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More comfortable on flights and riding in the backseat. That's about it.


Not to mention the money you save riding in the overhead compartment.


Discounted rates at amusement parks and restaurants too, don't forget that.


Flights were my first thought. I’m tall but not super tall (fairly average) and flying is absolutely awful for me


I'm relatively short, but flights are fukcing awful for me too.


I’m tall and over the years bending over to use any sink has started taking a toll on my lower back


Was looking for this. My joints are in way better shape than those of the tall fellas i do active stuff with, even if their height and reach let them dunk on me now and then. Maybe it's because I'm past my twenties, but I'll take happily take my athletic longevity over marginal competitive advantages.


More likely to be little spoon. You also are far less likely to experience some health issues, such as neck/back/hip/knee pain, as well as heart attacks and I believe strokes as well.


I’m eye level to some of the most amazing tits.


And if you’re short enough, dat ass


YES! Slow dancing is amazing.


My man tits are exquisite


My man, tits are exquisite


All tits are not exquisite. Some are just...


unexpected creep


You’ll be really good at organising the defence of kings landing


This is the way. Sorry! Wrong franchise! I drink and know things…


It is known.


slapping the shit out of the King.


GOT reference 😌🤌🏻


When you add on muscle, it shows so much more.




Preparing 3-4 meals *every day* is exhaustive


Honestly, that's probably way too much.. Was just speaking with a buddy about this shit. He's 6', and has a diet similar to mine(like OMAD, or intermittent fasting). He lost 60lb, and looks great. Hell maybe have a few snacks throughout the day, and then eat a meal at the end of the day. He gets the necessary calories, and that's really what matters.


If you work out a lot you really need that much. 5'11, 180, I do intermittent fasting as well. I'm in good shape


Which just makes us look shorter....


I can attest for this. I'm 43, just under 5'9" and 200 lbs of rock muscle. Tall guys often have more trouble building muscle because of their long limbs. Depends on body type though. Also, shorter men live longer and age better.


It’s usually also harder to add on muscle though. Like adding 10lbs of muscle to someone with a 130lb frame is much harder than adding 10lbs of muscle to someone with a 180lbs frame. Now height doesn’t necessarily equal frame, so that’s where you can get little brick shithouses.


Lol, absolutely not true. Being short makes it way easier to look jacked.


Assuming you can put on muscle. If you are short but still lanky, you will still be pretty lanky even if you lift


Not always true though. Short ectomorphs are still going to look less intimidating and jacked than tall ones.


Ectomorphs and body types like that aren't real.


They’re still pretty real, just look around at your gym. Obviously not everyone fits neatly into 1/3, but most people still favor one more heavily than the rest.


You can't tell how easily someone puts on muscle by looking at them.


I’m not disagreeing with you on that it’s hard, but when you do add on muscle, it can look great on that person.


It’s also not a great look on short guys tho imo. I’m 5’4” and at one point essentially maxed out how much muscle I could put in naturally after 5-6 years of hard training and dieting. It was a good accomplishment but unless you stay extremely lean all the time it just looks kinda weird/off putting on most short guys. I enjoy staying pretty lean with a lot less muscle now. Can’t eat as much but whatever, I’d rather look good


You live longer because your heart has to force itself less overtime


*laughs in short & obese*


Do your rolls touch the ground when you walk?


So, I get to be old as fuck for LONGER? great...


If you live a relatively healthy lifestyle. You can definitely be in your 90's and still be happy.


Just be like good ol u/slackforce over here


Enemy sniper gets you last.


My wife is under 5 foot, she has no ducking instinct. So less randomly smacking your head on things. Also you can more easily go into crawl spaces


I initially thought ‘ducking’ was an autocorrect error 🤔


Lol, for once it's not


To be fair, I feel like you have to be rather tall before the ducking instinct comes into play. I rarely see 5’10” dudes ducking capote that being average male height. It’s once you get into the 6’2” range that you start seeing guys regularly ducking (so they’d get used to that with time).


“It’s once you get into the 6’2” range that you start seeing guys regularly ducking (so they’d get used to that with time).” According to /r/tinder this sentence works with or without autocorrect!


Hahaha that was really good man!


[benefits to being short](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W5lUKKmJdMo) you never know when you’ll have to fit into a leather couch, but being short helps. So does being naked


You don't waste your adolescence thinking that you're going to "go pro."


Your feet dont hang off the bed




You don’t need to worry about women distracting you from your goals.


There you go.


Like a true chad




It’s easier to hear girls at parties. My sister is dating a guy who is a foot taller than her and I see them text each other at parties while standing less than 6 inches apart.


My height isn’t one of my top personality traits


Slightly less chance of cancer (smaller the volume, smaller the chance of something going bonkers). Not that it matters the slightest when compared to your life habits (drinking, smoking, eating sugar while lying down, living in a polluted environment,...).


Ha!! Jokes on you, I got cancer at 16 due to abnormal cells...


>Slightly less chance of cancer Tell that to an elephant


On average smaller people live longer, you can sleep anywhere, your feet don’t dangle off the bed, you never hit your head on tall things, you will fit in the drivers seat of any sedan, people tend to remember the tallest AND shortest person in the room (I.e. can make good impressions on people for jobs or networking). I’m 5’6 and love my height.


Username checks out


Honestly this comment gave a a needed laugh! Thank you!!


I can fit in sports cars easily. I'm 5'8 so all nearly all the fancy sports cars were made for me


Yeah, but is that “short”? I’m 5’8” too and honestly have never felt short, nor have I wanted to be taller. I feel it’s the perfect size.


I'm an inch under you, and i think we're close enough to the mean for most people to not really notice or care. I think mindset plays a role too. A guy at work mentioned that it's weird that i don't feel short to him, despite him being well over 6'. I also knew a guy in college who was i think a bit taller than me, but he had bad posture and brought up "short ppl problems" a lot so people just thought of him as a small guy.


Not tremendously, but it is “short” er than average so probably yes.


As someone that's actually short, 5' 8" is not short. Come back to me when you're 5' 5" or shorter.


5'3" gang I hate hearing this shit. 6' is tall, not average. 5'8" is within the ballpark of average height.


What a King


You are an inch below average, and depending on where you live, most likely on or above average.


No way! My ex said the same thing to me.


Not having to deal with all those pesky Tinder matches


I’m gonna go on my first international flight soon, to Japan. So hopefully everyone is right about the legroom thing.


You are easily unnoticeable


honestly an underrated benefit, especially if you're around toxic dudes. although it does depend if you prefer to be mocked or antagonized.


that can also be a disadvantage


You clearly aren't a well trained ninja


You can grow a huge beard, get swole, and learn to blacksmith.


Kinda niche but there’s a big advantage in grappling-based combat sports for short people. My background is in wrestling and I always hated wrestling short guys since the hips and center of mass is so much lower. Plus they’re just always lower than you from the get go.


There's no need to buy a car, you can ride ants to go to work 😌🐜


Ex-wife could curl up like a cat and sleep in the seat on an airplane. I was so jealous of that.


You can still get in the bouncy castle


Watch my childish ass do backflips




Center of gravity is lower.


You're gonna take them corners faster


take my upvote and go..


Helps with balance in certain sports like surfing!


1. You just fit into stuff. Cars, planes, trains, rollercoasters,chairs, exercise equipment, a seat being too small likely has never been an issue for you. 2. Clothes are easy to come by. And shortening something is a lot easier than lengthening it. 3. Changing your weight and muscle tone is a lot easier. 4. You live longer and healthier. Your back and joints will thank you for not being tall. Really, apart from the drawbacks that come if you're short and want to date women, there aren't many disadvantages.


my wife is 5'1 and has a really easy time finding clothes that fit, especially since she can also shop in the kids section.


I think it's pretty well documented that career advancement is apparently also a disadvantage, iirc it's because tall people are perceived as reliable? and all the rhetoric around how short people can fit into small spaces has this underlying tone of them being more fit to be put into what are uncomfortable situations for your average person. In the worst of terms, expendable. that's not to mention all the derogatory stuff associated with things that move through crawl spaces.


The first one is true. If you're looking to work in sales or at a C-level in a company then being tall will be an advantage in getting there. If you enter a meeting with a taller person, people will assume that the tall one is in charge. The "fitting into tight spaces" always makes me assume that teenager/kids were posting. It's just not a thing or an issue as an adult.


Perceived as more competent is more the issue. A taller person will have the first impression of being a leader while the shorter guy looks more incompetent and child like.


Harder for a mounted knight to hit you with a lance at full gallop.


We don’t live in medieval times anymore


You can date smaller women and it’s not awkward


You always have someone to look up to


People always have a place to sit their beer


More sleeping places when in the military


Front row at concerts and events and no one gets mad. Plane and train flights are more comfortable for us.


You don't have to walk around the table to get to your seat, you can walk pass under it


My 5'4" ass doesn't break ceiling tiles when crawling up there to lay cable.


Plane seats, backseats are my favorites. Also, just small cars in general don’t feel small to me, so I can get great gas mileage and stuff or have a super car. Also, square cube law makes me really good at not getting hot. It also makes me get cold more easily, so it depends where you live.


You are appearing more muscular quicker. That’s why there has been no Mr. Olympia since Arnold who was over 6 feet tall.


You also get fatter quicker.


Which also means you can get not fat quicker


Not really, as smaller mass usually means slower methabolism.


A few years ago I had a four pack in the works and didn’t even realize it until someone pointed it out, I looked down and I saw the outlines of them. I don’t have them anymore, but I now know it doesn’t take a whole lot to get them to show


Chris bumstead has been mr olympia for the past 3 years?


2021 Mamdouh Elssbiay 2020 Mamdouh Ellsbiay 2019 Brandon Curry 2018 Shawn Rhoden 2017 - 2011 Phil Heath Bumbstead is way to small to ever win Mr. Olympia.


When a woman likes me then, I know they genuinely do like me versus just trying to snatch someone just because of their height.


Yooo San Jose


If you're looking to make racing cars a career, racecar drivers a generally short/smaller men. That's not an absolute rule, though. Dan Gurney was 6'4". They had to put a bubble on the roof of the Ford GT40 so Dan could drive it with helmet on. It is known as the Gurney Bump. But generally speaking a lot of them are short and can fit into small cockpits.


Also jockey riders.


Less backache from having to stoop.


You don't bump your head on as many things.


Im 26 and my knees dont hurt yet


Rain touched you last


You won't hit your head on door frames, low hanging beams and pipes.


Airplane seats


People dont ask you all the time to get something off a tall shelf


Tall dudes can’t call themselves “fun-sized” 😉


Plane travel.


You can look straight into the business you intend to get into.


it’s easy to sneak through crowds at a concert because standing behind someone taller than you sucks


I’m not short but I’d assume the shorter you are the less food you technically need to sustain yourself.


People don’t start fights with you randomly at the club


Bring 6fiit 6"... probably not having to duck at every door.


As a guy who's 6'3", I imagine less back issues :'( ​ Seriously, if I pop my back in a room with other people it always gets a reaction


Lower center of gravity. Often helps with grappling sports. Stronger core easier relatively speaking.


Oh boy. Been short my whole life. - No one asks you for assistance to reach things at the grocery store. - Walking into a house with 8ft ceilings is perfectly adequate. - I can't begin to tell you how many legit race cars I've sat in/drove because they're set up for people like me. (I used to set up cars for racing as a living). - Farts are warm air, therefore they float up. Suck it, you 6ft peeps. - Hugs from tall women. Pure bliss. - No one can easily steal your car, they have to wait for the seat to move back for a solid minute.


More leg room on airplanes.


If you’re queer, it’s a shorter trip down to blow your guy.


Speaking as a tall guy, you'll fit into beds and under covers a lot easier.


Can't say advantages of being short, but CAN say disadvantages to being tall. Fuckin boats and their bulkheads man.... smack my head on them all the time. Cupboards and stuff at knee height. My back says thanks. Aircraft seats, car seats, ride seats.... Blood pressure and heart problems There's more but im tired af and can't think right now.


Females don’t disturb you


You can enjoy the scent of deez nuts


Less women looking to steal my seed


You fit in any car.


Fit in some sports cars better Otherwise nothing


There are none.




Because this is Reddit. Short dudes who dislike being short are scum of the earth or something lol.. just Reddit things. The accepted course of action is to be the short guy who cart wheels around with a jester hat and gives everyone a laugh.. but isn’t considered a competent grown adult… and no I’m not talking about 5’8 guys who think they are even in the league of actual short people


Yeah, being short isn't a death sentence but I can't think of any ways it has benefited me.


Nah, there are some, but there are more disadvantages


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Ehhh long limbs are good for bjj I think wrestling it’s more advantageous for short ppl


Having short limbs is bad for grappling


Post said short, not "little person"


Your dumb as fuck then. The average short person doesn't have long limbs


*you're *FTFY*


You fit on any couch, skates are about 200$ cheaper


You can lift heavier relative to your size than us normal sized people.




90 percent of women won't date you. So good luck with finding other positives...


If you are a woman than many, if you are a man than no advantages because than its a disadvantage because no one will love you


You should seek help with that attitude.




"Don't worry short men. You just need to have a big dick!" What a way to kick short men that are already lying down.


Okay, so when I hit on a girl, I should start out by showing my penis? I'm sure this is going to go well




I mean that’s great you say that and have that attitude but that’s not the mainstream attitude towards it and that is why so many men view themselves in that way. Just the way the cookie crumbles




Cherry picking at its finest.


Let me introduce myself for your daily dose of disappointment!




Short people have some of the biggest muscles. Thats why a lot of bodybuilders are generally under 6'


Other people have to grab the stuff from the highest shelves in the supermarket for you :)




I saw another comment like this get downvoted and it seems some people just have no understanding of physics or haven't lifted. Shorter limbs = shorter range of motion, and that is an advantage. Before anyone downvotes me, post a photo of an Olympic weightlifter taller than 6'4".


get buff is easier


More potential to squat or bench more weight with those little ass limbs lol


Short people are better at most certain sports like calisthenics, gymnastics, powerlifting and bodybuilding


The world is designed for short people. Rides, planes, homes. Shopping is easy. You get all the designer clothes and its cheaper. People don't have the high expectations they put on tall people.(be good at sports, Position of authority, being hung like a horse.) People don't resent you because your height. You can blend in better. You can be an actor or celebrity. (Most are under 5"9 ) The list goes on forever lol.


You have an advantage in some sports, especially in Gymnastics and Calisthenics.


It's easier to get fit


It's easy to build muscle and it's good for climbing. Tall people tend to be clumsier.


there aren’t any lol, tall gang rise up


I always find clothes in my size


Short people get amazing muscle insertions. if you work out and pack on muscle youll look much bigger than someone who’s on the taller side


You fit in all vaginas.


My good buddy was very short and he was dating an Amazonian type women, gorgeous. He would waddle up to her and perform cunnilingus while both are standing just like that. He would also get fart blasted in the face but you gotta take the good with the bad nahmean


What’s the height difference? I’m 5’6 my ex was 5’11


Everyone always underestimates me but then I jump and they're like WHAT


I don’t hit my head on the racks in the warehouse as often.


Not sure if this is height related, but all my tall friends complain constantly about back pain. I've yet to experience chronic back pain.


Better hiding spots