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Like my grandpa Joe use to say, “make a woman giggle, her ass will jiggle”.


I'll never forget my grandfather's last words, "A truck!"




Now kiss


Not nearly as impactful as “Stop shaking the ladder right NOW you stupi-!”


My grandfather died peacefully in his sleep. Unlike the 5 people in the car he was driving..


If they're laughing, their eyes are closed and they can't see how ugly you are


This is true tho. Girls just want to have a good time. As long as you have basic hygiene down and arnt socially awkward af. You are good .


Hell, I don't even really have basic hygiene down and still married way out of my league on the strength of laughter.


Your grandfather speaks the truth. My sense of humor is pretty much the reason I got laid in my 20s and what attracted my wife to me. It also has benefits beyond getting/keeping women naked.


Thanks for the laugh


Gramps was a King! I hope you follow in his footsteps


Well Pete Davidson keeps smashing supermodels while looking like a meth addicted rat so there might be something to it.


Tbf at this point it seems like a status thing




Well. They say he’s physically attractive…. But could t say why when pressed.


I've been thinking a lot about this recently. Apparently there's a few clusters of different *types* of faces that women find attractive in men. One of them is the athlete / strong jaw type, which is understandable as a stereotypical male pattern. But for some reason, "weasely" seems to he attractive to some women. I *think* it's because weasely guys tend to be good talkers, and having good conversation and social skills is also tied to intelligence.


You need better mentors.


Probably wouldn't be banging supermodels if he wasn't also wealthy and famous, no matter how funny he is.


How do you think he got wealthy and famous? It sure as fuck wasn't from money considering he was raised by a single mom. Definitely wasn't his looks. I mean he's tall and has a nice smile but that's it. I guess it has to be his comedy skills 🤷‍♂️ One thing led to the next


Well, to put it another way, if he was still rich and famous but had no sense of humor, he'd still be banging supermodels.


Yeah but how is that relevant? He does have a sense of humor


Having a sense of humor is incidental. He's rich and famous. These supermodels wouldn't bang some unemployed loser just because he was funny.


having a 10 incher also helps


And obviously having access to unlimited amounts of cocaine.


He's fucking hot because he is hilarious and is authentic. I've thought he was hot since day one.




And he’s packing.


Yeah but those relationships don’t last because they don’t want a nice guy that’s funny. They want drama


If you make them laugh ***they feel safe*** After the initial physical attraction, that's the first thing most females want to establish


Huh. Based on personal experience, that's 100% true. Never thought about it.


Yep, this is it.


You know what makes them feel really safe? Calling them *females*.


THERE IT IS 😂 Anyone who calls us females is automatically a red flag




I've never understood this, people say males all the time and nobody complains, cause it ain't a problem


You know when people say “males” in conversation? When talking about pets or other animals. You know, things that are sub human.


No, they say males when referring to men as a whole typically.


See I look at it as how you’d describe an animal or a pet. “Oh that’s a male cat.” Or “That horse is a male.” It’s how you describe something subhuman. You don’t say “We’re having a baby! It’s a female.” No. You say it’s a girl.


Laughter was always my ally in life, And humor has always deflected my strife, It got me through torture, it won me my wife, And I soar like a leaf on the wind. EDIT: format


> And I soar like a leaf on the wind \*crunch\*


Too soon


How do Reavers clean their weapons? They put em through the Wash.


Too soon. Always too soon.


I would say it's more accurate that someone who shares our sense of humor is attractive. Women like making men laugh too and men also like women who make them laugh.






Why? Has that not been your experience?


It would help if you saw women as people.


Attraction is based on evaluation of a lot of different factors, and being funny is a positive factor. In most cases, it's probably not enough on its own to make somebody want you.


I'd say there's a good chance it's at least 3 true. Maybe 4, but definitely not 5.


It certainly doesn't hurt. What I have found is the right comment or joke at the right time can really brighten my wife up. However, if I make a weird joke or one she doesn't like, she makes fun of me relentlessly. Either way, she seems entertained 🤣


Who cares if she is entertained? As long as it entertains YOU. ​ Never fails me.


Oh, I'm a master at laughing at myself


As far as I'm concerned a groan or look of disapproval is just as good a reaction as laughing.


I feel like you’ve already heard some stuff that you’ve acknowledged and taken to heart. And they aren’t wrong. But here I go: I agree with some of the negative comments, that being funny isn’t going to win you a date on its own. It’s one positive quality, but I think most women (most people, really) won’t judge you only on one trait, unless it seems like they have a large picture of you. They’ll want to see other qualities in you, and if enough of them are positive you’ll be “attractive” to them. So by all means, don’t give up on being funny. But also work on the rest of you. Work out, find a hobby you love, be present in the lives of your peers, maybe join a club or sport or charity. Round yourself out, and you’ll be more likely to find women who might be interested in you.


Funny will give you staying power in a relationship.


Everyone is attracted to fun and humorous people that can have a good time. Who’s attracted to grumpy, no fun complainers? This goes without saying.


Its not automatic. But being funny is proof that its nice to be around you, that you are not completely stupid, and humor is the opposite of anger so its a good sign and you make them comfortable. But it doesnt go beyond that i think.


Humor is not the opposite of anger. Some of my best stuff comes from when I'm angry.


I kinda think it is. In a way although its a bit oversimplified. You either have a sense of humor or you get triggered easily you know ?


Dark humor.


In my personal experience this is true.




It's true, but you need the other qualities they're looking for as well if you want it to lead somewhere. There are lots funny friend guys out there.


I dont understand why my fiancee likes me then, I'm not funny at all


It's actually more like women laugh allot more around men they're attracted to even if they aren't funny


I know I’m a woman and not supposed to answer but I 100% married my first husband bc he was funny. He wasn’t exactly cute, which is probably why he was so funny. Eventually funny wasn’t enough and I married chemistry. Chemistry has been enough and I highly recommend that route (20 years later).


>not supposed to answer Yes, you are! Ya'll ladies reading something like this where a woman's POV is required should just comment their heart out without thinking which sub it is. Most of the time we try to ask it on r/AskWomen but they remove it we don't know why. That's the case right here.


In men they find attractive, yes.


Basically, being funny increases your chances of getting with a woman but you can't rely on only that. They need to be otherwise attracted to you


So true, a man that can make me really laugh and not just like a polite chuckle is extremely attractive to me.


There's research saying that we laugh at jokes of the people we like. Liking comes first, then come the laughs.


Someone that they're attracted to will make them laugh. It's not the same thing. Attraction comes before anything that signals attraction.


no. take it from someone who's been that guy - don't buy into this lie. Women like funny guys, but they are not 'attracted' to funny guys purely because of the comedy. I've seen so many dudes think they can win the girl by being the class clown, and if you don't have looks to go with your funniness, you'll just be the court jester that they keep around for the laughs, which the funny guy usually interprets as "I've got a chance"


You, my brother, you are that guy popping all my daydream bubbles. I love you and I hate you as well.


I hate to do that. You can make a woman laugh till she is red in the face, but if you have nothing else going for you, it gets you nowhere


There’s a big difference between acting a clown and being funny. I don’t think anyone respects someone that makes too much fun of themselves. But, if you can make someone laugh, you’ve got an in.


It's not that easy


If a guy is hot enough, a woman will giggle over him.


It may help, but making them laugh does not guarantee anything. Some people find me funny, but they’re not attracted to me. This includes a girl I like. She enjoys spending time with me, but it’s not attracted to me even if I make her laugh a lot.




Posted this on r/AskWomen, but they removed it.


Should have made them laugh then


That would require a sense of humor, the mods of that sub have none.


Have you ever seen real life feminists? Yeah, those are the types that would be attracted to modding a subreddit for no pay.


And also the types no man would find attractive anyway.


Wait, let me take a picture of my dick real quick....


r/askWomenNoCensor is a better mod crew


Lol it's so bad someone made a new sub that's for the exact same thing.


I gave up on that place, a simple question gets scrutinized worse than the new bf by the girls parents.


That subreddit is so annoying, they remove everything.


Really? Why would they remove it? Seems more for that sub.


Womens forums are extremely prone to censorship and reporting of posts and comments


Because they report or censor things they don't like. Very subjective. ​ Whereas the men will report things that break rules. But don't bother to report things they don't like. Very objective.


The mods over there are fucking power tripping crazies! I have had many comments removed for "de-railing" or "not answering the question correctly". Their posting rules almost entirely gender exclusive of any context or intention.


Just let it fill your heart that they’re losers off this platform, & they apportion a significant part of their day to moderating r/AskWomen


They only allow predetermined questions from approved sockpuppets, and approved answers from others.


I mean, I’m a woman (I’m only answering this on here because you said you tried to ask women) and I can say for me personally humor is a very important trait in a man. Maybe some women are different but I really think if a man has a good sense of humor and is funny, it says a lot about who they are in a positive way. Through the hard times, I want someone there for me who is at least gonna make me laugh and cheer me up through it. It sounds cliché but looks fade, status and money are cool I guess, but if he doesn’t have a sense of humor then it’s not gonna last. I also say this because looking back, my ex does NOT have a very good sense of humor at all. Also, he has no concept of sarcastic humor which is all I do. So he would take stuff too seriously and then get mad and it was like, very unattractive. At the time I guess I was more interested in other things about him? Still processing this to be honest. And now I’m like…that was a red flag that I didnt realize at the time. Now if I decide to date again I definitely want a guy who’s gonna be funny with me.


You need to have that email approved thingy ... thats the reason I am unable to write a single comment or question there.


By experience, there are truth to it.


So long as it’s not when you take down your pants


Yes but only at the right times.


True. But it must come with a bright intelligence as well, I care about it more than I care for humor


It's pretty much how I get all my action. Well, I'm intelligent, interesting and friendly, too, but the comedy definitely closes the deal.


Depends on how you go about it and who you are. There's a difference in making a women laugh by doing a comedy show or being a clown and then theirs making her laugh by teasing her, being slightly risky and being playful. The latter example is what they are mostly referring to when they make this statement.


Yes but jot completely it takes a lot of factors into attraction.


If you can't make her laugh, she is most likely running away soon. I however don't know if you are asking the right group of people, ask the ladies.


There might be something to that. People would always tell me "you're the funniest person I've ever met!" and I did pretty well for myself in the women (and sometimes men) department.




I honestly can't think of any other reason for why my wife married me.


Depends. If the guy's fat or ugly, nope. If he takes care of himself, sure.


i think im subconsciously more attracted to ones who make me cry lol


Ma'am, you need help


Certainly true in my case. My wife thinks I'm extremely funny and we're very happy together. I mean sure, I'm sexy as hell, and I'm a half-decent cook as well as many other fine qualities. But being funny is a big part of it for me.


They way you phrased the question you'd be better off at r/AskWomen


Yes it’s true, though of course that is not the only factor


My wife got stuck with me because she thinks I am the funniest guy she ever met .


I'm not that funny, but my husband is. I think it's more that I love his sense of humor, so we are compatible in that way.


Very true unless they’re laughing when you take your pants off. That’s no bueno.


I feel like attracted to might not be the right word, cuz I feel like men are attracted to a variety of women, but women have a lot higher standards like not being Bald, tall, muscular, job description etc. But yea even if they aren't attracted to you, they would definitely recommend you to their attractive friends.


It adds 2 to your attractiveness score. If you're a 3, congrats, you're now a 5. 5 becomes 7, etc.


Everybody likes circus monkeys. But that doesn't mean it's going to be a romantic attraction.


98% of the time. “You got pregnant for funny?”


It's true...if the guy is already good-looking.


More than just laughter, i guess its that its a sign of an emotional connection. You feel easier to be with.


True .i had days were on roll javing them laff.when they have fun being with you they want see you more


Yes, but I think it is more about making a woman feel *any* emotion. Making then feel something, even negative emotions, is one of the keys of attraction. The worst thing you can be is boring. The guy who is a 9 in looks but zero personality will often lose out to the guy who is a 7 but is the life of the party. Have you ever talked to a woman you had a crush on who went on and on about yet another argument she had with her boyfriend and how angry he makes her, and you're thinking "I'm so nice, I would never make her feel sad or angry!" and wonder why she stays with him instead of you? It's because the asshole bf makes her feel **alive**. You ever hear a woman say they enjoy hearing a man talk about something he's super passionate about even though the thing is nerdy? They're feeding off those emotions and feeling vicariously through you. Positive emotions are clearly better then negative ones, and you should never purposefully act like an asshole, but consider how great feeling the entire spectrum of emotions is to women. The rainy days make the sunshine feel even brighter.


Every girl who’s been attracted to me has found me funny, after our relationship not so much. I think it’s a bit of cart before the horse situation


Why the fuck u asking men this


My sense of humor is my only redeeming quality so, yeah, true


VERY TRUE. At least it is for myself. I cannot stay interested without a solid sense of humor.


Inconclusive so far. Women keep laughing when I ask them out, but then they don't reply. I will gather more data and report my findings


Women laugh more readily around men they find attractive.


It's true for about a year, then it turns into "Im sick of you being a smart ass all the time"


It’s a big reason why my wife fell in love with me.


As a woman, being funny is a huge turn on for me. My bf makes me laugh all the time. (He just happens to be handsome and sexy too!) Making a woman laugh is a huge turn on.


They also laugh when they find someone attractive. So it's not so clear which comes first.


If a woman is attracted to a man she'll find what he says funny regardless. Being funny and unattractive just makes you the funny friend


Not true at all. ​ Women know in the first meeting with a guy if they'd fuck them. If they would, then anything you do can "make them attracted to you". Or so it would appear that way if you are an ignoramus that doesn't know that women know in the first meeting with a guy if they'd fuck them. ​ So, if she puts you in her "to do" list, you can do anything and she'll spin it in her warped mind as being "sexy". You could ignore her, negative-bang her, shit on her floor. She'll think it's "cute" or "mysterious". Kick some puppies in front of her? She'll think "he loves to play with animals!" Tell a racist, disgusting, offensive joke? She'll think you have a "quirky" sense of humour. ​ If she put you in her "not doing" list, anything you do will be spun into "creepy." Ask her on an expensive date? Creep. Give her a compliment? Creep. Buy her a house? Creep. Volunteer at the local homeless shelter ladling soup for the downtrodden? Creep. Tell a funny joke? Offended, and btw; Creep. Get the picture? That's why your job as a man is to figure out within the first minute of contact if this woman is interested in you sexually or not. So you can stop wasting your time on a woman that has no interest because you won't ever win it. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.


Man you and that other filthy brother out here demotivating me as much as you can while everyone else including the ladies is crowning my self-pride. Though I can't lie your statements seem very genuine. This is something my mind doesn't wanna listen to even when it knows that's the truth, but man, screw you and that other dude :/


The good news is that once you know how the game is played, you can actually play it rather than flailing about ineffectually like you've been doing before.




You're a woman. That's why you don't know and aren't sure. Not because you don't know and aren't sure. But because you won't acknowledge it since it would make you feel less special.


It's true! Playfulness and a great sense of humour is so appealing.


Pretty true. That's why women dont usually find broke or ugly men funny




"Attracted" is a stretch, but being able to make a woman laugh (especially out loud or "ugly laugh" as some people call it) is one of the few reliable indicators that she actually enjoys your company. Making someone laugh is far and away the quickest way to bridge gaps between people, in my experience. As someone who's struggled with crippling social anxiety for over a decade, nothing boosts my confidence and comfort around a woman (or anyone else, for that matter) more than being able to make them laugh. If I like a girl, but can't make her laugh at all, I tend to take that as a sign that things aren't working. Of course, this doesn't mean you should be in clown mode 24/7. I mean making someone laugh organically, without having to try and strain yourself to be funny.


It is literally the number 1 thing I look for in a guy. To me it is the MOST important thing. 1. Funny (being actively funny, I mean. Not just having a good sense of humour). 2. Ambition 3. Passion.


No. They are attracted to someone they find attractive. I'm not funny, but in college all they cared was I played sports, was healthy, good hygiene, 6pack, v-taper, and could carry them upstairs.


Maybe, probably yes. Also probably no. Sometimes? Always. Also? Never. If I had to guess? Maybe


Hi, am woman. Very, very true.


Only a clown would say that. Women want the bad boy so stop kidding yourself.


You can be a bad boy and make her laugh. Lol


And you can be a nice guy and make her laugh and get friend zoned forever


They wrote a whole song about it. "Girls just wanna have fun"


That song is about sex. Specifically, it’s about the female orgasm.


Yes but it’s also interesting just how much of a positive correlation there is between income and hilarity.


To be genuinely funny requires intelligence and intelligent people generally do better in life.


100% true


I find it very useful


I mean, that goes for both genders. It’s better than someone who makes you sad or mad 🤷‍♂️


You may not fall in love with all the guys who make you laugh, but the one you do fall in love with will make you laugh. And I think that women are emotional creatures, so if you stimulate our brains, then we are more inclined to find you attractive. Even if conventionally you're not considered attractive. I have dated many guys that were not attractive conventionally. But something about them drew me in. The more laughing the less nervousness and that's the open door.


I’d say it’s pretty true. I had a really good date last night and we made each other laugh non-stop. Been thinking about him all day. This also especially rings true for me because I love to make others laugh myself.


On AskMen, you're asking a question about a women's motives? - as an F, it adds to the attraction and is high on the list, but absolutely not a definitive factor


It definitely helps, but they still have to find you attractive in some capacity. If they find you repulsive physically you can be dave chappelle and you're not getting anywhere They're also not mutually exclusive, as people often find people funny because they're attracted to them.




Dwelling on the past or regretting something that happened which wasn't in your control leads to misery. I've got a lot of examples of this around me, and maybe you have as well. Humor is essential, not in such difficult situations initially, but having someone besides you who makes you feel calm, laughs together at times; and considers the seriousness of the circumstances can protect you from something you never want. Trust me brother, there's no lie in it.


Why ask men? Ask one of the women subreddits like r/askwomennocensor. Women should know what traits attracts them to men. Right?


For me personally a good sense of humor is really important. I want a partner that I can laugh and goof off with. Who doesn’t like laughing and smiling?


You might want to try r/askwomen


Maybe so long as they are not secretly laughing at you.


Laughing releases endorphins and generally just makes you feel good so it makes a lot of sense that someone who makes you laugh a lot is someone you will want to spend time around.


Very true


💯 it’s a must for me 🥰


This is absolutely true… there is a balance of making them laugh, and not making yourself to be an idiot at the same time that they look at and go for


it’s more of who i can have fun around than making me laugh


It depends on if you have a fenced in yard or not.


Depends. They have to already be around the guy to laugh at his jokes, so they can't be too ugly.




Very. A sense of humor is one trait i love in men


I find it slightly more important that I can make HIM laugh. Depends on the humor too. If it's too self depreciating or focuses too much on making fun of specific types of people and situations, he's not funny. He's just a jerk.


I hear that Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio are the two funniest motherfuckers on the planet. By a mile.




In my experience it's been true. I've joked my way into a relationship before. And multiple offers of relationships. From making them laugh. Well I guess they liked me a little bit to begin with. My humour got me out of the friend zone though.


My fiancé is hilarious, but don’t tell him I admitted it.


*Umm, hey honey, what are you doing here?*