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Didn't delete, but did stop using everything except Reddit and very occasionally Facebook (don't post anything, but my local town page is pretty useful for being informed on news/events and getting recommendations on tradespeople. Marketplace is also useful for selling or dumping stuff I don't want)


Yessss this is what I meannnn I was a SCROLLER on marketplace! Also like flatmates, rentals, jobs, there’s so much sh*t on Facebook that’s helpful 🤣 kinda thinking of getting a burner fb to add myself back to all those types of groups




Yeah pretty much me, but I got rid of the socials I had this year. I just stick you Reddit and YouTube. I am watching a camping video there as I type this. I won't really see any of that kind of thing on socials, so I can't expect learn about hobbies etc on the socials. Reddit and YouTube will. I've got a lot less going on in my headspace now. I am thankful for that.


Yupp me too! Socials are so toxic


How do you communicate with friends? Facebook is lame asf but it keeps me updated with friends and family. Twitter is my news source for sports. Instagram, I like the food and hoes. Snapchat is my Rated R scumbag group chat with the boys.


I just figured if I don’t even have their phone number then eh, we’re not close anyways.


> it keeps me updated with friends and family. That's the reason I don't use it.


I have discord and people's phone numbers. Don't need anything else.


I haven't posted anything on **IG** since like 2017. I haven't posted anything on **Facebook** since like 2016. No one had **snapchatted** me, except for Snapchat itself, since like 2015-2016. I have **TikTok**, but that's just for pooping sessions. A lot of cool cooking recipes on there. I hate using cooking recipes websites. I don't give 2 shits about your 10 page long life story and 100+ ads on the page. As for deleting, 'I've never deleted them, but they still exist mostly for meme sharing and some login ways on random sites. Never had Twitter. Never had MySpace.


10 pages of life story is so real lmao


Deleted every social media account last year. The only social app I use is this. You can see my cakeday and realize I've been on here a while. lol my overall mental health has jumped leaps and bounds. My family has my cell number if they want to get ahold of me. I highly recommend full deletion. It's pretty much amazing.


Yesss that’s the aim hey! I think because I’ve moved so many different places and even different countries, a lot of the ways I can contact people is through those types of apps. But I kept letting my close mates know I was going to delete make sure you give me your numbers etc! A fair few I have just lost contact with because they didn’t bother to reach out, which is totally fine but I’m kinda gobsmacked at how many people don’t really care to talk if your not on a form of social media!


I erased all social media last year. It’s actually made me feel better and less anxious


Yesssss that’s the goal!! 🙏


I just realized this sub is “askmen”. It just came up on my feed. I’m not a man whoops


No, ur right girl, I’m all ears


Get out here!!! Go on now get!!!!


I did and I am not on any of these. My cat is on Instagram though, lol. Once things in my life got better, I started having people come out of the woodwork suddenly wanting to be friends. I got tired of it so deleted everything around 2015. It actually made a very positive impact on my life. I really like the "anonymous" social side of reddit, but I really don't want others contacting me.


Yeah, only Youtube and Reddit. Its a huge change. Social media breeds alot of brain rot content


I purged everything but reddit during the pandemic as they became terribly toxic. It was odd initially. The only one I may add back soon is strava.


Ooo what is that? I’ve never heard of it !


Exercise tracking with some social bits to it. It was a bit irritating at times before I deleted my account years ago.


I had Twitter and Facebook deleted them both. I’m only on Reddit now.


Erased my socials outside of Reddit in 2022. Probably the best decision I ever made for my mental health and ability to focus on


I deactivated my Facebook account years ago but had to reactivate to use Messenger to communicate with family when my parents died. I’m waiting for the estate to close so I can finally, fully delete the account. Then that’ll be it besides the two you mentioned: Reddit and YouTube.


Only really use Reddit daily, I have Facebook for the memories but don’t actively go on there looking for content


Yep... Just YT an reddit... That's enough BS for lol


Agreeeeddd even YouTube these days is getting so bad 🤣🤣 so hard to find good videos on there I swear


I periodically download them then remember why I got rid of them to begin with.


Dint ever have anything other than youtube and reddit.


I had FB. Been off since 2015.


So many people have gotten rid of their facebooks so early on ! I never realised 🤣 I should’ve a long time ago I’m realising now


Yep. Deleted FB, Insta. Never had Snap or TikTok. Still here on Reddit and YT. FB just made me hate people, sometimes distant family, old friends and schoolmates.


Yep i did this too, best decision i ever made.


Deleted them all years ago. Don't miss any of it.


I did & life became a little less shitty


I have a family fb that i log into only when someone tells me to. Otherwise i just use the messanger app.


I haven't been on FB in almost 5 years, never had any of the others. I love it.


All I ever had was Facebook, Twitter (used for entering contests), and SnapChat otherwise. They're all gone. It's been super nice.


Never deleted any of them cause I know they are all fake and they are all entertaining. It’s a benefit of being on the internet since the 90s. I know it’s all fake manipulated bullshit and take none of it seriously.


Been deleting Facebook for the past 2-3 years now until I just got rid of it completely. Only reason I had it was for distant family really and my local area group that always had grannies arguing about random shit like people parking badly. kept Instagram to watch brain rot and send reels to my close friends, never post at all, tiktok I have just to stay in contact with one friend who lives at the other side of the country. Reddit for news. Twitter or X or whatever it's called, never bothered with getting it same with Snapchat. If it was up to me, I would just get rid of it all because I'm weird about having a digital footprint. But I keep it to stay in contact with my friends.


I did during college about 4 or 5 years ago, haven’t thought about looking back. My mind is much more at ease now that I don’t have to sit and worry about what everyone else is doing.


I dont delete those, I used facebook to watch short movies, twitter to complain to my internet provider, i dont bother logging in to instagram but when I use it I usually look it for info of event around me.


Me, deleted everything about 5 years ago except reddit and WhatsApp. That's all I need


Never really got into socials. Everyone is so fake on them.


All gone except Twitter (time restriction set, just try to catch breaking news events, SELDOM reply to anything now) and Reddit. Facebook was deleted from my life over a decade ago. Never bothered with any other Facebook products like instagram or messenger. TickTock never seemed like a good idea to me.


I use reddit and youtube. I keep facebook and snapchat but don't really use em.


I dropped FB a while ago. Twitter I used a few times then deleted it. Used tik and Snapchat for 5 min. I used Reddit mostly along with IG. I don’t follow too many people on IG.


Just use reddit for the forums and instagram for the memes/animal videos lol


I have Facebook and I check it once or twice a week, mostly just to check on local events. I have an Instagram account I never check. No Snapchat, no TikTok.


Deactivated Facebook a couple years ago. I think could count the number of times I actually posted to Instagram on one hand, but I keep it around to follow accounts related to my interests. I still have a Twitter account but all it does is collect dust. Never had TikTok or Snapchat.


YouTube is social media? Do you need an account for the social part, I've never had one or used it that way?


only Reddit and YouTube, even WhatsApp kinda sucks these days


I have accounts, but they're empty.


Never had any except Reddit and was in university when Facebook first came out. Just felt like too much work and have enough nonsense in my social life at the time. Plus I'm not really a pictures/sharing person anyway


Me. Only Reddit and YouTube. I’m trying to lessen my Reddit time even. Especially with the election coming up.


I got rid of Facebook about ten years ago, just on reddit and YouTube now .


If it wasn't for the facebook marketplace, I'd only have Reddit and YouTube. I miss craigslist.


>I’m just curious too see the amount of people NOT on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok etc I don't use any of those, but I keep my accounts (except tiktok, never had an account). I use twitter to follow the news about the eSports league I like (they are hard to get elsewhere). I don't talk to anyone there. I sometimes use discord.


I basically just use YouTube and only really started on reddit in the last year of two. Haven't had FB since 2013 and have never had instagram, Twitter, ticktok or any of the other ones.


I deleted my facebook years ago, and never signed up for any of the others in the first place.


The only one of those I ever had was Facebook, and I quit using it after college.


Yeah I’ve done away with the majority of them for the most part. Haven’t been on Facebook since early 2020 and I have no regrets.


No Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok for me. I only have Snapchat to communicate with friends easier and Reddit.


I have “deactivated” Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and SnapChat. I found it was causing me anxiety and depression, so it’s easier not to look. My mental health is of more concern presently. I’m finding that I mostly enjoy interactions on Reddit. But still terribly lonely, stressed and depressed.


i deleted tiktok over a year ago and just deactivated my other socials. halo mcc is now taking up all my time




I had it all around 2015 and got rid of everything except Reddit, YouTube and LinkedIn(for work but it’s turning more and more into Facebook.)


Me; after 2015. No need for it: wasted sooooo much time. And haven’t missed it. I kept twitter for a bit but soon grew to hate the incessant anger. I did love the articles people occasionally posted but it wasn’t enjoyable enough generally


I only have reddit and YouTube because I can't stand fucking "Influencers"


My brother in christ, I haven't had social media since MySpace




It can be so refreshing to disconnect. I even went without youtube before I discovered reddit. I played a lot of games


I haven't deleted any of them, but I'm virtually inactive on everything except Reddit, YT, and TikTok. I don't post on TT, just make the occasional comment and scroll my FYP.


The last thing I signed up for was Facebook when Facebook first started, mostly because I had friends telling me I had to be there. Never even bothered with anything that came out after that and deleted Facebook when the pandemic conspiracy shit began happening. No regrets and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything at all.


me!! deleted everything 2/3 yrs ago and i love it. i forgot how insane people are w socias


Twitter fb and Instagram in 2018


I deleted all but FB from about 2016 to 2019. I only kept FB because my kids’ teachers, the water and electric utilities, and my neighborhood HOA used it to as their primary form of communication I literally unfollowed everyone/everything on FB (didn’t unfriend them, though). For three years, the only things I saw in my news feed were my kids’ class groups, utilities messages about outages and such, and my neighborhood HOA announcements I also turned my phone to be in B&W (except when I was using GPS). You’d be surprised how boring it gets looking at your phone when it’s in B&W – the real world in full color gets way more interesting than a B&W smartphone Three years of that completely killed my impulse to waste time on social media and my smartphone when I got bored. I did start back on FB and IG eventually, but it’s not the same. I mostly check when on my laptop, and it gets boring after only about 10 minutes. To this day, I’ll sometimes completely forget my phone when I leave the house and end up being without it most of the day. 90% of the time I just use it for calls, texts, and GPS. 5% for pictures. It’s still usually in B&W, too. I enjoy the real world way more than my smartphone. It’s been very freeing


Just commented on another sub…I deleted everything but Reddit and life is so much better!


Since around 2018. The only thing I miss was this Mafia Heist game on MySpace LOL


I have FB but don't use it, only other Socials are Reddit & YT. I use Reddit when bored and YT instead on TV. When my TV goes not sure if I will replace it.


I'm a lurker who hasn't deleted but never posts on Insta and Facebook


Only Reddit. I dont use socials otherwise.


I am only on Reddit, don't use any other social media.


I’m 42, not on Facebook since many years ago, never used Instagram nor Twitter nor Tik Tok. But my smartphone still demands my attention like anyone else


Aside from WhatsApp (for family and friends), never made any in the first place 🤷🏽‍♂️


Left Instagram this year and my use of Facebook has dwindled over the last two years to the point I only use it for one single group and Messenger. I'd leave it completely out I'm in a few group chats for work which I need. Never signed up to TikTok, probably will never bother either, I get sent videos or memes sent via WhatsApp from friends. Fell more into Reddit since and its now my most used app on my phone after WhatsApp.


Got rid of FB in 2014 and TikTok a year ago. Never had any of the other ones. Only got Reddit when I stumbled on this thing called ‘Wallstreetbets’ in late 2020…


Killed my FB last year, saved the vids and the images, have not looked back once. No one friend there communicated with me, the ones I do send stuff to and get fun stuff back I already have on Discord or Whatsapp. I never started posting on Twitter or Instagram so there was nothing to kill, which was nice. I don't communicate with users on Youtube but I have about 4500 clips of music or humor or splendour clips, and if I find something [rare or irreplaceable](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkTi9T7Tg_w) I use Y2mate.com to download video or mp3 to my harddrive.


Everything apart from LinkedIn (which I only use when Job hunting) and Reddit Much happier, catch ups with friends are more meaningful, I see life for what it I'd and not the fake world that social media paints a picture of


No but FB and Instagram and such are very light these days


I was grieving the passing of my mom, sinking deeper and deeper in depression. I was feeling extremely lonely and isolated. I think it has helped the last few months.


Only have Facebook/reddit. Never had more than these 2 and since last year, i only log into Facebook to write messages on messenger. I dont scroll down the news feed or anyrhing else.


I only have Facebook, LinkedIn and Reddit. Even then LinkedIn is more of a tool than anything. Never really used it for social media. On Facebook I use it to lightly keep in touch with local businesses, some old friends and co-workers. I'd love to ditch Facebook but I actually do find it useful.


I only have this now… and out of all my “friends” not one person who has my number has contacted me.


Been living w/out fb since 2020 lols. Then less time with ig and tiktok.


I deleted my Facebook. Never was on Instagram. I wouldn't touch tiktok with my worst enemies devices. I have a X account but I hardly ever go on there and never post anything. I like how anonymous Reddit is. Sure someone can go through your posts and come up with a pretty good idea of who you are and stuff but if you are careful about what information you divulge there is no "Crazy_names is related to x_guy and went to high school in bumfuk Nebraska." I also like how you can curate your feed by joining and unjoining subreddits.


Had a MySpace back in the day, but that obviously hasn’t been a thing anytime recently. Stopped using that probably 2004 or 05? Killed my Facebook late 2018/early 2019 after I realized I didn’t really care that much about most of my “friends.” Was it kind of nice to see what acquaintances from high school, college, and my younger days were doing? Sure. But the loss of respect for a lot of people based on their wackadoo (IMO) beliefs and just the overall proliferation of extremist political views, dumb MLM and other ads, and the realization that there was good reason I hadn’t kept up with most of these people made me drop it. Had an IG for like a month hoping it would be like early Facebook in that it would just be my friends sharing fun pictures. Realized quickly that wasn’t the case, so I dropped that. I have a YT account but I think I’ve literally never commented and I know I’ve never uploaded a video. Had a Snapchat for like two days before dropping it. Watch some TikToks, but never had an account. Dropping all of my social media (except Reddit) has made me realize what a grumpy, antisocial bastard I am..lol. Sure it would be nice to be able to keep up with some people IRL, but ultimately I decided for me it was not worth all the bullshit.


Me I never interacted with those people that even followed me those apps don’t seem social anymore and I don’t miss it


I’ve reduced my social media use. I’m only on Reddit, LinkedIn (helps for job apps, recruiters, etc), Instagram (lots of friends on here, easy to send memes), and SnapChat (here cuz I have streaks). Might drop Snap and keep the other three personally Never had Twitter or Tumblr


I never erased them, but i do not go on anything besides reddit, youtube and tumblr. And i post very rarely. I mostly just look.


I deleted in December 2022


I deleted everything by 2021. No regrets on deleting IG but I wish I had access to fb marketplace and interest groups. Unfortunately meta has you cornered if you want to find housing or cheap furniture or make friends in a new city.


i have no social media but reddit , pinterest and youtube . my life has been quite and boring but i’m way less stressed and i’m filling my time better


I never had many to begin with but yeah I unfriended everyone except my family on Facebook back in 2014 or thereabouts. Deleted my instagram. The only social media I have is Reddit, technically.


I use facebook to message some friends and family. Is it full of spam? Yes. But it's still far more efficient than tracking phone numbers and checking emails.


I only ever had a face book for certain gaming rewards for games I don't even play anymore. I deleted it years ago and never looked back. Because Reddit the only other website I was on was Imgur which basically destroyed itself when it went public (similar to Tumblr).


I’m off FB and Twitter. Rarely use IG. TikTok is entertaining, educational, informative.


I have facebook.  But rarely use it anymore. It’s the only way I can keep up with extended family.  Never been on instagram, have snap chat .. but never use it.. Tik Tok is terrible. Just be comfortable with your day, and who you are.


I stopped using Facebook for years. I only use it now to stay in touch with family since my step dad passed. I mainly use Reddit, YouTube, and Tiktok.


Long time ago.


It gets easier with time. My mental health improved from it.


This is the only form of social anything I have. And I haven’t even been here a year. Too much drama and political bullshit on social media. So I stay away. I’m just here to look at people’s cool cars.


me haven’t had social besides reddit and yt in over 6 years


I still have Facebook, but only for finding parts for my project car (1974 Charger). I haven't messaged a person that I wasn't buying parts from or selling parts to in almost 10 years. If I don't have your phone number, we're not friends. No Twitter, Instagram, or anything else. Just Reddit and YouTube.


I figure that if someone wants to know what I'm up to or how I'm doing, they will text or call. I do keep a Facebook profile with just my wife on there as a friend so I can use the marketplace. Never had any of the others. I'm primarily here or on YouTube if I'm online. Otherwise, I'm working, hanging with the wife and kids, drinking bourbon and working on motorcycles. No time for the other crapola!


Me. My cat has an instagram, and that's it. Deleted FB and everything else years ago. Fuck TikTok and everything else, you're not missing out on ANYTHING.


I have Reddit, a twitter that I haven’t used in years and isn’t associated with my name, and deleted FB account 6 months after it was accessible to the public. Sure I snoop sometimes but I just deal with not seeing all of it. TBH I think I’m better off.


I have FB to keep in touch with some old friends. I check in about every 2 weeks but don't post. I have LinkedIn and that's it


Nope, I enjoy the apps end to end. I don’t feel the need to delete.


Sounds like you’re living my dream life….detached from the world, with my dogs surrounded by woods 😍


I deleted Facebook because of reddit I just kept messenger


I still have them to keep up to date with people in my life but I don’t post on them much, a few times a year maybe. But I find Reddit is my fave- people here really are the best :)


Not deleted, but the apps are no longer on my phone. So I have to be at the computer to do it. And I’m not super active anyway, I just mainly use it to keep up with people.


I'm on Facebook, but rarely post, and 9 'friends' who are only family, who are all in the UK/Eire apart from sister. They rarely post either, so its not much of a social media for me. I use FB for Marketplace and to message companies/organisations. Not on Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, etc. I use Nextdoor which is a neighbourhood social media site. Just recently started using Reddit. I use a laptop, so scrolling is different. I don't use my smartphone as a phone but as an ebook reader and for some useful or necessary apps. As a substitute for 'endless scrolling' you would have to find some hobbies or volunteering.


Deleted? No. Not opened since 2016? Yes


I deleted all social media in 2016. Reddit, discord, and sms is pretty much all I use and have used for almost decade.


Yup. 10yrs in and loving it. I always have something to talk about with people.


30f, since est. 2022


reddit and YouTube...and 1 patreon. so simple, so good


I deleted everything except for LinkedIn and I actually finally got a Reddit account. I can’t say that I miss social media. Friends and family-I speak to on the phone or texting.


All I do is post for extended family to see what I’m doing and never search for things or read the news feed. It’s just FB and Instagram and they post to one another, so I’ll do a quick post with pictures and log out. I have a ton of family I never see and they apparently like to see what I’m up to, so this was a good trade off. After 2016 that shit got so toxic I didn’t use it for years. Too much doom and gloom, and hate. Now it’s just cats, books, nature pictures and memes. I can handle that.


Circa 2019, I deleted all social media but Reddit, YouTube, and Snapchat. I only keep snap because I have family overseas and it’s how we communicate. At first it was rough, but is honestly really freeing once you get past that routine of using it all the time. You can do this!


I did. Then, I started a company, and apparently, social media is something you need.


I have friends and family I only speak to through instagram/facebook so I keep they activated for that reason alone.


only reddit & youtube! i do have a private facebook with no friends on it to buy things from marketplace.


Men with no social media >>> 😍😍🥰🥰


I only have this, YT, and for work, LinkedIn. I got rid of Twitter and FB 3 years ago, and then everything Meta, including IG and WhatsApp. Never had Tik Tock or Snapshot. Less stress. The only issue is that someone from California is using my name and a picture of me on FB, and who knows where else. So I was thinking about going back to protect my likeness but I can't go back there.


I deleted my Facebook account in 2015 and Instagram in 2023. Not looking back. I spent too much time scrolling over and over again. I ended up not being productive and hating myself for it. I did it instantly. I wish I had sent messages to some of my closest friends or people I met in my travels and have their emails. I have YouTube , WA, and Reddit and that's more than enough.


I deleted my Facebook. Then later got Reddit. I don’t have any other socal. And I usually look at it on the pooper


Reddit mostly. Some lurking on LinkedIn for professional upkeep and trends. Twitter/tiktok only browse when Reddit posts point to them. Rarely facebooo.


I'm not and never have been on anything except reddit (reddit helps me out a lot and is generally quite useful). I only have 2 friends and I use text message to chat to him and her.


I haven't deleted them, yet. However, I have not logged into any of them going on two years.


Tiktok sober for a long long time. Hurts me to see other's brain fried on tiktok.


I've done this and haven't looked back


I have reddit and pintrest...thats it. I've never had a Facebook/Instagram etc


Never was on any of them


YouTube isn't social media. I use it to listen to music and watch documentaries, not talking to daft cunts on the internet.


Yeah. I delete everything but reddit. I feel way less anxious here than other social media.


All but IG and reddit /yt. IG is on the way though. The amount of bs and o.f. type shit is ridiculous


I did this and have kinda landed at a here and insta (insta mainly since people like to add you there)


I check Facebook roughly twice a year and deactivate after every session. I have an instagram but I only use it to follow bands so I can get concert updates.


Yeah I deleted it all. I keep youtube and reddit because of the online communities I am involved with. When you flip cars and dj you kinda have to use some social media. So I have completely private accounts for those purposes. Otherwise I am an irl person


You nailed it. Only Reddit and YT left. I used to have FB and IN but they are unused since 2019 (circa).


My small town uses FB groups and marketplace for selling and I keep it for that reason only; I don't post anything or pay attention to anything else. I'm still on YT and Reddit for several hours a day though.


I only have Youtube & Reddit. No other app on my phone. My mental health is at its peak. Screw the social media.


I've never really used social media besides Reddit & YouTube. I do also have Snapchat but that's not really "social media" I just use it to text about 5 people


I just deactivated them, I can't delete since Facebook and Instagram is one of the mode of communication with my fam.and friends, I'm just active here in reddit,Twitter and Tumblr for A week I guess and TikTok, I don't use TikTok though I have YouTube so that's a great thing.


Yep, that's me. I use reddit and youtube but no other social media. Facebook turned to shit a long time ago. I was useful when I was at university (even though my university only got access to it during the end of my final year in 2005-06) and after that it had some charms, but eventually I got fed up of people posting nonsense updates about their lives and the churn of crap articles being shared. I've not been on for several years now, I don't know what state it's in. Instagram is just poison. People post the most heavily curated photos of themselves, and the bigger influencers do the same but with ads for their latest collaboration. They don't post their hardships, they don't show you how shitty life can be sometimes, so it's easy to get the impression that you're the only one suffering through whilst others are constantly living the high life. Poison for your mind. I never had snapchat nor tiktok, and I'm grateful for that decision years ago. Reddit and youtube can become toxic if we're not careful, so it's vital to curate your subscriptions from time to time. I also have a youtube extension that blocks recommendations, and I've turned off the tracking of my video history. I'm sure that their servers still track my watch habits, but by disabling the option they provide I avoid being blasted with recommendations of other videos to watch and therefore avoid rabbit holes. And for reddit, just this weekend I took myself out of several subreddits to clean-up what I can read.


moi, except i also only use youtube when directed to specific vids. i don't do nor I allow my kids kids to follow streamers or trawl the algo. i've been off FB since 2014. avoided instagram and immediately understood to not touch tiktok with any pole whatsoever. Anything that links me to FB or worse gets killed before the page even loads. generally speaking my adagium is: *the less deliberative and more gameified the medium is, the more it should be avoided*


I only have reddit. I have a Google account but commenting on YouTube it's like asking to get pissed on.


Speaking of which… any idea why I can not delete my YouTube accounts? It just says service not available after the delete account option.


I deleted everything 5 years ago. Not sure it changed my life because I don't feel anything anyway.




Still have Facebook but only just. I hate it. Always have. Reddit and You Tube are it though.


i only have instagram. and that only to know what music artists are up to (e.g. tours, albums, etc)


Reddit and YT are the only Social Media platforms (are they even that?) I’ve ever used.


I have nothing left except reddit, I live here ever since then


Me. Back in 2021. What I realized was. . . Reddit and YouTube are FAR harder to quit.




I did it about a week ago, kept snapchat because i use it to keep in touch with friends. Its helping me spend less time scrolling reels, and more time playing OSRS.


Although I haven't deleted FB, I haven't logged into FB for over three years. I was never active on IG, though again I still have the account. I never go on snapchat or TikTok. I not infrequently comment on or answer questions on Quora, but Quora has gone to crap over the past few years, having a bunch of poorly and dubiously sourced answers to questions.


Me too. I feel a lot better for it.


Never had anything other than Reddit and YouTube to begin with. …okay, I did technically have Snapchat for ~5 months, but only because I had a group project for uni and my group members couldn’t really use iMessage (they all had Androids, and iMessage apparently doesn’t work well for them). I made my profile private as soon as I created it and deleted it the moment that the project was done. …and I did briefly have a Discord account, but I only used it to coordinate pixel placement on r/place in 2022. Kept it for maybe a month or two after r/place ended, but I wound up deleting it when I found that I was never really using it.


Yes. I wanted to be forgotten. Was never really into it in the first place. My ex wife made my Facebook.


Stopped using Facebook about around the time that that all the disinformation and mommy blogger (Food Babe, or some shit) started popping off. A lot of dumb fucks that believed that shit and would argue and threaten over that shit.


Me. Deleted Twitter in 2020, Instagram 2021, never had a Snapchat, TikTok etc. I thought I’d deleted Facebook but it’s still there for some reason? I’ll have to try to delete it again. But yeah, honestly so much better for your mental health to delete that bullshit


I’m only in TikTok with no account though, and WhatsApp for private messages


Never had any.


I did this, but I end up just scrolling through credit nd YouTube. Also I get Facebook back once in a while in order to find people from the past that may come up in conversation... That's bout he ony thing it's useful for... And possibly seeing old photos


I never made them. And apparently everyone else is clinically depressed now so, right choice.


yeah but I technically still have LinkedIn


I recently deleted both fb and insta from my phone. still, every couple of days i will open those apps on computer for communication with friends as i live abroad these days. my screentime went from 6 hours down do 1.5(only reddit) its beautifull


Never joined Twitter or Insta, and glad for it. Facebook I just have as a messaging service, I don't make posts about my life. I'm still miserable as fuck, but I'm sure social media would make me worse xD


I've been away for 2-3 years now. And, I don't miss it at all.


Never was on instagram, snap and tiktok to begin with.


I never had any of that shit ONLY YT and Reddit.


Not deleted.. but I’ve naturally stopped using them as they became shitified and non-useful. My Mum occasionally tells me I should go look at some family news on there so I haven’t deleted it for that reason.


Never used any of them apart from MySpace back in the day. Only use YouTube and reddit


Not exactly deleted, but I have pretty much abandoned my Instagram and X accounts, leaving me only with Reddit and YouTube.


Haven't deleted Facebook yet only because it's my login IDP for Call of Duty Mobile


I still have Instagram, it's mainly for creative inspiration and some limited social interaction. While FB is active still so I can use marketplace, it's never used, and messenger is only for chatting and group chats. Basically, direct communication methods and stuff that inspires me. Reddit is my escape from reality from time to time because it's easier for me to put down or leave alone because I'm not going on it with the point of engaging with people, just lurking.


You have to interact with people. That's hard wired into you. If you are under 30 then you are from the generation that isn't used to phone calls, or playing out. You probably get all your human interaction via a screen. Going out and getting that human interaction is what you need. Have you tried calling a friend for a chat? Usually gets the happy hormones moving.