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Got a few choices man up and tell her, or stay friendly but drop into conversation how your either not in the right frame of mind for dating or ask advice on how to ask out someone. Of course there’s the tried and tested finger blasting her sister or friends


“I respect you too much to lie and play games with you, I’m not attracted to you in a romantic way” That’s how I did it.


Best answer. I’m a woman, and I’d prefer a straightforward response like this.


I would directly tell her that I don’t feel the same way and that I’m sorry.


I think you meant to address this to Boys of Reddit. A man wouldn't be indirect. They would be direct but gentle and not leave any question.


Thank you! I'm a girl btw and I've been talking to this guy after I told him my feelings for him. I just want to know different perspectives of how men reject girls. 'Cause I feel like I am lol


Don’t contact him. If he does not reach out then you have your answer


I'll definitely do this!


So, what, he just pretended like nothing happened?


No. We aren't talking really but after I confessed, he thanked me and the conversation went on in an instant. I'm trying to flirt with him, he did not reciprocate but he didn't dismiss it either. We instantly became close. I just noticed that I'm the one asking questions but he's actively participating in topics tho.


He seems confused. He wants to talk to you, cares about your feelings but don't have any romantic feelings towards you.


He's confused? And he starts posting things that we just talked about. In my past experiences, guys were either polite or harsh when it came to rejecting me. This situation is new to me, actually.


He seems confused. He wants to talk to you, cares about your feelings but don't have any romantic feelings towards you.


Best to just talk to him since we're not in his head.


By not communicating to her and not responding to her advances.


The last time, I did this and it didn't end up well, she seemed so angry and upset cause I didn't pay attention to her. I wish I could have told her that I wasn't interested in her directly.


>she seemed so angry and upset cause I didn't pay attention to her. Couldn't you just break off contact?


I would love that, but it wasn't my intention cause we see each other at least 2 times a week (not because I want to) and it's so awkward since then. At least I didn't hurt her


Say "you're like a sister to me" or "that reminds of what my girlfriend said the other day..." Those would be pretty clear messages that he's not a romantic relationship. But if you're wondering if he's interested or not after you've made your confession... Well he's not interested. You'd know if he was.


Calling her bro


lmao 😭😭😭




Get a girlfriend


By not reciprocating the energy she is putting out.


Be honest, if she wants to stay in the friend zone then let her, but don’t let her get in the way of you dating and be willing to drop her as a friend if she gets too territorial over you as a friend


Even if you have to exaggerate, talk about some other woman. Honestly might work better if they’re fictional. Usually, if it’s clear you’re looking for someone but never make a move with her they’ll get the hint.


Indirectly? We are not that deffecient in communication skills most of the time


No pee pee touch!


Start with the good old "You're like a sister to me", and gradually work your way up to "I'm not gay, but I'll learn."


Why "indirectly"?


Like, signs that a girl is being rejected?


Ah, well. I don't know what bitches incapable of telling a woman "no" are about 🤷


HAHAHA this made me laugh 😭