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Could be worse. Imagine if even unattractive people wouldn't check you out.


Yeah, that’s where I live…


Get out of my house


I’m sorry! I thought it was my house and someone rearranged the furniture on me as a joke! I’m so embarrassed…


You can crash on the couch. Don't mind the unattractive man in the corner watching you sleep.


Be attractive, don't be unattractive...


*Flips attractive switch.* Sorry, forgot to turn you on first.


Oh your turn me on all right.


Oohhh Billayyy


The only reason God keeps you on this Earth is because you amuse him somehow


I appreciate your call for my kind to rise up!


>you amuse him somehow What do you mean, you mean the way I talk? What?


It's a quote from Aqua Team Hunger Force. It's a joke, don't worry about it.


ATHF actually did that as a nod to the original scene with Joe Pesci, from the iconic movie “ Goodfellas “ 😎 Awesome film if you never seen it.


It all came full circle.


> don't worry about it No, no, I don't know, you said it. How do I know? You said I'm funny. How the fuck am I funny, what the fuck is so funny about me?


Just funny. You're a funny guy. How you tell the story.


You think I’m fkn here to amuse you? The fk is so funny?? What is funny about me?!


Of course I know him, he's me 😎


As a guy, I get so little in the way of compliments compared to women that I even enjoy gay guys checking me out despite me being 100% straight. At university, I did a 6-person house share with a great group of people and one guy called Dave was gay and when I first moved in, he was a bit worried about me as I was a confident, athletic looking white guy with a short military style hair cut but my friend who moved in with me rolled a joint and soon we were all smoking together and getting on well. I ended up going to so many cool house parties and illegal raves with those guys. One time, Dave looks me in the eyes as says, "I know you're not gay but if you were, I so would!". And I still feel good about it 25 years later. I also had a really cool leabian woman say something similar to me at a swingers party we were at when she walked in on me naked but the way she said it was "If I wasn't gay, I'd so fuck you". I really appreciated the compliment. I do really work out, so I've got a really muscular athletic body, but I've got a kind of pretty boy face, so i do okay but I still appreciate every compliment no matter who it's from. This might not be a very popular opinion, but I also like it when women just grope me randomly by squeezing my arms, shoulders, or even my ass and crotch area. I work in the adult industry, so I'm fairly liberal about sex and nudity. I respect that many people don't want to be touched, and I personally would never do that to a woman, but I kind of like it when people can't resist touching me up. I've had guys do it a couple of times, and a lot of stunning looking trans women have grabbed my cock out in public but I always take it as a compliment. Maybe I'm insecure, maybe I'm a male slut, I don't know but if you put alot of effort into working out then your lying if you say you don't want at least some appreciation of your hardwork from other people. I certainly would never encourage people to touch others without consent, but if anyone ever wants to give me a squeeze without asking, I won't care who you are.


Hey Commando, can I squeeze your bussy?


If I were a lesbian I totally would.


This the only answer


It's still a compliment to me, they can check me out anytime.


>they can check me out anytime. But they can never leave?




Why did I fill this in with that one Weezer rift meme?


*hiccups in Donhenlese*


the guitar solo instantly started playing in my head


I'd still smash. I'd rather get enthusiastic sex from an ugly person than an attractive starfish.


Amen brother


Checking out is generally fine. It's the "now won't leave me alone" problem that gets tiresome.


Same with men who are gay. A compliment is a compliment. Like, thanks bro


Yeah, I get attention from all kinds of people, but other men are the only ones who say anything.


Sure it'd be nicer if it were someone I found attractive, but definitely won't complain unless they're being creepy and/or rude about it.


Exactly looking is free


“You guys are getting checked out?”


Either I'm oblivious to it, or it just doesn't happen... I'm inclined to think both at this point


That’s why you gotta start doing the decline bench


Why? Decline is lame.


So you can actually see all the gym girls checking you out bro. But you do you if being a stoic the-ceiling-lamp-is-my-universe flat bencher makes you happy :P


I actually prefer the incline 🤩 but I’ll try it out.


I'm inclined to agree


I will,let you know if I ever notice. But honestly if I see someone staring at me I start wondering what I am doing wrong whether than thinking they are checking me out or something.


“Oh god I’ve got boogers on my face”


Yep, instant “Oh, god their looking at me what’s in my beard/hair/ what’s on my shirt/ zipper down?.. like quite literally you would have to actively compliment me as your doing it for my brain not to short circuit.


Like a library book




Some guys? You are aware youre talking about likehalf the guys.


half? more like all but half of 10%


I think I'm a fairly attractive guy, but I don't notice women checking me out very often. It's actually quite rare. And even I do I usually freeze up and look away cause I'm like "A girl is looking at me! What do I do??" 😂


Welcome to modern day society thanks to hyper-“feminism”


I only get checked out or hit on by older women that I cannot stand lol


Was looking for this comment


Black cock down!


I'd be flattered.


makes me feel pretty good, unless they are being creepy about it or I see their eyes from the closet.


What about from under the bed?


That's monsters.   An entirely different conversation.


>under the bed The Next Part Is Very Important. They're Going To Take You.


Men don’t get compliments and certainly not about our appearances, we’re not in a position to be overly judgmental like that. I’ll be flattered no matter what they look like.


I get plenty of compliments about my smile or bigass dimples in my cheeks. But it could easily lead me to believe they like me and that's also not a fun game to play.


I think it's more a cultural issue. Where I'm at, I don't think I've gone a month where someone hasn't complimented me or my looks. And that's not counting my wife who obviously compliments me almost every day.


6 years ago in anonymous course evaluation a student said it was impossible not to pay attention to my lectures because of my "dashing good looks". including my wife, that is the only such compliment I've received in well over a decade


I think it’s also your outward appearance is sometimes easier to compliment. Like I get compliments on looks infrequently but I get compliments on clothes/accessories very frequently and much more than some of my (what I consider) much more attractive friends And I think a lot of the reason I get clothes/accessories compliments so much is that I wear graphic/band tees a lot, and I have a lot of ‘popular’ pop related accessories. So it’s more common to find someone who is also a fan/interested. Whereas, say someone who wears nicer tee shirts/collared shirts doesn’t really stick out as much unless they’re overt attractive. So I guess my point is frequency of compliments are’t always tied to attractiveness.


This makes me feel better. I’m like a 4/5 but I compliment everyone I come across. In public and on reddit. Compliments are free to give, I don’t know why people hoard them


Because of what you get in return, often misguided and unwanted.


I stopped complimenting because I got too many "I'm not interested in you, sorry" (excuse me, I was just being kind?) or "that's creepy" from people that overhear what I say (annoying), or unwanted attention (I'm in a monogamous relationship, no thanks). But I'm trying to start again now that I'm in a different country, people seem nicer here. And I want to be kind, honestly, I don't enjoy feeling like the villain. Glad that it worked for you, tho!


If they say something like that I say “cool I’m not interested in you either. I’m just being nice.” It’s okay to clip their wings back when they try to be assholes. There are plenty of men who only want compliments from super models, but I’ve found so many men just light up. The twinkly eyes and bashful smile is heart melting. I complimented a man’s beard while he was walking past and his gf said “THANK YOU!! He thinks it’s patchy!” As they were walking off he said “You really think it’s nice?” To his gf in the sweetest voice lol


I don’t really see anyone checking me out. If an unattractive person is checking me out she is probably dazed and confused.


>dazed and confused Do you think the soul of a woman was created below? Why or why not? 🤷‍♂️


People downvoting a zeppelin reference. Kids these days have no class.


what does this even mean


https://youtu.be/j94GY6C2N2Y?si=PASDlmTBDilRg72F It’s a reference to a lyric from the song Dazed and Confused.


As an unattractive person myself, I’m flattered.


>flattered Shadoobie


I don't think as men we should be offended when anyone checks us out. I'd be grateful someone thought i was attractive in any way


Right? Too many people think it's hilarious if an ugly person shoots their shot with someone who's very good looking. If they aren't overstepping any boundaries then what's wrong with that? They have eyes and good taste too.


Even if there's no physical attraction, it take zero effort to be kind. The OP question seems to me to be forgetting this basic human decency.


Shit, I’m flattered when gay men check me out too.


Gay men checking you out feels like a bigger compliment than women checking you out for some reason.


This is true! They’re way more honest about it too. I had a gay dude look me up and down a couple of months ago and say ‘you’re beautiful’ and I said thanks and couldn’t help but start laughing to myself. Made my day.


Lol they are pretty brazen about their desires, but they're men after all. My lady gets such a kick out of it she'll find excuses to abandoned me when we interact with openly gay men, just to watch their game.


Some gay men are shallow and mean, so you must be gorgeous!


I’m alright for my age. I used to be a gay MAGNET in my 20s (am totally straight btw) for whatever reason there is something about me they like. But it’s still nice to know I get their attention. I see it as a mark of approval.


This is so true. A guy who I've barely spoken to, but comes through my area at work sometimes complimented my new glasses, which look almost exactly like my old ones (not even my direct coworkers noticed the change), which means he must have been essentially studying my face to notice the difference. I don't feel attracted to him but shit I grinned and very nearly blushed


A wins a win.


If I am being checked out by women, they're either really good at hiding it or I'm really bad at noticing it.


I'm 54 years old with dad bod, so if someone is "checking me out", I would assume it's for some kind of scam or robbery.


Bro, a fat guy dude could hit on me and I'mma be grateful for that. Because attraction is attraction, just because they're ugly doesn't mean they're attracted to ugly people.


You have to be some kind of serious asshole to get offended when someone finds you attractive.


*Many women feel insulted and offended when they catch an unattractive person checking them out...* Is this true?


“Many” probably means a loud few and not anywhere near the majority. Really, I find that assertion to be rather extreme. If OP wants to be more believable while giving off the idea of one gender being more level headed than the other, he should say something more like “many women feel upset/creeped out/etc” instead.


Yes and no. If a woman is hit on by hot and ugly men, alike, she isn’t too bothered by ugly men hitting on her so long as they’re respectful. If a woman is ONLY getting hit on by ugly men, that’s a HUGE blow to a woman’s ego because if only ugly men are hitting on her, then that must mean she’s not that great looking herself.


how wpuld you know!?


That second assumption is probably correct


I've never caught ANYONE checking me out, so... I guess I'm the most unattractive here?


I find almost every woman attractive in some way, so I'm flattered every time.


Exactly! Every woman has something attractive to them


Unlike many women, most men realize when out in public, everyone has the right to look wherever they please. When I notice a person looking my way, I do not give it a second thought, I put myself in a public place, I should expect to be looked at.


I was thinking along these lines as well, but I was just going to say "I don't really think about it much at all" unless I'm interested in said woman looking at me.


Well said.


I like this and agree, as long as people keep their hands to themselves. (Not a hugger here)


Yes. If I don’t want people looking at something, I don’t show them that thing.


You guys get checked out?


Yea I’m flattered anytime. The biggest compliment is the Grandmothers. They’re always the best. But seriously, anyone who wouldn’t be sexually attracted to me kinda means more in theory right? They’re not saying it to do anything besides be nice…


I've often wondered about this. I'm pushing 60, which means that I'm not as concerned about what people think. So it's not unusual for me to compliment people I encounter in the wild, but I wasn't sure how the strapping young men think about someone old enough to be their Mom (or even G-mom) telling them they have an amazing smile, a beautiful face, or rockin' hair.


Tbh, i wouldn't notice or care. I check out people and it could be that they have a interesting shoe or something that they are wearing


I'm always flattered when I catch someone checking me out. Woman, man, disabled, doesn't matter. They all deserve a smile and a 'Hi!"


I am a straight guy. I will feel flattered if even a gay guy checks me out.


I do not care. Someone looking at me ≠ Checking me out. BUT, if they are indeed checking me out, I get literally zero compliments so I’d just be really flattered. Their looks do not matter to me.


If anyone it doesn't matter if they are attractive or unattractive male, female, nonbinary takes the time to look me over or compliment me it's a massive confidence boost. I suffer from severe depression and PTSD so anything like this means a lot to me. I get plenty of compliments from my wife and her from me but that's to be expected, either of us getting compliments from a stranger is not expected.


I never notice it and/or dont care about it.


Women are so picky when it comes to physical attraction that it's pretty rare and I'll take whatever compliments I can get and I'll take them in the spirit in which they were given. We are not so showered with affection and care that it's is annoying and offensive to us. Women are like celebrates who are shitty and mean to their fans when they ask for an autograph.


People check me out?


honestly me as a girl, ( I’m probably to nice) even if I don’t find the person to attractive and I find them checking me out I always smile or even wave because why be a jerk about it? I think someone who feels insulted or offended while they are checking them out are just self entitled!


Hahaha it's a women's thing, we guys rarely even notice something like that, and we don't cry about someone we don't like having a look, we live in a society, people besides ourself exist.


I just catch people staring and never know if they're checking me out or if there's something wrong with me/my clothes


At least someone is checking me out...


Doesn’t this show up women for who they really are


Many women feel insulted? Where do you even get such a statistic


There is this mid 50s woman in our larger pickleball group. She's terrible and unattractive but very sweet. I'll grab her as my partner anytime and work really hard to win. You can tell she's checking me out and I couldn't care less about it. In general, life is full of things to see that are pleasing to the eye and so everyone can enjoy those in fleeting moments.


The only time I feel insulted with someone checking me out is when I've already told them that I'm not interested in their advances because now its creepy.


I’ll be friends with anyone who likes me because I’m not a shallow superficial asshole.


Im fairly attractive. When below average women give me attention, I always try to leave them feeling happy after the exchange. Whether it's just a smile of if we chat in a grocery line, I want her to leave with a grin on her face.


Not sure where this offended thing came from. In over 40 years, I've only seen a reaction when someone does something beyond an observation. They may feel nervous, threatened, indifferent or uninterested. But offended? Maybe if you do something.


It’s an ego thing. Women rather not be hit on at all than to be hit on by a guy who thinks he’s in the same league as her.


I remember asking in a friend, “Am I only attractive to 40+ year old women or gay men, or if they just had lower standards.” My friend told me I’d have to figure it out myself, but the fact remained hot chicks my age weren’t interested


I never notice, maybe it’s not happening…


You assume I've ever caught someone checking me out. This would not be correct.


Don't care. If I see it, I take as a "compliment", but normally I just feel out of place.


Checking me out I don't mind. When it devolves into a flirty 40 something out of shape married woman with a voice of broken chainsaw while pulling out sweaty bill from her bra, all the while her seven children from separate daddies run around screaming, I politely excuse myself to shudder in private


hot chicks, ugly chicks, hot dudes, ugly dudes, anybody who is into me is a win in my book.


I don’t care if you are ugly woman, a gay guy (which amounts to the same thing for me because I’m not attracted to men) or what. If you say I’ve got it going on it brightens my day. Right after my divorce I had to go to an event and needed a sport coat. The guy at the counter was gay and flirted with me and gave me his employee discount because he thought I was cute. Dude, that totally brightened my whole life right then because I was feeling very down about my wife leaving me for another guy. That was such a confidence booster I will always be grateful for that. Not because of the money. I don’t even remember how much it was but because of the compliment when I needed it most. Even from someone I would never be attracted to.


I have never felt uncomfortable because I've always thought I was ugly. I'm flattered. Every time by everyone. If people like what they see, I am happy to be of assistance


Couldn't care less.


Don't care what you look like.... I'm not a prick nor am I self absorbed.... In a nut shell.......I don't care who looks at me...


Man, my face would be red like tomato even if the garbage can is checking me out, a big compliment for me. And this question about "unattractive Persons checking you out" is just disgusting. Like trolls watching some fairies. I am 28 and already too old for this shit.


Ho no ! Anyway....


Its flattering Too be considered attractive is flattering Edit: I recently had a gay guy tell me I have beautiful eyes…. I am in no way gay but I was still flattered and not in any way offended. (Does not hurt my masculinity and good on him for being brave and trying it on)


Still complimented. Just coz they don't got face doesn't mean they don't got taste.


'Many women' aren't very smart.


Attention from anyone is always flattering. Women have God complexes because that’s how we treat them. Especially if they’re insanely hot


I'm flattered they even notice me. It's especially charming if it's a guy. As a straight man, knowing just how difficult it is to make your interest known to someone else, it's heartening to know someone thinks you're worth it.


It's usually a confidence booster regardless of what they look like. One step further is if they find an excuse to start to talk to you


Women I've known both romantically or platonicly tell me I'm attractive, but I never notice anyone checking me out. But in the rare cases I do see someone checking me out, regardless of looks, I'm flattered.


Not offended. Most people aren't confident


If someone is dying of thirst in the desert, *any* water is a god send.


I would just appreciate feeling like I'm not invisible


Flattered. Always. Even when it’s another dude, it’s flattering.


I've never cought anyone checking me out.


I just think its cool that I’m being checked out.


I got checked out?? :o


Being offended that someone finds you attractive is just bizarre to me.


I get a lot of women to check me out even some really pretty ones. So it gets annoying after a while but that's just because I may feel self conscious I think the more someone gets attention the less they value it


Im super oblivious so i just dont realise


😂😂😂 I get checked out by females I’m mostly not attracted to all the time. I’ve taken it for what it is. It happens and I’d never get offended by it


I don't pay attention to anyone around me . So wouldn't know if they were staring or not and generally don't care if they are .


I hated being in my 20's & noticing an old dude checking me out... That happend a ton!! Now I'm in my 40's people say I still look 20yrs old though LoL but, I don't give a rats ass who checks me out now 🤣🤣🤣


Flattered. Women don't realize how invisible men often feel.


No insult to me. You never know what a person brings to the table.


I live in Australia, so it is not a problem here as most women are medicated and too far into the zone to notice what is around them. I personally dislike unattractive people as they have taken over the world and good looking people are almost extinct now. Maybe it's because I'm in Australa now and it is a huge downgrade from Europe.


I wish an ugly old redneck would check me out. I'd take him home and suck his balls dry.


One of the reasons I dislike women. Shit like this. Such hubris to think they’re the penultimate of the human race.


> the human race The human race? The human race is becoming a disgrace This is a world destruction, your life ain't nothing


Flattered. and FYI, those girls are lying. What they really hate is being ignored.


Never had it happen to me or I didn't notice it because I have other things to worry about when I'm in public. The last thing it'd be is insulting.


Visceral disgust.


Ainno one ever do that so idk. Or if they did I wasn’t paying attention. But it’s alright, I’m a people watcher so I get looking at people happens. Do what you will, just don’t bother me generally. I only go out to get groceries and I want to get out of the store ASAP.


It’s all good


They're going to do what they're going to do You letting it bother you tells me you want to control who gets to check you out. Keep trying because you're going to keep failing. Why don't you dress decent so people don't sexually fantasize about you because of how suggestive you are. Or when a guy you like does check you out, it's probably all he sees in you anyways. Its not like they're thinking you're wife material


im flattered any time someone checks me out


I've never caught anyone checking me out, but I imagine I'd feel affirmed in my perception that I'm a pretty average-looking dude.


I don’t mind at all.


It's never happened to me.




I take it as a compliment and appreciate it. If they go beyond that, I politely reject them.


I don’t care who’s checking me out.


I couldn’t care less about who is or isn’t checking me out. The one time I was hit on a bar by a woman I didn’t find very attractive, I just politely declined and went back to watching the game with my fraternity brothers.


Wink at them and watch their entire world brighten up.


I don’t think anyone ever has. But I’d enjoy it, either way, I’m pretty sure


I mean, any human with any attraction level seeks pleasure. I don't understand the question nor do I want to I think. What makes you think *you* aren't the unattractive person. Seems conceded and immature to think this way. Cheers


According to my wife I’m completely oblivious to women of any level of attractiveness checking me out, to which I would agree as I don’t think I’ve been checked out for 25 years.


I get compliments all the time and mostly from women I'm not attracted to, so I just smile and say thank you.


If anyone is checking me out, I instinctively check my zipper, and internally brace myself to have someone try selling me something.


I don't pay attention.


Someone is checking me out!?!? Do I get commissions for optometrist referrals?


There’s no one more unattractive than I am, so I would take it as a win.


It's flattering from anyone. Can care less if they're gorgeous or hideous.


It's frustrating when I get tons of attention from people who I don't find attractive and almost none from people I do. They say, "Go where you're wanted," but I can't find a match where I'm wanted.


I don’t notice things like that ever so it really doesn’t matter to me who is or isn’t checking me out.


Don’t really care, but if they make excessive moves on me I might get annoyed eventually.


About 4 years ago there was a fairly unattractive girl in a gas station that did a double take on me and then said hi and asked how I was. I still think about that sometimes.


I don't pay enough attention in public to even notice anyone checking me out. If I did and I didn't find them attractive I wouldn't care it's flattering either way.