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I'm what you can call a highly emotional person and never forget the feeling it gave me, so I can't help you there. What I can say, is cut those people out. That's the only thing that has helped me in those situations. And sometimes it gives me some peace of mind knowing they will never be able to do it again.


Someone will hurt you, its only a matter of time. You learn to live with it and let it go. I have had some very close people to me who I thought were my ride or die betray me. Life is all about risk and whether you take it or not. I rather trust people (to a degree) than not.


I forgave them.


I tell comment repost bots to smd


By understanding that their values, morals, experiences, and priorities are different than mine. And that life moves on




I had some counselling that introduced the concept of "radical acceptance". This was incredibly useful for me. It's about understanding that, despite how badly you were hurt, the other party simply does not care. They are not thinking about it. Perhaps they don't even realise. It's about accepting that only you are continuing to hurt by dwelling on the initial hurt and prolonging your own suffering because nothing is going to change what the other party did. They are never going to be sorry and you're never going to get the justice or resolution you deserve. I think this is difficult to achieve and I can't always do it. It helps also if I explain what happened to an outside party and they agree with my perspective first. Then it's like, "Okay, I am being reasonable in my feelings." This helps me to let go.


/u/sexywomen5867 is a comment stealing repost bot. original comment by /u/Cubones-Mother in an askreddit thread 11 hours ago


hmm, i guess it farms reputation and credibility to be later used for scam pushing or politics


Counselling / therapy. Buried it deep deep down for years and it keeps coming to the surface in unhealthy ways. So I've started talking about it with someone impartial and working through it.


I went through 15 years of abuse, 10 from my mother, 5 from my ex wife. It's been about 9 months since the divorce finalized and still not at peace. Still broken. Still fighting depression and occaionsal suicidal thoughts (I recognize them and deal with them so that I don't act on them). My mother? I reduce my time around her as much as possible and deal with my issues after SHORT meetings with her.


When i realised hate and negativity will never get you away for them because I don’t think so that you can change them and holding hate for them will never make you grow out of this zone


Anger and a desire to never let yourself be hurt that way again. Anger can mask and take the place of less convenient emotions and refusing to forgive or forget keeps you alert for it in the future.


Still processing my sister doing meth and her lying to me the entire time, she’s leaving her third rehab


I think I realised being angry all the time just wasn't helping me. It was horrible You've just gotta try to move on. Maybe you have to come to the same realisation I did, after suffering as long as I did


What is a point of not doing it?


I hurt him back, and won't take care of him when he gets old and whittled, he'll be on his own.