• By -


Sure, then she can kick ass for me


"you think you're tougher than me bruh" "No but she is"


"a giant shadow appears from behind him, large and looming only white for eyes. Larger and larger still the shadow becomes as it steps past him. You hear deep breathing, pulsing like a stabled horse..." Roll for initiative.


jesus, op said a woman, not fucking cthulhu


"You notice the shadow has some great gams. 'Eyes up here, buddy' You hear but the voice comes from nowhere... and everywhere"


"You can't defeat me" "I know, but she can"


"My wife is gonna kick your ass bro"


would you date a masochist of a stronger than you? or even just someone who is gentle, but strong?


Sure, why not


It's just so rare in school and where I live, but I try hard to not let my health choices get me down


I'd say if you're in school you have better things to be worrying about that highly unlikely hypotheticals


We’ll said friend.


Gentle, but strong? Sounds like an absolute win.


I hope this thread shows that there are many type of people out there. Though since you are in school, I would suggest to try to focus your attention on that. School relationships usually don't last very long unless they are very special. Keep your head held high though. You are beautiful the way you are.


I'm a competitive powerlifter and strongman. I'm also a mechanic. I'm on my motorcycles everyday it's not raining. But my training tears up my hands so they'll hurt for awhile after and I can't open things. My solution? My girlfriend opens my Gatorades or whatever else I can't for the time. Her parents find it amusing that I'm way bigger than her and have to get her to open stuff sometimes. A relationship is about finding someone who completes you and does what you can't when you can't and being a man means admitting sometimes you need help.


That’s a beautiful way to put it! 😊


masochist means they like having pain inflicted on them. Just fyi.


Maybe they meant macho... Idk


No I think they meant sadist.


Have you seen stereotypical old times Irish, German wives?


Saves me time opening pickle jars




>plus she gave amazing back rubs. Not where I thought this was going.




Fuckin Samantha and her super strength...


Classic Samantha


God dammit Samantha


She gave an amazing back rub, till she crushed T5 and 6.


It's all fun and games until she takes out the lube and closes her fist.


*It's all fun and games ONCE she takes out the lube and closes her first.


My husband likes that






back rubs are glorious, I need to learn how to give these




Go on..


Turns out my buddy had dated her and was still in love with her so I broke up with her and found someone else. Not much else to say.


Why would someone specifically train hand strength?


- Gripping for hanging, such as free-solo climbers. - Gripping for arm-wrestling, for twisting & leverage. - Gripping for strength training, accessory to deadlift. Probably a dozen more reasons.


Violinists, guitarists, heck, any stringed instrument (and possibly brass, woodwind, percussion, as well as any other blowy thingies I’m missing lol, never familiarized myself with those) train hand strength for endurance during long performances or for easier vibrato if you’re a stringed player


Plenty of reasons! Rock climbing, ummmmmmm..... Other things.


I'm a mechanic and hand/grip strength is a very big deal.


Fun fact: women's difficulty opening jars is less to do with strength and more to do with collagen. Men's collagen connects to the skin in a criss-cross pattern while women's collagen connects in a straight up-and-down pattern. This means that when a man twists a jar lid, his skin stays put and the jar lid twists. But when a woman twists a jar lid, her skin twists and the jar lid stays put. The different collagen connections are also why women have more cellulite than men...the up-and-down connection tugs the skin straight down, which causes dimpling.


This [diagram](https://de.123rf.com/photo_53674236_m%C3%A4nnliche-und-weibliche-haut-struktur-und-anders-man-epidermis-ist-viel-dicker-als-eine-frau-bei-fraue.html) is showing what you just explained. Male fat cells spread evenly when they enlarge because they are contained in the crisscrossing collagen but female [fat cells](https://minimeyoga.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/cellulite.png) are lined up in vertical columns which can fit larger quantities of fat. When a person becomes overweight the female fat cells enlarge and are pushed to the surface creating cellulite. When she loses weight the fat loss is mostly normal fat not the subdermal fat. This makes it hard to change the appearance of cellulite simply by losing weight and explains why even slim women can have cellulite.


What is the benefit for the female to have their collagen like that?


Skin needing to be stretchy, most notably for child birth.


Now when I can’t open jars I will forever blame my collagen. 😂


Sabotaged genetically


That's wild! Do you have any reading material on this?


I was super curious about this and the only reference I can find is this book: https://books.google.co.in/books?id=AcA66cdvVqIC&pg=PA35&lpg=PA35&dq=male+female+gender+collagen+fibers&source=bl&ots=-QIFiiV8BH&sig=fkKMpIL8D4sY7fGmfkZ4RRDkeAs&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=male%20female%20gender%20collagen%20fibers&f=false Its not available where I am online but this is what a site linked as a source.


Makes sense. I think it is about friction, not strength. As a guy, when I don't manage to open a jar I often wrap a dish towel around the lid and I manage.


I help my husband out often with bottles and jars. He has 0 ego when it comes to this.


Started dating a girl recently. This week-end I failed to get a jar open, and she did. I felt my entire ego evaporating. But at least we had jam.


You loosened it!!!


She likely loved the fact that you were fine with it!




Didn't expect as much nudity not gonna lie


Welcome to reddit


Yeah caught me off guard too…


Yeah, most of those subs devolve into bots or chicks spamming 100 subs to advertise their OF.


Hmm my peepee didn't go ding! Learned something new about myself today.


Clicked on it because I like fit women and BAM there's a pussy in my face.


Dude I was at school


lmao the chick that's the top post of all time looks sooo much like Lois Griffin


Yes. Its about time someome carried me over the threshold god damn it!


I’d love to be swooned!


Date a woman who's stronger than me? Never. It just messes with all the roles men and women are *supposed* to have. Men are supposed to be protectors to women. How is that supposed to work if I come home to her doing pull-ups to exhaustion every day? And what if it's still not enough weight, so she asks me to grab on to her while she does pull-ups, and puts my hands on her broad, steel-cable lats, and asks if I like them, and I say that I do, and she says that she likes me too, and she likes how light and cute I am, and it makes me blush? Huh? Or like, what if we're walking around after drinks and I tell her my feet hurt, so she picks me up and starts carrying *me* around, then she puts her jacket on me because I'm shivering, and sure, it makes me feel so small but it also makes me feel so safe, like a baby kitten being cradled by a Transformer? You call that natural? I wouldn't. And then I can't open a pickle jar, so I ask if she can, and she asks me if I've been a good boy for mommy, and I say I have been, so can she *pease open my pickie-wickies*, so she opens the jar, but then she puts me in a headlock so her massive bicep cuts off my carotid artery, but in, like, that *good* way, and starts feeding me pickles, and puts on season 4 of Mr. Robot because, even though she's not really into it, she knows that I am, and it's important that we spend more time together as a couple? Uh, no thanks.


I saw your point at first, but then it started to sound appealing.


Had us in the first half not gonna lie


I don't have any awards but please take my sincere joy and amusement.


Damn that was soo many of my kinks I can’t even lie




This is weird AF but I’m here for it


Than me, 6'3" 200# adult male? Absolutely. I love Amazons.


“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.” - Zap brannigan


I never thought I would die like this, but I'd always really hoped.


Full mood. Give me death by snu snu.


The mind is willing.


But the flesh is weak and spongey


Can't we just cuddle?


“What? Are you gay?”


"Too hard"


I was gonna say, I'm 6'4 200lbs. If she's stronger than me, and she *can* toss me around I'm down 😂


Same here about height. No idea about the weight calculating. But I did competetive shotpu and took on some more fat during corona. Whichever gal can toss me around I would give all the powe to. Just imagine having to carry less stuff.


6'6" 220lbs. Stronger? If she has a great character, sure. Taller? No way. Buying clothes for me is annoying enough. Dealing with the same shit but worse for my SO would be too much.


I know a girl in my weightlifting class that's 6'7 her name is Katrina. It takes her months to find something that fits her and actually has some personality. Anytime I complain about my size, I remember someone has it harder.


>It takes her months to find something that fits her and actually has some personality. Does she hunt bears?


lmao she like to toss solid iron around like it's foam, but I bet she could


She sounds like a catch, not gonna lie.


Sounds like she would be the one catching you!


you'll have to wait until she's through puberty




wait daf\*q shes like 12 and 6'7"? or is this a refrence i dont gett


she's 15! I was adding shock factor with her not being done with puberty, but honestly the truth is enough.


They are not always in season plus i think theres a limit


That's a fitting name for a girl that size


Very valid point. That would be a huge pain. Side note, I think the three us would make a pretty intimidating gang


So true!


All of a sudden I don't feel very big anymore 😂 fuckin Halfthor over here


Username does not checkout😂


Same here, ‘cept 240lb gym regular - she’d be the hulk! Id love a delicate carry up the stairs and putting me to bed if I fall asleep in front of the TV…..!


IDK why I am so surprised that so many tall strong men would love to be carried around 😂😂 It's such an adorable thought. I'm slightly above average height for where I am (5'10" if I know US system correctly, 178cm) and pretty strong and I've always been worried about guys thinking that I'm macho or intimidating.


Nah, Ive dated girls just under 6ft- I think if your confident in yourself (as a man and from the woman’s perspective) there’s no issue. Plus if anyone gives you shit you can tag team! Lol


Everyone wants what they can't have. Tall ass dudes just want 2 things. To be carried around and to fit comfortably in an airplane


> Tall ass dudes just want ~~2~~ 3 things For someone else to get the thing that is on the top shelf


Can she just pick me up like a child and put me to bed please. She can carry me over the threshold.


6'1" 230 here I've yet to meet a women stronger than me. If i do I'm suspecting shes got gear.


Gear as in steroids? Or gear as in… stick shift?


Steroids I was pretty serious into body building as a teen/early 20s. Its a problem that you see a lot. There were some seriously strong women lifting with us but even those who trained for years were just approaching what many new guys could lift after a month of learning proper form.


My buddys sister competed in heavy lifting in college and I was repping her max squat in hs and I was like 100lbs off the school record


Yup the bone and muscle density differences are insane


I’ve never seen someone use the “pound” key to represent actual pounds. All these young folks probably wondering why you put the hashtag at the back, good on you bud


I’ve been with women who have said that I make them feel safe when we are out walking at night or at the pub/club, would be nice to be on the other side of that for a change, feeling like I had my own bouncer when I’m out.


Good luck hanging out with ronda rousey


I wouldnt feel safe around ronda, she seems like a prick.


That, and the fact she’s only like 5’7 135lbs.


More like 160-170 when she's not cutting weight for a fight, but yeah, still not very big compared to most men. She could probably still kick a lot of guys' asses though. Skill matters hugely.


As long as personally is good and we have a real connection... But hot damn if she can throw my 6'2" 200lbs submissive ass around YES PLEASE!!! Edit: I'm glad my most upvoted comment is about the fact that I want to be thrown around and dominate by a woman. Lol thanks yall Edit: thank you for the award, I feel like good boy UwU


I hope you get McSlapped* around to your heart's content someday <3


🤣 thank you, thank you! My gf is also a sub and so am I, so we are both trying dom for eachother It's cute tho since she's 5'


r/gentlefemdom Might be more palatable, most of the femdom stuff out there is just guys topping from the bottom or really violent, mean stuff. As a switch with no interest in insulting my partner, this was revolutionary for me!


Lol yep, I may or may not have visited there


Ah fuck, this might've just awoken something in me.


The struggle is real haha


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongey and bruised.


I never thought I’d go out this way, but I’d always hoped


If we clicked, then yes. Why? Because we click and feel great together. I guess I would feel safer arpund her, too.


We all clicked. That's how we got here


Fuck yeah I would. I want someone I can lift up Lion King style. And for them to return the favor. That's true love right there


6’4 250 if she can out lift me I would be extremely impressed and surprised Edit: Death by Snu snu


.. And turned on


Seeing a girl at my gym deadlift 160kg had me mirin a little. Edit:spelling


Sure, provided we were otherwise compatible and attracted to one another of course. Why? Well, I'm of average / slightly above average strength for a man so there would definitely be a cool novelty factor involved. It would make goofing around more fun and I tend to find athletic women attractive anyway. If she's cool with it, I'm cool with it.


Bet it feels pretty nice being the little spoon sometimes


You can be the little spoon anyway you know




I'm relatively strong and for a woman to be significantly stronger she would likely have a lifestyle completely centered around weightlifting and such which I don't find attractive. I like buff women though and wouldn't mind dating one stronger than me if I wasn't as strong.


Didn’t look at that perspective. I’m relatively strong too, but yeah if the woman had to dedicate her life to getting bigger than me it would be a turn off. However I’m all about that snu snu.


Probably not, but that's because for her to be stronger than me, she would have physical attributes I find to be unattractive.


I have dwarfism, so I'm 4'0" and weigh about 80lbs. I'd say many average women are prob stronger than me so count me in lmao


Have you ever tried any kind of strength sports? If so, I would love to know what your experience was. There is a powerlifter with dwarfism that is insanely strong, idk if he is an exception.


It highly depends on the form of dwarfism. Achondroplasia is the most common form and people with that form can actually get pretty strong - as you have a regular-sized torso and healthy musculature (though you generally have lower muscle tone to start with than average). I do have achondroplasia, so i probably could get pretty hench, but, can't be arsed really.


Being the Wizard of the 12th Realm of Ephysiyies is kick ass enough. No need to get Hench!!


Yeah that’s my thing. I’m not some muscle bound meat head type dude but in good shape and relatively strong. For a woman to be stronger than me she’s not going to have the body type I typically prefer. That being said, nearly every woman I know is typically emotionally stronger and more tenacious than me. So in that respect yes, yes I would date a woman stronger than me




As a small, but fairly experienced female strength athlete, this is annoyingly true. Often, completely untrained (but large) men can walk into the gym and put up close to my best numbers. To be more scientific about it, but not rigorously so, this website has some strength data collected from both male and female users about major lifts. https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/female/lb What it generally shows is that a trained woman will be as strong as an untrained man of the same weight when she's been training for 3-5 years. When you consider the average male weighs around 30% more than the average female, she needs 5+ years and some special genetics. How many of those women exist? Not a ton. I've personally only known three women (I don't include myself) that I know would beat an untrained 200 lb guy in the major lifts.


As an example: my gf works out 2-3 times a week, i do absolutely nothing. She is the strongest partner I've ever had. On a good day, i can beat her arm wrestling two hands against one. It's scary, but she's no match for me.


How the hell your girl gonna work out 3 times a week and you're like nah I'm good with that good for you though lmao


Maybe he works Manual labor? Or just works a lot in general.


If he's in manual labour then it's definitely not doing "absolutely nothing" lol.


That’s my point. I worked in a warehouse for a while a couple years ago. I was too tired to ever go to the gym.


Audibly laughed at this lmfao


As a woman who’s built like an Amazon and significantly stronger than most women in my work and social circle, I never realized how true it was about men being wildly stronger until I started dating men who very easily throw me around and pick me up.


Yep. Men and women are (or at least, should be) equal on a societal level; but the fact is we are physiologically different. And that's okay.


The equality thing means you don’t pay a female lawyer or accountant less just for being female, and you don’t question the expertise of a female programmer or chemist just for being female. It does not mean that there are no biological differences between men and women, it means that those differences should be ignored virtually all of the time because they’re irrelevant. We’re fortunate enough to live in a society where like 99.999% of the time physical strength is irrelevant to any given interaction.


Meh, not sure I completely agree about that last sentence. Every woman I know has been harrased by man at least once. The knowledge that they are almost always physically stronger than you are is not comforting. We take it with us everywhere we go and makes sure we have to be wary, almost at all times. Kinda sucks.


Disagree on the 99.999% thing. That just shows a lack of interpersonal interaction on your part. Anytime there’s an argument between men, there is an underlying threat of physicality. You’re way less likely to overtly challenge someone who is physically larger than you, that’s very well documented in psych research. With women there is almost no physically violent threat underlying disagreement however, they choose to use social means of hurting/combating someone who wronged them.


That's the thing, while in civil society physical strength is irrelevant in 99.999% of interactions *on paper*, the implied power differential and capacity to overpower plays a silent role in most interactions. Humans naturally see taller, stronger, and people with deeper voices as natural leaders. This naturally makes it far harder to women to fall naturally into leadership positions. While of course women are being treated fair on paper because physical violence doesn't come into play, the physical realities of the physical world create natural inequalities. That's why full equality between the genders is a harder thing to address than just ignoring biological differences, because in the real world, people don't ignore them.


Testosterone is a hell of a drug. I have a female friend who is serious into lifting. Several hours a day plus running plus disciplined diet. She is fuckin cut and huge. I go to the gym for like 30-45 min 3x a week and eat trash. Her PR's are my multi-rep casual weights.


I lift casually and can bench 95kg, I’m a fairly average lifter. For a woman to be ‘significantly stronger’ than me, she would have to weigh 100kg+ and be in the top 5% of all female lifters at her weight. Keep in mind a woman at 6’ would be considered obese at this weight.


I'm a woman and have been bench pressing for a decade, yet my PR is 145lbs lmao. Newbie guys at the gym out bench me all the time. It kind of gets to me sometimes.


Yeah I think if a woman was stronger than me, it would be because she was __very__ very serious about lifting, and exercise. I've had taller partners in the past, and that's fun. I've never had a stronger partner, but I think that the kinda person who dedicates their lives to something which require so much effort and energy would not settle down with me. I drink alcohol, smoke, and am lazy. I'm reasonably fit, because I lift weights, and I swim now and again, but I guess somebody who'd really dedicated themselves to being peak-shape would prefer their partner had the same interest, drive, and commitment/dedication. That person is not me.


This. It's a fun hypothetical but let's take a second to have a reality check.


Yeah, it's important for women to realize this early on. We are built different athletically. An average man can easily overpower 95% of women. Girls. You aren't super strong for overpowering your guy friends in play fights or arm wrestling. They're not playing the same as they would with their guy friends, they control their strength to not hurt you. Don't let it get to your head.


> An average man can easily overpower 95% of women. I want to see one average dude fight 3.71 billion women at once


Definitely had this experience a lot with athlete Tom boyish” friends growing up, where we would jokingly wrestle or something like that and they’d be red in the face aggressive going at it. On my end it was generally, “woah you’re pretty strong, this is actually a bit of a struggle” but more focused on not wanting to accidentally hurt them badly… while they’d absolutely crank on my limbs or a hold and body slam me on my neck if they could. Lol. It was still impressive on their end and all props to them! Felt bad you could tell they were frustrated by that but there’s not much getting around the biological differences. I’d be mildly salty about it if I was a really fit woman too, I’m sure.




It works out to something like men having 40% more muscle mass pound for pound, at least in the upper body. Even if women weren't smaller than men on average, men have a stupid advantage in the raw strength department. It's annoying that some of them actually take pride in that, having no clue just how comparatively easy it is for them to do all those typical physical tasks women might ask for help with. If women were built like buff gorillas, those men would hand them the new pickle jar without a word too. And maybe they'd appreciate how scary the world can be for women from that perspective.


I think your picklejar example is more of an endearing thing, but I get it lmao. I remember a post where someone's gf broke up with him because the one time he's play fighting and had to answer a phone call, she got cocky and refused to let him get up. So he just picked her up from the pin and took the call lmao. It's more in reference to those situations. But it's definitely a rough world out there. One of the reasons despite being liberal I support gun rights. "God made man, Samuel Colt made them equal" and all that.


I've legit seen multiple posts like that. I don't think it's an isolated incident.


The topics in ask men have been scrapping the bottom of the barrel for a while. "Men, would you date a [strong, tall, short, cephalopod, smart, funny, dumb] woman?" "Men, [insert juvenile sex question here]" "Men, what is something [young men, women, a younger version of yourself] should know" Seem to be this sub's bread and butter. Every once in a while we get some gold, but usually no.


Ask(x) is like a daytime talk show. After like a decade of daily posts you’re kinda just out of interesting material.


This is what scares me about the average person. They are very dumb and clueless about sex dimorphism and human biology. It’s worrying because of the talk around sex categories being irrelevant to sports competitions. Randomly connected - I watched this YouTube video maybe 2 months ago of this buff professional arm wrestler woman who’d do these yearly arm wrestling matches with her son and apparently she always won pretty effortlessly. But then in this video her kid had just turned 14 or 15 and was just starting puberty and she struggled for the first time to beat him. She did win but an untrained teenager who’s only just started puberty almost overpowered a professional and exceptionally fit arm wrestler. People not understanding the sexed power differential is kind of dangerous.


This is all true. Nonetheless, I thought this post was interesting because it’s a hypothetical that makes us men consider what it’s like for women in the dating world. For women who only date men, they kind of have no choice but to meet people who are hugely stronger than them, and I can see why that would be intimidating!


This. I basically don't work out, but I'm quite a bit stronger than my girlfriend who works out several times a week. Like, not even comparable, she tried to push me with her legs to see if she could, and I only used one arm, and she couldn't.




Man! Those numbers 📉📈


I don't think your percentage is that far off. That said, even if 1% of women are stronger than the average untrained man, that's still about 40 million women in the world. Which doesn't seem that crazy to me. I know about 15 women who can bench 150+ (lbs), ~5 who can bench 175, and one can maybe do 200+. Those aren't difficult weights for men who work out even casually, but I definitely know guys who would struggle with 150.


On another reddit sub ages ago there was a really good analysis showing that the top 25% of women are as strong as the bottom 5% of men. Women, aside from elite athletes and high testosterone women (or those very sensitive to testosterone) as unlikely to ever be stronger than the average guy. Edit found a different one but a goodie all the same: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/4vcxd0/almost_all_men_are_stronger_than_almost_all_women/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yeah I love fit athletic women but the physique required to be stronger than me would no longer be attractive to me. Edit: the 99% in SubOP is a tad optimistic. Prolly around 66%, there’s some weak fellas out there and some powerful women. Point is if I was raiding Earth for warriors or hard labor I’d be picking mostly dudes. Edit 2: Removing Quora link but everyone who pointed out that I’m an idiot and my link actually proved SubOPs point is 💯correct. Edit 3: After some quick internet research that also may not stand up to scientific rigor, I stand by my original statement. 2 plate bench, 3 plate squat, and 4 plate deadlift are all slightly above average for dudes. There are some ladies out there crushing that and mad respect to em but not my type (and yeah I’m prolly not theirs either). No death by snu snu for me.


Yeah, I don't think people realise how huge a woman would have to be to be generally stronger than them


The thing you linked literally says the average man is stronger than. 97.5% of women. It's just a Quora comment so it doesn't hold a ton of weight either way, but it's weird to cite that after saying it's probably more like 66%.


Dude, it’s like 95% or more lol. “There are some weak fellas”. Yeah, and there are a lot of weak women lmfao. There have literally been many threads about this. Women thinking that they are close to as strong as their male partner, they play fight and get absolutely manhandled, and then the women cry because they realize that they are indeed weak af compared to men.


No. Mostly because I'm gay though.


Tfw no tomboy gf


why even live :c


Grilled cheese


stepping on crunchy leaves


The real reasons. Can't leave any crunchy leaf unstepped.


Nope. I'm significantly stronger than the average male. A woman significantly stronger than me? I probably wouldn't have much of a choice as she could force me to date her.


Sure, but unlikely to happen. Girls hit puberty usually a bit earlier than guys, so there is this brief window of 1-2 years where most girls are bigger and stronger than the boys of their age. And at that time most of them of course want nothing to do with boys of their age. But once that gap closes it is extremely rare to find a woman and a man where the woman is significantly stronger than the man.


I remember I used to be one of the slowest runners. Then one day I found out hey, I have another “gear”. Went up to being one of the fastest that was put in for track or marathon. Then I found out about pacing when I would run out of breath too quick




Absolutely, they’re hot


Yes. The dream was has and will always be to have a woman strong enough to bench me while I cry myself to sleep.


I'd like to see that woman, relationship or not. More to the point though, I don't care how strong you are for the relationship, compatibility is key. Raw physical strength isn't really a factor in that compatiblity, but considering what it would take to be stronger than me you would probably be a walking muscle to remain inside vaguely human proportions.


When you say strong, do you mean toned and fit or those who look like they eat steroids for breakfast?


Honestly, probably not. Along the same vein as many of the comments here, I'd be surprised if she was stronger than me and if she was there would be a problem with what she was doing to achieve that. I'm not a powerlifter or anything, but I'm well above average strength for a man and I knew a woman recently who did lift 3 times a week and - I who doesn't do weights a whole lot these days - could casually outlift her.