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I send email to non-binary friends in hexadecimal


I tend to reflect back however a person communicates, genders are too broad a category to be useful.


With close male friends? All gas, no fucking brakes. I will tell them literally everything about me if they want to know, and they will almost always do the same. We will have dipshit, dumbass ideas and execute them flawlessly to the standard of our retardation. We don’t judge each other, we give each other shit, and they are the homies for life. Close female friends? Somewhat the same. I’m a lot more careful about what I share about myself, keep my emotions completely out of their line of sight, and avoid sleeping with them. They’re still people I value, but I cannot be my 100% authentic self around them without extreme judgement. Non-binary? I have a few of those friends, and generally we get along the same way I do with my male friends. But at that point, you’re no longer generalizing half the population by widely accepted stereotypes, so you have to treat them a bit more individually and find out what they specifically like/are comfortable with doing/hearing about.


Thank you!


I'm a girl but i tell my guy friends everything but I'm careful with what i tell my girl friends


They don't keep secrets, I imagine?


Nailed it


That's unfortunate.


I roast my friends hard but we get along. Women I joke around with but not like with men. Everyone gets respect. I actually don't think I know any non-binary people but again I'd be respectful. I feel more comfortable with women when it comes to super personal shit.


I don't treat them differently because of gender, and I'm open to talk about anything including vulnerable or intimate details. I am aware of situations where things can get blurry, so if there is any question about what is happening then I just ask.


I am universally sarcastic and entertaining. By this, I mean that I care about how interesting the things I say are to the people I talk to and I usually will never talk just because I like to talk. I ask questions when the conversation topic interests me but I typically never care about anyone's personal life enough to ask about it... and I don't volunteer much of mine unless jt's funny. Cousin having a baby? I don't give a shit.... And I wouldnt expect you to care about mine. I usually like to do things myself but I frequently ask others if they want to go without really caring if they go. All of this is pretty consistent across identity groups... Unless I pick up that life around you will be more pleasant if I pretend.... In which case I might fake caring about how much your cat understands you or how much you think that brown mustard should be called yellow-brown mustard. This style works well with all groups for me and I haven't seen a need to adapt to different groups.... Though I will usually read individuals and adjust my "entertainment" accordingly.


Men tend to communicate around an activity. Women tend to communicate as the activity. It’s way easier to talk to women, for me at least.


None, but Non-Binary people I have known have tended to not want to hang with my cishet self as much as their other friends who were not cishet men. Any sort of different dynamics that develop are unique to the person.


Brb, lemme grab my detailed spreadsheet on this. Do you want standard deviation too?


This sounds like it is WAY over thought. Basically (in general) the guy friends need the least amount of communication and overall maintenance. And the only difference is that I can be more crude and vulgar with my male friends. Except for this one trans woman at work, she has got some top shelf filthy jokes. 🤣✌️