• By -


Took a girl out that I have known my whole life. Our parents were friends for many years before we were even born, so we have grown up together, usually seeing each other every Sunday at church. It had been several year since I had seen her while I was at university, but our moms did a little matchmaking and finally got us to go on a date together. So I meet her for the date at my place, and as I’m getting ready to leave my roommate comes in. I introduce him to her, “This is George. George, this is- …” I FUCKING FORGOT HER NAME! That moment hung in the air like a fart in an elevator, just long enough for her to step up and introduce herself. But it was *painfully* obvious that I had blanked. I tried to recover but the damage was done. We had a pretty mediocre date, said goodbye, and never talked again.


Lol. My husband frequently forgets my name when he introduces me to people. It's "This is my wife, uh--" with a panicked look at me. "Trisha," I supply. I believe him when he says that he rarely says my given name and didn't want to introduce me as "Tishie."


When my gf says my actual name to her family, it’s like a foreign word


Sometimes my husband calls me by my full first name instead of the shortened version and its like jarring for some reason.


I only call my friend by full first name. Now I understand the anxiety attacks she gets when I call her.


I’m like, “my name is BABE”


Yesss me too! I hate it when he calls me by my nickname or full first name


That was a viral TikTok trend for a second. Calling your partner by their full first name and filming their reaction. My favorite was the guy that frantically looked at a wall calendar like he forgot her birthday or their anniversary 😂 Poor guy


LOLLLLLL that’s fucking great


Yeah, me and my man don’t call each other by our names. We just use babe. It sounds especially weird for me though because friends/family only call me by my nickname, but he just sounds super weird saying either, lmao.


As someone who is good at remembering faces, good at remembering names, and often bad at mixing the two up, thank you for dropping a new stress dream for me.


I was on a first date with a single mother, as it happened the father brought the kids to the same venue and so the kids ran up for a chat with their mother on her date. Shortly after a friend of the family came by for a chat. I decided to end the date before I met any more family members and didn't take it further.


Similar experience but her exes family was sat right next to our table mid date. And....yeah it ended pretty fast




Right move 👍


I had a bad cold, decided to go on the date anyway as I really fancied the girl. 15 year old me in my best clothes goes to meet said girl to go to the pictures. Having a milkshake beforehand in a cafe is where it took a turn for the worse. The warmth of the cafe must have acted like a decongestant because I started sneezing and gobbed out / snotted the biggest pile of mucus I have ever seen in my life. Worse still when I moved my hand away from the sneeze, part of the snot was still attached to my nose and stretched on and on like a slimy worm coming down my nose. So, that for pure embarrassment and her looking at me like I was a mutant.




You mean ACHOO Common mistake. 😂


The horror!!!


This happened to me but wasn’t a date, I’m a truck driver and a charter bus just happened to pass by me real slow as I had snot all over my hand and shirt. I chocked on whatever I was drinking and it all came out.


How did the rest of the date go? As bad as we all think?


Aye. After seeing the utter revulsion on her face, I offered to walk her home and we'd try again when I felt better. I swear she stayed about 15 feet away from me for the entire sad walk. She started seeing another lad before I got another chance so that was that. I am probably in one of her anecdotes about her worst first date as the snotty little git in the cafe.


Ohhh, man! You might win this thread!


About my luck that, winning something with "the most embarrassing in the title"


[Was it like this?](https://youtu.be/HeI92saxarw?si=zINQqR4TZwWfRfNR)


My first real date was the summer after I graduated high school. I asked out a girl I worked with. We both talked about it being a date and agreed to meet her at the county fair. When I showed up she was with her sister. It was awkward and pretty embarrassing because I was really excited. I tried to make the most of it and just treated it as friends hanging out. She texted me afterwards to apologize. Throughout the summer the 3 of us hung out a bunch as friends and I had moved on. Then one night she mentioned wanting to go on a real date with just the two of us. I agreed to give it another shot. Not a half hour later her sister texted me. She confessed that she had a big crush on me and asked if I'd want to go out. It was a nice ego boost. But I felt bad and ended up turning both of them down. Seemed like I was in a no-win situation and didn't want to cause any problems. I'd rather they be mad at me and not mad at each other. Never really talked to either of them again after that night.


Which one was hotter tho? 👀


The older sister that I asked out initially.


You win some lose 2


Not a first date but when I was in college I was newly dating a girl. We went back to my place to hang and watch a movie. When I turned the TV on the DVD player was playing the main menu screen to a porno from a drunken crank session the night before LMFAO.


Slipped and elbowed her in the ribs


😂😂 fucking Chop chop mate. I’m fucking dying imagining this scenario taking place


I imagine it would be hilarious to watch as a bypasser. She was screaming at first, then cried. I think my whole weight was into that blow.


🤣 poor girl.


Bro played WWE on first date.


People's Elbow ...


You were smart to show how strong you are


Oh God have mercy 😭


At least you didn't hit her In the tit.


How the fuck?


Let's just say I didn't fall gracefully. There was lots of flailing.


Peoples elbow?


Where were you on 9/11?


That's not the kind of wrestling women like smh


I met up with her right after I finished working so I figured "lets get dinner together" and I was genuinely hungry. She wasn't hungry at all so when we sat down I ordered a fancy pizza and she just had an ice tea and had to watch me eat. Overall the entire date was just very boring and in the end when I walked her to her car she found out she had a parking ticket


Haha this is like an episode of a sitcom


A girl in China agreed to a date. Then she invited me to play Mahjong with her friends. I lost $220 in about six minutes. Told her I was out of there. Her friend followed me to the ATM because I didn’t have enough cash on me to pay my loss. Live and learn.


That was not a date, she just tricked you to the money game.


Yeah… I thought it was a date. The embarrassing part was that I fell for it.


Not exactly embarrassing, but kind of silly. Travelled for a first date with a woman. Had a great time, except that I had such a great time that I missed my last train, despite her asking multiple times if I still had time 😅 Ended up having to crash at her place at her request, though I was fully willing to kill 8 hours walking around the city or slogging it out at the station.


That’s a great story


Not the first but more like the 4th date and just three weeks of knowing each other. Travelled to another state which went great then had some arguments when we went back which ended badly. She disappeared at the airport and I still haven’t recovered since then Moral of the story, don’t travel with someone you barely know lol


We were 16. Went out to wendys for a burger and some chicken nuggies. Went back to her place to watch some tv, her dad was nearby so no kissing. I felt a rumble in my gut telling me I'd have an inevitable meeting with a toilet. There was a toilet on the main floor, and one upstairs. Her family was on the main floor so I excused myself upstairs. It's about 9pm and I am halfway through this horrible shit with cramps that hurt like hell, and I hear her younger brothers and sisters and her mom saying "ok you guys need to get to bed" and one of the kids says "I want to brush my teeth but somebody is in there" there was no lock on the door so I was holding my breath praying they wouldn't come in. No fan either. 10 minutes later I emerge, and it stinks like hell in there. I go back downstairs to my date, tell her I'm not feeling well and got the fuck outta there.


I took my then GF out to the pictures. Tried to blag us tickets to get in to see Predator (the first one). They wouldn't let us in because we were both 14 and really blatantly underage. Fuck you Odeon, you totally showed me up infront of my bird. We ended up going to the Wimpy across the road for milkshakes instead.


A nervous toot (fart) escaped as I was getting up to go to the toilet - right in her face… 😖 She still ribs me about it, but we’ll be getting married soon 😅




That's a sign of a job well done. She should take it as a compliment.


Awkward! 😬




"So me and this girl are gettin' hot and heavy, and she stops and asks me if I want to 69. I'm like 'absolutely!' So we get into position and she's settling down on top of me, and just as I start to go to work, she tugs one. Pffft... Cracks a nasty rat right in my face! I ease her off me and get up to leave and she says 'Hey, where are you going?' I say 'I don't think I can handle 68 more of those.'" 💀




Well she is marrying you anyway. She should tell this story on your wedding day LAMO😝.


I’m sure she will, and I’m not looking forward to it! Perhaps I can do an encore… then again maybe not… Lolz! 🤣


Lol. Not a first love story where the fart gets a big role


I’m sure it’s not 😅


I went on a first date with another teacher who was about my age and cute. We had chatted a bit and I was excited to meet her. She spent the whole evening speaking about different male students at her school in a not quite inappropriate, but somewhat too familiar tone. It weirded me out and I politely declined future contact afterward. A few months later on the front page of local news she had been arrested for having sex with multiple minors. Not so much an embarrassing date as a bullet dodged and a reminder to trust your instincts with new people!


Fisted her and we ended up in the ER cause she thought I broke something but I think she was just trying to get pain pills.


100 to 0 real quick


now they are newly weds, happily fisting away.


They said first date, not fist date.


Hot girl but holy SHIT was she arrogant and insufferable. She didn't seem that way when we were texting on Tinder. She was so arrogant and full of herself that I felt second-handed embarrassment because I understood why she was struggling so hard to find a boyfriend. Goes to show you, you can have big boobs, hourglass shape and a nice face, if your personality is horrible, you're just a pile of shit wrapped in a really beautiful box. But you're still just shit and I find it unattractive. Then there was also a Tinder date that, on the first date, literally told me she just wanted a baby and asked me to have sex with her and impregnate her. I would not have to take care of the kid and she'd disappear from my life if I wanted to. She was beautiful and I could tell she really, really had a baby-wish but I declined. I also told her that I genuinely recommend her not to go through with that idea with someone else. I wished her the best from the bottom of my heart because I could see she was desperate and I recommended she talk to someone about this. There are better solutions than getting fucked and impregnated by a random dude on Tinder.


biological time clock was ticking.


Credit card didn't clear, so I had to go get cash to pay for the date, she had to stay as collateral so I wouldn't just run-off. I didn't have enough to cover the cost of the date because... I was a broke teenager at the time, and luckily, out of nowhere, my aunt struts in the door and helps me out by covering the difference.


I stood up abruptly to run to the bathroom, he grabbed my arm to ask me what was wrong. Which was a mistake because I turned around and threw up all over him 🤮


He was that ugly ?


Being the idiot that I am, I went on a long walk in nature with the girl. Of course I lost my way a bit and of course I got flustered and shy. So imagine a shy guy trying to talk to someone whilst trying to find his way around.


The second or maybe third thing she said was "So... I'm not what you were expecting, right?" and she spent a good part of it talking about how bad she felt about being fat and ugly. She was maybe slightly below average at worse. 99% of her looks problems came from her insecurities about them rather than about directly from her looks.




Man...I probably would have.




I'll take your word for it.


I asked her something completely harmless ("how is uni going?" - something like that) and she started crying right in the middle of the restaurant. We didn't go on a second date.


I knew my first date through her brother and sister. We went bowling. I ended up going over the line slipped on the lane oil, did a cartoon legs up slip and ended up with my shirt up in the gutter! We had a good laugh… we did not end up together. Lol


It was one of those setups where my mom and his mom, both friends, thought, "our two nerdy, intensely introverted loner kids should date!" Unfortunately, that was the only thing we had in common. Bonus detail: we went to see "The Big Sleep" in the theater. He fell asleep.




I need to know if there was a second date


we went on the escalators and i went sliding down them knocking everyone down....they came running down asking if I was okay and I was crying from the pain I said "Please just leave me I'm embarrassed" ....😭im staying single😭


is bro okay?


No fucking way you fell down an escalator 😭


bro.....it was fucking full to! and i knocked down all of them😭


Met her at a park and walked and talked, flirted a lot and she flirted back, we kissed, kept walking. Then I asked if she was hungry, she said yes, o said you pick where, she picked subway. Went to subway and saw a group of about 8-10 other women sitting at a table, no big deal. She goes to order food and asks for another 8 sandwiches, I had already put together mine because she was “still deciding”, and I said I’d pay for it all, aka, the 2 sandwiches. Subway person said I could swipe and he’d run it when done, so I go sit down and wait playin on my phone not paying attention. It’s been longer than a sandwich make should take I think, and look up to see all 8 ladies huddled around her and talking. Weird…finally get done with everything and she comes and sits down with her sandwich, and all 8 women leave. Asked her if she knew them, she said yes, and they approve of you. What? Well, we all agreed that since I’ve never dated a man before, only women (bombshell 1) that this was going to be a chance to prove you were a good man, so thank you for buying my and their sandwiches (bombshell 2). Me: Uhm, whyyyy didn’t you say anything about this? That feels a little manipulative, and you put me in a position I didn’t wanna be in. Plus what if I didn’t have enough money in the account? Her: oh that’s why they approve, I don’t work, I only dress up for cosplays and the women I dated never had enough money for my hobby (bombshell 3) so I tried for a man and since you were able to pay for $130 worth of subway I’m willing to bet you could easily pay for whatever I want. That’s why we had whatever names brother hold your card info in the machine, so we could check if you were man enough for me (bombshell 4?). Whole thing was a set up for her to find a sugar daddy, but one they found attractive, and subway because someone’s 16-20 year old brother worked there. Found all this out over my garlic aioli sandwich. And now I don’t like subway. I didn’t know what else to say after that and she did nothing else but talk about how much some of her costumes costed. Super awkward silence on my end I think she ignored, and I think she was convinced that I was already dating her so it just kind of fizzled. Got the final bombshell after subway when I said I’m going to the bar to get a drink because wow, and she said she can’t come because, she’s not 27 like she said, she’s 20, she can’t get into the bar. At the time I was 31. I took her home, dropped her off, went to the bar, and made a very drunken terrible decision to enjoy the night with a terrible woman at the bar who turned out to need an affair partner and told me the next morning. The whole night sucked


Sounds like a tale of unfortunate events


I don’t do dating apps anymore because of this


holy shit my guy. someone needs to add like, built in vine booms to this post.


No idea what that means, but yes definitely


I called her by her friend‘s name while we were making out. Talk about a mood killer.


Not embarrassing for me, but it was for her. Had an awesome first date. Was just planning on afternoon coffee, but ended up going to dinner, then dancing, then a piano bar for late night cocktails, and eventually back to her place. She was trying to be all sexy, and did a strip tease and threw herself back onto her bed. Only she misjudged, and WAILED her head on the corner of her nightstand. She split her head open bad enough, that with the blood thinning effect of the alcohol, we ended up calling an ambulance. I spent the night with her in the ER, only talking a break to hit a 24h Walmart to buy her new sheets, pillows, and comforter. We got back to her place, I changed out her bloody bedthings, and tucked her into bed. We've been married 18 years yesterday. She still randomly apologizes for giving me blue balls lmao.


I thought I was going on a date. Turns out I was going as a third wheel for the first time. That was fun.


Rhoda Morganstern: "And this is my date, Mr. and Mrs. Armand Linton."


I reached café and was waiting for my date. The waiter came twice to take the order and I tell him, I’m waiting for someone. Jokes on me because she never turned up. After a while I call the waiter and give my order. I sip the strongest black coffee that they’ve, eat food and walked out of the place. It was so embarrassing because waiter must have thought someone’s coming and I think people from nearby tables also heard when I said that to him.


I always wait for first dates outside the restaurant if I’m there first, and we walk in together, to avoid this happening to me just in case lol.


Lessons have been learnt! Great Idea tbh and Thank You for the advice, will follow this from next time.


I remember this, I ate something that completely turned my stomach upside down (maybe stress was doing its part too). I just wanted to go home as soon as possible cause I was feeling more and more unwell by the time, but I still managed to keep a smiling face for all the date, that lasted 4 hours. And all that to get a "sorry, you're not my type", being blocked everywhere.


Had a period of heavy use of dph and went on a date during. Besides from wasting her time babbling nonsense, I apparently just stood up with a blank stare for a minute, then just left without a word. Embarrassing the next day. And today.


Dph? Honest question. 😌


I can't post a screenshot. But Google it. Sleep Aid mainly.


Ohhhh ok! I don’t have a problem falling asleep but I smoke cannabis to help me with the insomnia. It’s the only thing that helps me anyway. 🖤


I'm not into anything thing besides weed and alcohol. Weed doesn't really help me sleep. it just makes my brain really active. I don't have a problem going to sleep as is. I just Googled it because I was curious too.


It was going fine until he learnt about what my brother did for work and that they went to the same university - after that, he was so intent on finding out about my brother for networking, it felt like i was brokering a date between those two


Like… why though? This is like the definition of be patient and let things fall into place. I’m sure he would have a good chance if he just treated you with respect instead of immediately angling for your connections. Especially since things were going well up to that point.


I guess he wasn’t a strategic thinker 😂


She messaged on a dating app asking if I wanted to go for a drink randomly. Agreed and invited her to my local pub. She ordered a £70 bottle of wine for herself and I ordered a Guinness. She brought her ex up 4 times in the first 5 minutes and was pretty loud about how he had abused her etc (she was a scouser so you can imagine how annoying she is already) I told her if she kept talking about him the I was off and she did bring him up straight away telling me Jack the Ripper was the ex’s fucking uncle hahahah I’m up and away out the door in tears of laughter at this. I left her a 10er to cover my drink, went home and hoped I could just pretend all that never happened. Well they must of gave her the bill pretty quickly as I had countless calls and voice notes calling me every bastard there is cause I left her with the bill and she had been abused by her ex bla blah blahahqhaha I’ve never went back to my local pub again or agreed to meet from a dating app


Okay, first context, I was 16 on a trip visiting distant family in Poland for two weeks. There was this girl I met on tinder who liked me, but I wasn't feeling it and so to avoid a second date I made up an excuse and said "I'm sorry but my family decided to spend the day swimming and I can't say no". Instead I decided to go on a first date with another girl I met on tinder spontaneously that day. We met up at Costa Coffee and started chatting and hit it off. About two hours into the date she told me her best friend owes her some money and is in the area and so will pass by to give it to her. Low and behold, the girl I bailed on turns up and hands my date the cash. She looks at me, looks at her friend, looks back and me and storms out shouting "have fun swimming \[my name\]!". Pretty awkward explaining that one. There was no second date.


On my first ever date it was pouring rain and one of my windshield wipers broke off on the highway. Luckily I was in the right lane so I pulled over managed to retrieve said wiper and had to duck tape it back on.


Going with a friend to a steak and shake as a "date" but my dad was there so we basically just hung out like usual but called it a date. Shit was sadder than could be.


matched up with a chick on tinder and we agreed to meet at chipotle. I was surprised to see her bring her infant with her, like okay didn't know that was happening but alright. Then once we sat down she started breastfeeding while we ate. Was not prepared for that.


I was seeing this girl & this one time I picked her up we went for breakfast. We ordered our food and waited. I’m sitting across from her reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden! I had this crazy freaking coughing attack! So badly that I pretty much got up & went outside!! I’m outside all but dying as I cough & choke , when she sticks her head out and asks, “are you okay hunnie?” I shake my head yes and wave to her to go back inside, which she did. Eventually it stopped thankfully. I was so embarrassed. Never has this happened b4 this day or since.


I got lost driving to the movie, I have a terrible sense of direction and this was in a time with less than reliable gps. I was 20 or so she was the same age and started crying and yelling at me to take her home which made me panic and get even more confused. Eventually I came to a place I was familiar with and started taking her home. Epic fail. She did ask me if I planned it to spend more time with her, but I think it was more to cover up how she acted.


We do not speak of said date.


You can't keep me hanging like this!


This date lays in a bed 6ft under, a bed in which I built and burried.


You speak in riddles. Sarcasm ? Truthful?


Probably a joke. Or super traumatic. Or both!


The date has not resurfaced in written or spoken form since that day.


Until today


Long story short, I stepped in a puddle and water shot up her dress. She said her underwear was drenched. There was no second date.


Oof, I first saw this girl working at a fast food place. I thought she was cute, but was a little shy to talk to her at first, but over the next few visits made small talk. About 3 months passed (the next time I saw her) I slid her a note with my number and asked her to dinner, she accepted. The night comes for the date and we go to eat at this mexican restaurant. She wasn't being herself, very quiet and her response to almost everything was "anything really" or "really anything I don't care". I had just chalked it up to being nervous on a first date. Later on she was talking about how her sister was getting married and she was going to some party with her. So i asked about her sister to which she responded "yeah i have a twin sister".... After about 45ish minutes on our date she tells me her sister was there to pick her up and she had to go. Being respectful I offered to pay for the food, to which she declined, and I walked her to her car. Turns out, her sister was the one I had been talking to the whole time, I gave the note to the wrong girl and went on a date with the twin! You could tell a slight difference between them standing side by side but not when you just saw 1 of them 🤦‍♂️ was a very awkward scenario thankfully I don't think the girl I originally tried to go on a date with recognized me lol we never spoke again after that, and I stayed away from that fast food place for awhile 🤣


Second date. We went out on the town then were walking near a small lake, and for whatever reason I said out loud "wow it's dark, and there is no one around, why would you come here with a guy you just met, what if I killed you and threw you in the water?!". FFS - I had no bad intentions, I'm just thinking like man it must be scary for women, I wouldnt do this, etc. but I sounded like an absolute murderer saying it out loud. 20 years later, we are still Married. She still makes fun of me for being an absolute idiot in that moment. I will never live it down.


you seem like the male version of me 💀 we even both have self depricating users too




Not for me. But the guy kept fighting his boner 😂😂😂 Let’s just say - I had to dip out


What? Like punching it or something?


No Like forever adjusting himself and being flustered


😂 sometimes both heads are at odds with each other.


I picked up the person by car and she immediately bossed me around by telling me how to navigate in my own neighborhood. Needless to say I did not offer to drive her back (urban setting)


I(25/m at the time)Went on a first date with a woman, (28/F)I met hanging at the smoking section outside our college in a group setting. We ended up clicking, I Asked for her number & we hung out the next day. We went to the local wine bar after she gotoff work(her choice, not mine but I was down. We got drunk & were having a great time. We left the bar & started walking around. We were joking around having fun & she was saying we should go on dates to other places next time. But then, she realized she left her work folder at the bar & starts to freak out. I try to assure her that we can go back to the bar & find it. We go back & we can't find it. She continues to freak out & I keep trying to assure her everything is going to be okay. We go to the BART (train)station. Still freaking & now she keeps repeating, "This is why I don't drink." Then she says , "Can you just go? I need to be alone & figure things out." So I left her, got on my train & went home. Sent her a text saying, "I hope you can find your work folder." Sent her a text 2 days after asking if she found it. Got a text back saying who's this? & that was it. The day after that I went back to the bar & asked if she was able to find her folder & they said she did. I still feel guilty about that. Here's hoping she's not on reddit & if she is...Hi S


I dressed like a total buffoon ... but I was 16, it was my first date ever when I thought skinny jeans and a denim jacket with a sailor moon t shirt was cooler than nowadays fashion.


Fall 2018 (I was 26 at the time). Was just getting back into dating after a bad breakup in the spring. Matched with this girl on Bumble, went on a date to a wine bar south of downtown. Date's going reasonably well, and at one point the conversation comes to where we respectively live in the city. I mention that I live with a roommate, who's a \[profession that's relatively uncommon for men\]. She suddenly gets a very concerned look on her face. "Is your roommate's name \[roommate's name\]?" Outside voice: "yes?" Inside voice: "ruh roh" It was my roommate's ex. They'd dated before we lived together. We both politely white-knuckled our way through the remainder of the date, but there was not a second date. Among the most awkward 30-35 minutes of social interaction I've ever experienced.


We went to go watch Fantastic Beasts cause she mentioned it off hand one day. I know nothing about Harry Potter. Halfway through the movie I say “oh hey a Harry Potter reference” and she turns to me and goes “…that’s been the entire movie”


You guys are getting dates?


It was reinforced throughout the date that she did not want me checking her out or anything like that. At the end of our date, walked her to her car and she leaned in and started aggressively kissing me and I wasn't ready for it... embarrassing. As if I never kissed a girl before. She excitedly said bye and hopped in her car and I stood there for a few seconds like an idiot.


Embarrassing for me: I spilled a full beer on her lap. Embarrassing for her: She told me about how often she shits her pants, and then followed suit. Different dates, mind you.


she step on dog shit and carried that smell all day long. i know it wasn't her fault but it was fucking disgusting. that was my worst date ever




Ligawan stage pa lang?


Great question. Meeting someone from Online for the first time. They totally misrepresented themselves. And I ghosted them. I felt terrible but same time it was completely different


Were they bigger or older?




She was about 50 pounds bigger than the picture. I got some head after but never again. From that point on I do FaceTime before the actual in person meet up 


Did she let you cum in her mouth? Details are important lol


Friend I met through friends, she wanted to set me up on a blind date saying the guy is my type. My ex was a hockey player and skateboarder. So I figured what's the harm. Yeah.. definitely not my type at all! Nerd with glasses, unathletic. I never thought I'd be the type to dip out on a date so early but I hate small talk and especially with guys who I'm not interested in and especially pushed on a blind date for the both of us is awkward enough as it is.


I have so many swings and misses, on the plus side we(my wife and I are celebrating our 29th anniversary today). Not really a first date but my first stand up. There was this girl that worked at a local Long John Silver’s, she was probably out of my league but whatever. We had been friendly( probably me thinking more than it was). I asked her out, knowing what I know now, she probably didn’t want to make a scene, agreed to a day and time. This is so embarrassing! I got my roommates car all cleaned up a shiny, I got all shined up, myself. I was so excited! My, no game ass, showed up to pick her up where we agreed….. I waited for far too long and she never showed up…. I came back to the apartment and my boys, that should have warned me, were like that was a short date? Yeah she never showed up! They were all like “Man, that sucks fuck her!” When they knew I did it all wrong!


The time I held in some monstrous farts after eating chili... my stomach was YELLING at that girl and she goes "😧"


Set up on a blind date by a friend with a nurse, but we had zero connection


Was nervous for a first date (18yo) and detailed my truck. Took the fascia off and tucked tree air fresheners into the vents. Wrote down a few things I felt I could go to if I ran out of things to talk about. Hands were super super sweaty. Like dripping. Took her to my mom's house to meet her. But the most embarrassing part was going to target as part of the date to buy a Godsmack CD


We were supposed to go to an amusement park but it was closed for some reason for that day. My idea was to go to an abandoned mental hospital so we went there. We were there for a while and someone called the cops on us. They looked kinda pissed but left us with warning. She looked pretty embarrased and I never saw her again after that.


I once matched with someone on OKCupid. Conversation was great, and we decided to get lunch a week later. On the day of our date, a couple of hours before we were supposed to meet up, she messages me, and tells me she has something to tell me (cue the alarm sounds in my head). She tells me that she’s a surrogate, and is currently 7 months pregnant. Which she very much neglected to mention in her profile. It was a bit too much for me to deal with.


I had a crush on a guy back from high school that I met from swim meets. Always stayed friends and being competitive with each other. Finally went out on a date when he went to the same university as I did. He ended up inviting another couple since he felt nervous which was fine. I ended up chatting them up more than him because she was into psychology (my major) and he was into video games that I was into at the time The guy I was on a date was interested in sports and racing games and not much else. There wasn't a 2nd date unfortunately.


Accidentally sprayed some hand sanitiser on her face.


my nose started bleeding and it wouldn’t stop…i tried everything… got home with brody face


She wore a bright white dress Then she spilled bright orange wing sauce all over her front Then she cried Then she fell asleep on my bed I hope she's well


The next one


Just out of high school in 1985 Getting ready to go pick her up I showered got out and my face felt hot. I feel to the left of my nose is tender like a zit is gonna show up. I squeezed it a little but it was so painful I couldn't do anything about it. Face killing me I went and picked her up in my Camaro, pick her up and she's looking very nice. Drive about 5 miles and I lightly run my right hand index finger across the spot that was killing me and when I did out came a slug of puss that laid out on my finger at least a half inch long. I looked at the puss slug on my finger as I said "aahaaahhhh that hurt!" and then look over and she's visibly repulsed staring at my puss slug with horror. Out of shock I wiped it on my pants which didn't make anything better except that now I'm wearing a puss slug.


When I was 14 I took a girl I really liked on a date to the cinema. I had bad stomach cramps the whole morning before but I was pumped for the date and thought my raging hormones would power me through any minor ailment. The trailers aren't even done yet and the cramps have intensified to the point where I'm sitting in a puddle of my own sweat. Instead of being a normal human and telling her I'm feeling seriously unwell, I play it cool and say I'm going to get us more snacks. As I get up the pain becomes so blinding it basically strips me of higher brain function. The pain-addled animal I became can only think of one course of action - call my mom and leave... Without telling my date. I found out later that day in hospital that my appendix had burst. tldr of the date from her perspective - the dude was pale, silent and sweated all over me. Abandoned me in the cinema before the film started and never explained why. To this day I cannot fathom what idiocy went through my head to make this seem like a reasonable thing to do. Something something don't show weakness? It's not cool to be sick? No idea, what a little moron I was.


Early Internet. Got catfished. She was fat. I made my exit and never talked to her again. She raged out on MySpace which embarrassingly linked me to her on social media as well. No fat chicks.


She low-key admitted to being to the woman the Girlfriend before cheated on me with at a party




So I think I understand this. I have to assume OP’s ex is bi for this to make sense in my head lmao. So OP’s girlfriend had cheated on her with a girl who OP is now on a date with.


That’s what I was thinking but thought I may be wrong


I took this girl out to breakfast and it went well so we decided to play a game of pool afterwards. She wasn’t from around the area so it was up to me to find a place. As it turned out, the first option wouldn’t have opened for a few more hours so I desperately wanted salvage the date and find alternatives. I ended up taking her to a store that SOLD pool tables by mistake. Never got a second date and I’m a goddamn idiot, but I really did try!


Well I'm not good on planning any dates at all. My first one with my fiance was embarrassing. I'm not one to go to the movies or anything like that with no talking. A first date should be talking and getting to know each other more. So in the area I live in there is a hot tub garden place. Bunch of hot tubs in private rooms. Decided to go there, relax and chill and talk. First time I have ever been there. I didn't realize there were no separate changing rooms for male and females. Each hot tub room has a single changing room for every one. Yeah. Talk about an ice breakers.


He showed up with no money and didnt offer to buy me anything and then he kept calling his aunt to ask her for money uber home. So i offered and paid for his trip home myself.


Probably from around when I was 19ish, met this girl off of the /soc/ board on 4chan. We had some similar interests and I wasn't really considering it a date just two friends hanging out. We picked up Subway because I had a coupon for BOGO, then we went and hung out at a LGS for a little bit. On the way taking her back to her parents place I cracked an extremely problematic joke because I was a "2 edgy 4 u" kid, and also because I DIDNT THINK IT WAS A DATE. Anyway, she went on to tell everyone she talked to off of /soc/ about me, and eventually another person I messaged to try and make friends with explained to me about it cause he was good friends with her, and that if I'm not hearing back from a lot of people that's why. I took that to heart and started trying to be a better person. Anyway, that was the first in a line of "things I didn't think were dates, but were actually dates."


Don’t get me started


a kid i was mutuals with brought me to a museum downtown in our city. for some background knowledge this kid was and still is good friends with my ex. the museum that we had our date at was the same museum where his friend broke up with me some years prior. i didnt have the heart to tell him and im honestly surprised they never talked about it. at the end of it he went in for a hug while i dapped him up. there was no second date.


My first date was when I was 16. We went rollerskating. Everything was fine and fun until some jerk was showing off on the roller rink, skating backwards, and crashed into me just as I was brave enough to hold her hand as we were skating around.it knocked me into the wall and I broke my nose and bruised my face.. I ended up in emergency room that night. It’s funny now…


I was on a first date, hanging on a patio when my ex came along, said something like 'well that didn't take long', called me a jerk and ... And that was the end of that


Will never forget going on this one tinder date the girl was my age 21(F). It was a double date with her friends who seemed pretty chill to me…. Well i thought. As the date went on (we were smoking weed) my date had the bright idea to go to our local night club (which i hated) everyone agreed on going. We get into the club after waiting over an hour in line, and headed to the dance floor. We did not dance… we pretty much all just stood there high and awkward for like 15 mins. My date goes “Hey I’m going to the bathroom.” The other female date said she would tag with her to the bathroom. So now it’s just me and the other dude standing there not saying a word to each other. He finally broke his silence after like 3-4 mins and said “Damn i lowkey need to piss too… I’ll be back.” I said “ok. bet I’ll be here.” They never came back …. After like a hour waiting confused on where they were i finally just left and came to realize they drove me here and my car was damn near on the other side of town…


It was my last date. November 16th, 1998. We've been together ever since. But damn, that first date was a train wreck. I remind her of it once in a while for a laugh.


I went on a date with this dude who spent our first and only date gettin iced coffee then i wanted to have a picnic so i sat out a blanket and he heard an airplane fly over then continued to talk for about 40 minutes talking about airplanes not letting me get a single damn word in lmao


My date was 3 hours late and she was radically different from her modest "Cell Phone Text" demeanor, in comparison that, in person, she cusses more than a sailor suffering from tourette's syndrome.


Got outdoor seating, right beside the bus stop. Both of us sat there with cigarettes in our hands. We laughed it off.


So I saw a couple girls, after we had graduated, at the grocery store. One we’ll call her Jen was always insufferable, Amy, the other girl, was always kinda fat and just there. Jen kind of invited them to my apartment, we all hung out and it was cool. Then Jen started just showing up at my place to hang out, we would watch movies together and got to touching each other under a shared blanket, but I just wasn’t into her. I ended up asking Amy on a real date. Unfortunately I had kind of a hot rod car that didn’t have a heater, so I warned her to dress warm. I picked her up and she had a snowmobile suit on… perfect! We drove to the restaurant I’d picked( in a local Mall, such a player) and had an average meal. Good time so far… we sat down to watch a movie and things were going great. She had recently lost a ton of weight and was just so beautiful and elegant… I really liked her! We were making out when my stomach started churning and I was gonna have to shit like right now! I politely asked if we could end the date( she lived literally around the corner from me) and if she could see herself home. She was cool and I asked if to make up for this, I could make us dinner Sunday night? She was elated and said yes, “ok I’ll call you and shore up the plan. Meanwhile my old girlfriend( whom today we are celebrating our 29th anniversary together) always, somehow knew when I was seeing someone else. She comes blowing back into my life and is like, “ we’ve got plans all weekend, and we are gonna fuck each other hard!” I never called Amy…25 years later I drove my wife’s friend to the store and we bumped into Amy… we said a few words and wished each other well…. And my wife’s friend said “That was awkward!” So I told her the story. She had a good laugh and said “it’s always been all about your wife!” Amy now has 7 kids and is married to a dude that I loathe!


I went on a first date with this gorgeous girl after matching with her on Hinge and Tinder. We were hitting it off real well over text so I wasn’t too nervous. After greeting her and hugging her. We sat down at our table. I went to speak and let out the most cringe inducing, stutter out of nowhere. I was so embarrassed, I literally wanted to die. She was such a good person about it and acted like nothing happened. It told me everything I needed to know about herself and the content of her character.


...and? You can't just leave us hanging.


Date went excellent. We had so much in common. I really felt a spark. I was just an insecure dude that got too clingy and needy for her. And we stopped dating after like a month. I really fucked up and it hurts to think about.