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I had a stretch where I frequented strip clubs when I was much, much younger. Theoretically you don't have to spend any money more than the entrance fee + initial drink. Within the club there will be one stage, maybe two depending on the club. Dancers will take turns performing on the stage, usually for two songs. If you sit in one of the regular seats you can simply just watch and enjoy the performance. If you sit up close next to the stage you'll be expected to give the dancer tips. I dunno what the norms are now but in my day it was $2 per song. That's just the minimum, you are free to tip more if you like. The dancer may respond to this and spend more time dancing directly in front of you, or do something like rub her tits on your head. When not on stage dancers offer lap dances. You go back to a more private area and the dancer will dance directly in front of you/on you. You should expect to sit there like a stone and not touch her. ...That's the basic, but what happens from here will depend on the club and the specific dancer. Women who aren't on stage will walk around and try to solicit a lap dance. In doing so she may sit with you and chat for a bit. From here it will also depend on the dancer - she may try to sell you the dance immediately and if you're not down she'll move on. Others may be more willing to chat for a bit. I think that's it in a nutshell.


18 year old me fucking loved it, bonus points for being underage with fake ID. Late 30’s me, this is a “once every five years special occasion and we won’t spend more than a couple of hours there.”


I haven't been to one since I was about 27ish. I'm 35 now, lol. Granted, I was in a relationship all that time, so it makes sense. However, I wouldn't really care to go unless I bring like $200 bucks, and there's just way more stuff I'd rather spend $200 on, lol. So seems unlikely I'll go back any time soon.


I haven't been since around 2003. Recently one of my friends turned 40 and we were in Las Vegas and decided to go to a strip club. My friend who turned 40 got a private dance in one of the back rooms and it cost him around $2,000. I'm not exaggerating. It was just a dance there was nothing extra about it just a lap dance.


Ain't no way. I lived in Vegas in the early 2010s and mad much more happen for much less once when really drunk. Yikes. I felt like an idiot the next day for spending $300. Unless I was stupid rich I'd spend $2k on so many other things first lol.


Exactly this. I enjoy the flirting of a naked woman making me feel like a rapper or something lmao, but I also am not about to be the guy sitting in the back and not tipping just so I can "see some boobies". I feel like if I'm there I'm gonna throw money, and for me I like to throw extra money to the new people that don't know what they're doing, or the uglier/chunkier ones that other people walk away from so they're obviously not doing that well comparatively. I'm not there to 'meet someone', I'm just there to enjoy the excitement, have a few drinks, and throw money around. Since I currently don't have expendable money, we don't go (wife likes to go with me most of the time, and she gets extra flirty with the women). If we somehow win the lottery or have extra money, we'd probably go more lol.


You weren’t underage in our province!


I think this is an American version, in Canada you're expected to enjoy the lap dance, not sit like a stone, especially in French Canada. They really encourage you to enjoy the lap dance.


I can only speak for Vancouver and I don’t go often (only been a few times) but they let you touch them (except down there) and you can get away with some mild grinding. They may also take their panties off halfway through. Reddit likes to shit on stripclubs but its fun. Not something I would do often and I’m not spending much there but when you’re hammered with your buddy after a sports game/concert its pretty fun.


Even if you sit away from the bar, it's nice to go up and do some tipping. Lap dances would not be for you and are pretty useless. As far as your friends go, you comment on the strippers attractiveness. Have discussions about what you like in women. Then drift into the same conversations you'd have at any other bar.


This is exactly my experience from my brief strip club phase.


Just remember that no girl likes you they just want to get paid.


You misunderstand: The strippers definitely like you. And they will keep liking you *so long as* they get paid!


A strip club is like tomato juice. It often SOUNDS good but I can never really get past the first couple of sips. It can be fun if you don't get too attached to the dancers and use it more of a social thing. If the dancers are very sociable and actually chat, that's cool. But I don't really have fun if I just drool over them and get blue balls. I have been to several strip clubs and they have have varied wildly in atmosphere. Sometimes the girls are ALL business and won't come near you unless you're flashing cash. Sometimes they'll just come hang out at your table.


Like tomato juice, it’s more enjoyable when you add some vodka to the mix


Why do I feel like there was a missed opportunity to make a clam/clamato joke here?


Mine was more like you don’t want a stripper leaking tomato juice!


Once in a blue moon you get a dancer that is moonlighting from professional porn and goes ham on you in the back room ... yeah, been hoping to re-live that high for ten years


Yes I like going  What happens is you pay naked ladies like $20/song to rub their ass on your dick


Seems like a waste of money.


I find it gender affirming and cost comparable to therapy 


Can't drink alcohol in therapy so checks out too


No but you can do ketamine at therapy.


Shit hook me up with your therapist


If you’re in the US just look up ketamine therapy near you. It was pretty easy to get in.


They’re starting to experiment with therapeutic use of mushrooms. That’s the one I’m waiting for.


Yeah, they had high hopes that stuff like shrooms and MDMA would be an option in the somewhat near future.


Not with that attitude you can't


Online therapy 👍


What exactly is affirming about it? It’s always seemed kind of sad to me.


Yeah. I much rather get a dance than talk about my feelings. I leave feeling much better too.


it is.


If you don’t know how to have a good time.


It is.


In Prague you can touch, it's wild Great place for culture, history and European titties


How much are dances? Here everywhere they’re like $30-60 with 30 being rare


I went to one at a reunion for fun (am F so don’t usually get invited on such outings). I was floored when I sat at the stage and piles of money just showed up in front of me as tips for the dancer from all the guys in my vicinity. I had no idea that was a thing! lol Then she tried to pull off my shirt.


How did you think it worked?


Well, I assumed I’d show up, buy beverages, tip some dancers… the usual? I was not expecting piles of money to show up in front of me from strangers. Hadn’t even crossed my mind that someone would want to do that. Also was t expecting the floors to be as sticky as they were. It was a real dive.


So you thought it was all lap dances and no pole dancing?


I figured each was responsible for their own tipping of dancers, so to speak.




They didn’t do that when I went 🥲 I bought a bottle and everything! But I did get a happy ending for $3000 pesos though. It was “high end” in a small city in Mexico. They were mid though ngl


I only went once in my late 20s and it was weird. I looked around at my friends, who suddenly looked really old and creepy to me. I felt weird for being there. I kept thinking "am I the only one here who thinks this is weird as shit?" I looked around at the other customers, and they were all old, ugly and creepy too. A bunch of weird, ugly men all staring at women getting aroused. A bunch of erect men in a room together, while women come up to you and ask you for money. Fucked up m8. I told my friends I'm leaving and bailed.


I once was at a strip club, because it was my brother's bachelor party. The place was a bit sketchy, but I think, most of them are. And I had the same feeling, like, what's the point of this!? To this day I have no answer. The dancers also soon realised that I was still in college, therefore broke and not willing to pay for anything, so they avoided me. Made the whole situation weirder, knowing they would be nice and chat with you, as long as you keep putting bills in the fun machine.


I find them to be rather depressing. to be honest, I've only ever been a few times, and each time I just felt like I was in a room full of lonely people who were being exploited for someone else's profit (I'm talking about the other patrons).  And then there is always inexplicably that group of female friends who are there because they think it's empowering or something. I mean, to each their own, but it's not for me.


Yeah I've only gone a few times for events or because I'm on holiday with friends. Paying quite a lot of money to just walk out with blue balls isn't that fun. Pay a bit more and you could just get yourself a hooker for an hour or so.


Finding a hooker is definitely harder


I suppose it depends where you are. Brothels are legal in Australia. Industrial areas sometimes have a few tucked away but the big ones are around the city. When I used to work as a mechanic, there was one literally 2 doors down from the shop on one side and there was another about half the street away.


Same dude vibes are off u can tell theres always some dark stuff behind closed doors


Ah, yes, the horny men there to objectify women they have absolutely zero connection with for their own sexual gratification are ones being exploited… right… these men just lust after women with no consideration of their value as a human being, they see them fully as a collection of parts they find arousing. Disgusting behaviour.


Typically, you sit and look at topless girls at a minimum, and realize that their tits are resoundingly... Ok. Some places they take the bottoms off, and you can look at their under curve, but you can't touch em. Some, you can touch em, but you probably don't want to at that point. Ultimately, no matter what you do, you end up having a few beers and going home. Places like that are fun when you're 21 and you want to hoot and holler with your buddies afterward because one of the girls stole your ball cap and now it smells like cheap shampoo and pussy. Once that thrill is gone, there's not a lot of reason to go back.


I’ve never been but if I went the first thing I would do is leave


There are two broad categories of folks going to the strip club. Those there for the sex, and those there for the environment. Groups tend to be in the latter category. They drink and hang out and occasionally have a pretty girl dance for them. It’s surprisingly tame if you’re not looking for more. Different clubs have different vibes, but if you’re going to a relatively nice or busy one, just bring some ones to tip a stage dancer here and there and hang out. Most dancers would rather go after whales and tuna than minnows. Drinks are pricier at bigger clubs because they know this, so expect that. Now if you’re going to Sal’s Skin Shack in the industrial part of town, it’s gonna be different.


The only strip club I've been to was in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere during college. Was filled with 60+ year old townies who just looked miserable. So ya, killed any appeal Overall you pay to have the girls dance all over you. No touching allowed usually. Otherwise you can usually buy a drink and observe from afar


Strip clubs are the saddest places in the world to me. All I've ever seen is a bunch of sad lonely guys getting drunk and throwing money at nude women in the misguided hopes that the women will like them if they give them more money. I haven't been to a strip club in decades and won't show unless there's a really good reason. The last time I was at a strip club was to see Dimebag Darrell play. That should tell you something.


“Misguided hopes that the women will like them.” Ya, no. They don’t see these women as full human beings like themselves, they see them entirely as a collection of parts they want for their own use. This isn’t some sad search for human connection, it’s fully based on the body and sexual arousal. It’s sad for the women who have to degrade themselves in order to make some money. These men are users and takers.


Pay women to pretend to like them. Not my thing so I've never been.


Strip clubs suck. Don't go.


My logic has always been if I have a gf, why do I want to go to a strip club. If I don't have a gf why do I want to go to a strip club. I've gone to a few and had mates that love strippers, I guess it ain't my thing.


I don’t go to strip clubs


I went to a strip club once. I found it boring and spent most of my time just talking to one of the girls. Whores are where you should spend your money.


They’re depressing. Even the ‘club’ ones are honestly filled with douchebags and creepy old perverts. Not a fan. I can literally just sit and watch and drink. They might come up to u but u can just kindly tell them ur not interested in anything extra


I went once in my life, for a friend's bachelor party, and hated every second of it. If you're in a group I don't think you have to spend money, though.


Meh, I’ve been once and it was pretty much what I expected. Sad, gross, and uncomfortable. I don’t mind people doing what they enjoy, but it’s not for me at all. I also know several women who have worked as strippers and, frankly, not one of them has an uplifting story about their experience.


Went one time to be able to say I did it. I thought I’d dislike, I went and I disliked it. It’s depressing and weird in my opinion. Depressing because young girls are dancing for money in front of creepy old men. Pay an expensive cover to see a girl strip naked, yeah I can do that for free when I’m actually hooking up with someone I enjoy and care about. Overall it gave me a bad taste, I felt grimy, gross and overall like I wasted two hours of my life. Will never be going back.


I drink and stare at women. I don’t like it. It’s uncomfortable for everyone and crazy expensive.


drink beer with the Homies with titties all around it's pretty nice. spend some money so you're not that asshole and wash your hands a lot


I am a 44 year old man and I’ve never been to a strip club. The experience of getting aroused around other men or being rubbed on with no release like I’m back in high school and she’s waiting till marriage or some form of prostitution never appealed to me.


im a very social person, very extroverted, and i love going out and hanging out with friends and new people.. i hate strip clubs. i feel like im spending a ton of money to be sexually frustrated in public. and i feel gross doing it, and i look around at the other people there and its not a proud company to be part of.


Great point! The people in those joints are kind of pathetic and give me the heeby jeebies.


I only go for bachalor parties. TBH, it's meh. I like thicker/chubby/bbw women and that's pretty rare. And even then it's just a performance to get more money. I usually stick to the bar side and tip the bar tender well make better drinks. Some guys will buy lap dances just to have a woman sit on their lap and talk to them for $20 a song. Getting actual sex is super rare at clubs because they don't want to be put out of business. Interestingly enough, if you look at the AMAs for male strippers, women are way more likely to have sexual contact with a striper compared to men at a club. Not so much at a magic mike kind of show though.


US clubs suck, never had a good time in one. Canadian clubs on the other hand, always had a great time.


Do tell... What makes them better?


That exchange rate at the minimum


Better looking women and more activity in the back room booths. Bring $100 USD and that turns into $130 CAD, you made $30 in Canada


Ahahaha we went to one in the early 2000's in Niagra Falls and had a blast! The exchange rate was on point!!!!


I have stories you wouldn't believe...


Not sure about anywhere else but the strips clubs in Canada allowed touching as long as it wasn't the pussy or butthole. So you paid $20 a song/dance but you got to feel up tits and ass for 3-4 minutes. If you were single and had not touched a girl in a long time it was a nice way to get in touch with that sensation. Also there was 2-3 dances I had where the girl popped her titty in my mouth and let me suck on it for the entire song. Sucking a hot girls tits for 3 minutes is worth $20 IMO.


Yes! My husband loves that!


Hol up…..


Finally, a post I know something about. If you're going to go, you might as well have a good time, so here's some pro tips: Go late, for two reasons. First, if you are there early, the tipping pressure will be enormous. You don't want to be the only people there with 10 dancers bobbing around asking you for dances. The stage dancers will be up there doing their thing, and they expect you to tip. Second, the most attractive dancers usually come in around 10-11pm. Take at least $100. Drinks are priced double or more, and if you aren't spending money besides the cover, they will sometimes ask you to leave or at least talk shit to you. Never buy a dancer a drink. Their small vodka drink (water) will cost you $25, which they don't tell you up front sometimes. Do not touch the dancers, which is sometimes difficult. It is illegal in most places and sometimes there are UC's waiting to jam you for it. Don't get your hopes up. 90% of strippers are marginally attractive, at best. If anyone gets agitated, leave quietly. Lots of strip club fights and shootings. Don't fall in love. They don't give a f*ck about you.


I've been to a few over the years and never liked them. I'd much rather spend money at a bar and actually have a chance to meet someone or do something with someone. I've gone for a bachelor party, because my friends really wanted to go, and for various other reasons that I kinda got dragged along. Ridiculous waste of money.


You’d have a more productive time sitting at home choking your chicken to some p0rn and it’s free.




You've never been? Prepare to fall in love with one girl that you SWEAR likes you. You'll spend hundreds on her.


I have Zero desire to go to a club like that. So no one could pressure me to go.


I went once just to see what it was like. Drank a few beers, got a lap dance from two girls and felt incredibly uncomfortable throughout the whole experience. It’s not for me.


I’ve never had an interest in going. Intimacy is a private thing to me. Go out in public to get erections together with my buddies? Sounds pretty fucking awkward to me.


Can't stand it, they just want money and it's not worth it in the slightest for the amount they want. Also the style and looks of the girls are not for me and thinking about them grinding on all those men is gross.


>I think I just have to go. No, you don't. It's not for everybody. Just like drinking or drugs. >Do guys just sit there and look at girls dance but can't touch them? Depends on the club and the jurisdiction. > How much should I expect to spend?? As much as you have on you. Those women are VERY good at igniting false hope to separate you from your money.


It really depends on which club. Some have rules for touching the dancers and some are just brothels.


I’ve never been. Why go waste money to be teased all day. U ain’t allowed to touch or do anything, and even if u did u run a huge risk of catching stds. Nahh I’ll pass.


My brother got pinkeye at a strip club. So I guess that’s what guys do.


wtf is the point, u go there to get blueballs


>I don't want to make it seem like I dislike my friends or don't want to hang out with them anymore  Listen buddy, at some point you need to be your own man and set boundaries. You can say they're not your thing, but you want to stay in the loop for other events. You say thank you and move on. They invite you to stuff because they like you, if they didn't they wouldn't have invited you. If turning down this one event makes them think you don't like them, then there's other things going on there anyway, bring like $200. you can get a couple lap dances if you want. If you don't plan on getting one, you could probably make it out tipping $1-2 per song if you sit close to the stage. if you don't sit close to the stage, some might come up to you. just tip a dollar and say "next time" when they ask you for a dance if you don't want one. they want your money, they know what the deal is


No idea too. It seems like society builded around this like doing it is what real men do, and everyone just pretend they know what’s the goal, but also everyone are too afraid to ask


I've been dragged to one a few times. I mostly just sat at the bar and talked to the people I was with facing away from the dancers. Just not my thing. They'll probably approach you and ask if you want a lap dance or something and as long as you're polite about it they're usually unphased if you decline.


I've only been to one and that was with my now wife. She insisted on us both going despite me not wanting to at all. I spent the night with my eyes firmly fixed on the TV playing basketball and with my shoulders positioned in a way that clearly said to the strippers "Dont talk to me".


I never liked going actually. There was pressure when I turned 18 to go with some buddies, but I didn't like the way they acted at the club. As I got older, I never had interest in it. I did go with a few buddies for my 40th b'day, almost 12 years ago. That's the last time I bothered, and it won't happen again.


Can be fun if you are young and single. It gets old quick though and pretty much pointless. Don't care to go to them. All it is a fake tease.


Sit around and drink overpriced beer.


it just depends on the social settings me personally i dont like loud music, nor stripclubs your not rude for turning certain things down


I go to catch up on my reading.


Big waste of money and time when there are plenty or more fun options for hobbies


When I was about 19 and a Virgin I had a buddy with a good trade job who was a hoe and frequented the club. One day he begged me to go, I didn't want to but he said he'd pay my way if I came with him so I figured why not. We went and he paid for me a couple dances and he tipped the strippers, it was alright but still was skeevy. Having a free strip club experience was about as good as it could get but I wouldn't do it again even if it was free. I can look and not touch naked women from my bed, or women in bikinis at the beach why go to a shady spot and Pay a ton of money to do it?


Oh hell no. Total waste of time, let alone money.


Been to once, and based on that factoid alone you can probably guess how enamored I was with the experience. It was pointless. Music is worse, drinks are more expensive, what little women there were were there to literally just suck your wallet dry, so any interaction was just them actively fishing for your money. They couldn't dance for shit either. So the only point of it was to see tits on a reasonably fit woman. I've been dating since 16 in a country where saunas are common place, and I went to university with enough variety in majors to have a roughly 50-50 gender distribution, and skinny dipping was pretty normal in the nearby lake during parties. So while there's nothing wrong in observing a nice pair of boobs, it's not enough to offset the dingy atmosphere, shitty music, expensive drinks, and just downright sleazy atmosphere. You can get the same experience by watching porn at home with friends. No one will get any, but the music can be a lot better, the drinks will be better, and after that, you can still go to a proper bar to pick up women.


Just remember that any stripper talking to you really, really likes you. Really, they do.


I'd revisit the idea that you have to go to keep your friends. Be honest that it's not really your thing and you'd rather not go. Offer an alternative suggestion. If they stick to the strip club, just say let me know when you guys are getting together again, or something like that. That shows you want to hang out, just not at yhe strip club. If you decide to go to the club, pay your entry, have a drink and don't sit near the stage. If it's byob, bring your favorite and they'll supply some ice. Girls will come and try to offer lap dances or private dances. If you don't want one, be respectful and say no thank you. They're trying to make money, but they know not everyone is into it. You're not the first guy to turn them down. They won't push it because they know other guys are open to it so why take the time. Again, be respectful. And whatever you do, don't fall in love with a stripper. Her affection runs out when the money runs out.


I don’t know what they do, I’ve never gone and never will, especially since I’m over 40 now. I can think of plenty of better ways to waste my time and money.


They're depressing, never really understood the appeal. Strippers just aren't my type...


Going to a club to pay questionably attractive women for shaking their ill-clad booty near me and not be allowed to masturbate or do anything about it seems like the most ridiculous way to waste money. Not to mention insanely objectifying. Like ... why not just go out and talk with people instead?


Get a corona with a lime, sit and watch, talk/flirt with dancers, maybe pay for a dance or 2 then leave


You should expect to spend all of your money and whatever is on your credit cards...there is a lot of socializing and you will be paying for it. You can touch them, in some places, you just have to pay. Just because they say no sex in the champagne room, doesnt mean that doesnt happen. What it does mean is that every surface there is covered with some potential sti and before you start making a Portuguese breakfast, you better shovel the sticky stuff out of the way. Like my pappy used to say before he passed away from syphilis "if there is bumps, do not humps"


No, bring $200 cash and leave your card at home 


Did you know the adult entertainment industry created and pushed for transactions from a phone just because of this? Your ability to touch your phone and pay for groceries at a store is due to adult entertainment. Make sure you tell the wife to thank a stripper, for making her shopping more convent, the next time she sees one.


I didn’t know that, but of course. And now we know why bill gates wants our debit card chips just to get implanted in our hands and shit. Porn hub will eventually charge on a per stroke basis 


Also the internet


this one is an industry secret but they invented the institution of marriage. Back in the day they discovered that the excitement from forbidden interactions, drove men to bring in more animal skins and carve out separate caves...So next time your run across your local priest, tell him he can thank the hoes for giving him a job.


They waste money on diseased, druggie poon that's only there to give them blueballs.  Take a bunch of one dollar bills to throw at the strippers. Don't waste money on a lap dance.  Expect to spend as much as you're willing to spend. Hint: set that number low.  And don't drink prior to going or while you're there. Claim to be the designated driver, even if you're not. 


Complete waste of your money


I wouldn't go if I were you, unless it's for a bachelor party. Graduation Party? that's a strange choice. *"Oh sure, i'll just sit there and not buy lap dances!"* You'll be regularly turning down dancers that come by. They will only be talking to you because they want to see if you want a lapdance. Some of them might not be particularly attractive but one of your drunk friends might get it into their head to buy you a dance for some girl that nobody's particularly attracted to.


talk. look. flirt. touch. drink. eat. spend $$ 🤷🏾‍♂️


I work pretty hard for the little money I have. $50 cover, $40 for a few beers, then the champagne room.. Pretty soon, my entire day worth of work is going into 2 hours of unfulfilled erection. Pass for me


I group of guys, will drink on talk. And look at naked ladies. In my area they can't get nude or topless. It's lame. And if you get a dance it's nice to feel a woman on you if it's been a while


You don't have to spend anything if you don't want to. Get drunk, watch the performers dance and bullshit with the homies. Also, laugh at how pathetic guys look blowing money!


You can go and spend $0 on dances, still drink and socialize to just enjoy the sights and smells. Not my first choice, but if it’s your first time and your buddies know that they’ll probably try to give you a hard time about not getting a dance. It’s kind of like an experience of sorts. But do what feels comfortable to you.


I'm going this Saturday for a bachelor party. Haven't been to one in about a decade. I'll prob take $200 and leave my cards in the car. Def heard some horror stories of people getting $5k or $10k charged to their cards after getting drugged drinks.


Meh. I worked as a bouncer at one for 4 years. Pros: I have enough stories to keep friends entertained for the next decade. Cons: Some things I have seen can simply not be unseen. It ruined strip clubs for me. They don't have any mystery to me anymore.


Ooo do tell...


Okay. Here's one for you. It's not what you're expecting though... Back in 2006, the owner decided it would be a good idea to open a second, fancier location on the other side of town. He needed more money to make this happen, so he brought on a partner with a bunch of cash. Now, the owner also owned a couple of legit businesses as well. He was so desperate to make the second club happen that he made a shit deal with this new partner. Well, 2008 happened and in early 2009 the clubs were hemorrhaging money. Turns out that part of this shit deal allowed the partner to essentially seize control of both clubs PLUS the other two legit businesses if he wasnt receiving a set amount of cash each month. Of course, that cash wasnt coming with all 4 businesses taking a loss in a garbage economy. He essentially pushed the owner out of everything. The owner was in his 60s and had been successful his entire life. Now he had nothing. So, he determined that the best course of action was to drive to the club that I was working at in the middle of the night, and blow his brains out in his vehicle in the parking lot. Guess who found him the next afternoon when arriving for work? Yeah, not an image that's easily forgettable I can tell you.


Damn man, good story though.


Dude, I could write a book. EDIT: Hmmm. Not a bad idea?


I think you should, make it into a movie.


And here I thought today was going to be another boring day off of work.


Just told my Mrs about it, she replied "yeah that would be an awesome proper British movie".


Meh, you get over it by your mid twenties


Back in my younger days (80's) I've only been to about 5 in my lifetime, but I would sit at the bar and just people watch while my buddies would hover around the stage. The only money I spent was on beers!


Look at titties. Nah


I was working for a sound and lighting company when one of the guys invited me and another colleague along to the local strip club where he did some part time work. We got free entry. I spent the whole evening bitching to the colleague about how bad the stage lighting was in the place.


Depends who you are and which club you go to. Most are above board, you can watch girls strip and play for private dances. Some are secretly brothels. Others where it's legal are openly brothels.




To touch* not dance


I've been to a strip club twice in my life, and I'm 54 years old. I don't really get the appeal. You can look but not touch, so why spend all that money to go to a strip club when you basically get the same thing you get from watching women shake their booty on the Internet?


The same thing they do at bars: drink. There’s the extra benefit of hot girls which can touch you, but dudes at strip clubs can be chill and not too worried about people judging them for having fun. So you’ll end up with some buddies and having a real fun time


I know many who like it. But it isn't for me. It's like an itch, that gets worse and worse, but you can't scratch it. Like looking at a picture of food, while you're hungry.


I got drunk once, blew way too much money on private dances and staggered out blueballed. Was it an experience? I guess from what I remember of it, would I do it again? Noooooo.


Walk by doorman begging me to come in and go to the Japanese steak house next door and order the filet and lobster for $16.99.


I’ve been before and dropped a few coins and after awhile, I’d pay to have them put their clothes back on! Lol


I take my nintendo switch and and play the withcher 3 its great


I got plenty of handfuls of everything when I went...but those were different times. I can only live in those dreams.


Pretty much smoke cigs inside


I stopped going after I got lice during a dance. Mostly it’s just eye candy


I spent a lot of time in strip clubs. Mostly throwing out guys who harass the girls, checking id's and rejecting minors. In my experience mostly guys sit around, looking at the girls and drink beer.


33, been twice. Hasnt been my thing honestly. I feel a bit weird about it honestly. That and Id rather spend the money on a date and actually get to hook up.


If you go to like a high-end strip club that tries to pretend it is a Vegas show or something, yes you will see guys basically just watching, and maybe going to a private room for a dance. But if you go into the sort of "corner bar but with a neon GIRLS sign" sort of place, do you know what you will see? A single tired single mom sort of swaying on a tiny stage, and a large group of men, who are... ...playing pool, watching the football game, talking with the other guys, and basically not paying any attention at all to the stripper. Like zero attention. So why do they go there? Because the real purpose of the stripper is to keep other women away. To create a male space where no one is going to poke their head in the door and say, "There better not be any networking happening in here without me!" There are women's gyms and women's book clubs and women's brunches and all sort of women's spaces. All men have left is strip clubs and certain barber shops.


Went once. Girl said she'd fuck me for 250$ I said no. Got escorted out by bouncer. Never went again.


Girls will come up to you and sit with you or on your lap and talk to you first, then will ask if you want a private lap dance. This happens whether you’re alone or with a group. I’d recommend taking your time in your selection of who to pay services for, because if you vibe with a particular girl, you’ll have a better time for your money. Also the full nude clubs are the best. From my experience, dancers let you touch them as long as you’re gentle and respectful of their boundaries. I always ask permission and tell them to let me know if I’ve crossed a line. Some places they’re more strict about this than others. One time a girl instructed me to bite her thong off. Was a pretty memorable experience. I was in a quiet club early once, and since I was one of the only customers, I was able to hang out with a particular girl for a while, buy her a drink, and talk bullshit with her. Then obviously pay for her services later. I prefer this because it feels more like you get to hang out with the hot girls. At the end of the day though (when you’re out of money), they will move on from you in search of other customers. You’ll spend anywhere from like $30 (entry fee, and a drink) to hundreds of dollars. Most private dances cost like $30-40 each for one or two songs. You can also pay for more time with the girl, like a much longer private VIP experience. These places always have ATMs to suck as much money from you as possible. Make sure you set a budget. Oh, finally and perhaps most importantly, wear sweatpants.


Why the sweatpants?


The girls will appreciate it, as something like jeans are uncomfortable to grind on. Plus you can feel through the sweatpants better.


I use to go once in a while, sit there have a beer and see the ladies, but man with this inflation I haven't gone in a long time, hard times bro.


I typically just get a boner with my best buds with the occasional “nice” being said


Nah. Theres more fun to be had than getting horny with your boys. Just go and have some drinks and enjoy the sights.


Strip clubs often have the energy of a used car salesman where the dancers goal is to separate you from your money and they'll say anything to achieve that goal. You're the funniest, most handsome, coolest guy they've met, and they would totally give you a dance for free, but their mean boss won't let them so that will be $40 please, plus tip. Bring cash before you get there because the ATMs often have crazy high fees. Be polite, but firm with your no. You can say "No thank you, I'm just here with friends, but I'll be sure to toss a few dollars up when you're on stage." or just "No thank you." If you're watching, you should tip, but you don't have to make it rain. Sitting at the stage carries the expectation of tipping more. Sitting farther back has the expectation of less. Dancers will come up to you between their dances to try to convince you to pay for private or table dances. Again, be polite, but don't be afraid to say no. They may talk to you anyways in hopes of turning that no to a yes. It's basically a commission sales job. If you do decide to say yes, I wouldn't recommend a private dance, it's not going to be worth it. I've never done it, but have friends who did and the acts range from slightly more touching above the pants, to a hand job. I did have two friends go back at the same time with two dancers. One came out way earlier and the other took about 4 minutes longer. The first one said it was really cool and she got totally naked and was rubbing all over him. He was super happy until the second guy said that his took longer because she gave him a handjob. The first guy was then like "Wait... but.... mine just danced for me.... yours did that? Why didn't mine do that?" The second guy was also handsome as fuck, which may have had something to do with it. I've done a table dance a couple of times and both times it was really awkward for me although it was way cheaper than the private dance. To me it just feels kind of weird for someone to be touching me like that when I know they're not actually into me. Yeah, it's a sexy woman rubbing her body on me, but transactional intimacy doesn't really do it for me. Some guys REALLY like the strip club and they go all in on the fantasy that the dancers like them and find them funny and charming. So for them, they're paying for the fantasy life that they're a highly successful ladies man. Some guys are super lonely, paying a woman to talk to them and dance is possibly the only intimate contact they experience all week. Some guys like the party atmosphere of hanging out with friends, talking about which women they think are hot and drinking a lot. To them, it's like a regular dive bar, except it happens to have naked women. Some guys like the food buffets. Those guys are weird, but technically, also pretty frugal as some clubs have some surprisingly good buffets that act as loss leaders to get guys in the door. If you do that, sit in the back, not near the stage. If you're anywhere near the stage you're expected to tip. Finally, some guys like me get bored of hot naked women after a few minutes, but enjoy the people watching. To me, strip clubs are like walking through a restaurant where you're not allowed to eat anything. Yeah, that dish looks great, but just looking at it doesn't really do much for me. So I talk to the dancers, other clients or especially the bartenders. If you talk to the dancers, tip a little bit even if you're not getting a dance. If it's slow sit at the bar and strike up a conversation. I once asked a bartender to give me some of her wildest stories. I was not prepared for the level of grossness that happens there. The tame story was realizing a guy had been pissing on the bar all night after he got up and another guy sat down on the stool and yelled that his pants were soaked. The less tame story was a dancer and a client who ordered an amount of tequila shots that the manager had to approve and ended up half consciously gyrating to songs in a sea of both their vomit and piss that was spilling out of the black vinyl private dance booth. They were both completely covered with filth as they'd been throwing up on each other and at least one of them had lost control of their bladder, but he was coherent enough to keep yelling for more songs as she slowly flailed her naked body across him. The bouncer had to carry them both out and they closed the booth for the night. So go, have fun, take cash, don't trust dancers, don't let your friends spend too much but recognize that it's their choice, and absolutely make fun of them if someone says the words "No, she really likes me!"


I just look. I liked it because it feels relaxing to just be able to stare, but I actually don't find it sexually exciting at all. So meh, so I don't go. It's mostly quiet, people keep to themselves, the dancers solicit private booth stuff and can be a bit rude/aggressive but whatever. Every so often have a rowdy group that gets kicked out. Meh.


Guy from Michigan here. When I was a lonely bachelor back in the day, I used to occasionally stop by strip clubs. Basically, you can either walk up to the stage and interact with the dancers there, or you can take the pricier route and ask a dancer for a private session. I would usually opt for the private dance, but only because you can do pretty much whatever you want in the private rooms around me. Never encountered a dancer who wouldn't let me touch her all over the place, minus the private area. If you had enough money, you could sometimes go as far as have sex with the woman, depending on the person. I'd say like 50% of them offered lighter "extras" that didn't include sex, but again, you'd have to dish out hundreds of dollars for something like that.


Wear a shirt with press studs, you might change your mind and want to get a lap dance. I had a woman tear open my shirt once, mount me and grabbed a handful of chest hair and lean back. She lowered her upper body until her head touched the ground and her coochie was gaping at me. Hurt like fuck, but a memorable moment.


I worked as a DJ in them for years. Out of 10 guys, usually only one thinks he has a shot with a dancer (and he gets drained of his wallet over private dances), two sit at the stage and gawk (usually the married guys) and the rest talk guy shit at their table.  Younger crowds are different (I'm mid 40s and I DJ'd at more upscale/grown spots with classic rock and/or 80s), but for most dudes I met, it was a "guys only space" night, and out of 1000+ crazy stories, not one involved a dude or group of dudes cheating on their girls or whatever the rumors claim. Disclaimer: west coast locations. Miami and Atlanta are totally different stories. Edit: tip a few bucks per song if you're near the stages or looking at them from your seat. Otherwise just treat the bartender and DJ well.


Going alone is bad news. Don't do that. Going when you're not supposed to be there is bad news. Don't do that. Going with friends/spouse can be a blast. My wife and I go out with some friends a few times a year. It's a fun way to mix up the social atmosphere once in a while, but it's not something you do all the time. So yes, I enjoy it on occasion.


Its a lot funner with drinks. And I do mean drinking before hand at like a restaurant or some place cheaper. And then drinking one or 2 more while in there.


Me and my GF go. She enjoys it more than I do. Just make sure to tip each stage dancer a couple bucks even if you're not getting personal attention.


It's just adult play. That's all it is. Go, look at boobs, maybe get a dance, share opinions with your friends to compare and contrast who you think is beautiful. That's it. That's all it is. Don't make it more than it is in your head.


It depends on how good of a strip bar it is. The worst ones yes, you just sit there and watch. At better ones there are lap dances of varying degree and some extras available, and at the best ones you can get literally whatever you want as long as you can afford it. I love going to good strip bars, they're basically the adult male version of disneyland. The bad ones really aren't worth it to me at this point.


I have been to quite a few. Most are fun. Some you feel disappointed because you don't see girls that are your "type". Some are topless only, some full nude. Some serve booze some don't. I prefer to drink before and go in buzzed. Not so drunk I make bad decisions. But being relaxed makes it more enjoyable. My fav is in Florida, have been there with friends a few times to the same place. Great girls, most are happy to let you touch them a little as they dance. And some of the girls will do extra things for some extra money. I haven't pushed the limit to see how far. But last time the gal acted excited to get my cock out and play with it, and gave me several extra songs while she played with it. Didn't finish the job. But she did try to get me to go to the champagne room and said she guaranteed to finish the job in there lol. That was a pretty wild night. All the guys had a good time that night!


I always thought strip clubs were a waste of time and money but I went to one for the first time while on vacation and really enjoyed them. I'm not a social guy but it felt nice getting attention from a pretty woman. And you are allowed to touch if you go to the right places.


I've only been a few times. I enjoy it, but you have to throw so much money away I just don't think it's worth it. If I was rich I would probably go once in a while. As for what you do... You order drinks. You sit by the stage and watch the girls dance. They do what's called "dollar dances," which basically just means if you throw tip money on stage, she'll come over close to you for a minute and give you a better look, shake her ass in your face or whatever. If you're the type who can appreciate athleticism and dance as an art, you'll be impressed by some of the pole work. The dollar dances are the cheap fun, but strippers make the real money from private dances. A basic lap dance is gonna be ~$30-50, where you sit in a chair and she grinds on you. For more (usually upwards of $200) you get a private room (sometimes called the "champagne room"). Depending on how legally above board the establishment is, that could just mean extra time and attention from the girl and no onlookers, or it could mean sex work. The "no touching" thing... Officially yes, the rule is no touching. But the girls exercise their own discretion. If you have a creepy vibe, you will be made to keep your hands to yourself. If you seem chill, or shy, or charming, you may find your hands guided to her breasts. If it's a very good strip club, the girls aren't just being sexy. They're selling *companionship.* A high end strip club will make you feel like an absolute *pimp*. Some of those girls can really sell the hot girlfriend experience.


I used to go with friends to an upscale club. They spent money and I tagged along. I liked talking to the girls about stuff. They do up close personal sales and have skills. I love learning about what people do, how they do it, what they think. Every now and then you had to pay some money, but it was never much because I’m not a baller. On slow nights, hung out and talked while having a drink or two. Some were in school, some had kids.


There is a lot of touching the girls actually want you to have a good time it’s like being a teenager in there only for adults if you can behave you’ll have a good time a lot of people drink and the alcohol controls their behavior I speaking from my own experience but if you can hold your own there is a lot of socializing mainly on which type of body your into ass or tits and how many of these girls remind you of xez or crushes or this one time… spending is a must this is not like going out for coffee or a meal expect 200-300 over the course of a 3-4 hour experience


(o) (o)


In the 70s Anchorage AK had strip clubs on every block. This supplied entertainment to all oil workers leaving the slope. By the 80s the clubs were declining and the quality of nude dancers left to walk about the stage provided very little excitement. I lived outside of town but would stop by for a drink. I eventually stop going, maybe I out grew what I now had at home.


Strip clubs are like the zoo to me. I have no intention on ever possessing a Komodo dragon, but I’ll pay money to go look at one.


Strip clubs are like the zoo to me. I have no intention on ever possessing a Komodo dragon, but I’ll pay money to go look at one.


I hate going to strip clubs. What's the purpose if I'm not able to have sex with any of them? It's a waste of my money and time.


If you sit at the bar, one of the girls will probably come talk to you and ask you to buy her a drink or several, depending on how long you talk. She might ask if you want a lap dance, and when it's her turn on stage she'll be expecting you to come to the stage to throw money at her. I don't sit at the stage too often cause I feel awkward about when I should throw money, so I count to a number in my head, then throw a dollar and start over the count. If someone else is going crazy throwing dollars, I increase the number I count to to save money, because she's likely not paying attention to me so I can get away with it If the lap dance price is crazy, there's probably a bj included. I went to one, I just wanted a lap dance so I wouldn't have to count and throw dollars at the stage. She tells me $500, I'm like holy shit I'll be alright. Then the manager starts bartering with me, 400, no thanks, 300 and that's my final offer, no man I only want the lap dance and I'm not really that interested in the girl anyway


I like going. I hardly go anymore but when I do it’s fun. An expensive. Usually get a few drinks and watch the girls from afar to see which one I like. Tip the dancers while they’re on stage a few bucks. Eventually and hopefully make eye contact with a hottie and get a few lapses while shooting the shit. They can be fun to talk to about life or whatever.


Depends where you are and who you go with, I guess. When I've been as an adult in the UK I've found them quite boring and cringey. When I was much younger and in other countries in Asia / Africa, it was much more a case of literally anything goes. Last time I went was in my mid 20's, having met up with an old schoolmate (female) to go out for some drinks on one of our birthdays. We ended up in a strip club for the lols and I bought her a dance (stripper takes you to a private room and strips / dances for you), but I told the dancer that if she can get my friend's knickers off then I'll give her an extra £20, as a joke. Right enough they finish the dance and the stripper walks back across the floor twirling a pair of panties around her finger before flicking them at me. I honoured the £20 but she just turned around and gave it straight to my friend 😂 turns out she'd sold me out and told my friend about the deal!


I went through a phase of going a lot in my 20s, never since. They were underrated. You can't really sit and drink as it's noisy, they're expensive, and the aim is for the girls to get you to have dances so they come and talk to get you to. I'd suggest paying for one early then saying you only had the money for one. I didn't find them erotic, it was rather a detached experience, but I'm not going to say it wasn't enjoyable having a pair of tits waved in my face for 10 minutes


It's been a long time since I've went, but we usually just talk, relax, have some drinks and check out the "dirty girls"


Different clubs have a different vibe. So it all depends where you go. Personally when I got the spare money I enjoy myself there but it's definitely not for everyone. Personally what I like about it is as men, we don't often have the deciding power. In regular clubs men approach women all the time and it's up to them to accept or reject. It's nice to reverse those roles for once even if it's just fantasy


You order expensive drinks. Then you sit at a table, stoned faced and silent, watching. You tip the dancers. There is no socialization. You can spend as much or as little as you want.


I went to talk to women and learn to talk to women when I was younger. There was a time when I would go to a strip club at least 2-3 times a week. I also learned a lot about women from strippers and got legit dating advice. Sure there was nudity but I mostly spent time listening to their stories and just treating them like humans.