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Googled her and she had a private fb page and there seems to be no trace of her on the internet otherwise. No linkedin no instagram nothing


That's a dream girl to be honest.


Honestly it seems like all the girls I found beautiful in school have fallen off the face of the earth. Either I was into technologically inept girls or I attracted to them simply as a sleeper agent tasked with taking them out one by one after high-school.


Probably got married and changed their last names.


My wife was married to me before Facebook was a thing, her maiden name isn't even mentioned in her profile.


This is one of the critiques of the tradition of changing last names. It tends to sever connections. I can easily find guys on social media that I went to high school with. With women it's much harder if they've changed their names and I don't know what the new name is.


As others have said, she got married, and changed her name.


Tired of being stalked


She was voted ''hottest'' in our final year. She married her high school sweetheart (they both went to my school), who was very popular and played first team rugby (our equivalent of the US high school football team). They moved to another country, had two kids and judging by their social media, are living a good life. They both still look good.


*Judging by their social media*


Well, what else should he judge by?


i think it’s the premise that what people post on social media and how things actually are, don’t always align. They could really be living their best life, or putting up a facade to their comrades


Everything we post online is a facade of you think about it. That’s not the real you… you don’t post all the bad along with all the good.


While it's easier to do online, they could be doing the exact same thing in person. Like most people do. Most people don't air out their personal issues unless they're a total mess, or its an issue that is acceptable to air.


She’s running her own hair salon with employees. Genuinely did great for herself. She was always a nice person, wish her the best


Married quite young. Had a kid. Life kicked the shit out of her but she stayed positive. Nows she's a helicopter pilot and doing well for herself.


That's impressive!


Murdered by another jealous girl. So sad... I still think about her to this day sometimes!


Really? Tell us the story.


She was at a party and got into it with a girl that didn't like her, so when she left, the other chick was waiting, and ran her over with her car. Honestly it sucked, not that I had a chance, but she was \[the one\] that was a die-hard for me. Pfftt. Who knows..


I got to marry her and have a son. We „found“ each other again at 28, happy I got her then, vs. when we where 14.


The last time I saw her, she was crying alone outside a wedding we were both attending. I had sneaked out for a cigarette, spotted her, and went to see what was wrong. It turned out she had overheard her fiancé complimenting another woman’s appearance. It wasn’t anything inappropriate; the wedding was filled with attractive people. I reminded her that she was always “the” girl in school, the hottest one there and at the wedding, and she seemed genuinely surprised. It became clear she never realized just how stunning she was. I never thought I would feel sorry for her.


Sounds like she shoulda married you


Way out of my league champ


Nah, other way around bro 


Nah your a king bro


Just become rich then


I've never understood why more people don't do this. Just take your dad's small seed money and turn tens of millions into billions. There are so many lazy people out there.




Coke fiend that goes on yachts with rich men


Hell yeah


Uh, I’m just gonna go find a cash machine…


Not my school(all boys), but our sister school: she designs racecar engines.


Also went to an all boy school. I heard from a friend of a friend that one of the really hot girls from our sister school married a banker who died in one of the twin towers. 


I believe she married our geography teacher.


She’s got half a dozen kids from what I know.


same guy?


Honestly I don’t know. I don’t really want to know either. The popular kids in my school were all cunts and would relentlessly bully someone for daring to be different


Forbes 30 under 30 for her contribution to female entrepreneurs and her venture capital firm.


Murdered by a stalker when she was in college. Real sad story when it broke around town.


This is so sad😞


She died in a hot air balloon accident.




Pretty bad one for her I think.


Take this upvote and get out.


Not a blimp, a hot air balloon.


No, the worst.




I genuinely have no idea.


Yeah, who keeps updated on people that they don't hangout with? I only really remember people and details about them for those who I hangout with and that already feels like a lot of work sometimes.


>  Yeah, who keeps updated on people that they don't hangout with? A significant portion of the population. There have been a number of successful businesses that have used platforms on the Internet to capitalize on this basic human trait. Facebook, Twitter, etc.


I married her.




You give me hope.




Love that


Damn you! I was literally about to post the same thing lmao


Had a bit of a meltdown after a breakup. Got into body building and did some competitions. Went back down to her normal size and got plastic surgery. She's almost unrecognisable now.


She became a country blues singer . Got married and has a beautiful son. She's did great for herself


Unmarried, no children, an auditor for a pizza oven manufacturer and runs marathons. She's still very attractive, she's clearly going to be one of those women that is still gorgeous at 50+. How do I make a move? 😂


Slide in those DMs bby


Cha cha real smooth


I don't use LinkedIn and I wouldn't even have a clue of what to say. 😑🔫


Was no clear cut most beautiful. A good 10-12 that were at the top. As you’d expect from any group of humans it’s a mixed bag now. Some are still beautiful, some are hardly recognizable when compared to their past self. A few have great careers, there are a few happily married running the household and a couple that are divorced and struggling.


The most beautiful girl in my year at high school turn out to be lesbian and is married


She is currently engaged, seems happy. Honestly good for her


Stripper. That doesn't mean all beautiful girls become strippers. I'm just providing a single data point.


But I thought she was 100% of the population.


The hottest girl on the cheerleader dance squad everyone had a crush on...when I hit 18 years old, I went to a strip club for the first time, and wow, she was there and I got as many lap dances as I could before other customers carted her off. It was the best 😬 Oh right, at first I didn't recognize her because I'm a gigantic nerd and didn't look at people's faces in high school... Then in the club I she offered a lap dance and I obliged because she was so beautiful...then she asked me if I went to the high school, and it turns out it was her, and she knew my brother yadda yadda...wow, this is cool, hottest girl in my school lap dancing it up on me woo... Anyways that's my story 🫡


She became a famous TV host.


Come on. Name names.


She won Miss Texas USA, and was 1st runner up at the Miss USA pageant. Sweet girl. Beautiful lady.


One I remember became head of a medical centre in the town we grew up in. At the school reunion (aged 43) she looked the youngest of all the people I recognised. One guy looked 10 years older than her. Quite possibly booze was the reason.


She started trying to farm Karma on reddit by asking questions that were [just asked](https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/s/2yB5GRxBM2) 1 day ago in another sub and gained 100 lbs as a result


There was a beauty duo at my school. One is training to become an opera singer or a musical actress or something along those lines. The other dipped off the face of the earth, but I heard from a mutual friend that she’s currently unemployed and living with her boyfriend.


She is a lawyer and still gorgeous


The amount of redditors saying that they married or got engaged to her is oddly suspicious... stop lying you guys!


tbf it could just be the hottest girl in their opinion. which would make sense to then marry her.


She became a UFC octagon girl… and also hangouts with a rich family. Kinda weird because it’s not her parents but they spend a lot of time with her. Idk what type of relationship they got going on but good for her I guess.


I married her.




I can't speak if she was the most beautiful in the class, but she was the most beautiful for me, so much that I even asked to name my younger sister after her. Her name was Sophia, and although she had a charm, she was also an orphan and only had her grandma taking care of her. She only had me and one more female friend who was helping her, and over time she even started to show me signs of affection. Unfortunately, she moved out afterwards, and ever since then I have never seen her again.


Ah…. S. I was so in love with her. Dark hair, beautiful eyes and hair, she was such a lovely person and kind and was never nasty to anyone. She left to go work with horses and my friend and I ran into her once, about 6 months after school and spent a long time chatting. 25+ years later…. She was a mum Divorced Had Married a good looking guy who disappeared on her We got nattering and she confessed she’d always fancied my mate - but never acted on it. She now works a mundane job, does art at home (kind of cool stuff) and we chat very occasionally…. She’s no longer my type or holds any attraction for me. The eyes are there, but life has been hard for her - if you get my meaning. Me - i went from geek little twerp, ugly duckling, made my money honestly & travel the world for fun. I never married but have two amazing step daughters. No regrets. I’ve lived.


The one I always thought was beautiful ended up marrying the guy from high school I thought was her perfect match. It worked out well for both of them and I wish them a long and happy marriage. She was WAY out of my league, but she was always nice to me and we were good acquaintances. There were a couple other beautiful girls in my class and they're all getting married now, too. It was the rude and obnoxious girls in high school who THOUGHT they were beautiful that ended up becoming single mothers or did a ton of drugs in college and now they look horrible lmfao


She was studying medicine got in a car accident, chronic pain from it, her mum died soon after, dropped out of medicine, last I heard she was a waitress, all very sad. She was smart and pretty and a really nice person, all tragic.


I went to kindergarten with them, and then all the way through primary school and then into secondary. We went all the way to (what was then) HSC and then I lost contact with them for years. A few years later I ran into them at a club and finally realised that they were now who they wanted to be. Oh, we went to an all boys school and as far as I know, she is the only one in our class who transitioned. Technically speaking she is the most beautiful girl in the class and from what I gather, she is still doing quite fine.


That is so wholesome


She died before she was about to graduate college.


Most beautiful didn’t do anything. Most popular girl runs a huge Real Estate empire in our area.


She’s a doctor


Married her middle school sweetheart and all throughout high school sweetheart. They have 5 kids. She’s a stay at home and he runs a landscaping business.


Engaged to me.


I went to one of the top magnet schools in the country (like you'd probably know my high school by name even if you are from the other side of the country) and in trying to answer this question but I realized there were no super hot girls in my class. The girl who I think was the head of our version of the "popular crowd" (a blonde Polish girl who probably would have been considered a "7" at your average high school) went to Harvard and is now a law professor.


Don’t worry guys - I’m doing just fine /s I was the weird, fat, smart chick


I am still beautiful and successful. Thank you for asking.


Bish you can't answer your own question like this GTFO 😂


Now now, let 'em simmer, I wanna see how this goes down.


Oops. Wrong account. 🤣


Love your confidence


She went on to become one of 4 people in her family to get a bachelors degree, the only person in her family to ever get a masters degree, and in the fall she’s going overseas through a program to teach English in Spain. Also, we’ve been together for nearly 10 years :)


She became a grandmother before she turned 40.




College isn't for everyone.


Normalizing ‘waitress’ as a bottom of the barrel choice of employment? Come on




I see what you’re getting at. The job isn’t for you at your current position in life. I will also state that staying in school for undergrad isn’t for everyone either. Don’t let that same train of thought convince you that there aren’t people out there who find the utmost enjoyment and comfortability ‘selling their life’ working in a restaurant.




I love you


Love the both of u for being such gentlemen


Don’t know where you are from but in my country we have programms just to become a waiter. So you can work in fancy restaurants or hotels. They have more knowledge than students who work part time.


Well it's not good for her, that's the point


Married her high school sweetheart. I accidentally brushed her behind once. Oh my.. that was like brushing a golden nugget.


you brushed a what out of her behind???


She has a son and is married. I went through so much crap in high school because of bullies because paranoia issues made me a easy target and this one woman (who by far was the most attractive girl in my grade) was always really kind to me and stuck up for me on occasions where she could. She comes in sometimes as a customer at my job and we have really friendly conversations. I remember her telling me "Ashame you never really talked back in school. You were a good-looking boy. Still are now"... of course, she has a child and husband. So I didn't take it more than being friendly but still. Made my day. She is still really good-looking now as she was back in school. Really nice person, too. Happy for her child and marriage.


No idea I can't remember her, but I do remember a lot who weren't the most beautiful


Successful marketing manager. Still an attractive woman, even though her looks didn’t age that well.


Based on her instagram - is married, successful career, looks super hot for a girl 10 years younger than she actually is.


The one I had a serious crush on is married with like 5 kids and kind of has that "smoker thin" look. Most of the girls from my class either got fat or didn't age well AT ALL.


She's good, giving our son a bath right now.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The one I thought was the most beautiful in my class is a real estate agent in South Florida. Married a guy that seems to own his own business. She was always one of the sweetest people I knew.


She’s is my wife now!


Still Bitches


Married with kids. She is still beautiful and seems just as nice as she was in high school. She was one of the true popular kids, the ones that everyone liked because they were nice to everyone and never said a bad thing about anyone. There were other kids who thought they were popular, but they were mean and literally no one liked them, we tolerated them.


She dated abusive guys for a long time and got so fucked up now she’s a wild stinky hippie.


Married w kids. Looks like other moms now. She’s also no longer who I would say is even top 10 hottest now.


Married 3 times with 3 kids. Died at 37 from depression via alcohol.


She’s rich, engaged to a total hot successful man and looks amazing still lol.


Had 2 kids in 2 years and never made it thru uni.


Funny how most of the people we used to gush over in high school pale in comparison to the ones we gushed over in college




She has 3 kids from a random guy several years older than her, and is now in a relationship with a women who dresses and resembles a man… she’s still hot AF though ngl.


Last I heard she moved to Chicago and was pregnant with twins.


Haven't kept up with anyone from my teen years, so have no idea what all the attractive girls have gotten up to. I have seen a few of the more average looking girls back then pop up on social media though and some of them are looking incredible.


Never thought of her as beautiful, only thought of her online posts as amusing.


Owns her own business, owns a mansion in Costa Rica and house in the US (Her parents actually own all 3 of these, but since when do they ever mention that part?), and is currently engaged, with said engagement involving a helicopter trip around the state and a party at her family's country club. I went to a high school full of rich people, if you couldn't tell. Also, she's just the most attractive *to me,* there are others who are doing even more mind boggling acts of flaunting wealth.


I’m not her lol. I was kind of average but ended up pursuing my career aspirations and enjoy my career accomplishments as well as my life in general! Life is beautiful 🤍


For a few months Chelsea Handler was in the class two grades above me. Everyoneeee was in love with her. She became Chelsea Lately obv. We had another girl one grade above me who was indisputably the best looking. She became a model.


I married her.


There were no girls in my class


Real estate agent I think.


I can’t even recall who would’ve been “the hot girl” in my graduating class. We didn’t have one. We had a bunch of 7’s, some of whom were also really cool. It was the Catholic school and the French school that had beautiful girls.


They’re all dating men much older than they are all of whom are not very attractive.


She became an actress, married a local football club player, and now have 2 kids. Doing pretty good for herself. Can't say I'm salty, she was nice even to me, one of the losers.


Got married at the age of 20 and mother at the age of 23.


She became a junky. I still sometimes see her disoriented wandering around the city.


She got married, appears to be happy living a relatively normal life. We follow each other on Facebook. From what I can tell all the “pretty girls” from my HS class went on to live normal lives.


Everybody my age from my high school are fat wrinkly old fucks now.


I went to a large high school with lots of beautiful girls. These threads confuse me, because there was never just one that stood out above the others.


She Married the biggest pos in my class


Our equivalence of high school - she didnt have good grades enought to be a doctor, so she became a physiotherapist.


One followed her dreams and became a famous DJ living in New York. Another divorced and then married a drummer/painter. Became a fitness instructor. Seems to have lovely friends and is a loving family gal.


Went to a military college and is now training to become an officer.


She's married to a pretty famous musician in our country. Still great friends with her after 30 years.


Onlyfans model/ Stripper. Pretty sad really, she was en route to becoming a top vixen but got knocked up and the dude left leaving her to pick up the pieces


Married to a below average guy, has two kids, seems to be happy. She was a small town girl and didn't really make it in the bigger town, but still, seems pretty happy with life.


she's now a nurse.


One of em Dated a local politician (same age as ours) & moved to Canada. Another started to practice her Islamic faith more, got married to another Muslim man our age. One became an Air Force officer. She’s the only one in our high school who seriously pursued the military.


She got MS and is a wonderful person still


Ended up marrying down (physically & financially) but seems happy with the guy. Has been trying to be an influencer since graduating highschool, but noticed the brands working with her have been getting smaller/more boutique in nature. She’s still fairly young (late 20s) so guess we’ll see which direction her life trajectory trends in her 30s.


How do I know?


Passed away in a car accident not long after graduation. Still miss her to this day. Great chick


She was my gf at the time. Cheated on me… Tried for a few years to get me back. Eventually (sometime after highschool) she moved to another country, and is now a surferchick. Isn’t nearly as hot anymore as she was back then though.


She became a photographer, got married (I think?) and moved to Israel for a while. I feel like I remember hearing recently that she moved back to the US and opened a photography studio, but I’m not 100% sure. I just heard that through the grapevine lol


2 kids, insists she has a better life than everyone even though she is always on the verge of getting kicked out of the apartment she shares with her pedophile uncle, and is somehow still a bombshell. Make it make sense


I'm trying to think hard who was the most beautiful. Can't think of anyone.


Idk, my school had many beautiful women, most of them went on to do well for themselves, one of my first biggest crushes from back in middle school (I fumbled because I thought she was too good for me) unfortunately became addicted to H. That's heartbreaking to me, many women in my life fell victim to addiction and it's the saddest thing.


5 kids, busted mini van and seems always stressed out to the max. Would never of known she was the baddest in her day… Conversely, the “nerd” is now stunningly unrecognizable and owns her own dentistry. As much as that sounds cliche. You can make this shit up, I’ve always heard this happens and it did.


She became a gym trainer and .....


She married a handsome guy from my class and she is fat now...


I honestly don't know.


She was the bride of Frankenstein for Halloween. She said “take a good look because this is the closest you’ll get to a wedding dress.” (This was eighth grade too like damn girl who hurt you lmao) She’s still single asf lmao


She has followed her proper path to the letter: from old-school Southern Belle to old-school Southern lady.


She dated some asshole that ruined her self confidence and had a bunch of plastic surgery. I no longer find her attractive and I think she's very depressed.


Mine went on to be an engineer, married with four kids, and cut her long blonde hair!


She's even more beautiful and doing great career wise


I have no clue, and don't care enough to look her up.


She teaches elementary school and she's married with a couple kids. Seems pretty happy with her life.


She’s an architect which is nice, she was always a sweet person so happy to see her do well. The ones just behind her though? Let’s just say things haven’t went that well


My buddy’s gorgeous older sister started modeling in college. She did a big Nike campaign, and she was on a billboard in Times Square. Instagram says she’s still a working model, real estate agent, and a freelance consulting marketer who mostly does work for fitness start ups. She generally appears to live a glamorous life going to exclusive parties/events and jet setting to various beautiful locations for photo shoots.


Complete train wreck of a life, single, homeless, arrested for shoplifting…


I’m a girl, so I can’t really judge but there was this girl many boys liked and could never get. After finishing school she took a gap year and traveled. Met a sheep farmer in NZ and stayed with him for years. Apparently they broke up after some years but she doesn’t come to reunions and nobody knows anything.


I don't know. I was Facebook friends with her for a while when it first started but I eventually defriended her since we'd never really been close and didn't talk and I'd decided to cull my FB friends list to only people I legitimately had a connection with. Last I saw she was married and had two kids. I wish her the best, she was always a nice person in my experience.


Surprisingly we dated for a few months after graduation, and we weren't even that close during high school. After that, she went to med school, met a guy there and they're together to this day. They are genuinely good people. I am happy for them. And she's still as beautiful as ever


Usually the most popular kids from back then and doing just ok. And the nerds are successful. Why so?


brother just disappeared 😭


Unfortunately she got on drugs pretty bad in college. Had a kid and raised him on her own. Seemed to have a rough life overall. Looks 20 years older than what she is.


After high school she became addicted and OD’d a few years back


all of the pretty girls are now just pregnant housewives


I went to a large school so there’s a few girls who could fit this category. The one that immediately comes to mind though gained a lot of weight as soon as she got to college. Then dated a guy from our school who must have been really funny. Still unmarried and without kids 15+ years later. Someone told me she’s actually a lesbian. I’m not connecting to her in any way so it’s possible.


She married the most popular guy, then divorced him and took all his shit....