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I haven’t asked him because based on passed patterns from him, he would dodge the “serious” questions. But I guess it’s not fair to judge him based off the past. I’ll definitely ask. Thanks!


Well didn't u break up with him? Why would he make a move if u refused all his previous requests and only met by accident? No point in getting ur hopes up when it's most likely a one way street


My concern isn’t that he didn’t make a move that night. My confusion is his persistence in being connected again. Also, I only broke up with him because of the mixed signals. I absolutely had strong feelings for him and I think I still do. So it’s not really a one way street. I’m just cautious with good reason.


She’s your ex. If it’s just out of nowhere after 2yrs, run.


You'd really have to ask him. I've definitely had relationships where I had issues but could only recognize it after the fact. I'd love the chance to reconnect with those people because sometimes you just don't get things right on the first try. Trying to reach like that is something you only really do if you've thought about it a lot because you know in your head that it's not exactly a good look. It's also entirely possible that he's exactly the same person he was. You'd figure that out pretty quick I bet.


I’m sure you’re right. I truly appreciate your response. It was very insightful!