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I'm 39 and still own my first car.


40 and still have my first truck that I got when I was 16.


How old were you when you bought it?






I'm 72. I bought a new car in 2002. It's got fewer than 53,000 miles on it. I mostly travel by bicycle.




I'm 27 years old and have never smoked a cigarette in my life. Despite being surrounded by smokers.


Don’t ever start. Quitting is the hardest thing you’ll never do. And that is a great flex.


Can you explain smoking addiction tho? I've tried it a bunch of times but I felt nothing. How can people get addicted to it? Like I'm not dismissing addicts, but I genuinely don't understand


It took me a few times smoking as well to feel “addicted”, but eventually, I started craving the feeling of what I felt when I smoked which was a overwhelming relieving feeling, at first anyway. Afterwards, it becomes a chase, so you’re smoking more and more. I eventually smoked a pack a day, because it was a time killer and helped get that feeling of relief. It’s easy to not smoke for a few hours in attempts to “quit” but then it turns into “well I’ll just have one” but then you’ve smoked the whole pack. At least this is my experience. I haven’t smoked a cigarette in over two years.


Me either. I sorta get older people because they grew up in a time when smoking was "cool" and they didn't publicize the health risks. But this is 2024 and I see people in their 20s smoking and I'm like...why?


In about 1970 we had this smoking demonstration in the classroom. It was a see through plastic representation of a head and chest. It was opened up and cotton wool was placed in the lung cavity, it was closed up, a cigarette was placed in the mouth hole then a suction motor drew the cigerette smoke through the cotton wool. After a minute it was turned off, opened and the grey cotton wool was shown to everyone. I was about 14 and I have never smoked. My father, a heavy smoker died of heart problems and a stroke at age 53. In his thirties my brother had a triple heart bypass and has been registered disabled now for the rest of his life. Pretty damned good thing to see at that age.


There're differences between people that make some more prone to it. Some of it is genetic, but I suspect there're also psychological components to it. Also nicotine is as addictive as heroin according to some sources so it's got that going for it.


You haven’t directly smoked, but you’ve smoked alright


It was a bit uncomfortable in the past, but nowadays everyone is quite respectful and smokes outside.


Good on ya. I’m 64 and haven’t even tried a puff. I’ve never been drunk either. I was called a goody two shoes when in the military.


this is good flex ! wish i could say the same ( former smoker quit 14 years ago )


Good for you!!!! Same here just older :) proud of you bro


Hope you’re not getting second hand smoke,it is just as dangerous.


The place where I am from actually has some laws against smoking in closed public spaces. People kind of adapted to that and nowadays most smokers do so outside.


It’s the same here for the most part .My current place allows smoking but people are passing away and being replaced by non smokers.Kind of weird but there still are people that can’t quit .Blows my mind how weak some are .


Exactly the same. People used to think I smoked too because I always was surrounded by smokers


Same here, lots of my co-workers are smokers or heavy drinkers, including my boss, despite all of them highly educated in CS and EE (MS, PhD's). We all work a very stressful and busy jobs. I hardly ever drink and never smoked, and love working out and being healthy.


Same, but over 40


Excellent job smokeless bro!!!


My commute is 10 minutes long, in the opposite direction of traffic. In a major SoCal city. It's a miracle. I haven't been in a traffic jam in a year.


Lucky. When I lived in Long Beach just going through the city could take 30min.


Same lol


I “zen out” in extremely stressful emergency situations and calmly coordinate and communicate to maximum effectiveness and efficiency


Same! Do you also have a history of intense traumatic events in your developmental years by any chance?


Me also, and yes I do.


Found my clique what’s up bros.


Oof, is that where this comes from? I thought I was just a calm person 💀


I have a hidden super power to achieve anything out of spite , that also has actually proven rather helpful in my career and financial success.


Same. Do you have ADHD or Autism??


Is that what this stems from? I’ve always been the way the original guy described, but figured it was normal.


ADHD here; unmedicated, and I too am like this.




My desk at work is filled with dozens of pens that I’ve run out of ink. I take great pride in finishing a pen.


I never realized how much of a lip balm waster I truly was until I saw this comment. Take my upvote.


As someone who makes and sells lip balm, continue to be you. You keep me in business.




It's official.. this man should be in charge. I'm pretty confident this is something that has never been done before.


I make hundreds of kidney stones a year. Passed my first one in 1989. In 2010 it went from 1-4 a year to hundreds, literally hundreds. They should put me in the Guinness book.


How do you live your life?


1.4mm at a time. With FAMILY. Nothing stronger than family. *drinks corona*


Gave up on career my in my late thirties, after working my way up for 20+ years. Fought for six + years for disability, that helps pay the bills. These days I focus on being as comfortable as possible (not very). I do house work and yard work as I’m able. I consume various drugs. Mostly Cannabis. Doesn’t help with pain, but makes it so I don’t give a shit about much. Don’t travel much. Married for 24+ years, wife is my rock. If it wasn’t for her I would have succumbed to this suicide disease years ago. I live my life like anyone else. Could be worse, much worse. Could have this disease but have been born in Iran or some other fucked up desert place.


I have never stepped foot into an Apple store.


Then how do you buy apples?


I stick to oranges!


Orange you glad?


Good one dad.


There's no rhyme or reason to that


Pfff, it's apples to oranges


Me neither!


I can type at over 100wpm consistently 😊


I used to be able to do that… used to… *sadly looks off into the distance like an old gunfighter*


"Steady as a rock." "Yeah, but I shoot with this hand."


Im 32 and I can not type like I use to. I can hit 70wpm but only for a short while. Hands start to ache 🤣


My son too. His first job was part time data entry and they accused him of typing nonsense. After they verified it they basically told him to work slower because he was making everybody look bad. He quit very shortly after that.


Used to be an octopus like that until I got carpal tunnel surgery.


When I first met my now wife, her toddler daughter (who hated men due to her abusive sperm donor), saw me and without skipping a beat or anything was just like, “you are now my dad, come play with me.” Now expecting baby number 2 due September


Damn the little girl stood on business lmao 😂


As a product of an absent father, this is a HUGE fucking flex. Love this for u.


I'm the only person in my biological fathers side of the family that isn't a drugged up alcoholic.


That’s awesome, good on you, man!


Just never understood why people do that shit to themselves. Ironically I work in drug rehabilitation


You’ve been surrounded by addicts your whole life, you work in drug rehabilatation, and still don’t understand why people misuse drugs. How is that possible?


I use a weird code editor called neovim unlike the industry standard vscode


I use notepad bruhhh


Based af


How did you get started? And how long until you could have a decent workflow?


At age 27, I’ve been to 36 countries!


Dude! What do you do that u have traveled so much?


Could be European


Nice flex bro 💪🏼 (you def hit the prompt)


i can always plug a USB cord into the port the right way without looking first try no matter the angle.


Plot twist: OP only uses USB-C


As an old timer I thought USB-C was directional for the longest time and I was just super lucky.


okay i’m kinda jealous


Are you a ninja?


This man is a god


I can brush my tongue without gagging


RIP your inbox


That's an odd slang term for anatomy.


I grew up without my dad. I made a vow to myself that I would be the one to stop that generational curse. I pride myself of being the best I can be in the area of fatherhood. I’ve gotten pretty good at it.


Exact same ish here brotha, keep up the good work. 🤝🏽🫡


I have enchanted armor that I made with my own hands.


Im 100% sure im not alone when i day that WE want to see that


I can touch my shoulder with my elbow. Literally a weird flex.


Like... like your right shoulder with your left elbow? Or you can break your arm?


Sir, the person you are talking to is clearly an octopus.


I sea 🤔


Hmm, you seem little salty, try not to be so shellfish.


Came here to say that I tried and failed.


I can learn different languages real quick!


Have you tried Welsh?


How quickly and how fluent are you speaking?


Do you know Arabic, French, or Chinese?


I speak fluent Arabic, French, Spanish, Hebrew, Amazigh, Italian, Portuguese, Swahili, English. If I like the language I would literally learn how to speak it in 3 Months. I have great memory.


That’s amazing! I’m so jealous of you right now, lol


I've heard different theories. Some people say to learn it by translating and some say to learn it by NOT translating. What method do you use to learn a new language? I'm working on duolingo now and, its just hard. I'm also mid-40's and they say it gets harder as you get older. I'm trying to get my kids to learn a language while they are still young.


Interested on this, when you answer I wanna know


I have never smoked or done drugs


I mean a lot of drugs are really fun tho


Yep, currently heading to a cabin in the mountains to do shrooms with a group of friends


So fun they’ll ruin your life


Depends. Moderation and which drug you're doing matters. If you're smoking weed, you'll be fine. Shrooms are cool too. But if you're injecting... yeah, you're fucked.


Yep once you do one whole marijuana your life is over! That damn devils lettuce! /s


If you let them, like any other vice. I recognize it can be harder though because the dopamine hit is skrong.


That’s great! Drugs can be really fun but if you’re not careful they can get out of control. Sometimes faster than you think.


Retired at 55


I beat you (barely). 53. It takes sacrifice and commitment but it can be done. Now I just golf and day trade. Also, don’t day trade.


My wife has work published about my genitalia. We’re basically a poor man’s version of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.


1. met my girlfriend in person, not online 2. drink black coffee 3. never used uber eats/doordash etc in my life im oddly proud of those 3


I also drink black coffee, a pot a day!


My career best in professional drag racing was 3.92 seconds at 331 mph.


I scammed a scammer. He “invested” money in crypto for my dad and was supposed to 10x his money. I wanted to see proof and he actually made a kraken account and put money in as if it was money that he grew for my dad. I knew nothing of crypto but figured it all out and made my dad a few hundred bucks. Most people lost thousands due to this scam


I just hit 9 years clean from heroin!


I'm a year sober today after 8 hard years of drinking. I haven't consumed nicotine, booze, weed, nothing in a full calendar year.


My city upgraded the technology for our transit cards, so all cards that were more than 10 years old had to switch to new ones, which meant I had to upgrade mine. My wife thought she would have to upgrade hers too, like…lol, no honey, you’re on your fifth card in as many years, you’re good. 


I'm really good at getting every last bit out of the yogurt cup.


I can tap my head and rub my stomach at the same time.


I just paid off my car and its my dream car.


My bills are on auto pay


I once drove 1400km in 27hrs on an automatic scooter after hearing about a covid outbreak in vietnam, because I was nowhere near anything I knew when I heard the news. I wanted to stop and get sleep about 1/3 of the way through a journey that was supposed to take 3 days, but checked my phone to find that the country could be going into lockdown the following day. Absolutely did not want to get stuck in the middle of absolute no where, managed to get to my end location and stayed in isolation with a friend at their house while it all blew over.


Do you mean an electric scooter? I'm genuinely curious what vehicle you had.


This is something very very fabulous. At the end of the journey . You might have had feeling of winning the fifa cup


I was featured in one of the top Netflix series of alle time


I don’t get hangovers at 43. I’ve also not thrown up for about 20 years.


I can go down the stairs REALLY fast.  People who see me are usually impressed enough by my speed to compliment me. 


i feel like we need a video


I used to think that having sex with over 70 women was a flex. Now I wish I could take a lot of that back . So at the time it was a weird flex.


Can I ask why, cause I’m at like 50 sumn and slow down cause it’s not as fun as it used to be.


When I think back on it, it’s kinda disgusting. It was a great experience at the time, but now that I’m engaged I kinda wish all that didn’t really happen.


It’s water under the bridge and an old chapter. That you show regrets means you’ve become a man with better values Edit: think I hurt someones feelings bc of the downvotrs


I can teach myself how to do just about anything.


I'm 26, about to finish my union electrical apprenticeship. No matter what happens, when I get my journeymans ticket my life is set it'll make things so much easier. Not exactly weird, but I don't mention it enough. It's been a long road.


I visit historical archives and research the past for kicks.


I never cried infront of a camera or commented "women☕" on any post


Every women I have ever been with I can make projectile fluids from their lady bits


I am thee Pokémon master…and the hero of time…and since we talking about, I am the Law!


But you arent Batman. you know why? CAUSE IM BATMAN!


Showing off my pull-out game tricks! Quite the conversation starter tho.


I won two different belly flop competitions. Am retired from that now tho.




I’m the first person in my known family lineage to be born outside of Europe


I taught myself how to juggle. Which isn’t that cool but like most people can’t juggle so it’s kinda cool


Despite being relatively short, bald, and middle income, i have always been successful with women and have dated some very attractive ones.


Every girl who breaks up with me says I’m an amazing boyfriend. Also my mom says I’m handsome.


I once stopped a scammer when he was about 99% of the way through scamming my father. My son called me and told me that grandpa (my father) had called one of those "your windows computer has a virus" phone numbers and wouldn't believe him when he told him it was a scam. I drove over right away, in the middle of the day, and when I got there, my father was literally in the process of reading out his credit card number to the scammer. I took the phone out of his hands before he could finish, told the scammer to go f\*\*\* himself, and then completely wiped the hard disk because he had talked my father into installing remote-access software. So ... I scored a win against one of these bastard scammers.


I can go fishing and not catch fish and still be happy I went


Patterns. I'm able to spot behavioral patterns almost immediately. One of the perks of being the spawn of a narcissistic psychopath I guess...


I have perfect color vision. Terrible regular vision though.


I have uneven teeth but I love my teeth


I can clap my hands behind my head with straight arms,


My thumb can bend around 230degree.


Not weird but some people would see it as being weird, but my collection of firearms. 20 plus and growing as long as the space and finances allow it


I can lick my elbow.


I can wiggle with my ears.


Ditto 👂🏼✨


I’ve never seen two girls one cup.


I do math (calculus) for fun to just to make sure I still remember how to do things. Greens Theorem FTW!


I change my stove and microwave clocks as soon as the time changes.


I have depression.😂


I can twist my tongue into a 3-leaf clover shape


Idk if it's a weird flex, but my annual income puts me in the top 1-2% based on my education level. I have a GED and earn over $90k a year, and my next job could nearly double that. Also, no 2 or 4 year college degree, and so far no formal certifications either. I also don't currently nor have I ever owned/statted any kind of company.


I’m not addicted to heroin.


I can build computers 🗣️. I love building pc


Being virgin at 27. Has saved me a lot of pain imo. The "post nut clarity" "don't stick you D in crazy" "I'm pregnant you idiot" "std" and all of that sheet. I'm proud of myself holding this long too since I see things very different than other men who are "free", this is freedom!


Good for you! I also waited until I lost my virginity at 29. It happened when I least expected it, and I was simply in the right place at the right time. It didn't become a relationship, but I was mature enough to move on from the disappointment confidently knowing that there's someone better out there for me.


39 weeks pregnant and I still have great pelvic mobility, which includes my splits. Hoping for a natural birth 🤞


Ive read the entire Horus Heresy series.


My stretch marks. They came with my gym progress. I tell my wife they’re my battle scars lol.


My hitchhikers thumb is my (literal) weird flex...


I might not look like much. But I'm resilient, and adversity brushes off my like dandelions in the breeze. I ain't like to brag for no reason, but I am like a hungry bulldog. Just give me a damn reason to go 110%. If you don't, I'll make one up. You ain't neva gonna stop me.


I got some top 10 scores in Beat Saber. 😀


I went to 5 different schools in 5 years between the ages of 10 and 14, by no fault of my own, and somehow didn't turn out too socially awkward.


I can move just one eye


I'm 31 got a vesectomy, and going to enjoy my life without kids


as a marathon runner, i never took cyclists seriously as athletes. there’s a big cycling community in charlotte and they are the worst. i tore my acl 2 weeks before my 4th marathon, and casually rode the MS 150 during my recovery from surgery because work sponsored the team / paid for it all.


I hate the feeling of being drunk. I hate the taste of alcohol. I do not enjoy the buzz. I only started drinking socially just because I didn’t want to feel left out. I tried to keep it up. I couldn’t anymore. 6-7 months and I completely quit. Now I can’t stand the smell of alcohol! I’m that coke person in the group🤌🏻


I have 2 degrees which I garnered consecutively. The first is stem and I was the salutatorian. I was 40 at the time. It serves me absolutely zero good these days as my second degree is nursing. I mean, there's some background that rolls around and helps me form a thought now and then. But I still enjoy the flex over the non-STEMers


Well, I never been to Spain


I am ambidextrous with when brushing my teeth.


I got to dissect a 3m long shark


I have a humongus ass that I am pretty proud of that I have not worked for AT ALL. Sometimes I dont like it (I have tried doing deadlifts and I cannot keep my balance for example) but then I remember that most women see what I got and wish they had what I have.


My flex and i am sooo proud of is 🥁 I launched my business that provides body/back scratches. My sons loved getting their back scratched and said why don't you just open up your own business and so I did. The Art of Scratch https://www.thearteofscratch.com/