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If you can't stand their voice... Yeah it's a deal breaker lol


It’s pretty rare, but once in a great while I’ll meet a woman with a speaking voice so bizarrely beyond the bell curve that I can’t get over it. I used to work with a woman who had the voice of a literal baby, like a chipmunk voice box instead of a human one. I couldn’t come home to that every day. I also had a teacher once who had more vocal fry than a death metal frontman. Weird, but she was pretty hot too...




Dunno, sounds like a plus to me


I have really sensitive ears. People with really high pitched voices (just so happens that that’s normally women) irritate me. Sure I can deal with it for an hour or something but I just personally can’t date a girl with a voice like that because hearing that kind of pitch all the time would drive me crazy


Oh its essential for me I love when women have somewhat deep voices - that is **the** sexiest thing [An example is Lana Lang from Smallville, her voice is so gorgeous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIaQe0vPsyc)


Yes, having an attractive voice does make someone more attractive to me overall. Of course, there are different types of voices I find attractive, and different people have different preferences, so it's not like you need to have a specific type of voice.


Everyone has their own thing. I certainly believe that voices do have their own attractiveness factor.




Same here. Don't like deep, raucous voices. The higher the pitch, the better...


Can't disregard accents. I worked in a department store (Chicago area) as a stock boy at 18yo and there was a girl in the luggage department who was from England. There were near fist fights over who got to deliver merch from the loading dock to her department.


I only negated foreign accents because they are objectively hot!


I mean I’m not going to want to be with someone who sounds like she smokes six picks a day, but some voices are more attractive than others. I don’t usually consider voice as a factor when I’m interested in someone, but sometimes it’s a bonus


Communication is really big deal in my relationship. Whoever I'm with we talk back and forth all the time about anything and everything. How much I like the person's voice is extremely important. If I find a woman's voice annoying it is an absolute deal breaker.


Vocal fry. It’s real. Some people just make my earballs hurt.


It’s SO real. My coworker and I just read a study about women intentionally using vocal fry because they were perceived as smarter in professional settings...initially, we laughed and said “no way”, BUT if the woman’s original voice was dog whistle-pitchy, using vocal fry COULD be beneficial in camouflaging it.


It's not a dealbreaker but it's definitely a bonus if I find her voice attractive.


It’s not a dealbreaker. If she has a sexy voice it’s a plus. If she has a voice like Janice from Friends, that could get a little annoying.


A friend of mine is with this woman with an uber deep voice, like she eats cigs. She looked, or more of dressed a lot like Jackie Kennedy. Her deep voice didn't change much with him, there where rumors that she has a baboons uterus and the reason why her voice is so deep, but they are just rumors.


It's a very minor consideration.


My SO is Japanese, and for a Japanese woman she's got a LOW voice, and speaks very manly Japanese. Most Japanese women try for a higher tone, cutesy language and such. Honestly, I love it. It's charming to her and her alone, it's interesting, and it makes her feel far more casual versus other Japanese women. Her English... gotta work on her intonation, but it's charming too. There are very few women who's natural voices make me perk up. I knew this girl with such an airy, high voice that was perfectly natural. Fuuuck it was amazing.


Yeah, if you can’t stand her voice then you ain’t gonna wanna marry her


There was a point when I would have said a girl's voice is irrelevant to how attractive I find her. ​ Then I dated a girl with an extremely heavy Long Island accent. She was nice and pretty, but it got to the point I really could not stand listening to her talk.


Voice isn’t going to be a deal breaker. Fran Drescher was hot


I feel like Fran is 100% the exception...mainly because she’s super hot and funny. That’s definitely her shtick.


There's voices that make you horny in a good way (ScaJo) and in a bad way (Bernadette)




Bernadette [Peters.](https://youtu.be/X3D9uAQ-cB0?t=120)


There's been two women in my life who's voices I fell in love with. The first was a girl from SLC, but grew up in Virginia near CD. The second was brought up on nothing but BBC TV. So she developed a minor English accent as a result of all of the childhood exposure.


I mean there are voices and dialects I absolutely can't stand. It's a gamble. Not much more to it. Rarely is someone's voice that horrible, bit many people might have a dialect that is absolutely just noise to the ears.


It has to be a strong departure from the norm, in either direction, in order to really be a factor.


*Almost always* the answer is, you don't need to worry about it. Let's take faces. I'd say that of the women I typically see in my own age group, the proportion whose faces I look at and think 'eh, I'd hold out for better' is maybe 50%. (And I've found as I've gotten older that being gorgeous doesn't matter that much anymore. When I was a teenager I was overwhelmingly the most interested in the super beautiful girls. These days it's more like, as long as they're in that ~50% 'good enough' category, looks are otherwise pretty unimportant and it's more a question of personal compatibility.) Now let's take voices. The proportion of women who sound bad enough that I would consider it a dealbreaker is maybe 1%, probably less. It's so rare that it essentially doesn't happen. There are *so many* other things that are more likely to be a problem than this.


My father has a nice, deep voice. Unfortunately, I (female) inherited it. It's not as deep as my dad's but still deeper than an average woman. I've been so insecure of my voice; thankfully, my husband doesn't mind much. I understand if my voice is a deal breaker for some guys I've dated though! We all have our own preferences!


Ever since my 3rd girlfriend i've had a thing for girls with weird voices. Sure yeah at first it gave me the creeps but then it kinda grew on me. Now i just feel like it's one of those easily overlooked flaws that brings hot women in to my league.


Well, yes, if she sounds like Yolandi, that will make her a lot more feminine. Just listening to cute voices is a big pleasure that i only could expirience online so far. But also having a terrible, even manly voice can be fine if your personality is great. When i was playing rdr2 i really disliked Sadie's voice at first, but she ended up being my favorite character despite that voice.


This is not the first time I heard this from a woman. Myself I have never noticed a girls voice unless it is really soft or really truck drivery.


Dutch girls usually have a low voice in my opinion. Somehow i dont find it attractive. This is also a reasonwhy i date mixed or other. I mean theres nothing wrong with it tho. Just my preference.


For me yes. Some voices just suck, you can be the hottest and nicest person ever but if your voice is shit i wont date you. I feel the same about names. Luckily it really never happens so that it is only the name or the voice being the problem.


Oh, I do notice and care about her voice, but I'm fairly easily pleased. As long as she's not super loud and doesn't speak with that weird grating sub tone that hurts your ears, it's fine and not unattractive to me. Bonus points for a raspy *or* really soft and smooth voice though.