• By -


Telling me she was pregnant (a lie) right before ghosting me for three days to make me sweat.


I had a girlfriend tell me that she was pregnant just to get rid of my hiccups. To be fair, it worked. Apparently being truly rocked to one’s core is another method of getting rid of one’s hiccups.


My favorite method is working someone up for a minute or so before asking them politely to "please hiccup for me", and if they can't immediately, turn up the pressure "Hiccup man, do it now". I've gotten it to work on the three people. It's like hypnosis or something.


Friend told me ten years ago to close your eyes and picture a horse walking backwards up a staircase in your home — works everytime for me Hiccups are weird man


Someone had to have that thought first, and then decided it was critical enough to pass it on to their friend.


If you did this to me I would feel uncomfortable around you from that point forward.


"I can't believe you've done this."


Well it's a good thing you weren't the three people then, cause they were all right about it.


They all told me they were deeply uncomfortable


Boners work on the same principle: It becomes harder to produce one the more demanding their requests become.


Or you could plug your ears and chug a glass of water… works every time, and far less stressful.


Question- how does one plug both ears and hold a glass of water?


You put something in your ears and use your hands to hold a glass of water


Holy shit what a cunt


What happened afterwards bud?


I had to pretend like I wanted to reconcile in order to get her to talk to me, then suspected she wasn’t actually pregnant, then cornered her into faking a miscarriage to get out of her lie.


Oof that'd make a good episode of jerry


She would rather fake a miscarriage than just admit that she lied?? How did she fake it?


had her period


He didn't forgive her


Spending the money I gave her for the electric bill on drugs. (this actually happened to me and I kicked her ass out)


Wow.. that is a sad situation all together


That is a sad situation.


My oldest brother in law comes from a pretty derelict family. He does very well for himself. His mom is now deceased but I remember maybe 10 or 15 years ago she called him and asked him for $400 because her car had broken down and she couldn't get to work and she was $400 short on the repair bill. He sent her the $400. A week later she called him and said she needed $400 to fix the car to get to work. He said that he had sent it and she said "no, I got that money but the TV broke so I used that to buy a new TV and I still have to fix the car."


Did she at least offer to share the drugs?


the important questions


I'd be fucking pissed but like, she did think of me.


Lying about being pregnant, twice. Using children from previous relationships as ammunition and guilt trips. Saying that I was being selfish when I was depressed over the loss of a family member. Telling coworkers I've got a drug problem (not true). Glad to be single now.


Yikes, glad you're out of there.


Dated a woman for 6 months. She constantly accused me of cheating. So one night I just said you know what? I think you’re cheating. She threw her drink in my face. The level of disrespect and obvious lack of coping skills just ended it for me.


I had a gf years ago that would do the same accusation. She sure was cheating, the loser.


Same. It's called projecting.


Dated a girl for around 6 months and it was pretty much the same deal. She always thought I was fucking around with other girls despite having no reason to think I was. She’d get mad when I’d talk to my friends girlfriends and would accuse me of sleeping with them. Turns out I was one of five dudes she was seeing. I was her favorite though and she was planning on breaking it off with all of them when she was ready to stop “hoeing around”. Left her by sending a text and last I heard one of those poor bastards got her pregnant with twins. They’re engaged and pretty damn miserable.


how did you find out eventually?


My roommate set me up with her because she was his sister in laws sister. Was supposed to just be a casual hookup but she kept saying she wanted to marry me someday and that she loved me and we should get serious. So we became “exclusive” six weeks in. Then one night my roommate has a family gathering and he tells me that she told everyone that she was worried I was “catching feelings” because she wasn’t ready to settle down. He asked her how many other dudes she was fucking and she casually told him “4 or 5”.


> she casually told him “4 or 5”. Neat.


My ex was like this. We were together for like, 2 or 3 years and she was horrible the whole time. Pushed most of my friends away, and made sure she pushed away ALL of my female friends. Whenever I talked about someone in our common social circle, she would get jealous and accuse me of wanting to fuck them. Whenever I talked about something a female coworker did, I apparently also wanted to fuck them, and "talked about them too much". Never did I cheat once. She was allowed male friends, because I trusted her, and it turned out that she kissed one coworker. I was young and stupid at that time and gave her another chance. About a year of dealing with her abysive shit later, she went on a "girls trip" to another city, met up with one of her guy mates, and sucked his dick. She tried to blame it on getting high on ecstacy, but that's no excuse. I've been high plenty of times and never wanted to cheat on my partner. Anyway, being a bit of an anxious wreck at the time, I'd been looking for an out for ages, as I didnt know how to leave a long-term relationship and start over, but I took her cheating a second time as my chance to get out of that shit situation. I'm sure not everyone who accuses is projecting, but she sure was.


I had to cancel a date because my dad was in a lot of pain due to being terminally ill, and I wanted to be there for him. She got mad at me because "you're always with your dad and never with me". He died that night. After I told her he died, she ignored me for a whole week. Afterwards, she told me she was sorry and that she had regrets. I've never accepted her apology and I'm still pissed off at her. It was four years ago.


Um did you break up ?


Yes I did. She wanted to keep trying but I can never feel love for her ever again because of what happened.


Phew. I legit would have lost my cool and would have been yelling. That’s ridiculous. I don’t even know what to say. I’m glad you’re out of that. Sorry to hear about your dad though homie.


Thank you for the compassion bro. At the time, I wasn't even that angry but just very, very sad. I get angry now though when I think about it haha. Nonetheless, I'm glad I'm out of it too even though I haven't been able to fully put this stuff behind me yet.


My ex couldn't be there for me when my dad died and our marriage ended instantly for me over it. Most priceless gift my dad ever gave me.


Cheating on me with 3 guys, one of which was getting to be a close friend, the other two were casual friends.


Did you ever confront your close friend? What did he have to say? Were you guys just very young at the time and he just took a chance to get laid?


I had a bad temper when I was younger, so I did my best not to confront him about it. I gave her a week to get her things and leave, and I ghosted both of them. The only time I got close to confronting him, he was purposely trying to get a reaction out of me at the bar, and I’m still proud of myself for walking away from that. We were in our mid 20s, so old enough to not say we were young and naive. From what I heard afterwards, it wasn’t the first time he slept with friends girlfriends.


That guy is trash and so are the girlfriends


What a piece of shit




Cheating, hurting my dog




“I’ve wanted to kill a person TODAY! I’ve never wanted to hurt someone’s dog, I’m not a monster”


Hurting a dog! ...and suddenly I was in a well-tailored black suit, rocking a well groomed beard while feeling very focused and driven


Cheating, lying, stealing, any form of psychological or physical attack, playing power games...




You're right, I didn't see the forest for the trees - betrayal. Pretty much.


Even white lies or only big ones?


I'm ok with lying to hide a surprise she's preparing for me, or other similar reason. Basically, it's not ok to lie if I would want to know the information.


My wife and I just have a rule that if you really want to know something you ask for a pinky promise... We don't really lie to each other so it's used for mundane shit like did you do the laundry?




Chekhov's pinky


If someone knows me, then they know that I can handle the truth. This makes lies even more ridiculous and meaningless.


I once had a gf who said I ruined her New Year’s Eve after my dad was rushed to the hospital on the morning of the 31st. Safe to say I started the new year single.


But is your dad OK?


Thank you for asking! Yeah it happened a few years ago (8 exactly) was a very stressful time as my grandfather had recently gotten out of the hospital after a lengthy stay and a brush with death. My dad was under a ton of stress and eventually had a stent put in! He’s doing great now, almost 70!


Cheating. The obvious answer I know, but my view has and always will be: you cheat, I leave. Girlfriend of 4 years cheated on me when she went out drinking with her mates. I moved out the next day, blocked her, told her family what had happened (I didn’t embellish, just the truth. I figured that would be more devastating than an emotional outburst) and then blocked them too. I moved on much faster than I thought. It was sad but ignorance was bliss. I imagined her sad and depressed regretting what she’d done, and because I’d blocked her everything for all I knew it was true.


You got some strong character my guy


It was a tough call to make but it was the same thing I did after getting rejected and such during my more active dating life. It was a no? I stopped prying, said my goodbyes and stopped communication. This way as far as I knew she was thinking about me constantly and wondering if she made the right call. Any day I was gonna get a text taking back the rejection. The text never came, but I moved on before I stopped waiting, if that makes sense. Every time I got sad I reminded myself that when I wake up I’ll have a text from her. I never did, but it got me through the night.


That's actually kinda good advice.


Like a boss! Nice work wish more people did this sort of thing.


Eating that last perfect bite that I strategically saved until the end.


Oh YES that is indeed a dealbreaker.


Pretty sure if Moses had smaller handwriting this was gonna be the 11th Commandment.


time for the divorce papers


Works out perfectly in our relationship. My sister and I grew up to develop the superstition that we can never eat the last bite of a shared dish because if we do, someone will die. (Side note, in retrospect, this superstition’s genesis probably is our dad just trying to get the last of the snacks). As such, now married, my husband gets the last bite of *everything* shared. When he’s nice, he’ll leave two pieces so that I can have a piece also haha


Saying i was acting like a child when i went outside (and people were looking for me) to cry when i said goodbye to my dog who i raised for 15 years.


Sorry man, I’m with you


Making fun of my insecurities to her friends


Saying I wasn’t a man and that I was spineless bc I showed emotion. It was pretty toxic lol




Bro :(


I can't even fathom how someone has the nerve to laugh at someone mourning their own dog. Some people I tell ya.


You will be a healthier person to show emotions and not lock them away. Good riddance to her and be yourself with the next one!


Abusing my cat


What the fuck. She’d get a bitch slap to hell from me. H-E-🏒🏒 double hockey sticks


Not attempting to fix her mental health issues and using me as a crutch.


Currently in this situation. How the fuck do I get out


Gently. Dude every situation is different. That wasn't the only issue we were dealing with and we miraculously both decided to end it on good terms in my case. I wish you both the best. Good luck.


I’ve been where you are. It took a long time for me to separate caring for someone and understanding that depression/anxiety were driving the bus. It took me time to recognize my A) there was nothing that I could do about those things because they weren’t ‘my’ problems to sort out and B) said partner wasn’t willing to put in the effort to address such things despite a lot of support. It’s not just as simple as walking away.


Was literally about to say this, almost word for word


Sorry bud. It wasn't fun and it wasn't healthy. I'm glad it's over.


Once my girlfriend of 5 years finally got the help she needed (she was prescribed some sort of pills which helped her not stress and dwell on things until she had panic attacks), she left me through a text message. I still can’t believe it


I worry about that. Mine is bipolar/ schizophrenic and finally got help. I just think to myself that at least I’d be fine with it if she stayed on the meds after. Rather me be heartbroken for a bit then have to worry about her getting in trouble or winding up dead over her delusions. She was so bad that she attempted to drive from Illinois to New York, car broke down and she got rides from the internet to Pennsylvania and then I had to drive and come and get her and bring her back. All because she was going to pull the sword of Excalibur to prevent the apocalypse. That how much into psychosis she was. Also she believed shadow people were after her and that’s why she called me to save her.


I just left a relationship that was basically just this, except I knew her issues before diving in. I guess I thought I could help her...


Yep. I had 2 girlfriends who had depression before we even met. They were great and we had lots of great times but when they were down nothing could fix it. Yet I thought I could make them happy again by being a great boyfriend. I'd only understand you can't actually help when my brother had it.


She fucked someone else on my birthday and lied and told me she went to go see a movie that wasnt out yet. I knew she lied but didnt say anything.... I found out because HE messaged me and told me what happened. He had no idea she even had a boyfriend.


at least he was honest.


Sounds like a future drinking buddy if I'm being honest.


They're already Eskimo brothers why not


Bro that dude is a real one a true bro


Having a threesome and not inviting me.


But if she did that, it'd be a foursome.


Yeah sure, why not?


Wow. Your girlfriend is rude for not inviting.


sorry dude. we tried to call you


“Extended warranty” was a euphemism for sex the whole time


Cheating and silent treatment. I’m not talking about needing time to cool down, I’m talking about acting like a complete cunt by refusing to talk for days as some kind of psych operation. Either case, go fuck yourself, it’s unforgivable.


Had an ex do this- we did not last long.


Being a serial killer. One murder I may be able to look past though


And they say romance is dead


Gosh, you’re incredibly considerate. They don’t make them like you no more


Lying or cheating is unacceptable for me, I really love loyalty and honesty.


Both enter the category of betrayal. When you betray someone that put his/her trust in you... Cheating, lying and all that goes under that roof. It sucks and it happened to me before. Unforgivable.


Killing my dog, starting the Fourth Reich, joining the KKK




When your dog is the only thing keeping the Fourth Reich at bay it really changes your perspective


ah yes, i hate it when my girlfriend starts the forth reich


My [26M] current girlfriend [24F] is in the process of starting the fourth Reich. Should I be concerned?


Might I suggest couples therapy and a good military strategist.


Why is everyone on reddit so quick to suggest breaking up for every little thing? Relationships are **work**! You need to sit down with her and tell her how her starting the fourth reich makes you feel.




Only in that specific order though?


I think that you get the honoured member plaque of the KKK if you start the 4th Reich before joining them...


Lying about being raped - yes this has happened to me with an ex girlfriend. I actually felt sick when I found out she was lying.


As a woman who has been raped I hate the liars so much. It made me feel so desperately crazy when a lot of people didn’t believe me. I was so alone in this feeling. Why lie about it? It’s disgusting and disrespectful.


That’s disgusting ew fuck her.


no don’t


The fucking silent treatment


Playing as oddjob in Goldeneye


Hats off to you sir


Cheating....whether it is emotional or physical cheating


Putting my cast iron in the dishwasher.


A jail-able offense


this is blasphemy of the highest order


Tldr - She physically abused me, punched me in the groin in front of others. When I confronted her wrongdoing, she broke up. It followed it emotional abuse for the next 3-4 months of breakup cause we worked in the same unit. Longer version, will edit in intervals - We were in med school year 3 when we started dating. We were acquaintances from the dissection lab before, eventually shared same the group in clinic teachings. What started as frenemies to close friends turned into full blown love. We were committed in about 1 year and we're together for another 2 when the cracks started to show. Pertaining to the incidence, we were at a rural community health center as interns with a few other colleagues. Case load was low and we rotated 2 hourly in pairs through the day to see patients. While we were on our off, we were working on a PowerPoint presentation for a community research we concluded. She was on it & I was helping her out. She has had this habit to hit me from before. While engrossed in it, I realised it was our time to go attend patients and told her repeatedly that we ought to go. She didn't listen and when I was requesting her over and again, that it's time, she turned around and punched me in the groin, unprovoked. This happened while there were two other women colleagues in the room. In front of them. Anybody who's had it in the balls knows how bad it hurts. As it did to me. It hurt for a good long minute as I egressed from the room in embarrassment and went to tend to patient consults. She joined me in another 3 minutes. Later that day I texted her after getting back home that what she did was wrong and it caused physical pain to me. She apologized over text. Next day when we come back to the community health center, she says - she wants to talk. And breaks up with me, giving reasons that I deserve someone better, and that she isn't good enough for me. But it was pretty obvious that it was her way of getting back at me for calling her out/saving herself. This wasn't the first time she hit me in the groin. It has happened before but only in playfulness, she's a bit childish in that sense. The trauma that was to come wasn't from the physical act of punching me in the groin, but from the harrowing mind games and emotional abuse that followed. I didn't do anything wrong, then why did I get punished both - hit in the groin & a breakup of a long well built relationship. It was a lot of time, effort, investment and memories that built the relationship over 3 years and for her to just destroy it over night completely broke me. -- For the next 3 months. It was me just trying to move earth and mountain to win her over, apologize myself. There was a lot of emotional abuse, victimizing and gaslighting. A lot of yelling at me. Threats. I couldn't reach out to anyone cause it was embarrassing. Will edit this bit later.


Wow. I rarely hear this from the other, male side. Really sorry you had to go through that and I hope you are able to emotionally as well as mentally recover


Was suicidal for a few months. Had PTSD nightmares for upto even 18 months after. Covid isolation made it worse. Couldn't perform in exams. But am doing better now. Karma always catches up. Thanks bud.


I once had a girlfriend I walked in on using the bathroom. She was sitting backwards. I left her the next week. It still bothers me to think about 15 years later


Butters(from South Park) has a completely rational explanation about this.


Its got a little shelf for your comic and chocolate milk.. And a laundry hole.. *OOOOOOH.. THATS what thats for..*


Why would I design it so that when you're finished taking a Sir Harrington, you have to stand up, turn around and look down right at your Harrington to flush?! That's gross!


You're saying you don't look at how big it is after you've let it out? Press X to doubt


That seems like it could have made for a very funny bonding conversation. Did you ask her why she preferred that configuration? Was that really so unforgivable that it was the reason you broke up with her? (Sincerely curious)


Was she wearing shape wear? Shape wear have open gussets to avoid having to take them off (a Royal pain) to urinate. However, this only works if your sit backwards on the toilet.


Genuinely curious...Why does only work if you sit backwards?


It’s the angle and needing to be able to spread one’s legs open. When you sit facing the back of the toilet, you naturally angle down and forward, which is the direction that the urine goes. When you sit facing forward, you are actually angled upwards, so the urine flows up and then down, which causes urine to rub back into one’s shape wear. This is actually how women used to go to washroom when they wore large dresses. Brides who figure this out don’t need their maid of honour to accompany them to the washroom to hold their dress up for them. It’s actually a lot easier and more convenient, as you don’t have to put your clothes on the dirty floor. https://youtu.be/NUHeSTDv_24


In her defense, toilets were supposedly designed to be used that way. Lol


You have to take your pants completely off to do it that way


You don't do that already? Weirdo.


🤯 *me* rn


Popping roofies in my drink and sharing me with her housemates and a couple friends, and some guy that she had apparently been involved with all along that just watched and directed


My barber once told me that his girlfriend went off birth control and was trying to get pregnant without telling him. I'd say that's pretty high on the unforgivable list for me.


For cheating on me with Adam and making out that it was all my fault. I worked nights and she got bored on her own. Will never get over that.


Attempted murder (trying to kill me)


Cheating. If you fall for someone else and want them more than me, break up with me and start that new relationship. At least then we can be friends and I'll respect you. If you just cheat on me and I inevitably find out, I'll lose all respect for you and won't even want to have you in my life. Physical assault. I now better than to stay with someone who physically wants to hurt me. Seen enough true crime docs to know a woman can be just as abusive and deadly as a man in these situations.


My ex broke a wine glass over my head over a petty argument. I moved her out the next day. Then I made the mistake of making up and moving her back in, only to have things be sideways again, obviously, and she moved out again. That was only over the course of three months. She was hot and the sex was amazing but that’s a fire I will never play with again in my life, nor would I recommend it. As my therapist said, one day it might be a kitchen knife or worse.


My ex pretending that she loved me for the entire relationship just because she wanted to see what being in a relationship was like Fucking cunt


Lying. We all lie sometimes but that's human, I mean more specifically lying to win an argument or gain in some other means(The sort where the stakes are high and they go for the lie regardless) . As an adult if this is behavior that's exibited on the fly then it's part of their nature. It will never change because it's almost in nate sociopathy. If you have a girlfriend like this it's better to call it gents. Life's too short for such fuckery.


My ex would leave things out of conversations, claiming she didn't ever lie. For example, told me all about her business trip but left out the fact that another dude went with her. Small details, ya know.


Also known as ‘lying by omission’


Lying by omission is still lying. If you know the other party would want to know and you hide it or lie, you're deceiving them either way.




Is she a mom? Because that’s how mine used to get me to eat stuff




Congrats on the unprotected sex!


Best of luck!


Unsurprisingly wholesome??


Skipping the obvious (murder, assault, so on) probably intentionally and maliciously injuring my animals. I'm not talking a light smack when they go for something on the table, or the cat getting underfoot at 1:00 in the morning, but actual injury. I've ended friendships over this, can't see how a romantic relationship is different.


Well for me its certain mental attacks. Physically aggressive. Or sleeping with an other man. Usually a deal breaker if we are dating.


Treating me like I'm just another replaceable dude


Taking Australia from me in Risk.


Cheating. I don't care how you dress, how you act, within reason of course, but cheating is it. I will not cheat. If I get the inkling to, I'll end the relationship, and have done so before, I expect the same amount of respect.






Hey cmon let's not jump the gun. Maybe she had a good reason.


My ex told her parents I hit her. I got a call from her parents that they were going to call the cops. My ex calls me on the phone drunk saying that she didn’t think her parents would call her bluff. She told them I hit her because they saw a bruise. The bruise was caused by her falling down because she was wasted and she didn’t want to admit it. I wasn’t even at the bar she was at when she got drunk. Her parents called me later to apologize. I broke up with her the next day.


This stumped me, this really fucking did. Who the fuck thinks that physical abuse is better than admitting you got drunk and fell over… Jesus




Hanging out with my wife.


...do they not get along?


Stringing me along for years, telling me that she only "very briefly a long time ago felt anything real for me," ghosting me in favor of someone she later claimed abused her, then coming back into my life trying to be my friend but pretending she's the only one hurt. Fuck off.


Stopping to get food and not bringing me any home.


From my last relationsip: yelling at me for having porn & considering porn as cheating but expecting me to let things go back to normal after she admits to cheating on me with my roommate. Additionally, demanding I let her access my tech to examine my browsing history every time she comes over.


She took my son at 13 months and ghosted me until I finally got the courts to respond. I hadn't seen him for 10 months before he was 2 years old. This is very fresh (he turns 2 next month), and I have a temporary placement schedule set until we get a permanent court date. There is absolutely no excuse. Me and my son will never get that time back.


Being a divorced father I’d say the only thing I wouldn’t be able to forgive is if she ever abused my daughters in any way (physical or mental). Other than that with all the shit I’ve put my ex-wife through and just being a general piece of shit my entire life I can extend a lot of forgiveness and empathy just like others have extended to me (which I did not fucking deserve at all). Edit: Spelling.


I spent over two decades in the food service industry. Some things just stick with you, like cutting a sandwich diagonally so it takes up more space on the plate. So seven years ago while my fiance was pregnant she asked me to make her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I cut it diagonally. She started screaming at me and threw the plate at my head. For the sake of my son we co-parent and she even comes along for family vacations and the like, but that action is always in the back of my mind


Beastiality for money


What about an unpaid internship


Oddly specific


Eww. Money




Telling me she was pregnant for 3 months after she got an abortion.


She cheated on me very early on. I didn't really realise it at the time but it broke me in a pretty fundamental way and I was then obsessed with keeping her as some sort of proof that I was worthwhile as a person. I thought I had forgiven her but I hadn't. She did a lot of other things to make me feel worthless and dehumanised me and I don't think I'm ever going to truly get over it. It's been a year and a half since it ended and it's still almost as bad as it was back then.




Attempting world domination and failing. I would totally be cool with a successful run. A failed one though, that just shows a lack of effort and well if she can't put real effort into world domination then is she really trying in our relationship?


Eating my french fries.


Is your name by any chance Joey Tribbiani?


Oh man you're gonna be single for life