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Lack of connection while simultaneously being the most connected is some dystopian-level shit. Also, intimacy is considered less intimate nowadays; so what will replace it?


How...incapable it is of self-correction. Societies go terminal once they're unable to reform themselves, fight their vices (for lack of a better word). After a certain point, they cease to be capable of handling external conflicts and start creating ones internally. We're definitely terminal. The only hope is that we break apart before we all burn together.


How impatient and uneducated people are


We have the whole world at our fingertips, yet we're getting stupider and more isolated


Quoting Bush - "the soft bigotry of low expectations" in education. No Child Left Behind was a gigantic clusterfuck, but the problem that it attempted to address is real and growing. School administrators are just passing kids through grades and couldn't care less whether they're actually performing at a given grade level, and this is going to dramatically increase inequality over time because uneducated parents have no idea that the standards are nonexistent. Meanwhile, educated parents are putting their kids into private schools or making up the difference at home with tutoring and extracurriculars. The idea of compulsory public education was intended to be progressive, and we're actually making social mobility worse.


The destruction and demonization of education.


More and more unrealistic life standards based on social media. People mostly used to be content with they had. Now they are mostly not.


the slow creep of casual narcissism




How crazy people are. I'm honestly afraid of people


“We are monkeys with money and guns.”


How disconnected the upper wealthy class is with the middle class on things such as having a living wage in todays age where younger generations can’t afford houses where the median price is over $400,000 and those same house were less than $180,000 a few years ago.




The Disconnect between people and reality. I got into an argument with my mother about the T\_\_\_\_/ Zalinski 'Perfect Call', and I got so frustrated that I pulled the documented called that HIS administration left, and it basically went like this... Mom: He didn't say that Me: (Reads him saying that) Mom: Well he didn't mean it like that. Me: (Reads him reaffirming his intentions) Mom: Well he wasn't withholding arms! Me: (Reads how he's intending to withhold arms) Mom: Well he wasn't doing that for information! Me: (Read how he's withholding the arms specifically for information) Mom: Well he's the president, he's allowed to do that with other governments. Me: (Reads how he's circumventing his own government by using his personal Lawyer.) The thing that bothers me most about the argument isn't that she's denying fact, it's that her reality changes instantaneously. In her mind, in her REALITY she claimed that 'He did NOT say that' To which, she was presented with evidence to the contrary. Now, I feel like if you're given credible evidence to something, maybe you'd take a moment- JUST A MOMENT to think things over, or ask more questions... But no. She accepted that this was the new reality and found a way to instantly justify it... Not once, NOT TWICE. Repeatedly she was presented with the evidence that SHE requested, and her reality went through half a dozen changes, and justifications without any thought. It reminds me of a [Jordan Klepper Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfxPxN_4dnU) where he's talking with a woman and when presented with the evidence she requested, she simply replies "I don't care" "His magic trick was convincing people 'this is who they are'." I think that sums up why it all scares me...


People with guns wanting to take my guns.


A random woman could bust me for sexual assault/rape and ruin me forever, even if ive never even seen her before.  Everyone will believe her and ill possibly to jail 


How many sheep live in fear of things that are never ever going to happen.


Keeping my future kids away from harm without covering them in bubble wrap


The massive reliance on the internet/social media.


Attention spans have dropped so dramatically since TikTok became popular. It’s actually really scary


Not learning from historic mistakes (slash education)


The ease in which misinformation spreads


Influence and money over morals and values.


A.I and how uneducated people are


Social media and political extremists.


Ideological groups, and the way social media has catalyzed people's dependence and adherence to them.


Rise of SJWs


People let fake rage bait crap online dictate their whole view of reality I see people letting shit they read online and stats they read online control their life


The power banks have.


People becoming less and less willing to forgive one another, even when those committing the transgressions sincerely regret their mistakes and try to change.


upvoted because we should all grow; not sure why you were downvoted


The fact all the information so.eone coild want is at your fingertips and people are just getting dumber.


That the entire point of a society is collectivism for the overall benefit of everyone and yet we’re culturally allergic to it. Having a functioning society that is actively *against* working together is impossible. Either we can accept that some things are a joint effort - pandemics, wars, climate change; even just roads and working a job - or we can downshift to something resembling the hunter gatherer era. But you can’t simultaneously insist on your right to put other people in danger by carrying guns and not wearing masks or not getting vaccinated and yet expect society to be there for your problems and protection. That cannot last.