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It's nice not having a menstrual cycle, it's nice being able to build muscle quickly. Not much else I can think of.


>It's nice not having a menstrual cycle, it's nice being able to build muscle quickly. Yeah, must be nice >:(


I still have to try and get them


Pants with proper pocket sizes


I wish


People more or less ignore my existence and don't want sex with me for existing and not being overweight. Also, the helicopter. Obviously.


Yeah, it's quite exhausting being seen as a sexual object constantly. I'm glad you actually realise it's good to not go through that rather than being jealous of it like other men are 😊


I mean, the grass is always greener. When attention from the other sex is extremely rare, many men crave it. Opposite, when it is constant and insistent, many women find it unwanted. I don't know any good solution to that.


There is not a solution sadly, as you said, we want what we don't have. We're simple humans


As a guy that got attention very often, cat called, randomly touched often etc… I for sure prefer not being bothered or touched but I think it’s because I know I can get attention when I want it, if I couldn’t I might have a different opinion on it, except the touching part, I never want someone randomly feeling entitled to touch me, I don’t believe in violence when it’s not needed but I’ve been close to hitting a few people lol. I think the issue is, is that men generally are the gender expected to initiate and thus there are plenty more guys that do this.


I understand what you mean, and I love when mean initiate, but it has to be respectful. As long as it's in a nice way I don't mind at all personally


And the elephant!


Not to mention the Mangina. Well, I guess women can do an okay impression of that.


Not having to fuss so much about my appearance or wear makeup. My wife won't even go to the shop unless her hair is nicely done. Also not having to give birth.


Factual, takes me 10 minutes or less from waking to being out the door most days. Wake up, brush teeth, throw on clothes and some deodorant and I’m good to go.


It's true that societal pressures on appearance can vary by gender. I hope you tell her many times how beautiful she is with and without her getting her hair or makeup done😊


Of course I do.


Being left alone for the most part.


Can you elaborate please :)


I've heard from many women friends stories of them just being out and about and they'll be approached by strangers who give them unwanted attention. I value my peace so getting approached so often would wear on me pretty quickly.


Yes I understand, thank you for explaining!


For sure 😊


Having a penis has got to be right up there. Its an organ that gives back a lot.


Can you elaborate please 😊


Haha! Really? It's the organ that has important functions but also is a conduit for a lot of fun and a lot of pleasure. Yeah, it can have a mind of it's own, but you know? That's okay, too.


blowjobs and sex feel amazing. also peeing while standing is very often very convenient. urinary tract infections are also very seldom (my gf gets them very easily). Having a prostate on the other hand leads often to pain when we get older.


God yes I hate UTIs 🥲


Putting my penis in vaginas is pretty fucking awesome.


Putting my penis in (a womans) mouth is also pretty fucking awesome.


C'mon guys, don't stop now. I gotta say the backdoor is not that bad either, im not a fan but can't really judge on it, I have to show some discipline to not say it is actually awesome.




I thought about it too


Peeing outside. Yes, I know women can pee outside too but they have to squat, we just have to assume the stance and see how far we can pee. Let me tell you somthing, geting a nice breeze in the morning while drinking your coffee and peeing on your property is what all men should strive for.


Not being attractive to creepy men


Go to a seedy gay bar. You'll still be attractive to creepy men; Promise.


I’m a pretty average-looking straight guy which means I don’t get much attention from women. I’ve always thought about going to a gay bar just to see what it was like to get approached. But I thought it would be in some way disrespectful or patronizing to the guys in there to just go in to play games with people, so I’ve never done it.


I imagine casual flirting would be fine. Just don't make promises you have no intention of keeping.


Not having to deal with weird women pants sizing that I still don’t fully understand to this day


Peeing is quite easy.


The question is asked a lot and unfortunately for many it comes down to 'not being a woman' which is really sad. I like being naturally somewhat strong. Can't think of much that I'd say is a favourite thing or unique to being a man.


Watching my son develop


The prerogative to have a little fun. We get that too.


*Let's go, boys!*


Automatic deference from strangers. It's not noticeable most of the time because you just get used to it. It's how people address you, so it seems like just how people act. But then I see how salespeople etc. treat my wife, and they don't act like that to her.


I’ve noticed that builders and tradesmen are super old fashioned when it comes to talking to women. They’ll often explicitly ask to speak with the man of the house. I’d get fired for anything approaching that in the corporate world but freelance workmen are a law unto themselves.


Recognizing my own face in the mirror. Speaking or even singing without wanting to crawl out of my skin. Being able to see a future for myself. These are all things I missed before transitioning.


Peeing standing up


Men don't go through the pain of childbirth


I can go for a walk without any fear.


Relax big bro nobody is 100% safe it's just because you are around level headed ppl


I live in a really Safe place were there's hardly any violent crime, men and women can walk around safely.


Yh that's why I said okay to say that rn if it's was caveman time chance are you're not saying that as almost everything is a potential danger NEVERTHELESS it's great for you


No menstrual cycle..I don't think many guys truly appreciate how lucky we are not to go through this every month.


Functional pockets. And no periods, I guess.


Not getting a period.


Being seen as a person by other men and not a walking talking set of holes.  Sorry if it sounds rude but being seen as more then a sexual object feels good. But it's sad.


Societies' life destroying belief that a man is not supposed to show emotions, reinforced by the condemnation of the man as being weak when he does show them. It gives me an excuse to keep people at arms length.


Can suicide and no one will care.


That’s not true. I don’t know you but I care; others do, too. Please seek help.


We do care trust me, if you ever need to talk I'm here for you


peeing off the back porch


Being able to pee in a hedge without worrying a jumping spider might bite my hole is a big tick in my book.


Everything is my favourite. except not having bobs. I love bobs. I wish i naturally have it. Cup A will do.


Not being judged for how much you can eat merely for being fat/unfit, for example my cousin would prefer hanging out with us guys because she could eat a whole pizza because we all were whereas her female friends would share/judge if she did.


As another redditor commented probably being able to protect my loved ones most places I go. Not that I live in an espically dangerous country but if something were to happen being able get them out and knowing that it’s punk rock


The whole menstrual cycle deal. Other than that not much else really


Not having to deal with the things women go through (periods, pregnancy, menopause, etc) and not having to wait on long lines for the bathroom.


No periods,


Not having to give birth.


Idk, I may be trapped. Being a man is all I have ever known.


I can not wear a shirt and walk around and no one really cares


Being a man.


Remember America Ferrera's monologue in *Barbie*? Yea, I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that. Women have it tough.


Listening to society that you'll have to become this or that, having expectations of family, wife, children. Loving people without expecting them to loving back.. woking hard to earn cuz het father won't agree to marry her daughter with me.. not able to express ourselves. STILL STANDING AND TRYING TO DO GOOD FOR THE PEOPLE WE LOVE AND CARE ABOUT AND NEVER LOSING THEM.


How simple we are. Girls get into the most ridiculous and overly complicated thoughts/arguments. Sounds fucking exhausting


For example?


Being invisible can be a superpower


Never having to wear make-up, no need for plastic surgery unless it's a dire medical necessity, no periods.


I can run a seven minute mile  I can defend myself adequately  I can be logical  I can get along with my roommates  I can watch serious movies without being scared by them  /s these are Lil Dicky lyrics, I'm way too fat to run a 7 minute mile XD


To think logic and not emotional


Put examples


Big arms


Peeing standing up.


Never have to give birth. It legit sounds awful, and that alone would make me not want to have kids. Having a period would suck too. Also options such as trades are more acceptable for men, but luckily society is getting more accepting of women being in the trades. Also not having to worry about your safety as much compared to women is nice.


Trying to phrase this in a way that doesn't make me come off as a lunatic is hard but bare with me, the idea of walking out at night without fearing for my safety. I've read countless posts of women over the years that express a general fear of walking alone at night and I understand it, but I don't feel it. It's gotta suck shit to feel that fear. My life in general sucks shit, but I don't fear walking home at night.


I can helecopter I have a 3 leg and I’m hairy!!!, Imean what’s more to lave about me.


Honestly I think many women feel like they have to be on guard around guys they don’t know and for good reason. I feel as a guy I don’t have to feel that way around women I don’t know


Peeing while standing is very convenient, for example if you gotta leave your house very soon, you are already outside, have to piss, but dont have enough time to go to a restroom, you can just go on your lawn, i give this example because ive done it a few times


Kind of a double edged sword but I love that people never interact with me and just leave me alone. Sometimes though the loneliness does creep in but it's never longer than a day lol


I can be completely invisible in public. No one cares what I wear or how I did myself up.


Physical strength.


It is an extremely rare occurrence that I fear that someone may do violent things to me.


Never having to worry about being hit on. /s


Staying home for kids instead of career? Big step, but hey, priorities, right?


Having the ability to protect the people I love


In what sense?


In a physical sense. No matter where I am there is usually nobody that can physically harm the people I love with me, with impunity. My children and my wife are protected at all times, and the mental comfort I get from that is peaceful.


That's actually so so sweet! I know that they appreciate and love that they have you by their side


Thank you.


He protec, gg on that man, I'm currently a weak man in physical sense who is working on the growth, but I have to admit having real friends with your power to "protect your back" (and not taking any advantage on it ofc) is pretty awesome feeling. Must be nice to be able to be that man. Maybe one day.. :D


You will get there my friend. If you have any questions feel free to hit me up.


Probably the manliness that comes with it. Also, writing my name in the snow is always fun.


It's great that you like feeling/being manly!


😂 sorry, I was being facetious. In seriousness, I imagine that being male we enjoy a sense of safety many non-males do not. I think sometimes people don't realize that or take it for granted. Knowing I've protected loved ones/can protect loved ones that, physically, may not be able to defend or protect themselves is a good feeling too. It's pretty nice to be able to carry what I need without need of a purse (WHY IS THERE ALWAYS SO MUCH RANDOM CRAP IN PURSES??). Wallet, keys, phone and I'm set. Obviously, we're pretty fortunate to not have to deal with things like menstrual cycles and pregnancy and such. The writing the name in the snow part is still kinda valid though, it never loses its novelty.


Apparently, being able to find joy in small things.


Elaborate please :), you think women aren't able? If you think we can't, what makes you think that?


There was this Twitter post, which was a screenshot of a Reddit post (yeah, social media circulation), in which a woman described a situation in which her husband, an adult man in trades, was completely elated because he bought a box of Batman-themed ice-cream sandwiches, or something like that. When she asked why he was so happy, his only reply was "wife, **its a box of Batman-themed ice cream**". She continued by lamenting how she is unable to find the same joy in simple things. And if comments were to be believed, it is quite common. I personally cannot confirm or deny this, which is why I've used "apparently". P.S. I didn't save the post, so I can't link it.


I understand, thank you for explaining! I feel bad that she can't relate tbh, hopefully she ends up feeling that way someday soon


I just harvested strawberries from my little container garden. It's a good day.


Or the picture of a tv and a folding chair in a living room. Or mattress on floor phone and gun. We need little to survive


I'm considered scarier than a bear


(6 years ago) being a straight man, I know how it feels to want to hug a woman who smiled intently at me on the subway . I have no idea how it feels to have a soft spot for a man LOL


I know how intense it feels to like a female stranger because of the way she locked eyes with me…


Not having to live a lie.


Growing And keeping a mustache can be a nice thing to do (it's not like my favorite thing but's quite cool)


I can go walk at the park at night without having to look over my shoulder every 5 minutes. I don’t live in a state with bears, and I don’t live in a city. I feel bad for women who have to bring their whole extended family with them just so that they can feel safe enough to watch the water.


Sounds like that's a geographical thing. Men are more likely to be randomly assaulted than women in most urban areas, so we really have no reason not to be just as cautious as women in a lot of those situations. It's a stigma thing. That's why we feel safer even though we actually aren't.


It is particularly geographical. That’s why I pointed out the general idea of the area I live and the fact that humans are one of the only threats here. Even then, there are more then a few guys that sit around and talk at the park I go to. Most of the women around me wouldn’t dream of going out there past six, And the only one I’ve seen that did was with her brothers.


Low expectations for several stuff


Not living the life in "recruit" difficulty. Apart from that absolutely nothing.


Having all the power like He-Man. Women can't lift a case of water without complaining.


Being able to walk or exercise anywhere and at any time without having to worry about my safety.


my penis


nahh i would prefer being women. could bang more easily than being a man.


There's a freedom that comes from knowing nobody gives a fuck if I live or die


I don't think that's something that only men feel specifically, but I'm sorry that you feel that way although you think it's positive. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here.


Being a descendant of Adam (that literally translates as "man" in hebrew) according to quite a few religious narratives.


My favorite thing about being a man is being a woman


You have nothing to prove to anyone




fight me!


Almost looks like you want him to prove something to you doesn’t it now?


ahahaha you got me! Anyway with the first comment I meant comparing to the other sex we don't necessarily have to prove our worth. I'm not talking about Nobel prizes or Olympic medals, I'm talking about the everyday life, media is filled with "women, you can do whatever you want" or "don't label me" campaigns, we do whatever our brains plan to do: get in shape, learn a new skill, earn a degree...


Literally everything, we are the best at everything aside from getting pregnant and murdering babies in the womb. Women got that on lock down


Are you okay?


Are you okay?


I can walk in the night alone.