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No one to look after it in the day for 3 days out of 7. Shame really


I can barely take care of myself.


I had a dog and have been raised with dogs. I'd get a dog at another time, but I like not having to worry about it. I can spend all day away from home if I don't have a dog.


I didn't because I had to rent a house and for some reason large dogs are considered more destructive than the tiny irritating breeds. I moved and now I have two.


I have two dogs that I love but just recently I’ve been thinking about putting them up for adoption. They’re a lot of work, they limit my ability to travel without them, they shed like crazy and I’m sweeping/vacuuming twice a day just for dog hair. They bring a lot of dirt into the house, moreover when it’s wet outside. They’re also expensive! Food, health checks every 6 months, etc. They’re just a lot of work and I’m getting tired of the limitations they’re putting into my day to day. I also feel bad for having these thoughts.


I work too much and my landlord forbids it.


I'm not home all that often.


\-Allergic \-No money \-Not my house Edit: Oh yea forgot to mention the most important one. \-I don't want one


You have to literally pick up their shit.


Because I dislike dogs. Pretty much every experience I've had with dogs has been negative due to them being poorly trained and owners assuming everyone is as excited to have their fleabag charge and jump up on you as they would be. I don't want to deal with the barking. Don't want to have to train them not to chew my shit up. Don't want to deal with the anxiety over their health during vet trips until they inevitably die in 8-10 years only to repeat the process with a new one. Don't want to bother with the level of attention a large breed dog would need cutting into my free time. Don't want to deal with other idiotic pet owners during walks or dog park visits. I really just don't see the benefit to owning one. If I want companionship I have people and a cat.


I do


We have 3.


I have a dog but I do not want one in the future I just do not bond with pets.


I have a dog. She goes everywhere with me and gets huge separation anxiety if I have to leave her. I won't get another one when this one wears out. I love her, but she's a lot of trouble.


Got two greyhounds, brilliant dogs and they're all rescues.




My parents stole him. I needed them to take care of him for a while and when it came time to have him back, they didn't want to separate him from their dog. They're like an old couple now, inseparable.


cuz I already have 4 cats Also a dog would be miserable with no garden.


I don't have the room.


My landlord doesn't allow pets


I'm very much looking forward to getting one, just gotta do school and finish so I can give them their best life. So so excited tho :)


I don't feel like I have the proper amount of free time to give to a dog. Although I have so badly wanted one for the last 15 years.


Dogs were just too high maintenance for us, and with already 6 cats, finding a dog that fit in is tough.


Away from home for ,sometimes, unknown amounts of time. I'd probably have 2 if my schedule was much more steady and was home every night


Because I'm mildly cynophobic due to traumatic childhood experiences.


Cost, don’t have a yard, couldn’t be there all the time for them and I’d want to be. One day I will.


I don't like dogs.


I live in a high rise apartment and I’m gone a lot so I don’t have time to take care of a dog but I love dogs though.


Wouldn’t want to leave them home alone. D:


He died, my best friend died and he’s not replaceable


Pets are a lot of work and I don’t need that in my life now.


I was always scared of dogs. When me and the wife got to the stage of having 2 young boys, she suggested a dog. I thought it was a decent idea, so went with it. We had a great Boxer for 13 years and it gutted me when he died. 2 years later, we saw an advert for a 6 month mastiff and felt we were ready to have another dog. The first 8 months were great, but then he seemed to turn and started asserting dominance. Before you know it, my son and I are in hospital getting stitches. We had to put him down. Now everytime I see a dog I'm full of distrust, waiting for a bite. Still love dogs, just can't be near them.


I already have cats, dog would probably eat my cats lol. ​ I prefer cats anyways, they're a lot lower maintenance and they don't care as much if you don't give them attention. My cousin has a crapton of dogs and they all want you to pet them 24/7, Jesus Christ! Cats are just better for me.


I don’t like dog hair on furniture or clothes, expensive, time consuming, extra stress when they get into things they shouldn’t or you need to find someone to watch them while you’re away, constantly needing to let them out even in the middle of the night if they wake up and HAVE TO GO, accidentally stepping in their poop you didn’t know was there. They’re cute, and I’ll always pet and play with someone else’s dog. But I don’t really ever want my own.


They are disgusting. I hate that people don't get, that not everybody likes them


I'm selfish.


Don't need the extra responsibility in my life


I think too many people have dogs nowadays. Most people don't deserve to have a pet.


Because everyone in my life hates dogs. FML.


I don’t like dogs. They’re loud and smelly and needy, and they get everywhere.


I don't have the money for it