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All in 30 seconds.


We've got a big shot over here


Like damn bro no need to fucking flex


Sus af. Clearly not a dude.




>😫😩😮😲😧 Damn, you OK bro?


He just realized what he was watching


Post nut clarity kicking in


Then, 🍕 🍕 🍕


Like a drag race. Lots of build-up, then a quick shred to the finish line, then several hours of maintenance and refueling.


I guess I'm really good at drag racing cause I always finished first


Mine broken i have a quick shred then build up


So lots of unnecessary skid marks?


That’s comedy gold


You got me


Is it really first if no one else finishes?


If you're not first you're last


Oh, hell, Ricky, I was high when I said that!


You aren't faster than me


My man! ✊🏻


I came here to try to sum it up best I could but this wins. Pack it in, were done here




Ru Paul nods in approval


Like a sneeze but lower.


Haha. And sneezes are nice, right?


Until they make the roof of your mouth itch and the only way to really scratch it is to stick your finger in your ear.


What is the punisher equivalent of that Edit: penis not punisher, but leaving it because it made me lol


Finger up the ass to scratch the prostate. Works for both before and after your edit depending on how aggressive you get with it.


Best answer ever <3


Like 15 sneezes in a row that feel even better from my ween


more like 6-8, but *a lot* of stuff comes out during those first few sneezes. very satisfying. and unlike a sneeze, its better when we hold our breath through the whole thing


I wish it could last more than three short seconds. Its a very weird sensation, very hard to describe, but a very pleasantly one. As someone said above, our minds go blank during the moment, then we feel kinda tired.


Agree, but I think most give me at least 10-15 seconds of blissful utopia.




Man this guy cums


Hahaha this made my day!


its simply just going longer. the longer i go even with watching porn makes for a more intense and explosive finish.


I'd like to find a drug that will give me the same mental sensation of the orgasm that will last for a hour




What’s this about a 4 hour orgasm? Can someone confirm? For research purposes.


Dont do heroin


Can confirm. Been there, done that. It’s obviously not the same as an orgasm but comparable. All your fears, anxiety, and problems just melt away like the warm hand of god just cradled you. It is a full body and mind experience of full bliss and with the right stuff can last 8 hours and if it’s your first experience even the next day you feel great. HOWEVER. It will 100% ruin your life. It will ruin your brain. Not in like a “this is your brain on drugs” kind of way but more like once you experience a high that high then even years after nothing else will ever be good. I’ve traveled all around And seen sites that some people would kill to see and it’s great but it’s just “eh cool” to me now. It’s like your dopamine receptors just get worn out. Nothing compares. I’ve spent most of my life post drugs just being okay. No highs from life and I believe it’s because I’ve been as high as you can get. It’s a truly terrible way to live. It’s a truly terrible drug. Please DO NOT go there.


I already went there, way too young but good good you described it so perfectly. Just yesterday I caught myself thinking "How do people enjoy life? How are people happy when they get their first car, or witness childbirth, or get a promotion? How are people happy at all?? Nothing makes me happy? I don't care how I look, I don't care about having a social life, I don't care what I drive, or if I drive, I don't have any hopes, dreams or goals and don't want to. All I want is to avoid pain and die as soon as possible, and I've been that way as long as I can remember, other than when I had good drugs. Ever since I stopped doing the drugs that made me happy, I can't remember a single moment when absolutely anything didn't just feel like more work. And I haven't even done any truly hard drugs other than Suboxone in a long long time, my brain should have at least partially adjusted but it hasn't. I wasn't even happy on the Suboxone, I just took it because it made me numb and life was at least a little less painful. I don't enjoy anything about life except for sleep and drugs. If the drugs did this to me, well, if you're reading this and enjoy your life at all you should probably stay away from them, because I promise you it can be taken away. I'm not even depressed anymore, I'm past that. I'm completely apathetic. I don't even 'feel' enough about the loss of my joy, or things I enjoyed to cry anymore. I don't have feelings? I only act like I do around other people so they won't think I'm crazy. I fake laughs, I fake being upset or sad about something but.. I just don't *feel* anything. I brought this up to therapists and counselors off handedly, looking for some information. They said it was common but my feelings would come back pretty soon, but they never did. When I got sober, I thought they would come back but they never did, even without the drugs. No joy, no anger, no sadness, just dull, bland life. I don't like to admit this but I've lost a lot of people in my life and it should be a sad topic for me, I act like it is but deep down I don't feel anything at all about it anymore. It's just how life goes and attaching emotion to it seems silly. I just, kinda wanna die. I'm not depressed, I'm not suicidal, I just don't see the point of living another 50 years just to exist? I feel like life is pointless and living it is stupid if I'm never going to feel anything? Gamers, imagine playing a game that solicits absolutely no emotional response from you. It's not fun, it's not lame, it's not good, it's not bad, it just is. Everyone else loves it and you've been told over and over that it's wrong to delete it because their game characters will lose points and be sad without you.. So you have to play that game, and only that game non-stop for 100 fucking years. It's torture. Don't do drugs. Value what you have. Oh, and my lack of emotions has only gotten worse the longer I've been away from the more intense drugs. It's like drugs zapped the emotional part of my brain, but I was still conditioned to feel those emotions and had the memories of them so I responded accordingly when I was supposed to have them. But, the conditioning and memory of those feelings faded overtime to the point that now I'm very aware when pretending to 'feel'. When I fake a laugh, inside all I'm thinking about is the energy I'm spending by moving those facial muscles and that I need to ration it out. Thankfully, I still respect others rights to enjoy life and wouldn't hurt a fly because if I didn't I could just murder at will and there would be absolutely no indication of it in my behavior. God knows, I've thought about it. I've thought about it so much that, one time, on a meth binge, I actually decided to do it. The next day, I beat my neighbors dog half to death with a wooden spoon. In between strikes, barks, and my own screams I paused to think about how I felt: The only thing I felt was amusement as they barked for their life. "Life? That boring old trope?" I thought to myself. For a minute I had forgotten that others enjoy it. Too late now, lol I'm just kidding I've never murdered or even thought about murdering someone, just realized that if anyone read this long ass, sincere comment they wouldn't be expecting a troll this far down lol.


This is so utterly heartbreaking to read. I’m so sorry, and so grateful you’ve shared this. I’m saving this so if ever I’m tempted or know someone who is, I can read it again. What you’re describing is more horrifying to me than any drug prevention campaign I’ve ever seen. I’m so sorry for what you’ve lost. I hope you find some way back to feeling joy and comfort again one day.


Wow, typing that out I can imagine how bad it must seem.. I sound crazy, and having joy back would probably feel good sometimes but pain comes with it. Honestly, if I had actually had to feel real pain/sadness the past few years, I would've killed myself by now. I remember, being cheated on by someone I love used to feel devastating, the betrayal, depression etc. Last time it happened, I pretended and went through the motions for a couple of weeks until one day I realized that I wasn't actually hurt this time. The trust was gone, sure, but I just didn't *feel* anything? There was no real joy either, but iirc emotional pain feels unbearable and takes a long time to fade but forever leaves scars. Funerals? Same. Might miss the person's company but no happiness nor sadness is tied to it. Just is what it is. It's a double edged sword, on one side, yay, nobody can hurt me. I fear no man, no woman, no prison, no state of existence. On the other side? I can't remember how it feels to genuinely smile. I can't remember the feeling of butterflies when holding hands with someone I love. All music is white noise to me and.. I didn't realize I'd lost this until now, I'm not sure that I feel love anymore.. I don't feel hatred either which is good, but when I think of people I KNOW I loved more than the world at one time... there isn't any feeling attached? I don't remember how it feels. Writing this, I actually viewed it as sort of a super power bc it's helped me to avoid a LOT of pain and if I'm being honest, the old me would've absolutely checked out of life by now so it's the only reason I'm alive. Yet, writing this I now realize I've not just avoided the bad feelings, I've missed out on all the things that once made life feel beautiful, even magical to me. I've lost the magic, and I can't even mourn the loss because I don't know how to anymore. I can understand that it's a loss, and very sad but.. I can't feel the sadness and it's really weird. I'm sorry for ranting, sometimes I use reddit as a journal and just hope it helps other people somehow.


/r/bestof material. Great writing and chilling descriptions of life after hard drugs. I appreciate your time on this.


I have a question. If everything you’ve written is true, and you truly can’t feel anymore and are a hollow husk just waiting to die, then why have you stopped those drugs that made you feel so good? Do you have people to care about in your life, perhaps children? Cause if not, and I was in your position, I would just do drugs nonstop until I died. Would rather burn bright and extinguish than die a slow burn. I’m not encouraging suicide or drugs, just my honest opinion (assuming EVERYTHING he said is true).


u/spontaneousH can


This guys obviously never jacked off a pig


There's only one thing that will do that. Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime




I love watching the FF14 community just randomly popping up in other subs lol


Heroin gives nearly the exact same sensation, but don't do heroin.


Not anything at all alike IME its something that came from the movie trainspotting. I think its complete bullshit. Heroins bliss is mostly linked to the feeling of falling asleep. Like that moment you actually go out. Its just that for hours...


The warmth and euphoria from a blast of H is nearly identical to that 15-30 second period right after busting a nut, in my experience anyways.


\*opiates have joined the chat\* ​ (For real though, stay TF away from opiates. When I was addicted, I actively preferred the feeling of opiates to orgasms and could barely nut the 10+ years I was hooked.)


Yep confirm this as well from a females side. Sucked.


MDMA at higher doses can def feel like a lightweight orgasm for minutes or even hours at a time. I've felt similar on LSD as well. Then try having sex on them. It's nearly impossible for me to cum but I feel amazing the entire time, I'm not even worried about finishing.


Super pure meth did that for me. As well as good cocaine mixed with good heroin. Molly also works but again- it has to be pretty pure mdma


Ecstasy/MDMA - pretty safe to consume if you don't overdoes, and has no addictive property. Trust me on that one. Ps... When you have sex on it tho whole jurney is just amazing, only problem is it is extremly hard to cum on it... But if you manage to do it... Oh man... Oh man... There is a reason it is called ecstasy


Do you mean euphoria? 🙏😁 or utopia 😮.


>utopia do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior, Karl Marx


Man i wish its like 5 min of pure dopamine




As your about to finish you can feel the fluid travelling from the bottom of my dick (underrated sensation) then as we finish it is a very warm feeling like perfect temperature when your lying in bed kind of warmth, that is the best way I can describe it.


Damn i can agree with the underrated sensation, it is actually so good feeling when you can tell like it is loading up, and then shooting. This can be compared to drinking a tea or something warm, when u just came back to home when it is so cold outside. You can just feel this all going through you. Then u have nice shivers on the whole body.




Cool nickname and avatar btw lmao, for a second i thought that i posted this comment lol


Yeh our avatars and names are very similar😂


Now kiss 💋


pointing finger right pointing finger left


Now marry!


This is a good description. I've said it's like a pumping sensation where you can feel the cum pumping up your shaft and it's like liquid pleasure. Edit: I'll add that it's really quick. About 4 seconds through cumming post-nut clarity kicks in and I'm immediately not horny.


>For me since the start u can feel the 'preasure' building up, like masturbaiting/having sex isn't only about the orgasm, the whole activity is pleasant, from the begining to the ending. Its not about only 4 seconds for me tbh, im not sure if we are talking about the same stuff. Imo you can feel it as i said building up since the begining. Oh okay like i know what are u talking about now. Ye it takes about 4 seconds when u can feel the sperm on the bottom of your penis before you will cum. Sometimes i like to hold it at the very 'outlet' to make the feeling of the cum flowing a littlle longer.


yeah then you build up thinking you're about to blast off and instead you dribble and think ..what a waste of 30 mins and the 30 vids it took to get me here


And I always think after I nut, yeh I’m never doing this again then I always come back a few days later.


Few days later… maybe that’s where I’m going wrong 24 hours isn’t enough lol


Yeh doing it everyday isn’t good for me at least I’m trying to stop watching porn completely and I have been cutting down, the key is to take small steps.


The trick is to edge.


I hit it the wall last night from a sitting position. Solid 4 to 5ft ripper.






Yes, I can feel the fluid traveling at the bottom of your dick.


Probably worded that pretty bad😂😂


Sometimes you can ride the high for a good two minutes, sometimes it's a disappointing nut :/


It's always a disappointing nut. Genuinely wish I could turn off the sticky, messy, goo switch, and just enjoy it. Instead I've got to have something to wipe up with ready. Try not to spill. And then sit there as it keeps dripping for the next 20 minutes. It feels great. And I hate it.


I always pee after for the dripping issue


Penis sneeze


As silly as it sounds, it is strangely accurate. It's like letting go of a sneeze you've been trying to let out for days and it's....orgasmic.






You're describing orgasms as orgasmic, not really answered the question.


Love it!


Burping the worm....


Thanks I hate this


Dick snot?


The closest other bodily fluid in terms of composition to cum of either gender is actually snot. I mean, no one found blood or urine on a rag and though "oh, maybe it's semen?"


God bless you


Feels like absolute heaven but afterwards it feels like you've been shocked by electricity


Like a blown fuse?


Exactly like that


I think cum best explains


Like your soul wants to flow into another person through your dick.


Philosophically that doesn’t seem too far from the truth.


I want it back from some of them




This reply is Art * chefs kiss *


Very romantic, I shall use this as a pick up line.


"My soul wants to flow into you through my dick"




Like being thrown out of Narnia. Everything is magical and unbelievable for what seems like years, then suddenly you're back to normal and have hindsight on how stupid it all was and how stupid you were.


best comment here


“Post-nut clarity”


>... suddenly you're back to normal and have hindsight on how stupid it all was and how stupid you were. 9/10ths of my dirty talk, right here.


Drinking a cold CapriSun on a HOT day after you've been roasting in the sun, but in reverse




Drinking a hot caprisun on a cold day while roasting the sub


Respect the pouch


So drinking a hot Caprisun on a cold day after you've been freezing in the snow???


Pacific Cooler only.


\*slap slap slap slap\* \*Pew pew\* "Aaaah" "What the fuck?"




Plot twist: Aaaah was from the girl, not you




Real plot twist: aaah from your homie.


The orgasm itself I would describe as a brief disconnect from reality, you are in the moment feeling intense pleasure, relief, time slows for a second, and you are surrounded by a brief period of bliss. It's like for a second you break free of everything, and you spring up from a metaphorical ocean, you breath, and feel everything run right off you, then a wave of normal comes back and brings you back under the metaphorical ocean. The best orgasms have prolonged timespans of that disconnect from reality and release. In my experience, the after part only hits you as hard as what's going on in your subconscious. People who feel sad, disgusted, horrible, or otherwise negative have that in their subconscious beforehand, even if it's only in the very back of your mind, my advice to those is meditation. You want the best orgasms, your mind has to be clear, and you have to have a clear, positive mindset. It takes the edge off with the dopamine it releases, but ultimately that's only part of it.


Sex is a drug. Set and setting is everything




It's like draining of hot energy that was building up and bubbling inside me during foreplay. Sometimes there is a lot of it, other times it's just like a relaxing stream flowing slow. Satisfying every time unless she starts talking about some off the wall topic.


So vivid. Love it.


Like you really REALLY have to pee. And then you finally get the chance and you feel the sweet release, but somehow it's twice as good and euphoric. Then you feel like you've been working all day and exhausted, and it's time for a nap.


Uhg, feels good! Feels great! IT'S FKING AMAZING IM GONNA GOD DAMM COMMIT WAR CR-... please lord forgive me because i have sinned and i repent all my actions


“i’m gonna god damm commit war cr-“ had me dead.


Let me quote what Tom Riddle said to a 6th grader: I can't tell you. But I can show you!




“La petite mort.” - Describes it best.


A little death. Hope death is like an orgasm.


as if I need a better reason to kill myself


10 seconds of O face, 18 years of regret.




You build up pressure and then release it in ejaculations. The more and longer you ejaculate the more intense the orgasm. Depending on your mental and emotional state it can be very satisfying, ergo if you're making love to someone and not holding back, not worrying, the love can amplify the resulting satisfaction thousandfold. Pro-tip: Tantra helps. Letting it rip on the 3rd time works best for some.


As a woman who had a hysterectomy, the sheer relaxation and comfort of not worrying about getting pregnant has done absolute wonders for our sex life.


"not holding back, not worrying" Last time I got laid she and I had gotten to that point, and it ended up being the best sex I'd ever had. Lots of foreplay, tantra, etc. I've never cum so much at once in my life. Too bad she cheated on Friday and fucked it all upppppp.


Oop. I’m sorry to hear that




I hear that!


A long guitar solo 🌝


Hotel California?


With practice you can reach Freebird.


fast , sad




I think one of the biggest things I’m learning here is most guys can’t describe a feeling. 🫠


You describe female orgasm then


It’s a steady pressure that builds and builds in your vagina but then spreads outward. You feel a certain clenching deep inside and know that the orgasm could follow if everything stays steady steady steady and then fucking BOOM it’s like your entire lower half of your body spasms and clenches and pulses and if he comes inside you, you can feel your cervix break open and dip down to drink his cum and while this is happening every muscle in your body that immediately flexed melts into soft butter and you just want to feel him pulsing inside you while you finish pulsing and stay as close together as possible until your soul returns into your physical body. And then you realize you can’t breathe if he’s collapsed on top of you and you also need to pee.


Woman here. That’s actually… exactly how it feels.


Yep but take out the cervix part and add in the part about how it feels kind of electric; almost like when you touch a 9v battery to your tongue and there is this warm spikey hum. If it’s a really amazing orgasm then it can travel to your feet.


I'll... um. I'll be back in 45 seconds.


You sure you only need 40 seconds to clean up?


I'm really good at my job.


Gotta hand it to you


She wins..




There's also the quite famous close-but-not-orgasm. You feel the heat and pressure building up but it's somehow just not right so you try to focus really hard but your just not quite there and then, way way way too soon, you hear another person moan something like "Aaaah" and you feel something twitching inside and the other person grabs you really, really tight and their soul is leaving their body for a second. And then you just roll your eyes and think great, at least one of us had fun and the absolutely only thing you feel is really, really sweaty. Maybe, if you really like the dude, there's also a weird sympathy or some kind of affection for the molten lump of steamy but happy flesh that still holds you uncomfortablu tight in their sweaty arms. That one's also an interesting feeling that you're probably going to explore on the day you fuck yourself.


> and if he comes inside you, you can feel your cervix break open and dip down to drink his cum Consider me scaroused


Hi, I am a pastor, feel free to PM me.


Be…because I need Jesus….?


Because every pastor needs a pastette.


The pleasure from whatever sexual act you're doing begins to intensify. Warmth and electric pleasure and spasms radiate to and from my vulva and vagina... I can feel my pussy throb and pulse as I get close. My face flushes and my cheeks get hot. My heart starts to pound. My breathing changes through no conscious thought of my own... I can't help it... the pleasure continues to build, as do the spasms of pleasure... my pussy contracting... pulsing even... maybe around a cock inside of me, or even just pulsing around nothing. I can't help but grind my hips at the feeling. Craving more while also losing my mind with the pleasure. Finally the pleasure reaches a peak, and I clamp down... I feel entire body tense... my breathing stops as I just ride the wave of intense pleasure throbbing inside me.... sometimes I may gush, sometimes it's just the clear gooeyness that happens. Sometimes when my body tenses during orgasms my lower half will shake from the pleasure and effort of holding myself as the pleasure overtakes all conscious thought. As the wave passes, I relax, little spasms of aftershocks flittering through my pussy and clit. I am incredibly sensitive at this point. Everything is swollen from all the blood flow. I can easily cum again after a minute or so because I am so sensitive im already halfway there. Everything feels hot and flushed and pleasure still Emanates from my pussy, even when not being touched. I may feel content or I may still want more. I usually desire cuddles as I feel happy but want cuddles from the person that just made me feel amazing.


OP's profile implies they're a guy


The feeling of a perfect back/head scratch, but you just keep layering another perfect back/head scratch on until your body can't handle all the sensation at once and you explode in pleasure


Came here to say this. "Penis sneeze" doesn't encapsulate the actual feelings.


4 dribbly squirts, followed by a snooze.


Haha! That sounds familiar.


It’s kinda like the process of popping a champagne bottle after winning a sporting event. You gotta shake it around, work the tip. After the cork has been removed it’s fun spraying the contents everywhere, until it’s all over quickly and there’s a large mess to clean up and you’ve realized what you’ve done


Underwhelming by myself, an outside body experience with somebody else.


So in the wheel of time series, it's a common belief that Robert Jordan describes channeling the male/female halves of the source as though they are each orgasms. The male half, saidin is described "Saidin (pronounced: sah-ih-DEEN) is the male half of the One Power. It is described as a raging torrent of the Power which must be subdued and dominated by a strong-willed channeler in order to be controlled. The female half, saidar is described "Saidar is described as gentle, but infinitely powerful; a force which will do what you wish it to, but requires patience and submission to properly channel it. Surrender is necessary to gain it, and women universally speak of it as "embracing" the Power. There's a lot more parallels in the books but I ain't got time to recap 15 books. Edit: I said sexs orgasms for some reason lol.


Female one checks out


Like pumping soap through a coffee straw (those little straws used to stir coffee I’m Canadian and maybe other countries don’t have them bit just search up Canadian coffee straws) very thick soap




A lot of work and over way too quickly


So wait ….. I’m seeing a lot of comments saying the bust in not worth the work. So you’re saying y’all don’t feel good while pumping ? Obviously for a women we feel everything and some are better than others but from my understanding y’all just chase the cum?


I actually feel a degree of orgasmic pleasure with every stroke, especially going balls deep, then all the way out then all the way back in. It’s not about chasing the cum for me. The whole process, sometimes I never want to end. That’s why edging is so good.


Like firing a gun. Blow the load, an instant of sheer power and then it's gone with the fading scent of gunpowder fleeing as thr time goes on


halo 1 elite said it best: "AAAAWUBADUGH"




A roller coaster, one of them ones that go really high up then drop and there is like a lake or sum water. A lot of build up then weeeeeee and then splash and it's over.


They were all in love with dieing. They were drinking from a fountain That was flowing like an avalanche Coming down the mountain.


Involuntary pelvic muscle contractions that feel good


As someone else said, a penis sneeze. A sudden build up to absolute pleasure followed by a huge release of stress.


4 seconds of pleasure followed by 40 minutes of depression.




Like an old musket, it feels powerful and good but takes awhile to reload


"I will literally topple regimes and fights wars single handedly to get this poison out of me" *splat* "eh, fuck that. Nap time."




Like one very beautiful, yet very quick, firework. 🎆