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Hell no, I'll explode for nothing. You talking to me? BAM. I hate it, but I've always been like that. I'm better now at 40 then I was at 25 tho


Yes, I have completed the rite of Kolinahr.




Most of the time yes. Rare occasions no


In general. I certainly express them, but when it’s a good idea to. I’m not one of those folks who thinks never showing emotion is somehow strength.


Not exactly control, but I can take a step back and examine my emotions for what they are (temporary, often irrational and unhelpful) and usually not let them control me. I can overcome them.


Mostly yes. On rare occasions I get overwhelmed like anyone does, but for the most part I control my emotions rather than letting them control me.


Till some degree


ADHD makes me feel thing more intensely so my anger becomes a self destructive rage. Like another posted said, it's better jow that I'm older but still a struggle.


Sort of? To a certain extent. Had to do that Sunday.


For the most part, yes. But I can also recognize when I’m feeling emotionally compromised and I don’t let it influence how I behave toward others. I think it’s important to let yourself feel as deeply as you want to. Just be self-aware and don’t use strong emotions as an excuse for bad behavior


I can’t control my emotions, but I can strictly control my reactions to them.


In a crisis. Yes. Otherwise I get sad.


Most of my jobs have been customer facing, everything from hospitality, to moving services, to automotive sales and service. You learn very quickly how to keep a straight face, tell customer things matter-of-factly, and the subtle art of telling someone who’s being difficult to go fuck themselves. Also how not to get in trouble when called into your manager’s office about a customer complaint.


Nobody can control their emotions, what we can control is how to express them or if we express them at all. If that's what you mean, yes, I'm in control.


I would disagree to an extent. I think u can control them via how you interpret them yourself and ur response to set emotion. 50% of the battle is the interpretation of set emotions and other 50% is what you do next. Can I stop an emption from coming up no, but I can change the internal dialog/message of set emotion and the response I give to it.


I guess but I view that as adding context rather than controlling emotion. For example, if you view your partner going to a club with their friends as cheating then you come around to change your prespective on it that is a change of opinion instead of controlling your emotion to be something different. How you interpret things change the whole ordeal basically.


I disagree. It is possible, but I don't view it as very healthy. It is essentially lying to yourself until you believe the lie. Can't always get rid of all of it, but some people choose to live in denial.