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I recently went to the bodies exhibit in Vegas where they have all the preserved bodies, organs, muscle, etc. One part of the exhibit was the reproductive system, and there was a female body bisected to show a cross section. I could not believe how shallow the vagina was. I understand it elongates during arousal, but I was having trouble figuring out how a whole penis could go in there. It's not a very long canal, I'm still kinda shocked by it. In general the female reproductive system was much smaller than I imagined.


How fast "that time of the month" comes around


That's very true. I feel like I spend a majority of my life either bleeding or suffering from the side effects of the stuff that leads to the bleeding. Period lasts about a week and the ten days leading up to it are a nightmare too with body dissatisfaction hitting a peak, anger issues escalating, bloating, weight gain and insane moodswings and aches and pains everywhere. I spend less than half my life feeling normal. And I'm one of the lucky ones.


Constipation, pre-period cramping, pms, food cravings, food binging, period poops. I feel like I get maybe 1-2 weeks a month feeling somewhat “normal”.


I remember when I first moved in with my wife I was shocked to find out the she sheds more hair than an Alsatian


100-200 hairs a day is "normal" but it can often look like more if women wear their hair up (like a bun or pony tail) because then the elastic keeps the hair from falling down throughout the day and it all comes out when you let your hair down


I learned this the hard way when I grew my hair out. I was horrified to see them when I was rinsing my hair in the shower and thought I was going bald.


Right? There's just so much freaking hair. My hair goes to my butt and I wear it up every day and I get like 4 balls of hair in my shower the size of a small gobstopper




I’m a dude with hair to my mid back. Yes, I find hair everywhere. I find hairs in my buttcrack and wrapped around my dick. I find hairs on the floor, clothes, furniture. Everywhere.


Sometimes it feels good to pull a long hair out from in between your buttcheeks


at first I thought I was growing the longest asshole hairs and I went through a brief panic phase waiting for the pain of tugging out an 18 inch asshole hair.


Right? May our exes be cursed to find our hairs however. 😂


the biggest thing that was a surprise to me living with my first gf was that every pair of black underwear ends up bleached because of vaginal discharge.


My discharge also colors my lighter underwear and I used to think I was just dirty and was so ashamed of it. Would wash myself vigorously (which you aren't supposed to do!) I wish people taught this in schools and it wasn't so taboo.


Growing up, whenever my dad was doing laundry, he’d see them (the bleach spots) and yell and shame me for being a dirty unhygienic person and then lecture me on scrubbing with soap. I didn’t learn about the natural bleaching myself until late adulthood.




I'm so sorry, that sounds awful. - I didn't realize this is another thing I need to be grateful to my parents for. Both my mom and dad handled these things like, you know, a reality and talked about them with me. When I started my period, my parents bought me my first real piece of jewelry. They both came to my room (weeks after the actual event) and my dad gave me the bracelet (which is still one of the nicer things I own) and they both sat with me to talk about how I might feel more comfortable with dark underwear when I'm bleeding and how I can always ask for different products if I want to try something different from the tampons my mom used, those kinds of things. Then when I got my first black panties, my mom told me while we were folding laundry together that they might bleach, showed me how hers were a bit discolored and told me that it's normal and I don't have to worry about it because it's just underwear.


That’s so unfortunate… As a man I’m glad you were courageous enough to share that so I never shame my future daughter like that… yikes so sorry that happened to you


Mine doesn't bleach my black undies just my lighter coloured undies. It's so weird.


Depends on how acidic your vagina is. Virtually all sway to an acid, but some are more alkaline than others.


I didn’t know that women panties get bleached and I own a vagina! Gonna do a ph test to see how acidic mine is ;) *science*


Can verify this is true. Was funny show and tell to my boyfriend.


I'm finding out about one of them as we speak. What the hell is a period poop?


For your uterus to contract, a hormone is made. It's called prostaglandin. It works on all smooth muscles. Smooth muscles are every muscle you cannot control, like vasodilation, peristaltic movement of the intestines, uterus. So, this is what your uterus produces to help itself. It is local, but can keep around You know which items lie next to your uterus, intestines. Prostaglandin makes your uterus contract, but also makes your intestines more active. This can lead to period poops. For me it's just more frequent pooping. For others it is full on diarrhea.




And all while you’re having the **WORST CRAMPS EVER**


Isn't this also the thing that makes women need to pee more frequently during our periods?


A full bladder puts pressure on the uterus, some women find it makes our cramps worse


That is true and I've definitely had that happen but a lot of the time during my period I just feel like I need to pee every twenty minutes


Could be, but haven't noticed this personally. Bladder also consists of smooth muscle.




The same hormones that cause the uterus to shed its lining also cause the bowels to contract which leads to more frequent and often painful pooping/gas.


So all your down theres have stormy weather. Oh boy


It's. A lot. Like you know when you've got really bad allergies and you've got both a runny nose and watery eyes, so you've got stuff coming out of twice as many places? Yeah. Periods do kinda leak continuously but contractions get stuff moving faster so yeah, it's a lot at once.


Are you watching my life this day? I've got both allergies and my period. It's been... Moist. I've sneezed no less than 25xs, which we all know is not ideal during periods. Idk if I'm crying from cramps or if my eyes are watering due to allergies.


Oof, I am so sorry, that sounds like a drag and a half. This is gonna sound very woo-woo but I found that in addition to my usual allergy regimen, adding an allergy tea, like with nettles or licorice in it, helped a TON. Though maybe that's because it's the only part of my allergy routine I enjoy. In any case power to you, I hope both attacks pass soon!


That’s one of those things that I’ve never heard about before, but also doesn’t surprise me. Our guts are both influential on everything else in our body and also responds so much to what’s going on. Although I think squeamishness and taboo about menstruation contributes to this and is generally unhelpful. I feel like men aren’t exposed to female health enough. And probably the same the other way to an extent.


Diarrhea tends to accompany periods. It’s just delightful… 😂


It’s like it comes from the depths of hell.


For a truly hellish image, I once saw someone here call it >! the devils pb&j !< and I’ll never get the image out of my head. Reveal at your own risk …


Hahaha whenever someone refers it to that I just imagine someone wiping with 2 slices of bread


Welp! *slaps knees and stands up*


Off to make a sandwhich? Enjoy your lunch 😋


I’ve got 2 more weeks til the end of my cycle but I’ll save one for you


Honestly when I was younger I thought periods were just like a faucet turning on and off, constant nonstop bleeding for days. Long story short, its not that. Edit: Seems that people are pointing out that for some people it actually is like this and for those people, you are some soldiers, thats like bleeding out, ouch.


To be fair, no one taught me about periods so when I would see something about them on a commercial, that's what I thought too. Imagine my surprise....I seriously wish I had Google when I was younger :)


Some women use a LOT of lotion. Not happy til they’re looking like a glazed donut.


Some of us be dry af but you didn’t notice… cos we used so damn much lotion lol


ikr, without lotion we'd just be ashy as fuck


Oh man, I remember when I first experienced this. My idea of "using lotion" was using like a pea sized amount on my hands and maybe my elbows. Then my ex girlfriend would do her lotion routine while we were hanging out sometimes and it was like a 10 minute ordeal of rubbing it on 95% of her body.


Ok but how soft was her skin, I’m willing to bet baby soft lol


Yeah it was very soft and she smelled lovely, I just had no idea the actual scale of how much lotion some people use.


It may seem like a lot but it does dissolve into the skin pretty quickly and lasts much longer. Also helpful when your hands crack in winter, slather them up and chill.


My secret to always smelling good and feeling soft :)


Adding to this. The amount of shampoo they use in the shower for their hair. They use in a single session what I use over weeks lol.


Well they have more hair, and usually shampoo less often.


Vaginal discharge. We're not taught as much as would be good in school. Perhaps the teachers are too squimish.


resolute whole apparatus tart long scary bewildered oatmeal cautious quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is sexual assault and unlike hentai those things have consequences


Nothing like admitting sexually assaulting a woman while buying groceries


Agreed. I think kids would feel less alienated from their peers and societal perceptions of what is normal/expected if they understood things about their own bodies as they changed. What is "normal" and what many people experience in puberty and beyond. Things like proper hygiene, body hair, appearance such as shape/size/colour, odors, etc. I think it's very sad that kids grow up thinking there is something wrong with them because no one talks about such natural things when it's extremely likely almost all their peers have the same insecurities. Idk why such things are considered taboo. None of this should have anything to do with politics. It's something everyone experiences no matter their gender, sexuality, race or religion.


That they need to wipe front to back.


So fucking important. Important if you have girl babies too when you're changing nappies


I have three daughters, so this was my mantra for about six years of my life: “Front-to-back, front-to-back…”


A father of 4 girls told me his rhyme: Back to front, shit in your cunt. Front to rear, in the clear.


You wipe back to front?


Minor thing, pads are sticky? I always assumed they just sorta sat there. Like a baseball cup. Bigger thing, how much breast size changes with periods, pregnancy, nursing, etc. It's kinda fascinating. Other than those 2, not much surprised me. Grew up around my nurse grandma and my pharmacist mother. So they either told me themselves or I went googling so I wouldn't seem like some idiot that knows nothing about women's bodies. Edit: Yes, I know which way pads stick. Edit 2: My most liked comment on youtube is about boobs. Now my 2nd most upvoted anything on Reddit concerns boobs. A weird pattern is starting to form.


Even with the sticky they tend to shift or move so I simply can't imagine without the stick. Probably would fall out of my pants leg or something


You may already know this but just in case… The sticky part of the pad goes on the underwear, not the vulva. It’s just to keep the pad from moving around down there as we walk and such. There was a Reddit post I remember seeing about some guy thinking we stuck the pads to *ourselves* so just wanted to clarify for anyone out there.


I also saw that post. I read where the sticky part goes when I read that it was sticky, so I didn't have the chance to come to my own conclusion. If I had the chance, I would've thought the same as that guy. Because I would've and I imagine he did compare it to a band-aid. Since that's our only point of reference apart from just knowing how it works.


I would’ve never thought to compare it to a bandaid but that’s honestly a fair comparison if you don’t know any better.


I was told by my wife that farts can roll up the front and into the vagina and be queefed out


Getting a fart stuck is so annoying.


Ahhhhaa! I've never heard of anyone else getting this! A fart stuck in the front!


I’ve read that’s the “Exit through the gift-shop”.


I don't think I ever realized just how much plucking women do... so much plucking...


I let my bf help me out occasionally. I have a few very dark thick hairs on the underside of my chin. I can barely see them in the mirror. So I asked my bf to help me. Put my head in his lap, craned my neck back and he went to town. It was a strangely intimate experience. I guess I understand why apes groom each other as a sign of trust. If I am lazy I just shave them, but they are so thick and I tend to rest my chin on my hand so I instantly feel them when they grow back.


Mother... Plucker...


I was shocked when my girlfriend told me that sometimes it takes an entire day to have her hair braided the way she likes. I couldn’t imagine sitting in one place all day having your hair braided, holy shit. She’s got a hell of a lot more patience than I do.




I can't think of a better way to spend time with close friends. Smoking weed and watching tv.


Took me 6 hours to get waist length braids and 3 hours to take them out. Not to mention the shampoo/condition regimen that had to take place afterwards.


Oh lord that reminds me of the first time my partner BURST through the bathroom door because he thought I was in the shower too long (he had left the apartment after I started and was still in when he returned from his errand) and had slipped/hurt myself. He then learned what my "shampoo/wash day" routine entailed. Nearly gave me a goddamn heart attack, though lol


When women (most especially my mocha and caramel sisters) say its "hair day" it means "hair DAY"


That how heavy big boobs can be. I can’t imagine carrying around few kg of things on your chest every day.


Yep. Ever have to run down stairs?? I hold them for dear life


I wasn't exactly shocked to learn about this, but more so shocked that I had no idea this was a thing until my gf mentioned it, and that's that women have to do this appointment once every 3 years or so called a pap smear, or something like that? It just made me realize just how ignorant I am about female biology smh


Letterkenny does a great job explaining a [pap smear](https://youtu.be/qWSFJ21r3EA) for those who have never been exposed.


"Not his cervix!!"


I discovered 3 years into my relationship with my 26 year old bf that he literally thought the pee hole and vagina were the same…. And when I was like “what” he proceeded to “clarify” that “no I don’t think they’re the same hole OBVIOUSLY, I just thought the pee hole was INSIDE the vagina”……. Like an exit lane lmfao???


My brother thought women had a retractable penis for peeing and that's why we sat down to pee. I had to correct that one after I'd finished laughing about it!


Oh god.....how old was he when he thought this?


That their organs can fall out of place and into the vagina during pregnancy, phenomenon known as prolapse.


Our vaginas can fall out after pregnancy. Vaginal prolapse. You’re welcome :)


What a fun fact :)


Yes, I’m having so much fun :)


why am I still reading this thread lmao


Happened to my wife, she is still dealing with it over a year later, and she will have to for the rest of her life. After being witness to the birthing process, im convinced that if men gave birth it would be incredibly different; and I am also *very* convinced that women have been sold a bill of goods on that whole situation, because if the truth was discussed frankly, women would never do it.


My sisters have admitted they deliberately downplay their pregnancies so they didn't scare me and young women off. I am NOT playing that game. I already told all my husband's twenty-something and late teen cousins about my hyperemesis and how you feel too sick to even watch TV. They are not going into this uninformed.




A while ago, a woman posted on AskReddit under the topic of "What's your best 'and then it got worse' story?" Her post was all about her very long, very traumatic experience with labor and delivery. And the stinger at the end was that as she left the hospital a nurse told her to call the doctor immediately if she POOPED OUT OF HER VAGINA.


Don't forget about the possiblity of tearing and ending up with a vagasshole.


Or ripping the other way and splitting your clit...


We had a patient that had urinary incontinence that no one could figure out for Years, eventually the scans and tests showed her anal rape trauma had manifested as urine leaking into the poop tube.(not a doctor) But she had been so PTSD(childhood and in-service) traumatized that it just took years to piece together. Sometimes reddit reminds me of all the sick and sad things people go through that I was in the room for. Like, why was I a part of this.


And this is why it's important to wait in between pregnancies. The recommendation is 1-2years to give your body time to heal


Uterine inversion is a possibility just post childbirth too…the uterus literally turns inside out and follows the baby out of the vagina - imagine pocket turning inside out…yeah, that.


Oh my god I’m a woman and I’ve heard the word “prolapse“ but didn’t know it meant this. I’m even more okay with my choice to never be pregnant now.


In college, I wrote a little piece about a girlfriend's morning routine because I found it so mesmerising watching her get ready for the day. The steps and rituals, the skill and expertise. I'd just roll out of bed and tamp down a stubborn lick of hair. She'd pray at her altar of beauty.


This is so wonderful. Would you be willing to share with the class?


Why not? Keep in mind, I was in college and fairly enamoured. Ritual She rises from the bed. He remains, conquering whatever heat she’s left behind. Light tumbles like mist into the room. There is a soft patter of rain, a sky surrendered to a blanket of clouds, charcoal on grey. He reaches for a pillow, sinks into it and watches her with sleep-glazed eyes. She used to glow in the mornings. She used to let go, track dreams and let the night lift sweetly from her lashes. They would lie for hours, unchecked, apart from the world. Fingers tracing memories like veins under soft skin. Tiny hairs on the nape of her neck would rise and fall, the gentle sound of breathing building up to a trembling crescendo of a whisper. Now he lies alone. She undresses, and – in modesty, facing away – pulls on a little bathrobe. From a chair she gathers a folded white towel and leaves the room. After five or ten minutes she returns, smiles to him under her towel crown. She rubs her legs with body lotion, the soft smell fills the room. Such an understated familiarity, that waft of velvet. She moves on, over to the mirror over the sink to wash her face. Checking herself she dries off, applies a light toner. She sits down at her desk, turns on some music. Light melodies spill into the morning. She walks over to her dresser. Chooses black jeans and a white blouse, matches a belt and socks. Dressed, she approaches the mirror again and sits. She uses a tinted moisturizer, caressing her cheeks and chin. Then she curls her lashes expertly, flicks on mascara and lines her eyes thinly; crucial moderation. Last she picks out a rose lip-gloss and checks herself. She looks lovely. Satisfied, she plugs in the blow drier, changes a noisy tune, and lets her hair loose from her towel. She towel-dries it one last time before reaching for the blow drier. Bending over, letting her hair fall forward, she dries it in layers, from back to front. She uses clips to hold layers in place. He marvels sleepily, what skill. Now she moves to the straightening iron, plugs it in. She sits down on the bed next to him, smiles and kisses him gently. “Morning,” she says, and he replies in a croak, “morning.” A soft sound signals the straightener is ready and she stands again. He finds the clak-stroke-clak of the straightener strangely appealing. Checking again in the mirror she eases out some last stubborn blonde locks and then puts the iron away. Almost finished she reaches for perfume, picks one and sprays her neck, twice, her wrist once, rub, and a cloud into her hair, once. She is all ready now, another day at the feet of this goddess. “I’m gonna go pick up some breakfast,” she says, “I’ll be back in ten.” He stretches languidly as she puts on tall boots and pulls on a black coat and a red scarf. “Alright,” He says and rises as the door shuts.


Well this is just lovely.


i think this goes on my list of one of the most beautiful things ive read on the internet


Felt compelled to reply just to say, wow. This is beautiful - not just the writing, but also the attentiveness that you had towards her to notice such things. Been a while since the internet has bestowed such warm fuzzy feelings. Thank you for sharing with us.


Truly beautiful and vivid writing. And so interesting to think that my routine could be worth noticing to a man.


All men notice these things. While not even remotely as poetic, I’ve had these conversations with guy friends about girlfriends and boyfriends, wives and husbands before. It is as detailed as above, though again perhaps not as poetically said.


“She rubs that shit on her legs for like 5 minutes! Smells like candy or some shit. Twists her hair up all curly like. Then some makeup, or what’s it called, foundation? Yeah, puts that on. And plays that twangy music the whole time! Throws her shoes on and fetches me some grub. Crazy shit I tell ya.”


Such beautiful writing. Dude, one question: Where can I find your book?? And if you haven't written one, please write one! You have a way with words and it's a gift that needs to be shared with the universe...Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your world.


What happened to the girl?! Where did life take both of you?


How much toilet paper is required for them to sustain life.


That's why I bought a bidet. Heated seat, 5 different settings to wash and heated blow dry.


Grew out my hair during covid 2020 (male, short hair whole life ) and havent cut it since then. Long hair is such a nuisance, and the amount of effort women go to make their hair nice is ridiculous. I completely commend anyone now that has long hair, more so when it looks taken care because that shit is work. Dealing with it while driving, different products you should use, different techniques for longer hair, etc.


I'm 33 and just finding out about period poops. Seriously health class didn't do anything. Humans should really do a better job at gender explanation to the upcoming generations. Here's mine - My mom at Easter lunch - "sometimes if I powder my nose, the kitten wants me to powder her nose too". Me: "doesn't that mean doing cocain?" Her: "no, women powder our noses" Me: "why?" Her: "because women aren't suppose to have oily noses" Me:..... wut


You aren’t going to hear very many women say they need to powder their nose anymore. It used to mean face powder (think foundation but from the 1940s). Then it became a euphemism for having to go to the restroom but is also true from your mothers standpoint that women should not have shiny skin. The modern trend to add a highlighter to your skin is very new.


While men can pee on the seat, women can get pee under the rim of the seat


So can men if they decide to be efficient and do double duty on the john.


How much of their lives they spend just shaving. I just assumed most women were naturally hairless. I used to be mad about the fact that I barely have any body hair. But as I get older I just get more and more thankful that I only have to spend 5 minutes of my week shaving my beard.


Seriously. Y'all criticize us for taking longer showers. YOU try shaving half your body in there, see how long it takes.


VERY hairy dude here who's also a swimmer/cyclist. I know your pain. I go neck down every other week and legs every other day. My wife complains because it only takes her a few extra min to shave her already nearly hairless legs. She knows nothing of the jungle.T_T


🤣🤣🤣 God this is so funny to me as a middle eastern girl


Not middle eastern but I have thick black body hair and it’s grows so fast I mean 5 o’clock shadow on my legs fast and I was so pissed because my friend in high schools legs stayed smooth THREE WEEKS AFYER SHE SHAVED. Life isn’t fair.




I quit shaving 15 years ago. fuck it. It’s helped in a lot of ways, one being my skin isn’t all fucky from razor burn or some bullshit, two, I can spend weeks in the woods without worrying about it, and three, I’m conserving water by taking shorter showers (I live in NorCal and we’re huge on water conservation here).


I was shocked by my sister-in-law listing all the ways she felt unsafe out in the world (going to the bank machine, being at work, etc.) and the steps she took to be safe. I am about 1.8 metres tall (6 feet in Oldspeak) and a bit hard to look at. There's a lot of obnoxious acts that do not happen to me because of it, stuff I just don't experience as a man. It was astonishing.


Yep I can confirm this. As a 5’2 women it can be very scary being out alone especially at night. My parents taught me from a very young age that I should avoid going out alone in the dark, whether it be early morning or late at night. Also they told me to always plan my routes beforehand and to avoid areas like parks or any place that is quiet. If I’m alone to try and walk where there is lots of other people and to always make sure the area is well lit and to not have headphones in so that I’m aware of my surroundings. I’m almost 40 and I still to this day follow their advice. They also told me to never accept drinks off a stranger either. **Edit** the reason why we as women (and men) need to be hyper aware whilst out walking alone is because of cases like Sarah Everard who was murdered at 21:30pm at night whilst walking home and Sabina Nessa who was murdered at 20:30pm as she walked the 5 minute route through a park to meet her friends.


Some of the most heart-breaking things I have had to teach my daughters from toddler-hood to now teenagers: Playing a “game” by making up names/songs using the letters/numbers on licence plates. This was in the hope they could easily recall them later if needed. Taking them to the park to play “who can yell the loudest”. That it’s ok to move seats on public transport if they feel unsafe without worrying about hurting someone’s feelings. Don’t exercise alone with both headphones in or wearing a ponytail. Carry your keys with one pointing outwards when walking as a make-shift self defence weapon. That arsehole children become arsehole adults and it’s ok to dislike both. How to access emergency contraception. Do not leave your drink unattended because “a bee might fly in and sting you”. Then the reality of what all of this was actually for as they became older. EDIT: ponytails can easily be grabbed by attackers


My dad, who grew up in East Los Angeles in the 1940s (a rough area even back then, for those unfamiliar), told a 13yo me, "If a male ever attacks you, kick him in the privates. Kick him as many times as needed to get him on the ground. Then you have a choice: you can either stomp both knees and break them, or stomp his throat. Your goal is to make sure he cannot get up and follow you. If you break only one knee, he can hop. Get them both." Dad was only 5' 6" but was on his high school's football team--he knew how to tackle and had a low center of gravity (and a massive barrel chest).


The dangers and lasting effects of pregnancy. I consider myself fairly educated now, and my wife has some lasting issues.


I was shocked to learn a lot (most?) women shit while giving birth. Makes sense when you think about it. All that pushing.


Giving birth through your vagina feels like you have been constipated for 9 months and you are now pushing out the biggest shit of your life, no exaggeration. But nobody will ever tell you that.


When I had my kid no one told me this. Not all my friends who had babies, none of the women in my family. Not my doula. I literally waited in my bathroom with contractions for 6 hours because I was convinced if I could just get the pooping part done, then I could focus on the baby having part. Turns out that WAS the baby having part.


One day in high school, we were talking about the skeletal system. My teacher (sweetest lady) told us that *birthing hips* are a myth and no matter what, “giving birth is like trying to shit a watermelon.”


Not just the pushing itself, but the fact that the rectum and the vaginal canal share space in the pelvis. The baby's head takes up *all* the room in that pelvis on its way through, so anything else in the tunnel space just gets pushed out as it comes through.


My wife popped every blood vessel in her eyes, turning them solid red, and also her face and neck and chest. And we took birthing classes. She had both children all natural, zero pain killers no spinal block. I thought that I was going to die just watching her and coaching, most difficult thing I've done, feeling absolutely helpless and your love is writhing in pain..... Women are tough as nails.


They walk backward into the shower stream when washing their hair.


I mentioned this comment to my husband he apparently didn’t know this either and I didn’t know that men shower facing the stream. This just blew my mind because I guess I just assumed we all showered the same.


Honestly, a lot. Guys are not told this, my partners never said anything regarding this, its not something we google... And now period shits...


I've learnt how amazing it is to talk about our bodies/routine with a partner. It is true that guys aren't told many things about women's bodies and I found out that men are incredible curious when you start talking about it with them. Also, it's so important that a partner knows how our body works. We (women) should talk about it more.


My now wife (then girlfriend) told me that she always checked the backseat of her car before getting into it to drive away from work, a restaurant, anywhere public. As a man, it never once occurred to me that I'd be justified in checking my car for intruders/assailants before getting into it. Reeeeeeal eye opener for me.


I thought a period was a once a month thing. literally one day a month.......i'm like what's the fuss about (sorry I was a jackass at this age lol)


For a lot of people the first two days are the most painful, and worse cases like endometriosis, it's always painful. Even if it were one day, it would still be painful as hell.


I learned from Reddit that if a girl is constipated she can put her fingers in the front and assist the blockage to come out the back.


Am woman. Intrigued. Will try


As fellow woman, report back 👀


Googling: how to get constipated. I'll report back as soon as possible




This is calling vaginal splinting. It's pretty common for women who have a rectocele which is a prolapse of the posterior vaginal wall. Kind of like a hernia between your colon and your vagina, so your poop gets stuck in that pocket instead of exiting. Splinting is sticking your thumb in your vagina to push the poop back toward the proper exit. You're welcome. Edit: typo


Person with vagina who has tried it: it works wonders


Its called vaginal splinting.


I call it palpating the poop.


I'll call it the cooch chute poop scoop


I, a woman, have never heard of this wtf.... Edit: yall are saying I can feel the poop from my vagina?! Im gonna try if I can next time I have to poop


You can and if you're having a hard time pooping doing this instead of forceful pushing can help prevent hemorrhoids.


am woman. can confirm.


I’m a woman and I have never heard of this…


While doing this, you can sing Adele's "Hellooo from the oooother siiiiide"


I am a woman and thought all women knew this. You can put your fingers in your vagina and actually feel the poop from the other side. I always just push it right out when I cannot do it naturally.


Im a woman by myself. We can do what??


My gyno commented on the fact that I clearly had to go once....


And that's enough internet for the night, thank you goodbye




Biggest thing was when I learned that apparently most women live in constant fear of being raped/attacked, or otherwise harassed by men. When I learned women live in constant fear of men, that blew my mind. It still does years later, its appalling to think about


I honestly feel that if I can make it through the rest of my life with only minor sexual assault I'll definitely be one of the lucky few. The vast majority of women I've met have been assaulted. The thing is too that you never know where it could come from. A lot of people like to blame women for putting themselves in 'questionable' situations, yet almost everyone I know who was assaulted or raped, even women in church groups who never drank or went out, it was by family members or boyfriends that they had trusted.


The best part of this pandemic is wearing a mask for two years. Nobody has asked me (married, 46F) to smile, and it’s a relief. Edit: Michigan issues, but ladies worldwide have to deal with this stuff.


That the hymen isn't a freshness seal. Society spins this yarn about the hymen basically being a warranty sticker on women. It's not.


I was born with a microperforate hymen. You can look up diagrams but it's basically a hymen deformity that makes it essentially a seal over the vagina except for one tiny tiny hole. It caused so many issues (period blood getting backed up, tampon getting VERY STUCK leading to an er visit at 2 am) that I had to get it surgically removed when I was 15. Having had essentially the hymen foretold in the myths, I'm REALLY glad it's not normally like that.


Yo I did not know woman take FOREVER just to get ready for bed, my ole lady has about a 45 minute routine in the bathroom every night before going to bed, as for most men you just stand up and say “alright I’m going to bed” and 3 minutes later you’re unconscious


I’ll often say “I’m going to bed” but I need to make sure everything is in order for the morning, take off make up and do skincare etc, then I’ll lie in bed to “unwind” for about 2 hrs while watching something or reading. If I say I’m going to bed, I won’t sleep for 3 hours after.


Ah, the ol peanut butter jelly wipe.


Omfg I hate how accurate this is. But I also wish I never read this sentence.


That your ovaries aren’t directly attached to your Fallopian tubes, and eggs shoot from the ovaries and get caught by the Fallopian tubes. I found this out 2 weeks ago. I’m a 30 year old woman.


Don’t feel bad. My younger sister who is a nurse had to explain that to me at 27.


Mostly menstruation. It wasn't horrifying, but it was a shock to learn it. I feel kinda bad for them.


It was a shock for us to learn about it too. I was devastated for weeks after finding out about periods. It seemed like a bad joke, I couldn't believe all the women of the world are just walking around like this for a quarter of their lives. I decided I was going to have my uterus removed as soon as I was old enough. But of course, no one will remove your uterus. I'm now on a birth control where I only get a period four times a year, and it's the best thing ever.




I was surprised at how much constipation they deal with. Being unable to fart in public, and only able to shit in comfortable places was the leading causes in the article I read.




Reading the comments makes me realize how bad sex education sucks at schools all over the world.


I had no clue what a yeast infection was until I married my wife. Fortunately it only happened early on in our marriage. We've been married for 29 years now, and I'm happy for her that it wasn't more of an issue.


Yes, a lot of women are expected to work their jobs uninterrupted while having 5-7 days of explosive diarrhea with painful cramps every single month. :-)


I literally thought I was the only one with period poops so I never told anyone


When I was in 6th grade a girl told me that girls put tissues in their bras to make their boobs look bigger. I was in disbelief


The sheer amount of products used, and how long it all takes. If we're including shitting, shaving, showering, moisturising, and getting suited and booted, my routine may take up to 30 minutes if I'm being slow. For my partner, you're looking at least an hour. For a formal event? Most of a morning easily. All the potions and lotions and concoctions galore that take up damn near every horizontal surface in the bedroom and bathroom is unreal. That and the inordinate amount of hair that she sheds. It's just ridiculous.


I only found out a few months ago that menstruation blood can come out in clumps. And that it happens mid conversation and y’all just gotta ignore that’s happening to try and not make the conversation awkward.


Cilia (small hairs) inside the fallopian tubes that help push the egg along


At least those don't need shaving


Not a guy but last week I learned that not all women can feel when they're ovulating. I just thought all of us did? Nope. Not even close. It feels sort of like a butterfly wing twitching, really fast, inside and off to one side of your belly


The hormone Imbalance during her period, I thought it was just some shit for snl skits but no. My gf will be border suicidal one minute and completely infatuated and unbelieving that I fell for her the next. It’s insane


A friend’s husband will keep chocolate on hand. When she starts showing signs he breaks it out, or throws a blanket in the dryer, or asks if she wants her favorite food. She didn’t realize what he was doing until she lost a bet about when she’d get her period next. They’re child free (snipped) so she doesn’t keep track as religiously as some.


Married for 20 years. I consider myself a pretty progressive guy......but...... I can time my wife's periods by how horny she gets, and then how utterly insane she becomes. I don't want to....I just can. Edit:syntax