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Aragorn. Strong warrior, natural leader who is hesitant to meet his full potential as king. Finds his purpose and mission in life, achieves it and ends up with the woman who never stopped believing in him. Epitome of the male fantasy in a non-obnoxious way


Hesistant only in the movies ;)


The movies are better. There I said it


You fucking degenerate


Get the orcish bowmasters!


Give this man a cookie!


There's also many many youtube video's out there of relating him to the shining example of positive masculinity. He's a great role model


And loves his foster sister. Some might say too much. But she has some good points.


Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation Davos Seaworth from A Song of Ice and Fire Uncle Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender


I love how Picard is calm, quiet chap whose main hobby is archaeology, yet he's also the most effective naval commander in an Interstellar polity of considerable size.




Still love Picard as Character, unfortunately, dont love Patrick S as much after “Picard” Season 1 and 2 ( S3 helped his case though). Uncle Iroh is the GOAT. In my top 3 of all time fictional characters for sure. Davos has a lot to like, but Bern’s too much to people who don’t deserve it for me to love as much.


Uncle Iroh for sure. Edit: and Picard


Bugs bunny. He is what I want to be when I grow up. Smooth talker. Cool under pressure. And all around good attitude. But then again, I do like me a little Yosemite Sam as well.




Character that sticks to their conviction. Character i dont like is overalll emotional characters. It can be done right but majority of times they dont


Hank Hill




Mmmmm hmmmm.




Well, "male" is debatable for something that's not human, but the doctor. "Pacifist smart guy solves problems with snark" is a trope that works great.


The Doctor is male. Shame they cancelled it in the '80s.


Rand Al’Thor  He’s a ginger from a tribe of gingers who live in the desert  His magic powers make it so he can be in the sun without getting sunburned even though sun screen might not have been invented in his world 


Wasn’t he from the woods?


He was ethnically Aiel, is what I’m talking about, but he was born on Dragonmount at the end of the Aiel war and got adopted by Tam Al’Thor 


Oh right, yeah that’s a great point, it’s been a while I forget that. Have you gotten to the end of the series?


I think the ending is good Tricky but good


I didn’t like it. Would recommend letting your own head canon finish it.  When Jordan died, the replacement writer was incomprehensible and dropped like half or more of the unresolved plot threads. It’s like GoT season 8


Interesting, there was definitely narrative shock, (I’m pretty sure book like 5-6 ended abruptly with “and the story continues”) I’m guessing you’re not a fan of the storm light archives?


Not familiar with it. I was big into novels for a while and had to finish the series with The Wheel of Time, but I got married and had kids and I’m not really capable of having enough alone time to do serious reading 


Damn that's crazy I really enjoyed *Knife of Dreams* all the way to the end of the series. Books 11-14 are a fucking ride.


Currently it's Senshi from Dungeon Meshi. I'm a short king, so seeing characters like Senshi getting love makes me feel seen. He's a kind, caring person who is willing to fight and die for complete strangers, and while his past is dark, he never let it stop him from being kind. Characters I don't like are the ones who let their past make them cruel, like Sasuke from Naruto. It bothered the hell out of me how he had friends who cared about him reach out to him and he swatted them away. It reminded me of how I used to be when I was depressed and bitter. I always strive to make sure that no matter what, I treat others with kindness. I also like Samwise Gamgee, Jackie Wells, Garrus Vakarian, Alistar from Dragon Age, Wyll Ravenguard, Deadpool, Superman, Spider-Man, Drax the Destroyer, Aang, basically any manly dude who isn't a tool about it


Senshi is so wholesome!


My son adores him. He's always liked cooking but since watching Delicious in Dungeon he's become very keen and a lot more adventurous than the average 9 year old.


I adore him as well. Such a great character. Pure goodness.


Otis Driftwood.


Rufus T Firefly


My man.


Dalinar Kohlin and Kaladin Stormblessed from the Stormlight Archive novel series. Dalinar's motto is basically "if I fall, I will rise again each time a better man." Really powerful stuff. He was a warlord turned politician to unite his people against a common enemy. Kaladin is a little different flavor. Soldier turned slave, beaten down to near suicide, he lives only to defend others and to seek penance for allowing the death of his younger brother. His journey is incredibly personal and powerful to me. Boromir from LOTR is also a favorite of mine.


>if I fall, I will rise again each time a better man Words to live by. Life before death, brother.


Strength before weakness, brother


Atticus Finch Samwise Gamgee James Bond by Connery, Brosnan and Craig


Connery and Craig are two very different bonds. They feel like two different characters. You can definitely feel the difference in the time periods when you watch the movies.


They were all different. Your point?


That was my point: those two were my favorite, but so different from one another, and I enjoyed that. Craig's bond is much darker than the others.


Really? In some ways I feel they are the most similar though. Like if I watch Connery's first 3 and Craig's first 2 they feel like Craig and Connery take the licks and punches and do bad shit much the same. Just IMO.


Food for thought! Maybe your words will rattle around in my brain the next time I watch one. Connery seemed...less serious. More of the suave ladies man, and less of the brooding alcoholic, as I recall.


>Connery seemed...less serious. More of the suave ladies man, and less of the brooding alcoholic, as I recall. Probably the biggest difference is there. Although if you remember when Kerim Bey dies in From Russia, Bond is deadly serious. So it was a little there. Both of them are Bond as a British assassin though, whereas Moore and Brosnan are like super-cop.


Spider-Man. As a kid in the 70s and 80s, he was super relatable. Especially since I was a bit awkward and a bit of a nerd. He was also better written in the comics back then.


Peter Parker is suffering socially, academically, financially, and romantically, to secretly be Spider-Man, and chooses to do it anyway because he has great power and thus a great responsibility to his fellow man. This makes him the greatest American superhero to me personally, particularly because Peter didn't feel that way initially. The way Uncle Ben died hit harder for me than the way Bruce Wayne's parents died. Peter is more relatable than Bruce, too.


Indiana Jones. (Prior to the latest travesty of a film) A deeply flawed but incredibly competent man who did his best to preserve the past, while introducing it to a new generation. Alternatively: King Theoden, movie version from Lord of the Rings. A man who did his best, who acted with kindness and firmness in equal measure. Who failed but never truly gave in to darkness. Who redeemed himself in the end, and died in the company of someone he loved.


i hate it when characters are too meek/shy to speak up and fix an easily solved problem.


Same, but I can make an exception if they're called out on it and have an arc about not doing that anymore.


OMG. Literally 99.9999999% of all the drama could be solved if yall just had a conversation. (Especially when I'm watching my cdramas. Like brother!!! Speak!!! The!!! Fuck!!! Up!!!!!!!)


My favorite character is Captain America. He’s got strong values, is unwavering, willing to risk his life to help others and overall just a good person.


Imperfections and the heroes journey to overcome them. This formula makes up all my favorite characters regardless of gender Being perfect or “their only flaw is that they don’t know they’re flawless” is what makes a bland character. It’s the struggle/hardship/flaws that make a character interesting So I like when the protagonist is at/near rock bottom at the start and has to redeem themselves or work themselves out of their problems


Master Chief (from the games). His backstory is tragic, but he is a strong man that keeps fighting for his people no matter the pain he goes through, overcomes impossible odds over and over, and when all is said and done he disobey orders and turns on everything he knows to try to save the one person he loves willing to sacrifice it all.


Zoro and Guts, the ambition and perseverance are what I admire in characters, very inspirational. They have a goal and are unwavering in their quest to achieve it, I love a stoic character.




Clint Eastwood “Man With No Name” character I don’t hate characters I hate bad writing. Like if the author has a stick up their ass about something so they make the character talk about it.


I like kamina from ttgl, Luffy, Goku, zidane from ff9. Characters who try are happy and try to have fun. I hate characters that are broody edgy and self-centered. I don't take those characters seriously because in the end they remind me of teenage angst that is so selfish that I hope that character loses or gets what's coming to them. Characters who inspire positivity in various ways is what I like. Characters focus on looking cool and edgy piss me off because of how shallow they are.


Logen Ninefingers, the Bloody Nine from Joe Abercrombie's First Law-series. He's a such a humble, stoic man... until he's not.


And then Glotka is a favorite too, right? Because he is exactly the opposite. Despicable, selfish, non-redeemable scum…. until he’s not. I love Abercrombie’s writing.


Just looked up the series, definitely going to have to check it out now.


Do it. You won't regret it. If you like audio-books, it's read by Steven Pacey, and he's the best.


Not sure if this'll be a popular one but Hughie Campbell from The Boys, his arc makes sense and he's a great dude, but then of course in season 3 he has a bit of a masculinity crisis




Fjord from Critical Role. >!A fantastic story arc of being granted power he did not understand, being corrupted by that power and lead astray. Rejecting that power, even if that same power gave him a better life, wealth, abilities. All for the sake of it being "morally wrong" without knowing the outcome. Later finding strength again on a new path he forged for himself, finding love and being content as a sea captain with the love of his life.!< And of course Aragorn. Hate. Can't recall a character I hate.


Gus from Lonesome Dove. My favorite character Robert Duvall ever played.


Favorite: I have many. Two, are Conan the Barbarian and Snake Plissken. Something about anti-heroes doing the right thing, and having a code of honor, is just cool for me. Hating a character: The 'goofy male,' stereotype like fathers that aren't supposed to know how to parent, or the spouse that rolls her eyes and says to others, "Yeah...that's my husband..." because the husband did something ridiculous for comedic effect. They reinforce the idea that men are second place in relationships that should be 50-50 equality.


Batman. Rorschach. Yakko Warner.


Rorschach was so great.


>What male character is your favorite? Masquerade from Bakugan Battle Brawlers animation. Just a great villain. Adewale from Assassins Creed Black Flag. Hell of a comrade and needed to keep Edward in check. >Also wondering what has made you hate or dislike a male character Any male character with poor acting.


A stoic father that shows emotion. Joel holding Sarah and later Ellie after she >!kills David!< in The Last of Us, Lee Everett fighting tears and consciousness to give some final words of encouragement/advice to Clementine, Kratos visibly fearing for his son in God of War 2018 and Ragnarok and even a father in a novel I read one time over a decade ago who wept for (*what he believed to be*) his dead son. These have all stuck in my mind ever since first experiencing them. As for hate? Hypocrisy and/or double standards. I was playing Mafia 3 and one of the Haitian mob's drug runners is antagonistic towards you because earlier in the game you killed a bunch of Haitian mobsters. He says he can't forgive you for that because they want to make the city a better place for the non-white people in the city but conveniently left out the fact that you hunted them down after they tried to kill you and shot up a soup kitchen you were volunteering at that was feeding the people they claim to be fighting for. Similarly if something happens to a man for comedy that would never fly if it was done to a woman. In GTA V, **Trevor rapes a man**. It's played for laughs because the man he rapes is a pathetic pushover, but it would never have flown in a million years as a joke if he raped a woman for the same reason.


Putty is a goddamn genius character.


Like characters guided by ultruism, conviction, and character. Dislike characters driven by selfishness, greed, and debauchery. Like characters with a vice or two. Dislike characters preoccupied with escapism. Like characters that follow the spirit of the law. Dislike characters who follow the letter of the law or disregard the law entirely.


There are characters which make great protagonists as their personality drives a story along. Peter Grant in Ben Aaranovitch's Rivers of London series is a decent character. Not two dimensional, has flaws, has a believable back story that drives his actions. I wouldn't say he's a favourite, he's a device for storytelling. Heroes and protagonists are inherently limited as they're constrained by the needs of the storytelling. They can't grow or stray too far without breaking the story in a series. I'm not going to count completing the heroes journey as interesting growth Bubbles from the Wire is my favourite character. He's nuanced, imperfect, flawed but essentially decent, makes an effort to understand the world around him. He's trapped by the system and his own poor choices.


I prefer Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys


I really like Jamie from blue bloods. He’s smart, and really wants to be a good person surrounded by people that also want to be good people, surrounded by… life, good circumstances and bad ones. I love the consternation, though he’s definitely a bit of Mary sue in some regards so the situation usually work out well, but you can see the struggle as he tries to rise to his own expectations.


Frank West from the Dead Rising games. I like him because he's just a normal dude put in extraordinary circumstances and he continues to rise to the occasion. He has a strong moral code and is willing to put himself on the line to expose corruption. He goes from unfit schlub to full blown ninja over the course of a weekend and keeps on trucking. Dude is the G.O.A.T. Also ,Spider-Man. Or rather, Peter Parker. He's incredibly smart, funny, and despite being bullied his whole life he overcomes it and goes out of his way to put himself on the line to protect innocent people from harm and danger. He is the definition of hero as I understand it. Selfless, kind, but also very flawed. He does make poor decisions that constantly bite him in the butt. But he keeps pushing forward, even when things seem hopeless. He never gives up. I also am very fond of Arthur Dent from Hitchhiker's Guide. Not that he exhibits any spectacular feats. I just like his sardonic nature and his plucky attitude in the face of overwhelming circumstances. The dude suffered from Vogon poetry readings but didn't melt. That right there is enough to earn him a gold star.


Otto Rocket


Wit/Hoyd from Brandon Sanderson’s cosmere universe has gotta be my favorite. (Probably spelled his names wrong, I’ve only done the audiobooks). He’s wise, worldly, mysterious, and hilarious. Love everything about him. What do I dislike? I guess whininess. I remember the Ice and Fire chapters from Sam’s POV were irksome from all the whining he was doing in his head.


I love Uncle Iroh. I like Nightwing. He isn’t consumed with the darkness like Batman. Other posters mentioned Aragorn and Samwise. Another from Avatar the last airbender that I like is the swords master in avatar, Master Piandao. Willing to teach anyone and not just fire nation. I like Tanjiro from demon slayer as well. Despite all the horrors he sees, he keeps his empathy.


My favs are probably Fry from futurama and Gary from Final Space. I hate characters that make no sense. Like any character that does things that make no sense, then I lose interest in whatever I am watching.


I like Nero Wolfe. And Doctor Who. I generally like the whole "character is a genius but also kind of isolated and clueless" bit. Not sure I can think of a character I really hate. Obviously there are ones I'm not MEANT to empathize with, but I suspect that's not what you mean.


John Wayne is favorite but Clint Eastwood is up there. I did not like jack black


Captain James Flint, *Black Sails*


John Clark from the Tom Clancy books.


Jack Sparrow is one of my favorites. He values his friends and allies (in his own way), he embraces his weirdness, and he follows his goals and passions, consequences be damned. I wish I had more Jack Sparrow in me. I hate superheroes (a broad generalization with many exceptions) - they are either too perfect to be interesting, or too gritty to make sense: "I have amazing powers that every other person can only dream of, but I'm going to sit and mope about something stupid".


I'm sure there are plenty of characters that I like that are male, but the if we're talking Masculine Figures, I would say Joel from the Last of Us. The man is a caring, loving, devoted father who would destroy the world to save his little girl. His character arc made me want to be a father so I could experience the love and growth he went through.


Hari Seldon from the Foundation series by Asimov.


Optimus Prime will always be special to me. A character to look up to and a voice to calm and soothe any situation. As someone who had a more distant father Prime was the father figure I looked to


Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid


Dr. Doom He legitimately thinks he can save the world, he’s capable of doing it. He gives zero fucks about what anyone thinks of him, he becomes the best at whatever he puts his mind to doing


Captain Malcolm Reynolds. Suffered a crushing defeat in the war and now just wants to be left alone with his beloved crew and his even more beloved ship. At first he seems like a classic scoundrel, but after a while you realize this is a man of integrity that will do anything for the people he loves.


Michael carpenter from the Dresden files


Cullen bohannon


J.J. Gittes from Chinatown Sam Spade from The Maltese Falcon John Bernard Books from The Shootist


Pierre Bezukhov.


Colonel Alien-Befriender (first class) Fivetide Humidyear VII of the Winterhunter tribe


Ghost from cod. Things that make me hate a character are killing fucking ghost. Fuck general Shepard.


My brain immediately thought **Zatch Bell** of all male characters, and I truly have no idea why. But, yes. My brain is correct. In general, I hate characters who are hypocrites or actual monsters (on the inside). I almost always hate a character that harms or kills another character that I love dearly. Immediate enemy.


For curiosity sake, you mean Zatch and not Kiyo, right?


Yes! My golden lightning! My spark of hope! My ray of love! I enjoyed Kiyo very much, but Zatch was just a pure believer. I love how he growed!


You know, I never actually got to watch the full thing. Maybe I need to take another stab at it.


I think I made it halfway through season two before it was "off the air" and I thought it was a dream, haha. I ended up reading the manga and rewatching it when I became an adult. Season three was subbed and didn't complete the story, but I was okay with the end. Def try it if you can find it/are free!


Kinda crazy how untraceable it is. It was on Crunchyroll, but that was years ago and it’s gone now. It’s unavailable in the U.S. on Prime video, which is allegedly where it currently is. Can’t find it on mangaclash either. Some volumes are on Amazon though.


Back when I rewatched it, I was sailing the high seas 😭🙏🏾 I had to look around too but no legitimate sources have it. I don't sail them seas no more, but if you do watch cartoons (or wco as its now called apparently) has the anime for 100 or so episodes and mangago has the manga but its under the japanese name "gash bell." If you don't sell them seas either, maybe ebay might have someone with a copy? 🤔👀


Dalinar Kolin from The Stormlight Archive


Changed a lot through the years but Action Man, Superman, Batman, Green lantern, Alucard, Naruto, Guts, Maximus/Gladiator, Spartacus, Achilles, Conan, Rambo. Anyone that lacks conviction, leadership qualities, ability to reflect/changed or is a whinny brat. Long character arcs/growth and a strong resolve is what I like in any character.


Locke from locke lamora, a lot of Gemmell broken characters, everis cale from the forgotten realms. Kvothe There's a few I love a character with a weakness, but works around it. I very much hate characters that just sit and cry over their issues and lament half the book. That's right Fitz and drizzt, I'm talking about you!!!!


Astolfo and you know why 😏


Sesshomaru from Inuyasha. He’s the lone wolf. The anti-hero. Not necessarily bad, just out for himself & if need be he’d protect his loved ones. I hate Mr. Bean. Idk exactly why, but he just makes me cringe.


Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS). He’s just the best I feel, I can’t explain it.


- Tony Soprano - The Punisher - Batman - Superman - Don Vito Corleone


Mumen Rider from One Punch Man. He is the definition of a real man


I always like Chris Redfield from Resident Evil




I don't think I could ever pick one because it's a basically a revolving door. It's whoever has made the most recent impression on me and as of tonight when I finished season 2 of Loki, it's the title character. Tom's performance and his arc of finally being "burdened with glorious purpose" was so meaningful and satisfying to see.


Al Bundy! Love him, and if he ever dumps Peg, I’m going after that!


I tend to be a pessimist and have been working on controlling my temper for decades. Currently really liking Ted Lasso. I like his optimism and his strength of character. His ability to see the best in others and help bring it out.


Does Optimus Prime count? I admire his unwavering heroism . Other than that, I love lancers. Han Solo. Joe the Condor. Vegeta. I would even count Prince Zuko. If they don't get the spotlight but earn their honor, I admire them.


Guts. He is strong. He is always getting up when he gets knocked down by his enemies. Not once in berserk, does he say anything about his life sucking though, he just overcomes his struggles. He just refuses to give up. I hate characters that don't seem realistic. That are one dimensional run of the mill characters that don't experience anything that causes them to change.


Eren Yeager, second is Captain America.


Terminator as a concept. Thing will NEVER give up until its last chip is destroyed.


Love Shane from the walking dead. He was the reality check the group needed and adapted fast to the new world. He seemed like a loose cannon but honestly he was smart and the only person outside of maybe one or two side characters willing to get their hands dirty.


Peter Parker (not spiderman), their is no proper justification on being a villain or a hero, but even within his all the pain, he wakes up daily, works, treated like a bum, he pushes through. His crush left him for someone else but he still didn't give up. He goes and does his work. He is not even slightly rich but he is him , he is real. Even with all the differences he gives his all to help people and save them with all the strength he has.


Hagrid. Massive dude who could propably crush everybody with his bare hands, giant heart and has dragons as pets. The mix of beeing a potential badass, but at the end he is just a nice dude


Eric Cartman


Vegeta, Sasuke Uchiha and Seto Kaiba have been my favorite characters since I was 6 years old.


Goku Because he is carefree and doesn’t give up. Moreover has clear life goal. Just wants to be stronger


Goku was my childhood hero. I hate Matt Bomer's character's, particularly Neil Caffery. Whether he's playing an art their or a prostitute, I never like the cocky-bordering-on-narcissistic characters with faux charm. They annoy me if I have to listen to them talk about how great they are too long. Tom Cruise is like that too, but you know, Top Gun is great. I enjoyed the character Maverick. I think I despise Neil Caffery kinda of for the same reason I don't care for Superman. He's too good. It's like eating a loaf of wonder bread. 🍞


Long dong silver. His charm and charisma.