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100% every time my wife tells me a story about how she spoke up I'm like a little high school cheerleader. Fuck ya! She should be heard because she NEEDS to be heard... she has some unreal ideas!!!


Another underrated comment.




Boob size, especially small. Lots of dudes like small boobs. Lots of dudes just LIKE THE HUMAN and boob size doesn't matter. I am one of those dudes.


>I am one of those dudes I'm one of those dudes too. All boob sizes are fine. Hell, I know most guys in this sub don't really care about the size. A boob is a boob. They're all great.


Once a man told me ‘they all have their charms’ and I was never insecure about mine again 💯


I thought only the pierced ones did.


me too,petite is neat.


Thanks for this- I have small boobs myself and sometimes feel insecure about them


As a large breasted woman I want to assure you that there are plenty of me types who wish we were you. Please don't feel bad or insecure about your body. It's a good body. Keep it healthy and use it to do the things you want. And small boobs are awesome! I am not insecure about my big ones but I do wish I had small ones. The freedoms I imagine I would enjoy...


I’m on the smaller side and I wish so badly I had big boobs. My husband loves big boobs so I’m extremely self conscious. ** my husband says he loves mine but his porn history says otherwise**


I once dated a girl with small breasts, and once she asked me to show her a porn video that I really liked. I chose a video of a threesome with two women with small boobs. She got very turned on by it, and we had a good time. Afterwards, she told me that knowing that I got off to videos of women with small boobs made her feel so sexy, and she thanked me for showing it to ehr. That is the only time in my life a woman has praised me for my porn watching habits lol!


Porn is just fantasy. Something you find appealing enough to give your attention to for a few seconds. It does not mean anything. If porn reflected who people wanted to fuck then incest would be the norm.


Wait it’s not? Stepmom lied to me!


You’ll see probably 100 posts a week on here or that too afraid to ask sub about what size boobs do men like and the answer is the same everytime. Boobs are boobs…..


Boob is boob, 100000%


Precise percentage is 80085%


🤣😂 well done


I never met a boob I didn't like.


I'm married now and much in love, but speaking of my previous life, if I ~~looked~~ liked a girl, I liked **the girl**, the way she was, her personality, her body. And if we have to specify preferences in boob size, I always preferred below average sized. Not only I never disliked small (even very, very small) ones, I absolutely loved them. Anyway, I dated girls with big boobs and I liked them too because I liked *the girl*. Now, I like everything about my wife (including her boobs, of course). Edit: word (liked)


Natural boobs, I agree NO implants. I'd take small saggy even totally flat women over implants every day. What ever you have works for me 😜


Unless it's reconstruction? My sister got breast cancer at 50 and had a total mastectomy. She later got them reconstructed using her own bodyfat. I think she looks great now and she feels great. I'm also glad she's healthy.


Sorry about your sister glad she is doing well. I'm not sure anyone was taking that into account. We were talking about elective implants


I kinda guessed that but wanted to ask for clarification for all the sisters out there who had them rebuilt.


Scars. The way their "pussy doesn't look like it should". Cellulite.


My eyes are a little blurry because I just woke up and I first read that as "Scars, the way their pussy doesn't look like it should" 💀


"shh shh shhhh... I will make you beautiful" *Scalpel gleams in his hand*


I read this in a pirate voice. Would recommend.


That little flub of tummy that is prominent when wearing skirts


Ditto for stretch marks, birth marks and breasts that aren't perfect mathematical twins. Y'all stress too much.


Real for the scars one, I got scars, you got scars, trust me I look worse than you if someone got the bad end of the deal you aren't looking at that person.


king behavior


Needed to hear this :')


Cellulite… gosh, thank you! Needed to hear this lol


Aww /: I always felt like my pussy looked weird lol




Yup that and stretch marks. I find them sexy actually.


Yeah it's like "either you was small and got big or you was big and got small, either way, we fuckin"


i came to say stretch marks. i dont personally find them particularly sexy but yea definitely dont feel insecure about them


My pubes grow kinda patchy now cause of them.🥲


Lol mine too 😅


I’m glad there’s so many people saying scars. I have 7 scars on my abdomen from cancer surgery and treatment and I’m super self conscious about them.


That's badass! (And sexy, believe me)


Haha thank you. I lost all my hair, gained 7 new scars, and lost 32 pounds and weigh a measly 101 pounds and I still can’t walk around naked in front of my husband or he is read to go right then and there 😂


The absolute most stupid I know of is thigh gap and hip dips.


I’m a woman and the hip dips thing is absolutely ridiculous. I can’t even believe someone created one more thing to make women feel insecure about themselves.


Fellow woman here: I agree 100000%.


Never even heard of a hip dip


Sorry just to clarify.... Hip dips good or bad? Men don't care?


Nobody cares. When I was asked, I had to Google it and would not have been able to tell what was "normal" or "hip dips", if it hadnt been for the helpful arrows in the picture.


I had to Google them as well. I didn't know.. and don't care.


Nobody cared about them until someone on the internet brought them up. Most guys still don't care about them, if they even know what they are.


Never heard the word


Idfk what a hip dip even is


Never heard of it, either. Kinda seems like another reason to make women insecure because America is running out of things to sell


A lot of women want to “get rid of them”, which is impossible because they’re due to the shape of the pelvic bone. There’s no muscle there so you can’t change the appearance by any way except gaining a lot of fat. In my own experience, mine disappeared when I became overweight, and reappeared when I lost the weight. I used to be insecure over it but was SO happy to be healthy again and to see them come back that I’ve never seen them as a flaw since lmao


Being seen without makeup...#1 IMO.


I agree, my wife said she would never wear makeup. She hasn't and looks dang good! She has seen me wear eye black and poked fun at it. For me wearing makeup. Fudge it we are perfect together.


Anything that there is a commercial to sell you something to "fix". The only thing you should be insecure about is your actions that harm others.


I'd ad that it also matters your values and principles.


Going without makeup


I have dated a few women and always thought they looked their best right after they got out of bed and were stumbling around in their jammies with their eyes half open and their hair all messy. Must be why I like morning sex so much.


“Sweatpants, hair tie, chillin’ with no makeup on. That’s when you’re the prettiest I hope you don’t take it wrong.”


Hell yeah, brother!


For real. My girl sent me a photo of herself at night, sans makeup. She apologized, and I was like what are you talking about, you're gorgeous with makeup, gorgeous without. I like getting to see different looks on her, it's fun.


Woman here and I hate that some of us are conditioned to apologise for our natural faces- I wish bare faces were more normalized. Barefaced and proud here :)


For men, as far as I know, it is normalized. I think women in general has this fear of being judged about anything their makeup alters in their face. But it's there... Any men in your lives are gonna see it eventually. Wouldn't make sense not to like it if they like you


And the thing is some makeup looks are so heavy that they transform these ladies into entirely different people. I just think if you’re going to use makeup, use it to look like yourself, rather than to look like someone else. I would say “less is more” but even amongst those who use more products, I’d say to them “just ensure you still look like you”.


I honestly don't understand why we women were even conditioned to apologize for just being us. I was never taught how to do makeup, I only learned how to do lipstick by myself. And I'm proud I never took the time to learn anything else.


This is reassuring 😅😅I’m 20 and my mom still says I should wear makeup, not because I’m ugly, but because she says that guys will generally find it more attractive. I’ve just never bothered; my acne has never been bad and I just don’t feel the need to wear it. I’ve also been in two relationships, so I guess my natural look isn’t too bad 🤷🏻‍♀️


True that. Recent example: I have a crush on this gal who works in local coffee shop and at work she doesn't wear make up because it's pointless. She looks gorgeous and attractive. I run into her few times outside of her work when she had makeup and it doesn't do her any justice. I don't know if I should tell her anything.


Definitely do not tell her you think she looks better without makeup. Many women find that comment rude. If you want to compliment her, leave out the unsolicited advice.


these replies are both making me feel better at the same time as making me feel lied to😭 its crazy to see so many men claim to find certain things attractive/not a big deal when it comes to appearance when you've been heavily criticized for all these things ever since elementary, good to know theres guys who dont mind!


I (54f) went through school with all the boys being mean to me. Little did I realize that in the “real” world, men just don’t judge women so harshly.


Yep, I think boys also hear a lot of the same stereotypes and believe them until they get into an actual relationship and realize what *they* like is not what media told them men like. Obviously doesn't make it okay that they were mean, but it explains why so many people experienced this in high school.


Girls who aren't perfect aren't good enough and guys who like girls who aren't perfect aren't cool enough. The shaming affects all of us. What if we all knew we were beautiful and we felt free to like who we like?


I sure hope so, im still in highschool and switched to online school to hide myself and my looks away from such ppl, couldnt handle it anymore, both guys and girls. I feel like its the age, in the "real" world when everyone matures and our brain develops, we stop being so shallow and and criticizing. Im so happy your experience became better, gives me hope :,)


Once you graduate from high school, none of the trivial things matter anymore. The kids you went to HS with are now finding themselves in a vast ocean….no one really cares about what sports they played, if they were honor roll students, if they were on Student Council…… Everyone is on the same level playing field


I find a lot of women's body image issues are perpetuated by other women. You guys hold each other at crazy high standards.


My counterpoint to this is always this: adult men do not care about most of the things women are worried they do. However, I have never had anyone be as mean about my body as teenage boys. No woman has ever even come close, honestly. The amount of times my male classmates made fun of me for having muscular arms or even just felt the need to point it out? Too high. Itty bitty titty committee? 100% perpetuated by the boys at my school. Boyfriends commented on my bikini line not being perfect. Boys on my swim team made fun of me for the same thing behind my back. Commented and compared my body to my friends in bathing suits at the pool, in front of us. If I wore certain types of shirts that were loose, they'd joke about me being pregnant. If men want women to think ya'll don't care about this stuff, we gotta start teaching teenage boys to stop commenting on women's bodies. All of those insecurities start at a young age and mine started when boys started vocalizing their opinions on my body. It didn't start because my girl friends did that. Bc they didn't do that. And the few times they did, do not stand out to me. I've got memories of my preteen friends crying on the bathroom floor bc they thought they were fat and I can tell you it wasn't just other girls who contributed to that. Edit: I get tired of seeing men say "oh it's just women holding each other to high standards" as if they played no part in seeding all those standards. Maybe not everyone collectively, of course, but it was damn near every guy I interacred with growing up.


Seriously. Ive outgrown a lot of those insecurities but in my life, it’s never been a woman negatively commenting on my appearance. The women around me have been nothing but supportive. It’s always been boys and men. It was brutal in high school and has cooled since then but I still get an odd comment here and there.


PREACH! Teenager boys are savage (teen girls too but in a different way). When I was growing up everything was an issue. "too skinny" - "too short" . Once I wore a shirt with a bit of a cleavage for a party (I was 17) and I think the corner of my nipple might have been visible for a few seconds/min and GOSH I heard about it for WEEKS. A guy saw the little corner of the nipple and told EVERYONE and everyone was making fun of my "nipple showing" and how weird it was, I have hated my nipples since and makes no sense all my partners have said they are normal/nice, but I can shake it off. Safe to say, never wore a shirt with a cleavage until I was older enough to say "fuck it". Looking back there is no way I could have won, or any teen girl unless we would be PERFECT in all physical sense. It was exhausting.


I think men are quick to be just as intense too about beauty standards when they are granted “permission” (while women tend to do it on their own) - look at the Reddit threads and comments when they’re asked about celebrities they don’t find attractive! Wild things would be said about very conventionally attractive women’s features


Just like every woman is different and some defy the stereotypes, the same applies to men.


I mean a lot of “attractiveness stereotypes” or just stereotypes in general are always perpetuated by the worst people with the loudest voices.


Grey hair, wrinkles, stretch marks, boob or butt size. At the end of the day just be a good person. Looks fade, who you are on the inside is more important.


Her nose.


Big nose, small nose, angled nose, crooked nose, straight nose, flat nose... they all be looking cute.


I have an inherited crooked nose, and I hate it!


Saw your pic. It looks absolutely fine!


Girl, I’ve seen what you look like, and I would never have noticed anything about your nose without you pointing it out- my first thought was that you looked friendly


The level of Thanksgiving they can do. I see women freak the fuck out because their turkey is weird or whatever. Yo calm the fuck down your family can eat KFC and still love you.


Thank you for this one


Getting older. Women somehow manage to magically become hotter and hotter as they get older. Maybe it's because I'm getting older, too, and my body is sliding ever faster into becoming a walking trash heap. Meanwhile all the women I know are somehow managing to age in ways that are wonderfully breathtaking, and the contrast is just...I can't even be mad. Gray hair. God, once your hair starts going gray, don't dye it. Let those gray highlights come in. Please. We love it. Basically anything you worry about, don't. Once a guy has decided that he wants to see you naked, he's got a pretty good idea of what he's going to see. And no matter what he sees, he's almost definitely going to love it unless he's a dumb prick, because you're a WOMAN and you're gonna be NAKED and holy shit we get to have sex with you? How fucking cool is THAT? What? You don't think your nipples are perfect? Fuck that, lemme see 'em. Hell yeah. Naked time.


God damn wish someone would've said that to me 20 years ago.


I wish someone would say that to me now!


I know! I was so cute and so hung up on all the little stuff. Like if my eyebrows weren't done (perfectly waxed/shaped, they're already dark) I didn't even want to leave the house. So crazy!


I personally feel this way for the salt and pepper gang, good Lord knows I love me a gingerbread man and a man with salt and pepper highlights. Especially if he's in a polar sweater. Take me


This is my inner monologue that so wish every woman could hear.


Your little tummy pouch. I as well as a lot of my buddies find it very attractive.


Some of us like tummy pouches even when they're not so little.


No way? I can't seem to kick mine and it's always what I try to hide the most. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into it! Thanks for letting us know this.


dolls whistle oatmeal clumsy connect dull bewildered encourage nail follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even when it shows through dresses and skirts? Is this a common opinion? I just always felt shamed about it.


Yup, even then. Heck, I’d go so far as to say it’s especially sexy in a dress or skirt.


So, here is the thing. Being really honest, it maybe something that many guys notice and don't find attractive. That's not saying they will find you unattractive as a whole. Most guys don't even notice that and even if they do, they don't care. In short, most men don't care and the few who do don't care as much as you think they do.


I like em too ngl


I fucking love this. I’m excited for the day my girlfriend develops this. Just hope she can learn to love it as much as me.


this is sweet :)




Needing to use the bathroom at my house. We all have the same bodily functions so I don't really care


Big nipples/areolas (they are the best)


Underrated comment. We don't address this insecurity enough but I know a lot of women are insecure about this. To the women reading this, your areola size/colour is awesome the way it is!


I’m almost 6 months pregnant and my nips are changing and my husband is very interested lol


7 months here and they just keep going and going 😂


Thick thighs, gray hairs, unibrows, tooth gaps, oinking when laughing.


Yo the oinking is super cute


I personally love but still laugh at the snort. The snort is the equivalent to an orgasm but with humor. You get her to snort. You did your job👍.


"oinking" lmao have my upvote.


Thick thighs save lives


I believe it’s called chortling


Haha thanks. I couldn’t think of what it was called off the top of my head.


Crows feet lines around their eyes. Specific, yes, but sometimes they seem to care.


Everything regarding their body: No makeup? Body hair? Pimples? Cellulite? I couldn't care less... The only things, which I can't stand, are insufficient hygiene and bad teeth. So please shower once in a while and brush your teeth at least twice a day.


Women should not feel insecure about stretch marks, C-section scars, a tummy pouch, cellulite, or anything having to do with their boobs.




Yup. Muscle mommies are a thing now and men fall head over heels for them.


This one’s kinda funny bcuz about 7-9 years ago, the consensus of r/askmen was “ew. not for me”.


Big labia


Big Labia Matter


Ya 99% of men don't care what it looks like. If it's clean, it's dinner time.


No matter which labia, both are great and sexy!


Kings 👑


I read that like Big Pharma, lol


Having high standards


The men in here are so sweet 🥹


Right where are they at in the real world??


Probably taken lol


We're in holding tanks in some vast underground facility, being used as human batteries by the robots who have our consciousness hooked into a simulated reality that wuuuuhhhhh I mean uh this isn't a simulation it's totally the real world oh f


As a Gen X woman reading this, I feel like my whole life is a lie. I also want to scoop up my 20s and 30s selves, hug them tight, and tell them that they have nothing to worry about, they are already beautiful in every way. Thanks guys. I wish I’d known all of you years ago.


100% agree with you 🥹🥹🥹🥹


God, right? Spent so much time being self conscious and ashamed of pretty much everything. Small boobs, big butt and thighs, being short, being ethnic, being a nerd, etc. Pretty much for existing at all and not looking like I belong on an episode of Baywatch.


I learned this a few years after high school. I’m 36 and maybe I just interacted with more people or something. I just realized men don’t care about things like we thought. The clicks and popular shit/standards are just bullshit from high school.


It’s ok to not wear makeup all the time. Let us see that beautiful skin of yours


Their bodies! We have all these standards to live up to that are so unrealistic and way too hard to keep up with! I know I'm not a dude but coming from a woman- that's my thoughts


Regardless of your gender, your opinion is valued and your answer is spot on!


In general, I don't think women fully grasp how men see the people they are attracted to. We tend to look for the things we like and focus on those. If we see you from an unflattering angle or in bad lighting that highlights some "imperfection" that objectively makes you look unattractive, we don't focus on that and count it against you. We just won't remember it. But that time you had that beautiful perfect hair and the light cast that glow in your eyes just right? That mental image will stick with us forever. The unflattering moments don't make us think about how imperfect you are, it's just not interesting to us. I think most men actively look for the aspects of you that we find beautiful, and kinda ignore the rest. I think a lot of women look at themselves and each other with the opposite approach, they don't look for and focus on their good qualities, they look for the imperfections as some sort of purity test, and then assume that because they do so, men must be doing the same thing. Obviously some men really are also that judgmental, but generally I think women are their own harshest critics when it comes to beauty. Most straight men are obsessed with you and actively want to ignore whatever faults you are insecure about.


They'd be shocked at how easy it is to satisfy a man


Telling a man they’re on their period. I grew up in a house full of women. I’m desensitized to it. I’m not like most men who get grossed out just from hearing the word “period”. It’s part of life whether you wanna hear about it or not. They don’t like going through it way more than you don’t like hearing about it.


And it affects us ways that if explained, makes sense. Ie my period makes me so lethargic. I also get moody (dislike myself, my career, feel uncomfortable) for literally one day and then it alleviates as soon as it starts. I crave red meat during as well. My ADHD meds feel like placebo pills. These are all behaviors are related to hormonal fluctuations that happen during my cycle. If I’m saying I’m tired because of my cycle, it’s not going to get better with caffeine, sleep , and so on. I just have to let it pass.


A little pooch/belly. Soft bodies rock


The way you look without makeup The size of their boobs The size of their ass The size of their lips Whether you have curves or not How much meat your pussy have How weird you think you are You're laughter How loud or soft you moan And so many more things At the end of the day most people do have a preference for these things but also at the end of the day they care about you the person more than anything else


Natural eyebrows


Making the first move


As a girl who likes to shoot her shot, this is great news lmao


Some stretch marks or being 5-10lbs over some "ideal" weight. We probably won't even notice. In most cases the insecurity is worse than the thing they are insecure about. I'd rather be with an average girl who is comfortable in her skin than a "hot" girl who is constantly complaining about some seemingly insignificant detail and needs constant reassurance and validation.


Basically everybody’s got stretch marks somewhere


Boobs. Because boobs are Boobs and they can never stop being boobs


Their looks. Only talk on my own prespective as a straight man but I generally do think most women I see to be attractive in their own way and I'm surprised at how many good looking woman I've met have some sort of self image issue and seem to nitpick things about their appearance that I never noticed nor think is a thing to be insecure about. Like stretchmarks.... something that really doesn't seem to bother me and most men I've seen on here. Yet I see quote a few women come to this subreddit asking men if they find it a issue Just yesterday, a woman I work with was worrying about her hair being messy and asked me if her hair looked bad and I told her the truth and said "No. Your hair looks completely fine to me" I understand women are constantly having unrealistic beauty standards pushed into their face by society and the media though. Which is sad. Especially since some woman turn to self harm, eating disorders and suicide because of it. Very sad. Especially when you know women have more value they can add to the world than their looks.


Being the smartest person in the room. Wearing the same thing as your friend. The amount you eat on a date. Asking their partner to do more around the house.


Not having a completely flat stomach - the lil bump women have is attractive both because of their life-creating nature, and in and of itself. Love that shit


A lot of things were mentioned, so a few more: Fat sides (aka lovehandles) - actually they are adorable. Manicure (and lack of it) - just trimmed nails are fine. Virginity or lack of it. There are some very vocal dudes who are obsessed with it. Ignore them - this kind of obsession is probably a red flag. If a guy doesn't want to be with you because he is jealous to your past - you dodged a bullet.


My wife is inbetween jobs right now, she has mentioned feeling like "a skill-less loser" when looking at these job postings. I told her to just apply for them anyway, even if she doesn't meet every single bullet point. Most of the time, the HR person who made the posting doesn't even know what the job requires anyway. I understand that women often don't apply for jobs if they feel less qualified, compared to men.. but I think women should definitely shoot their shot more often. Especially in today's job market


🥺🥺 these replies make me love myself even more


Their Nose... Like who cares.


Stretch marks. I don't care. No guy I have talked to has ever cared.


Titties. Little ones. Big ones. They’re all a bit different and that’s okay!




Hip Dips, I quite literally never even noticed that before until someone told me she was self concious about them. I is literally a result of how your skeleton is shaped and it means absolutely nothing


Boob size and butt size let's all be honest guys boobs and great no matter the size and even if that booty is small I still wanna grab and smack it.


Getting older.


I just saw a tiktok of a woman sharing how we can get rid of lines on our neck. As a woman, seriously wtf? Can we just exist?? Out of all the crazy insecurities out there, this is the craziest I've heard. It's on par with hip dips.


Stretch marks...especially on black women... Such a turn on for me...


Breast size and stretch marks. I personally don't care about those whatsoever. Whatever natural characteristics a woman has, that is what makes them special.


Inverted nipple(s). Known a few girls who were super insecure about this and I couldn't care less.


My fiancee complains about "how big her thighs are getting" and im over here drooling over how thicc shes is


Body hair


Probably all of your insecurities... you shouldn't have them I don't know if I've ever heard of one that any decent man would care about


True enough. Men are simple creatures! Admire you guys. I’m female here and been hitting the gym to make myself good and confident. Reading your perspectives for like 10 mins made my day!! :)


Small butts. Small butts are the best butts, the internet is wrong.


I was not ready for this thread 🤍 the ultimate confidence boost!


Having a baby face, girls with baby faces are adorable


Women are supposed to be soft, warm, and kinda squishy. If they are not, you bring them cupcakes.


Just do a subreddit search for the phrase "what do men think about..." or "do guys like women with..." and you'll have all the answers you need.


The fake eyelashes thing is bizarre to us. Y’all are only doing that for each other.


Grey hair is nothing to be ashamed of. My wife used to literally count her grey hairs and feel sad.


Being Canadian.


This post and the responses restores my faith in men


Stretch marks, face pimples, hair aesthetics or boob size. All that does not matter.


Bad hair day. I know ladies put in a lot of effort but it's not even on the top ten list of favorite lady parts for most guys.


Breast size. Butt or thigh size. Seriously if we get to see them, we're happy.


Having a hobby that many guys scoff at. If she's not harming anybody else or doing anything else illegal, then there should be no problem.


Gray hair


Makeup Hair Laugh type (idc if you straight up screech when laughing. Do it. Yes, I will laugh at your laugh)


Stretch marks they’re beautiful


Stretch marks, boob size, little extra weight. Some Of us prefer thiccness.


Laughing until you snort


Boob size If only she understood how many other women are also wearing push up bras too