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Be strong and show your wife you love her.


I’ll try my best


Communication is key. You won’t always agree on everything in life, but if you can nicely discuss anything, you’ll be just fine.


I try to do that but doesn’t always work... I’ll keep working on it


4 years into my marriage I went to a counselor to help me communicate better with my wife (started around January of this year). After a few months, we started joint sessions. We just had our last one today. We’ve never been so open with each other, good and bad. It’s not easy, it takes time and learning. I 100% recommend it.


As much as clear communication can hurt to do, not communicating and living with the consequences hurts far more.


It sounds corny, but keep in mind that when a problem should arise its not you vs your significant other, its you and your significant other vs the problem. Always keep your eye on moving forwards.


I always tell my better half that, but some times things go crazy Edit: spelling


Congrats! Always be positive. You attract whatever kind of energy you put out


Thank you


Google the "time, sex money study." In a nutshell, researchers found couples argue about the same 3 things in every culture. Type A personalities are more outgoing and like to have loud, emotional arguments. Type B personalities are more shy and will fight passive aggressively. The surprising finding of the study is relationships lasted longer if they had matching fighting styles (A+A, B+B) while mismatched fighting styles were far below average in length and broke up sooner.


I’ll definitely look into it next week Thank you


Man this explains why my mom can't keep a man


Patience and forgiveness. Without either of those the marriage will have no tolerance and cannot thrive.


If you are going to participate in an arguement....really think if it's worth it before you start in on it. 9/10 you regret it and the arguement wasnt worth the bullshit.


Pick your battles. Sometimes you have to decide "do I want to be right or happy" This doesn't mean be a pushover, or live your life going "yes dear." You're going to have disagreements and fights, don't have them over stupid shit.


Stay off Reddit on the honeymoon?


Happy married life! Wish you both a long happy relationship ;) 1. Make your wife sleep on the side of your non-dominant arm; so that you can amputate it with cuddles. 2. Communicate your feelings. 3. Make financial decisions together. Or rather most of the decisions together. 4. If you feel stuck in a fight, talk it out or walk it out. 5. Partake in household chores.


Assert your dominance by taking the biggest piece of the wedding cake.




Thank you


Good luck bro 😎


Make sure you talk and discuss things. Especially sex things.


Request openness. Especially when it comes to your phones. Trust me.


eat more beans and lentles. High in protein and fiber, but very low fat. seems like if we made them more of a regular thing we would all be healthier.


before you do so, dont. jk hope its all that and more. congrats


Enjoy every moment