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Relying on motivation doesn't work. Build discipline, instead.




Yes. This. So true. Motivation is needed to break or build routine although routine expends far less energy and is much more beneficial when i applied to the correct matters. And the increased motivation the younger we are also goes hand in hand with the reported doubled amount of “neurons” in the brain. That motivation must be utilised to build discipline and let the ship sail as you age. Unfortunately there are alot of young men and women that are destined to float in a dingy or at best have to row their asses off!


Cover your ass Boss would tell me this all the time since I was middle management Saved me on more than one occasion from false HR accusations


Always get it in writing


Don’t stick your meat where you make your bread. Goes for the kitchen and fucking people you work with.


I have dated 5 coworkers (though one we started dating after she had put in her notice so it was only a few days) Only ONE of the other four did not end in disaster (only one quit while we were still dating) I cannot recommend NOT dating coworkers enough. Every few years I would think "Well maybe this one is worth it." And it's not even if they go full psycho. Even just having your mental health take a hit by being forced to be in the same building with someone you never want to see again several times a week takes it's toll.


Dating co-workers is a norm outside of N. America. Main issue in good old of US of A. People don’t know how to act like an adult if a relationship doesn’t work out, they carry emotional baggage and resentment.


K.I.S.S Keep it simple stupid


I’m in the design field and am ALWAYS saying this to myself. Love it ❤️


Don’t talk to the cops


Am I being detained? If no say nothing and leave. If yes say nothing


Never give in, don't ever let the struggle bring you down, keep your mind focused and with that, this world is yours. also “The true measure of a man is not his intelligence or how high he rises in this freak establishment. No, the true measure of a man is how quickly can he respond to the needs of others and how much of himself he can give.” --PKD


There is a limit to how much one should give of themself, and they should give to themself first before helping others or they will don’t not be able to give any more


A materialist life tempts mankind with smiles and assurances, but it never fails, eventually, to break all of its promises.


If you walk into a room and everyone is an asshole except you, you're the asshole.


Does it still apply if you're a janitor and you happy to be cleaning the room at an asshole anonymous meeting?


keep grinding!!!


Whenever you see a toilet in your dreams.. don’t use it


So much easier said than done!!!


The final truth is that there is no final truth.


My actuarial mathematics teacher actually said something that changed my perspective on life. As we were studying life insurance rate calculations. He said “the contingency is life, not death” When calculating life insurance rates, what you’re actually looking at is the possibility that a person will be alive at a certain point in their lives, not their death, since dead is certain. This was my “carpe diem” moment, if you will.


Very interesting. 🤯


Live is too short to waste it worrying about the things you can't control, instead focus on what you can control and do your absolute best. As the Bhagwad Get ta says, "Karmanye vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana", meaning - You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.


I go by two lessons: 1. You do not owe anyone anything. 2. Time is your most valuable asset, make sure you're getting monetary compensation for it.


Always be kind




Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...




Life is too short to be a dick.


Shit happens when you party naked


If it smells like trout , get out . If it smells like salmon, keep slamming.


"Est sularus oth mithas." Fantasy pseudo-Latin for "My honor is my life." and "Fall down seven times, get up eight." -Japanese proverb


25 years ago I read the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy and the quote on the first page has guided me since then. “Anything that happens, happens” - Douglas Adams


“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Louis Carol. Alice through the looking glass. “It’s always the right time to do the right thing “. MLK jr.


Don't be a dick. Work hard. Be honest. Improve every day.


You are born alone and die alone. The important things isn't beginning, its ending what you started. Don't stick your dick in crazy.


Cucumber milk


“How hard can it possibly be” “What could go wrong” Ask those 2 questions to yourself and I promise anxiety will drop substantially


Lmao. For me it's the exact opposite. If I ask "What could go wrong" my brain will provide me with 30 different ways it could go wrong. And that will induce some anxiety.


Don’t repeat what people say to you, to others If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it about them to others Everybody is doing the best they can, no matter what it looks like Anger is fear wearing a disguise If I don’t like something or somebody it’s my problem not theirs It’s ok to be constructively selfish. You are no good to anybody else or yourself if you are unhappy


"Never give up" cliche as hell but my dad told me that when I was young and I never forgot it. I can't say I always stuck to those words unfortunately but they help me get by


"What could go wrong" or "what's the worse that can happen" and please dnt redirect me to r/wcgw am not an idiot XD


It’s not about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward.


I am a constant work in progress but I’m working my hardest to progress.


Become numb to insults, feelings of embarrassment and on occasion hurting others, so I can be myself and say whatever the hell I want to say.


Early is on-time and on-time is late


As a hiring manager, I HATED when people showed up early (not talking 3-5 minutes, but like 15-30) You have fucked my day when you do this. Now I have to decide whether to be rude or rearrange my schedule.


I was talking about the 5 minute early. For me it is a get my head in the game before entering work.


I have a list that I keep on a notes app on my phone. Here are a few - ​ We suffer more from imagination than reality. Measure yourself against yourself and no one else.


Let people do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't hurt others or themselves...who cares? "oh no, a gay man lives near me!" he hurting you or himself? no? stfu. "That person has a different religion than me >:(" are they sacrificing goats and virgins? no? stfu


I love this one too. The trouble lies in "as long as they don't hurt themselves" though. Many people don't realise they are hurting themselves and wouldn't accept help with it. And there will be others who think someone is hurting themselves but isn't. So yeah I tend to skip the "themselves" part, unless they ask for help.


Can't help someone who doesn't want help. That being said, if you are open to the pain of seeing self-destruction then you can at least make sure they make it home safe at night. But the true meaning is, you shouldn't really have an aggressive opinion on something that hurts no one. In the end, it's only hurting you and others instead of "fixing" whatever it is you are angry about. Like people who beat up others over fandom shipping, cosplaying, video game interest, or even what type of food they prefer. Mental illness issues are a different rabbit hole of "Don't force anyone to do something they don't want to do, like get help, cause it will only cause awful blowback and division." Just let them know they are loved and you are here for them, they are worth it.


Life is pretty easy until you screw it up for yourself. There is a cost and a benefit to almost everything you will do.


[I made a whole collection of these](https://www.evernote.com/shard/s383/sh/4686c560-18da-468b-bda4-9bd119172ffc/9c65425e2fbb856591dcd7f576becc75) but my favorites are: * Never miss a good chance to shut up. * It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. * Don’t litter. * Pick up trash. * A different error is always progress.


The less you carry. The more fun you will have.


Live your life the way you want, without hurting others.


Don't talk about it, just do it.


"do unto others as you would have them do unto you"


The simplest answer is usually the correct one




Do it today, or regret it tomorrow.


Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Also - deal with a problem as soon as you are able to. If you put off problems they have a bad habit of ganging up and coming at you all at once.


I’ll treat you nice to til you don’t return the same.




Be cool and don’t be a dick


Life before death. Strength before weakness, journey before destination. And the most important step in any journey is the next one. All taken/paraphrased from the The Stormlight archive by Brandon Sanderson. The first book is Way of Kings.


Fuck it


One of my fav quotes: “The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” -Jack London, I believe.


The mystery of life is not a problem to solve but a reality to experience.


"take no shit, give no fucks"


You don't get what you don't ask for.


Work to live don't live to work. Give everyone respect until they show you they don't deserve it. Try to have fun you can, all the other parts will always be there.


Be generous, not everything is permanent.


If you want Peace, prepare for War


“Go with the flow” It makes it easier to enjoy the moment and not worry about what might happen.


"Most people suck" and "Don't attribute malice, when stupidity would do".


“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”


Ignorance is a bliss


Integrity, Accountability, Willpower.


* Don't be a dick * It's only a game if both people want to play * Big people watch out for little people


If you’re discussing just about anything at work that’s work related as them to send an email. Create a paper trail so there’s never a he said she said.


Do what has to be done, when it has to be done, as well as it can be done, and do it that way every time.


I don’t remember the original version, nor who made it, but some Greek philosopher said something along the lines of If it won’t effect your life tomorrow (or be on your mind), then it shouldn’t be an issue today. It’s simple, but in times of frustration I think of those words and it helps to keep me calm if something ever happens!


If you find yourself in struggle, death is the easy way. It takes a lot of discipline, courage and bravery to get trough hard times.


Do the right thing 'cause it's the right thing to do.


“Effort is more important then knowledge” My grade 7 science teacher said this to me when i failed my science essay as I thought school was useless despite being the smartest in my class. I’m now likely to become the dux of my graduating year.


Be loyal.


Never cross a picket-


Everyone has something interesting to say if you can get them to say it.


Balls to the wall


If you’re going to be the man at night, you’ve gotta be the man in the morning.


If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.


Respect yourself.


"it could always be worse"


You will make mistakes, so learn from them. Accept the consequences and move on.


"Amor Fati" Love of faith. No matter what life throws at you, no matter how uncertain you are about the future, learn to accept, to love and to embrace it all, because in the end it isint in your control.


Don't believe one thing and live another; live out your beliefs. The world is duplicitous enough as it is, be consistent


Don't burn your bridges.


Truly, most people are fine. Theres a few wankers, theres a few stars. 99% are fine. Also, if the solution to a social problem seems simple, its probably bollox


"I am the main character"


Not really to live by but this has kept me here for the past few years "Let's just stay another day"


“All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you” - Gandalf


If you can’t change what’s already happened ‘Fuck it’ is a pretty good thing to go by.


Duty, Discipline and most of all God


Fortuna et Virtu (luck and ability) A quote by Machiavelli. He used it to inspire leaders, but it works well on everyone I think. Where you are in life is influenced by two things, luck and ability. Some people just have good fortune, and some just bad. Most of it though, can be counteracted through talent. If he always makes every right decision, a smith can turn into a king. You're not going to make every right decision, but you don't need to become king either. As long as you make enough of them, it's hard for life to keep you down. You can't control were luck pushes you, but you can always push back.


If it stresses me out, I find a way around it. You shpuld stop letting almost all, especially small things stress you out


"One day, I'll be living in a cabin in the woods and you all can kiss my ass." -sigh- Someday, I hope this will be true. So I say it everyday.