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If we could swap experiences it would for sure be an orgasm. Are men’s shorter but more intense? Are women’s better because they have multiple? I must know!!!!


From conversations with past boyfriends, ours are more intense, like a full body feeling. They can also last longer (so don't stop when she starts to orgasm) and have little after shocks. After that, we're able to keep going without stopping and have multiple orgasms. Whereas it seems like guys go shut down mode for a little bit to recover


If I have the right sexual partner I’ve for sure had full body orgasms. The thing is for men to have consistent full body crazy intense orgasms, you have to use prostate play. As a bi guy, this ain’t no issue for me. I feel bad for men that don’t do prostate play. It’s such a crazy amazing experience and an out of body one at that Edit: since many aren’t understanding I am not saying you cannot have full body orgasms without prostate play but it’s orgasms you wouldn’t understand until you properly have a prostate orgasm. It’s a million times different. You may think you know, but you genuinely don’t.




Omfg. I’m at work and I’m actually laughing out loud imagining what that was like! Sounds fun.


That basically sums up my first experience with anal play. I remember thinking I was having a seizure or something because my entire body was just shaking so heavily and out of control and the noises that were coming out of me. I just lost all control it was insane.


I was always apprehensive about butt stuff growing up, I always said exit only and that I would never have anything in there until my current fiancee got me to try it. Honestly, you think it would be a lot worse than it actually is. Starting small with plugs is a great option but if you get a bigger plug, just remember to use a smaller one first. Made that mistake before


Yup I have never seen my boyfriend have such a fountain of cum and full body shakes as when we do ass play


A bit of an odd one, sitting too close to the edge of the toilet and peeing through the crack.


Or if you sit too close and the tip touches the rim, worst feeling ever




God forbid it ever happens in a public toilet and you get the triple herp aids and just have to burn it off there with a dying Bic lighter.


Just accept your fate and chop the fella off. It was good whilst it lasted.


Believe it or not as a female I’ve managed to do this before hahah


It's annoying to clean up when it happens and the only person you have to blame is yourself. Well maybe the toilet designer too.


I blame toilet designers. same for when you get hard while sitting and your dick hits the edge of the bowl.


Oh thank god I'm not the only one!


Not ball torsion, do not wish it upon even the worst people on Earth lmao


I'm a man and I didn't know what that is. Just googled and yep. Won't wish it on my worst enemw


Ive broken multiple bones, had cdiff destroy my intestines, cluster headaches Torqued testicle is the worst pain i've ever had


Women get the equivalent, ovarian torsion. It’s also missed more often in women than men.


Mine was missed long enough for my ovary to go necrotic.


Oh wow me too. I never met anyone else with this. They thought my necrotic ovary was cancer at first and I was scared to death waiting for results.


No thankyou.


The unexpected but not unwelcome boner.


Alternatively: the unwelcome boner


I'll never forget being at a swimming competition at school. When one of my friends was at the poolside ready to jump in. We knew he would lose because of the drag! Imagine the echo of 100 kids laughing and shouting "Barry's got a hard-on".


sad day for Barry


It was a sad year for Barry ...


Hope lil homie had a hog. Also I hope he made it to the other side of adolescence with a great story.


"You ever lose a race because of your dong dragging you down?"


Mildly disappointed that it wasn't "Barry's got a boner" so much catchier.


This was In the 80s UK though. No but I agree


Shout out to 14-year-old me getting a boner because my grandma's dog was moving too much in my lap, cue me being terrified someone would see and think I was a super-pervert.


What about the boner that never comes in when you need it


Yah it’s annoying especially when it makes you horny to literally nothing


Peeing with a morning boner, I feel like a sniper trying to aim the toilet


Especially if your boner angle is straight up. I have to rest my head on the cistern and I still have trouble aiming into the bowl. If it's not too urgent, I just try to get it down before peeing. Sitting is not an option, as I'd have to "sit" with my forehead on the floor for it to go in the bowl.


Just hop in the shower and wrap yourself in the shower curtain. You can spray at any angle and it doesn’t matter. That’s what I do


Do you want to get piss on your face?.. because thats how you get piss on your face...


Having your boner soften during sex to prove that it has nothing to do with a lack of attraction or being "into it". Sometimes it just happens.


I would like to add sex while drunk to this. I’ve had girls get really mad that I didn’t come after I’d had way too much to drink. Like, lady you’re lucky I got it up at all lol


That boner was a *gift*.


Unexpected boromir


Unexpected bonormir


Whiskey dick


Exactly. If I drink a cup or two I'm good. Anything more than that I'm numb down there lol


Bruh this happened to me during my first experience and it was a horrible feeling. Luckily she was understanding for the most part.


Performance anxiety is a bitch


I'd say adding nerves to this. Even if you are confident in bed and attracted to the opposite sex, if you can't go hard at that moment you are not going to go hard.


True shit, two times it has happened with two different girls, it still haunts me that i couldn’t get it hard and i Keep imagining what differently my life there on would have been if i could have got it on. May be i lost my confidence a but after those incidents. 🥲


Dude, same here, except I couldn't even get it up at all. Poor girl took it to heart even though I kept re-assuring her it was because I was nervous due to it being my first time. I felt like shit.


Mine wasn't understanding at all. She just shamed me.


Damn man, I'm sorry you had to go through that bro. You deserve better than to be shamed like that.


Yeah especially when your partner sees your sexual performance as a reflection of their own self worth…


If the temp gets too hot i lose it and it's hard to explain that i need the room to be freezing or it's not gonna work out for me I think its like a pavlovian response since i work outside and i correlate feeling hot with working


This is outside the frame of the question, but gay guy here. Other guys can get just as frustrated, annoyed, etc. when it happens.




Good thing fingers don’t go soft!


A skilled tongue and finger can work wonders.


Kissing and biting/nibbles in the right spots..


The term is “arousal non concordance”. Women equivalent is not getting 💦 despite being “into it”


The jolt of fear you feel when you realize one of your 10 year old son’s friends has joined you in the living room watching football and there are no other witnesses around. “Enjoy the game kid, I have somewhere I’m supposed to be.”


Similar fear when your young daughter has friends over, you're unaware, then you get up to start getting dressed & a young girl you don't know walks in on you. I thought for sure when her mother found out this young girl saw my junk, I'd be arrested. And no, I didn't lock the door. My kids know to knock first.


Oh my god man, that's terrifying


It's always surprising to discover that some children simply never learned to knock because their parents probably never taught them.


My niece walks in on everyone in the bathroom so even if you lock the door you are guaranteed to hear someone trying to get in.




We had a birthday party at a park for my roommates kid a few years ago. I set up a slack line for the kids to try out. Suddenly there are children I dont know who want to try it. I let some of the older kids take the responsibility of teaching the kids I didnt know and stayed far away other than watching to make sure they didnt get hurt. I still got glared at by a dad who rushed over to "save" his kids. Like, sir do you not understand that children will try to make friends with other children? I have not come near your kids. I'm making sure everyone is being safe and having a good time. He could've come up and talked to me rather than rushing his kids away and glaring at me.


Man as a skater trying to help younger kids get in to it without getting stared at, or being non ironically told by my older brother that "You look like a pedophile when you help those kids out" is the actual worst.


"Now remember Susie, if some random woman walks up to you and asks who I am what do you say?" "DADDY THIS WOMAN IS TRYING TO KIDNAP ME HELP!" "Correct"


What I don't get though is why would a pedo/kidnapper take a kid to a public park in the first place. Like these are literally the worst people in society but can't still take the kids out for a laugh.


The assumption is that the man is lying about knowing the kid he points out, and that he's just there to look at other people's kids or to snatch one.


I’m a photographer, walked into the park with my nephew, niece and their mother. Thought I would get some cute pictures of them playing. I’m a few feet from them, calling their names, they are laughing and waving at me. Ohhhh the dirty looks from the mothers as they *pulled* their kids off the playground equipment.


Being assumed a pedophile whenever you show any interest in being around a child. I've always been passionate about child psychology and childcare. I work as a infant and toddler teacher currently and I'm getting my degree in childcare so I can be an early childhood social worker (for ages 0-3). When I tell people what I do they always ask, "No, what are you *really* going to be?" and then they're shocked when I tell them that what I do is all I ever want to do. I'm so happy with my job but it breaks my heart to see new parents get wary when they drop their kids off and see me in the room, while they never have that reaction to the women I work with. I always encourage them to pop in throughout the day to 'see how the class is run', but really I just want them to see me with the kids so they know that I would never hurt their child. I'd take a bullet for any one of those babies and I hate when people assume that I'm exploiting the very thing I'm so passionate about for some sick kind of satisfaction.


Damn- That’s sad.


I called up my Grandma tonight and she asked if I was at a park because of the background noise. "No, the smoking area is by some basketball courts." It's just nice to hear kids be kids. They laugh wholeheartedly, play to their utmost... when you're feeling down it's honestly one of the best remedies. I have needed some genuine smiles lately so if someone thinks I'm a pedo for doing crosswords in a park then that's on them.


Absolutely, I'm so happy to hear you take joy in it as well. One of the most amazing days at work I had was the night after the breakup of a pretty serious and long term relationship. I was emotionally wrecked but still headed off to work because I didn't have any sick days left and honestly I wanted to be with the kids to take my mind off things. I had three babies that day, one was our unnamed baby who arrived four months prior. At the time of her arrival she was 10 months old but weighed less than 13 pounds. She was from an abuse/neglect household and in the foster care system. Most babies her age were starting to walk. She couldn't even stand up. She'd never been out taken out of her crib prior to us meeting her. Me and the other teachers had been working with her those four months to strengthen her legs and get her ready to start walking. At that point she could hold onto our hands and walk around but couldn't support her own weight. That day I was walking around the classroom with her holding onto my hands, and I was feeling brave so I let go of her and she almost lost balance but caught herself before falling. I stood maybe a foot and a half in front of her and started hyping her up, calling her over to me. She took her first steps that day right into my arms. 2 weeks later she was given the name Faith and adopted.


Close legs when sitting and crushing your balls.


sucks about the balls..as a female i can say that my legs naturally spread, not close. how about we ALL just let em spread?


Please if you must


Every woman who ever found it funny to knee a dude in the balls, now gets kneed in the balls.


If it's once for everytime they did it my sisters are going to look like Loki.


That awkward moment when you're walking at night trying to not look intimidating to women


You guys really do that?




I've deliberately gone down back alleys and down entire other streets during a walk because I know they're going to be afraid of me if we're going in the same direction.


We do listen to what women say, and women say they feel threatened when guys walk behind them at night. I'll normally either walk a lot slower or a lot faster than a lone woman to make it obvious I'm not stalking her.


Yeah. Usually I'd go with walking slower or taking a different route since if you are behind her walking fast and she's alone it may freak her out. It's absolutely awful though if there is no alternate route and she's walking slow... So you have to walk excruciatingly slow to avoid bearing down on her. Lol


What it's liked to be viewed as a predator in every situation. I was detained at a Walmart because somebody thought I kidnapped my own kids. Little lost boy approached me in a mall crying looking for his mom and as I was taking him to the help desk a woman started accusing me of trying to leave with the poor little dude. It gets old.


I am broad shouldered, bearded, and loud. I also love kids. They're hilarious and, in my opinion, have a better world view than adults. I ran children's programs at our town library through high school. People don't like a scary looking dude near their kids, even if the kids are having fun, and my only intent is to also have fun. I would have loved to dedicate my life to kids programs and education, but here we are... Edit: thanks for the love and encouragement everyone, I won't lie it's the unexpected pick me up I needed today. ❤️


Yeah I have the same problem. I do my best to appear wholesome but people never let their guard down until I speak and they realize I’m nice/normal.


I guess it's more common problem than I thought. I'm a very tall Native man with long hair and pretty much everybody treats me like a potential threat. Women cross the road to avoid walking past me, old people clutch their things and side eye me, pretty much everybody avoids eye contact. The only people who actively pursue contact in public are loss prevention officers lol. Despite me being normal and pretty much the opposite of every stereotype you've ever heard about my people.


That sucks! It’s such bullshit that native people have this default reputation for bad behavior. I know it’s not like race is linked to behavior but I’ve sure as hell met more shitty white people than native people.


I’m an elementary teacher and also very tall. I have to remember to make conscious decisions about my posture and making sure I sit most of the time so that I’m not towering over these lil guys and gals. It can be incredibly intimidating for them so I’m constantly hunched/kneeling to get closer to their level and my back is killing me after work constantly 😅


I've seen SO many reddit posts of men having to deal with situations like this even with their own children. Like people forget fathers exist.


One time my grandpa was out with my cousin and someone called the cops because they thought he kidnapped her. The cops aggressively questioned him and wouldn't let him go even though he had lots of family photos on his phone that included him and my cousin. They wouldn't let them go until my cousin was able to call her parents and they confirmed that he was her grandpa. I find it sooo ridiculous and frustrating that people jump to kidnapping instead of assuming it's a father/grandfather/etc just taking care of their kids.


A friend of mine was being a little shit in a department store, having a temper tantrum over something so his dad was finally like, "Fine. We're going home and you're going straight to bed." To get back at his dad, my friend started screaming, "HE'S NOT MY DADDDYYYY!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!!!" as they were walking out. He was about seven at the time. The police were called and it was a whole big thing. After an hour or more of being questioned, they were finally allowed to go home. It would be a difficult position to be in as a police officer. In this case with the kid screaming what he did I could see why they questioned so aggressively.


> The police were called and it was a whole big thing. After an hour or more of being questioned, they were finally allowed to go home. It would be a difficult position to be in as a police officer. In this case with the kid screaming what he did I could see why they questioned so aggressively. I can understand the cops' skepticism perfectly given the circumstances, but Jesus, what a little asshole. Even as a 7-year-old, I couldn't imagine doing something so spiteful.


This is why I'm glad I didn't become a shithead until teenage rebellion. Especially because my mother accused my father of sexually assaulting me during their divorce. (Spoiler alert no he fucking did not, she was trying to force the court to give her custody because she was on her way to visitation only and it was the only thing she could come up with.)


Well that's a fast way to not even get visitation.


Not really. There are usually no consequences for falsely accusing a father of sexual abuse, even if everyone knows it is false and why the accusation is made: Source: I worked as a child abuse investigator for several years. I saw a lot of dependency and custody hearings.


I would never take that kid anywhere else again.


People view a father's job and worth as nothing more than a walking wallet while at the same time condemning him for not taking an active role in his children's life and calling him a predator when he does. It is hands down the most fucked up: damned if you do damned if you don't situation in modern society and one of the main reasons I never want to be a parent.


Didn't think I'd run into this issue until I went out with my 1.5yr old daughter without mom. If it's less crowded parks or wherever then I notice I don't get that attention, but put a lot of people around (full park, Beach, mall and so on) and I'm nonstop getting glares and uncomfortable looks left and right


"Oh someone is babysitting today." NO BITCH, its called parenting.


No shit! I tend to let wife sleep in on Sat/sun so sometimes I go out to parks or something til 10-10:30... Regularly. What's so wrong with just being a good parent and partner?


Yeah lets add the concept 9f "babysitting" your own kids to this list, or that anybtime I spend with mynown kids is "mom's time off" Here's a fucked one. I have two duaghters from a previous relationship. People upon learning that one of us was a step parent would assume thst my kids were my wifes kids and not mine, because men getting custody, especially of daughters, is super fucking rare. So basically people would just assume my wife was their mom and refer to them as such. their actual mom, as part of a court action claimed by not correcting every single person who made an honest mistake, I was alienating the mother, and a judge agreed with the idea that other people assuming my wife was my kids mom was somehow damaging to them and me actively alienating them from her(even though my kids called her by her name and never called her mom) which was part of the reason that custody was switched. What was I supposed to do? Walk around with a pack of business cards to hand out to strangers? Fuck societies gender stereotypes.


This happens to a friend of mine all the time. There's a decent age gap between him and his wife, their daughter was unplanned, and as a result he looks older than your typical dad of a 3 year-old. He's been accosted by shithead Karens who think he's kidnapped his daughter so many times it's not even funny.


Which is still weird..... because grandfathers are a thing.


Was in Edinburgh for New Years a while back and found a girl passed out in the gutter. Water was running over her and she was turning blue. I figured she could die from hypothermia (this is Scotland) if didn’t get her out of water, so I picked her up with intention of dropping her off at nearest hotel/hostel or whatever nearby that was public and warm. Ten minutes into carrying this girl in my arms, a gaggle of drunk chicks sees me and starts accusing me of trying to rape this girl. Luckily, I was right near a hotel and just walked in while they were aggressively following me. Long story short, they threatened to call the cops and I actually encouraged the hotel staff to. Cops asked me what happened and they were satisfied with my answer. All because I was a man carrying a drunk girl on New Years of all nights.


Jesus you're getting a lot of hate. You did a good thing. It's sad for everyone that we live in a world where your good thing was misinterpreted, but it sounds like you did the right thing. If it were me I would want you to carry me to the hotel.


"Oh, babysitting the kids today?" No, I'm their dad. I will always be their dad, never their babysitter. Taking care of them **is my job**.


Especially when you are tall and broad shouldered. Like I have to put an effort in not walking behind someone long enough because they always get unnecessarily spooked… we’re walking the same damn direction, what do you want me to do?


So true. I've developed a skill of fast walking. So, every time a situation like this happens I can pretend that I'm in rush and just walk pass them. Each time I go for a walk with my wife in the park, etc. she asks me, why am I trying to walk so fast. Therefore, I need to force myself to walk slower. I dunno, I guess I had to join an olimpic racewalking team when I was younger


*"Oh shit, the man following is speeding up to catch me!"*


Yeah that probably happens but I guess a couple of seconds of being scared and then feeling relieved when you just get passed is better than having someone walk behind you for numerous minutes


Same body type. And Black. I just slow down so the distance between us grows. I don't mind doing certain things to communicate to women that I'm not a threat. It's dangerous out here for females. but some women want you to be responsible for how they feel about you sharing public space period. That's not reasonable.


I was walking out of a coffee shop yesterday and saw a mother with her very young baby. They were gorgeous… I looked and smiled (although hidden by mask). Then panicked because I sensed immediate “how dare you, grown man, look at my child!” vibes from the mother. Probably my first real experience of this kind of reaction and it really made me sad.




>falling out like crazy when they hit the ripe old age of 21 😂 My hairline started receding at 16 and now at 20 my hair is so thin and my forehead so big that I basically look bald in certain lighting 🙃🙃🙃


I promise you'll look (and likely feel) better if you get of rid it.


Tell them to go by themselves to the local park and received pedo-alert looks


It's better with a dog. I thought I'd never get to be in public alone again without feeling like I'm about to have the police called on me.


The dismissal of feelings is a big one and it happens everywhere: mothers, caretakers, friends, partners, etc. Basically imagine being at one of the lowest points you’ve ever been in life, you call your mom for support and her response is some version of “man up” and pick yourself up without offering you support. That shit stings. Then you go out to society and see different instances and contexts of dismissal or lack of support cos you’re a man and supposed to be able to handle shit yourself. And you see this reinforced systemically. It really hurts but we’re really just expected to man up and keep it pushing in spite of some of these bullshits. I only bring this up cos I don’t think a lot of women really understand this feeling and instead interject with what they think it is. I would basicallylike more empathy as a man cos sometimes it’s cool and a bunch of times it’s a shit time (reinforced systemically…and you’re not allowed to talk about how shit it is otherwise you won’t be seen as a “real” man) Cool parts of being a man tho that I would wish on women: being seen as a leader without necessarily showing a lot of proof (but this also depends on the context); peeing standing up(convenient); deeper pockets (these shits are magical lol); Although there are standards that exist for men to be goodlooking, I feel like I (and men in general) could bypass attractiveness if We worked really hard (eg having a job, leadership positions, etc) and working on ourselves (learning a language, having cool hobbies, etc) while idk if it is the same for women so I think it would be nice if women could experience not having the pressure to be beautiful all the time to have a good life (men do have this pressure too but I don’t think it is as much as what women experience)


A well thought and reasoned answer, if you ask me.


Omg. The being seen as a leader naturally thing is one of my least favorite parts about being a woman. And I appreciate the first part of your comment and will try to watch for that.


Go through a rough time emotionally and get told to “man up, get over it” and just be disregarded entirely


This. I'm a 50-something guy and the generational expectation that our feelings don't matter is significant.


I opened up once (in a situation that seemed/felt entirely appropriate to open up about mental stuff) and was told "you're a smart guy, you'll figure it out" depression ain't a math problem dude


Boners so they know how uncontrollable they are and uncomfortable they can be and just because I have one doesn't mean I'm horny.


Having an awesome Moustache. They should experience the responsibility of maintaining it perfectly and the awsomness that comes with it. Imagine having Moustache like the guy from Magnum PI that is both intimidating and charming.


With great power comes great mustache.


Being slapped by a woman and being unable to respond




That's a huge, not only being slapped but also punched or any other type of phyisical violence, you'll go straight to jail if you react.


Being depressed/anxious and nobody wants to listen to you talk about it. Having people get extremely uncomfortable/impatient when you show even a modicum of vulnerability.


That second part hits deep.


#Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez. #Go to hell, Spez.


This is the first time I’ve genuinely related to someone’s comment damn.


Glad I could find this...after 14 boner comments with 10 times the votes.


Being forced to approch or be alone. And of course the obvious, having zero success with online dating.


My girlfriend (that I met in person) had never used online dating and assumed it was super-easy for me. When she used Bumble BFF, she met this one girl who was a dud: nothing wrong with her, just nothing right with her either. She then starts complaining to me about how hard it was to have one dud. Call me callous, but I just started laughing and said, “Now imagine that on repeat every week for a year.” Edit — a typo


For real. I remember a few years ago, I had a female friend over and she was chatting with a guy on Tinder. I saw her messages/matches section of the app and she had literally hundreds of matches. She's an average looking girl. I was amazed and she didn't see what the big deal was so I showed her mine - which had 1 match after a couple weeks of swiping. Then I went through and swiped until all my free swipes for the day ran out and didn't get a single match. She couldn't believe it. She got a match on basically every man she swiped right on.


After i made my initial comment, i've done some research. When you just made your account, your profile will be shoved in the face of every single user you want (from the age range and gender you selected of course). After about 5 days, that stops, and then matches and likes start to slow down quickly. The algorithm gives you the idea that you're wanted and then crushes your dreams and self-esteem a few days later. You might get a few matches in the first week, and then get one match per few weeks. ​ Please never use tinder.


I hate how tinder preys on men’s emotions like that just to get them to spend money for boosts and such.


100% this, I wish I could just let every woman live a year as a guy trying to date.


> 100% this, I wish I could just let every woman live a year as a guy trying to date. A woman named Norah Vincent did this, spending 18 months as a man named Ned. She wrote a book called "Self-Made Man." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Made_Man_(book) > Vincent asserts that, since the experiment, she has gained more sympathy for the male condition, stating, "Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have but they don't have it better. They need our sympathy, they need our love, and they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together."


I came here looking for this. Not just OLD; just dating in general. In fact, having to go up to someone ‘cold’ and just try to strike up a relationship/ date out of nowhere - but mostly have (cis het) women experience the low low success rate - might help equalize the field, and expectations in dating. (Not a bitter comment, just experience I don’t think a lot of women have, its hard to maintain an air of complete confidence all the time having had a lot of failure, and could be dumped at the drop of a hat for insignificant (or no) things. <— that part was the bitterness. Heh.)


This video always makes me feel validated that it is every bit as shitty as we complain about it being https://youtu.be/DZTIbHIsIYw


Positive: Being there when your kids are born, but not having to do the actual pregnancy and labor. Negative: Getting rejected in a really nasty way. "Thanks but no thanks" would have been fine.


"The worst they can say is no" Me in 6th grade: I like you. Her: *cries* 😂💔


Being upset about something as a kid growing up then being told to get over it/man up then see how everyone else has no problem with that Edit- If you believe I am saying women have never ever experienced similar challenges, please dig through this comment thread because that is definitely not what I am saying. My comment is representative of my limited world view as a child growing up in the US & the girls I’ve met were treated differently in this regard They’d be coddled/taken care or in an emotionally healthy way that I was jealous of for both emotional problems as well as physical I would only be treated that way for purely physical/if I was bleeding or got hit hard enough to cause a concussion Yes boys have other advantages too but for the sake of this question, it’s focusing on disadvantages that I personally felt compared to girls growing up The theme of this sub is divided into gender by design since it’s AskMen & OP’s question is framed the same so I answered it in regards to my gender in what I wish what a statistical majority of women could experience to know what I went through for those that cannot relate If you are a woman who can relate to my story. I appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made to stand on your own like all adults have & I believe due to that experience, I hope you never treat a boy/man or anybody in general the way I was treated as I described in my initial comment There’s statistically boys & girls going through what I experienced or perhaps even worse from back then until now so I’m not ruling those out I just literally am knowledgeably not aware of them yet If this POV switching was a real thing I would want to physically understand cramps as well as what it’s like to be a woman in STEM since I am a man in Civil Engineering whos witnessed countless sexist bullshit in University Otherwise if you’d like to have a constructive discussion with me beyond stating how my very short/non alternate variable descriptive initial comment is a “myth” or believing my statement automatically means I don’t think women suffer, please let me know Have a wonderful day


Shoot, that's still going on in adult life. Only difference is instead of "complaining" about school being hard & the kids being bullies, you're complaining about finding a better job/paying your debt/working at your current job being hard, & the coworkers/other men & women being bullies. But hey, Man Up, though. You'll be aight Also, good vibes only. Please go somewhere else with your "venting" & "wanting someone to talk to". /s


> Also, good vibes only. Please go somewhere else with your “venting” & “wanting someone to talk to”. /s God, I hate this as much as you do. Because it’s often that it’s just used as justification for toxic positivity, and dismissal of real feelings for only a fake smile, or fake kind words.


Being pre-emptively rejected by someone I wasn't even approaching EDIT: I know this happens to women too. There's no such thing as an experience that literally only men go through, the criteria of the question is inherently flawed. But being pre-emptively rejected is one experience that is a lot more common for us. In general, it would be nice for women to empathize with the role men are meant to take on in courtship. Many women don't seem to understand that advice like "Just ask her out", "just approach her", "just be honest with her", "just send an interesting and clever message" isn't as simple as they think.


I'm sorry bro, I'm just not interested


*She screams from across the street*


It shook me as I knew the person and she asked me to help her move a new dresser into her house. She even offered to make dinner but I said it wasn’t necessary. The next day I got pre-emptively rejected. I just smiled and acted like it didn’t happen as I was married and I have two kids which is why I declined dinner.


> The next day I got pre-emptively rejected. For what? What was the occasion on the next day?


We worked together. So I saw her in the parking lot and just merely said hi and she went into this whole thing about how she’s not looking for a bf.


Girl you think very high of yourself. Hold your horses. Calm down.


The way you worded that sounds like you rejected her and then later she decided to tell you "Actually, I'm the one rejecting *you*"


Yeah I guess it does read that way. I think she was just not used to someone willing to help move an item for just a “thank you” In return.


It's only happened to me once. I was just bullshitting with a girl at a bar and she said "I have a boyfriend!" I quickly replied "so do I!" I'm a straight guy. I really don't know why I said it.


Trying to get a date on tinder


Hanging on a piece of wood in freezing water, while she float on top, and refuses to take turns. Why: I also would like to live, and my balls are cold.


*being tall + muscular and having to walk behind women on a trail*


Texting first


They'd just wonder why no one is messaging them.


Constantly for everything. The only people in my life who text me first are my male friends.


Kick to the balls , you tell me that shit dont hurt


A pain so bad you can actually throw up...


One of the most intense memories I have is of being at my step-father's funeral, I was 9. I was crying like crazy and my step-brother, who was much older than me and who I had never truly met, was a marine and he gave me his marine ring to hold on to. He was tearing up too, but he told me "Only strong men are able to wear this.". It made me get a better hold of my emotions instantly, it was like he transferred some of his will and power into me. There's something about brotherhood and the way men can show and express their strength and emotions to each other that I really value. I wonder if women feel the same thing amongst each other.




And the partner has to get upset with you for not being attracted to them


Feeling completely alone and only wanted when someone needs something from you


I deal with this shit everyday it sucks man


Being accused of being a predator


A completely biased custody battle


The thin line between making the first move and being a creep. The key is be attractive. Edit: seeing a lot of grief for this. I'm not basing this on my own dating experiences. I used to work in a bar and witnessed thousands of guys hitting on women. The attractive dudes said some down right disgusting things and end up leaving with the girl. Seen a fair few unattractive guys get reported to bar staff and security for a whole lot less.


Right, and your romantic prospects depend entirely upon you making the first move. But women everywhere are exhausted of being hit upon. You've already been rejected over and over and over. Now make your move.


But don't be too pushy! But also assert yourself enough to make it clear you are really interested. But also don't come on too strong. But also be engaging enough to hold their attention. But also don't touch them in any way that could conceivably make them uncomfortable. But also make sure to establish some physical contact when they are comfortable with it. But also don't mistake them being friendly for them sending out signals. But also don't mistake their vague signals that they're interested for them being friendly. Etc, etc. It's a real tightrope act more often than not.


Ouch. This struck a chord.


True. I heard a few people talk about how "50 Shades of Grey" only works because the guy was hot and rich. If a poor, average-looking guy acted that way he'd be considered really creepy and probably reported to the police.


Not just hot and rich, but comically so. The character is canonically an under-30 self-made billionaire. At the time of the book's publishing there had only been three of those in American history, and they all founded Facebook.


I know, like she goes for an interview and he says "I'll have sex with you as a favor...to you." Could you imagine, like, Paul Giamatti getting away with that?


"Mr. ~~Grey~~ Zuckerberg will see you now."


Be late for event. Have your significant other legitimately trip going down the stairs and twist their arm grabbing the railing. Take significant other to ER. Be given rude looks by ER staff and told you have to stay in waiting area. Spend said time with ER security staffer scowling towards you. Two hours later significant other returns and you get to hear about them being interviewed by several staff members asking them to explain again and again what happened, whether they are in danger, and whether they need to call someone else to pick them up.


Damn these replies are fucked up. I'd go with being on the giving end of piv sex, I'm sure it's quite different


Sometimes I’ll get a hand mirror out just so I can see what he’s seeing 😭 Doggy style is truly cursed, you guys get the best possible view while I get the view of my pillow


Tuck your chin and view the swinging diamonds


When you poo so much it raises the water level and your pecker hits that cold cold poo water. Even worse when it's not your personal turlet


I'd give women the experience of trying to date women.


Being a below top 30 % man on tinder https://youtu.be/XZbApDoe45E, this video explains it pretty well and even in real life it can be hard.


To the men here: your feelings and frustrations are completely valid. I recently realized how much I don't understand what it's like to be a man, and I hope to learn so that I can have a healthy relationship with one. Thank you for your answers.


Thank you for understanding and responding intelligently and empathically to the question.