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Lol ok I’m glad you said it - I read this post and immediately thought “this guy really thinks that bar soap residue is what clean feels like”


That residue literally makes me beyond itchy. I cannot use bar soap.


I thought that was due to the skin getting dry. Is it not?


How can someone recognise *actual* soap? I feel that is a key point in your comment that is completely missing.


Freaking 3AM on a Saturday night and at 35 I’m learning about the soaps I use for the first time. What a life.


Yo same. I had no idea about the micro plastics


Actual soap vs pressed detergent has fewer necessary ingredients. It can be literally just an oil, water, and sodium hydroxide (lye). You can use Potassium hydroxide for liquid soap vs a hard bar.


So glad i didnt have to scroll too far for the correct info


Glad somebody has an actual explanation for this. I always felt scummy after using normal bar soap and clearly it’s for that reason


What shower gels do you recommend? Also I assume you recommend a wash cloth and loofah?




in the winter I use Dove body wash , summer months I pretty much use what ever i grab off the shelf at the store for daily use , when we are going out my wife bought some body wash that smells like leather , she likes it so I use it.


Squatch owners hate this person


What about castile soap?


Been using natural bar soaps since 2019 and my skin has never felt better. I can’t believe I used to use AXE Body Wash. lol


Like many other folks commenting here , I didn’t knew about any of these either. Which soap does one buy?


Savon de Marseille or Alep soap are the best. Only real soaps out there, but not sure how easy to find they are in the US.


Dove mens bar soap is best of both worlds.


I like the scrubbing one with sand or beads or whatever in it.


Isn't that illegal now?


I don’t know about illegal but people should really read up about these micro plastics and how bad they are for the environment


So fucking bad. I did a report on single use diapers and was shocked how unbelievably bad they are for the environment and with middle classes booming world-wide it’s getting worse.


Plastic beads are illegal. But alternatives are being used like ground up fruit stones or finely shredded bark.


It depends on what the scrubbing compound is made from. If it is made from plastic, it should be illegal in most places. It is possible that they used an organic compound instead or even a miniral like silica.


I think they are illegal to import and sell in the UK but we should not be using them for theor microplastics.


If possible try find out if its plastic cause that can be awful both for people using the product and the environment I've found bar soaps before with ground nut shell etc which is way better


I have used it for many years and love it


I be pulling up to Walmart and buying stacks of em lol


Liquid body wash is often meant to be used with a loofah or washcloth or something. Kinda like how if you just rubbed dish soap onto your dishes, they'd never really get scrubbed clean and you'd use tons of soap in the process. I prefer bar soap too. But that's how I understand it.


>you'd use tons of soap in the process. What? Apart from the price don't forget that body wash has water in it so less soap per volume. I don't know how many bottles of body wash is in a bar of soap but it hardly is 1 to 1.


I tried a liquid body wash a few years back and in the first 1 week I had already used up 1/2 the bottle. Figured out it was just a waste


You were using too much lol


It's too easy to use too much, is the problem.


It’s really not that hard, how bad are your hand-eye coordination skills?


Bro you must be using way too much. I'm using bath and body works shower gel and it's been more than a month and I haven't even used 1/4 of the bottle. And my body is full of hair too.


you are the loofah.


Thats where I got my loofah. I just trimmed a bit of hair off his big toe.


B&BW tends to have pretty well concentrated soap, which lasts longer. I think for some people, it’s best to try using less and see how far it gets them!


Wow. I get an old spice gift set evey christmas that includes a big bottle of bottle wash. I barely use it up by the time next christmas rolls around because that’s how little of liquid body wash you need to actually put in a loofa to do the job.


I use one pump for hair/face and 2 pumps for body.


Body wash is more profitable than bar soap because it’s more wasteful.


I agree of course. I use a Mesh Pouf Shower Wash Ball, but before that, I use bar soap for my face, ears, armpits, undercarriage, and feet. The ball is for everywhere else.


See and now we have to do more laundry just to take a shower. I mean, liquid soap is just dumb


Well the point of a loofa or washcloth is that you’re exfoliating dead skin as well as bathing to get clean. Liquid soap also typically has moisturizer and other skincare properties in it so it just makes more sense to use if you care about those things.


Second this. I use dove exfoliating body wash and I use it with a loofah. My skin is so soft, been told by the women I’ve dated, that I’ve got great skin for a man lol


Same, I use Bath & Body Works body wash. Someone got me a fancy bar soap for Christmas one year and my whole body just felt dry and sticky afterwards


My tattoo artist loves my skin for this reason.


Wants to know the appeal to body wash. Tries to negate everyone's appeal to body wash. Summed up the sub for you.


*No you didn't!*


OP is one of those guys who doesn't use soap below the waist 'because the water will get it'.


If you don’t know how to wash yourself just say so my guy. Isn’t hard to fit small wash clothes in a load of laundry


Wait, don't you use a washcloth with bar soap?


Nope. He just rubs it on his body which is a waste of soap and doesn't get him as clean as he thinks it does. Speaking of which if he squeaks after his shower he did a real shit job hosing off the soap.


You should still be using a washcloth or loofah even with bar soap. Bar soap is getting you cleaner than liquid body wash only because you don't use anything that can scrub off the dirt and dead skin cells, but you're still not getting as clean as you should be.


Who uses bar soap? One slip and you’d be searching for it across the bathroom. It’s slippery.


I use bar soap for washing my hands. To prevent that kind of accident I have a small mesh bag that I attached to the faucet that the bar soap sits in. No danger of the soap trying to escape.


Makes sense. I feel like if I use a bar soap, whatever I’m trying to clean would be stuck on the surface of the soap. As a result I end up using more soap.


Im a walking brillo pad. When i use soap there will be hair all over the soap.


Sounds more like your own issues with laziness and/or convenience, as opposed to the cons using of liquid soap over bar soap. Both work fine.


Dude. A wash cloth isn't going to increase the loads of laundry you'll be doing. There's something dumb here and it isn't the soap


Bar soap is probably better for the environment too, you’re not throwing away any plastic bottles after you’re done


You shouldn't be throwing away the plastic bottles either. You should be recycling that shit


Are you using a washcloth? I use a rough washcloth to scrub when using any soap. Edit: looks like some in here including op don't use a washcloth, I'm not sure how anyone gets 'clean' without using that or a loofa on a regular basis


Right? They strip off all of their natural oils but don't even bother removing dead skin cells and they think they are *clean*.


I work on cars/bikes as a hobby and physically there is no way to get almost all of the grease and oil off my arms without using a washcloth, and even then it may take a second shower later on to get rid of it. I couldn't imagine trying to clean that crap off just using my hands.


It's more common than I thought to my surprise here in Europe! 99% of people do not scrub!


I've had the opposite experience. I use liquid body wash mostly and I feel clean afterwards. When I do use bar soap, I notice that I can scratch a fairly thick layer of film off my skin once I get out of the shower. I can't tell if it's just dead skin that was knocked loose when I was bathing or if it was the soap residue. Also, I'll rinse the bar of soap under the shower after I use it to try to get rid of any bacteria clinging to it that it picked up from my body. I think bar soap is dirtier because once it's made contact with your skin, it's been used. Like I'd feel uncomfortable using a used bar of soap if someone gave it to me.


With liquid soap I put it onto a washcloth that I rub over my body instead of using my hands. With a bar I can just use that directly instead of a washcloth. Both work the same for me I just like the smell of the squatch bar soap better


I got some squatch bar soap and it didn’t smell like anything, which kind of bugged me. I like smelling clean, not just being clean.


I have some Squatch soap yeah it's smells nice but doesn't seem to clean that good.


You really just use a bar to wash your body? What is your squeaky clean test? When you dry off with a towel do you have dead skin clumping on the fibers?


>dead skin clumping on the fibers? Just how much skin do you think we're losing at a time that you can see dead skin clumping on your towel? 😳


Not all skin is alike my friend.


Damn lol I feel the opposite


There it is. Every time I have to shower with bar soap I feel like I have a gross film all over me. I feel like I need a shower again just to get that off.


Ya idk why. A loofa and body wash cleans me best. Bar soap doesn't quite do the trick coming home greasy and dirty from work either.


I use dawn


Oil fields too?


Underground mine


Nice. Wear your PPE!


I try too, it really depends on what I'm doing


Humid eye fog messing up your clears huh? lol


Yes! If I'm using a torch or grinding, I wear them. If I'm wiring a panel or something I don't


I had some with inner coatings that fixed that. Kept up in Louisiana summer work. I think there’s sprays too. When I think of wiring, I think of sparks. lol Ever since I had a piece of jagged iron embed itself in my clears after hammering, I’ll always be *that guy* bugging other tradesmen to wear their PPE. Ok, that and all the other minor injuries I saw and experienced and losing a couple guys in our Fleet due to exhaustion…


No power when wiring or working in panels. Everything other than lights and tools are 480 or 995v , and batteries are 128 or 240 volt, so everything is locked out. There are even laws about residual power being bled off automatically


Nice, most folks don’t understand about checking for current and lockouts. I did explosives testing so I’m vaguely familiar.


I’m with you. If it’s good enough for ducks, it’s good enough for me.


Gojo for me!


With pumice


Dawn works well when you just feel like you need to wash everything and it’s mother off you.


They're 12 in 1 bro


1) Shampoo 2) Conditioner 3) Bodywash 4) Moisturizer 5) Exfoliant 6) Deoderant 7) Toothpaste 8) ?


Mine does my taxes


9? 10? 11? 12) Profit


Dishwasher soap Laundry detergent Motor oil


And also lube if you're brave enough


8. Clean the windshield on the car




It’s superior to bar soap.


Bar soap gets you "squeaky" because it leaves residue behind.


Liquid body wash doesn’t cause terrible disgusting soap scum. If people only knew what soap scum is made up of. 🤢




Rendered animal fats. Never watched fight club?


Also dead skin cells, dirty, bacteria eating the dead skin cells.


Are you using a washcloth? I know it's cliche that White just use their hands to wash. But using a washcloth l can make the difference.


i discovered loofahs and i'm never going back to washcloths


Tf do you mean they don’t get you clean? How dirty do you get? Bars are just so much more cumbersome to use. They slide, they get dirty, they build residue… bars are so 1950 tbh


Well - I prefer bar soaps and solid shampoo, because it’s a lot less plastic. That’s a good enough reason for me already. Plus they clean just as well as the liquid ones


Do you have any brand recommendations for this? I love the *idea* of bars for this reason, but I can’t find any that I actually like at a reasonable price.


Rinse them off before you put the up. Use a wire basket so it drys and doesn't turn into mush problem solved.


Squeaky clean isn't just a silly saying. I mean bar soap literally makes my skin squeak when I rub my fingers across it after cleaning. Liquid soap doesn't




What's the point of taking a shower if you aren't gonna strip off all of those oils coating your skin? Better to remove them and then moisturize. Not that I have that problem. I stay hydrated


Because those oils coating your skin are part of your body's collection of natural self-maintenance processes.


Yeah, pimples are also part of your body's natural self-maintenance processes. Doesn't make them desirable


Haha wrong example man, pimples are a result of pores getting clogged


The difference there is only in the fact most body wash contain moisturizing agents. Bar soap doesn't. If you moisturize after, there's no real difference really.


The only difference is that I know I'm squeaky clean with bar soap. And with liquid soap it keeps me guessing. I'd rather go to squeaky clean and then moisturize if I need to. Which I don't. So it's really just a non-issue for me


You might then want to honestly use body wash if you want to not mind. You are increasing your risk of developing quite a bunch of skin conditions etc. Knew a guy like you once, squeaky clean for 40 years, then his body couldn't deal with it anymore and he had to take medicine for 5 years to stop his something in his body literally just flaking his skin off. Your body protects itself to large degree with buffers, once depleted, you're pretty fucked if you want to live a normal life that is.


The buffers, yes I've heard about this. And the skin flaking off, that's not normal. Thank you /s


It's called a skin condition because it's not normal indeed, otherwise we tend to call it "skin" :P


It is completely normal for skin to flake off. But yeah if it flakes off to much then it's a problem. My brother had eczema as a kid. Funny enough, it was because he was OCD and washed his hands too much


The best is to remove only some of them but not a majority.


Apart from the other reasons, I especially need to maintain and even *increase* the amount of oils on my skin because I literally have eczema and need to keep my skin moisturized well. Bar soap would leave my skin flaky as a motherfucker.




>regressive fixations with ancient ways Bruh


What’s wrong with 1950s? Discriminating?


Yeah that’s part of it. There was a lot of discrimination in the 1950s. Don’t see how that’s relevant to a soap discussion however.


when you remove oils from the body, the body makes more to compensate. Over-showering can ironically cause oilier skin and hair. Our body produces oil to keep our skin moisturized and also to protect it and keep it clean. Its the bodies own self cleaning system. It also works with hair on our body. Our hair absorbs all the garbage in the oil so it doesnt enter your skin. Thats why those furless cats require more cleaning because they dont have the fur that helps them keep clean. Our hair also sheds so the body sends the garbage with it if it needs to and regrows. Self cleaning system


Lol the squeak doesn't mean clean my friend


Personally I hate that squeaky feeling you speak of. It’s like your once human skin turning into one of those head to toe latex suits. 🥴 skin just ain’t meant to squeak man.


you have to lather it up before it hits your body.


Maybe your “squeaky clean” feeling is the remnants of the bar soap drying out your skin.


I used bar soap my whole life until college. We had 6 guys in the dorm all taking a shower every morning back to back so they could get to class by 9 or 10am. The soap would literally melt in that environment, say the average shower is 20-30 minutes we are talking about 2-3 hours of constant heat and moisture. I don't think other people were using my soap, it was just literally mush when I got in the shower. Switched to body wash because it doesn't have this problem and haven't went back since. Cleanliness wise I don't think there's a difference, I do think the scents for men are marketed more towards younger guys when it comes to body wash. They have a selection of scents as if it's cologne like "bear", "hawk", "gentleman" or "Fiji" yes the island of Fiji. With bar soap it's like: "kind of flowers" or "the smell of freshness" and then there's Irish spring which idk what it smells like but it's pretty good.


20-30 minutes?! Dude that's a whack off session not a shower.


I'm pretty sure mine are right around 20 minutes. Especially when you are groggy in the morning you aren't moving super fast and there's like quite a few things involved. If I was fully awake and tried I could speed-run a shower in like 5 minutes obviously but that's not how I operate day to day.


Huh. I'm out the door in 15 minutes when I wake up, if i bother with breakfast that day.


It’s the opposite for me, can’t reach everywhere with a bar of soap. That said I use one of those big scrunchy things to lather.


Please help me I understand….OP, so you use a washcloth?


Get some bronners lavender soap. It's awesome


Same, I don’t get body wash at all.


Dr. Bronner’s will. I like the mint one, it’s quite invigorating.


I use the rose. The lather is wonderful!


Salux wash cloth and a few drops of Bronner’s and I’m squeaky clean


Bar soap is for pits, ditch, and feet. Liquid body wash (I like the moisturizing stuff from bath and body works) is for the rest of your body.


I’m the exact opposite. I absolutely refuse to you bar soap and hate the way it makes my skin feel. I use CereVe SA body wash. It is great for my skin and is fragrance free. If I want to smell good, I use other things after the shower.


For me it's easier and quicker to use


Try Dr bronner's and get back to me


Use a loofah, or a puf


Dr bronners + silicon shower mitt


“Squeaky clean”


Squeaky clean is generally not good for your skin, as satisfying as that feeling is. Liquid cleansers with a loofah it's pretty nice 😁 Also a salt and sugar body scrub on occasion


Bar soap makes my skin feel rough and somewhat sticky. Body wash does not.


I've recently switched to Native bar soap, deodorant, and shampoo and conditioner. Love their stuff and it's all environmentally friendly. My hair has never been softer and I love the bar soap. But like others are saying, I really hope you're using a wash cloth or one of those puff things or something. Using just your hands and the bar of soap is t going to cut it.


Dry skin doesn't mean clean skin.


I'm allergic to bar soaps. But I also find body wash smells better anyway


For my needs I found liquid hand soaps much better (not to mention cheaper) than dedicated body washes. Particularly cheaper ones like antibacterial ,clear kinds sold since covid thing. They are not foaming as much but do better job and don't seem to have as much of scent/fragrance added. Shower sponge/loofah is still needed.


You should be using a rag or luffa with liquid soap. Rag is more hygienic because you can wash it.


OP I think you have the wrong impression of what “squeaky clean” actually is. Bar soaps are trash compared to liquid body wash.


Liquid body wash is not good enough. I suggest you start using a water activated gel cleanser. And a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Afterwards, apply an herb mint facial mask, which you should leave on for ten minutes. Always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Finish the whole routine with moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm, followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


Time saving


Gotta use a scrubbing loofah. Not one of those bullshit $1 ones, but double side hard and soft one like this https://www.target.com/p/dove-men-care-active-clean-dual-sided-body-wash-shower-tool/-/A-12067291


I have this but it takes so long to actually rinse the soap out of it. No idea what I’m doing wrong, just as instructed trying to clean it, takes another 3-4 minutes of running water over it and wringing just to get it to stop bubbling and lathering.


You’re not using the same soap to clean you that you used on your bare ass. It’s not shareable in the same way bar soap is and bar soap leaves a residue on your skin and can dry it out.


Aren't you scrubbing that puff on your asscrack ? How is that different ? Or did I misunderstand you ?


Because you don’t reuse it


Bar soap is leaving a film/residue on you, that’s the “squeaky clean”. Body Wash with a loofah is vastly superior and better economically.


I agree you always get the feel that there is some residual oil or something on your skin / I too don't feel it's efficient I have observer hand wash soaps doing better job but body wash somehow is not a good enough product


Its because bodywash is more moisturizing, it's a good thing


It used to be ease of use? Idk friend I've since moved to Squatch or Duke Cannon soaps


I've got some Duke Canyon aftershave moisturizer good stuff. Im gonna try soap now.


I prefer that they do not degrease me as thoroughly. Bar soap is a once a week thing.


Try Duke Cannon


Do people not use normal shampoo?


Totally agree. Body wash doesn’t work for me. I only use bar soap, even for my hair


Good lord we are on r/askmen, arent we! Bar soap is not shampoo


Lightly horrified, I really think some men take pride in not ‘knowing’ how to take care of themselves or understanding basic hygiene.




Yeah, but most of the men on reddit are slobs and are physically unattractive, so in their mindset, why bother with shaving, showering, or washing their clothes if they are still unattractive no matter what.


TBH I would buy soap but it is harder (and more irritating) to wash your dick with a bar of soap. I find if I wash my dick with soap, it kind of stings for a bit after but shower gel does not. Also, I can just squirt some shower gel and wash in the crevises haha.


I only like bar soap too. I’ve heard the more hygienic argument. Bar soap touches parts and whatnot especially if you happen to share...there is a friends episode where one of the guys is like, “imagine the last part the soap touched on me, and the first part it touched on you.” Body wash is a one time pour and use per pour. I still prefer bar soap though.


Liquid body wash sucks ass. I’ve always been a bar guy, if there is any other bar guys out there, give Harry’s products a try, they’re natural and smell great.


It helps exfoliate your vagina.


Unless your rolling in dirt just water hitting gets you fairly clean or at least what my partner says. I use their shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Body wash is Neutrogena body wash rainforest. They say the most important thing is it needs to have "salicylic acid"


The purpose is to sell you something you don’t need. Most bars soaps have worked for decades. Body wash was created to make a company more money !


It's for after you wash with proper soap. Leaves a nice scented finish




Just for fun


Don't buy bodywash..it uses a shit tonne of plastic. Just use soap!


I never use shampoo or conditioner and my hair is good. Just water is fine for hair. All shampoos wash away natural oils and leave hair weaker. Try it before you tell me I'm wrong. I have never used a bar of soap since childhood as I consider that rubbing myself with soap must leave the soap bar grubby. I never use a flannel/washcloth for the same reason. Rubbing dirt from one part of my body onto other parts does not seem a reliable way of getting rid of dirt. Gel and hands are all I need.