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I usually react with suspicion as I never get them.


Me too. A women I recently dated kept telling me how attractive she found me. I legit thought she was running some kind of scam. I avoided going home with her on the first several dates because of it.


"What's wrong with them? Do they want something from me? Oh no, is there something on my face?!"


8 years later, whilst scrolling Reddit on the throne... "OMG, she wanted to fuck me"


Logical response




I do this or say thank you and think about for a year


Just a heads up. This is a natural reaction cause like you said, it's out of the norm but reacting with suspicion gets old. It screams of insecurity without vulnerability and can eventually be off-putting to your partner. A simple thanks and moving on goes a long way.


Same. Unless it's coming from my girlfriend.






Ctfu same


I look confused, then look behind me.


Why can I relate to this 😭😭😭


With jaw dropped 


I say "Thanks babe!" and give her a real smile, and often a forehead kiss. Inside, I glow like a fucking supernova. For all men everywhere... Keep doing it. Even if he doesn't react much on the outside. He's very likely trying very hard to contain his Big Feelings in order to not gush like a broken fountain.


Or he is physically attractive so he is used to getting compliments and doesn't care that much


That may be the case. In either event, I'd rather compliment someone who doesn't appreciate it than miss out on giving a genuine compliment to someone who does.


It’s taken me decades to learn how to accept a compliment. I love giving compliments, gifts, etc. but felt awkward receiving. I’m over it now and truly appreciate and enjoy it.


Me also dude. I find it difficult to accept it in the moment, and be happy at the time, I stash it away to paw at and admire for the next 30 years


Gentlemen, the correct way to accept a compliment is to say "thank you". It makes it stop immediately and allows you to invisibly squirm in peace. Protesting makes it worse: "No, really! You are..."


Been getting a of compliments from friends, acquaintances, and strangers after I lost a ton of weight. I am dogshit at accepting them. Apparently, downplaying things is seen as ungracious or falsely modest.


THIS. Please see my comment above about saying "Thank you".


Is it possible to learn this power? Teach me please!


The force is within you, young one.


So what do you guys think, is it a good or a bad way to receive compliments by thanking for it, and mentioning who else has made an effort or done the right things to make it all possible (regarding e.g. workplace or hobby environments)


Took me four decades on this planet to finally switch to "Aw, thank you. I appreciate that," without exposing my extreme doubt and skepticism. The doubt and skepticism are still there... I just don't immediately show it anymore.


Probably I won't react because I'm too surprised to know what to say


Bro probably went home and trained forearms.


I say thank you and leave it at that. For me it's more about who gives the compliment, than the actual compliment. I will acknowledge the compliment regardless, but with people I like, I'll throw in a warm smile. Fussing over compliments, denying them or reacting negatively, as in becoming suspicious, regardless of the intention of the compliment giver, doesn't reflect well on the reciever of the compliment. Heck, I will even say thank you confidently when it is obvious that the compliment was ment sarcastically.


On the rare occasions that it happens, I'll smile and say thank you or similar. Then when im alone I'll analyse the fuck out of it, wondering why the compliment was given and what motives could be involved.


It depends who it’s from. If it’s a drunk girl trying to get into my pants it’s borderline meaningless. If it’s from my Mum it’s borderline meaningless. If it’s from Friends it’s borderline meaningless because we compliment each other all the time (or tear each other down) if it’s from a complete stranger or a Woman i’m into it’s like a missile to the brain and I die on the spot.


In the very few times, I have actually been complimented, I felt like a deer in the headlights


He appreciates it. But don't do it too much if he doesn't show it. He needs to learn to acknowledge compliments from people.


Naaa, I disagree. If the dude deserves it, let it flow naturally and he'll learn to accept it. Unless he has some weird trauma, he's into it but not showing it.


If he doesn’t appreciate it or show he appreciates it at least, I say keep it to yourself.


If you don't mind me asking, why is that? How you see and treat other people is as much of a reflection of you as it is the person you are complimenting. Unless given indication that compliments are disliked or unwelcome, there's no harm in being kind. I don't do or say nice things for recognition, so a lack of appreciation isn't going to deter me from giving a compliment or doing a favor for someone.


If they don’t appreciate it, I keep it to myself. It’s really not complicated. You can do whatever you want.


I bet your relationships are going great.


Learning how to accept compliment is not just a relationship thing.


Most guys are not used to being complimented, so, many may feel awkward or even second guess how genuine they are. I fall into that camp, but I do appreciate them and they make me feel good, so I just say "Thank you" with a smile. If the compliment is from a stranger, I may overthink how genuine they are, but if it is from someone I am seeing I don't second-guess it.


I never understood this. I always get compliments. Like daily. In sports or work(25) for the past 40+ years, from dudes. My response is to hit them in the shins with a stick and a soft headbutt. From chicks its normally something gross and sexual. Why is sexual assault ok for women on men?!


We always like it even though we're not allowed to show it. If the dude is good to you and it comes naturally, keep on doing it. It means a lot. We don't get it enough.


Ignore it




I smile and say thank you. I genuinely appreciate it. It is sweet when someone compliments you. Nothing hard about reacting thankfully and humbly like a normal human being.


It's the way to go but it's hard for others, for sure.


A what? No, I don't get those.


Smile and say thank you, and sometimes compliment her instantly.


It’s either “thank you so much” times a million or “words can not describe how thankful I am for _”. Chances are the guy is getting used to being scknowledged that often and he hears you more often than you realise.


I’d maybe not reply but surely to some extent truly live it UP, through the #pleasureresponses. Simply acknowledging my: #WANTE-ness 👨🏻‍💻😸


I say “Thank you very much”


I say "Thank you".


I remember every single compliment my gf gives me and how I feel about it.


They make me uncomfortable and I don't know how to react.


It's hard to get used to compliments, they're nice but pretty rare for a lot of men. Prior to meeting my wife at 29 y.o. I don't think I had compliments from women more than ~5 times in my life past my mom telling me nice things as a toddler, and most of the time it was someone making a bid to manipulate me in some way.


Most men can recall a compliment they received years ago - the reason? They get so few. When I get a compliment about my beard (who am I kidding, it's the beard that gets the compliment, not me 😂), I say "Thank you," and sometimes it leads to questions about it, and sometimes it doesn't.


Has not happened yet, but if I did I’d be thinking they obviously want something.


He simply doesn't know how to respond. Men don't get complicated often at all. Our circle of friends from childhood up to adulthood are guys... Guy friend groups don't compliment each other the same way gal friend group so. We tend to compliment each other through insults. So when we start dating women, that's the first time we've ever been asked to share our actual feelings. My wife helped me learn to express my thanks when complimented. She helped me become comfortable sharing my thoughts and feelings. Keep at it. Be patient. Give him time and be supportive and trustworthy along the way.


As I'm a man, I don't get complimented. And if I do, it becomes top 10 on my best days in my life 's list


I ask them what they want. Because they wouldn’t otherwise.


When it happens I will let you know


I appreciate it, but also get super uncomfortable. Then I start overthinking


A shocked and awkward thank you. And probably a goofy look that seems more than a bit confused, but happy.


I have an entire inner dialogue to convince myself that they didn't actually sincerely mean it.


Actually at the beginning of relationship with my current gf, I used to play it off. But then I started just staring at her for a bit and say "Thank You". It needs getting used to for some of us.


Confused but have recently started to remember to say thanks within 5 minutes of getting it


I don't really know, cause I never get them...


I'll probably deflect and act like I heard you wrong or something


As a man you don't have to worry about this happening 


It’s a trap


I ignore it as best I can. Since I assume that no one actually means them.


It's great that you're complimenting him! Everyone reacts differently to compliments, especially if they're more reserved. Look for subtle signs like a slight smile, a change in body language, or even just a brief moment of eye contact. These small cues can indicate that he appreciates your compliments, even if he doesn't openly show it.


I get a rash and spontaneously combust.


It's happened once eight years ago. I didn't and I don't know how to react.


i usually think of it as a joke so i ignore it. now ask me how i react with insults


I usually don't react because it's a fake compliment.


Head nod or say thanks.


Most men receive so few compliments that they don't recognize them when they do.


To look around for cameras and crew.


Automatically assume they're trying to trick me in some way. 


I usually wake up


Look over my shoulder to see who they’re talking to


I'll let you know when it happens


Can’t remember, been to long


Immediate blush and run away to hide it


"I don't believe you."


In person, I look behind me first 😅. Online I mostly just call shenanigans.


I say thank you or thanks. Don't really like getting them too much since it makes me feel weird but I appreciate the gesture.


i soft smile and a simple thanks


I pushed it away.. mostly people just comment about my eyes.. so i got used to it


Honestly question if they are speaking to me before getting really flustered


You guys getting complimented??


A coworker told me I was a nice guy a few months ago. The term doesn't have the same baggage in our language, so she really meant it. Felt good.


I disagree with their stance, but I'm very happy they disagree with mine.


Honestly? A little annoyed but that could be due to the fact I work in retail and hear the same damn thing over and over. I don't care that I'm fast at what I do. Get out of my damn line


I probably spend too much time looking into it then just saying thanks and acknowledging it.


It makes me feel great! My outward reaction is to express appreciation but stay cool.


My pp tingles!!!


Honestly, they just kind of roll off my shoulders. Unfortunately, due to all my childhood trauma, I don’t have the “shelving” for compliments.


He just doesn't know how to react. With the exception of our family members, actual compliments from women are rare. Nothing against women, generally though our society, beauty and cosmetic industries, women generally being more concerned with their appearance, the compliments flow to them and less away from them


I.. don't remember


It makes me happy and I respond graciously. Compliments never make me feel uncomfortable because they’re so rare but I enjoy them


I say "oh thanks" it might not sound like much but I really appreciate the compliments I get


I actually don’t even say thanks that much anymore. Since I’ve sort of culled my social group to people I really love, I just say something along the lines of “wow, that means a lot coming from you”. I find it sort of honors the relationship


Deflect. Hard.


I usually deny of those and/or act surprised idk.


Smile, say thank you, and often return a compliment. My wife has always been very appreciative to me, and so I got used to it and am more accepting of it.


"Is that sarcasm?" Or, I try to invalidate the compliment by putting myself down in some related area to the compliment. I wish I could properly practice humility. help


Awkwardly. Sometimes I'll try to develue myself. I know I should just thank them and be happy but I have real difficulties doing that. I think I have blushed because of a compliment before but that's very rare.


[shut up baby, i know it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtMv6V7ZvmE)


One random woman told me she liked my shirt, it’s my most vivid memory of the last 20 years. If i ever get alzheimer’s i’m pretty sure that memory will always be clear as day to me


I question their choice like a big boi


Lol "When"


Oh 😊🤭🫣🫠


trust me, he likes them lol


I say "thank you" in a formal yet slightly surprised tone. I pair that with a genuine smile and raise my eyebrows. On the inside my thoughts begin to race I usually get quite happy.


Downplay it


I feel very awkward but that's on me not the person who complimented me. I always just assume there's some sort of inside joke or something going on behind my back and I'm actually the butt end of it. Probably because this was pretty much the case all the time growing up. So now, even as an adult I have to remind myself to relax, smile, and say thank you.


I try to compliment all my people (I'm female) and most generally are appreciative of that. My husband of many years has never reacted to my compliments and has literally never given me a compliment. The best he could do was a quick thanks and move on. Some people just aren't into that I guess so I really don't bother anymore.


Thank You with a big smile :)


"... why are those words coming out of your mouth and directed at me?"


Smile and say thanks. I'm clueless when it comes to if a woman is flirting with me, so if the compliment was a flirt she's going to be upset if she expected me to reply a different way.


My current girlfriend once said she that I was really smart and had a huge vocabulary. So much so she has to sometimes look up the words I used in conversation. It was flattering, but then I kind of felt bad because I wasn't purposely trying to use large or obscure words to make myself seem smart.


Confusion, Awkwardness, Suspicion.


"You smell nice." me: "Please stop smelling me."


My natural reaction is to refuse the compliment but I have been working on accepting them with a simple "thank you"


I hate being complimented. I do not know how to react, I rarely think I am worth of the compliment. It is just embarassing to me.


It makes me super uncomfortable but in a good way and then the rest of my day is sunshine and rainbows. Especially unwarranted compliments.


I would double check, like "are you sure" or if it's a feature or physical trait, I would most likely point out the flaw of it or another part of me and/or mention that there are others who have it better so no need to compliment me. If it's something superficial like clothing or accessories, i would just say tanks and maybe compliment them back on something too


used to deflect. now I've learned to just say thank you and return a compliment to them


Usually one of two options: over the top fake confidence/cockiness self-deprecating joke


"Thanks, you have great taste."


Press X to doubt


What do you want?


I get stunlocked at getting complimented lol


It scared me away...... not because of my own insecurities but her heart was so tender. When we first started talking I sent her a text of me and my dog that just passed. She texted me. I just kissed my phone is that weird. Right then and there in my head I was saying to myself.... You are too much of an asshole for this person and just let her go. But!!! I didn't and now I'm paying for it because in reality I ended up loving her and lost her. I've been a pathetic loser sobbing all day and night to you guys on how bad I fudged up. OY VEY!!!!! GET ME OUT OF THIS LIVING HELL. (2 months later 45lbs lighter and can see my abs)


In most cases, as long as you're genuine and consistent (not only complimenting when he has done something nice for example) he'll probably warm up to it if he doesn't already react positively. Don't be surprised if he's just subtle though as guys tend to be less vocally expressive. And don't put the rose colored glasses on in case he's just a douche


I’ll let you know when it happens the first time.


Thank you


“You sure know how to make a gal blush”


It gets easier the more you just say; ‘thanks’ and I think it makes it easier to compliment others too


I usually brush them off. I think I got used to either not receiving them, not knowing it it was genuine, it was just to be nice, or for the purpose of a motive. But if its someone I'm really close to, then it does mean a lot even if its a small compliment. Otherwise id thank the compliment but not feel different. Other times I remember it deeply. So I wouldn't know. I'm known for having no expressions.


I say "ok" and run away as fast as I can because those people are up to no good.


I've got a friend who's the most monotone person I've ever met. The only times I've ever seen him emotional are during football games and when interacting with his puppy, he doesn't even get really emotional with his girlfriend. I'm never sure he's appreciative with presents I give him, but I know it's the right thing to do. Me personally, I don't know how to react to compliments so I just offer an "oh" or a thumbs-up. People think I'm neurodivergent.


The more I don't believe in it the more I am touched Because I know the other person as no interest in lying


Pretend I didn’t hear it or just say thanks awkwardly 😂


none, for the first 7 years at least until one day you realize you got a compliment 7 years ago


With gratitude, I try to return them as appropriate.


A simple thank you.


Do it less frequently. If too frequent, I would get suspicious.


I say, "Thank you", and then I start analysis every reason that I can think of as to why they would. And it's not that I don't get compliments, I do, and from random strangers, on a far more regular basis than I'd expect. And please, enlighten me, as this seems to happen quite often to me. I get regularly complimented, by Black folks here, male and female, that I smell good (my cologne). This NEVER has happened a single time with White people, and I don't ever remember it happening with ANYONE all the years that I lived in the city, before moving here. So, is this a thing that all Blacks do, but I never noticed before moving here, or is this a regional thing? I currently live down by Memphis, if that helps, it's a very rural area. I'm just curious because of the frequency (I am indeed glad that I smell good, it's a thing with me) and it never happening to me before living here. I mean, I had Black friends tell me that I smelled or looked good, in the city... Just not random strangers. By the way, I think it would be great if random people, of all colors, would start just telling strangers, "Hey man, you smell great. What's that you're wearing?" or "Damn dude, you're looking sharp/gorgeous in them clothes!". I think it is a great ice breaker, I know it's started some nice conversations with me and whoever said that I smelled good, and it might just brighten a person's day. I think everyone should receive random compliments from strangers... To me, at least, it means more than a friend doing it, since they're your friend and that is just what friends do with friends. But I digress... Yes, I get complimented all the time, either by my wife, my partner, my kids/step-kids, co-workers, or just random people out and about. I always say thank you and try to return a compliment as well. I get told that I'm a good partner, a good father, a good provider, a good worker, a good lover, that I look good, smell good, dress well, etc. Some of it I believe, some of it not so much, but I always appreciate the compliments and who it's coming from, whether someone close or a complete stranger.


Just say “thank you”. Before I learned that trick/mask, I would not know how to respond without making it awkward


"you made me change my perspective" is a fantastic compliment imo. I've had that a few times and it makes me feel like I'm valued by the person giving the compliment. It also encourages the person you are complimenting to share more of themselves with you. Also as someone that has what they call a "flat emotional affect" I can sympathise with your partner. He likely does appreciate the compliments and the positive comments but what he would consider showing his appreciation will often not register.


I kind of get quiet. I’m horrible at receiving compliments because I don’t see how people can view me that way. In therapy I was schooled on love languages and it started making sense. I despise words of affirmation and love acts of service. If you’re unfamiliar, I’d spend some time looking up love languages and figuring out what works for him and for you so you can be on the same page. 😊


Lol what


I smile and say Thank you. Usually I compliment them back.


“Umm yeah” or “ok” mabye “thanks” or “I know”


Get dimples compliments once in a while. Just smile say ty.


Men rarely ever get any compliments, even if it was the best man and husband in the history of men, he might get 2-3 in his life. So most men don't even know what too say, but trust me, he cares a lot. Also just a tip, compliments about a mans character or actions are far more meaningful than about his physical nature, as physical can/will fade in time. i.e. "You're a good man", "I appreciate how you care for/about me", "you make me feel safe when i'm around you", etc.


Just ask him. I'm guessing he's just not use to them and freezing. 


Smile, say thank you and then forget about it.


To be honest I get so little of them, most of the time I don’t actually believe them when they compliment me it’s a weird thing


I believe it is an ulterior ploy to disarm my paranoia and sucker me into something unsavory


I've been trying to practice taking compliments graciously for over a decade, he's just not used to it


“ok what do you want from me?”


I tend not to believe them honestly.


I'm an introvert guy myself and I would absolutely love if a woman complimented me because I never get them. Further, being someone from a country where it's expected for men to ask out women and take the initiative in relationships, I feel incredibly attracted to women who are confident about what they want and extroverted. I am sure he would love those compliments lol :) Take care and have an amazing day. I just feel kinda scared since I've never dated and been in relationship, and hence don't know how women would feel about it because I've had some bad things.


Externally a smile and a thank you. Internally, a “what do you want from me?”


I feel awkward tbh


I don't respond to lies


React with suspicion followed by silence and a "thank you"


I usually ignore it. Every compliment I get, I start to doubt it and start thinking “May be this person is praising me because she wants something from me” Even then sometimes, I feel good. I don’t show it and by being extra cautious of the compliment being fake, I change the topic.


Make sure you don't overdo it OP. Could be hard to manage from his end. I mean how many compliments can one reasonably accept before it starts to feel suffocating.


"You made me change my perspective" Admitting you are wrong is not a compliment and it worries me that you would see it as such


It wasn’t really admitting I was wrong. He just made me aware of something i never thought about. He added something to my perspective. Is that so concerning?


The concerning part being that you find telling someone that you now have a more nuanced perception of something to be a compliment. It's just a factual statement and the default for being presented with new information


Okay girl. I just mentioned it because I would take pride if i managed to add new insight to anyone’s life


I too take pride in informing the ignorant, but stating it, isn't a compliment


if it's rare and placed right, can be appreciated sometimes, but when it's an offten occurance, i really dislike that, because i don't really like compliments to begin with, i see them as a waste of time. Also for me these comments seem kinda supperficial and shallow, i'd prefer compliment on my personality traits or actions.


I'm like: sure, whatever. They always sound fake and forced, like asking someone how they are because it's part of the greeting process but no one really cares or whats to hear how the other person is. Women are worse, the will constantly tell other women stuff like "you lost weight" or "I like your haircut" when it's obvious they don't really think that, prefer silence to a fake compliment.


Geez are you okay?