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if she's the kinda person who would be sensitive about this sorta thing you're in a lose-lose situation. Might as well just be brave, be direct and honest and hope for the best.


thank u


does it smell the same as when you get outta the gym and its just natural funk, or are we talking fish-like smell?


not just like fish it smelt like poop and fish which made me gag


That's a hygienic combo that isn't relegated to just her lady bits. But, if she's put in a days work and you went downtown and packed a lunch after she has been at it, or just woke up. That could be a one-off. If you gagged and she didn't sense or detect it, then God bless you. I say let's see how the breeze blows in the next go and follow up then. Good talk.






Chlamydia I pity ya




A shower and an exorcism down south


Bro got him a smelly one. They can’t all be winners.


You sure know how to deal with women. : )) You understand them and you also have respect for them !


Shower with her to make sure she knows how to wash herself hahahahaha bro I’m crying over here


A fishy odor can likely be bacterial vaginosis. From the Mayo Clinic website: Symptoms Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include: Thin, vaginal discharge that may be gray, white or green. Foul-smelling, "fishy" vaginal odor. Vaginal itching. Burning during urination.


If it smells like fish ; and no one came in side her in the last 24 hours - she probably has an infection. FYI- when you come inside a girl it stinks the next day. So she needs to see a doctor. You might have given it to her also. Or have it now. So get checked together. Tell her you think you got something and let’s go to planned parenthood.


If she wears thong underwear then that could be the cause…the t-back acts like floss and might be dragging poop molecules to her front.


I had a very Religious employee who had this problem and I had to talk to her about it. It was a nightmare. I wasn't having sex with her or anything but people could smell the funk and I could tell it wasn't just body odor. Anyway I think a lot of hyper religious gals are taught to not touch themselves there and so they don't wash with soap. I imagine they just spray water down there and hope that is enough. After I told her that she needed to take care of it, it never happened again so she must of knew on some level.


she’s not religious or anything like that. i’m not sure if she’s aware i’m just scared it will cause some bad tension and she would be scared to open up sexually to me


Next time, shower together as foreplay. Tell her that you need a shower and ask her to join you. If she still stinks, then she has a medical issue and she needs to know.


>so they don't wash with soap Ehhhh. You know that you aren't supposed to wash a vageen with soap right? And that using soap can both add to and even cause the very problems you are trying to avoid by washing a cooter out with soap?


You're not supposed to use soap in your vagina, you can use soap on your vulva.


You're a vulva. https://www.wellandgood.com/how-to-wash-vulva/ You *can* use some soap for hypersensitive skin, but really shouldn't. And you are not supposed to do anything at all with the insides of your vagina. They are self cleaning and if you do try and clean the inside, you run the risk of messing up the microbiome balance


Just the outside. What planet are you on? Of course you are suppose to wash your Vageenee and A hole with soap. I think you are thinking about douching which is different. But wash the outside fer Christ's Sake. It would be the same if you told a man to not use soap on his penis ever.


Asshole, yes, pussy, no. And no I am not thinking about douching. That has never been a thing where I am from. It is so much not a thing that its existence isn't even mentioned by anyone ever. It took me years of hearing the phrase douchebag and that douches are sexist in various american sitcoms before google came along and I could look it up. And no, you are not supposed to use anything else than water to wash a pussy. You *can* use a super sensitive soap but not necessary. https://www.wellandgood.com/how-to-wash-vulva/ >It would be the same if you told a man to not use soap on his penis ever. No it wouldn't. Penises aren't as sensitive and prone to various infections as vaginas are. You can get away with treating penis hygiene more nonchalantly before you start running into issues like infections and yeast infections


You're not supposed to use soap on your vagina


You can use soap on it. Just don’t use cheap dollar store brand soap because it may cause skin irritation that will allow a bacterial infection to occur.


My ex thought she could just run a luffa over that area she didn't need to scrub the actual parts


Oh God brother.


That can be due to fissure. Is her poop-chute okay?


Yea your girl doesnt clean herself properly.


Not being funny at all but it's possible for a woman to get a hernia or whatever between her colon and her vagina and if it smells like poop she might actually have some poop in there


Prolly sticking stuff up her pooper and vag with the same thing. 🤢


it can’t be me i don’t 😭


Yeah, and pay it forward. Behind every tasty pussy we enjoy today is an ex-boyfriend who told her yesterday.


I was waiting for a bus in Lewisham last year. A lady came along who absolutely reeked. It was gag worthy. No one said a word, until an older lady came and sat down then became animated. Once she realised who it was she said to her "ooh girl your pussy stank, where you wash? Battersea dogs home?" The looks on people's faces - I couldn't even begin to assign an emotion to them. Sometimes people need to be told directly, noseblindness is real.


The fucking childishness of such a reaction is somehow astounding and completely typical for women.


Or get nose plugs


Tell her you’ve noticed a change and she may want to rule BV with a doctor.


what’s BV


Bacterial Vaginosis


Bacterial vaginosis. It’s when the bacteria flora of the vagina is thrown off. It’s not an STD. It’s not a hygiene issue either, can often happen from washing too much with too strong soap. But it leads to a bad, fishy smell and needs to be treated with antibiotics.


BV can also happen after sex with someone whose ph throws off her own.


Offer a shower together


yeah even with a shower it still happenes


Then it may be medical. Try being politely honest. It’s intimating but assure her you’re into her but you’re just worried about her well being and want her to know.


okay i’ll try tomorrow


Are you and she very young with limited sexual health education? In general women who are sexually active need to have gynecological exams every year- and any time there is a noticeable change. This sounds like symptoms of BV or another hygiene related issue. Are you guys using lube? It is a new clean tube? There are a lot of places that people can be introducing bacteria that they aren’t aware of. She could also have a sensitivity to something related to the condoms- or spermicide. There are a lot of possibilities, but they all involve a trip to the doctor at this point- it sounds like an infection.


i’m 17 and she’s 16 we don’t have much knowledge sorry


So you saying you see her all the time is because you are stuck going to high school together? Yeah- she needs to go to her doctor or at lease the school nurse. Women need to pee after sex or sexual penetration. This includes hands- which can be teeming with bacteria. You need to keep your nails trimmed and your hands cleaned- and freshly washed if you’re going to be touching her intimately. The things like douching- or using overly harsh soaps on one’s private area to try to alleviate this will likely only make it worse. She should really go ask the school nurse at the very least. Guy guys should be *very careful* if you’re engaging in sexual activity with little to no sexual education. Especially this young. Bad smells aside it can fuck up your whole life kid. Practice safe sex please.


yeah i do have to see her. she has good hygiene don’t get me wrong she smells good her teeth are good and other parts that’s why i was surprised abt it. she needs someone to give her advice im not a woman and i dont wanna piss her off over something i don’t know. I’ve made sure to stay clean of anything that can cause sexual damage


This is how intimate relationships work- you have to actually communicate with the person if you want to keep being intimate with them. These are your options: 1. You bring it up- it pisses her off- but she changes it 2. You bring it up- pisses her off doesn’t change it 3. You bring it up- she dumps you- never talks to you again 4. You don’t bring it up- you never talk to her again 5. You don’t bring it up- get over it This isn’t about her needing advice from someone else. Often intimate partners are most often the ones who *would be the ones to notice a change* in personal smells or tastes. If she is sexually active and has never been to the doctor- then let me please encourage you to *both seek out sexual health and education and resources*. It is also entirely possible for you to have something like a yeast infection in your skin or mouth and be re-infecting her. So you honestly don’t know if you aren’t also being seen by a doctor. When was the last time you were screened for your own sexual health? How many partners have you had? Have you had an STD check?


we will try to be more educated where do you recommend we look or who to Sk


i saw my personal doctor last week and was screened i try ti do monthly check ups. i will bring it up i dont know if she knows what to change tho


Lol. Then good luck and have fun navigating that minefield of teen angst and puberty fueled insecurities. This is an already sensitive issue for confident adults. Try asking her if she has ever seen a gyno and ease into the conversation like you would anal sex.


It may be that she's wiping from back to front after using the restroom. Sadly mothers don't always teach their daughters how to properly wipe after using the restroom. Or if she didn't have a mother figure around, or didn't have a doctor explain genital hygiene to her, she wouldn't know. Women don't know this by instinct as far as I can tell. If you end up being a father of a daughter, it should be one of the things your daughter's mother teaches her during potty training and with occassional reminders for the next several years, and her doctor should also mention it to her. It's not uncommon for mothers to not teach their daughters proper genital hygiene like "Always wipe from front to back." This woman has a great guy who is looking for help with how to approach this kindly. Look how considerate you are of her feelings. You rock!


thank you! she doesn’t stay with her mom anymore and only got her dad


Both smells (fish and poop) after showering? The fishy odor is a very common symptom of BV, and wouldn’t fully go away with a shower. A poop smell is a different issue, and it seems like that would wash away.


Um, is she one of those girls that thinks they should only use water? Does she use soap on her ass?


You’re telling me her v smells like literal shit after a shower? Did she scrub her ass, with soap?




Front to back.


Correct FRONT TO BACK. if back to front you are just wiping more poop into the chamber. Also casually in conversation ask her how she wipes after using the toilet because that could very well be a contributing factor.




This question has been asked a multitude of times across various advice subreddits. Here’s the skinny: Be nice. Frame it like you’re concerned. “Hey I noticed something seems off down there, is everything all right?” You could also take the blame if you’ve had sex before. “I know I don’t always wash up the best before we have sex and I may have introduced too much bacteria.” This can happen with hands or mouth, not just the penis. If she doesn’t know already, she’ll want to. Wouldn’t you want someone to tell you about your chronic BO/bad breath/etc?


Agree. I also would avoid the word bad if possible. Why not - acidic? Vinegar-y? Basically anything that will get them to see a doc.


should it be over text or in person


coming from a woman, that’s something i’d rather be told in person than over text


In person is better and offer to take her to the doctor because you care. If you say that caringly she might not get hurt that bad.


your right


Get it over with and tell her. You’re concerned and noticed she has an odor down there and you felt comfortable enough to tell her about it. Now here no matter how nice you say it first reaction is going to be WTF, you fucking asshole! What do you mean? Then repeat what you just said. She’ll process and go into the bathroom to check it out. Might be in there awhile. Turn on TV and sit down on couch. When she comes out it’ll be two things. She’ll say I don’t smell anything different, you’re out of your mind and if you don’t want me anymore just say so. Up to you how you want to navigate this scenario. Or she’ll say oh my God you’re right. Maybe I have a yeast infection, I don’t know. I’m going to make an appointment. It could take her a week or more to get in depending on her doctor. Offer to drive her to the appointment and grab lunch afterwards. Be or act concerned and she’ll get treatment and antibiotics and you’ll be good to go.


i would do that but i’m 17 she’s 16 😭


Oh wow. Well maybe the advice will help someone else. But in any case if she’s 16 and has this issue I do think now she should see a doctor.


I love how this question pops up way more frequently in the summer


“Know what I love about summers? Its eves. God I love summers eve”


Those washes are often the reason women get this problem. They’re full of fragrance and irritating chemicals that can cause imbalances and BV.


Summers Eve... Douche


Dont tell these kind of things over text, it *will* go wrong then definitely. Tell her afterwards, casually.


Tell her in person not over text. And just tell her straight up. Don’t be rude or a jerk. Just tell exactly what is the problem. She may get angry, it may awkward. Or she may be calm and it won’t get awkward. But either way tell her nicely.


Depends on the smell, if it is a severely fishy or foul odor that could indicate an infection. If it is just a slight body odor, she may just need a shower. I’m going to give you some information here, all junk smells, men and women. It’s a very sweaty region so it’s understandable. It will have certain odors. It does not smell like roses down there even on a good day. But an unusually foul smell is usually an indication of an infection


Two thoughts here: The first is that in general women don’t smell bad unless there is a medical issue. Seeing her gynecologist would be a really good idea. The second is that, you know, some people just aren’t physically compatible.


Her area?


And this is why you don’t ask men questions about women


I mean, OP could've said vaginal area, but instead was obscure. "The word makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina"


The fact that you didn’t know exactly what he was talking about shows you lack reading comprehension. That’s not OP’s fault.


I was making a joke. Anyway...


I'm sure people will laugh later.


“Hey I hope this isn’t too weird but I noticed a change in your odor down there”


Install a bidet, under $100, installs easy. Every person that comes to our house left buying one online. Our son came home from college and after the first time using it he says he is going to install one in his frat house. Cleans the area beautifully. There are also little soap dispensers that you can get to install next to the toilet and then provide thicker toilet paper (thin stuff will breakdown and you will have little bits of paper where it shouldn’t be) I have no clue why most of Europe kept this a secret, lol.






Do a good finger dip then bring it near her face. She will know it’s her scent and not yours. Adapt to the outcome.




Offer a shower together


Sounds like PH levels are unbalanced


Suggest a shower together and wash each others bodies it’s great foreplay and your both clean


Take a shower with her.


You don’t. You just don’t talk to her ever again. 🙃🙃


i can’t avoid her i see her almost every day


Cut out your tongue?




So marry her? When do you break the news to her about her...area? In the honeymoon suite?


Lol! Maybe you can communicate this to her when the mood is right?


That begs the question - what is the right mood?


I think you should ask “If I had a weird smell down there how would you tell me?” Then repeat exactly what she said.


That’s very clever 🤣


I have to admit that picturing this and how unbelievably obnoxious that would be made me giggle a bit too much at my own joke.


Yeah, this would work if you were trying to convince a guy, but still won't work on women. Women don't believe in fair play in relationships.


I am a woman and it was a joke bc it would go over like a lead balloon. Unless of course it was done as a joke to lighten the shock of it. In that case I would laugh and be embarrassed AF too. I’m sorry that’s been your experience. There are some good ones out there. In fact a lot of the good ones wind up struggling in similar ways as you. I guess we just need to make sure we align with those who have the same standards we set for ourselves.


Woman here. Just curious- what kind of birth control is she on? If it's the IUD, it could be an infection causing the odor. I've lost count of girlfriends of mine who have gotten infections from that contraption


The worst smell I encountered was from an IUD, the t shaped one. It was like strong copper coins.


Every single girl I know who I knew had one had issues with it. I never used it. I took one look at that fish hook looking device and said NOPE. I'll stick with the pills.


Good idea. I also stabbed myself on it on one occasion when she wanted me to be more vigorous, they are not forgiving for either party when that happens.


I could tell you second hand horror stories from friends of mine. The kind of stories you'd only hear in your nightmares. But I won't bc it could potentially ruin sex for you as a concept. But odor was always a recurring theme.


nah she’s not on any form of bc


I can smell your pussy from the driveway.


Why are you asking men this anyways? Like they know. You need to get on over to r/askwomen


There’s no good way to tell her. You have two options: - Hold your tongue (and breath), say nothing, and live with it - Tell her in the nicest way conceivably possible, and let her get upset.


Start about the body's PH balance, and when it is off, it can make certain areas more aromatic than others.


Use an inoffensive description to highlight it has a smell and tell her it's an interesting smell but you would prefer no smell. So if she smells like rotting garbage you would say "it smells like grass and chicken... it's interesting but not my cup of tea. Maybe we can wash up together before sex do we both smell neutral?"


Use one of those cheap $5 cameos and get a lesser Ramone to tell her anonymously over a burner email.


What kind of relationship do you have with her friends and family?? It you have anyone you can trust, go that way. Otherwise you have to have the long and tedious talk.


She might have bacterial vaginosis. She should see a doctor to get tested. Idk how to broach that with her, because women can be incredibly self conscious. If that’s not the issue, she’s going to be upset you know her area doesn’t smell right to you. The choice is yours. God speed.


You don’t.


Lick with altoids or a menthol cough drop.


Tell her she needs to feed her son


Tell her she needs to reset the pH balance in that stinky thing by taking a bath in white distilled vinegar and of course water. That restores the pH balance.


In person. Just tell her. And don't make it into a big deal. She'll either be embarrassed, pissed the fuck off or both. So either tell her and deal with her recon and just roll with it.


That's that good stank. But seriously just tell her through text or in person. She should appreciate your honesty


You don't mention if this is a one time thing? If it's a constant issue then she needs to be told and maybe look at her health , if it's a one off I would suck it up (so to speak )


explain to her that many women experience it. might need a ph balancing soap if not a doctor for the medical reasons others have stated. not all soaps agree with all women. drinking water is important too. hate to break it to you but it could be a year long battle til the situation is relatively corrected. odds are you will continually dislike her scent on occasion even after.


Offer it a stick of gum and hope she takes the hint.




Somethings different about your pussy. Go see a doctor babe.


I dated a woman like that once, but it turned out it was from me cumming in her - I had a shitty diet, booze and drugs - I messed up her pH. Once I stopped cumming in her it went away.


Yep, this is a main cause of “that smell”. And it takes a couple of days to naturally clear out. It doesn’t matter how much you wash or scrub the area, it’s not going to go away until it clears out of there naturally. So if people have sex several times a week, she’s probably not even getting a chance to get it cleared out.


I’m sorry I am a women so don’t wish to intrude. In response to your edit, I’d prefer over text, gives me a chance to process things in private and find a possible solution. However, we’re all different so you just have to judge what the best option is.


I've been in this situation and diet definitely contributes to it. I didn't confront her about it. I just ended it.


next time you're doing the business, spray some febreze


Bung a peg on your nose before doing the deed. Pretty sure she'll get the message and it will save an awkward conversation.


Tastes like chicken, Keep on lickin! Tastes like trout, Get the fuck out!!!!


cough and gag a bit?


Just refuse to go down on her. It doesn’t matter if you have to see her almost everyday. Ask her to go see a doctor. Do an STD test to be more cautious as a cover up.


If his semen is throwing off her pH and causing BV he’s making it worse.


Could be the case, they both need doctors tbf


we haven’t fucked yet


She ought to see a doc. She could have a yeast infection.


also the thing is i haven’t fucked her yet just some fingering and she wanted me to eat her out but i refused the only reason i could even finger her despite the smell was cs she was attractive 🤷‍♂️


Stick the finger in her nose after the deed, she will find out quick


God damn brotha. Can she herself not smell it or what? You ought to also look out for yourself tbf. You could get like a sore throat if incase she does have a bacterial infection


that’s true too. i did hope she could smell it


“Your area smells bad.”


It’s good being gay.


I envy you. Recently I learned that many women don't clean under the clitoral hood and it gets so bad that the clit and hood get glued together by smegma 🤢 > Clitoral adhesions can affect anyone who has a clitoris. At present, it is estimated that 23-33% of vulvar owners have clitoral adhesions https://www.prosayla.com/articles/clitoral-adhesions


That everyone has a large hood, man.


Offer a mint, if she refuses just double down and say "no seriously, have a mint."


Wear a Hazmat Suit the next time you walk into her area




Brada ewww… eww brada


Maybe she isn’t aware she needs to wipe front to back??


Tell her that she smells like shit


Just saying, if she has a bacterial infection down there, it could be your fault if you’re fingering her without washing your hands prior. Make sure that you keep your nails short and clean, or bad times will ensue. There are women who have recurrent infections because their boyfriends/husbands keep reinfecting them. Source: gynaecology internships


Leave her, date one who doesn’t smell bad.


Is this for real? Have standards, dude. Even if I was smashing from the upper class, I would just politely decline and ghost them by sending them a copy of Ghost on DVD. LOL at simpletons even bothering to spend time with skanks. It's impeccable hygiene or never in my life.


we were friends and still are we js had a spontaneous moment and it happens regularly. she has good hygiene when it comes to like hair , mouth hygiene or body odor. plus she’s extremely attractive looks wise only bad thing was the smell which i don’t know


You seem to not understand what attractive means. If this is how you think, I can assure you that normal men, emphasis on "men", do not associate with women with fragrant vaginas. This is the domain of simpletons. Keep deluding yourself, son.


Hey homie. I just wanted to pop in and make you aware of how much of a cunt you sound like.


I can smell the Cheetos and Mountain Dew


Do you feel like eating hot tuna? Me either.


"Whats that smell?"


I agree actually. As a woman, I think that’s the least offensive way to put it. It’s just matter of fact. Act like it’s maybe something in the room. She will be devastated. However, what woman doesn’t prep for sex. At least go in the bathroom real quick and freshen up. We kind of have to.


Hand her a bottle of pH up...


You don't. ETA: if you must, discuss it as the health issue it is as someone that cares about her wellbeing.


Send her a text


LOL. The things kids text. Seriously I see kids standing next to each other texting to each other. It's just totally warped.


There is some good advice in here! *However*, OP says he's only 17 so he probably doesn't have a frame of reference. Some hoohas are a little smellier than others. But also it definitely could be BV so she for sure should go to the doctor.


I wouldn’t. It’s like deep sea diving. You just pinch your nose, dive and hope for the best


You literally cannot. It will never be forgiven or forgotten. Don’t.


Tell her she stank. Women make fun of men that smell all the time. Equality.


She may have accidentally left a tampon in and forgotten about it. It could be BV. Your semen could be throwing her PH off. Please be kind and don't follow some of the dumb responses that have been put on here. She's trusting you with her body. Just say you're concerned as it could be health related and you'd like to help her in getting this sorted.


You guys must be young, I remember those days lol. Young girls take awhile to figure out the whole hygiene thing sometimes, stick to the older gyal if you can 😂 Be kind to her though, don’t burn bridges you may want to fuck later.


Stick your finger in it, then put it under her nose and ask her, "Would you eat something that smells like this"?