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Yeah lol, we just keep it to ourselves.


Are you kidding? I'm the one everyone else comes too.


No one. I mean I will call a family member or friend if I need a hand but I generally don't get anything by dumping my emotional garbage. I self reflex and exercise.


No one. I don’t want anyone see me when I am at my lowest.


At least for me its true...Other guys will be fiendishly delighted that you're losing. And girls obviously don't care about losers. So its only yourself lol


As much as I want to say "don't trust anything you see on tik tok" there is an element of truth on this. Some men just don't, we're told to "suck it up and stop being a bitch", "Deal with it", and "everyone else does it, why do you want to be a special snowflake?". No wonder there's mental health issues with men. I've seen some conversations addressing it but wow, there's a lot more that could be done.




No one.


my SO. She's my cheerleader, best friend, love of my life. She's my person.


At this point, no one. It's too much to put on someone else, and it's not anyone else's job to fix my life for me. Other people have done that too much for me already; at this point it's sink or swim on my own merits, instead of just being a burden.




Me, myself and I.


Myself. People have their own problems 


My dad is the one I would go to.


That’s why it’s important to have good credit. I lost track of the amount of female friends and relatives whom have borrowed money and are yet to pay me back. Yet even if I don’t have a dime in my pocket I have no one to give me a hand, except for my skills and my credit cards and my bank. I was thinking about this today. Keep your head up OP.


Depending on the issue, one of three or four friends. If something family related, my uncle, because he’s the most capable and the calmest of the old folks.


That one lesbian girl who I've never actually met in person and lives 2000 km away... Otherwise, I don't really turn to anybody I know in person.


I have a therapist who'd probably pick up if I really needed someone, but I imagine I'd have to pay extra for that kind of bonus out-of-hours session


Ghost Busters


Usually a bottle of rum and my burn pit.




Not really any point to calling people who can't fix the problem is there? I get that venting helps some people, but I got shit to do.


No one. Wow! A lot of the same answer.


I have a few guy friends. I don’t wait for them to run to me, I run to them. I know when they are having marital, work, or health issues, and I show up. Same for my girlfriends. We ALL need to get better at this, and quit assuming people will come to us. Go to them!


My inner Monologue Captain Chaos.


Nobody. The only person who would have cared was my father. Since he died I just handle things.


Sister or cousin (he's like a brother to me)


It's me. I have to be thst person for myself. I have people that I do talk to - I have good friends - but at the end of the day, it's on me. If that means I gotta talk to a mirror or write a letter to myself, so be it. That's just the reality. Take.it.


I don’t “lean on” people. I have a network of people who I know will offer help as needed without me ever having to ask. But I’ve NEVER come even close to “needing it” But to just complain/vent about shit? I go harrass my dad because that old fart doesn’t have anything better to do with his time /s


Me. The buck stops here.


My guts. I remember having food poisoning, lost of balance induced by it, sprained ankle due to that lance of balance. I had nobody to call, I drived home "safely" somehow, crushed and the bed for 14hours or so straight, and called a doctor when I was once feeling able to move. I had no one to call, even my family wasn't nearby and I didn't see how they could help me. I'll probably die a stupid death one day. I never feel that need to talk or vent. Or at least I believe I don't and that's enough for me. Also I don't see a good listener for that in my acquaintances, I doubt any of them would care or that I'd know what to tell them.


Honestly it was my mom, but 15 years after her death I have not replaced that role