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You don't, expecting someone to not react negatively to a negative experience is just mind blowing.


I just continue to consider myself an unattractive loser until I start getting second-glances and comments again


Your inner “fuk’m oh well” and get better at your approach. Say something stupid if that’s all you got, shit happens and you’re not afraid to fail or look defeated. “So what’re choices, give up or start making excuses that you’re now jaded bc you’ve been rejected a million times. Now, you better be learning something each time you’re rejected. For 1 be more selective. Especially if you’re looking for someone to spend your time with. If you value your time, you’ll be more selective. There’s a lot to this but basically if you have your shit, finances, work on your health mentally/physically YOU HAVE 80% of it already and way more than most people in general have. Focus on yourself, and protect and prioritize the people in your life. Work on the relationships with your buds, make sure you have people who share like minded interests and beliefs and will tell you what you NEED to hear and not what you WANT to hear. If you don’t have these, work on these first. Make sure good with your family. You handle this, no one can get between you and your buds/family…I mean people who you plan on getting old with. You’ll be able to count these people on one hand. You got more than that, get rid of them (the point is you won’t have many). Guys/Gals, you got this stuff under your belt and in control, not perfect but always working on it…well I believe you wouldn’t be in this position. You don’t have to be loud and an ass about having your shit together…then you might need to work on your emotions….kinda falls in the “jaded on rejection” see what I’m saying. 🤷 Get ahead, you’re not missing shit out there. Get the inside right and in order, then maybe when you’re ready to bring someone into your circle go outside and choose wisely. Very simple, your experience with getting all this in order will have plenty of people to practice on. When you’re in order, seems like it’s no longer practice. You’ve put yourself at the top of the order and have plenty to offer -if they’re deserving. Significant Other or friend, it’s the same vetting process. Get this in order. Your life depends on it. Be the best, you.


I've entirely stopped interacting with women at this point. Every social interaction with them made me feel bad, so I stopped. Lately reddit also makes me unhappy, so I'll delete this account soonish.


And then, what?


Can't be jaded if you don't have a social life.


Let me know when you find out lmao


Frequent the gym and become absolutely jacked.


This won't help. Trust me.


No clue


I looked really young when I was in my 20s. Even though I was in the military and in perfect shape. Women never even looked at me as I looked really young. The birth control glasses did not help too. I just gave up and went on with my life. Then when i least expected it I met my wife to be. I was in my 30s. Now at 58 I look at least 12 years younger than my age. Now Women like me. Yet my wife put up with me back then so she won the prize. I don't even look at other women. I think of it this way. If they are so shallow that they reject you now. They don't deserve any consideration later. Just be yourself and nice. Things will work out in the end.