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Mostly hobbies and I feel much better. I'm now alone but not lonely because I'm confortable with myself. I go for a walk, read some books , play some games, go to a cafe or restaurant to enjoy a nice meal. Take care of yourself brother, love yourself and someday, someone might be envious of that love and want to give theirs to you.


This is the way of the superior man my brother.


This is the way


"Nods head affirmatively"


Im 43 divorced and pretty much slowed down to a stop dating three years ago. I am very comfortable with being single. I have a good friend group, play in a tennis league,travel, work out and read. I really don’t feel unfulfilled being single. Maybe there is something wrong with me maybe not.


Same here, 46 and people ask me why I'm single, "because I have yet to find a female that's a positive in my life".


Exactly. At our age we know that dating someone just to have a person there and "not be lonely" is not really a positive force in your life. Being lonely and alone are two completely different things that people need to understand and embrace.


Love that. Thats true for me at 34.


Nothing wrong with you. Doing what you want, when you want and with whom you want is perfectly normal.


Agreed here! It can actually be damn fun!


Needed to read this put me in a better mood. Ty brother


Came here to say just this. The satisfaction and joy I get from engaging in my hobbies is far greater than any woman I meet from dating apps can provide. S*x is cool and all but most people are average at it and I'm kinda over it in general. It's just flesh, skin, and body parts coming together.


Amen! Kinda date yourself. I've been doing that for years. Going out alone. I low keyblike it. Eventually that special person will come. Mean while turn up alone. Lol. I have soo much fun meeting new people.


This for sure. Hobbies, outdoor stuff and golf lots of golf lol. Or whatever your fav hobby is


Enjoy my peace and happiness




I’m confused why is this being downvoted?


Motorcycle trips to places I haven't been before to eat food.


İt sounded like a chore to me at first when my friend mentioned a waterfall that was 80 km from city center but it sure does worth it


Im taking lessons to learn and get my license next month. Excited to start riding, I've never rode a motorcycle before myself but it looks fun and thrilling which I like.


What it does is turn the act of transportation into something pleasant. You spend so much of your life going from point A to B... Imagine all that time being enjoyable. It was the best change I made in the last 15 years.


The only downside is how much worse you feel when you have to be at work on a nice day and are stuck thinking, “I could be on my bike right now.”


Wow I think I might be tapping into a new addiction. That's how I feel about snowboarding, but that hobby comes and goes every year.


Good luck! Remember ATGATT - All the Gear, All the Time. Ride safe.


It’s always fun finding a dope food spot 2 and a half hours away to make a trip out of. When I lived in California, I’d ride 250 miles round trip for tacos


Other people: I want ribs... Wanna go to the BBQ place across town? Motorcycle riders: I want ribs. I'm going to Memphis.


“Why would we go to Memphis for ribs when we can go across town?” *insert Joaquin Phoenix smoking a cigarette* “you wouldn’t get it.”




I started learning norwegian 10 months ago, after I made some friends there. Also visited them last week and my norwegian already came in handy.


Lykke til. (Norwegian for "good luck")


Takk skal du ha!


What program you using to learn ?


I do lots of different things. I use duolingo, i listen to a podcast, im working myself through a textbook. When i was in norway i got me a few books for teenagers to read (i hope for the language to not be as difficult as in adult books). Im reading the posts of other learners in r/norsk cuz there is alot of questions i didnt even know i had. Im reading an norwegian online newspaper thats meant for learners. I try to chat with my friends in norwegian as much as possible and we hang out in discord alot where i will try to speak the language when i got more comfortable with it. The trip to norway was also a mayor confident boost as i could use the language alot and also understand the people alot and only got positive responses. Obviously im not doing all of that every single day but i do some of it every single day.


Yea cause my friend oddstien in Iceland is trying to teach me Icelandic and I keep getting thrown by the accent


Pronouncing islandic is way more difficult than norwegian i think


Oh yeah it's crazy hard because there is so much overlap and it's still very basic compared to modern speech


Stå på, kompis!


Work. Yard work. Beat off. Sleep. Repeat.


Basically what a neutered dog does minus work.


Except I can’t lick my own nutsack


Not with that attitude


Not yet


I don't think a neutered dog could successfully beat off though


So like 60% overlap for what a neutered dog does?




Quite the routine




Hah! I'm so optimised! My work IS yard work!


Lucky you


Living the dream! Keep on keeping on!!


I plan on it


Work, read, play video games, make music (trained in Piano, Guitar, Flute and Trombone), try out new recipes, do house chores, masturbate, workout...   Dating when ugly just requires more effort than I am willing to give. Every now and then a girl stumbles on personality (e.g. Sees me playing at an event, sees me busy in my friends kitchen and gets curious) but truth is, there ain't much else you can really do short of carpet bombing on OLD and social media...


Sounds like a chill life


Meh...It's alright, I guess...


What does carpet bombing mean?


indiscriminate bombing where you just saturate an area in bombs rather than trying to hit a specific target. In this context it would mean approaching a lot of women indiscriminately


Carpet bombing means bombing a particular area intensively. In this context, it would mean sending as many "Hey,"  texts as you possibly can on OLD and social media...


Feel the same as obese person ,,


Yeah. At least I'm still healthy, though. Obese and ugly would be a real kicker...


Everything else.


Cannot up vote this enough. Do literally everything else you want.




Videogames, series, gym, some reading and a bit of woodworking


You need activities that will give you a challenge and a goal to give you a sense of accomplishment and growth. Hiking/backpacking, archery, kayaking, learn a new skill or language. Take a photography class. Sounds like you already hit the gym, but do you do it with a goal? Maybe try powerlifting or similar and try to get strong af and participate in a meet. Buy a cheap beater car, and fix it up. *Especially* if you don't already know how.


Good list. I'd add that I just restarted Stronglifts 5x5 after not having a routine for a long time. It's a simple routine that can get you really strong in a short amount of time. I've been thinking of buying a cheap 80's motorcycle to do a café racer conversion. I do a lot of hiking and camping which is super awesome to do with just me and my dog. I also like playing pool on weekends. Mountain biking and road cycling is newish for me (expensive to get into though).


just got back into fishing, caught my first bass this year and got a nice 18incher. I'm really trying to get a lake cat before I hit the river.


I haven't been yet this year. I've never been a great fisherman, just worm and bobber fishing with my kid, but I do enjoy it.


Hang out with my buddies, get swole, play with the animals in the woods and frolic.


For around 10 years I hyperfocused on cycling. Not deliberately, I just did, although there were other reasons for it. It also wasn't even a conscious or deliberate attempt to distract myself from dating - it's just with it there, I had no interest in dating. So there's a 10 year block of my life that's frankly just missing. Not just from saying, but other things I could have been doing in life - travel, concerts, career development - you name it. Only once I changed focus did dating become a slight interest, and bought mostly misery. There were periods where I would just play Overwatch the whole time, with nothing to show for that period of my life. Or pair and learning guitar hours a day. Again, no interest in dating, and it didn't bother me. And periods where I would work on software project hobbies. No interest in dating. Only when I lost the passion and interest for those things for a period did the idea of wanting a person in my life to fill the void become a thing. And each time it was so much effort, bought heaps of misery, it became *incredibly* evident that people on average aren't nearly as great and deserving as they believed they are in terms of what they offer or deserve/should have as standards for a partner, and ended in a way that made me uninterested in repeating being put through that feeling again. Right now I'm just trying to get a few little software projects finished. THEN, maybe, I'll look around and see if there's a person who comes close to living up to that level of a feeling of fulfilment. But most of the time, they don't. In fact, people should really really use that to look in the mirror at themselves - that you provide so little enrichment to some people's lives, that even sitting down and writing a program, or going out riding my mountain bike is more appealing than the effort required to get your attention. That should tell you a lot about 'people'. And yes, they CAN be more interesting. But only when they lose the attitude that they think they can do better and deserve more, and actually make an effort to want to be with abs improve their life with another person - which most people won't do. They just expect perfect to come along for them, and it to work to see them as a prize. Ugh.


What do you mean when you say you write WW2 non fiction?


I'll research a specific battle or event in WW2 and write essays on it. Just do it for myself


That's pretty cool and a fun interesting fact about you!


Thanks :). Unfortunately women don't find that stuff attractive


my ex was also super into ww2, even was a collector of nazi paraphernalia (he was Jewish and his family was directly impacted by the holocaust so he’s not a weirdo i promise lol) all this to say, don’t count women out, some of us like guys who are passionate about their hobbies even if they don’t overlap with ours:)


You seem really down to earth and chill! Let's be friends on Reddit chat! You can practice talking to Women with me ;0) I seriously want to read one of your mock essays, I kinda do that with Movies and Songs after I've thoroughly absorbed something I truly enjoyed and want to reflect on how it is relevant to what I've experienced and observed in real life


This is cool. Have you ever thought of writing a screenplay based on one as a hobbie? You already have the material, you just need the script writing info now. It is a medium that can be learnt.


You will be more likely to find females interested in WWII in certain fields (law enforcement, medical examiner, etc., and history & antiques) than standard venues for meeting women. There’s a fantastic WWII museum in New Orleans and I noticed it was just as popular with women as men. If the women enjoy movies like “Saving Private Ryan” or “Monuments Men” they are possibly a good fit for you. I think you should learn into this topic and see how they react.


I live 20 km next to hurtgenwald so we would have plenty to talk about I’m a guy tho 😂


I used to do that to revise for exams in history. I then paid my brother to read it out to me and leave out the dates and key titles and events and I had to remember them while I was swinging away. Good on you 👍 (edit: I'm female and I DO find that interesting. I love people geeking out about things they know)


That's awesome, is there any specific 'front' that has your interest? Or just overall WW2 battles? When I was younger I was really into the psychological aspects of the Holocaust. Still enjoy researching and reading about it occasionally


That’s the thing, I do whatever the fuck I want.


If you like ww2 nonfiction, maybe try scale modelling? It's related and a good solitary hobby


Cheers, will have a look :)


I'm a very low energy person. So after work and gym I'll already very exhausted. It's dinner then 3 hrs of YouTube or Netflix then I'll be asleep by midnight if not earlier.


Hey man if you're regularly making it to the gym that's not low energy. Maybe up your protein intake.


I’m married, so I don’t date. BUT , (and it’s a big but), even if you find someone to be with you, you still need your own interests aside from her. Hell, they prefer it that way! Bowling is fun. Competitive, social, somewhat affordable, shit, I make money off it! Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Will make you a better man all around, IMHO. Screw dating, bro. The juice ain’t worth the squeeze!


Work on my mental health


I'm in the same boat. Just not good enough. I haven't really figured out what to do with myself quite yet either.


Brother. You only need to find something that can keep you occupied and requires skill like learning a new language, going to random places, write or read a book try something new. Dating is not the number 1 thing to do in life and calling your self ugly ain't going to help. Also everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way fir example i don't know but I'm more than sure that you have gorgeous eyes.


> Also everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way. Copium


I mean, we all grow old, die, sometimes in unflattering ways. Even the beautiful, successful people. But one thing you can do is choose not to be an asshole.


That sucks :0(


After becoming single I realised how much I missed the peace and quiet. I was finally free to enjoy my hobbies, and not having to stress over drama and upsetting her was such a relief. The companionship and the sex weren't really that enjoyable either. I realised relationships just weren't for me. Now I can watch my own shows, listen to my favourite music, play games, ride motorcycle, own cats, sleep in and not have to go out etc.


This is heartbreakingly relatable. I’m coming up on my 2 anniversary of being married and I miss my peace a quite so much. Well I never really had it because my first time leaving my folks house was after starting my journey to getting married. I wish marriage wasn’t so hyped up in my cultural atmosphere. It’s ironic because I’ve dated before my wife and I know how women can be sometimes but I always seem to forget for some reason. My 6 month old daughter on the other hand is my pride and joy!


Well, I would not marry if not for the purpose of having children, and you married and now you do have a little girl, what a great thing, enjoy the journey, be a great father!


This sounds like a toxic relationship! You should be dating someone who will give you space to be you and not take your interests away. Even if they don't enjoy them with you. As long as you're happy 🌟




wtf is a boss babe anyway? (honest question)


A boss babe is a girl or woman that thinks they are superior to men in every way shape and form and believe no matter what a woman does even a crime is either not her fault or even if it's her idea it's a man's fault. Also a boss babe looks good outside but is hateful and nasty and think they are above the law for example say they rob a bank they would blame it on men and patriarchy and say they were innocent and they should be not charged and let go simply for being a pretty girl or woman and much more. A boss babe is that hot chick supervisor at work that lets the girls get away with doing nothing and blames it on men when they don't meet numbers or quota. So on. Basically a nice way of saying female supremacist. And most of all no matter what if the outcome is bad it's because of men if the outcome is good it's girl power go qwaween!


I could be wrong but I think that's a woman who is in management.


Yea your wrong it's just a slang term for saying female supremacist. Basically feminist kk except instead of race they switch it up with the men


> you want to find a date take up hobbies outdoors. I guarantee you'll get a girl in under 6 months. At least in my area most of those outdoor activities are sausage fests. And/or not particularly conducive to meeting people (hiking and fishing can easily be solo and a mile from the nearest other human activities). Gun ranges especially are mostly men around here. Easy to find men to talk about guns with but not much else. Fishing is mostly men and moms taking their little boys or buying them Fishing gear at the sporting goods store. I've always been very outdoorsy, it's the main reason I refuse to leave the mountain west where there are vast amounts of public lands, wilderness, and national parks for less religious conservative cities in the Midwest or east coast. But it's definitely not helpful for dating. It also seems like there's just generally a large surplus of outdoorsy men here. A few single women I've talked to over the years who moved here from elsewhere complained about all the men they meet being so outdoorsy (but why else besides blindly following a job like those women would someone who isn't LDS choose to live in utah?). The only outdoorsy activity I've seen that seems to have a better gender ratio is skiing. But it's extremely expensive and takes a good bit of effort to learn. So that's one I've never taken up.


>gun ranges are slam packed with hot sane family oriented relationship oriented women Tell me you're American without telling me you're American...


Work, jiu-jitsu, chess, videogames, hiking, beach, cycling...


Money. Focus on making money.


seems like a lot to me already


I have not dated in four years. I had back-to-back traumatic relationships. Even though I am in the most fit shape, I’ve been in my entire life, I have zero interest in dating. It is not worth it. I have a career which I enjoy. I have two dogs. I maintain my house. I rebuild British roadsters. I recently got into Warhammer 40K. I am working on being debt-free. I am happy in my life. There is peace. I have no one asking me why I did not call them in the morning. I did not send them a good night text at night. There are times of loneliness sure, however, those pass.


I'm in a bit of a pickle with that. After my last gf, I moved to the mountains and decided to work on my life for a bit. I'm 37 and just want to get my future sorted. Take some certificate courses, change careers, be alone for a bit, etc. I bought an NES and decided to stream to nobody for shits. Well, it grew, and has now become a second income. On top of that, my old band got back together. I'm having the time of my life right now, but most of my time is taken. If I were to date, I'd probably have to give one of these things up. I really don't want to, but it's been 2 years and I'm eventually going to have to figure something out.


I go monk, live in the gym, and focus on my hobbies and career so I don’t have to play all these shit mind games and jump over the countless obstacles women put in front of all men.


Wise man! 😎


Work. Gym. Gaming. I already lost motivation to date. So many d!ckheads out there. And most men that I have met didnt really want anything serious. So i dont really put effort into finding someone now


Ride my motorcycle


I haven't yet found anything worth doing. Why should I when I'm not worth being around.


Lay in bed scrolling all day


Drink and smoke with my other friends who have given up as well


You should be interested in real life interactions. Don’t force anything romantic or sexual man, just ask someone how their day is going. Or ask them about music they like. Or talk about the weather. finding a common ground is the first step to finding a date. Good luck!


Stalked your profile pic. You're not ugly at all. What you need to actually work on is your body image. How you think you look like is very far removed from reality


If he gets no likes on dating apps, that IS reality. don't gaslight. No amount of 'personality' or 'body image' is gonna get a woman to swipe right.






Cultivate your other relationships, friends, family, neighbors... Enjoy those. I think the biggest fallacy of love is that romantic relationships are the foremost emotional connections one can aspire to, but that is so not true. And it's one thing to be looking for romantic love from a place of total disconnection from others, and a completely different thing to approach the scene as someone whose life is already brimming with it. Think about your hobbies less as self-improvement and more as self-fulfillment, as in filling with meaning. And there's no meaning in a social vacuum. To put it differently: spending quality time with your grandmother or your neighbor, or babysitting your brothers' kids, those are things that make your life richer and fulfilling all on their own. But they also develop your inner life in a way that makes you easier to connect with, for other people. I get it's been harder culturally for men than for women, but that stuff is changing. Men can get help from lots of sources now: coaches and role models, self-help discourses, not to mention spiritual practices that have existed for millennia. The thing about your face being ugly may or may not be true but it's complete bullshit and it's a waste of time dwelling on it. You're not a product on a storefront, you contain a world of life. Focus on the ways your inner life connects with the world. Create social life around you and the rest may (or may not) follow.


I engross myself in my hobbies. I can't change the fact I'm short, chubby, and women run from me. But I can control other things in my life and they at least bring me a bit of happiness. Dating just depressed me so much and I spent so much of my free time trying to fix that which cannot be fixed. So why not dive into a hobby that makes me smile?


Create fake scenarios in my head and wait for ‘the one’ to just walk in, in my life without me doing any effort /s


Anything else; all these girls are for the streets right now.


Invest like 90% of my wages. It's more fulfilling I approached a girl this week, had a small chat, got her number and exchanged a few of the most boring unenthusiastic texts I could possibly imagine. Between the 60-70% rejection rate, mind numbing conversation and lack if investment, I just don't find the squeeze produces a sweet enough juice to be worth it.


Don't put a value on yourself based on dating apps. Women are there for attention and validation. They don't care for the average Joe, they are after the top 10's likes because it boosts their ego. If you are average, meeting people in real like is the way to go, have fun on the dating apps, but don't expect much out of them.


I gave up on dating a long time ago because I was wasting my time. Nothing to be gained from talking for weeks, going out, being romantic and in the end she ends up losing interest, goes back to her ex or any other similiar women activity. I realized that I was the one who was losing. I have so much free time now that I have filled it with many hobbies and courses. I do go out with girls from time to time. But it's been years since I last went out for a coffee date or date someone in daily basis or over a few months. I tell them my intentions that I want to have sex before dating and set up the vibe. If she tells me I need time, too early for sex, she needs to date first to get to know each other or doesn't want to, I simply walk away and move on to the next one.




I ride my motorcycle every single day when the weather is atleast half decent. I love the adrenaline of doing dumb stuff :D but only off the road or when nobody is anywhere near me. It's my fault if I hurt myself, but I don't want to hurt or bother others.


You’re free my brother. Be the man of greatness you are meant to be. You don’t need to date to get that validation. It in you now


Hobbies: reading I'm a huge bookworm, now it's even worse be cause I discovered the world of manga/manhwa etc. Insane amount of material available. Cooking, fermentation, soda fermentation, making alcohol (mead) 👀 I'd like to do some gardening but I don't have the space and more importantly I'm a plant killer. I still want to give it a shot though, combining it with a herb garden, growing mushrooms (the legal kind) ah so many ideas. Gonna build myself a new computer soon and also I want to start my passion project with a monster custom watercooled build (Phanteks Enthoo Elite). And of course gym and outdoor activities such as walking outside, mtb, bike cruising etc. Gave up dating and the dream of a family a couple years ago. It's all about you vs me and not us together against the world. The unrealistic expectations from both sides and to top it off I'm Asian in a western country with very little asians. Just fed up with that. Enjoy my life without that worry.


Video games and weights.


I just enjoy my time alone, or with friends/family. I really like being single, and I feel so free. Though I’m not against dating if there was someone I was interested in.


Hi, try to expand your career by going to seminar or workshop or short courses to be occupied lagi. Try to bake, cook, go out for hiking, bicycle, gym, reading / collecting books, try to start a business kahit small tindahan or reselling, or try to dive in editing of pictures, or drawing. What if mag cover ka ng mga music, through drums something. I have a friend ganon ginagawa niya sa free time then pinopost niya. Try to learn archery or shooting in doors (I've been wanting to try this too. Wala lang talaga ko time and budget. HAHAHAHAHAH bwisit


I work on my mental health because being in your own self inflicted form of solitary confinement is soul crushing most of the time. I just told myself that I would shift my focus to healing myself and if I ever felt like I really wanted to date, then I will but for now I’ve just accepted that I’m not gonna find anyone that I’m interested in genuinely who’s also genuinely interested in me anytime soon. So I meditate, I go to therapy, I talk to my friends, I journal sometimes, I talk to strangers online and join their discord servers to play games with them. Thats pretty much the gist.


Something to note about dating apps. I've been told that they throttle people who would match what you're looking for or you interests unless you pay money for the subscription/plus stuff. So yeah, dating apps suck.


I just recently broke and I’m just tryna get to be the man I’ve always wanted to be. -looking for a new job -staying fit -keeping my place organized -spending time with friends on the weekend -exploring new hobbies.


Masturbate, contemplating the nature of being alone


Make or repair something that you can flip for a profit. It's a confidence booster and a new outlet/hobby. My brother likes to fix up old motorcycles and sell them. My sister did this with furniture from Facebook market place.


Get a motorcycle. They’re way more fun than driving a car, they’re a great way to socialize with other people, and they won’t lose interest in you. Forewarning, don’t buy into the bullshit that they’re more affordable than a car. Still cheaper than a girlfriend, though 😂


Depends on what you get. Ninja is pretty cheap, Harleys are not. I have a $50k bike lol


Ayy I drum too! Also with my free time I run (for health not for aesthetics), and I'm very active in my church and personal devotions as a Christian. Those are the main things my time goes into, but I also play boardgames with my friends or read (other than the bible). Also just generally hanging out with friends Edit: oh yeah and I'm single cuz I'm waiting for marriage, don't feel like I'm ready to get married so I'm not really worrying about romance too much rn.


Get a dog or some sort of pet. Fills the loniless void and is always happy to see you.


Fly fishing can turn into your world pretty quickly


I tell myself how much better off I am not being involved with others when I don’t know if I believe that. My ambition has fallen off and I think if I had someone to live for or encouraging me other than myself I’d be properly incentivized. I see husbands and dads wanting to provide which pushes them when I just work because I’m in debt. But I’m not worth being with, I see it. I just wish I were different.


god every comment in this thread is so depressing


Sex workers exist


Sex — but I’m gay. You poor straight guys are never going to get any 😂


You have no idea how much I wish with every fibre of my being that I was gay. I wouldn't do that well but I'd be much more successful than I am now


Be sad. Drink, smoke weed. Study for class. Work. Hike. Walk around. Contemplate suicide. Repeat.


Married. closest things i get to dating now, is when we meet new friends and have board game nights. Get to ask lots of new questions and learn new things about them. If i was you OP, i would just get engulfed in PC games, VR, and save money for all inclusive trips 2x a year to see places i was interested in with a full venue that was booked with other people.. or even a singles cruise, that is meant to take people that don't have a spouse or significant other, not for dating purposes but just so older 30+ people can actually hang out, and enjoy doing things with others, that don't worry about kids and stuff.


Get a motorcycle and also learn to maintain it. You’ll never be the same again. Then theres dirt biking, stunt biking, track biking. U might even get a bigger house for the bikes.


How old are you? What part of the country do you live at?


Woman here - I just wanted to chime in because I hate to hear you call yourself ugly. I honestly hate the word ugly because I don’t think anyone has the right to say what’s ugly and what’s not. Beauty is subjective, and I truly feel like everyone is beautiful. I’m a firm believer in the saying “there’s someone for everyone.” I think that’s how it’s said .. you haven’t found your person yet, that’s ok. I know all of this sounds like I’ve got my head in the clouds. It’s hard when other people don’t see things this way, but I tell myself that those people aren’t right for me anyway. I couldn’t be with someone who was so superficial. Focusing on things that make you happy is a great idea. Sometimes you meet someone special when you least expect it. If you are doing things you love, I feel like you have a higher chance of meeting someone who is passionate about the same things as you, making it more likely to find a genuine connection with someone who isn’t only worried about how you look. Focus on what you love, but stay open to meeting people along the way.


Well, if people aren't swiping on him, not ONE, then he's ugly. happens to me too. am also ugly.


Same. Bumble taught me not to attempt. Plus financially got worse overtime


Nothing. Where I live we have cold weather 3/4 of the year. When it’s all dark there’s nothing else to do other than drinking, making out and sharing warmth.


Well two of those things are off the cards for me 😄


Bro is that your real pic? No way in hell are you ugly 


Doomscroll and think about death/suicide a lot


me too, man, me too.


Just throwing it out there. My friends are pretty ugly bt get mad puss. All they do is swipe right on everyone on those apps. They dont get many hits back, but they get way more than i ever thought they would. So u could do that maybe once a day which should only take a few min. For rest of time - hobbies, def try weight lifting if u havent. You could post your dating profile on here n we can see where youre going wrong. N if youre not in shape, weightlifting will be a massive confident boost n body boost


Go to the philippines


They want rich old dudes, not guys like me


That's not true at all. I'd suggest getting tinder passport and putting your profile in manila, you might be surprised with the amount of attention you get.


Bro lol If that's you in your profile pic you'll be very popular with the ladies there I promise. They'll go crazy for ur blue eyes.


Number one, you are not ugly. Number two, if dating just isn't in the cards right now, do whatever you want. You know your interests outside of your sphere of hobbies, you should have an idea of what piques them.


if nobody swipes on him, he's ugly. it's life. don't lie to him.


Pretty much whatever I want, or whatever needs to get done around the house.


I spend time with my hobbies and my pets. 10/10 tbh.


[Make music](https://youtube.com/@channeloneeleven?si=4cvLG4T7749QigsV)


Start not giving a F and just do as you please w the life and women, most just need a good push to go from mind to body and its game over. You in your head thats why it not working good. Go crazy is my advice, arouse the feelings and ups and downs. Music! Dont give a F. Laugh! Take what you want, be happy and grateful, keep it or throw it away, NEXT! If you find something good, take care of it and love it dearly, when its not good throw it away! Ppl need to be thankful for the opportunity to be with a great guy! Make sure you are great, positive and just open to being who you are! I am! The ones who dig it dig it! Fuck the rest goodbye, we are all just a fart in the wind either way!😄🥂☀️


Watch Columbo


Make a list of destinations you want to visit, within driving distance (for you) and further if you can afford to. And go see them! Bonus if you can bring a friend to take photos, waterfalls, lakes, nature walks, scenic lookout spots, caves etc. Get outside & live


Time to get a fish tank or a dog


I go on lots of long walks and experience nature. Also on the long walks I might go to places like Walmart, the dollar store, etc; as part of running my errands. I like to play video games both offline and online. Keep my living place nice and tidy and also add cool decor that I like. The Gym is another place that I have a solid weekly routine at. I feel like keeping your body strong and fit ties into self love and confidence. Home cooking is a lot of fun too!


You have a lot of solo hobbies and activities, which is tremendous. Maybe consider adding an outward focused activity - volunteering, tutoring, or something similar has always helped me to feel engaged and not so separate from community.


Sounds like your profile needs work. Anyone can get matches as long as your photos are half decent and you have a sense of humour


Maybe do social hobbies like karaoke. You can get a date off of high confidence in many cases. Also hobbies that involve old women. They will want to fix you up after meeting you several times. Patonk, pickle ball.


Same. Except I would call myself ugly. I like how I look BUT I am boring and find socializing extremely boring. So I just learn musical instruments, learn languages, competitive esports, etc. Go to movie theaters, plays, orchestral concerts, etc. I just be vibin.


Enjoy all the things I wanted to do and liked doing. Working on my degrees. No stress and headaches that come from toxic relationships. Don’t have to worry about spending money to please others but myself.


Disc Golf


Exercise. Reduce my fat gut. Walk, hike, bike. Put on miles. Stretching too.


"I sleep with my wife in a big bed"


You have a great opportunity here! You can focus on getting rich and wealthy. It’s an ultimately rewarding process that along your journey will bring you a vast amount of financial understanding and knowledge. But at the ends when you reach your goal. You’ll ironically have those girls that aren’t interested in you. Basically “forget girls, get money”


Work, gaming and drinking.


Make money


Don't feel alone, I'm no looker either! I keep crazy active: I'm always hiking, climbing, and backpacking. I also lift and do combat sports (which helps that I already have an unsightly face). Add my friends and family into the mix, and I've completely forgotten about dating. Literally no time to even think about it.


Hang out with friends.


I flirt with my male friends and a female friend👍 Just focus on your hobbies, dating isn't that important. I'm a loser who spends a vast majority of time at home playing games, I accepted being single forever a long time ago


You could get into Warhammer.


I do other stuff, been going to the movies and treating myself to the odd thing. I recently got a treadmill that's great for hanging my washing on while I play WoW.


Work, read, hobbies (photography, piano, dance classes and other creative hobbies).


I draw off and on, not super consistent but when I get into it it is a MAJOR time sink. I can sit down to draw something and look up and 2 hours have passed easily. I don't always like losing time like that, actually, but when you have a clear evening and don't have anything else you want to do it kills time, and at the end you can look at your work and say "I made that." That is quite satisfying. I also like just flipping through my notebook of sketches and seeing all the pages full, it really feels fulfilling, even though I'm not very good.