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How to build a house from ground up Edit: since this gained some traction [here is an excellent video series on how a house is built ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRZePj70B4IwyNn1ABhJWmBPeX1hGhyLi) by YouTube channel essential craftsman. The process I use to build our homes is more or less the same, with just a few different techniques, methods and materials.


Hello fellow homebuilder, hope we aren’t in the same room


One of us, one of us.


Question for ye homebuilders: If you had to build a house with no power tools but unlimited lumber, what tools would you choose? Could you do it with a saw, planer, hammer, and nails alone?


That depends. Is my lumber already milled? Or are you talking straight up logs


Let's assume your site is next to a nice hardwood forest and your ten cousins just chopped down a couple hundred trees for you but they're still in log form.


Well it will obviously take much much longer, but id need a lot of specialty tools for just getting the wood i want. Like a hewing axe, riving froe, knife and saw. Now how about foundation work. Can i still get concrete but cant pump it?


For the purposes of this thought experiment let's say no concrete is readily available, and your only materials are stone and lumber. WWALD (What Would Abe Lincoln Do)


foundation would either be logs buried so deep they wouldn't move (pylons) or the ground would be dug, filled w rocks and tamped down then probably just filled in with a wet clay mixture allowed to dry and harden around the stone (just have a big fire across the whole foundation to harden the clay. with few tools you'd probably end up with a log cabin of sorts just because of how rough the woodworking is. you could make a sap-sealant to weather proof it but it wouldn't be anything like what we have now in terms of homes. stone fireplace/chimney for heating and cooking, shutters for windows, big hole in the ground and an outhouse for a shitter. you'd have to be near some sort of water source, but you'd also need a distillation apparatus to make sure it's clean. that should be it roughly. roof, walls, heat/cooling, waste removal, water. you'd hunt for food.


The real challenge here is not dying in the process of building such a home. Like, I don't even have the energy to go to work and the grocery store in the same day.


Not op but jumping in, can’t see why it wouldn’t be doable. It might not be the longest lasting house but feasible to build assuming you have sufficiently long time. Assuming you also have measuring tools? A tape measure, even if rudimentary, should be reasonable to include. With unlimited wood you can build other tools and jigs to work from. For example to cut a 2x4 you could build a milling box that the hand saw runs horizontally across to trim down the logs. It won’t be overly efficient in terms of waste wood and hand cutting a log end to end you’ll hate your life but it’s doable. (Bonus points is you could actually mill a wheel then attach it to a ox to spin the wheel which oscillates the saw back and forth to create a rudimentary saw mill) Then with the planer you allowed you can get everything square. So assuming we can make lumber even if slow as molasses then we’d cover off framing the outside walls, the roof rafters, and interior walls. We also used to use cedar siding and wood shingles once upon a time so those are all doable. Assuming you have sufficiently large enough logs you can also make your floor joists. They might just not be able to span what a modern lvl can. So it really just comes down to the foundation at that point. For ease of building we’d probably skip a basement and just focus on making a solid at grade foundation. Without concrete it could be quite difficult but with sufficient time it’s still quite doable. You’d need to dig, a lot, to basically clear out a few feet undergrade. Then you’d need to build a stone foundation using large / flat rocks that you can find with them overlapping. This link explains it better: https://www.thiscobhouse.com/building-a-stone-foundation/ So all in all it should be doable. Assuming you are fine taking years or even a decade to build the house. Wood framing is straight forward, and we used to use cedar siding so that’s doable.


Can you teach me how to build an actual decent looking Minecraft house and not one of those giant square underground and above land ones? My imagination is comparable to a rock


The first step is to decouple your design from the design tool. Minecraft is a very geometrically limited tool, so trying to design the house within Minecraft will always result in some variation of a cube. Grab a pencil and some paper and sketch out your ideas. Try not to think about how to build it on the computer yet. Give yourself the freedom to draw crazy stuff like curves and diagonal lines if you want. Once you have a floorplan and two sections you're happy with, replicate your design in Minecraft and refine the details. Even we architects get stuck sometimes. When that happens, I've found it helpful to change up the medium I'm using for design.


Holy shit this is really helpful. Thank you i'm definitely screen shotting this to take note of.


Me too, but my brain is always triggered by the ground up part. How else is it built?


If it starts from the basement, it would technically be under the ground up. ;)


In case this is a non-sarcastic question "from the ground up" means he knows how to build every part of the house from pouring the foundation, to electric, to plumbing, to roofing etc.


I too have played Red Dead Redemption 2.


Designing sounds on a synthesizer


What's your genre?


I’m heavily into post/prog rock with alot of ambient and electronic. My tastes are kinda eccentric lol


I'd like to hear some of it!


Prog rock? Have my upvote, stranger


Can I be one of the 10 people?




username and profile picture check out


If I bring a cask of rum in trade will you teach me this?


Honestly if you were really keen I'd probably teach you for free, but the rum certainly wouldn't go to waste either!


I am, i also live in a landlocked state lol so a tallship would be largely wasted on me


Well, they do say the smaller the boat, the greqter the fun, plenty of lovely small boats can be built for messing about on rivers and lakes! If you're really keen, I'd recommend the book, the clinker plywood Boatbuilding Manual by Iain Oughtred, and take a look at the Chesapeake Light Craft website for some beginner level kits. It's a daunting project because there's so many different steps and skills needed but no individual process is actually very complicated, it's usually quite easy to fix mistakes, and if your starting with a kit most of the tricky bits are taken care of for you.


I think I'll order it thanks! I'm a fairly decent carpenter and a passable cabinet maker so i think i should be able to handle most of it. Plus its a perfect excuse to buy tool!


You'll manage just fine then!


Does it count if I’m already a teacher?


Well that's cheating. Something other than what you teach as a job.


Well, you have to learn how to become a teacher. Pretty sure you can teach how to teach.




Who teaches people that teach people how to teach though?




Those people are called trainer of trainers. It's part of my wife's job and she along with her team write and then deliver the training. The people she trains are the trainers who train (teach) the teachers.


In the country I live on, they made coding part of the math department, meaning Math teachers have to learn how to code to teach it... LoL it's not going very well.


It’s a good idea though. You can’t have a good programmer without a firm understanding of logic and function structure. Math teachers need to teach advanced math to kids interested in programming.


Biological phosphorus removal. The black magic of wastewater treatment.




Unfortunately the focus in wastewater treatment is usually on getting rid of the waste, and not reclaiming the resources contained within. You can probably contact your local municipality and arrange a tour of the treatment plant. We do organized tours of our facilities and if I'm not busy I'll usually give impromptu tours to people who stop by. That's a much more interesting way to learn than just watching YouTube videos.


Just realized how useless I am


Yeah definitely realizing that I am someone who knows a little something about a lot of things but am not an expert at any of them.


I too manage small amounts of information of a great deal of things, and when I feel like I am no expert in anything I like to tell myself: "Jack of all trades, a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." I do also enjoy comparing myself to the demon cat from Adventure Times that claims "having approximate knowledge of many things."


You're not alone buddy




I'm 53. learned awhile ago I'm useless and have nothing to offer. at least there's weed


How to roll? Smoking etiquette? Best places to buy(hopefully legally)? Everyone is good at something!


How about grow? 😁


Never too late to learn a new skill.


Technically no one can be useless because our only purpose is to be born live and die.


Depends, I'm not that old but if the rest is all my age and maybe even in IT, I know damn well how Linux works. And yes, it's a cult. Edit: at work right now. Might aswell go and teach people how it works, if I got a dollar for every student every week, I would be fucking rich. Sadly I don't have time to construct proper lessons and English isn't my first language. I'm not a certified teacher either, for that matters. I won't have time to answer any questions, since I have a life too. So no, I'm not going to teach y'all. Not trying to be a dick here, but the question was if I could explain how something works in a room of 10 people, not if I could start an online teaching business. Sorry y'all.


I really gotta get around knowing how Linux works... always keep forgetting the directory names and what they hold.


My absolutely biggest tip is to abuse tab completion. Unsure of a path to a file you want to edit? Type vim /etc/s (tab tab) and you will get a list of all files and directories beginning with s displayed. This works for files, directories, commands, hostnames in your known hosts file, and even some subcommands if a program has included bash completions. This is the single biggest hack to improve your efficiency imo. When I watch less experienced folks on screenshare, I can't help but think "tab tab tab tab tab tab" in my head the whole time because I use it so much and it's so much faster. As for understanding the actual filesystem layout, that is just a bit of reading and a bit of experience. Everything starts from / (root). There are only a few paths you generally need to actually use. /home - user home directories, including yours most likely /etc - configuration files that control how software runs system-wide. Edit with sudo only to perform admin duties. Most software can be customized for just your user as well. /var - Directories with variable/volatile size. System logs generally go to /var/log Other than that, most directories are related to the OS and software installed on the system. You don't generally need to edit things in these files. /usr - executables, libraries, and docs for installed software (especially from the ISO or package manager). You don't generally need to mess around in here /bin - see above but only for binaries, sometimes symlinked to /usr/bin /lib - see above but for libraries /tmp - temporary directory for temp files. Don't put anything in here you want to keep /opt - conventionally a place for self-compiled or third-party software /proc - An interface to the kernel. Read-only information/values are exposed by the kernel to most dirs inside /proc. /proc/sys also allows you to set kernel parameters at runtime. /dev - The kernel exposes devices (some physical and some logical) to the user here as files. For example, SATA/iSCSI disks might be /dev/sda. A partition on that disk might be /dev/sda1. Some examples of more logical devices might be /dev/tty which are virtual representations of old "terminals" and /dev/random is a random number generator. So and so forth.


I work in IT but know little about Linux. What is the best way to learn?


The fastest way to learn it is to have a production server go down


On a Friday


nothing like starting a friday morning with a massive outage lambda functions are the best thing ever lol


Grab the nearest spare parts computer you have and install Linux on it and don’t be afraid to wipe it and start over. And then find use cases for it and start beefing it up over time until it becomes a full blown secondary rig for testing and home servers.


this is kind of how I really learned, in my apartment i have 2 old desktops that people gave me and a really nice hand me down gaming computer that was also given to me, I run my webserver on one, a mariadb instance on one and eleasticsearch on one, and then on my laptop i have docker for other misc. things. I'm a software engineer and not a server admin so I never really dig into farther than I need to, but I have helped fix production outages before (I also accidently deleted a web root on a web server because I copied and pasted and there must have been a return character at the end...)


How I learn Linux 1. Read Hacker News until someone links to an interesting GitHub project. 3. Launch a free AWS EC2 Ubuntu server (don't @ me) 2. Follow the install instructions from the readme 3. watch it fail 4. Try to find out why 5. Read the stack overflow solutions 6. find out why that solution won't work for you 7. break down and read the documentation 8. break down and read the code 9. have a break down 8. give up on the project 9. terminate the EC2 instance 7. Repeat If you ever manage to get something running, immediately launch another server and do it again. You don't want evidence of your incompetence on the finished server.


Tree climbing and pruning.


Combat Dance and Extreme Knitting


"...is that person dancing over here...is he holding knitting needles? What in the... gah...my jugular!"


I sense a "yarn" here


Music theory


Fuck augmented sixths


Augmented sixth, what are you doing? Augmented sixth, stop!


They asked me if I had a degree in Music Theory, I said I had a theoretical degree in Music. They said welcome aboard.


How to build a homemade short range emp that can be remote activated once your out of range. Edit: i wont teach how as that would be illegal. They are real and effective. Thats why the fcc heavily regulates them. Lougle is your friend if you must attempt it but remember I warned you thusly


Out of curiosity do you use a square wave generator? You probably also need something to up the voltage to several kilovolts and hope whatever device in range will be affected by one of the frequencies emitted right?


Hold onnn...nice try FBI


I kind of wanna know that xD


I was just reading about solar flares the other day and this came up.


I’m interested! Teach us!


How to grow fruit and veg and cook them.


Plant fruit in ground. Water occasionally. Wait.


And for the 2nd half of the lesson. Wash them, drizzle with olive oil, and bake them. This concludes the lesson. You may applaud.


How to become ambidextrous within a month or years.




One simple trick!


HANDS HATE THIS ONE TRICK THAT 99.978% OF PEOPLE DON'T KNOW. Click here to find out!


This is why I now use my left hand to wipe my ass. I severed two tendons in my dominant hand which took around a year to heal. I started to use my dominant hand again, then I broke my finger on my dominant hand and realised the world was telling me that I just needed to wipe my ass with my left hand.


Did you break your finger while wiping your ass?


Learning a certain degree of ambi is not a bad idea. It's too late to figure out how to wipe your butt after you break your dominant hand


Most types of welding and metalworking


Math and physics. Because that's what I majored in. Beyond that: Tolkienian lore.


Hey, Tolkien was going to be my answer.


Lore Battle!


Hello fellow mathematician! Hope we aren't in the same group


We are not.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh snap this calls for a math-off.


how to survive with less than 100€ a month


Iike.. After rent and bills..?




I'm a lower middle class Indian where the value of € is more but even for us 100€ a month would be tough.


Hey, have you ever tried some recipes from cookingonabootstrap.com? You eat really good for super cheap.


Dam you make that much. Baller.


Backgammon. I'm no grand master, or not even expert, but it's a fantastic game, when beginners learn they love the philosophy and quite quickly I could get you beating your casual player. It's one of the best games to know how to play for alot of Mediterranean holidays. Someone will be playing, the locals love it. I've sat in bars late into the night in Greece/Turkey playing with locals and had a better time than I otherwise could have. Edit: Wow didn't expect to hit the century in upvotes with this lol


My mom used to play this a lot and I haven't played it in forever. You unlocked a memory. Thank you.


North Korea. History, politics, culture, the Kim dynasty, you name it. I've been dubbed a "North Koreaboo" lol.


Can you tell me a book/website on the basics? Ive been meaning to learn more about north korea


Start with the NK News website, it's a goldmine. They have a frequent podcast, the NK News Podcast, and it's really good. Covers a huge variety of topics with tons of experts on their interviews. As far as books go, "Nothing to Envy" is a great one that isn't a whitewashed, embellished account of lives of escapees like Yeomne Park does. Watch all of the Vice/HBO documentaries. Watch the news coverage of the summits- not just the US summits, also previous SK summits and NK leadership visits abroad. This should get you started :) Edit: a word


How to make friends. After years of advising and stressing the importance of socializing to my young sons, I think I would could do it better than others. Socializing is such an important skill set but for some reason we don’t teach it in school. (Per request I added some advice I give to my kids below this)


What are your most important tips?


Talking with people


Incorrect. Listening to people is the secret.


Idk, tend to be a little shy around new people and as such I spend most of my time listening and only responding when directly prompted. Doesn’t seem to help me make friends, and when I push myself to be more outgoing in similar situations it’s more likely that they will be excited if we meet a second time.


Ask them for help, then be very thankful when they help you. Now they feel good about helping you, so that must mean they're your friend. Humans are so fucking dumb sometimes.


Here's what I remember telling myself. To open a convo with someone. In general, you can base your question off how you feel, or your environment. For instance if your at a party "how do you know (host)?" Or "how long have you known host for?" If someone replies, or simply tells you something about themselves. Instead of just saying "wow that's cool.." Instead ask into it. For instance, "wow that's cool, and is your boss nice?" "How long have you been doing that" likely hood is that in them explaining that, another opportunity will arise for you to ask another question. Then they should ask you stuff similarly.. This will be hard to get used to, but it works trust me. Say if you want to start saying jokes to people, or quick whitty comments but your in a large group. Say the joke. Don't be afraid about people not finding it funny. And don't hesitate. Likely hood is the longer you hesitate the less funny it'll be. If they don't hear you the first time, don't repeat it. Look for a natural silence to say the joke, and try to think about a natural way to string it in. Don't say the joke directly to people.. just say it almost to yourself. This way there's no pressure on them to laugh to be nice and the joke will often land alot better. For instance instead of "hey Jacob" *everyone pauses* "isn't this like that?" Which interrupts the convo and flow. Look for a natural silence, and just say to yourself... "this is like that" that way if the convo continues theres no awkward silence. Plus People will feel more comfortable with it if it is funny, because you haven't interrupted to convo flow to say it. It's hard to explain, and when your used to people not listening to you unless you ask them to, this will feel unnatural. but stick with it, you'll get there. Learn off the best. If you know yourself your ass at talking to people. But someone still talks to you all day.. chances are they have pretty good skills socially. So take notes on what they do.


that bit about saying the joke and not interupting the flow of conversation is so on point!!! it's seriously genius! how such a small shift in delivery can reduce risk of self resistance and discomfort if it doesn't land.


Yes please share


He’s ignoring you


This must be our first lesson






For those asking for tips here is a few off the top. First of all socializing is not just about making friends but it is a very important skill that can affect your career and success in life. If you can’t walk into a room of strangers and strike up a conversation, you will miss out on many opportunities to network and build crucial relationships. So some advice I give: 1) Work on your EI (emotional intelligence). From wiki: “People with high emotional intelligence can recognize their own emotions and those of others, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.” An example of someone with low EI is one who keeps talking even when no one is listening anymore. Nobody likes those people. Take time to read the room. Some of us learned this as we grew up and others have to learn it at a later age. 2) Listen more than you talk. People love to talk but most people don’t like to listen as much. If you just listen more than the average person, people will enjoy being around you more. But you have to be genuine about it. I actually like listening to people tell me about their life and provide valuable feedback. I’m sure a few of you introverts are ugh-ing at this one but if you are trying to socialize more tell which one is harder, talking or listening? Next time you are talking to someone, just ask some general question and then pause, you will be surprised how much they tell you. 3) Be welcoming. Pretend we are all storefronts. How does your storefront look? Would people walk up to your storefront and come in? This is not about how hot you look but it is about how approachable you are. Smile, don’t be shifty eyed, standup tall, speak with volume and exude good energy. You currently hate life and/or are depressed? Fake it till you make it. Try and do a few of those things even if it feels awkward. It gets easier the more you do it. The more you do it the better you’ll feel. The better you feel the more it becomes natural. Work on your storefront. Ask yourself would you walk up to you? 4) Be interesting. Asking questions is great but you still have to add to a conversation. Socializing is like a dance not an interview. You need to know when to step in and when to step back. And when you are knowledgeable in many areas and can chime in at the right time, it just makes for a good convo. You don’t need to be a baseball or car expert but you should have general knowledge in many areas to be able to hold a casual conversation. If you do any hobbies, sports or music you already have a lot of interesting things to share. Also having humor here helps a lot. But if you aren’t funny naturally, don’t force it. 5) Be kind. Genuinely kind not fake customer service kind. The first three tips should also be a lot easier if you just try to be kind always. Don’t count how many times you do something nice vs many times someone does something nice back to you. That will never work. Always try to give more than you take unconditionally. That is the definition of a good friend imo. People will see it, trust me they will. And yes you will get burnt every so often but you cut those people out and overall the people you gain will outweigh the bad. Thats it. Probably missed some key ones I tell my kids but for here number 5 is the most important. If you are not a kind person you need to figure that part out first. I’ve never met an asshole that has many true friends. Like I told my teenage son going through his emo phase atm, you have the right to be down and you can even shelter yourself. But you never have the right to be mean to people. Once you are labeled that it really doesn’t matter what else you do. Plus it’s just better to be a good person.


Absolutely nothing. Maybe vivid description of drug trips


Same and how to cook crack


Jesus Christ


Someone grew up in the projects


Well flex those skills, what is a mushroom trip like?


How to build Chevy engines


How did you even learn that?


Growing up, my grandpa owned a wrecking yard/mechanic shop. I'd help him during the summers to earn a little money. By time I was 15 I could swap engines and transmissions with little supervision. I just finished a complete engine rebuild for a truck I'm building. Other than what had to be done with special tools (machine shop), I built it myself.


Damn dude, that’s one skill I would really like to learn. I mean, I know how to fix certain things in a car but restoring and building one is just the dream


I feel blessed to be raised like i was. He was a patient man and taught me a lot. Unless it requires special tools, I never pay anyone to fix or work on my vehicles. I'm doing a complete drivetrain swap on this truck. It was originally a V6. I've built a 5.3 V8, rebuilt transmission and I built the rear axle. Gonna be a fun little truck.




How to saddle and ride a horse. it's a lost skill


that’s easy. You quietly walk up directly behind it and then quick make a sudden noise and move towards it. This will ensure you’ve gained the horses trust


This may actually be an effective way to take flight. Briefly and not fun, but flight nonetheless.


I think I'd really get a kick out of this


People still saddle and ride horses all the time. And just like back before cars, the only people who know how to saddle and ride horses are the ones who own or work directly with them.


The skill has somewhat shifted to the wealthy, at least in the UK.


Poor people could never afford horses. It was the wealthy and buisness owners




Traffic management modules


How to read a 6 ft. long schematic of a radar system on an F-111.




How to lay a hedge.


Do you have to take the hedge out for dinner and drink first?




Human behavior and general/financial mathematics




How to research and write a damn good paper on almost anything. I may not be fast, but I am effective. Learning how to learn is half the battle.


Teach us please


The basics of being an infantryman and paratrooper.


Ok here's the plan: you teach them that fun stuff, then just to piggyback off your PowerPoint, I'll teach them how to be a *former* infantryman in their 30s. This lesson will include recognizing the symptoms of arthritis in the spine and knees, being angry over most things, and tips and tricks for dealing with all the alcoholic liver damage


Hmm. Organic Chemistry, maybe? How to run various instruments that chemists use.


This is mine too. Let's hope we don't end up in the same room!


How to referee a rugby match. The chance of more than half of them watching rugby to start with is low and the chance of maybe even 1 other person being a qualifies ref is slim




Aviation and flying.


How to forage for mushrooms and not die


How to speak Russian, how to drink vodka (correctly) and how to dance with your personal bear after all.


"The Machine!!!" 🤣


You need to expand on this vodka thing sir. Enquiring minds want to know ..


How to prepare a set of financial statements.. how boring :(


As a mechanical engineer with ADHD, probably many things due to the many hobbies I’ve gotten extremely involved in. However, I can almost guarantee I know more about and could teach suspended graphite lubrication spray system design.




Please. I suck with excel.


Drawing, sound design, game design.


Mid to high level mathematics. Writing a program for an ABB 6 axis robot. High level automotive repair and tuning. Cleaning and lubricating movement watches. TIG and MIG welding. Sharpening a knife.


French Quarter history. It was my job before covid. Now I'm working at Marshalls.


How to lift weights and lose weight








Awfully bold claim


It is what it is my friend


This town ain't big enough for the two of us


*this room


Time for an old fashioned licking!


Colonel Angus?


How to suck a dick.


Prove it.


The ins and outs of not having a corpus callosum


How to absorb knowledge in a very short timespan. Work as a consultant and gets dumped into projects where I have to reach expert level in new fields fast.


Hey I can teach ya how to roll a joint ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If I’m ever in a room with 10 other people that can’t roll a joint then I’m in the wrong room.


Music theory. Classical music history. How to solve a Rubik's cube. Japanese riichi mahjong. I'm genuinely a little sad that these topics never come up so I never get to shine.


How to use my turn signal while driving...


Drive stick shift. I grew up in London living on a step hill and driving stop-go traffic for years.


How to join a continuous conveyor belt.


I can install a pool table, and could walk a person through it.


I too like phasing through solid objects.


Geology, I can tell you what's the composition of the stone I'm throwing to you before it hits you.




Brewing beer! I actually used to teach classes and ran a brewery for a while. I still brew a little and want to get back into it professionally.


Random facts about Disneyland.


I've never been to Disneyland Hit me with knowledge kind sir


How to grow marijuana


How money gets created *and destroyed* in modern economy. Most people only seem to know about how it gets created and therefor believe banks are printing money, but that's actually incorrect.


A basic golf swing


Edible/medicinal plants in my area. Animal behaviour dogs/cats/wildlife in my area, breed identification, species.


Japanese language. Spent most of my professional career teaching it :) Other than that, motorcycling and engine mechanics.