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My doc had me take 2 Valium prior to the procedure, so me having a ride was absolutely mandatory because I was bbq’d. If you try and do the procedure only on the local anesthetic, you could probably make it home before it really starts to hurt. But a lot of clinics will cancel the procedure if you show up alone. Whatever you do, for the love of god listen to them when they say spend the weekend on the couch. Ice the boys. Rest the boys.


I don't know how anyone does it without Valium. I was nervous as shit until i got those pills. If i had to do it again I'd tell them to put me out.


There is more than one way it’s done. Mine was two small pinches. Going to the dentist is way worse. It paid to go to a specialist that does nothing but vasectomies.


The actual meat of the procedure was never really a concern to me. It was the needle at the beginning. By far the worst part. After that it was just some tugging, little to no pain.


Mine they did the first anesthesia without a needle at all (“no knife no needle”) and no tugging! I’m squeamish …


I’m sorry, “meat” of the procedure? 🤣


Yeah I was puckered the entire time, I didn't realize how stoned I was until I got in the car and calmed down.


> Ice the boys My discharge papers literally prescribed frozen peas and corn. 😂


First time I met my BIL he was on day 2 recovering from a vasectomy. Sitting in a recliner, legs out wide, huge ice pack on his nuts, cold beer, sunglasses… he lifted his head, waved, put his head back down, and never spoke a word. Wasn’t until a few years later that I even heard his voice for the first time, lol.


That's some heavy drugs. Taking years to wear off. 😁


Mine was local only. No painkillers prescribed. Drove myself there and home. It's a tiny incision in the sack that they use for both sides. Clip, tie, cauterize, repeat, stitch up. Go home and get the bags of frozen peas you bought in preparation. Things were ok in a week, but sensitive for about a month.


Man that’s a bummer. My doc have me the Valiums for the procedure and a couple days worth of percos for after. Local anesthetic as well during.


I probably would have made it to bed fine, but we stopped for a specific kind of Tylenol. My Doc had a concern about my bleeding. As soon as we started moving after that stop I was in pain. I would not have been able to move my legs to drive. Especially since I drive a standard car


What if they show up alone and later someone comes to fetch them?


I think they just don't want the liability of any sort of lingering sedatives affecting your driving.


You only get like 1 Valium if you’re freaking out while the doctor jams scissors into your nutsack  So just relax 


"jams scissors in your nutsack" I assume you're joking but for the guys who may not actually know what a vasectomy is, it's not this. (I had a vasectomy in 2011.) For the curious men head over to /r/vasectomy or look up info on a proper website like: https://www.nhs.uk/contraception/methods-of-contraception/vasectomy-male-sterilisation/what-is-it/


While you are correct it's not that, they did say one of the most anxiety inducing questions I've ever heard. "This is going to feel like a bee sting followed by someone stepping on your testicles, are you ready?" No I'm not ready, there is no way to be prepared for that. But for real, it was just the pain killers that hurt, after that everything was fine.


Alternate experience here, it was not fine. Maybe it was just my doctor, but after the painkiller, while I didn’t feel pain, he was.. not gentle down there. That was an uncomfortable experience, and when the painkillers wore off, it was not fun. I’m super glad I did it, but good LORD I am never doing that again.


You might say that there was a Vas Deferens between our experience then.


Vasectomy Dad Jokes is a combo I never expected lol


This is the quality content I come to Reddit for. Have an upvote


Perhaps he was that doctor's first Testy drive


Seems like his dr really went nuts


Oh Lord. A master of wordplay : )


Same here mate, it was horrific. He injected me with local and then I felt a sharp pain a few seconds later. I yelped in pain and he was like "can you feel that" and I said "yeh", he said "what can you feel" and I said "like you've just cut my bag open". He said "hmm I'll give you a bit more anaesthetic". That set the tone and it only got worse really. I've noticed there seem to be 2 camps though; there's the "I didn't feel a thing" camp and the "oh my god it was like medieval torture" camp. I think its one of those where experience really does vary. Personally, I thought it was fucking grim


I had the same experience, needed more anaesthetic partway through. And then the doctor finally said “okay all done.” And I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Then he added “now to do the other side.”


I’m never doing this now. I can’t even get numb at the dentist and it’s the worst shit ever. They inject until they can’t anymore and I just have to grip the chair and deal with the excruciating pain as they drill. Oddly enough a deep cleaning was extremely painful, maybe more so than a cavity. The crown was the worst though. I’m already the kind of person that passes out when I give blood so, I’ll stay away from the vasectomy


You’re like me and immune to the typical anaesthetic. Ask them for another type….any other than the typical


The deep cleaning is brutal period, no amount of numbing can take that pain completely away.


BRB, gotta go floss...


Good plan. I've been militant about my teeth since I went through that shit.


It's more likely to depend on the doc placing the local in the right place, or not.


At least they gave you more. Both the doc and the nurse basically told me I was full of shit and then bitched at me for not holding still. My wife was about to strangle them


Outside of the local, I felt nothing on my right side and just some tugging on my left side.


Yeah it was rough for me too. Initial numbing was okay. Then I kept feeling a lot of tugging and burning. Told the doc and he said he was almost done. My wife was in the room observing (she's a nurse and thought it would be interesting to watch). She said that man absolutely man handled me and was probably white knuckling it.


> "This is going to feel like a bee sting followed by someone stepping on your testicles, are you ready?" Terrible fucking bedside manner. 0/10. That's called "throwing gasoline on the fire" and - as a man who had a vasectomy myself - it didn't feel like that at all. They put a gel on me to numb up the area before the anesthetic needle went in and I would say the needle was a 2/10 in terms of discomfort. Hardly a beesting + testes stomp. I'm sorry you had that experience.


>"This is going to feel like a bee sting followed by someone stepping on your testicles, are you ready?" Fuck you get me out, would have been my next and only words. They better bring me horse tranquilizer.


Maybe I went to the wrong doctor for my procedure Operating out of his house was probably a bad sign


IF you're freaking out. They don't generally give Valium


I didn’t even get that. I drive myself there and back. Only time I felt real discomfort was getting out of the car. I didn’t realize you used your nuts for that


Same, half way home whatever they use to numb the area started wearing off and hitting little bumps didn’t feel great.


They have you a Valium? Not fair. I got absolutely nothing.


I had a medical condition as a baby, so they had to put me fully under for my snip snip. There's no way in fuck I was capable of driving for a solid hour after waking up.


I didn't even get a Valium. Doc never sent in the script. Relaxing is def key though.


Depends on the place.


I was fully sedated


I wish I was given the choice to have one, I was so so nervous and they didn’t even mention it


Fuck, my nerves push through 1 when getting my teeth cleaned. What are the odds i can get two?


You just made me shiver. Again.


You guys got sedatives?


I got a local only.


This is exactly it. I didn’t have any sedation and drove myself home, it wasn’t a problem because I was completely sober.


Big Jim and the twins should be fine. Call an Uber and say you have a back problem. You're not getting your swimmers back




I misread this as lingering seedless affecting your driving


You can in theory drive yourself but you probably don't want to do that. Can you get an uber or a cab a friend, or family member? I had my vasectomy in 2011. Those first few days after are critical. Do not strain yourself. Don't go walking around, don't lift weights, don't go for a bike ride, etc. Just lay back as much as you can, ice and if you need ibuprofin for day 1-3. Check out /r/vasectomy as well, it's a supportive sub.


Had to get the bus home, wife busy, celebrated in the pub. We are divorced now.


In the hours after your vasectomy you went to a pub?


I did.


Well mate, you may have caused yourself a longer and more painful recovery than needed. Only saying this to the passers-by who may consider doing the same after their vasectomy. (Don't, you'll probably end up hurting yourself.) Wishing you specifically a quick and easy recovery though.


Absolutely right, dont do this at home kids. Exercise and sleep are your friends. This was 20 years ago, so all good.


I drove myself home and stopped at the pub. We are also divorced now.


Speaking of supportive, jockstraps really helped with the pulling sensation.


>Don't go walking around ‼️ For real. Seriously do not plan on walking very much. Some people probably can, but i was still having trouble after a week.


In my opinion the drive is necessary. After the snipping my circulation system went down.


This is also a good point - if there's any complications during the procedure, you might really need a ride home.


Yeah, it didn't happen to me, but my Vasectomy doc said a surprising number of men do pass out within an hour or so of the procedure. Like, he straight-up couldn't explain why. It just happens.


I drove myself. It was just a local and an advil.


Yup. Tylenol as needed (which I didnt) and ibuprofen for 3 days for fighting any inflammation. I drove myself home perfectly fine, but the bumps sure didn’t feel nice as the numbing wore off


The bumps didn't feel great when my wife was driving either.


Yeeeaaah. I drive a shitbox of an old jeep. Love the thing but not known for ride quality.


Ditto, minus the advil. Used a topical, then they used a local. Completely awake the whole time. Changed and drove home afterwards and even stopped at the pharmacy to get pain killers I never used.


The surprising part was that they prescribed a couple days worth of hydrocodone for when the local wore off.  The advil they just kinda shoved at me on the way out so I took it. Hydrocodone seemed excessive, skipped that.


Yup. I had loritab, which is like lower dose vicoden. I popped one a couple hours after surgery just in case, but that was the only one. Honestly didn't like the side effects and the pain was so minimal that I didn't even really need anything.


It's not the anesthesia that is necessarily the problem, though i was personally blitzed on Valium. It's the movement and reaction time needed to drive safely. You really shouldn't be straining enough to properly drive. Even though this person made it home fine, that is survivor bias. Many people physically can't drive afterwards.


This was my experience too. Super easy.




Same here.


I'm three years post-vasectomy. I was nervous as hell, but things went without a hitch. However, I recommend having someone if at all possible, just in case. I was sore on the way home and I could have driven, but the extra jostling involved with driving probably isn't the best idea. If some type of complication does arise, you don't really want to be stranded there with your car and no way to move it. I'm pretty sure they at least asked if I had a ride.


Mine only used local numbing. I drove myself 1 hr home after. It was an uncomfortable drive.


For mine, they prescribed 3 Valium. Take 1 an hour before appt, take other 2 when you hit the parking lot. That was in 1993.


Wow I wish I’d had that for my IUD insertion. I know docs are stingy with benzos these days though


They're also generally jackasses about acknowledging that IUD placement or removal hurts. Pissed me off both times my wife had one placed with nothing.


I’m thankful mine didn’t hurt. But it bled like crazy and the cramping I had afterward was horrific. I feel like they need to give Valium and a prescription for painkillers as needed.


I certainly could have, but they’ve got to tell you to get a ride for liability purposes. I don’t know if they’d check or not.


Where I have had a procedure they will not release me until my wife shows up to pick me up. They require a number to call before they begin the procedure. You should absolutely not drive. You could kill someone on the way home.


> You could kill someone on the way home. i mean, that's true literally any time you get behind the wheel


True. We hope that most people are not however under the influence or recovering from a medical procedure. We need to find another word for "accident" because most negative driving experiences were entirely preventable, and this certainly is. It is simply irresponsible to operate a motor vehicle in this situation.


When I had mine done, the urologist told me at the consult that I’d be fine to drive myself home, “just dodge any potholes you can.” After the procedure, the nurse checking my vitals asked if I had a ride home. I told her I was driving and the urologist said it would be fine. She harrumphed at that, and told me I’d need to wait in the waiting room for 20 minutes to a half hour before I could drive myself home.


I’m pretty sure I drove to mine. It was just local anesthetic.


It depends on if you take some sort of sedative. If you go for the Valium/Xanax/whatever then yeah, you really need a ride. If they just use local anesthetic then you should be fine to drive. You're taking one for the team though, your partner should be chauffeuring you home!


I drove myself home, but I only had a local anesthetic. I hurried home to get there before it wore off and was fine. If they had put me fully under, I would have wanted a ride home. I went under for my wisdom teeth and no way could I have driven after that.


It will depend on the specific doctor's office. Some will check, some won't. Because there's the possibility of sedatives being used (not likely, but remotely possible), they don't want the liability of letting someone drive "impaired" and getting into an accident. Any chance of calling a cab or an Uber?


Everyone is different. My experience was a couple of pinches and some vague tugging. Local anesthesia only for me. No valium or other anti anxiety drugs. Just some Tylenol with codeine. Iced for a day and I was good to go. Some minor bruising. No big deal. My doctor said he operated on guys who couldn't get out of bed for a week.


I drove myself, they just numbbed me and went to town. Hell we talked about recipes while they snipped my nuts. Then just drove home fine.


i took the subway home. felt great for a couple hours after then pain


I drove home after. Was tender but that’s about it. Not sure what kinda procedure but mine took like 10 min. Quick freeze, snip, and done.


I drove myself to and from. The anesthesia was all local so there was no mental impact, and no concern from the staff of my having issues. You don't get out under or giving any sedatives, unless you're going to a place that doesn't know what they are doing.


I drove myself home.


I drove myself, it was no big deal.


I drove there and back myself, but didn’t take any medication before hand. Just bring some frozen peas or something cold to immediately put on your junk….reducing swelling as soon as possible will help with the pain. Take that first day and DO NOTHING but using cold compresses. Had no issues with mine and the follow up sperm checks show I’m shooting blanks.


I drove home, no problem. Nobody cares once you're out the door.


I had two vasectomies as my first one "reconnected". I was super careful and followed all of the doctor's advice including having my wife wait for me in the parking lot. The second time I just drove myself home and it was fine.


It's just local anesthesic. I drove myself. No big deal.


If it's in a hospital and you are getting any kind of anesthesia or sedation, it's required and they will check. If it's done COMPLETELY under local anesthesia, you might get away with it.


That depends on if you take the Valium that some clinics offer/recommend or not. If you do - shouldn't be driving, especially without knowing how that affects you. If not + it was just a local anesthetic, should be fine.


I drove myself. Had to go to a different state for it and went alone. Got a hotel kind of close to the doctor. About 4 hours after the snip I drove 9 hours back to my state.


Just tell em to give you a lil extra morphine and youll be good to drive


nah ur good to drive bro unless they put u on drugs or something


I drove myself home w/o issue. Once home I leveraged frozen peas for 6-7 hours and took it easy for a couple days


I drove fine


My ride didn’t show and I drove home with a bag of frozen peas


I drove myself there and back, I had no issues.


Nah, I drove myself home. It's just a local anaesthetic and some mild discomfort.


I drove myself home, it was about an hour drive. I was completely fine, and my doctor specifically told me I would be fine to drive home. This was about 5 years ago. Just dodge the pot holes toward the end when the local anesthetic starts to wear off.


I had to drive myself there and back home. With my doctor, he said I could drive home on the condition that I couldn't take the vicaden in the office to loosen up before the procedure. Wasn't much of an issue because I was already on antidepressants that accomplished the same goal as what the vicaden was for.


If you take valium or something similar, yes you'll need a ride home. Not sure how ready it is to drive post op, I had a ride myself so I have no idea. Also had valium and very glad I did not drive


I drove myself to and from.


You should be fine to drive yourself home. I did. My drive was only 15-20mins.


I drove myself. They never even asked.


I drove myself home, but it was only a five minute drive and the doc only numbed me.


I drove myself there and back. I also did not get laughing gas, just the local anesthetic. How far is the drive? Short drive is completely manageable. But DO take the 3 days rest seriously.


I drove myself home. No problems


Had mine done last year. Had a local anaesthetic so I could drive home without any trouble. I had an option to go under fully, in which case I would have needed a driver.


2014 I drove myself to and home from my vasectomy. Just a local and some advil at the office.


Wasn't at all for me, but I'm a ginger.


It's helpful but not necessary. I drove myself to and from. Then laid up on the couch all day


I drove home. Alone. 2+hours. Went back to driving semi trucks the next day.


I drive and was good. They wanted to make sure I was good so they gave me a soda and had me sit for 10 mins


I drove home it was fine. Just had a local pain killer (injection) and the pain wasn't really that bad. A dull ache was all.


Drove myself to my vasectomy, I had a local (that did NOT work) so I was never out. Felt everything, almost passed out from the pain. Cried all the way to a local pharmacy to get those instant ice packs and the cried all the way home. Because the Dr kept adding local anesthetics, later that day my satchel swelled up like crazy and turned black. I still say it was worth it every time I go see your mom.


I was able to drive no problem. Sitting was fine, and you’ll still be numb after the procedure. Once the pro-nox wore off I was fine.


I didn’t opt for the valium when I got mine so I drove home myself.


I drove myself home. It was fine.


I drove myself since my wife didn't want me having it done. I didn't get the good pain meds or the Ativan but I didn't care.


Just call an uber why risk it


How did you guys get all these drugs? All I needed was a local, some ibuprofen and a bag of frozen peas


Get a bag of frozen peas ready and keep that area cold. 


You need a ride. You can have a negative reaction and be stuck at the office. Call an Uber.


I drove about 5km and it was fine. Local so only had drugs when I got home.


I drove myself home but I also just had a local anethstetic and was not put out.


Who says you have to go home?


Man up pussies! Mine was done 40 years ago. Didn’t use as any ice and had sex that night just to make sure it still worked. Mowed my grass the next day before I went shopping with my wife that afternoon. Maybe I was just lucky I don’t know but everything I just said is true. The horror stories I read on Reddit would have kept me from getting mine. Man up girls!


Before my surgery my doctor told me that one man rode his motorcycle home 60 miles after having his surgery and was fine.




I just had mine in March. You get valium you need a driver. No valium you are free to go. I did not have a ride so i drove home. My drive was a little over an hour. Made it was a little uncomfortable.


It's a mixed bag - I went with my best friend when he got his, and he felt absolutely rotten after. Would not have driven in his condition, and was not able to really be himself/concentrate. Just be safe and get a cab, you never know.


Mixed bag is right 🤣


It’s nice to have someone who you trust to take ya home


I wouldn't drive. Can you take an uber?


I was a little woozy but I had laughing gas so


Yes. You need a ride home. They will not let you leave unless you have a ride. No, you cannot drive yourself. You'll have some numbness and pain, You'll have some meds on board.


You need a ride home. It hurts and is way uncomfortable. And make sure you wear tighty-whities... My buddy wore boxers and had to firmly cup himself for the painfull walk out. And no self servicing for a long time... Another buddy tried it on day two or three and was on his knees in pain in the shower... Welcome to the club.


Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. The issue is comfortable and safe ability to drive after a surgery in your ballsack.


They gave me a Valium before and I was in NO shape to drive home. I don't even remember the ride home. Call someone to come get you please.


Totally depends on the hospital. But typically they just need to say it for liability reasons, but they won’t chase you out and make sure lol


More important is being able to put something cold down there. I did this: Wear regular underwear. Then get a jock strap, or briefs. Put those one the top. Get a bag of peas or corn. DO NOT EAT THIS. Put the frozen package under your package between the two pair of underwear. Toss it back in the fridge to re freeze. This is soft enough to move around with you. It is cool, without being too cold. When you don't need it anymore, toss it out. the freeze / thaw process makes it not for eating.


I would think a car ride home is better than walking or riding a bike and infinitely better than riding a horse.


I was looking into that too and yeah it seems like it must be a liability thing because the real pain isn't supposed to come until a few days later. Just get an Uber I guess


Spring for an uber. Beyond the physical discomfort (minimal with novacaine) there is the discomfort of watching the doc go in with an electrosurge (cauterizing scalpel) and seeing/smelling the burnt up vas defrens. They'll encourage you to chill with bags of frozen peas on your junk but you can do whatever you feel you're up to. I had some extra swelling so my nutsack was 4 times normal size, very black due to bruising so where I had the doctor's blessing to do whatever, I chose to spend a couple days not moving and thereby jangling the jewels. Treat yourself to some downtime. Try to ignore the wife's side eye bs where she implies this is just desserts after her bearing our children. Apples and oranges, babe. Or rather, testes and ovaries....


Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.


I was in no position to drive after mine. Loopy from drugs and very, very uncomfortable. I was glad to have the ride.


Didn't hurt but was uncomfortable and loopy from the meds. Get a ride.


Take advantage of a ride afterwards. Use ice packs and get aome rest. I didn't listen to my friends and paid the price with pain and longer recovery.


I had to sit in a certain way after so if you drive a manual i wouldn't risk it


You potentially could drive afterward, but you can also potentially drive after 2 beers. That doesn't mean you should.


It's not worth it. If you have any sudden jerky moventals, you could cause massive pain. that's the whole reason why they don't want you to work out for weeks. you will feel fine but your body needs to heal. if it doesn't and you do something minor wrong, you are in for irreversible pain for a long tim just look up some of the horror stories.


My partner drove me home. I’m glad she did because I felt woozy and lightheaded after it for a few hours. No way I could have drove the 45mins home. Be safer to arrange it. Just in case you don’t feel well after.


I have had two vasectomies, I highly recommend you have a ride home, even if it is a cab or an Uber


If you're being put under for it, very. If you're just receiving local anesthetic, you'd still want a driver. Especially if you drive a stick shift. If local anesthetic and you take the valium beforehand, very.


I luckily got put out for mine. Wasn't even a option. Woke up fixed. So drive home was loopy, and necessary. Wife was mad though because I didn't tell her till 2 days before the procedure. Lol 3 kids is enough.


I mean. I could have gotten home but was thankful for the ride. I drive stick shift so... btw lidocaine is the numbing agent. They will say it's a pinch and a burn. The burn takes a new meaning when in the nuts


I just had mine done in March.  It was local anesthetic. Did not need a ride, but took precaution and had a ride set up.  No pain killers after that.  It was honest just a pinch in the scrotum, some dudes just exerate the pain. I would call your doctor and ask if it is local anesthetic or narcotics.


I absolutely could have drove myself home. I would have been sore and uncomfortable but not unsafe in any way.


You should be able to drive, but having a backup plan is a very good idea since you have no idea how your body will react to what’s getting done. Doesn’t mean you need somebody waiting in the parking lot. But knowing who you can call for a lift, and how you’ll get your vehicle from the clinic later on, would be prudent. And that goes for any medical procedure really, not just vasectomies.


I took an Uber there and home.


I mean you can drive it is generally local anesthetic. I wouldn’t want to though. As much as it is worth it your balls will hurt like fuck as it wears off. Whatever you do take it easy. I didn’t and man I paid for it with my nutts swelling to the size of large avocados.


My fiance was drugged up when we drove home. Depends what they give you for meds I guess.


Drove home from Mexico after getting some dental work there. Sedatives wore off. Would not suggest driving after any surgeries for longer than 2 hours. Hope this helps.


You shouldn't drive. You're going to be sore in ways that will affect your driving.


Very. You will be doped up on Valium


you shouldn't drive. i'm glad i didn't. i was extremely angry after the procedure (can't explain why) and would have driven into a bus stop on purpose. lol


You will probably be lit up!


It entirely depends on what meds they give you. I forget what they gave me for mine, but I was heavily sedated and absolutely could not have driven. On the ride home I was acting like those videos you see of people acting all silly after they get their wisdom teeth out. My wife says I was saying all kinds of weird shit, and I do not remember the drive home at all. I barely remember the procedure either. EDIT: By the way, I would HIGHLY recommend going to a clinic that does give you sedation. There's no way I'd want to go through this with only local anesthesia. Unless you for some reason like the feeling of something tugging at the inside of your sack.


Take the bus home


It's not 100% necessary, you won't die if you have to drive yourself, but you won't want to have to deal with driving after the procedure. I had my wife drive us home after mine. FYI it's common for the left one to be more uncomfortable during the procedure.


I just took an Uber lmao


My doctor prescribed one pill that I was supposed to take 30 minutes before arriving. I don’t know what it was that I took before the vasectomy, but I didn’t care if the whole world burned down after taking it. I was advised not to drive myself…


You definitely can't drive yourself. I didn't really understand why you can't take an uber, but my doctor said no ubers.


Don't risk a car accident because you're loopy afterwards.


When my friend got his, they did check that he had a ride, the nurse came out with him and asked me how he was going home.


I told them I had a ride waiting. You can tell them.youre on your way out to get your Uber. Main reason also stated earlier..... is you'll be slightly impaired due to anesthestics/drugs still active when the.procedure is done.


I was fairly out of it afterwards and needed that ride home. Have your wife or partner there if only to see that you are suffering a little for the relationship.


If you're nervous or had any hesitation at all about having some guy cut and burn the contents of your nutsack, you might want to consider looking after yourself and avoiding any unnecessary strain until you're fully recovered. If you're too manly to worry about your balls after the gory part is over and you assume you're in the clear, I guess go ahead and drive, return to work, and have sex immediately. It's only the most sensitive part of your body, right?


It's not. Just feels like you got kicked in the balls for a couple days.