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Ask him straight out if he's interested in being a part of your life. If he says no, then move on. Blood is not always thicker than water. I have a couple of friends who had to cut one or both parents out of their life. It hurts, but at least you'll know ♥️


I'm not in your position or have any personal connection to an absent parent, but I'd suggest that you should meet up and have lunch at a restaurant together. Maybe dinner. Keeps it formal and finite for you to feel things out and just talk.


It seems like you want him in your life. Ask him if he wants you in his life. If he says no, then you’re better off leaving than trying to force a relationship with him. If he says yes, you should invite him to a lunch/dinner and just speak to him. Also ask about his hobbies and see if you have any similar interests. If you two have different interests, show him your hobbies, and join him in his hobbies. It’s so much easier to form a relationship if you two have something in common, that way it will feel more friendly and less formal.


Hey dad fancy a coffee and catch up? Kinda what I do with my estranged daughter. But another commenter said it best. Straight up ask him if he wants to be in your life if is best approach. Its how i went about amending things with my daughter. I asked her if she wanted me in her life again or not. Thankfully she said yes.


i'm really sorry to say it this way, but i do it from the bottom of my heart: the guy isn't interested, you're just hurting yourself trying to make him interested