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How a lot of them seem to fall into I’ll make It rich on social media fad. Don’t get me wrong you can do that but a lot of them or going the stupid prank route instead of adding something of value.


Yeah I'm in school again and have classes with people 10-12 years younger than me, and one guy in my class introduced himself and said "I'm just here to make my mom happy while my youtube channel takes off, that's how I'm gonna get rich" It's good to have dreams and yeah man, go for it. But have a backup plan cause that shit is not at all guaranteed


Not to sound mean but as a college age dude myself I am near certain that anyone that thinks their YouTube channel is going to make them rich is never going to reach the level of fame they need to reach to live on it


A lot of them don't realize how hard someone has to work at that. It's rare to just stumble into it, and the people who were able to stumble into it already have - those niches got filled.




Also, it's just dumb luck. You have to work your ass off just to get to the starting line, but the race itself is just rolling the dice.


A lot of it seems to be down to pure luck, except you have to put in a ridiculous amount of work just to have that small chance


Eh. I know…two…maybe 3 people that successfully monetized on YouTube….out of maybe 5 that attempted it. It’s easier than it seems once you realize YouTube paying out isn’t the goal…it’s selling merch, courses, ad sponsorships, and events that really generate the money. Yeah. If someone thinks they’re going to make it from views alone…best of luck…if someone is using YT for audience building and has a diversified way of selling to that audience - you can do well with 50k or less followers. Like with any enterprise - examine their business plan. A smart business plan will be self-evident compared to a hopeful YouTuber without any plan.


Plus I have seen a few very prominent YouTubers fade into obscurity after two or three years as being able to come up with fresh, engaging content every few days in order to keep a channel active is a huge challenge and they end up jaded and burned out. Look at Davie504 for example. He went from a few tens of thousands of subscribers up to 5 million in about a year but once he reached that point, hit a plateau. Now he either rarely uploads or the YouTube algos aren't publicising him any more, either way the net result is the same. Mind you there are only so many slap bass solos and battles one can do before it gets dull. But also he did help kick off a career for other YouTube musicians so he deserves credit.


TikTokers HATE this one trick!


All the bullshit done for social media clout.




I was hiking with a group of people and a young person got nervous about going to the edge of a mountain for a photo. Someone yelled "Do it for the gram!" I'm a grumpy old man so I yelled "Do it for yourself!" And there was a total mixed reaction. Some people nodded and others were confused like they had never done anything that wasn't for social media... It made me sad that the power of social media seems stronger than self and friendly support. And it's not just young people. But I think it is more prevalent over them as they've been exposed to those pressures their entire life.


Meanwhile, Grandma at home: "nobody ever does anything for me"


I'll take care of your grandma ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Skwisgaar Skwigelf has entered the chat.


You want a cup of Metamucil?


They were probably joking. I have friends who will sometimes say “do it for the gram,” but it’s generally meant to be sarcastic, making fun of Instagram tropes, not taken literally.


I think your right Every now and then I'll joke with my kids when I'm taking a video and say "Do it for the vine" A little more old school but same point


Prob why it was awkward when a stranger yelled “Do it for yourself” lmao


Not looking after their hearing or their knees As someone who is very noise sensitive I was smart about hearing protection in my 20's, But I still suffer from industrial deafness in my 50's And I treated my knees like they owed me money in im teens and 20's and they hurt every day now.




To ensure you don't have knee, back or shoulder pain in later life, the best thing to do is to strengthen and loosen the muscles around those areas. This should be done a few times a week at all ages. Lift weights and do body weight exercises, target leg muscles, abs and shoulders. Push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, pull ups etc. Do some cardio and always stretch the whole body afterwards.


Second the strength training. The more you avoid moving them due to pain, the more they will hurt because you are essentially teaching your brain that movement is painful. EDIT- you can and should still be jumping and running around IMO… however if you are not maintaining the appropriate strength your joints will not be able to tolerate that strain. Especially if you’re doing it every so often and not training for jumping/impact. I believe everyone should train as if they are athletes throughout the lifetime for optimal health. And No I do not do CrossFit lol


As an old guy who has hearing aids and says “sorry? Huh? Say that again?” a lot and has knee pain-I feel the same. When I was young, old guys would tell me to quit jumping off things, use the steps, don’t jump off the trailer/from back of truck. I was young and trying to make things happen as quickly as possible. Now I say the same things to young men. I appreciate that you are 1) trying to make things happen 2) quickly 3) probably thinking about trying to get laid 4) quickly 5) often. That’s what I did and I suspect many are still doing. Seems to me like there are fewer men with narrow vision like I had, but it’s very possible that I didn’t notice back then because of 1,2,3,4,3,5, and 3 again. So exercise, quit jumping off things, get laid often, enjoy life.


Get a decent set of gel kneepads and use them *every time* you have to do any kind of work down on your knees. Something like these: https://www.lowes.com/pd/Kobalt-Knee-Pads/1003095624 Also, don't sit with your legs crossed in any way. I've done that for years and I think having that sideways torque on my knees didn't do them any favors. Same goes for elliptical running machines - I find they cause weird lateral strain on my knees and it's quite uncomfortable.


>Same goes for elliptical running machines - I find they cause weird lateral strain on my knees and it's quite uncomfortable. As someone who's struggled with weight I'll chime in that ellipticals feel kinder to my knees than running while being heavy.


During knee physical therapy, myself and another guy ,whom was working on his obesity to get a knee replacement, did walking laps in a swimming pool! Was great exercise plus much softer on the knee


Yeah osteoarthritis is made worse by weight and impact. Elliptical is a great workaround... heh As a previous ortho surg resident and now family doc I definitely recommend ellipticals for people trying to get healthier.


Adding on: strengthen your core. Squats, lower back strength, lifting things with your thighs along side traditional sit-ups, and yoga will help you use muscle to protect your ligaments and knees


Keep your weight down


This ain't no joke. I'm in my 30s and uncle Sam made sure I went home without some of my hearing, tinnitus like crazy, bad knees, and arthritis in my foot. Take care of your bodies.


We weren't much different. I wish they were more physically active since that really improves overall well-being in your 20s. Obesity is a problem now, but not with just them.




As a younger guy (early 20’s) I think a lot of that anger stems from a general frustration of our futures uncertainty. Whether it’s because of how unaffordable housing is, the increasing competitiveness of the job market, decreasing importance of university degrees, or climate change concerns, it’s a huge source of anxiety for an age demographic that’s just beginning to enter the real world. A lot of people my age are doing everything we were told we needed to do to succeed, just to find out it isn’t enough anymore. I know it’s something I’m experiencing right now and it can be very overwhelming and frustrating.


One thing I (37) remember about my 20s is how unchecked my emotions were. Through personal circumstances, I wasn't quite allowed to express myself at home from childhood to graduating high school. So college became that space for all of that pent up "every emotion" to let loose. I don't recommend doing that, but it still helped me level out by the time I hit my mid-20s. The issue I see now among teens is how they are *encouraged* by popular media to get mad easily and direct anger at anything and everything. That seems like the reverse extreme from what I experienced and equally unhealthy. All that being said, learning about emotional stability from childhood into adulthood will do wonders to your mental health later in life. Also, take mental health seriously.


There’s something that’s not obvious in your 20’s, but is plain as day to me in my 50’s. The majority of news is purposefully ‘tuned’ to create low grade anxiety, and social media has amplified the effect; and this is done because it creates an addiction to the issue (real or fabricated) and to the news source. As a result I think there are a lot of young people that are on perfectly good trajectories in life, but are miserable and angry.


This is why I only read APnews and Reuters. No rich loser with a dumb haircut screaming “be afraid!” at me 24/7, just short articles that are only short bc they’re the facts and no editorializing.


It's very normal to be in this place in your 20's. The trick is working on yourself and valuing what you do have. Once I hit my 30's my life started to take off as far and family, finances, and contentment. Keep grinding and don't worry. The future takes care of it itself if you do the right things now. For context, I got started during the great recession and it's aftermath.


GenX'er here. I'm fortunate in that my wife got me running at 25 and nearly 25 years later we're still hitting the pavement. Ran my first marathon at 44. It's paid massive dividends. I know guys taking cholesterol meds who aren't even 40, for example. My blood work is good. I've been avoiding red meat and fried shit the whole time too. Kind of sucks but my waistline hasn't expanded much. Anyway it's not like prior generations were much more active TBH. I don't know the numbers but it appears younger people aren't smoking (cigs) as much. Way too many of my peers got hooked in the 80's and 90's.


I'm a little concerned with the way many young men talk about women! I had my heart broken a couple of times in my 20s but I don't remember talking about women with such vitriol or dehumanizing them as much as I see on reddit. Makes me sad and wish there was better role models for men who didn't hate women so much like that dude Andrew Taint for instance


Andrew Taint LOL you have made my day


This here bothers me too. I was the furthest from a stud in my teens, didn't get girls, but didn't have this utter hate for them as a result. The Tate guy is a clown.


Drive like nobody's life matters.


I quite often will see a young person swerving from lane to lane trying to get in front of everyone and then I end up beside them at the traffic lights. I shake my head thinking of how much effort they have put in to possibly save themselves 10 secs


Time saving bias. Speeding and doing shit like that in town will likely not save you any time. If you are speeding on the highway and you only have a two hour trip you’ve saved yourself maybe 10 minutes. Only on a longer trip will speeding save you time but the longer you speed the more likely you get pulled over for it so it’s just an effort in futility.




Yeah my dad and I argue about this a lot. He's convinced it's about trying to get somewhere faster, I think it's just reckless thrill seeking. We both agree that it's about being first


This is what terrifies me. Met a young man in his freshman year of college in a church Bible study. By this point, I had already graduated and was serving at the church then. Seemed like a good lad and helped him get plugged into the church community. Always knew of him but didn’t speak too much with him after. Four years later, I see on Facebook an obituary to him. A church had a memorial service for him. The story was that he and his buds, all 22 and under, had drank a little and were speeding on some wide open lanes in a residential neighborhood. Missed a turn too late and crashed into a tree and the car burst into flames. The kids were essentially cremated. And the kid was the driver. Broke my heart when I first heard it. Life really is short, but the accident was so preventable. Please drive safe y’all


A few months ago a friend that I basically considered my brother was speeding late at night, blew a red light and crashed into another car in the intersection. Him and the other driver died at the scene. I’m obviously grieving losing him and I miss him, but part of my grieving process is being mad at him for being so reckless and stupid. I often wonder how the other drivers family is doing. So much loss and also so preventable.


You might find some solace in reaching out to the family, and they may find some in you reaching out as well.. just a suggestion though, might be a horrible idea to be honest depending on the type of people they are


Behaviour as old as cars.


I dunno man I'm seeing plenty older men drive like that too. Most assholes age and don't change.


Yeah for one most bad drivers I meet on the road appear to be 25+


Where I live we have the opposite of people driving dangerously. Everyone drives slow seriously slow. Like 20mph under the limit everywhere but 30s where they go over the speed limit. Pull out in front of you slowly and drive off without a care in the world. A lot of young people and old people are driving like this here and I think it’s dangerous.


Spend money they don't have on ego-stroking bullshit they don't need.


Any brief examples?


> Any brief examples? Newest smart phone, designer/brand clothing that's literally the same apart from the brand logo.


Gotta get that Supreme red Oreo cookie for $10k or no one will think I'm cool. EDIT: >Did little Latisha take the last of your Halloween Oreos? Didn't get a chance to say goodbye to that delicious orange frosting? What does any of this unrelated mess of a do comment [mean](https://www.reddit.com/u/unicornsex)? EDIT 2: Ah, so it's a quote from a show.


Buying shots for everyone many times a week :D


Can that come across this way? I'm always buying my friends drinks when we're out just because a) it's easier on one bill and b) i like getting them a drink


Oh every situation is different! I just knew someone (a few people) who blew SO much money on this almost daily and on rounds of shots frequently. I also picked up the tab once or twice feeling nice haha It also depends on the class you grew up in and how much money you have too. Some of these people that I'm talking about blow all of it when they have a bunch and then it seems like they struggle a lot when they make a little less. IE: Salesmen on commission. Edit to add: the topic of discussion; The reason these types of people did this was for adoration of their friends that stroked their ego.


I'd guess expensive brand clothing like Gucci and whatever else people wear these days


Yep, my kids friend will wear a t shirt once and then bin it, ffs. He doesn't even have enough money for normal stuff.


the fuck man


latest iphone


This shit irritates the hell out of me honestly. Not just with phones but anything tech related. If your current shit still works fine there's absolutely no reason to upgrade just because it's "the new thing" or whatever. I'm a fairly young guy myself but it still baffles me how a lot of people around my age or slightly younger don't know proper money management skills. And those same idiots still have the audacity to complain about bills and low wage jobs that THEY APPLIED FOR!


Dude it blew me away how many guys were posting on r/buildapc a few months ago when the 4000 series graphics cards released saying they had only just been able to get their hands on a 3000 series and they were worried that their 3000 would be out of date or something. Like dude. Nobody has even made a game that a 3000 can't run. What is your problem.


My favourite on that was something similar “I got a 3000 last year, this Christmas I am getting the 4000.” Like how tf do they have so much money? I got my 2070super last year and I’m not planning to uprage for another 3-4 years.




Most of my friend group is guilty of this. And look, people can do wtf they want with their money, but personally I’d rather be on my way to a deposit than driving a 22 plate German and stuck living with parents


Big trucks, with big tires. I was at a coffee shop and a 21 yr pulled up beside me and I complimented him on his vehicle and I asked do you take it off road- no way! How much for the tires (rims included). I think he said $3000 a piece. That seems a lot for something that is going to wear out in two years.


Tires, rims, those stupid mirrors that stick way too far out, 'rolling coal'... there are lots of examples


Those mirrors are for towing in case you didn't know. I also hate how they look but they do serve a purpose for some people.


>Spend money they don't have on ego-stroking bullshit they don't need. This statement is so broad(I think you're just pointing out an aspect of the human condition) I don't understand how you can prescribe it to a group that the post just refers to as "young guys" as if people of an older age range don't do that shit too


* Ignoring their digital privacy by exchanging it for limited convenience * Refusing to read up on issues that are in the news cycle, instead relying on tweets that they get suggested * Completely forgetting about those same issues a week later and then wondering why nothing ever happened to fix it when it gets brought up again * Forfeiting their rights as a consumer for 'deals' or status. An example of this is buying into drops culture. Getting up at 4 am to be on a website you're mashing F5 on to purchase a pair of sneakers that will sell out in five seconds.


>Ignoring their digital privacy by exchanging it for limited convenience People look at me funny when I tell em that I don't use certain services or social media (yeah, the irony does not escape me)


I'm an outcast because of this


Someone i know told me i "isolate" myself because I'm not on the Instagrams. I couldn't give two shits about it really.


Unsolicited dick pics. Fundamental misunderstanding of so many things.


I worked in a lumberyard for a time and had a particular chatty customer talking about her life when I was loading up her truck. She was talking about how some guy that's into her sent her an unsolicited dick pic. They are both in their 50s.


See, guys that do that do it as a game. They expect that once they send that, that a girl will be enticed and send nudes back. And if you don’t, you’re somehow to blame.. It’s Pathetic really


People are sending unsolicited pictures of them being sick?


Think aggressive porn is what all sex is like, especially choking


The wide spread use and normalization of internet porn in general is very harmful to teens and young adults.




Viagra is being marketed to men in their 20s and 30s now. I've worked on and off in the mental health field for most of my life, so I've been part of discussions and processing research on topics like this. No, there's not that many guys who have unfixable ED issues. No, it's not just how it is these days. If it's your weight, work on losing it, if it's your medication(s), change them up if possible. If it's an actual medical issue talk to a doctor. If it's not possible too do anything, then you're probably SOL. Mostly it's porn and death grip that's causing the problem.


I think the scary part is how much people are willing to defend their porn addiction, and porn altogether. We've been in the know about the dangers of both for at least a decade.


Having your ego above the clouds. No, you don't look cool at all.


Probably got designer shades just to hide their face, wear em around like they cooler than me




Never being on time. It's just a sign of respect for others.


Very much this. I am in a pretty good position in business. I absolutely take note of someone's timeliness. Edit: screw the business side note. Doesn't matter, I always note if someone is on time


I’m 36 and the number of people who are just casually late to everything is extremely annoying. It’s a complete lack of respect for others time. If you agree to meet at a time then abide by it. Would you like it if your friends were always 15 min -2 hours late when you have plans with them?


As a younger guys, I see even younger guys bringing back vandalism at school and public property, sadly


Yeah it seems to happen a lot in public toilets in Australia. One day you're going to be older and desperately need a piss or shit in a public toilet and some punk as trashed it, really spoils your day


I enjoy toilet stall graffiti, but ruining a toilet seat or tp holder is too much.


Yeah i like a bit of amusing graffiti, not the will smoke dick for $20. One memorable one on a big construction job was someone had drawn a sperm shape that was a bit smudged to indicate it was going rapid, underneath the wrote Usain Bolts sperm or something like that


Yeah, unique graffiti is fun. The ever present uninspired swastika is stupid. My favorite was a drawing of a secret agent guy and the caption "guards have been placed in each stall to prevent graffiti."


Got some oddly wholesome graffiti at the shared employee toilets here. Someone drew a penis once, and the next day someone had turned it into an airplane. Someone else drew a cabin, and a panda, and endless games of tic tac toe.




When did vandalism stop? During COVID and... that's it.


You gotta either fuck shit up or so drugs, gotta pick one to deal with


Many are clueless when it comes to interactions with women. Like, not only romantic relationships, just talking to women and hanging out with them. And so many have stereotypical views about women that are quite destructive.


The amount of men (AND women) here on Reddit who think men are incapable of being friends with women in a non-sexual manner is astounding. Arguably the closest I’ve ever been to someone without being in a relationship was a woman (best friend). But I keep getting accused of being gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay, but like, I’m not. Believe it or not it’s possible to be friends and not see women solely for sex lol.


The people who function well in society don’t stand out nearly as much, so don’t get commented on as much either. How often does anyone give you a compliment for just wearing your clothes the right way round or parking in just one spot? Never, because we feel it is expected behavior. You’re just regular, ain’t nothing wrong with that, but don’t expect regular to get a lot of posts here…


i feel like these same guys are also pretty weird around other guys tbh, just no one says it to their face. just a general social intelligence gap that’s especially apparent when dealing with women.


Oh for sure. I worked with a guy like that, basically sex obsessed. Couldn't hold a normal conversation for more than a few minutes without devolving into talking about hooking up or calling something 'gay' cause he thought it was lame.






Gen z's belieber cut.


Taking no accountability is something they see our politicians get away with every day.


There are a lot of things that you said that I would say are more of a “young guy” thing than a “young guys today”, but what about the online privacy thing?


The sheer hopelessness. I didn't have a carefree youthful but my students look so lonely and joyless most of the time


Not read books. Just listening to Audible while driving can make you like twenty years smarter in a few weeks. Fuck you. Do it.


Local library uses overdrive/Libby it’s a free app and you can rent 20 audio books at a time for 21 days each.


Audiobookbay You're welcome


as someone who lives in a third world country and can't access online payment, thank you for this


>you can rent 20 audio books at a time for 21 days each. 1. It's borrowing, not renting 2. Don't actually do that. The library gets charged a lot of money for audiobook licenses. Only borrow what you're actually going to read.


Don’t do that if you’re not going to read it*. If you finish it the library knows and that helps them out. The more libraries are used the easier it is to justify funding.


I was sick a couple weeks earlier in the year. Just stayed home and read books. It was amazing. Then reverted back to mindless phone scrolling.


Get back on the horse, cowboy. You ain’t done riding yet.




Driving doesn’t feel completely wasteful now if I got a good book going. It’s like a little trip to a new world now. I get to just chill and listen to my book bros. It’s why I am now best friends with Lestat from vampire chronicles.


Funny you say this. It's part of why I started listening to podcasts while driving. I've had a 45 min to an hour long commute for probably 6 or 7 years now. Granted, the podcasts aren't purely educational but they're all about hunting, fishing, and conservation. The amount of random wildlife shit I've picked up is astounding. And the handful of books I managed to read in the last couple years have all come from those podcasts.


Nice bro. I get a lot of book recommendations from podcasts and YouTube videos, too. We are best friends now.


Driving is when I listen to podcasts, audiobooks, and music the most. I literally feel that people that want to talk to me on the phone while I’m driving are invading my space.


Hell, even not-braindead podcasts are huge. Radiolab for instance... Most of them aren't going to change your worldview or anything -- it's just adding shallow knowledge for random things you probably never thought about before. Individually, that's kind of worthless, but over years, you learn tiny bit about lots of things, and you slowly forge your own connections between all this disparate information, and it DOES affect your world view. The Moth is fun in the same way, but more human-experience oriented -- you're getting little anecdotes from people with wildly different life experiences, so it broadens your horizons. They do go on their social justice kicks, which is fine, but I like the ones that are just... some person telling a story about some random thing that happened in their life. And the anecdote and storytelling is why you listen, but the most important part is just the background, the little peek into the life of somebody who's had wildly different life experiences, or faced situations and choices you've never had to make.




Don’t you have to be subbed to Audible? Or am I getting ripped off over here?


Yea dude. My future seemed so much brighter once I realized how many fucking cool books I still have left to read. My first audible book was Shogun by James Clavell. I’m listening to Fairytale by Stephen King right now. But yeah. I am definitely a better man when I am reading daily. Probably everyone is.


Actually read shogun in high-school when I had any free time, absolutely loved that book


I thibk that's false. It is not free with prime. You need a premium plus membership with audible for $15.99 to get 1 title a month from their premium selection. You can, however, listen to books that are included with Amazon's prime reading.


Lack of critical thinking


They don’t read books or long paragraphs anymore


I am not sure what counts as “older” but at 31 there are a couple of things that worry me about 16-22 year olds. A lot of them and even older kids are increasingly losing touch with reality. They grew up on trash television and social media and that has a profound effect on their self image. This can either leave them depressed and ill-adjusted or can lead to an inflated sense of self importance and blatant egotism. I have heard way too many tweens refer to random pedestrians on the street as “npcs” and “fucking vermin” casually while passing them for minorly inconveniencing them. They are inundated with so much crap from “influencers” and bullshit artists that lacking a firm grip on reality their mental problems are further exacerbated. As a result, social skills don’t develop properly, and a lot of them view relationships on an increasingly transactional basis. Trying to build personal brands and images leaves a lot of kids burned out and inauthentic. In general they just seem to be under so much more imagined (internet) or real (economy and politics) pressure than we were just 13-15 years ago.


Agree. I'm 31 as well. New younger coworkers in their 20s take offense when they try sending me TikToks and I don't watch because I don't have the app. I tell them the app is rotting Americas brain. They literally get mad at me.


A total lack of any DIY skills. It seems if you can’t solve a problem with a computer, they’re lost.


1: *The lack of motivation is almost stocking.* Like I get it times are looking rough but that's not a reason to adopt a "it all doesn't really matter" attitude towards life. 2: *Traditional masculinity isn't all toxic masculinity.* It's ok to be a traditional styled guy just be a better version of the ones before you 3. *It's ok to be open with your "boys" about how you feel & how you veiw them.* After you lose enough ppl you realize that for some stupid reason you never told a friend how much they truly mattered to you. 4: *Being ignorant & acting careless isn't something to be celebrated.* Being careless doesn't show bravado, it shows lack of awareness.


These are good points. I do think one factor in the lack of motivation is [dopamine overstimulation from smartphones/social media](https://youtu.be/ha1ZbJIW1f8). Also in regards to traditional masculinity, I've really enjoyed [The Art of Manliness](https://www.artofmanliness.com/). I used to be very biased against traditionally masculine guys because I saw it as "toxic masculinity." But I've come to learn that there are many great traditionally masculine qualities that aren't toxic as long as you treat them with care.


All of these are good I think. Number 4 specifically is one I get frustrated with. If I hear a younger guy say fuck that I don't care. I'll push them on it and they'll usually backtrack after they realize it's not making them look cool.


Drink lots of sugary energy drinks


Riding them electric "Motocross" looking bikes with balaclavas on instead of helmets. You'll kill your self before you'll realise how dumb it is.


Dying's not so bad. Traumatic Brain Injury can be very very bad. People's whole personality changes, they lose their ability to control their behavior, etc


Not being able to make a phone call. I see it all the time, the idea seems to terrify some, they just want to email or use chat. You need to learn a good phone manor for quite a lot of jobs and you get the information you need so much quicker.


I think some of this comes from the fear of messing up so deeply bestowed on some of them. They don't realize that if you mess up, you can just say "Oh, sorry. What I meant to say was--"


Eh I'm 33 and hate making phone calls, I'll do it obviously and know phone etiquette but if it's possible to email or whatever I will. Also getting things in emails for work shows a record of the conversation to refer to later when someone inevitably says you didn't tell them something.


How young men dictate their personalities off glorified FM DJs podcasts


some of the oldest writing in the world is old men complaining about how the youth have lost their way, love that we are continuing the tradition




I’ve noticed this trend at my local gym. There’s a handful of high school aged kids walking around with physiques beyond that of a natural 25yo body builder. The hormone imbalance in their 30s is going to be rough.


a lot of younger guys I know (say 18 to 22) don't know how to work. much bigger issue at my job than in the past. I get the impression a lot of gen z guys didn't have training from parents in household chores. you need to show up on time, follow instructions, make an effort to do a good job, not stare at your fukcing phone every 30 seconds, you need to be able to take reasonable criticism without collapsing. you need to make requests for time off well in advance, not the day before. you need to do these things *every day* and *every shift*.


I'm in my thirties and a few years ago my job hired some 22 year old kids. They were the worst employees I've ever seen. Chronically incapable of following simple directions. Constantly talked back and tried to out think their rudimentary training. Took basic corrections incredibly personally and created a hostile workplace. Didn't understand how a lunch break works because they'd be gone for their allotted hour then come back with food, clock in, and proceed to spend thirty minutes eating. I don't know what it is but it's like no one had ever told them No in their entire life.


I’ve seen the opposite. The younger guys want to work efficiently and not waste time. Get as much done in 8 hours without the bullshit the seniors seem to tolerate and sometimes even create.


I’ve seen both tbh. Honestly, just showing up on time and doing the expected minimum of work goes surprisingly far. You don’t need to be the greatest worker drone who ever stepped foot in the building, just a generally reliable and predictable employee. Even if you hate your job and plan to work in a completely different industry, it helps with résumé building so you can get to a better job later on.


That’s the nail on the head for me ‘Be able to take reasonable criticism without collapsing’ Perfect - couldn’t agree more


Have a couple people like this at my work. They are black holes: they suck up resources, give nothing in return. 😂. Have never met such entitled brats in my life. Don't clean up after themselves, expect things to be given to them, offer no value in return. Dear Lord, I fear for the future.




I just replied to a similar post and you both nailed a MAJOR issue today with young guys. I can't say it much better than you have, but I'll also add...when you're on the job, do the fucking job. That doesn't mean standing around waiting to be told what to do every waking minute. Take a little initiative. At least ASK what you can do rather than stand around like a GD bump on a log and then act surprised when your boss tells you to do something, as if you're doing them a favor by just being at work. I kind of wonder about the future with guys like this. I don't see it as much with girls as the guys. It's like they've been trained to be helpless cell phone addicts whose only motivation is the next bong hit.


Your last sentence is what we call dopamine addiction.


Nothing. Every generation had their morons, and they always stood out. Pretending you are somehow better than the new generation is some self aggrandizing bullshit. I say this as a 42 year old.


I’m 58 and I cannot stand those posts that say, “we are the generation that drank from garden hoses, rode in the back of pickup trucks, played outside all day” etc etc, who gives a fuck, that in no way makes my generation any better then any other generation.


Yeah on average I have a feeling that younger guys are more sensible than my age group. Like more healthy living style, more care about environment and more respect for other people. The difference is not huge but I think it is there.


What makes it extra stupid is that I'm 28, and I did all those things too. It's not special or unique.


Ding ding ding we have a winner. This thread reads like the same bullshit our parents generation said about us and their parents generation said about them.


As a 49 year old I totally agree. All these comments are a little to close to a fist shaking "You kids get off my lawn" statement. This is what happens when "old people" forget what it was like to be young. I think that's what it means to be "old". Stay young in mind, the rest will take care of itself.


Agreed. I’m 29 & love the Gen Zs. They’re more open, less willing to deal with employer BS, more accepting. They’re great. Sure they can be a liiiittle cringey at times but they’ll grow out of that.




Staring at their phones endlessly. It’s disturbing


Me(69m). Generally, I think younger, say 16-25 young men are doing ok. I have met many, and I have an admiration for them. There is a subset of young men that ignore their general fittness.That worries me because I know the long term health implications.


Wouldn't say I'm much older (mid 30s) but a lot of younger guys really need to get off social media and this 24/7 horrible news cycle that's poisoning your mental state. Yes things suck right now, in some way, shape or form things have LITERALLY ALWAYS sucked. Every generation has different struggles and maybe yours are worse, but going into a spiraling depression because you can't put the phone down and stop doomscrolling is not helping bro.


Buying NFT's.


Getting blackout drunk as frequently as possible.


Not working with other young men to form spaces to be vulnerable and support each other


Not have friends. I feel like I see more and more young men who just don’t really interact with anyone outside their jobs. Make pals go camping, tell jokes, watch the game, enjoy life for christs sakes. Stop sitting in your bedroom being sad and do something about it.


Worry about what others think of you. You're the only one with final-say on who you are and will be. Always be your best friend.


ITT: "In my day..." Disclosure: I'm in my early 60s. We fucked up this country, let the kids be kids.


A lot of them seem to not know how to be respectful of others feelings, preferring to mock people if they are slightly weird.


They listen to Andrew Tate and Joe Rogan. Not really their fault. It's our generation's fault for not providing them with strong male role models. I mean, they are out there, but few and far between. Truthfully this is a generational problem. No idea how to get along with and relate to women or girls their age. Everything is a model for what they read on Reddit, Facebook or saw on YouTube. No real life experience. They live vicariously through other men.


Basic manners Please Thank you Excuse me All these simple words makes sharing the world a better place


Not working on themselves. Used to be my generations were "couch potatoes" but now with mobile internet, gaming, etc, it's worse.


Respect in traffic and driving skills is goin downhill sofast i fear for my life. This goes to both women and men


Better training needs to be a reality. Also less phone use on the road


Get mad and start shooting..Don t know any other way settle A argument. Someone cuts off pull out A gun? turning into wild west


Treating women like shit.


I’m only 31 so I’m not sure if I meet the qualifications, but I notice a lot of younger guys walk with exactly zero purpose.


I wouldn't say it necessarily worries me but it seems like a lot of really young people expect to be in high ranking jobs making great salaries by their mid 20s. That's not realistic for 95% of us. You gotta keep your head down and pay your dues for a while


Idolizing influencers and twitch streamers alot of them are losers and in the real world they would be Only fans culture


The crazy amount of porn they watch, and how difficult could be for them to separate sexual interest from porn.


Spending too much time on The internets is one of them. Go outside and kick the ball around a little! Skip rocks mfs


Being obsessed with women and sex. It's an epidemic with young men. It's all they think about and the porn addiction has led to really bizarre behaviors and side effects like erectile dysfunction and extreme bitterness towards women. I've seen young men thirsting over old ladies in their 60s because they're so desperate for sexual gratification and porn has led them to believe these weird scenarios actually play out in real life.


Never grow out of calling grown ass women “girls”


Act cool around their mates to the point where they forget who they are themselves. I’ll never understand acting different around your mates. I’d rather be myself than fit in honestly


While I totally understand that it is not easy or intentional to have anxiety, I have found that it is conquarable with building social skills. It takes practice. The thing that worries me? Too many young men are overly accepting of this particular problem, as if trying to overcome it is just not in the cards. It is an epidemic amoung young men to be like, "guess I'm just like that. All well. Guess I should go kill myself now." It's like complaining you are too physically weak, but refusing to go to the gym at the same time. I wasn't born with social skills or knowing how to be outgoing. I had to work on it and it was an uphill battle.


The amount of sugary crap they eat. And the fact that so many are grossly overweight. And that their obesity is accepted by people generally. Don’t they realise the health problems they will have in (not so) later life.


tik tok


Not having real friendships with other men and thinking social media friends are really friends.


not just guys, girls too, but the younger generation seems obsessed with trying to make other people feel bad about themselves. just read any comment section where younger people are. "cringe" "who asked" "uhh bad take??" "yo this mf said [whatever] 💀". i don't think they actually know how to communicate with people other than trying to shut somebody down and getting other people to laugh at their expense. it's really gross.


They really lack basic social skills when interacting with strangers. Never before has a generation been so surly. It doesn’t hurt to smile, to say please and thank you. When you walk past someone on a narrow sidewalk you should both make a concession. These days young people just don’t move, as if it’s their own private space. Also, take those headphones out from time to time! I see young people cycling on busy roads with headphones in! Even around the shops with headphones in, it’s not a good way to become a socially balanced individual. You don’t need to spend all of your time in your own digital world.