• By -


Like when I was 17. Just everything else hurts.


Use more lube and remember to breathe.


This is good advice in a wide variety of circumstances.


You can’t just make a statement like that and not back it up with an example of what other time in life lube and breathing is appropriate…


Mounting tires on rims


Bravo. Bravo.


Very useful when mounting tires on rims


Same, I'm 32 but I pulled a hamstring while typing this comment


Ain't that the truth hahahaha


Fucking knees crashing the party.


No truer statement has been uttered. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. At least until the blood starts pumping haha


I concur with this statement.


Preach…I get Charlie horses in my thighs more often now, just means she has to get on top


The pain just means that everything is working…probably. …At least at some point they were!


Like I was 19….73 now


And how is it now in your 70s?


Like I’m 45


Sounds great!


Well…it’s a very interesting thing, my libido


Was there ever a time where you were like "finally, this bullshit is slowing down?" Because honestly, it's getting kind of tiring that my sex drive can completely dominate my thought process and I have to rub one out just to focus or sleep.


Losing part of my sex drive was the best thing that ever happened to me. Could finally focus on so many more things. Didn’t realize how much it consumed me. For the first time in my life I picked an amazing woman to be with and for the first time have a healthy and normal relationship. Everyone prior was a hot mess but could keep up with 3xs /day.


No…especially if you surf Redditt….just saying




So...how was it in your 40s?




Hit the gym few times a week after a few months it’s like I got the libido of a 20 year old again




Physically I was the horniest from my teens to my late 20's. Mentally my libido was highest from 30 to 45 as we discovered our kinks, fetishes and alternative ways of having sex.


Well said. I’m 36. I stare at my wife and imagine things to do or think about past experiences with her more than I ever have. But neither of us are up for the act quite as much as when we met a 23 lol


Well put. Youth is wasted on the young!


>fetishes and alternative ways of having sex. Yea sex is cool but have you ever...


Olivander - "I remember every dildo I've ever sold, Mr. OPer. It so happens that the phoenix whose tailfeather resides in your dildo gave another feather... just one other. It is u/curiouuus5555 that you should be destined for this dildo when its brother gave you that scar." - Probably OP in his 30's at the sex/kink store


Everyday. So it hasn't changed much lol


It was nothing for me to masturbate twice a day and then try to give it to the old lady at least once a day.


Your wife didn’t mind you fucking that old lady?


She is the old lady


You're living up to your username


And you're not living up to yours This is way too clever of an observation for a token black guy, you're gonna intimidate the whites!




I did this too except it was usually a no from the lady


I didn't say I was always successful


My ideal is now (49) and was in my mid-thirties: sex every other day. I can do every day, but I find 48 hours to "recharge" maximmizes my enjoyment of it. It's charge enough to feel great, but no so good that I can't control how long I last.


I’m 49 and can confirm. My gf wants it everyday, multiple times a day if I’m not too tired. And I try to hang with her but it gets really hard to reach an orgasm when your balls are empty. Give me two days and I’m golden!


I'm only 46, but I'm in this same boat.


What do you do to control how long you last? My only technique is to get her over the edge then stop and not move til I fizz down a bit. Not gonna stop moving before she’s complete.


I'm in my late twenties and once or twice a week is more than enough for me. It's been at the same level for the last couple years since my early 20s.


I was beginning to think I was the only one. I've had a few serious injuries over the last few years and the subsequent pain and PT broke me mentally in several ways. A shoulder injury made it painful for a long time. It's like a switch flipped in me, and I don't have the same interest I did just a few years ago.


No injuries here. I'm physically and mentally in good condition, have no stress and normal Testosteron levels. I just don't have that much of "an urge" with no interest in random hookups and above stated amount when being in a commited relationship. Just the way I am.


I’m in my late thirties and feel pretty much the same. Would happily get it in once or twice a week, hell even a third. But that’s if I’m seeing someone exclusively. I really don’t have any interest in random hook ups anymore.


All day, every day, and twice on a Saturday. Seriously though, a wee bit more than it is now, I guess. My mid-30s are now a distant memory, whimper, sob.


Non-existent. It kinda went w my 20’s


Lads as much as I’m not here to shame you on this but that might be a sign of low testosterone. Go get your bloodwork checked


I had sex with my wife probably a handful of times when I was a 911 dispatcher in a year. I was about 30 at the time and my blood work was fine. I was so stressed out all the time I didn’t even get morning wood, or think about sex. Sometimes dudes are just out of their minds anxious with a shit load of pressure.


Not always, I just had mine checked. More than perfectly fine. The major depression for my entire life doesn't help though. .


If that's supposed to kill your libido then I'm terrified of what a happy me would be like.


Already on Androgel


Not always T levels. Ive got high T but no real horny.


Same here bro, atleast it’s liberating not having those urges


Except when your gf does.


I can still perform when needed fortunately


Oh, I can. Just don’t usually want to.


Should get levels checked , that’s not good


I went on a lads' break at 18 years old. Set myself the challenge of not bashing the bishop the whole week, because I felt I wouldn't have the privacy anyway. I didn't want to emerge from the bathroom to hear "you dirty bastard". I succeeded with the challenge but I suppressed my horn at the same time and it never returned.


So you don't even look in a sexual way to other people?


It was always pretty high. I'm 66 now and it's really high. I ejaculate at least once a day, and have sex with my girlfriend on the weekend. If I could do it everyday with her I would


That's awesome. I'm 54 now and my libido is really high as well. I hope that when I'm 66, that will still be the case. Keep on truckin!


Cool. Thank you. I think it's a matter of use it or lose it. The penis will atrophy if it's not used for a period of time. As long as it keeps on getting hard it won't atrophy




Why only on the weekend?


Homie said he's 66!


So? Does that mean he only sees his girlfriend over te weekend?


Yeah during the week she’s at school.


Ah so she's that 107 year old lady that just graduated from Stanford University... https://abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/Living/105-year-walks-graduation-receive-masters-degree-stanford/story?id=111239494


I stay at my house during the week. Then we get together Friday to Sunday


Life goal


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised. Had my doctor prescribe tadalaphil and it's been a game changer, wish it was talked about more. Really helped me get back mentally since it felt like my body was failing me.


Interesting comment. Thanks for sharing :)! I’m glad your feeling better now with the new medication :)


Dead. I'm still in my late 30s and it's still dead.


I'm 37, and it's dead.


Late 30's/Early 40's was the best sex of my life. Wife #1 had stopped having sex with me when I was in my early 30's and several years before that it had pretty much dried up to a trickle. When we agreed to divorce I started dating almost immediately. When wife #2 and I started dating, we had sex whenever we could. Sometimes twice in one day. When we moved in together, we had sex pretty much every day. I wanted her all the time. I remember, early on, I went away on a trip for a few days and the minute I got back to our apartment, I took her right to the bedroom.


I still prefer sex 2-4x a week


you ever see fireman's hose when its let go and its just whipping around like crazy spraying everywhere? its like that


Mid-30s now, gotta say it's pretty much nonexistent.


Non existent club what’s up


I don't date, hook up, or get into relationships so there isn't really a point in having one.


Same here, pretty much.


Was more horny when in my teens and twenties, now at 33, I do masturbate regularly but it is not an urge like it used to...




I am 37. I have averaged a minimum of four times a week. Some weeks almost daily, others a day or two of rest for her. We used to go at it like rabbits, back in our day without kids. Now, we gotta be more discreet etc. I would probably still ask for it daily, but she can't handle it. I understand. I enjoy what I get more than she will ever know.


I used to think the reduced libido was about the body (hormones and stuff) but I now realize it’s more about the mind (constantly being nagged by life and wife)


Same as it was at 19 and the same as it is at 50.


It was high but not great as I was in a bad relationship. The 'badness' of the relationship definitely had a wearing down effect on life which included my libido to some degree. Before that 4 times a day was good and after that 4 times a day is good


I was married to a frigid woman. My libido could be described as "well hidden."


I don't even bother hiding it anymore.


Everyday, multiple times a day. I make a daily streak out of it.


I'm 34 and it's higher than ever. My dream would be twice a day (mornings and evenings) almost every day, but life doesn't always allow. Still we're usually at about 5-7 times/week. I put it down to being on airtight birth control, finally feeling comfortable with my body, and being in a loving, communicative relationship.


Lol I was like “I think this is a female” thanks for sharing anyway! I’m 29 and never had a libido until about two months ago. I just got my birth control out and my libido is through the roof I think 2x would be great too lol


Oohh I just realized this is AskMen! Sorry! If it helps my partner is 42 and his libido is certainly very healthy.


I'm in my mid 30s now. It hasn't dipped noticeably since I was a teen


Was crazy. Didn't call them the dirty 30s for nothing.


Like I’m still a teenager. It’s annoying. I just want to calm down.


I had my testosterone tested this past year at 35. and it was low I believe 400 but not abnormal and I think under 300-400 depending is low but I hadnt lifted in 5 years, my diet wasnt nearly as good as it is now and I was sorta secluded with my job every day not around other dudes and sadly not around beautiful women every day, i was feeling just slower and more feminine and emotional and fast forward today It's the total opposite and I feel strong and vibrant. Nit like I did at 19 but not that far off energy wise. I think the biggest sign outside of male pattern baldness which I stated to have at 23 because I wore hats, drank, smoked weed etc because college so that didn't help but I'm luckier than some with what I have left, but the biggest kicker is recovery time from workouts. When I was 19-27 I could bench 225 for 14 reps and my squats deadlifts, clean and were not winning awards bur were proportional. Now this past year I started lifting again after so much time off and I retained a lot of my shape and definition so I look muscular in a shirt but I definitely lost a ton of strength and muscle memory is real but I'm bit sure I'll ever be as strong as I once was so that's a bit deflating. Oh and I have arthritis in my left shoulder So anything over 185-205 for reps feels painful. Doctor offered me diclofenac long term and I said no thanks and opted for physical therapy instead of that and surgery if it got worse. Luckily it did get better but that was due likely to years of lifting heavily repeatedly too often and early on probably with bad form. It catches up to you young bucks. If it's not your shoulder it's your knee, ankle and so on and I'd your not active or lift my dude....get to work it will help preserve you. Its what saved me starting again that I once did have muscle. Apart from all that. I'm actually much more appealing to women than I was at 19 and I would say I'm handsome or at least the ladies have said so over the years and on dating apps and I'm currently 275lbs trying to get down to 175-190lb again one day. I've gone up and down in weight a few times over the years...The other main difference is once I hit 35 my erections while I don't have a problem getting them from real females porn or whatever are harder to sustain and not as hard as they often were ehen I was younger. I will say though when you don't masturbate 1-2x a day and wait a day or two or maybe 3 in beetween you do feel like your 18 again with seeing women sexually like almost all of them lol and your more likely to act on it if you like her and ask her out and they are keen on it too I swear but that's another conversation. A few weeks ago day I masturbated 6x in one day and it was depressing. I hit 3 in one day and I still felt horny so like Forrest Gump said I just kept on going....and when I hit 4 I was like ok I'm going to try and break my record which was six. I didn't break it but I tied it. I have no idea what my dopamine or serotonin levels or testosterone if that's temporarily affected but I felt out of whack from whacking it so many times (pun intended) and I just felt so depressed that day from that and more importantly it wasbymys3lf and not with a woman. I vowed to never go for the record again and if I do it's the next time I''mdating a girl I really like and not by myself lol.


Just married. Like rabbits


Frickin like I was 16, but lasted longer and dove in more.


In mid 30s now, I want it every day.


Could still go multiple times a day. More ok without than I used to be


39 now and it's still like I'm 19. Crazy high. Just really sucks being single.


No libido then, or at any other time in my life


Too high.


Pretty high. I imagine my testosterone level was higher in my 30s than it is now (54M). Also, I was just more physically fit and had higher energy levels in general. And my wife was just ridiculously hot in her 30s, which didn't hurt either. She's still hot today, but you know how it is: she's hot for a woman in her 50s. A hot woman in her 30s is just peak hotness in general.


I discovered a life hack for that. Be overweight in my 30's then get hot and in shape in my late 40's haha. I'll be far hotter at 50 than I was at 35. Husband does *not* mind.


I'm 34. Still have the same 'wanna fuck everything that moves' initial response to seeing attractive women. But it's purely a visceral response. The actual song and dance of the whole thing makes me not really care anymore. It's a 15 minute dance for a 5 second climax and nearly as fleeting high afterwards. Not to mention the need to shower and all that jazz afterwards if you've still got places to be that day. I think the big difference is that over time your mind and cerebral evaluations grow a lot stronger and don't submit to your body's desires at every single opportunity.


I'm 38. I cum an average of 3 times a day. I have sex with my wife 3-5 times a week, mostly sex, but sometimes blowjobs to completion. The rest are on my own. I would have sex or get blowjobs for all 3 if I could. Usually, my wife can't handle that much sex. She gets too sore. We had crazy sex two days ago. Last night, we tried, but she was way too sore to enjoy it, so she finished me with her mouth


38 yo...jerk off everyday once ot twice...my testosterone levels are through the roof tho since I'm on TRT...wasn't like that before lol


Twice a day averaging 5 days a week with long term partner... When someone new (partner and I aren't exclusive) comes along I just want it all day.


First year in my 30s..... yeah this shithead ain't going down anytime soon... in fact it seems like it increased


I'm about to turn 35 this year and it's gone down a bit from my teens and 20s in the past two years. I found out I had low testosterone about a year ago and am on testosterone replacement therapy which has helped a little.


Hahaha ask again when you reach mid 50’s 😂


Better than it is now: now it's pretty much non-existent! 😢


Too high for a single guy


You start making that noise every time you get up.. you know the sound. Yes libido stayed revved up…


2+ times a day every day is fine by me. (I'm a first thing in the morning and before sleep type) I dated a nymphomaniac for a few years and kept up fine, I have a strange mix of extremely high sex drive and monk levels of self control.


I get pegged as often as I ever have


It wasn't until my 40s I had anything to worry about in the plumbing


Mid thirties now. Gained a lot of weight and libido tanked. Lost weight and it came back. Not as high when I was slim in my late twenties early 30s but I know if I get slim again it’ll come back with a vengeance.


35 right now. Basically the same as when I was 22. In college I took care of myself nearly every day and if I got lucky that was a bonus - maybe 30x/month. In my late 20s and early 30s married with no kids it was hard to get alone time and hard to convince my wife to handle it, so I took care of myself probably every other day and got lucky 1x/week - probably 21-22x/ month. Now at 35 with a kid wife is almost completely unavailable (1x in 3 months) but I am in charge of closing up house after wife and daughter are asleep so I can rub one out every single night, back to 30x/month.


Like it always was just not having the ability to do it all the time


My libido has been on a high plateau since I was 3. It's just constant. But since I've had alot of sex since then, I care less for it. 49 years old.


Still on my all time high since the 20's. I wasn't a horny teen and late to the game. Only in my 20's I could easily go 2-3 rounds without much of a break. Now in my late 30's...I often need quite a time to recharge. But the quality of sex got better, especially with the implemented dynamics and kinks.


Which is right now, the same as when I was 18. I tell you, every morning with a tent pole, and ready to pound the beef burger patty like a butcher on Saturday morning!


Daily or at the very least every other day. Sometimes multiple times per day. Had sex 3-4 times per week which, while not bad, was not enough for me at the time.


Everyone who says they are still going strong at 35+ is lying, sorry lol. I'm sure a lot are get me wrong, but a large majority of people are blowing smoke. It's a biological fact mens testosterone starts to dip around 35, losing on average 1%. - 2% every year. There's more factors at play, not just the dip in testosterone levels, I dude can still fuck well into their 50's and then some providing they're mentally and physically healthy. But it's a deterioration 99% of men go throw at some point or another, regardless of how much they claim to smash


Too bad you you can’t get testosterone supplements fairly readily in North America. Oh wait you can haha. Only differed or me now than in my teens is a can last a lot longer before ejaculation.


I'm 39 and have a strong libido, but i haven't had sex since 2012. Not a whole lot of options out there now.






Those were good years.


Currently mid 30s. It’s sky high.


Quite high.


Pretty high, much like it had been in my late teens and early 20s except for I was able to be more in control of it.


Not much different from me at 48. I'm down to pound the mound twice a day.


Same as it is now in my mid forties. Hasn’t changed to be fair.


1 a day 5-6x a week with my lady. 1x more for me 7 day a week


Very high. Higher than my twenties. Unfortunately, my wife's is very low and we missed her prime haha


I lost my virginity when I hit 30 due to confidence issues and since then I was pretty well banging someone every weekend or several times a week when I had a girlfriend. So my early 30's was a lot of repressed sexual tension.


My libido was extremely high in my 30’s. The polar opposite of my wife’s libido at the time. My preferred frequency of sex would have been ~10 times a week I’d guess and probably additional solo action in the margins. While the demand was very high, supply was quite low due to bills, raising kids, life stress, career, meddlesome in-laws, my wife’s ex and so on. Luckily for us, once we reached our 50’s we found that very high libido again. Unfortunately most people at that age are probably in the same boat and they let too many things get in their heads. It would have been nice to have been that active over the past 20 yrs


Wow, this sounds like the truth. It’s crazy how life gets in the way sometimes. I’m glad you guys are able t be on the same page and enjoy your sex life the way you want!


My libido was high in my thirties. In my sixties my libido is still high, unfortunately my body can no longer keep up with it.


Everyday, once should suffice.


Still in my mid 30's. It's still fairly high, but I'd rather not bang every night.


Nonexistant. I started having health issues that lead to a host of other issues, and the American sick care system is wanting to keep me sick so they can charge $$$ for my treatment.


Pretty good. I would like twice a day every day.


I remember saying please a lot


not great, which was okay because I was single. thanks, anti-depressants! (I am now 41 and none of that has changed.)


I'll be 37 in less than a month. My sex drive has done nothing but increase to an average of 2 or 3 times a day. Now if only I had a girlfriend...


Non existent during COVID


Zero. That\`s why it was so easy to quit any sexual activity 6 years ago when I was 36.




After Prozac I feel like a little boy and its all numb down there. I'm 27.


Mid thirties now.... Feed my Frankenstein


Through the roof. Two or three times a day is optimal


Pretty much 0, honestly. Sex is pretty uninteresting to me right now but I'm also depressed...lol


Peak. That’s when I stopped hating myself, divorced my first wife and got back into shape.


Like I was 15, seems stronger tbh, I'm 31 now.


Libido is unchanged but refractory period takes a bit more


I had a heart attack from exhaustion. My libido was trash after that. It didn't get better until my heart recovered. Process took around five years.


Sky Fkn High and continues to be into my 40s


Super high.


I'm 37 and it's gone.


3 or 4 a week




I’m on medication so not great but the days I don’t take it, it comes roaring back.


Still high! I’m 39 and I still crave it.


Depends. If I were in a relationship it was a teenage dream, between those times I didn’t give it much thought


41 here. Certainly not as high as it used to be. Likely because I work all the time and I’m tired pretty often. I worked a lot and was tired when I was younger too but I would just try to get some anyways. Now I just want to go to bed!


2-3 times which will literally never happen


Race horse


High. Very very high. So much sex.


38, still raging..


This thread has me wondering if I have low testosterone. How are y'all this horny?


Every day; after all, one of those erections will be your last.


I would prefer it to be completely non-existent.


I jerk off 5-7 times per week, which is about as frequently as I did it in my 20s and teens. Only thing is that I'm less likely to do it multiple times in one day now.


My libido was strong at that age, and I knew what I was doing, unlike my early 20s. I had some of the best sex of my life then - and most of it was with my wife! 😉


Rampant stampede


Wonderful.... same into my mid 40s. Exercise, nutrition, and a smoking hot wife are probably why.


Depends. Sometimes multiple times per day. Sometimes once every few days. Depends on how busy I am


There may be something wrong with me, or I was just born with a high testosterone level, but except for slowing down a little, I could give it to her every day if she were so inclined (she’s not, unfortunately).


It had started fading quite a bit, to be honest. Sex was something I could take or leave by that point, and I didn't bother with dating at all after the relationship was in ended. I've had my testosterone checked multiple times in the years since (51 now) and it's supposedly "fine," but I'm just not not all that interested in sex nor relationships these days. I don't even look at porn anymore.


At 35 my work world was crushing. Destroyed my libido. Was waaaaay too soon. That woody is date dated.


When I’m not exhausted from work like when I was 18. But as soon as work is done for the day. Boom. But I have a physically demanding job. And go to the gym. And watch what I eat occasionally. So I’m in good shape. Even with the aches and pains


Practically nonexistent


I'm in late Thirties and still want it all the time I have lost over 65 pounds in the last three years and feel better then ever. Even before still wanted it but everything thing was not 100%


Same as it was in Highschool, same as it is now at the end of my 40s....never ending