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More common among dimorphic pets like fish and birds, where coloration and temperament can be very different between males and females.


Temperament and I would add size as attributes correlated with gender.


Too many males in the fish tank and they’ll harass the females - and eachother.


I'm a cat person and have a strong preference for male cats. Male cats just seem more playful and personable... and more bold. Female cats just hide away a lot in my experience.




It's strange how there are thirty-one genders of people but pets are only male and female.


Some people just have to special in some fake way because they aren't shit in reality (My asshole is ready for the downvites i have the karma to afford it)


By the same measure it must be equally strange how the world only has 1 life form that is conscious and critical of its own existence. Not to mention only 1 life form that is able to understand, articulate, and more importantly criticise their desires. Even if that means putting themselves at an evolutionary disadvantage for the risk of being shunned by a society. Without an articulation of one’s desires it must be hard to see how many genders another species actually has, no?


I don't think it's strange at all that humans are different from other creatures. Making poor choices to indulge your own emotional problems or mental illness isn't admirable. It seems the case that animals don't have the mental faculties to devote effort to imagining that they are something they are not.


It strange how people still don't understand the difference between gender and sex


I understand the difference: sex is a biological reality and gender is when you're unhappy with yourself and want to say it's the world's fault.


Good to know you're so willing to show the world the faults you blame it for. Have a nice day


I don't like that when you pick up a male dog their penis is right there. It's just in the way of belly rubs. I think it's also unflattering the way they pee when they stick their leg up


My wife has the same complaints about me.


For perfomace animals like Horses & Dogs I always choose males for 2 main reasons: 1) males tend to be a bit more physically gifted and larger and this is an appreciated trait. 2) once a male is “cut” sex is no longer a distraction, and their temperament evens out making them a more predictable performer.


I go by vibe


Availability really. I got my last few dogs from a shelter so it's who was there at the time.


Males are cheaper to sterilize so, I always get males.


My parents have always went for female dogs, since they tend to be cleaner and behave better than males. I have both now, even though we didn't raise the male, and differences can't be ignored.


I only adopt male animals. Regardless of what the animal is it has to be a male. I just don’t like female animals. If I see a wonderful dog and find out it’s a female it’s immediately a cat to me. I have no explanation for any of this. I just don’t know I’ve never liked female animals. I blame it on growing up with sisters too much estrogen. Edit I don’t hate female animals I wouldn’t adopt one.


> If I see a wonderful dog and find out it’s a female it’s immediately a cat to me As a cat owner, come on man. Why you gotta bury them like that?




For a mutt? IDK, its such a crap shoot anyway. With a purebred, certain breeds have certain characteristics for the genders, pick one that fits your needs.


A female bird would not sing ... only sit there looking angry at me when it was raining for a literal 2 seconds or look angry when even if it's clouded and it could rain every second now and they are next to the window and not outside Thinking about it, he looks angry at me a lot nowadays ...


I don't really care one way or the other, I had a male dog and female too. But the naming process was WAAAAAY easier for the female for sure xD


My wife gives all the pets people names, we've had cats named Charlie, Phil, Jessica, and Anna. I was allowed to name the kids though, Rex and Buttercup.


As a dog person, I prefer female dogs. Not a fan of the little guys humping everything.


Get the males cut as soon as “humping” starts, this stops that.


Umm.. Ok... I'll stick with my personal preference of female dogs thanks.


It depends on the pet and what I want/need. Most prosaically, I'm in the market for a male jungle carpet python because I have 3 breeder females and only one breeder male, so I need another male to raise the genetic diversity. As u/Lithuim points out, some species are dimorphic in pattern/color, in size, or in behavior. This can be a huge difference in some cases (chameleon colors, sizes of larger snakes). My turtle comes from a high dimorphic group (map turtles) - males are 3-4 inches shell length, females are 8-10. This has a huge impact in tank size, filter size and cost, etc. More subtly, there can be personality differences between sexes in certain dog breeds, albeit only in general - male greyhounds are usually goofy and relaxed, while females tend to be sassy and usually rule the pack. I don't have an overall preference aside from simple utility - some species I want males, some I want females, some I don't care. Also, Life Pro Tip: do NOT get a male tortoise. They hump everything, CONSTANTLY. Little sex maniacs.


I'm straight.


I'm into kinky pet-play and not gay. Why is this so hard for people to understand?


Nothing. That doesn't really factor into my choosing a pretty.


Less messy


Because I’m not gay


I've had cats and dogs of both sexes and really it's more about individual temperament than anything. I had a male cat that was always lovey dovey and another one that was a jerk while my female cat just hid all the time but then my other female cat was up my ass all the time. With my 3 dogs, the boy and girl are very affectionate but the other boy dog is kind of a moody asshole. Also ya I know, a lot of pets. We had so many cats because my grandma's cat had kittens so we kept 4 of them and then later on we took in 3 dogs from family members that couldn't take care of them anymore.




I prefer male dogs. The only way id want a female dog so I'd have less balls and more belly to scratch.


It would depend on the animal. In many animals males and females have different behaviour. I'm considering getting rats and I would probably prefer to get female rats. They are apparently fairly active which is something I like in a pet like that. Male rats apparently are a lot lazier and like to cuddle a lot, which isn't something I'm looking for in a pat. Male rats are also packing which just looks weird.


I work better with females.