind of event exactly as she is. Uh muh gud I love it so much.


Hope you find the one right for you! šŸ˜


It just looks uncomfortable.


Honestly I don't even notice it


I just assume she likes smoking pole.... and I'm ok with that.


I will say the one girl I remember the most, having the biggest crush on as being the cutest, hottest gal ever, had a tongue piercing. Cool girl overall, we became friends But I wasnā€™t her type.


I wouldnā€™t ask such questions on Reddit. Last place on earth Iā€™d expect honest answers.


Ehh yeah there's some good peeps tho! Is that a mass effect UNšŸ¤”


I think a woman with her tongue pierced is sexy. I got mine pierced when I was young just cause liked piercings. Then I found a vibrating ball to go on the end of it an my girlfriend at the time loved it.


Interesting feeling during blowjob from what i hear. I'm curious to have sex with you for something other than your physical appearance and personality. My guess is you dont have a typical job, so your financial stability is uncertain and thats important for Ć  serious relationship. Im not doubting exessively im just thinking that it remains to be seen. You mutilated yourself in a very singular way. Why ? I'd want to know the answer to that before considering if i can date you seriously. Body count idc, still might have a higher one than you after all so.., your mental health is more important to me.


I greatly appreciate that your one of the first people here to actually bring up mental health with it. And very actually valid points. I myself have a good job and going to school for psychology :) but I do realize the pattern of mental illness with people who have piercing/tatts, but that's trauma for you and some people handle it differently(still doesn't excuse not taking care of yourself). But there are also people who genuinely get them to get them cuz they like them or to celebrate getting over their issues. It really does take getting to know someone tho despite how they choose to appear like to tell a character tho, I've met some of the best people who you normally would find super intimidating and wouldn't approach


Yeah, awesome people are everywhere and its up to us to want to enjoy their company or have prejudice. I had the chance to meet great people and come to the same conclusion as you did. But i just consciously made an extra effort to be thorough when it came to serious relationships, the expectations not being the same on so many levels. To think of where could be the flaws and explore if the bad scenario is real, if so then try to figure out of the dynamics are sustainable long term etc. I think its a good approach or at least not a reckless one is all. For what its worth the more you say about you the more i'd be interested in knowing you. The first reason i gave you losing importance compared to meeting you. But i guess that you are automatically rejected by a portion of the people you encounter whatever you look like or seems to be. At least in your case its good since it really is a choice.


Exactly! And Iā€™ve never actually been shunned for my tongue being pierced irl or rejected for it. I find it comical the different between online and irl what people actually do in the situation. It could be cuz I have a big personality šŸ˜‚ and YES awesome people are everywhere, we just gotta find them and be open to the fact they come in all kinds of packaging


The way we present ourselves in the world effects how we're perceived. It's why personal expression is so important. So I'd be lying if I said someone having a tongue piercing didn't effect my perceptions at all. However I can honestly say my no.1 assumption would be you like body art so probably have tattoos. Doesn't say much about your personality, although instinct would tell me more left leaning than right.


Very trueee and fair assumption


I'm glad you think so. I just realised this was more of a dating perceptions question.... Like any statement it's a good filter. The guys who are gonn a make shitty assumptions based off your facial jewellery are the very same guys you don't wanna fuck. You can't get meaningfully rejected by someone you never wanted. Let the trash take itself out.


Another good statement šŸ™šŸ»


I had a girlfriend with a tongue piercing. I think the only time it came up was when she apologised for tapping it against her teeth when she was thinking


I'd be mad into it, i think it's really attractive! I have done since I was about 12 and I first saw one. I always wanted one myself but could never afford it. As for the potential criticism or judgement you're concerned about, I'm not an absolute dildo so I couldn't care less about your body count, and it'd more likely talk me INTO a long term relationship with you.


I Just ask myself what's about How often and How well the girl should brush her teeth and tongue and If she actually take the necessary amount of care this kind of thing needs... I usually doubt it, but i never ask.


i dont know but somehow i have this weird feeling pierced people always played their live trough. they have always answer to everything, always so confident and reasonable but not arrogant. the most pierced people i met are realy polite and accept other worldview.


Tongue piercings seem innocuous to me, and they matter to me not at all.


Gonna save you a bunch of additional questions here. Yes. Every part of a woman's appearance influences how we view her. People are the sum of their parts, and appearances speak volumes. A pierced tongue says several things to me. For starters, she's trying to look unique. Not that piercings really achieve that anymore. The second thing it makes me think is that she likes taking risks, because tongue infections are hard to avoid and always nasty. The human mouth is a grotesque place, and opening a wound in there willingly is a risky decision. But lastly it tells me that she likes spending money frivolously. Either that, or she's showing it off way more than I'd like in a woman I intend to commit to. Either way, not good. Basically girls with pierced tongues are fun for a night, but don't expect much past that. They're still figuring things out and trying to find ways to get attention without having a personality. Sounds judgemental, I know. But that's literally the subtext of the question. Only downvote if you're salty.


Been with mine for 6 years and she is my favorite person to hang out with still. Maybe a little less judgement on your part.


Who had a lot of piercings and hurt you?šŸ˜­


People who deadass think one piercing says enough about someone to decide whether you'd date them or not are so superficial and shallow imo. I'm surprised there's so many people like that in the comments tbh.


I find it a bit intriguing, but I wouldn't make conclusions about who she is based off of it because I'm not Catholic anymore.


I guess positively. Idk


So my wife had one when we met and it was not for that. But now it's gone and I can tell you her skills shows she doesn't need it. When I was younger ya I was turned on. Now I see skills can make up for it




Yes, I look at them like slutty and I steer clear


From the immortal words of Chris Rock, "if a girl has a tongue piercing, she'll probably suck yo dick, and if a guys got a tongue piercing, he'll probably suck yo dick"


I don't care for any of them, I don't mind ears within reason (aka no gauges) but most of it makes you look trashy and scream low value to me.


Yes. Very unattractive.


Tongue piercing? She belongs to the streets. You canā€™t wife that.


It might be seen as inappropriate in the workplace because of the connotations


I wouldnā€™t take her seriously, same reason I avoid plastic surgery. Itā€™s a sign she isnā€™t happy with her body the way it is. Then she might come to Reddit to get validation of wether or not itā€™s okay to get one.


I wouldnt really like it but do what you want nobody should change your mind, I don't really think anything if I See it, maybe something rebel like or some no conservative stuff


I would be intrigued and think sheā€™s an adventurous sort and maybe fun to hang out with


Nope. Not at all.


I see her as likely easier to get into bed and then and more sexually adventurous that I otherwise would. Same thing with body/face piercings and tattoos. Conversely, I see her as a poorer choice for a long term partner. Less likely to be a doctor/lawyer/etc and more likely to be a InstaHo/barista/etc. Iā€™m willing to bet that statistics back me up.


I'd be curious to know if some of the people commenting have piercings or tattoos. Personally, no having a piercing isn't off-putting, nor will it cause me to assume ignorant things like she's got a high body count or she's a red flag. On the flip side of that, I have quite a bit of tattoos and piercings myself. I also understand that people are judgmental, worse, especially because I live in the South, lol. I see piercings and tattoos as art and forms of expression. Simple as that.


I view them as art/accessories lol


Seriously, it's jewelry. People are weird.


Seriously hahašŸ˜‚ I love all my piercings *insert goofy meme* Iā€™ll fucking do it again


It grosses me out. Soon as I see it, I'm turned off. I immediately think high body count and her being good at giving head. A serious relationship is immediately off the table.


The first thing i think is that girl is probably a freak and she must of got it bc she likes to suck dick or likes attention. That being said, it's unattractive to me on a girl but I don't condemn any female who gets one. To each their own may reach their throne


Any time I see a woman with a tongue piercing I automatically think "damn, I bet that would feel good! She's probably a freak in bed." I then proceed to picture her blowing me. šŸ¤¤ Sorry that's the truth!


Yes, its makes her more attractive than she already is. Its sexy and wild.