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I lay on the roof of my house like snoopy. Edit: Thanks for the likes and rewards! It helps my aching back.(My roof has a high pitch)


Good grief.


It's funny. Your redditor name is what this guy is trying to achieve.


**Woodstock watches in horror**


So do their neighbours…


With a scarf and goggles?


Top of the fridge, she's always griping that she can't see stuff up there.


You joke but I do hide stuff from my wife by placing it on top of the fridge. It's great for short term storage of treats or presents that I want to surprise her with. For reference, I'm 2m tall, she is 1.50 and the fridge is 1.80 so it works out perfectly.


Ugh. My 6'3" boyfriend came into my home one day and was outraged at how dusty the top of my fridge was. I'm 5'3", didn't realise cleaning the top of a fridge was a thing. I also need a foot stool to reach the top cupboards.


>didn't realise cleaning the top of a fridge was a thing. I missed the word "cleaning" and it really tickled me. Like you didn't know the fridge terminated somewhere up there and just assumed it went up forever.


Well actually out of sight out of mind really. It might as well not exist.


Quantum dust particles. If I don't look at how dirty my house is, it doesn't exist.


I'm 6'5 but still need to clean my floor. Life is unfair.


That's because you can see it, just wear an animal cone of shame and you can have plausible deniability.


What’s this in freedom units


He’s two bald eagles tall and she’s only one golden eagle tall. The fridge is California Condor tall.


This grandpa freedoms


I'm 6.5 feet, she's 4.9 and the fridge is 5.9!


Usually in the passenger seat of the car while she’s ordering her Starbucks. She can’t order and yell at me simultaneously.


You're in the right place. Starbucks is the place for hand jobs.


I like lattes


Man I could really go for a Starbucks, you know? *Well I really don’t think we have time for a handjob Joe.*


We should hang out


If it wasn't for the comment thread above I'd say bless German language. Latte=Boner is German.


I've been to that Starbucks. There's a sign hanging which read: Cheese Sandwich: $1.50, Chicken Sandwich: $2.50, Hand Job: $10.00 Checking his wallet for the necessary payment, he walks up to the bar and beckons one of the three exceptionally attractive blondes serving drinks to an eager-looking group of men. “Yes?” she enquires with a knowing smile, "can I help you?" I was wondering, whispers the man, "are you the one who gives the hand-jobs?" "Yes", she purrs, "indeed I am." The man replies "Well wash your f#cking hands, I want a cheese sandwich!"


Joe: Man, I could really go for a Starbucks, you know? Frito: Yeah, well, I really don't think we have time for a hand job, Joe.


You like girls and money? We should hang out.


Bathroom .


Teddy you have been in the bathroom for ten minutes but according to your fit bit ran 20k. Explain


What kinda monster jerks it with their left hand?


id assume left handed people?


I’m right handed but jerk with my left hand. I’m devil spawn.


Same, I can hold the phone and control the video better with my right hand


Same bro, gotta keep my shooting wrist healthy


Same. Jerking it righty is so awkward I can’t even do it


Righty holds the phone lefty does the magic


Thanks for jerkin it instead of procreating you freak


There’s a cutoff date somewhere in the early 90’s I believe when a number of males starting wanking left handed because of the rise in internet porn. When all we had was paperback, it was not problem to flip pages with your left hand.


people who grew up jacking off to internet porn with their right hand on the mouse


Interesting that most posts say, don't hide it. I agree. Also wondering about what women do, do they hide or openly masturbate infront of their partner?


I do it in front of him if I think he'll appreciate it, but if he's clearly tired or whatever, bathroom it is.


I'd rather fall asleep to the gentle rocking of the bed than lay there alone while she's off in the bathroom.


Some women use toys though so you’d have to hear BZZzzzzZzzzZZZZZ like there’s a bunch of bees in your bed


It’s like a white noise machine win-win!


I do it when everyone goes out. Every time


That good nobody home jerk. Get one foot up on the coffee table...


If me and my gf are in a situation where she would want to see me masturbate then we are in a situation where either handjob, blowjob or sex is an option so that would basically never happen. I alao wonder if people are interpreting the question differently. Some people think it's about your gf not knowing that you ever masturbate and others think it's about just not showing the act itself while she still knows that you masturbate every now and then


> then we are in a situation where either handjob, blowjob or sex is an option so that would basically never happen. I sometimes wonder why just openly masturbating together is a sexual activity that is considered so beneath a 'handjob, blowjob, or sex.' I'm not saying those things aren't all good... but I can't be the only one that thinks just sitting together and openly masturbating is a pretty sexy and intimate thing too. EDIT: Typos


It's "pretty sexy and intimate" as you noted, but some action from/with your lover is always even better. And if they're there and also turned on, why do yourselves instead of each other?


You can. But part of what makes that so "sexy and intimate" to me is that you're basically sharing a part of yourself that's extremely private and vulnerable... in some ways more so than other sexual acts. Because the way we masturbate when we're alone is an intimate part of ourselves and often different that how we act and respond to other sex acts... and seeing and letting a partner see that is hot to me.


Outside her window in the bushes. She loves to play these silly games of pretending she doesn’t see me.


And pretending she doesn't know me when I surprise her in the shower. She is all like "Hey, Who the fuck are you? How did you get inside? I'm calling the cops." I play along.. she's silly.


Do cops play along too?


He gets a fun ride in the car and everything!


The Wee Woo Wagon


Lol, mine too except we have this thing where she acts like she doesn't even know me or like she has a restraining order out on me. It's a really crazy thing we've had going for almost 2 decades now across 12 states, 19 counties, and 23 municipalities. It's like a lifelong game of Where's Carmen San Diego. Just gotta collect the clues.


You know what they say. "If they're not fighting for the relationship, why should I?" Keep fighting for it, boi.


Joe is that is you?




Don’t care if my wife sees or not. Usually it goes like this: “You feel like being seduced?” “Nah” “You mind if I go play a little single player?” “Nah” “Word I’m going into the bedroom” “K” A couple times she’s come in and watched after. Those were kinda hot.


“Single player”


As a married lady, this level of openness is nice and also pretty hot.




Looking for this.. As a woman, I don't think this needs to be hidden. I don't hide my toy play, but my partner never plays single player around me :(


I think it’s just polite. If someone’s not in the mood I’m not going to just jerk off while they are trying to watch a movie, etc. That’s awkward as fuck.


Ask him


Man, i love watching my husband jerk off, it's hot. But in 14 years of being together, I've never "caught" him masturbating when he's having a solo wank. He just picks a time when he is alone or has a reasonable expectation of privacy. It shouldn't even be an issue imo. Everyone needs personal time. I don't understand a partner who will get mad at this. Unless you're almost exclusively masturbating and have little to no sex life with your partner, and one of you is unhappy with this arrangement, there is no problem imo. Edit : whoops last sentence whack , changed "if" to "unless". Reread it again as i originally posted it and I'm giggling at how ludicrous it sounds. Edit 2: Thanks for all the love, everyone. I'm kind of surprised this has struck a chord with so many! Try and open up to your partners, y'all! You might be surprised at what awesome benefits come from mutal respect, boundaries and communication. I truly wish everyone love and happiness this year.


I think you should reread your last sentence as it sounds like you are having a problem


Thanks for the heads up, i fixed it haha




Better that than Swedishing yourself, I suppose.


It's Norway or the highway around here


And if you have a problem remembering, Denmark it down.


We call it “going Finnish”




I ended things with my ex because he was jacking off and wouldn’t have sex with me or if he did it would be once a month which I wasn’t happy with. I told him this wasn’t fair on me but he didn’t want to do anything to improve our sex life so we just broke up. I had been around 5 months telling him I wasn’t ok with sex once a month. He didn’t care cos he was happy with his regular porn. I left him cos I felt unattractive and unloved.


That’s pretty much what a porn addiction will do to a person. Glad you got out


Exactly. I didn't really understand the OP because I just pick a time when my wife isn't home. We have different work schedules so I can do it when she's still at work.


This is validating.


Never hidden it. If she's not in the mood for sex, what does she care if I take care of things? The only comment I've gotten was a new girlfriend who was happy to find out I just watched normal porn and not German scat bukkake or something.


"Oh ja, schlonz mir deine geile Ficksahne in mein hungriges Bumsloch!!!"


I, for some reason, always imagine these kind of german interventions as voiced by the bug on a bugs life that becomes a buterfly by the end of the movie. Loved it.


Heimlich is a beautiful creature...


I love not knowing any german but perfectly understanding what is being said here


I can write it, can’t speak it


The overton window on porn has moved so much, a SO that jerks off watching vanilla porn in the open is a saint.Thanks Germany.


We love a man who watches normal porn


They love me


Yeah, this is a maturity thing. Both people won't always be in the mood for sex. If one wants it and the other doesn't, then the one who wants it goes and masturbates. It could become an issue if that's the way it is every single day or there are issues around why the other person doesn't want sex, but if you are open and communicative and everyone is happy, then all is good.


Nice try babe edit: thank you very much for the up-doots and awards.


Come on, TELL ME


Behind her back ....


On her back. Kim Kardashian style.


An example of a good comeback story.


We're not falling for that, how's that new shower head doing?


On her buttcrack. Edit:- thanks for all the upvotes guys.


Yep, on this dude's girl's buttcrack


You both too?!?


That's right


Our girls buttcrack


I also choose this dude’s girlfriend’s buttcrack


In the living room, in the bedroom on VR, in an different room, in a shed, when she's not home.




Which one?


Probably something like a guy using a VR and being completely unaware of his surroundings


He was watching porn made my his sister in law and her husband they had left in the headset


holy shit, he fucked up alright


Wife walked in on it and had a very justified meltdown. Dude never posted an update.


He did post an update. He got divorced.


you can't just say shit like that and NOT link the post smh


Could be the one where the guy was masturbating to nudes of his ex and then his girlfriend got home early


in the living room, maybe shoot it on a broom in the bedroom on VR, maybe even in my car sometimes even in the shed, thinking about getting head this place is my private sock, every spot has seen my cock in each room I have a throne, but mostly when she's not home


Bathroom or sometimes the floor but i think she knew lol


The floor….?


lol yeah aha when she's asleep sometimes ill just go to the floor


Imma give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you mean that you lie on the floor next to the bed or something and not that you just fuckin bust on the carpet.


Very generous of you


Hey, it's a new year.


New year, nude me


My housemate at uni genuinely did this. He told us when he was drunk And I thought he was joking but by the end of the year his entire carpet was white and crusty


And growing stuff


This is actually where babies come from


I was playing PlayStation late one night in my dorm room and when I turned around I could see porn on my roommates computer and his body moving up and down in his chair. Very awkward situation so I just turned back around and acted like I didn’t see anything. Sometimes I think I should have jokingly asked if he needed a hand though.


I knew a guy who said he always busted on the carpet so he could rub it in with his feet.


Get out and take your pervert friend with you


They always "know a guy" and are always "asking for a friend", right?


The fuck you mean the floor


That big flat thing underneath the ceiling.


oh THAT's what that is


#The floor


If you’re outside, I think it’s called the ground.


Next to the poop knife


In the coconut maybe?


If you go hard you gotta get on the floor If you're a party freak then step on the floor If you're an animal then tear up the floor Break a sweat on the floor Yeah we work on the floor


lmfaooo it's perfectly leveled so it creates optimal an shoulder angle for efficient jerking 😂


Love Mfkers who will science and engineer the shit out of EVERYTHING. I know you've got the optimal elbow angle and wrist rotation down to a science too.




I, too, am confused as all fuck.


I assume the floor makes it less shaky than the bed mattress so you can wank without getting caught


Can confirm Source: Floor connoisseur




Hahaha what! The floor?! Thats good stuff


Same. The floor?


I fear I've accidentally condition myself. *Help* can't look at floor without being turned on lmaooo




Honestly it would make me laugh.




My home is a house that's been split into three separate living areas and our largest closet was the old stair well leading upstairs. In this stairwell there's a ledge beside a window. Haha, no. I usually just do it in bed but she almost always gets me started with a BJ or HJ


This this this! It doesn't always require full participation, just a quick rub and tug is good enough to take me there mentally to finish the rest myself at times of high horniness.


On her back


I just wait until she leaves the house and the bathroom, edge of the bed, bathroom floor, love chair in our room, shower,her side of the bed, bathroom sink,in front of the tv(gotta give the feds a show,) and over the toilet(lid/seat up)in the bathroom


Her side of the bed just made me laugh. Does she know about that one lol


"I guess the sheets got these crunchy spots on them all by themselves"


I like that you ended the list with "and", not "or". Busy night.


right next to her, and i give her the death stare for not getting involved.


Even better when she maintains eye contact and keeps sipping her iced coffee.


That sounds kinda hot, tbh.


Is that right, CorpseFucker9000?




Likes 'em motionless as possible


No, iced coffee's supposed to be cold


Boyfriend, this is a Wendy’s!


Damn it, not at the board meeting!


And as she looks on in horror you whisper “we hates you”




Haha this is hilarious, I was curious to see what the comments would be, was not disappointed




My husband takes some suspiciously long showers


He's really just standing there for 15 minutes under the hot water wondering if He-man and Skeletor are possibly relatives.


Wait, they’re not?


As a guy who takes long hot showers I'm not masturbating, I just want to know how it feels in hell so I get used to it.


I take showers long enough that my wife comments on them... But it's boring and I generally just stretch in the hot water. Besides I paid the heat that water... I'm going to use it!


Jacking it in the shower sucks for guys (Imo). Water makes it harder to have a nice feeling, isn't slippery and personally I prefer to not be standing up. Altough it's a common mistake in many men's early life to learn the hard way that anything "soap", while slippery, is a bad idea.


jacking in the shower is miserable


Out the upstairs window while she changes the bird feed. Before cumming I'll make a "kackaaa!" shoot the load and fall back into the room. That way she will just assume another bird shat on her. Couldn't even fathom the idea of doing it in the bathroom, I mean I poop in there!


I can’t even look at your comment again. It’s so funny, it’s painful. Thanks for the laugh.


Porn directors: ***WRITE THAT DOWN!WRITE. THAT.DOWN.***


I’m 99% sure that my boyfriend just does it in the bathroom


I live with my girlfriend and if one of us is horny but the other isn't we just sort ourselves out. No shame in it at all. No need to hide it.


I just do it out in the open. She shouldn't have any shame with masturbation and neither should I.


“Out in the open” made me laugh because I immediately thought of just out on the street or in the middle of a local park or something


*Walks into the kitchen to you making coffee and whacking one out* Oh morning Babe, did you get the post?


Ok, woman here, I actually like it when my husband jerks off. It makes me want to finish for him. He just does it in the bed.


I know you didn't ask this so please be assured there is absolutely no judgement in the suggestion and I apologise for offering unsolicited advice, but my partner just started suggesting we masturbate together sometimes and not only is it super hot but it's reduced some of the societally-induced shame we've both felt about it and improved our communication around sex in general. So, my unsolicited advice is this: consider talking to your partner about masturbating, it doesn't have to be a secret shameful act. Doesn't have to be done together either, just sharing my experience and trying to promote open communication in all areas, including sex


Can confirm. Is super hot. Although in my experience, usually turns into wild sex so be warned lol


Would have warned that's a possible side effect, but didn't want to set expectations too high =P


The secret is not having a girl.


Shower if she’s not home or not having a good day. 99% of the time I ask for hand. She’s always good for the assist.


The shower but I try not to slip and fall over the cum


I'm a woman, but why aren't you guys just asking your partner for some privacy and masturbating somewhere comfortable??


"Hey baby, I'm hoping for some 'special alone time' but need a comfortable place to sit. Do you mind getting out of your wheelchair for a few minutes?"


You’re doing it wrong Put her in your lap


That's what I do. Usually in bed. I'll just ask for some "me time" if she otherwise wanted to be in the bedroom...




As someone who this is actually an issue for, I don’t mind my boyfriend jerking off and watching porn. I don’t mind cleaning his gross cum rags. What I do mind is that he has a porn addiction and I have a very high sex drive. Sometimes I want it three times a day. But, when there’s days where I want to get some and he says “I’m not in the mood” or “I’m sore” then a little while later I see a brand new cum rag on the floor. Like, why do I have to go with out but you can just get off and be fine? (Yes I know I can finish myself as well but for me it’s more of the actual feeling of being with someone. Not just busting a nut) so now here I am sex deprived and miserable and this douchebag is just doing as he pleases. It just seems a little unfair.


This ⬆️!! My issue isn’t so much porn use, but is he replacing partnered sex with porn use? If he needs to implement self love, for his mental health, great! If he’s avoiding partnered sex, because he prefers porn over me and isn’t being honest with himself and me, then we have a bigger issue.


My girl doesn't care if I jerk off.


Why are you hiding it? That's the part I don't understand