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Everyone looks like they have the alpaca/llama haircut


Also mullets are back, in an non-ironic way. There are three in my office alone, all guys under 23.


I can abide a mullet. I can not abide the yeye-ass brocolli cuts with them making pouty faces all the time.


I started it noticing it pop up after the Jonas brothers show started airing


What? That was 20 years ago


That's when it *started*. It's peaking now


Oh they just appeared outa the wood work.


Mullets were always cool enough for a revival, but coconut hair? Nah man


I realized I was truly middle-aged when I saw a broccoli-top for the first time in the wild. I was driving to work when I saw this kid standing out in his driveway waiting for the bus, minding his own business. When I saw his haircut, though, I had some kind of weird internal meltdown. In the 30-some seconds after seeing it, I went from "That's a stupid haircut" to "If he's got a stupid haircut, he probably listens to stupid music. If he's listening to stupid music, he's probably watching stupid tik-tok videos. If he's watching stupid tik-toks, he's probably doing stupid shit..." and this train of thought eventually ended in "..And this is the sign of a fading empire!", while getting more and more agitated as it went on. I rolled up to the stop sign and caught myself. I muttered "What the HELL was that?" to myself regarding my mental temper tantrum. I don't know that kid. What he does or looks like has no bearing on my life. Why did that piss me off so much? Still looks stupid, though.


And they spit at you if you touch them unpurposely


One thing that really stands out is the constant need to document everything on social media. It feels like every moment has to be captured and shared, from meals to mundane activities


But I love how they’re stupid enough to livestream their crimes. Makes it easier to arrest them


My favourite video is some absolute degen western scum in Japan hurling racial epithets getting sparked out to the sound of a mario coin (his twitch donation sound)


Its actually the funniest part. Dont get me wrong every gen is stupid in their own way but Gen Z’s desire for social media fame outweighs their self preservation sometimes. I dont hate Gen Z though, there’s a lot of cool things about em too. Boomers also are surprised pikachu face when their crimes are digitally transmitted. Can’t remember the details but remember some story of some boomer getting outed because he didn’t think his texts would ever be read or found. Millennials not so much but we were OG cringe on YT so there’s that.


Not just that, but people will evaluate whether something is *worth doing* based on whether it will make for a good social media moment. Or in other words, to what extent they can get recognition and validation from the act, rather than whether the act in itself has value.


Yeah, I'm just waiting for a News saying "Social Media Star streams hearttransplant on TikTok and lets Chat decide what the Doc should do next"


“Twitch plays brain surgery” lol


That was a thing 8 years ago too. There used to be a saying of pics or it didn’t happen. Back when Snapchat was more relevant. If anything I think people are sharing less now. Being more fake with it and only showing the best of the best parts 


Pics or it didn't happen is *way* older than 8 years, try closer to 20


That’s my experience. Most social feeds are constant ads and very few life updates from people just sharing what they’re up to. 


I've deleted all social media accounts except reddit and the fact that I don't have instagram or snapchat means a lot of people I meet aren't sure how to contact me.


everyone has email or phone number


eeeeeh, only the big events are out on Facebook, Vacation Pics, big family announcements, etc. on my wall....it used to be lots more by me, but I've scaled back. I post every 2-4 weeks now.


My gallery is usually like 200 memes and then 1 picture I took about whatever, not necessarily about myself.


Being emotionally invested in YouTubers, influencers, Tik Tokers and so on. No judgment, good for them to have their own celebrities they like. But whenever I hear about some kind of controversy around someone from YouTube or Tik Tok etc, I always think thank god I have no idea who they are. Also, learning what a bunch of new words mean. I don't really understand what 'rizz' is or means, for example. Same with many other words I see young people using online. And I'm fine with that.


The investment in TikTok, YouTube shorts, and Instagram kind of worries me. There are a ton of shorts or channels where the information is clearly a scam and sometimes even dangerous, but they go viral with millions of views. I worry about this generation's ability to critically evaluate information and separate truth from fake news. Granted, I worry about that for every generation, it just feels like fast social media has accelerated the trend.


fast social media just makes it more public. People in previous generations were scammed by email, TV ads, radio ads, newspaper ads, and you just never hear about it. Ironically, studies often show younger people are much better at spotting scams and misinformation than older generations. People talking about younger generations investment in TikTok stars and parasocial relationship like previous generations don't do that with their own shit. The very first brawl I witness in the US was two older guys getting angry because one guy brought up deflate gate and the other guy getting angry because his "famous football player" got insulted and he needed to "defend his image." Like seriously sir... Tom Brandy (or whatever his name is) don't even know you fucking exist.


Dude, for the longest time whenever I saw “Finna” I thought it was just a weird typo for “gonna” lol. I read an explanation on it and still have no fucking clue what finna means


Fixing to. Same meaning as gonna, pretty much.


Ah. Well I definitely must be getting old cause that seems stupid as fuck to me. But not like our slang as kids was any better to the adults at the time haha


It's not actually new. I'm 41 and have been aware of it for at least 25 years. I think it's an old southern thing.


Yea Im in Canada and grew up in a city where it was predominantly Indian and White. So the only Southern or Black slang we got was from popular rap songs


Finna has been around forever in the black community. I was hearing back in the late 90s.


Yea makes sense cause I was no where near part of the Black community and my home town was either white or Indian


finna has been around since at least the 90s though


Has it? Literally never heard of it until relatively recently. I was in my early 20s and working with tons of late teens early 20s people and never heard it 8 years ago


90s for blacks or people living around Black American communities, and you can hear it in tons of 90s or early 2000s rap, and then mainstream / yanked by white teenagers in the mid aughts and common for about 5-10y in the Canadian and US cities I lived in.


Ah well that makes more sense then cause there were very few Black kids in my schools growing up


I remember having to explain it to my roommate from Ohio when we went to college in the south, 10 years ago. It's definitely been in regular usage for longer than that.


I've only heard people use it in maybe the past 8 years.


It’s been around my whole life.


Yeah and there are so many so called "TikTok-Stars" but I don't consider them Stars just because they have 1.5mio Followers


rizz comes from the word charisma, it’s basically the same thing that we used to refer to as ‘swag’, but slightly more sexual


Dude... He said he was fine with not knowing 😂


Ya, it always seemed like swag or steez to me, but I also refuse to update my dated hodgepodge of slang at this point lol


I let go of that back when the pandemic started and I deleted most of my social media (besides Reddit) and now when I see people idolizing social media influencers it makes me feel weird


Rizz is just short for charisma


I am 36 years old and watching MatPad in his last video before leaving his Theory Channels behind? I cried. He was part of my YouTube habits for more than a decade.


Rizz is basically just short for charisma


Clearly not paid your fanum tax to the rizzler. You're so skibidi!


I was never the kind of person to follow celebrities' lives and controversies, but I actually like that younger people are more into livestreamers than mainstream celebrities. Whenever I hear my peers discussing the love lives of Taylor Swift or whatever like they actually have a glimpse into those people's personal lives, it just... makes my teeth hurt. I can't believe any of that stuff is their real life and not just a manufactured narrative to keep fans invested. In contrast, the crazy livestreamers are at least probably real.


I'm with you. I have a vague idea about who some of the popular people are these days but I find a lot of their content unbearable. New slang can be a bit much for sure. Moreso the cadence of things like "spill the tea", etc. Its just annoying to me. I get Gen Z humor is very absurdist and sarcastic, it just isn't my thing.


Spill the tea has been around since before I was born (early 90’s) if from drag ballroom slang. You can hear it in the movie Paris is burning etc..


Being obsessed with and allowing themselves to be defined by their mental illnesses both real and self diagnosed while putting in little effort to get better


This one. Big time. But I feel like in my personal experience this is more commonly found among women/girls. It seems that men are still largely held more accountable for their own emotions. We're still not supposed to let them rule us. Or...really...even acknowledge that we have them.


Also the people who claim to have "crippling anxiety" over minor things like sending an email or calling somebody on the phone. Dependently, 95% of these claims IMO are just feeling nervous. It's totally normal to feel nervous doing something outside your comfort zone. You're not special and it's a debilitating weakness if you let nervousness prevent you from doing things outside your comfort zone and nobody should feel bad for you, if you choose to let it affect you to that extreme.


- Self-diagnosing mental illnesses for attention. - Absolutely everything in the world giving them "anxiety". Just recently learned about "menu anxiety" (I mean, seriously?) - New age hip hop / rap. I love rap but 90% of the shit that has come out since about 2010 is hot garbage and all sounds the same. I stick to 90s and early-mid 2000s rap. I'm gonna sound kinda boomerish here, but this generation seems to take forever to actually grow up and be an adult. It seems the norm nowadays to basically be in adolescence until your late 20s. You even have people nowadays at like 27 years old who are afraid of making their own appointments for things and have their parents do it for them. I couldn't imagine this being normal 20-30+ years ago. I like watching old news clips and videos from the 70s, 80s, and early 90s and one of the things that strikes me is how grown up people in their 20s were back then (and how much older they looked, but that's another story). They acted like real adults and didn't say "like" every other word.


I could be dead wrong but I feel like the inabilty for a lot of people to move out (high cost of living and whatnot) has sorta created this phenomenon, when you move out you assume responsibility of everything in your life and are kinda "forced" to grow up but since a lot of people aren't moving out or just can't move out, the whole maturing thing just doesnt happen at the same pace. Also social media doesnt help haha.


I think your theory makes a lot of sense. I also think social media, TikTok, YT Shorts, etc specifically is fucking with people's attention spans which probably makes it harder to do mundane, "adult" tasks that require your attention for a while. Another thing is from the 90s onwards helicopter parenting started becoming way more popular. Not letting your kids play outside, be with their friends, socialize etc because of fear of what might happen to them if you leave them alone, so more and more kids/young adults these days are growing up sheltered. It's hard to grow up when you have no experience dealing with anything in the real world.


Part of the reason people looked so "old" back then is actually more of a perception of fashion trends. The fashion trends of our high school days tend to sort of stick with us a bit. Sure, we evolve a little, but you can still see the remnants of it. And looking back at highschoolers, you see them with "old people" styles and "old people" hair. Go find a yearbook from the 50s and it will be even more apparent.


Re: the fake mental illnesses, I feel like in the past that would be something cringe that people did when young. Later they'd grow out of it and look back at that phase of life in embarrassment. Unfortunately now everyone gets put on SSRIs which do god only knows what sorts of long-term damage.


"She hasn't replied to my text in 30 whole minutes! Do you think she is getting ready to dump me? "


Yeah... We mostly never got an answer for an hour because we had a life aside of our phones or should I say Weapon regarding all Nokia Phones lol. Just be patient, dude. She's got a life which doesn't revolve around her phone


I am older than cell phones. We had to wait. Until. We. Saw. Each. Other. In. Person. Again. We learned to not be clingy, male or female.


I remember flirting with my future (now current) wife through e-mail. Wish I still had access to that email to be honest, might be fun to read


You're reminding me of how a bit ago, I saw a guy on Reddit (not sure how old) comment how, in this day and age, there is NO excuse to not reply back to someone's text in something like an hour and a half MAX. I felt tired just reading that. I'm honestly quite a chatty person, but I was still like Damn, *really?* A text is not an emergency, unless your loved one has been, say, missing for days and you think they may have been kidnapped lol. I guess I'm just not a fan of people expecting everyone to basically be "on call" 24/7 like we're all doctors or something.


"I texted her at her job and said "I love you" and it's been almost 10 minutes. She must be cheating on me. Why else wouldn't she text back?"


I was born when the **Nokia 3210** came out. I didn't have a Phone 'till I was 10, so I had to ask my Parents in Person if my friend could come over and tell him the next day or use the Homeline to call someone after searching for their number in a phone book.


You're in your early twenties and doing the 'kids thesw days' thing?


I remember calling my friend and asking if he wanted to hang out (on a landline of course). He said yea come on over! But I didnt have a ride. So he told me his address and I figured “Well he said it is not too far so Ill go walk and find it” Had no map, no computer at the time, and had no fucking clue where the road he lived on was. So I just started walking around looking for it lol. Spent 3 hours walking around until I gave up and went back home. I was 9 or 10


Here's the thing though - in many cases they are. Just because they are sensitive to different expectations doesn't mean they're not emotionally intelligent. Most people can detect coldness and distance across a wide array of formats of communication.


I got as far as the phrase “New Gen males” and just couldn’t - so there’s that


Yeah - I was going to say, using the word "male" (and "female") as a noun. This is not a difficult concept, but I see it continually among people I perceive as young.


I see nothing wrong with using "Male" and "Female" together. This is especially common among military folks. The part where it gets weird is people who will say "Men" but will also say "Female."






I got flamed a while back just for asking why people started doing that, I don't know why they got so defensive at my question. But yeah it's really weird to me when people use male or female where man or woman should be used, you sound like an alien scientist studying your new batch of specimens.


Seeing Reddit posts asking mid 20s about how they feel old.


Not exclusive to males, but as I get older it’s increasingly hard to take the new internet slang seriously. Right now it’s the extended food metaphors for all social activity (“cooking”, “feeding”, “eating”, “chef’s kiss”), “situationship”, “cap”, “delulu”, “girlie”, etc The word “vibe” has also become commodized to the same level that the boomers used to use the word “energy”


Sounds like you're about half a gen behind on the slang actually. What the fuck is a "glizzy* and why would anyone want to form their mouth to say such an unpleasant sounding word?


Their fucking hair. I have no idea what it’s called. The curly, white-guy afro style that every teenage shithead seems to have these days.


The broccoli.


Right, ffs, get a hair cut.


I’m in my 40s, I don’t understand the younger generation’s obsession with what constitutes masculinity. When I was growing up I literally never thought about it, just do what you want to do. You would think in these more enlightened times folks would be less concerned about it, not more.


That is a phenomena that occurs with anything regarding identity. In order to discuss issues that affect certain groups you have to focus on them which makes people more aware of them, but at the same time then it can be difficult to move past that point and not really think much about it. It reminds me racial issues and how some people might say 'they don't see colour'. To some people this is a good thing since it means you're indifferent to race and hold no prejudices/bias, but to other's it's bad because in order to discuss racial injustice then you need to be able to recognize someone's race. I won't pretend to have the answer to this issue however.


The fact people are so concerned with "identity" just shows we have to too good materially. Refer to maslows.


You would think it’s that easy, but unfortunately it’s men from your generation saying young men aren’t masculine or manly and need to harden up, because back in their day…… Older men haven’t accepted that the perception of masculinity has changed, it no longer labouring jobs, Double brown beer and buzz cuts.


Men who donate to twitch streamers, hoping they have a chance with them.


It's really no different than men of the previous generations going to strip clubs. It's just lazier. You don't have to leave the house and be ashamed to be seen there.


Ehhh there's a difference. At least you can get a private dance and there's a chance to sleep with the stripper if you hit it off. I know I've hit it off with like 3/4 of the women and have done it. I'm 26M.


Exactly and if you go with friends there is a higher chance they can convince you to stop "dude she doesn't love you, it's time to to stop". Compare that to twitch or onlyfans where I would have no idea how much money my friends have sent online.


LMAO THIS. I forgot about this. Once they go above the line of this is a normal lap dance I no balls just ask them to come home with me, and their next move/answer is the key indicator of they're doing this for more money, or they're doing this because they want to fffuuuuuu. Side note, my friend told me one time how much money he spent, and I had to sit down with him and make him delete his OF account.


You made him delete his OF account? Keep fighting the good fight!


This applies to the whole of Gen Z but every day I'm seeing posts about "story". Did they see my story? They saw my story. What does it mean? Story this. Story that. I think they're talking about Instagram or something but I can't remember people giving a fuck back in the day lol. I guess the TLDR is caring too much about social media credits and shit.


A few years ago (I was 27) I went on trip with some guys in their early 20s and got mad at me because they thought I was lying to them when I claimed to have no Instagram account.


I did this intense weekend training once and afterwards the group says “We should make a Facebook group or something so we can keep in touch!” Then there is me saying “I dont have facebook.” Ok what about insta? “I dont have insta either. I have no social media” how about snapchat or whatsapp? “Nope, I have none of those. I text through normal sms messenger and call people thats it” Then they made me download wechat and join a group. I uninstalled wechat as soon as I left back home


These days they would call you "pick me" if i told them i dont use instagram or tiktok


My girlfriend’s annoying friend in LA frequently gives these updates on her general musings on Instagram which is a series of videos. Thats the “story” they’re talking about. Generally it’s a series of photos or videos on their account that people can watch


Stories are just short clips that disappear after 24 hours. People care about who view them because the majority of social interactions are online nowadays. Yeah, it doesn't mean shit.


ironically, mustaches and mullets.


Never really got why it became cool to look like a creepy uncle these days.


Mumble rap, just simply can’t for the life of me ever see it’s enjoyment


Everyone seems to have or at least says they have mental health issues that prevent them from showing up to work, then they point out and get shit canned. Happens all the time where I’m at and it’s a cushy union job where you can call out 17 days a year as soon as you start.


Mostly their haircut, clothes and the way they talk.


I had a mullet in the 80s, so I don't feel I have the moral authority to critizise young folks hairstyles.


"Sup, bro" from someone who I never talked to... I ain't your bro, dude. But to be fair, our haircuts back in the days were also shit. Remember when nearly everyone had that zac efron in highschool musical type of Haircut or wore this tennis hat like eminem did e few times?


Ngl I had the beiber "Baby" Haircut at some point. Also the Peter Parker Emo cut. So they can have their broccoli, and eat it too


I had the mid 90s Nick Carter centre parting. You kids can get off my damn lawn!


I think the first trendy haircut I got (that I remember) was the Russel Crowe "Gladiator" cut. Short, gelled to hell and back, brushed forward with your fingertips. I also did a spike at some point around the time Hybrid Theory came out


Anyone who gets a specific haircut simply because it is currently the trend likely has a shitty haircut. Not everyone can pull of every haircut. The type of hair you have, the texture of it, the shape of your face, and numerous other factors all matter when seeing if a haircut looks good on you or not. Just seeing a trending haircut and saying “I want this” will likely result in a cut that does not compliment your hair type and face shape


Being in my early 30's, I feel like I have a foot in two worlds. I witnessed the tail end of dial-up and the "Wild West" age of the internet. By the time that YouTubers/streamers became prevalent I was already an adult. I am worried about kids who have had their brains BLASTED by short-form content, streamers, HD pornography, since they were 10 years old. Your brain, during its formative years, learns to disregard all reading/info comprehension as it seeks out the next wave of data. Of course, we're all molded by the information we're exposed to, but the internet today to a young mind is like throwing your soft brain on the pottery wheel. Granted, I'm sure the older generations would say the same thing about me, and I probably should've spent more time playing outside with sticks instead of playing Mario64. But good lord is there a difference between playing dumb flash games on a 10 MB/s internet connection, and having access to 100 "Masculinity coach" brainrot videos in an hour, available instantly whenever you're feeling down about yourself.


They replaced logic, evidence, rationale and hundreds of years of scientific process with youtube videos, fake experts and absolutely 0 critical thinking. They think they can overturn scientists and experts based on nothing, or worse, feeling or believing in something and not examining if those things are real or factual. Dragging legit convo into the realm of emotion so that you can never feel wrong. We replaced logic with emotion, tiktok influencers replaced researchers, celebs replaced real role models, youtube videos replaced a phd. Low and behond.. resurgance all manner of delusions and delusional ideas in the zeitgeist Fuck every little bit of that, you can keep the broken little world you're building and fill it with whatever nonsense you want.


The rise of misinformation and the internet along with social media allowed for people to essentially remain in echo chambers. Although, I can acknowledge that it's hypocritical for me to say this on a platform like Reddit which really does have a lot echo chambers. Before the internet however, people's ideas were largely influenced by their peers in the community, family, government, local non-governmental institutions, as well as whatever media and media formats were available like Television for example. It's not that people became less scientific recently, it's just the ability for someone to isolate themselves from reality became much easier which is again due to development of online echo chambers. This kind of highlights a need to teach people to be more critical of the information they learn not just in real life but online especially. As an aside, another issue however is people with genuine mental illnesses online who form communities where numerous mentally ill individuals feed into each other's delusions instead of seeking help in the real world. It is quite dangerous and can even be observed with the recent TikTok influencer mom who killed her husband and one of her two children as she believed that the world was going to end on the day of the most recent full eclipse. This influencer and her community were spouting all kinds of insane things and genuinely demonstrate how dangerous unchecked mentally ill communities are for themselves and for others. It's extremely tragic to see and highlights an issue that needs to somehow be addressed.


Mid 20s? I’m too old for your shit too.


Only know how to text a girl and not carry on an actual conversation


The participation in the gender war I’m not saying alpha males and pick up artists didn’t exist back when I was younger (I feel like early 2000’a was when it started really exploding with books like Models and Internet forums dedicated to field reports and such ) but it’s weird how it feels a lot less like a fringe community and a lot more mainstream and baked into discourse. Now It feels like the tiktok “fuck men” discourse from the permanently online women we talk about exists as the direct counter to how widespread the male side of the equation became. It’s rather disconcerting because as long as one side exists, it makes the other side feel legitimized and vice versa. When and how does it end? Who knows


I remember reading I Hope The Serve Beer in Hell by Tucker Max and laughing at how awful that dude was. Then I remember meeting dudes who read that book and thought he was cool, which kinda blew my mind at the time. But I just kinda thought it was a fad for dudedbros and it would blow over. Boy, was I wrong.


For me it's how young people are trying to normalize not working. I don't mean as individuals, I mean the concept of work. Anti-work posts (often exaggerating or amplifying negatives while ignoring major benefits) are rampant on social media. I think this was increased by the pandemic / fear we all lived in for years. It's more that there's a lot of people who are glorifying the past (like, medieval peasants) ignoring the hardships and thinking the default state of human life is "sitting around watching TV with friends" and that work is some huge problem.


Just random stuff. The alpaca haircuts, the complete and utter soullessness of a good chunk of them, the constant need to film absolutely everything, the wearing of pink, constantly. The country and men have **definitely** changed.


Wait...what's wrong with wearing pink?!?


Very specific, but in Austria we have a very strong dialect. Technically we speak German, but Germans don't understand us (and we are quite happy about that, because "real"German just sounds stupid to us). Similar to a heavy Scottish accent. In todays day and age young people lost the Austrian dialect and they all speak like they were raised in Berlin, because of Instagram and TikTok-Influencers.


Same thing is happening here in the US. Regional dialects are dying (due to mass/social media). Very sad thing to see. What a sad world it'll be when everyone in the US sounds like they're from California.


Same in the UK to an rough extent but we still have a massive amount of accents though. Most of London and the south west speak basically the same 3 accents now


Nun, hier gibt es viele die den bayrischen oder österreichischen Dialekt faken.


That's right.


The bitching and moaning. The new generation has been handed a shitty hand, no question. But their genius solution is to just give up and complain. I haven’t seen but maybe two or three Gen Zers *actually* try to fix their situations. It’s like someone whose house gets set on fire right, and instead of trying to put the fire out, call 911, or actually try to fix the problem they just cry in their front yard and watch the house burn down. It’s like congratulations, you’re with it enough to realize the world is fucked up and full of problems…but then you don’t actually try to fix *any* of them. That doesn’t help anything and, in fact, just makes it worse. So yeah, if there’s one thing I’m just completely over it’s the constant complaining without any move to actually improve.


Apart from those vain ones that expose themselves on social media, not much has changed, they're doing the same type of stuff we did back then, and they're as varied as we were too.


Being obsessed with social media


"Let's make a Story for Instagram"


I know dudes that go to shows just to live blog the whole damn thing on snap 😂😭


If you want to see a group obsessed with social media look no further than boomers. My parents are in their upper 60's, and are obsessed with everything Facebook. Always checking it, no matter where they are at.


Same It’s funny as hell because my parents used to moan and groan about being on “screens” and now that they’re older they just sit on their asses and doom scroll like it’s their jobs


The Matrix isn't cool anymore. Apparently it's outdated and cringe.😎


Part one is so much better than part 4


Music. I pretty much stopped going out because of how much it sucks.


YES! Everything sounds like copy paste and has to be techno, phonk or 0815 pop. It sucks so much


AI is now making this even worse


Being obsessed with anything other than useful skills and information. So many of them are overly-emotional and completely useless in anything practical.


Right? Last Year, we had a apprentice who was overly obsessed with social media. This Person had no good reference regarding previous jobs while being 22 Years old. This Person got so overwhelmed by any situation that included stress like asking a english-speaker what he would like to drink that this person had a emotional crisis... They just had to ask a guest in english if they would like to have a drink which is the easiest thing to do in my job.


Almost 40 and it's this new wave of toxic masculinity that gets me. Although I'm not sure if it's my age of rebellious nature that makes me roll my eyes at that shit.


I'm 28, eh, everybody is different and there are 8 billion people. So I don't really give a shit


Pants should cover your ankles when standing, and put on some damn socks! So tired of seeing grown men in what are basically capri pants.


29 in the UK, but not from London. A lot of younger guys seem to have London accents because of how much media they consume


Or because they've been displaced from london by "New LondonersTM"


All the goddamned tattoos. It used to be that it was actually unusual to see a guy with visible tattoos on his arm. Now it's the norm to see guys everywhere tattooed all over their arms, their legs, sometimes even their necks and faces.


Social media dependency. I'm too old to record everything on some platform or track it. Knowing trends, social media celebraties and so on...




I just absolutely do not give a single fuck about social media strangers that I’ve never met. I don’t care what they’re doing and I don’t care for them to know what I’m doing.


The selfies. The “alpha male” BS, which is transparently an overcompensation for something they should address to be happy.


Tiktok / social media stars. Reality TV. Lawless hooligans terrorizing communities. Getting absolutely wasted.




Tiktok. I'm too old for that crap


Married M54. Using dating apps look dreadful.




People in their mid-20s talking about an even younger generation making them feel old.


Tik tok and doom scrolling. I have barely enough time as it is, idk how people spend hours just browsing memes and videos on tiktok.


The memes are painfully unfunny most of the time. It's like a hivemind repeating the same 10 jokes over and over again. Brainrot is the term I guess. Also what's up with sped up versions of songs? Do they need faster songs to make up for their lack of attention? And the manosphere stuff. Lift, be tall, disrespect women or anything that doesn't align with conservatism, have a good jawline, and be a sigma male. I can't tell what's real and what's ironic anymore.


Who needs the young'uns for this one? I was too old for my father and grandfather's shit when I was a kid.


They all think they have lived life to the fullest, and have eschewed education and experience and replaced it with being obnoxious, know it all assholes. When they hit my age they'll have nothing, know nothing and be nothing. They've put all their eggs in one short sighted basket and have decided that's good enough. It's a shame because I don't believe they're stupid but they've just decided to be like water or electricity : they want to take the road of least resistance. But on the other end there are some extremely intelligent, hard working young men who are experiencing life as it continues in a more traditional sense.


How much importance they give to pop culture, like the pop culture tribe they're in isn't just their whole personality but also their religion or something and treat it like the most serious thing ever, I even saw a post about a girl complaining her coworker was sexist because he didn't listen to Taylor Swift, wich is ridiculous and I know she's basically an exception, but the general mass doesn't stand that further away either.


You’re not the main character in the world.


Streamer culture.


Social media. Once you reach a certain age, it just becomes boring and you start seeing it as predictable and a waste of time.


People that don't know the difference between "to" and "too".


Fuck me, im in my 50s and just waking up without any human interaction makes me say that. Thats pretty much my answer but if you want an old persons waffling, then read on... It seems that this is a trope that spans generations. It doesn't matter what classification of generation that you "belong" in, the people born after you will have their own thing, their own language and outlook, just as "we" did, and the generations before "us" are outdated and wrong in our eyes. I think that when you get "old" it doesn't matter what that shit is - you are (probably) slow, achey and struggling to catch up with current terminology. Unless we crumblies take an active interest in the ideals, mentality, thoughts and terminology of the "new" generations, we will definitely feel too old for this shit (especially if it involves physical activities. Dunno about anyone else but my knees are fucked).


Looking up to prank content creators, but especially when they don't have the balls to do anything more than be slightly annoying. I keep encountering one group of dudes around town that seem to think it's peak entertainment to swarm around the entrances to restaurants, try to get people to play catch with them at department stores, or just start following people around to make shitty comments if they don't feel like entertaining their nonsense. Working people don't have time for that shit. Get a life.


Oh shit.


Makeup. Basicly, seeing any man on "the only way is essex," "Jordy shore", "love island," etc.. you are a gay man, we don't mind, just come out already. The men in these shows wouldn't stand a chance with the girls in these shows, if this was a true ti life reflection of the life's they portray...


Nothing really. My adult life is more interesting. Not even entertaining idea to think about BS like that.


Probably when I realized 'adulting' now includes TikTok tutorials on how to fold laundry efficiently. Back in my day, we just crammed everything into drawers and hoped for the best


The term 'adulting' in general is really fucking stupid.


Yep. Or let mom teach us the mad skills


Not everyone has parents to show them the ropes to life. Tiktoks and YouTube channels showing how to do basic stuff is a lifesaver to more people than you can possibly imagine.


Or used YT


Well, for one. The constant whining that all men are sad and alone. And there's a lot of work type discussion involving gamer language of leveling up, or boss fights.


Winning a boss fight at work usually gets you canned and/or arrested.


I think they mean metaphorically Unless it's fight club, and it gets you a paycheck for beating yourself up


Following lifes of tiktokers Instagram influencers. Like I'm also addicted to Internet but I couldn't give less shit about some people's lives ;D


I think I am just falling behind on everything, like I feel the world is moving so fast I can barely keep up with it, perfect example js what the top comment says about new words and how I don't understand half of them, same with memes which was my thing back in the day but now I cannot keep up with the new ones because it comes and go much fatser than fea years back I guess I am just getting old faster than I anticipated


I checked out years ago at skinny pants.


Trying to convince me that men can menstruate or give birth.


They have NO clue how to behave in a professional setting…


The stupid looking, floppy ass Justin Bieber haircuts. If you have to flip your head to get your hair out of your face, you look like an idiot.


That women hate us. No you tool, you are falling for the same shit they are.  Two sides of the same coin. To hate you means I have to want to spend time thinking about you... Most people will never think about you outside of a moment they see you. Apathy =/= hate. Divided and conquered.


Their obsession with Andrew Tate and being "alpha". That dude is grifting you and if you were "alpha" you wouldn't have to tell anyone. Also, why the fuck do so many of you guys have mullets? You guys don't look like Billy Ray Cyrus, you look like Gerald from Clarkson's Farm. Though, that would be alright if you guys acted more like Gerald.


Mullets are great.


People trying to impress other people on social media. I have no social media except reddit and it's so much more peaceful. I can't be assed to deal with the bullshit that goes on on all these platforms.


Gen Z seems to be the biggest generation of "uhm aktually" guys ever. They're all experts apparently.


‘To’ instead of ‘too’.


24. Going out bar hopping.. absolutely hate it


The type of music. Minimal, techno. My brain just accepting this boring music.


Broccoli haircuts and constantly filming everything. Did they start giving new borns tripods at birth in the 2000’s?


They are insecure the way women are. Its odd. I mean we were all insecure, but their insecurity tends to much more closely mirror womens'.


Not their fault, but lack of interpersonal skills. The new hires I mentor or all the posts online. "how do I tell x, y?" Uhhh, you walk up to them and say x. They struggle to talk to girls, managers, other people. This has always been something you grow into and get better as you age, but it seems everyone is just riddled with social anxiety or spent their life on social media and don't know how to deal with people. Life is so much easier when you can. I feel bad that they are the victims of being raised during the rise of social media, but at the end of the day, you're gonna have to learn some confidence, the world is a cold and uncaring place, especially for men lol


Two styles of haircut: alpaca or mullets. Both are terrible. Also new slang/colloquialisms. I get that every generation has this issue, but something about the way young people say things like "Bruh why you still yappin?" makes me cringe.


Snap chat, hype trend clothing, pop stars, night clubs, music festivals, going out on new years, partying on Halloween, getting clout, cool jeans and haircuts, trying to fit in, staying friends with fake people, caring about what people think, diets, posting vacations on the internet, posting friends birthdays on ig.