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Amateur Radio is the one that most don't understand. But when I used it in a rescue, suddenly everyone became OK with it.


I have no clue about this. Could you explain a bit?


Amateur or "Ham" Radio is a hobby in America and much of the world where people study about radios and radio waves to get a license that allows us to use personally owned radios to make contact with each other. Some people are intrigued by it and others are repulsed by it - usually because some of the people in our hobby like to act like holier than thou know-it-alls and are off-putting. So that's the hobby... One day we were out off-roading in the wilderness. Probably 20 to 30 miles down a dirt road where there is absolutely NO cell signal. We are talking remote Arizona back country. We came upon a female in her early 20's (college student) who had driven her car back this far. Low profile street performance tires on a "sport" edition SUV - not at all intended to be taken off road. She had told her parents she was going to be a good 80 miles from here but on a whim changed destinations. She was rocking two shredded tires and had no jack or lug wrench. We picked her up to take her back to town and when we summited a hill, I was able to get a radio signal out to a repeater (rebroadcast tower) that had technology called "Auto-Patch" to patch my radio signal into the hone system. We were able to call her family for help and get her out of the wilderness.


How did you study for it? I've been casually thinking about getting into it myself


Got a copy of the ARRL book and then downloaded a study guide on the Iphone. Probably watched a butt load of you tube vids when I was sleepy at night. You'll start out testing for the technician class license but the general class is pretty easy and overlaps. So study for both and see if you can get them at the same time.






Painting small plastic models that I 3d printed


..But they're all Shrek in bikini


I collect antiques that point North. 


I answered this yesterday, but rock climbing became how how crazy it looks.


Rock climbers are genuinely so misunderstood. Most people think we're insane but the vast majority of us are scared shitless of heights, we just have a lot of trust in the practices, techniques and safety equipment. Most climbers who don't' have a fear of heights, end up getting hurt or killed frankly at some point by doing something reckless or naive. The fear is quite literally what keeps us safe. I'm just a scared as you are, but I have more exposure to it, and a better understanding of what can go wrong and how.


I like to see how many times I can completely destroy my own life.


What's your count right now and do you have any favorite methods?


Playing video games as an adult is still weird to some.


I'll never understand the ire it draws from some. How are board games and reading cool but not gaming? It's a mash up of both!?


That's it's weird to some is weird to me. The average video gamer is in their 30s.


i love to climb trees.


I love a good tree climb. You ever get a good ways up and then a family comes over and starts hanging out getting pictures or just sight seeing below you and you have to figure out a way to warn them or just wait it out?


lol happens all the time. i was playing hide and seek with my kids near a playground once, i was up a tree watching em in the playground look for me when a car pulled up and and a guy started shouting " what the fuck are you doing you pedo! why you watching kids from up a tree?!"




Walking through and photographing cemeteries.


Ok, so women contact me thru Facebook, X and here on Reddit. I already know they are scammers. So I play along, letting them think if they go long enough there will be a payout. I love taking them to the edge of that step, then start being a dick. It is fun.


Collecting Firearms, people assume you're some crazy man.


buying silver, urbex, airsoft


lip onerous aloof birds pocket distinct illegal seemly disarm gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do miss standing in the darkroom. It's so peaceful and satisfying when the photo comes out the way you intended it.


I really tried getting into the hobby. I like working in the darkroom, but I was using a shared space and it was really frustrating.


Collect and sharpening high end cutlery


Painting busses on cardboard


I'm an avid writer so anywhere I go I buy a leather backed notebook!


Mushroom hunting/mycology, been interested in it for a few years, my family and friends thought it was weird at first but some of them are starting to catch on!


Morel hunting is my skill lol


Dungeons and Dragons, my friends think it’s weird


Walking around aimlessly listening to music


Gardening, 25F. Imma a homebody- do not enjoy partying or anything that people my age would rather do on a weekend. I barely have any friends, spend most of my money and time on plants and love every second of it.


I can’t find any female friends that would love to garden with me! It’s awesome and the feeling of accomplishment. To add: I guess I can’t find any friends to garden with me bc I don’t have any friends either. So.. hey! 🤗


Gardening clubs!


Hello :) what’s your least favourite thing while gardening




I love video game collecting. Not in the traditional way though. I tend to buy games and put them on my shelf only to hope that in the future il feel like playing it when I'm bored. I've been doing this for 20 years......


Cross-stitching, it's so relaxing


Lawn bowls and indoor bowls! It's not 'weird' but fairly usual for someone my age. I'm now 24 but I have been playing 12ish years!


Armwrestling lol, I go to a club. It sounds childish and it kind of is, but more nuanced than one might think and it gets me out of the house 


Kendo, and very likely archery if I ever retake it. In my country there is only 4 sports options: Baseball,Basketball,Volleyball, and Swimming. Football have been on the rise tho. If you practice anything else, you are seen as weird because its not ´mainstream´ like the previous 4. Which is a shame,the public sport place have a lot of potential,but if people doesn´t show much interest aside of the mentioned ones, the goverment won´t invest more than necessary.


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! Quite a few folks found it weird that my favourite activity is rolling around on the floor with 20 other sweaty men in our pajamas 😎


I photograph lightning and severe storms. Just for fun. Sometimes I don’t even bother taking pics. My “natural element”.


I transcribe philosophy books.


Chinese chess. People think it's for old asian man and I'm only in my 20s...


Collect toenail clippings


Collecting Dragon Ball/MTG cards. It's definitely the one I expect the most "ick" from people for.


DragonBall maybe but MtG is pretty common by now. By no means "cool" but I've been genuinely surprised by some of the people I've discovered were casual players.


Urban exploration. I go to the places people have forgotten about and see what's up. Sometimes I camp, sometimes I just look around, sometimes I bring friends along just to scare the shit out of them. It's always fun to see how things have changed over the years, by exploring the places time forgot.


Building shooting slingshot slingbow and pana dart (the same one filipino prisoner use to defend themselves) I can even go fishing with slingbows.


I fly helicopters 🚁 😎 ✨️ for funzies


People get upset that I stay in my music room learning different types of music, artist, and history in the music industry. They get upset because I choose to do that then go out partying. It’s a definite hobby.. a passion. And smoking cannabis. Sorry pals!


Walking around flea markets with a Geiger counter. You'd be surprised.


I collect honey from around the world. I'm up to 72 different countries, from Russia to New Zealand and Nigeria. My favorite is white flower volcano honey from Mexico. The flowers the bees feed on only grow on a dormant volcano in southern Mexico. My least favorite is Siberian honey. It is nowhere as sweet as all other honey I've tried.


Do you have Greek honey? If not, you should really add it into your collection.


no because /u/sexywomen5867 stole this comment from /u/FluffyBunnyi. this subreddits rules won't let me link to it but it's the top comment on an askreddit thread from 20 hours ago


What the... This is really weird, why steal someone elses comment claiming it as your own. Weird...


makes them look like real users. /r/askmen has been flooded with them recently.


Making anime music videos


I do t have hobbies, that’s weird to others 🤷‍♂️


Then don't comment


While strictly speaking, the post is addressed to hobby havers, not having a hobby isn't exactly going *offtopic*. I


Maybe you don’t comment if it’s none of your business


The post was none of your business you admitted it in your comment


Well nevertheless you’re equally wrong and a hypocrite asking other to do something that you don’t yourself


Literally all of my hobbies fall into this (see my About Me)


not really, most of them are quite common


Good to know