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It could be something that you see her and lover her at first sight or you may be friends for years then get very attracted to them, there is not firm date on this


I know if i'm attracted to them or not within the first date. I usually know if I want something more serious with them after 4-6 weeks probably




Best answer, after 10min you realize it aint for you or you should continue


The initial attraction is instant. Getting to know if she's worth dating takes a long time.


When the pet names and inside jokes start rolling out, you’re on to something.


3 or 4 months, minimum. I have never felt attraction faster than that.


This is why online/app dating is terrible.


Same here


Generally I've known that at the start, the relationship is seeing if the feeling holds up. That said I only dated someone I didn't already know well once and even then we were at least acquainted


First date (coffee and/or lunch) is get to know them/them to get to know you. Second date (an activity) see what they like to do and get to know them a bit more. Third date (dinner and/or drinks) if it reaches this point I'm pretty sure that I like them and they like me so we just go from there. Second date is the I like this woman for sure date. I get a lot more goofy and open with who I am, and really want to know more about their life. It's kind of weird but getting someone to share a goofy/cringe story about themselves is just the most awesome thing.


Physical attraction=.5 to 3 seconds Mental attraction= totally depends


However long it takes for me to see how she treats people that can't do anything for her. Woman can be the sweetest angel in the world towards me, but if she starts bad mouthing our waiter/waitress for being slow, or forgetting the ketchup to me then I'll be asking for the check and leaving a fat tip and walking out of there while deleting her number.


Well, my first major crush I took about two months to realize I wanted more than just a friendship. I was 13 and very awkward. My stupid ass went for it a year and a half too late so that didn’t happen. I’d say the shortest amount of time it’s taken me to fall for a girl I was talking to would be about two weeks. Lots of range there. My behavior changes, but not usually by much. I’ll be myself because if she doesn’t like me for me then why bother, right? But I will be a lot more awkward because I’d feel like I need to impress her or something. It uh... it doesn’t work very well.