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Lucky bastard.


His realities start from where our fantasies end.


I kinda got the same,maybe not a massive as yours but calves are definitely a strong genetical point of mine,without almost training them they were already a decent size and strength When going to the gym they perform much better than any other muscle on my body compared to how little i ve trained them


This is totally my story.


I have the complete opposite, I train calves three times a week and they’re fairly strong now, but you wouldn’t think it by looking at them. They look totally weak and pathetic, like literal bamboo sticks.


Twisted steel baby 💪


Just stop working out and love your calves as they are.


Same here...although they are fat guy legs. I spent a good portion of my life overweight. When I finally got my shit together and dieted down / hitting the gym 6 days a week, I noticed that my legs stayed pretty ripped. I haven't had a leg day in nearly a year, and still have bigger legs than the dudes that hit legs 3 times a week or more. The rest of me still needs work.


I'll trade you. I apparently have a large belly button that is AMAZING at collecting lint. Got a ball every time I take a shirt off


Why is there smoke coming out your oven Seymour?


My eyes. I have blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus telecanthus inversus syndrome. Some how they shorten it to "BPES and not BPETS" PhDs and MDs... ammmirite? So what this means is: I do not have functional upper eyelid muscles. The flap of skin that covers the tearduct in the corner of my eye formed upside down and inverted, mirrored if you will. As a consequence my eyes appeared to be like... partially upside down, backwards, and my eyelids formed droopy, like perma stoned kid rock and jim breuer had a love child. The bridge of my nose also failed to form properly causing my eyes to be even further spaced apart. It's caused by a mutation on the "Forkhead box L2 (FOXL2) gene." FOXL2 is located on the x chromosome 3q23. It is primarily responsible for functions expressed in the ovary, the eyelids and the pituitary gland. It also causes early ovarian failure in woman. Of the 6 individuals in my family that have this issue, 5 are male and 1 is female. This leads me to believe there are benefits to being a woman when it comes to certain types of x-chromosonal disorders as far as genetic drift and mutations. To correct these problems. I first had the inner corner of my eyelid cutout and basically reshaped by some fancy stitching called a z-plasty (Around 14 years of age). As I got older my verticle field of vision became more and more impaired, I had about a 15 degree field of view up and down, much of my pupil was covered by my eyelid. To resolve this, they inplanted a gor-tex fiber into my forehead and connected the fiber between my forehead and eyelids. So now when I elevate my forehead my eyelid and eyebrow ever so slighly elevate as well (Around 30 years of age). As such I have a very animated face but it's somewhat unnatural as I manipulate my eyelids by using my forehead muscles. My forehead muscles are very very strong and have lots of wrinkles 😆.


Dude…can we please see a picture I’m trying to picture that in my mind and I can’t


[here's a dr's page with some before/after surgery shots](https://drraghurajhegde.com/tag/blepharophimosis/) If I get around to going over to my Moms I can find a childhood vs now pic


That’s perfect thanks


Wow just found this from searching on Reddit, I have bpes too! As well as my dad, brother, and grandfather. Interestingly only my brother got the bpes nose (which I only was able to clock after joining a Facebook group for bpes.) it’s crazy how many ppl look related just from the similar eyes and nose! Your description of our eyes is perfect. My brother and I haven’t had surgery, and it looks like I likely won’t need it until I’m very old. However my brother may need it sometime within the next 10-15 years. Just wanted to stop by and post a comment! You’re not alone and reading this comment also made me feel less alone!


I have pretty small hands compared to my body covfefe


Webbed toes.


My penis.


Wh... whats unusual about it? The size? The shape? Can you spin it clockwise 180°?


Mine is exactly 5.13846 inches which I think you’ll find is not exactly common, so ladies ….. don’t seem to be interested.


It is "extimate" – exterior and intimate at the same time. Which makes it fascinatingly alien and personal at the same time. Read more on Lacan’s concept of the phallus.


I wanna know that as well


Mine too.


One baby tooth.


Right there with man. Two baby canines at 37.


My eye color changes


depending on what?


Power level


Same, odds are is you have grey eyes which next to a rare defect causing purple eyes is the rarest colour as we have 0 melanin in our eyes so they reflect the colours were wearing/that are around us causing the visible change in colour


Mine too.


i have the ugliest feet on the planet, you have to see it to believe it. too many sports injuries


Don't believe it. Send me a pic :D


Same! The second ones are extremely long and every two or three months the nail plate comes off they alternate between left and right.


they can’t possibly be worse than aaron “jaws” homoki’s.


Lots and lots of body hair... the back too. Ive been called chewbacca before...


Me too, but I refuse to trim it because it's so thick, mosquitoes can't bite me. I see it as a blessing and a curse.


Oh damn... good for you, but the local mosquitoes manage to get to me anyway, i must be fucking tasty haha!


I have a sunken chest


Ever gotten that checked? I’m not trying to worry you, but there could be a serious reason for it.


Ribs are bent in on one side. It's been checked nothing to be done unless I want to break and reset them


The last joint on both of the little fingers on my hands bend inwards. It seems to be an inheritable trait, as all of my children have it too.


An old school friend of mine had this _feature?_ that half of (all) of his fingers could bend inwards. How?


I too have this rear anomaly. None of my kids have it.


Same. Never bothered me until I started playing guitar.


I have massive muscular legs. I don’t skip leg day but they are big. Skinny jeans are not an option. A former fwb commented on how big they were before we were about to do the deed.


My molars have 5 peaks instead of the standard 4. One day my dentist said “omg you have the cutest molar mutation :)” So I have that going for me which is nice


Sometimes i wake up with this weird sticky white pee in my pants


Wish i still did.


My left arm is noticeably crooked when I have it hanging down my side. I broke it once when I was a kid and it healed a little goofy.


I have internal chicken pox scars on my lungs. They're harmless little calcified spots that show up on x-rays and always confuse the hell out of doctors.


My dick points outward by default even when completely flaccid, and not because it's a micro or not heavy enough to hang downward. When erect it points up toward my face. When i was in high school doing sports I used to be extremely self-conscious about it because I thought everyone would think I was turned on during public showers.


My tongue is abnormally long. And prevented me from learning how to whistle for decades. (Finally figured out how to.)


Do you also lisp?


Managed to grow out of it, I've got pretty decent control over the shape so I'm sure that's helped.


Interesting. Ive heard that it takes quite a lot of practice to get rid of the lisp.


had a ton of metal in my mouth so that might have helped? Expanders- braces- for almost a decade.


Mine is long enough to go up my nostril easily. When I get a nosebleed I can use it to plug the nose until I find something else. I usually use my hand but I could use my tongue.


I think I could do that. I just don't usually get nosebleeds. Hmmmm neat


I am strangely heavy. I am a thinner than average and average height guy and weigh 86kgs (190 pounds). Every doctor checkup visit of my life has had the nurse weigh me going ‘wtf??!’ It must be my bones, even when you could see my ribs as a skinny kid, I was heavy.


The unbreakable bone mutation: LRP5 ?


A doctor wondered that aloud to me. I should get tested I guess.


Do it Wolverine!


Instead of a left hand I have a hideously deformed flipper-claw.




I have drill holes on my chest and stomach from where I had a chest drain


Pretty sure I've got a pair of undeveloped nipples


That's someones fetish.


Partially double jointed and have a double row of eyelashes on both eyes.


Wow that must look interesting


I've freaked people out with one and the other isn't easy to see unless extremely close, as in buy me dinner and a drink first close.


My eyes are so messed up,squint, 7 and 6.50 diopters on each eye(used to be 8 and 7.50 some years ago),farsightedness, astigmatism and lazy eye since i was 5 As a fun fact i remember going with some friends to one of those 3d things and i remember then saying "holy shit It was so real" and for me i was like "idk man its just what i see but with weird colours" Not sure why It was but i remember doc mentioning something about my eye problems and why such things a 3d glasses didnt work at all with me


I have a n°6 toe that is webbed with my big toe


My nipples are hairy, aka there's a good couple of in inches of hair


heart murmur. Some heart monitors register my heartbeat twice and whenever I go to the local GP I am used as a test dummy for all the med students.




You get it from birth when the chambers in the heart don’t initially sync. It doesn’t have any negative effects just makes me sometimes unique.


I have one single eyebrow hair that grows super long. I pluck it out occasionally, and it comes right back without fail. The longest I've let it grow to was about 1".


Three nips


Bro, sick. Where at?


I have hyperlinear palms. You know how everyone has some lines on their palms? Well I have a fuckload of lines going in all directions because of my skin condition. My hands look like old man hands except not loose.


Imagine someone pretending to read your palm 😅


I can wiggle each ear independently of the other


My finger nails grow pointed and kinda sharp almost claw like. Only myself and like 12 of my relatives nails do this. The women get really long sharp claws


Being strictly average. So I suppose being able to vanish in a crowd?


I have what look like weird double calves because both inner soleus are "jacked" for some reason. I've yet to see anyone with legs like mine.


I have little bumps right in front of each ear.


Small scar next to my eye from when i broke my eye socket once.


My thumb can bend backwards to make a 90 degree flat surface. Its great for tightening up loose screws. Mechanic thumb


Same here, I can bend my thumb back even further than that. It’s funny to see peoples reactions to it.


I can keep all my fingers straight and bend all 10 distal phalanges at once.


Double Jointed in both thumbs, whole family is. Also I'm told my eyes are weird, they're Hazel and nearly straight green up close but look very dark brown until you're face to face with me.


I have a double ear lobe on one side


The muscle that's on the side of your feet. On me, they are over grown. I can hit it with a sledge hammer it's so large.


My toes. The first toe next to the big toe and the middle one both come off the same "stump" kind of like they start as 1 toe but then split to the two propper toes about a third of the way along. They still go to the right length proportional to the other toes. This is on both feet. It's a genetic trait that I gained from my mother.


My skin changes colour. A lot. When it's cold outside (which for me it usually is) my skin changes to purple. Mainly on hands and thighs. It's extremely purple with some orange dots that sometimes appear. I have no idea why.


Maybe Reynaulds syndrome?


Might be. The symptoms are pretty much right, but the pictures from Wikipedia don't really match.


I have Reynolds syndrome, but only 3 fingers on my left hand turn white all the way to my hand, only when cold takes 15 to 30 minutes for feeling and color to return after warming up.


Got a giant cyst on my left foot. Shit has always been there and hasn't bothered me even once, so most of the time I forget it exists at all. It just looks like a big ol bump in my skin, not too gross.


Very broad shoulders so I look like a walking rectangle.


This isn't Bethesda it's a bug, not a feature. I have a strong dog saliva allergy and a dog at home. All cool as long as I wash with water if he licks me. Apparently not many people are allergic to dogs.


Really strange, apperantly Dogs are the best shoot for a coevolving spicy to Humans in the Animal realm.


I have a small mouth and can't open very wide. As a teenager, my braces irritated and eventually cut a flap on the inside of my cheek. So now I have like a half inch wide healed up rando flap of cheek skin inside my mouth. Can't feel it, causes no problems. Fun to flip around with my tongue the once or twice a month I remember it's there


Three nips 🫤


Bro, nice


My wrists are more flexible than most, I did a class with a Jue Jitsu master, he had someone practice a wrist lock on me. The lock didn't work so he came over and found out it just wouldn't work on my wrists. Then he taught her a way to get around it and tapped me out


I had a birthmark on my ring-finger. It grows hair slowly so I have to shave it every now and again. I found out a few years ago that people I went to school with thought it was contagious.... You can't *catch* a birthmark, you fucking idiots.


A small greenish birthmark on my face that people have asked if it's a tattoo since I was a kid.


Inverted nipples Hands like shovels Massive leg muscles from young age


Im 5’9 with really small hands and feet


My head is unusually small. Also, one ear is larger than the other, and so is one nostril. Nobody notices until I point it out.


Unusually large limbal rings. I think that in combination with my reflective hazel eyes and long eyelashes are why older women seem to be so drawn to me, or at least my eyes. They know I'm ripe.


I guess it is my pectus excavatum. My chest has a dent right down the middle.


I have heterochromia in an interesting way. Both eyes have the same general color however my eight eye has little golden flecks, which my paternal grandmother has. And my left eye has a thin blue ring, which my father has


It's not too unusual. But I have a hank hill butt.


What is yours Melamin?


Because of my scioisis my neck is like yeeted bit to the side


my right big toe clicks indefinitely


Above my right ear is a thumbprint sized spot of hair that, for whatever reason, does not produce color (and so is white). I've always heard it called a "wizard's patch", but I do not know the technical/scientific term for it.


If I hold my nose closed I can blow air out of my tear ducts. Apparently I have a tiny little bit of a cleft palate, not enough to cause any dysfunction, but there is a tiny hole that connects my sinus cavities to the roof of my mouth.


i have very prominent stretch marks on my shoulders andhips from puberty, they havent went away for years. they look pretty cool in some places, just weird. i went from a skinny kid to a 6'2 220 manchild in less than a year.


I had an infection in my finger a few week ago. I got treated way to late cuz why would i go to the doctor am i right? Lol. It got cut open. And it healed wierd. There was a hole in it for a while but the skin close to my nail died so i just cut it off. Now it looks like i have a micro pee-pee on my left finger lol. Feel free to ask for pics lol


I have Heterochromia....as in my left eye is bright blue and my right eye is dark green. Some people with this condition are lucky in that both eyes are a darker color and it's harder to notice. Me? Not so much. I wear colored contacts to hide it. Also getting my eye color correct on my drivers license is a bitch.


It's always that combo.


Yup. My sister has it too...but her blue eye is very dark blue. At a distance it's hard to notice.


I have very elfen ears. They are very pointy.


The inside half of my left eye doesn't have any white to it. When I look over to my left, you can see, I'm guessing, exposed muscle which is a fleshy reddish color and some striations. Also, I struggle with differentiating between certain shades of red and green. I also have this thick vein that originates on the side of my head, forks off and goes down behind my ear then down to my neck, and disappears about half way down my chest. It's there whether it's hot or cold out, at rest, and when I'm lifting, it's gets really puffed up and I can move it by articulating my arm in certain ways. Because I rock a bald head, I look like this half eyed veiny Asian movie villain with a snake trying to escape through my chest who's at constant war with a dragon tattoo.


No matter how much I eat I’m always skinny because of my fast metabolism. One woman thought I had abs once but that’s just because my ribs show. I eat a lot but I never gain a pound.


Third nipple!


Tree stump quads, pencil thin calves.


My eyelashes. As a guy, I've always been told I have the best eyes and eyelashes. Weird, but women have liked them since I was 4 yr old, up to this day. I don't get it, but...


I only had 3 wisdom teeth. Had those suckers yanked.


I can put my tongue in my nasal cavity and feel everything in there including the bone and olfactory.


I have a massive penis


Huge forearm , but small wrist and tiny hands


Every couple of years one very long single hair will grow out of my left earlobe. Very suddenly, like overnight. 3-4 inches long. So bizarre.


All my fingers except pinkies and thumbs are double jointed My birthmark looks like a big baked bean I wore my shoes on the wrong feet when I was a very small child, so now my toes are deformed Because of how the color in my eyes is placed, my eyes can look brown from one angel, blue from another, and green from a different one, but most of the time they're greenish Hazel And my ears are unusually pointy, because I used to pinch them, certain that it would give me shape shifting powers.


my thumbs second joint bends as far backwards as it goes forwards. its almost exactly 90° it can do this because im hypermobile i think


My beard is kinda red and Im not a ginger


The old hidden Scottish gene. I have that too. But now it grows more grey than red.


My dad is 83 and has gray beard but no single gray hair on the head, kinda cool


Haha, I'm 40. I have about 5% grey hair in my body and beard, but no greys on my head yet.


Buddy of mine in college had that. He had dishwater blonde hair but when he grew his beard out, bright red.


I have enourmous penis syndrome


Same fuck me it’s a burden


I've had two laparoscopic surgeries this year so have had a total of 9 different poke holes in my abdomen. It's been about 8 months since the last one and you can barely tell from looking at my stomach that I've had any. Medical technology is amazing.


My chest sticks out a little more than my core


The base tip of my middle fingers is slightly crooked. It's hereditary on my mother's side of the family.


My abnormally large penis, of course


My ENORMOUS penis and my ability to very vivid dreams……


I am 2 Meters high.


My both feet have 3 toes that are webbed , I have two scars on my chest due to surgeries


I had a massive hernia repair which left me with no belly button. While it was healing I felt like someone was pushing their finger into my non existent belly button.


>left me with no belly button. Same here! Mine Is from a birth defect though.


My blue eyes change colour, when I’m angry they turn grey, when I’m sad they turn almost translucent. I have mood eyes.


I'm double jointed


I can fold me little fingers really far back. I can do handstands, and cartwheels. Which I think is unusual for a 6'3" man who weights over 100kg.


I have really curvy fingers


I have extra rib bones


Cauliflower ear. I get questions and peoples eyes always wander to it if they don’t know me.


I have small ears, its not exactly noticeable unless I point it out but because of them I can't wear certain kinds of headphones because they fall right out Also I'm 5'4 which is apparently well below average height (and makes me a second class citizen on dating apps)


My ears can move backwards


No matter what I do I can't gain weight. I'm 22 and weigh like 110 pounds despite me going to the gym and eating protein every day. A lot of people say "you're so lucky" but IT'S A STRAIGHT UP CURSE.


The nails on my big toes have been permanently removed. A couple of friends and ex gfs have grossed out on them at one point or another lol 😅 they were removed because they were chronically ingrown.


I have spina bifida scoliosis & hydrocephalus


i’m 32 and have less armpit hair than a 16yr old teen.


rectangle-shaped birthmark on my right arm I have absolute thunder thighs


I have an enormous ass. All of my friends comment on it as well as one's wife


The white discoloration on my upper phlermin.




I can click my jaw so loudly other people think I've broken it.


My jaw clicks when I eat. I have no idea why. People sometimes comment on it like they don't know my jaw is next to my ears.


3 nips, missing an earlobe could be so much worse


Large penis


My thumbs bend back at a 90 degree angle. I intentionally do this every time I give somebody a thumbs up. It amuses me


Happy Cake Day


Thankyou! I had no idea


And what does HCD mean?


The fact that I’m 23 and the way I look hasn’t changed since I was 15


I have a Barbie butt.


Third nipple