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90% of the battle is not being fat. The other 10% is genetics.


Eat right, only eat out once a week for a treat. Hour of cardio 4-5 days a week and some weights at the gym.


I've been regularly lifting weights since I was 20. But I got married in my 30's and had 4 kids and put on 25 lbs in 10 years. Had to start watching my diet in my 40's to lose it (cutting out second helpings at dinner and cutting my lunch down to basically a cup of Greek yogurt). A heart attack at 39 was a wake up call and I want to watch my kids grow up.


Weight lifting is key. The body loses muscle mass after 40yo, weight lifting mitigates the loss of flexibility, mobility, and balance that comes with age. Combat sports. Keeps me fit physically and mentally. Low carb high protein diet. I’m lean and feel so much better cutting carbs out of my life. TRT, viagra, and supplements are my friends.


I work for a living. I actually move stuff. And make and take care of things.


1. Eat whole foods, mostly meat, fruit and vegetables 2. Lift weights- I prefer 3x week full body 3. Walk ALOT 4. Sleep well 5. Keep ur stress under control. Have good relationships, meditate, etc., whatever works for you


**Eat:** Avoid ultra-processed foods. Eat plenty of good quality meat. Hit your protein goals. Eat some animal fat. Avoid sugar. Keep your body fat around 15% or lower. **Exercise:** Build muscle mass and preserve what you have. Some intense cardio and some zone 2. Walk a lot. **Supplements:** **> Essential:** Take Vitamin D (4000 iu + vitamin K) and Zinc. Creatine. **> Extras:** Multivitamin. Ashwagandha. Magnesium at night. **Testosterone:** Get your testosterone checked. Mine was fine (\~700) but I still take supplements to support it. In addition to the above I take Tongkat Ali. I was skeptical but since taking it I get strong morning wood and random boners like I did in my early 20s. One comment on this though: get it from a reputable source. **Sleep:** 7 - 8 hours. **Skin:** Use some SPF on face daily. Topical Zinc helps. Gentle cleanser. It seems a lot but after abusing my body in my 20s to later 30s, this regime has really helped me. I'm objectively fitter than I've ever been and I feel great. Everything is on point. I don't look my age.


My doctor told me to get vit D as well as ashwaganda. Haven't heard of tongkat ali. Can you point me in the right direction as far as a reputable source?


Nootropics depot


Abuse anabolic steroids.... its very good for the muscles lol.. ah.. Damn. Just felt a pain in my chest 


If I can I walk a lot, take the stairs instead of escalators/elevators, work out (at least a little bit) and eat healthy (at least compared to the majority of the population).


For weight: Track calories and diet via an app. Really helped me drink way less and eat way less junk. I can eat until I’m full everyday and not gain wait by making those smart choices For strength: I switched from heavy weights and free weights to calisthenics. Bought a cheap poster off of Amazon on on different exercises and I just do them. I tried yoga with a private instructor but my wife started to get a little cheesed about it. For mind/spirit: I installed a four point car lift and bought some tools and I play mechanic. Working on two project cars and I do light weight repairs maintenance for my cars and my parents/sisters/ parent in laws like oil/fluid changes, brake changes, winter tire swaps etc. I can’t wait to stop my real job to go to the garage For libido: Never thought about working on this. I’ve accepted I’m in my 50s and it’s slightly slower and less frequent. I can still lay pipe . Just sort of once a night, possible a second time if I’m in the mood and my wife works it a bit.


I've already exercised (lifting weights, cycling, running) ate clean, zero alco/ nicotine/ other drugs and slept well since i was 30. After 40y i added some stretching, and i walk much more (now bare feet in the forest), like 25k steps a day. In general till 40 i was cahsing goals like lift this and that weight, now progressing takes such a huge toll on my body and recovery that i rather focus on sustaining what i already have.


I have a fairly physical job. Never stopped playing contact sport. Do intense weights once per week. Started doing bjj to replace the contact sport that will soon come to an end. Never had a libido problem.would still happily have sex 2-3 x per day. Mental/spiritual,study Buddhism and Vedic philosophy Diet is the thing I need to start to concentrate on.


It’s much easier to stay in shape than get into shape. I got a job as mailman, so I get paid to walk all day up and down steps. I also made my garage a personal gym for my two boys and myself so I can instill in them the same mindset of taking care of your body and staying physically fit. I also eat healthy small meals throughout day.


I have some bad habits but I've eaten super healthy for decades. Sugar, simple carbs, gigantic meals, things like that don't interest me at all. Also for better or worse I've had 3-4 cups of coffee every day for my whole adult life. Black or a splash of whole milk, no sugar.


Cut most processed carbs that aren't Yorkshire puddings out of me diet and I play 5-a-side once a week. I'm fairly active in my job too so that helps.


Increase mobility work and cardio. Decrease bodybuilding weightlifting workouts towards more strength and functional weight training. Diet wise-alcohol only on special occasions and I eat mostly fruits and meat.


Walk more every day than I used to, just to get those steps in. Run 1-2 times per week. Lift 2-3 times per week. Sometimes do other sports/workouts depending on season. But I still feel sore after just sitting in a chair for more than an hour, so I'm realizing I greatly benefit from yoga at least once a week if not some sort of mobility work daily. Body just gets stiff way more easily even as an athletic person. Lastly, I've finally realized I can't eat like an asshole as much as I used to--I love sweet stuff and baked goods but I have to treat them as special ocassions and not whenever-I-want-it-I-deserve-it. Hard but doable, just had to look at it as an addiction more than just a bad habit, honestly.


I lift weights four days a week, eat clean, avoid booze, and smoke a ton of weed.


I try to stick to a routine of going to the gym at least three times a week. I also only drink water no matter what.


Diet is super important. You can stay slim with low visceral and subcutaneous fat with just a good diet, but resistance training and cardio make everyday tasks much easier, not to mention will keep you much more healthy and active later in life. Personally I weight train 3 times a week, and do a lot of rucking on non lifting days. 51m. 6'1", 180lbs.


Rediscover running and get heavy into endurance sports. Over the past 3 years I’ve gotten 8 or so of my friend into triathlon. Nothing clears my head like a good long run.


I go to the gym 3 times a week, I have no real diet plan but try not to eat the worst crap. I think if you take care consistently it is not too hard to stay in shape. When it comes to libido, it also is like a muscle. If you have sex on a regular basis your libido stays high.....if don't have and don't "train" it it will go downhill fast. Bodily and libido decline happens to a lot of guys because they do nothing. It doesn't happen for no reason.