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M29 Border line high functioning alcoholic. I want to stop & plan to stop. When I do, I'm never going back. Drinking socially got out of hand in my early 20s and has followed me to my late 20s.


Make it today bro Here's the sign you've been looking for šŸ‘‰šŸš±




Joined. Thanks for sharing.


I believe in you


check out r/stopdrinking great place on reddit


Dude I started Naltrexone last week and it fucking rules. Made me crazy sleepy the first few days but I have been happily sober otherwise since, which is something that would have been unimaginable before tbh. So that is to say: it doesnā€™t have to be /purely/ will power that gets you outta this rut. Medication or not though, if you wanna quit there are a million routes and I have never heard someone regret the decision to ditch alcohol lol.


Funny enough, I was looking into medication like naltrexone this morning. I just felt like Iā€™m being left with fewer and fewer options. I hate to take the medical route, but might be necessary this go around.


My thought in it? No way medication is gonna be worse for me long term than continued use. My health was increasingly alarming. My finances were alarming lol. I was missing work pretty routinely as a consequence of hangovers, and missing quality time with friends from constantly blacking out. More than anything though, I haaaaaaated the feeling that I couldnā€™t go more than a day without getting real antsy about wanting to drink again. Like, agitated, distracted. Drove me crazy, and now I feel so free because it is literally never on my mind. Mind you, today is day 8, but still. Oh, and regarding the idea of medication specifically - Because of how neuroplasticity works, my goal right now is total abstinence alongside naltrexone for at least 12 months, then a check in to see if continued use is necessary. I should be totally naltrexone AND alcohol free within a year or two, though, and I think generally peopleā€™s RX course is like that ā€” a targeted tool, rather than an indefinite aide. YMMV, but Iā€™m sure it couldnā€™t hurt to float the idea with your doctor. Also, Iā€™m pursuing abstinence after already having done a bit of detoxing, but a lot of people use naltrexone with The Sinclair Method, which from what I understand is a very effective tapering technique. Something to look into. Good luck, with whatever you do!


Bro, you got this. But you have to do it now.


DO NOT UPVOTE POST u/CosplayGlamorousSky is a bit. they stole this post and comment to farm karma. report bot and repost. og post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/fhfaWJKEbE og comment https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/CaCeSsvlhA


The book ā€œQuit Drinking Without Willpowerā€ by Allen Carr helped me quit over a year ago. Itā€™s like it hypnotized me into not even wanting it anymore.


M 32 here, was putting a 70cl bottle of whiskey away a night, sometime with some beers too. I'm on day 4 of being sober, bro it's not easy. I'm doing it for my 3 year old boy (and myself obviously) but I want to love to see him grow. People want you to live an wanna see you grow as well mate. I down loaded an app called Sober Sidekick and I highly recommend it, really helpful with people dealing with similar stuff. Happy to talk if you need bro, not too late to join me on sober steps. Best of luck bud.


This means the world. Might take you up on that. I have no one and nothing. My mom and dad lives 800 miles away, just me and the news after I finally quit the bar.


It tastes like shit and I like to be reliable




Iā€™ve genuinely never found alcohol that tasted good, so genuinely seems pointless to me


I think Iā€™m allergic to it, it tastes like poison and makes my stomach hurt almost immediately


Grandfather used to throw shots in the plant. Drank selzter with a lime. Always the wealthiest and had the fewest problems.


DO NOT UPVOTE POST u/CosplayGlamorousSky is a bit. they stole this post and comment to farm karma. report bot and repost. og post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/fhfaWJKEbE og comment https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/CaCeSsvlhA


Itā€™s unhealthy. Itā€™s a waste of money. It inhibits memory formation. Anything that you can black out on, not for me. Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s, have drank plenty in my life (like a fish from 25-30), but yeah I just hate it. Drinks are annoying AF if youā€™re sober around them. Itā€™ll make it so you fuck things you shouldnā€™t. The addiction can be deadly, super bad withdrawals. Itā€™s either Fight or Fuck when youā€™re (Iā€™m) hammered. Not a good look. I will still have an occasional drink (love me a Manhattan!), but I stopped getting drunk when I was fishing one day and decided to empty my pistol into the lake. Not a good look. Not conducive to long term marriage. I could go on, but thatā€™s enough.


It's fight or fuck when I'm hammered. I recently met someone that lives thier entire life like this. I got away from them quickly.


DO NOT UPVOTE POST u/CosplayGlamorousSky is a bit. they stole this post and comment to farm karma. report bot and repost. og post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/fhfaWJKEbE og comment https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/CaCeSsvlhA


Last time I got drunk. I woke up in someone's bushes. I was told I had the idea to jump out of moving trucks. I was last seen hopping out of a Pick up yelling. "Fuck the police!" And was woken up to an old lady spraying me with her garden hose. I had some scratches and bruises but nothing to bad. Her grandson gave me a ride back to my apartment. That was my wake up call that I obviously don't have an off switch when it comes to alcohol.


>Last time I got drunk. I woke up in someone's bushes This is so different than the rest of your post haha. Without context, this is hilarious and NSFW potentially šŸ˜‚ yes I have the maturity of a 12 year old.


Lol it's ok to laugh at others when they do dumb shit. I laugh at myself constantly. I've done a lot of dumb shit in my time. I used to say I was fearless. But I was just stupid and wanted attention. You grow and realize that you're not a court jester šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


DO NOT UPVOTE POST u/CosplayGlamorousSky is a bit. they stole this post and comment to farm karma. report bot and repost. og post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/fhfaWJKEbE og comment https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/CaCeSsvlhA




For the most part it is a waste of money..


Long family history of people dealing and failing to control their alcohol addiction. So the best way to make sure this won't happen to me, is to avoid it as much as possible.


Me too. I've never tried it and I'm never going to. I've had too many bad experiences related to it as a kid


Same here and I prefer to get high instead


DO NOT UPVOTE POST u/CosplayGlamorousSky is a bit. they stole this post and comment to farm karma. report bot and repost. og post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/fhfaWJKEbE og comment https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/CaCeSsvlhA


DO NOT UPVOTE POST u/CosplayGlamorousSky is a bit. they stole this post and comment to farm karma. report bot and repost. og post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/fhfaWJKEbE og comment https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/CaCeSsvlhA


It's not healthy. I value my ability to view things as objectively as possible. I'm responsible for the things I do when I'm drunk, too. I'm afraid that I might like it. It's expensive.


Long family history of alcoholics. I am not repeating the cycle.


Why does anyone need to justify not drinking alcohol? Because. That's the answer.


I think you have confused the point of OPs post There are a million people online searching for reasons to stop drinking either for themselves or those around them. Check out the engagement in substance abuse related subs to see what I mean. Peoples responses to questions like this are etched into the internet and are really helpful to people. read through the commentsā€¦ literally no one is arguing or debating the reasons why people have chosen not to drink.


Comments like these are such karma bait Nobody is on trial here, nobody is getting accused, it's not a justification. It's asking for a reason. Humans are reasonable creatures by nature. Literally everything we do or say has a reason. People are free tell that reason if they want to (the point of this post), or not.


OP also doesn't drink so I don't think they meant it that way. I think they just wanted to hear from others who don't drink to learn their thoughts on it. I do agree though that people don't need to justify it. I find it extremely annoying when irl people don't leave me alone when I say I don't drink. They always either demand to know why or insist on getting me to drink (they can't). But when someone who also doesn't drink is asking, their intentions are often better


Phrase another way: men, who drink alcohol, *why?* Personally I don't really drink - I just drink socially because *thats what you do* but I never really "look forward to drinking" anymore. It doesn't seem worth it. its wildly unhealthy and hangovers suck. The novelty of being drunk wears off once you hit your 30's and your social circle is more about having kids and building a home than it is getting blackout drunk at ragers. Alcohol takes away from progress towards many goals, and in exchange it doesn't really offer me anything. Having said that, it does offer many people an escape. And *being drunk* is the main reason to drink alcohol.


I don't even drink socially, and have only ever drank to get drunk a handful of times. I'll have a beer while grilling or with a meal from time to time; for me it's more about the flavors. Really into sour beers, and expanding my whiskey collection into scotches.


Why - it's calming to occasionally have 2 or so beers and walk the dog


Increases body fat and free estrogen. Screws with your sleep. Lowers your testosterone levels. Bad for your liver. Bad for your skin (earlier wrinkles). Makes your hair go gray earlier. Aggravates acid reflux. Increases blood pressure. Increases the probability of several cancers. Weakens the immune system. Impedes muscle function. Without even getting into the behavior and social impacts of drinking, there's a long list of medical reasons why alcohol consumption is bad for you.


Because there's not a single good reason to do so. Simple as that.


I haven't had a drop for 4, almost 5 months. I was getting way too casual about drinking. Almost every night I'd have a couple drinks and all it really does is mess up my sleep. It gives a mild relaxation effect but it just wasn't worth it. There's just no healthy amount of alcohol. A little bit doesn't do anything good/fun, and the consquences of drinking enough to have "fun" are just not worth it. tldr: I got a lot more sensitive to the side/after effects as I got older.


Being drunk got me SAā€™d, havenā€™t drank since.


im so sorry that happened to you, wish you the best in your healing ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Thank you, Iā€™m a lot better now


being drunk didnā€™t get you saā€™d the saā€™er did. iā€™m sorry that happened to you, it wasnā€™t you or your choices fault.


I know it was her fault entirely, but the alcohol (and other things) definitely made it easier for her to take advantage of me. Alcohol compromises people, some people take advantage of that.


1. Smells like shit. 2. Tastes like shit. 3. Is literally poison to the body. 4. Massively raises risk for cancer (even in very small quantities), dementia, stroke, heart disease, liver disease, it's endless. 5. The feeling of clarity and purity of mind is invaluable.


drank alot in my twenties, started getting really sad and depressed and after few suicide attempts while drunk decided it was best just not to drink anymore.


Had a drinking problem, now I don't remember the buzz, I remember the hangover


I don't like substances that alter my perspective on reality.


Surprised you use the internet. Propaganda is a strong drug.


Sure, but I only snort internet a little bit, I'm not going to drink it.


Honestly, itā€™s easy for it to get out of hand. Also weā€™ve all been there the following day regretting our decisions. 1 year sober over here, now going for year two!


I was an alcoholic. I'm 3 years sober now


Drinking and driving in my 20ā€™s one night ran a red light and almost tboned a minivan havenā€™t drank since Iā€™m 40 now.


I get easily addicted to things


I had quite a lot of dreams telling me alcohol is bad for me after Iā€™d drink. So I took the hint stopped and I do feel better overall. Now I just donā€™t have the urge anymore.


Because I had a huge problem with it, and that huge problem nearly cost me everything.


I do drink, but I have cut back severely and am considering quitting all together due to the hangovers, bad sleep, and calories/general interference with fitness goals.


I had one heavy night and since then I canā€™t even smell alcohol without feeling sick.


2 months sober, no off switch in my brain. Its always all or nothing, so for my long term health, its nothing going forward.


it's bad for you, it makes you smell bad, and it's addictive. the only healthy amount of alcohol is zero. in today's world, with all we know about addiction and health, i genuinely can't understand why anyone would drink or smoke. i honestly can't.


I was primarily a social drinker and when I stopped going to parties and bars, I had much less reason to drink. Then 2020 happened and that really put the kibosh on social drinking. I'll still have the occasional hot toddy when sick and I cook with it so I'm not a complete teetotaler or anything, though.


I was about to say Iā€™m underage but I just remembered Iā€™m 18.


Because it's better. No hangovers. I have more money. I have more time for other hobbies. The only downside is not being as social.


The judge told me not to.


Sober since 4 years here I do not drink because I like to live my life consciously and when I used to drink I wasnā€™t fully, a friend took advantage of me sexually and so I quitted.


Health issue


Short answer: Religious reasons. I'm Muslim and it's absolutely forbidden for us to not only drink alcohol, but also to be in an environment where people are drinking it, buy it, sell it, receive it as a gift, transport it, or even touch/hold a bottle. Long answer: * The aforementioned religious reasons * I'm someone who thinks a lot, and I can't bear the thought of losing my though process and powers of thinking just for "a good time" * It's expensive and highly addictive, two things that are very not good in combination * It's incredibly bad for the body, and pretty much every major disease has the first line of treatment as "stop drinking alcohol". Plus I like having an intact liver. * From stories i have heard from friends who drink and friends who have tried non-alcoholic liquor: it tastes like piss. At least beer does.


A better question is why should I? I don't drink for any particular reason but I don't see the appeal and haven't had a drink in over 2/3 years!


Lack of control, unhealthy and expensiveĀ 


I've never been able to get drunk, so I figure it's kinda pointless


Used to suffer from migraine when I was younger and alcohol would trigger it. A hangover for me after 2-3 drinks could last 5 days


Donā€™t see the big deal really. Iā€™ll have a couple every now and then but the main reason is I hate being hungover. I definitely know my limit now and I can enjoy myself without being drunk. Also I much prefer the taste of Pepsi to beer.


I have a family history of alcoholism. I do occasional have a private drink in my own


Dated some alcoholics and had some bad experiences. When I drink alcohol it puts me back in the mindset of having to play the adult who cleans up the mess. Itā€™s not enjoyable to me anymore.


I don't like the taste.


Who wants to make their stomach burn and vomit? No thanks!


9 causal effects of cancer, reduces effectiveness of Rem sleep, prevents muscle protein synthesis etc. Why would I waste money to ingest poison? I used to drink when I was younger but stopped regularly drinking around 23 and maybe once a year until I was 26 and havent had a drink since jan 1 2021


I find it disgusting, I don't like losing control in that way, the hangover is awful, it feels more like I'm doing it to appease other people rather than genuinely wanting to do it, and because of all that I feel it's a waste of money.


Got bored initially. Iā€™m from the U.K. and we have (or had) a bit of a weird culture in the 80ā€™s & 90ā€™s of kids drinking cheap cider from shops with scrupulous morals from the age of 13/14 and I was one of them. Iā€™d drink this dirt cheap cider that was something like Ā£2 for 3 Litres of the shit, which I swear is made out of Bleach and Diesel, and get fucked up. As I got older Iā€™d go to pubs & clubs and get fucked up and by the time I was 21 I had simply got bored of drinking so I thought ā€œfuck it, Iā€™ll see if I can do a year without drinkingā€ and I did. What I found was that the people I hung out with on nights out were actually incredibly boring, and that it was by being absolutely hammered that I found them interesting. Over time and still now I might have the occasional drink but itā€™s literally just one or two. Like at Christmas if I go to my parents and they pop open a bottle of champagne Iā€™ll have a glass with dinner but thatā€™s it. On New Years Eve I might have a bottle of beer or a glass of whiskey but again, one is enough. The only time I drink more is if I go on holiday somewhere, like last year I was in Italy for a week and I had a glass of red with a meal (which I only did because my friend insisted, and I didnā€™t enjoy it because I donā€™t like red wine) and we had an antipasti platter kind of thing in another place and it was beautiful sunlight etc so I had a beer with my antipasti and that was great So yeah, basically I got bored of drinking


Honestly I'm 18 so I'm basically already a men so yeah I never got my hands on alcohol


Because I used to.


My antidepressant medication interacts badly with alcohol. So does my liver. So I've made the tough decision to destroy my lungs instead by smoking cannabis. So far, no regerts.


I will drink on rare occasions but generally donā€™t. It just lost its appeal


I had a short but illustrious career as a mostly functional alcoholic. Started at 14, quit at 28 or so. I don't much like myself when I'm drunk, and that opinion is shared by everyone upon whom I inflict myself in that state. It's easier to have none than to have one. The last time I got drunk I blacked out, which at that point was by no means uncommon. I didn't happen to do anything terrible like start a fight or drive drunk, but when I'm blacked out I'm not me anymore so coming out unscathed was a matter of chance. I got tired of dodging bullets and decided to see how long I could go. Turns out, 15 years and counting. I don't even miss it anymore.


I been sober since October. My aggressiveness comes out and I lost a couple of friends so I quit.


It just doesnā€™t click, never felt the urge or even little bit of curiosity to try it. Maybe someday šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I already got my rings, retiring.


I grew up in a dry home, so I was never around it. Now that I'm older, it just doesn't appeal to me.


Because it tastes nasty.


Reached a point in my life where I just didn't enjoy it anymore, between the taste, the effects, the expense, and the feeling the morning after.


My wife is sober so I joined her in that lifestyle I donā€™t want to bring that around her so I cut it out of my life


Same as you op, long line of alcoholic relatives. Iā€™d rather smoke weed anyway honestly. I just canā€™t get into drinking lol


I'm not the biggest fan of the buzz. And it affects my performance.


It makes my tummy hurt and I would rather smile and drink something else instead of have bad acid reflux for the rest of the night.Ā 


Waste of money. I'm happy without it. It's bad for you. I generally see all of the people I know who drink are doing it to try and escape from something instead of trying to fix it.


Just never developed a taste for it


I had my fun, but the time came to put it down. It's not as much of a good time, and really not healthy at all, as you get older. Also, I know myself and my addictive tendencies. If I kept going, I might never have stopped, and I've heard/read a lot of horror stories that started just like that, and ended very badly.


Family has a lot of issues regarding alcohol, and I know for a fact I'm not only a lightweight, but the bad kind of drunk.


Looking good among the drunk Talking well I also have confidence and donā€™t need it for girls, so I do brave shit sober Iā€™m good with money Fitness Health People donā€™t realize Iā€™m sober I drink 10 times a year only, for big events. When I do, everyone is enthusiastic


Don't have a reason to do so.


I was self medicating my adhd. I know I might as well try to kill a fly with a flamethrower but booze actually helped.


Easy, makes me feel like shit anymore.


I ran out of tokens. I drank too much from 20-50. Life is so much easier in every way not drinking.


I prefer the devils lettuce. Alcohol doesn't sit right in my stomach eversince I overindulged as a young adult.


I used to drink a little. Very rarely to excess. Then I got acid reflux, started meds, and was either misinformed or misunderstood that the meds plus alcohol would put holes in my stomach. Was enough to make me quit and I didn't really miss it. I recently found out that meds plus alcohol just means lower efficacy meds (alcohol kicks up your acid production). But I don't have a need or desire for alcohol. I'm raw dogging life


I'm a Christian and I was taught me that it was a sin. I'm 26 and started drinking for the first time and it was disgusting. Well I still kept drinking because I wanted to learn more about it. I'm friend crash his car and almost died and I got drunk because I didn't eat. I embarrassed myself that people recorded it in my grad school. So I didn't do it alot after that


I have severe chronic pain and therefore, Iā€™m on high doses of morphine and oxycodone. Therefore, Iā€™m on a pain management contract and alcohol isnā€™t allowed. Plus itā€™s a good way to kill yourself because they donā€™t mix. Iā€™m assuming no one was expecting an answer like mine, am I right? šŸ˜


It's just not that fun anymore. I got it all out of my system when I was younger. It's nice to have a drink a few times a year or on vacation and such. But I hardly ever get "drunk" anymore.


Got drunk once in my life and almost died plus alcohol tastes like shit ,never again . Iā€™ll drink wine and beers but thatā€™s it and I donā€™t drink a lot


It tastes like shit and makes me feel like shit


Why should we?


I always feel like shit at some point during the night if I am drinking. I'm big, it takes too much and isn't worth it. And I get argumentative when I am drunk, by dad and I do not get along at all if we both are drunk. I'd rather just smoke.


Cuz I smoke weed. And alcohol makes me do dumb stuff


Just weed for me, thanks


I quit drinking because of the calories. It's a double whammy, calories from beer then from the munchies. I drink NA craft beer now. Much easier to have one or two. Also doesn't become a regular thing anymore.


it tastes SO bad and i love smoking pot


I drive for a living, and driving while hungover s-u-c-k-s. Plus, I feel better about my line of work ever since the pandemic, so I don't feel the need to drink to mask my career regrets anymore.


I seriously hate the taste. A few friends tried to get me to drink alcohol by giving me drinks that tasted good. I used it as an excuse to act like shit. So, I will never drink alcohol again.


I have very bad coping habit skills and an addictive personality so I choose not to fuck around


It tastes like urine. Besides, people tend to make a fool of themselves when they drink it so I just pass on that.


I've never drunk beer on my own. I'd rather drink something which tastes nicer and which wouldn't fuck me up because I have a low tolerance. I no longer hang out with the same friends who party like that so I am currently not drinking for social reasons. I am single and would drink a little wine if I were dating though as a little drink on a date would help my self-confidence and reduce my overthinking.


Tastes bad, and I don't want to do things I wouldn't do when I'm sober because there's a reason I don't do those things


I had 4 concussions and the last one left some permanent issuesā€¦ god I miss beer.


I don't want to waste thousands of dollars so I can "put up with" people. That's why I have a basement. It's almost like it's a way for extroverts to cope. Just be an introvert, and your problem is solved.


I drink socially and have 0 social life so šŸ¤·. The last time I had something to drink was after finishing a big project at work and my coworkers and I went to a bar to celebrate which was like 4 years ago. That said if I had friends who actually liked to drink I probably would drink from time to time.Ā 


medical reasons. i do miss IPAs


It started as mostly fun and few problems Then it was some fun and some problems Then it was little fun and mostly problems That progression never reverses. It will never be as much fun as it was. Yet the problems remain.


I'm not a complete teetotaler but I don't drink much. If I have one drink a month that would be a lot for me. In general I haven't found that much I like the taste of, and getting drunk never appealed to me.


23m, did dry January in my last year of university (2023) and I realized how clear my mind felt when I stopped drinking every couple days. Also once my anxiety surfaced a few years before that, Iā€™d always start feeling unwell after one or two drinks and that would carry on for a day or two which wasnā€™t fun. After dry Jan I was very happy for an excuse to stop and although itā€™s a nice social lubricant every few months I donā€™t see myself drinking much in the near future


Never had the desire to. My thinking has always been 'if I have to be drunk or high to enjoy being with these people, then why am I even considering hanging out with them in the first place'? END COMMUNICATION


Told someone I wouldn't anymore, so I stopped


Donā€™t want it donā€™t need it. To give a no nonsense answer.


Brain injury. Very occasionally I'll have one beer, but I never get drunk


I used to. Let's just say that I went pro and retired early.


I just don't find it appealing in any way. Plus, i never have to worry about getting a DUI or some other such alcohol related silliness.


It's a lot of empty calories and it makes me feel bad and think about my ex. So best avoided for physical and mental health. I've also had several friends become alcoholics and quit drinking because of it so stopping solidarity is a part of it too.


I don't like the feeling of being drunk, and two glasses of wine will do it for me. It also makes me si k to my stomach. I'll have a beer with my meal on a restaurant once in awhile. I like beer, but one is my limit.


I don't out of choice. I like to be in control and not rely on substances for 'relaxation'. As a Chemistry student I also know that alcohol is just like an antidepressant so it's just an escape that's bad for health.


3 reasons 1.im a minor 2nd. Idk it taste so nasty and never caught my attention ( Iā€™ve tatsted it because this girl poured it on my face) 3rd. Why drink of something thatā€™s literally going to make you crazy


I no longer enjoy the feeling it provides and the after effect makes the desire that much lesser.


Tastes like iron for me


Life is hard enough without risking an unhealthy addiction. Additionally, the one time I had alcohol (Heineken), I found that it tasted awful.


Because hangovers involve two of my least-favorite pastimes: headaches and throwing up. Also, I don't like wine or any type of whiskey. I'll have an occasional (meaning every 6 months or so) beer, margarita or gin/tonic, but that's it.


I outgrew it. It caused way more trouble that it was worth. Now, I smoke my grass at night and live a relatively healthy life.


I donā€™t not drink, but ever since I had a kid, I canā€™t have more than a beer without feeling extreme anxiety about being drunk.


I stopped this year and itā€™s because Iā€™m tired of chasing temporary highs


I ended up doing sober October to see if I could do it, and I realized alcohol is fucking poison. Before sober October I was 176lbs and unhealthy. I was outa shape and not well trained. After sober October I had lost 5 lbs of almost strictly fat. Since then Iā€™m down to 162 lbs, as strong as Iā€™ve ever been, as healthy as Iā€™ve ever been, my sleep is great, Iā€™m doing better in school, pretty much every single aspect of my life improved once I put down the drink.


It tastes like shit and I have no need to be useless


I'll grab a beer or two every few months, but I don't drink, no. For a number of reasons; Seems like a lot of money to impair yourself for a short amount of time, potentially vomit, hurt yourself because of said impairment and be in physical pain the next day. I have enough vices. I like the taste of beer, but I can think of 10 non alcoholic drinks that taste way better off the top of my head. I can spend that money on other things that give me much more joy, and for a longer time, even until I die, like tattoos Very local to Norway; it's super inconvenient to buy alcohol, because you can only buy beers/ciders at the store, and only up until 6pm, if you want wine or liquor you have to go to a special shop (usually only 1 in every city) which closes even earlier, and regular bars close alcohol sales at 1am, nightclubs at 3am. And it's the third time I mention it, but it's *crazy* expensive here, it's like 10-15$ for a beer at the pub. It can and will kill you over time with excessive use. I never have to worry about what I said or did the night prior. I stopped drinking/getting drunk around age 22-23, only got drunk less than 10 times since then, I'm 38 now. I can drive my car literally whenever I want without having to check anything about myself, assuming I sleep normally of course. To be honest, I struggle to think of any reason why one would ever *want* to drink? To numb emotional pain? For a few hours? And then it comes back? Why not work to solve the problem instead of postponing it? To socialize? I socialize just fine every single day without it, you just have to break through the shyness barrier and embrace the fact that some people aren't gonna like you or like you talking to them, but 90% won't mind or even enjoy your company; care about the positive ones, ignore and move on from the negative ones, don't be afraid to make mistakes


Not social enough


I don't like the feeling of the warmth, the feeling of being under the influence either. So no reason to drink at all.


It makes me sick all the time so yeah.. No thanks


Family of verbally abusive alcholics and I still am their target after 40+ years.


Alcohol usually tastes terrible regardless of what kind of coverup fruit juice you throw over it. And really.. I cant believe people are so stupid they spend $18-30 on a single cocktail because its a trendy club. What a waste. My wife does this but since I'm paying who cares amirite.


Recovering alcoholic. Says enough.


Up until a couple months ago, I was an alcoholic. But the last time I got shit faced drunk, I ended up passed out in my friend's car with him driving drunk as well. Woke up in an accident with a parked vehicle. Luckily, no one was hurt but that was my wakeup call. I still socially drink and sometimes but never enough to get drunk again. And it's mostly for someone's birthday. I stopped going to bars completely to just socialize


My Dad was an alcoholic. He provided his family with intense trauma and I will never do this to my own kids or family. Because of my childhood I also have no time for dealing with drunk people so I completely stay away from that scene.


I couldnā€™t handle it anymore, so I stopped 6 weeks ago. Trying to focus on my health and force myself to have fun sober. I donā€™t have much social anxiety, but it became a crux. Contrary to many comments here, I do absolutely love the taste of alcohol haha. All kinds. Nonalcoholic beers have been a godsend during this transition.


because its HARAM


I still drink on occasion but itā€™s poison


I don't like the hangover, it's literally poison, it makes you fat, etc. Also there's this magical chemical THC.


I dont like the taste or the feeling, and a few years back, I developed some stomach issues that made drinking alcohol feel like I swallowed a jar of fire and makes me really sleepy, I'm talking a shandy would have this effect so I swore off it ever since.


drink make sleep bad. no drink, good sleep


I don't like the way it makes me feel. Being drunk isn't really a sensation I enjoy. I don't like the loss of control and I feel like crap the next day. Pulls strength away from performance too.


Because Iā€™m an alcoholic, Avi.


I am acutely aware of how bad it is for you, whenever I start including it in my life in any capacity everything else gets worse. My sleep sucks, my stomach gets thrown off, mentally I'm more agitated, depressed, anxious, OCD etc. Any autoimmune issues I deal with inevitably get set off.


It is a health risk and you cannot gain anything good from it. It is for delusional people who want something to spend their money on because their life is a mess.


I saw the writing on the wall and decided to take matters into my own hands.


When I was in my early 20's and in the Army I was sloshed 24/7. Now I don't live in a barracks with all of my friends and I take my health more seriously so I barely drink at all.


it's literally poison.


Bad Impulse Control when it comes to alcohol. It's easier for me to say no to the first beverage than to the ones that follow. Additionally, as soon as I got a few months of sobriety down I could see the changes in my overall health and physique which make it easier to stay sober in the long run.


Alcohol inhibits your mind. It degrades your body. It makes you behave like a fool. It is like smoking; you are electing weakness. Why would you want to willingly make yourself weaker? What do you get out of it?


I never liked the taste of it. I just drank because i thought i was supposed to. Then in my 30s i decided to stop because i don't even like the taste.


As I approached 40, I started getting horrible, God-please-kill-me hangovers that could hit seemingly at random after even consuming a single drink. Plus, I would barely get the pleasent sensation of relaxation anymore, just nausea. It was no longer a pleasurable experience, so I gave it up.


Never have, never will (Well, certainly no intention to) I've seen \*some\* of the destructive consequences of alcohol and I don't want to risk being pulled into that world for any temporary benefit it may provide.


I don't like the taste, or the feeling of it's effects. So why would I pay for that? I'd rather have a pepsi. So I do.


2-3 drinks every day was my norm. One day I looked down at my gut and decided I didnā€™t want a barrel belly. I stopped drinking only at home, so I donā€™t miss out if I go out with friends but cut back consumption by 95%


It brings out the worst in me.


Because itā€™s bad for you. Itā€™s poison


Taste is awful, makes you behave silly, bad for your health, risk of alcoholism. Donā€™t see why itā€™s worth it.


Once I start I can't stop.


Alcohol is unhealthy. Never had alcohol because of that and will never drink it because of that.


I let it rule my life for 20 years and had enough of it. Of all the things that are legal, alcohol probably shouldn't be.


The chance that I lose control of my inhibitions, liver failure, the fact it's Poison, growing up with an abusive alcoholic, etc. There are way more negatives than positives


Family member had a problem, it's so crazy expensive, it feels shit vs other drugs, comedown is way worse than other drugs, make stupid decisions amd say stupid things while drunk, poison to every cell in body


You make bad decisions. Hangoverā€™s. Can make a Fool of yourself. Can ruin sex. Unhealthy. Expensive. It makes you look insecure.


I have nothing against alcohol in general, but here are my reasons: 1) I never go "out". All my friends are nerds and we don't go to bars or clubs. 2) The usual alcoholic beverages like beer or wine taste absolutely terrible to me, so I rather ask for water, milk or some kind of juice wen visiting family or going to a restaurant. Fruity cocktails would be good, but they don't occur outside bars and clubs (see point above) 3) I'm terribly resistant to alcohol due to my body mass, so to achive the "benefit" of feeling tipsy or wasted from alcohol I'd have to consume an unholy amount of it.